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When negotiating with someone who has an ESTJ personality type:

• Prepare thoroughly: ESTJs value accuracy and specific information. Before negotiating,
ensure that you have a solid understanding of the issue and that you are well-prepared.
• Communicate clearly and specifically: ESTJs appreciate directness and clarity. When
negotiating, express your opinions and proposals in a clear and focused manner,
emphasizing the key points. Avoid vagueness or unclear language.
• Focus on rules and logic: ESTJs tend to value adherence to rules and logic. During the
negotiation process, use theories and logic to explain the terms or decisions you propose.
• Provide evidence and examples: Individuals with an ESTJ personality type prefer to have
clear evidence and tangible examples to build trust. Support your proposals with
documents, data, or specific examples to demonstrate their feasibility and benefits.
• Avoid relying on emotions: ESTJs typically prioritize objectivity and logic over
emotions. During negotiations, avoid using excessive emotions or referring to personal
feelings. Instead, focus on shared benefits and logical reasoning.
• . Respect time and commitments: ESTJs highly value punctuality and commitment.
Ensure that you adhere to deadlines and commitments you have made during the
negotiation process. This helps build trust and respect.
• Respect authority and fairness: ESTJs appreciate fairness and respect for authority.
During negotiations, show respect for authority and ensure that decisions are made based
on fairness and logic.
• Set specific goals and measurements: ESTJs prefer clear and measurable goals. When
negotiating, set specific goals and define criteria for measuring success.

When negotiating with someone who has an ENTJ personality type:

• Present strong arguments: ENTJs value logic and strong reasoning. When negotiating,
make sure your opinions and proposals are supported by logical arguments and specific
facts. Avoid vagueness and unclear statements.
• Focus on results and performance: ENTJs tend to prioritize results and performance.
During the negotiation process, concentrate on specific benefits and propose strategies
that are likely to lead to efficiency and success.
• Be ready to challenge and debate: ENTJs often enjoy challenges and debates to achieve
the best outcome. When negotiating, be prepared for intense discussions and present
strong arguments to defend your position.
• Set clear goals and measurements: ENTJs appreciate clear and measurable goals. During
negotiations, define your objectives and establish specific criteria for measuring success.
• Respect authority and competency: ENTJs value power and competency. During
negotiations, respect the authority of your counterpart and acknowledge their capabilities.
At the same time, ensure that you are also respected and valued.
• Build relationships skillfully: While ENTJs may prioritize results, it's important to build
a good relationship with your negotiating partner. Find ways to establish a cooperative
negotiation environment and build trust.
• Provide clear choices: ENTJs prefer clarity and choices. During negotiations, offer clear
options and explain how each choice will impact the outcome. This helps create trust and
decision-making ability.
• Be prepared to face challenges: ENTJs enjoy facing challenges and difficulties. During
negotiations, be mentally prepared to tackle complex issues and find creative and
decisive solutions.

=> By adapting your approach to their communication style, you can increase the chances of a
successful negotiation.

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