02 - Clause Analysis - 241020

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Constructed in 1643, the structure is actually the newest of a series of pagodas built on the site from the 9th

The Shingon Buddhist temple complex itself has been around since 796, and the artefacts and architecture found here
cover at least five periods of Japanese history. In addition to the tall wooden pagoda, Tō-ji contains many other historic structures.
The entire complex is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto, a Unesco World Heritage Site established in 1994.
Clause Circumstance Participants Process Participants Circumstance
Constructed in 1643, - Constructed In 1643
the structure is actually the The structure Is Actually
newest of a series of pagodas
The newest of a
series of
built on the site from the 9th - Built On the site
From the 9th
The Shingon Buddhist temple The Shingon has been Around
complex itself has been Buddhist
around since 796, temple complex since 796,
and - - - connector
the artefacts and architecture the artefacts found Here
found here and
cover at least five periods of - cover at least five
Japanese history. periods of
In addition to the tall wooden In addition to the Tō-ji contains many other -
pagoda, Tō-ji contains many tall wooden historic
other historic structures. pagoda, structures.
The entire complex is part of The entire is part of the
the Historic Monuments of complex Historic
Ancient Kyoto, Monuments of
Ancient Kyoto,
a Unesco World Heritage Site a Unesco World established in 1994.
established in 1994. Heritage Site

Participants Types of participants Process Types of process Participants Types of

- Actor/goal Constructed Action/material/doing
The structure token Is Relation/relational
The newest of a value
series of pagodas
- goal Built Action/material

The Shingon Buddhist token has been Relational/relational

temple complex itself

- -
the artefacts and goal found Action/ material
- cover Action/ material

Tō-ji token contains relation/relational many other historic value


The entire complex token is Relation/relational part of the Historic value

Monuments of
Ancient Kyoto,
a Unesco World Heritage goal established Action/ material
Circumstance Types of Circumstance The Analysis of the text
circumstances In 1643 Time
Actually Manner

On the site Place

The Analysis of the text
From the 9 century Time
Around Place/time

since 796, Time

here Place

at least five periods of Time(range)

In addition to the accompaniment Japanese history.
tall wooden pagoda, -

in 1994. time
Argumentative Complete text. Newspaper, petitions (change.org or other)

Captions in public IG account (about national treasures, national parks, or endangered species). Find a caption from.
Example of IG account: @franslanting or @sonyalpha

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