ReflectionPaper2 Gacosta ECE408

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Electronics Engineering Department

Course Code/Section: ECE408 / ECE42S1
1st Semester S.Y. 2023-2024

Last Name, First Name M.I.: Gacosta, Mathew V.

Title of the Seminar: “Launch Your Career with Soft Skills”
Name of Resource Speaker: Cyril P. Bisa, RME
Date/Time: February 17, 2024/ 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Essay (One page only)

1. Briefly discuss the topic that was presented in the seminar.

The topic discussed in this seminar is all about soft skills, the speaker talked about how it helped improving his soft
skills land him a great starting job and how he maintains his job with the use of soft skills as well. In this seminar Engr. Bisa
mentioned that soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize relationships with other people and
complement hard skills in the workplace. Soft skills can help improve an individual’s well-being and also their ways of
communication with their co-workers. On the other hand, Hard skills, or technical skills, are learned through education or
hands-on experience. These are concrete, measurable abilities that are often specific to a job. Hard skills are the technicalities
we mastered and learned during our college education and honing this would lead us to get the job, while soft skills will lead
us to stay in the job.

2. What is the new knowledge relevant to the electronics engineering profession?

The new knowledge I learned that is relevant to the electronics engineering profession is that soft skills are general
traits that are not specific to the any job we are applying for but soft skills is our attributes, the things we can do and our
personality, or the things that characterize. Now, applying Soft Skills to the electronics engineering profession and to
ourselves, I think it will have a great impact on how we will tackle our professional in the future. Also, having a good balance
between soft skills and hard skills will eventually make us successful electronics engineer in the workplace.

3. What are the possible applications of the acquired new knowledge to the electronics engineering profession?

I think that by honing our soft skills alongside our technical skills or our hard skills, us being electronics engineers can
excel in our profession, bring forth innovation, and create wholesome and meaningful contributions to the advancement of
technology and to the electronics engineering field. Soft skills are important as it paves way to our technical expertise and our
overall effectiveness in the workplace. Also, there are soft skills that we as engineers must have, first is Communication.
Being able to express yourself and to communicate well with peers. Next, being great at Problem Solving. Being creative and
having an open mind to solve problems/challenges. Third, handling time really well. Being able to manage your time
with projects and deadlines. And Lastly, Cooperation, being able to work with people with different personalities. There’s this
saying “Teamwork makes the dream work.”

4. Provide a conclusion/recommendation on the seminar.

I can say that Engr. Bisa did a great job of conveying to everyone on how soft skills are important aspect of
professionalism and why we should really hone it even if were still students. Overall, he did a really great job as a speaker
and presenter.

Honor Pledge: I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment and that this work
is my own.

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