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Date sae 08 Yat) | a (400 marks) practical (60 mans) | atnfernal Final Inlernal Final | Assessment Byam. Assessment. Bram _ (2omark3) - (80 mans.) (20 marks) (50 maris \ t =) Qugstionspathern ciel i | Theoritical Numerical | westions questions — There ill be altogether 46 a and ach guastion Carry 5 marks. Course content units) |) Oscillation = | Wave motion a —| 3) Acoustics _fhysical optics a lee — Date 3b De rachion o> Po layisation 4) Geometrica) optics 5) Laser and fiber optics > Eleclrastatics Le D Electromagnetism 8> Electromagnetic waves > Photon and mater waves. Reference books S Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday» Resnick ‘and Walker. » Findamentalé of en ares Physics by. Balkrishng sapkolq., Bhadya | : oo an Bined Shattaral, | SA text book of engineering Physics » by aha ante Bhatta ‘ys! eS ____amd._ Tika Ram lamichhane. » A text. book of opties by tw Brij Lal and subyahmanyam, xc » Essential of engineering phy fox “ by Krishna Raj “Adhikari Unit + DNE Oscillation 4) Mechanica) 0Scillation: Introduction of SIM: »9) Free oscillation : Equation, Energy, Spring mass system , Physica) Pendulum » Bar pendulum and Torsional pendulum. 13> Damped and forced oscillation: Equation, Resonance, Guality factor. 44> EM oscillation: Le Oscillations analogy +o SH-m : Damped oscillation; & Eledromag netic. oscillation in LeR: Circutt : Forced “ascillakion, Lek Circuit yesonance , | quality « Bele bots’ ga | TV Gseillationin Zs oS =, Sse lation — ee El ede The ‘to’ and “tro! motion of a porticle aboud the mean position % called oscilfabion, Such tybe_of motion repeals atself adtay- Corll inferva) of time. Oscillation of Q body Ys the natura) phenomenon a the body that arises cue to it’s elastic nature . For eas motion of Simple Pendulum, motion of ma&s—Abrin Ayotem 5 P motion of. Physica) penelulum ete. There are mainly” tuo types. of oscillations. They are} > Mechanica) oscillattonse An Oscillation in ich 4 bedly undergoes Imear or ies Ainplacement fromthe mean position, M4 called mechantca) Okcillation . For a motion of Aimble. penelulum, motion of compound Pendulum, motion of horizontal mess Abring System ee, » Elechomagrotic oAcilladion: An OdcillaHen tm ich there TX Variahby of charge or voltage or electric and may — netic field Old em Cdcillation, Tn Such odtillation, there bs Continuous interton version behyeen elecric and | may robic. energy. For Fi Le oseil lation, LER oscillaten ele, | By anothern Way, both type of! | CH Date in the elastic limit, stress 1% diveel}y Proporfiona] +o the strain. je. Stress o¢ Stra (with in the =a elastic limit) a [ees 2€ hain] rare ET Constant Called modulus of clastictty , Je_harmonic_ mobo CSH-M.)! Sh A periodic mohon in which acce- leralion produced on a ty diredtly Probertiona] }o the aliqblacement of the m the moan position and the motion bb aseillagion. In this oseillabion the amplitude _jane_energy of the body goes on decreasing land findts the Comes at _res}. Mos of the_pyactica) ascillations are dambed __| dsc i) lations . _©& forced. sei} |ation 1 An oscillation. ett inal Te - 1) the mectium — — plying externa riodic force WR al ones scillaton, ‘ = : 1A force that changes hape ‘Or position eee de orming force, fi LA fae: det brigs Pte 10) Shape ar | past HON 5 |_yestoni ig. poe game Date a proper of Q sody b ¢ vobich: iL_vecovers or reqains its original shabe | ‘or position, ushen ha. deforming farce ‘, ‘yemoved_ is. called ee | Perioclic_motion + ____A_moflon that repeals ‘bel aftoy- certain injerval of time y% called periedic | motion. Such motion 1p also called harmonic. motion sselddw ‘oh a an Position e equilibrium Position of a. bed ise tha ey has _ wal Kinelic_er 4 eS minimum — led mean past oon, ie at = = Tr at con pre ona ee rpportiong) to the ry he _ oe Last @ when 9 force "Ppp nS a ee 2 heivens ree ee eee ree Constants — Ths Jan can algo: be. Saad Cooth. : ee We Wh Th Th Th, 5 |eement es = rom the mean. hut tan! Fue te aie adie —~ | By Newton's 9nd law, neh have. ray ats ulay accelerabon 4 ‘6'% angular a of : an > the restoring fore. 3 a belo “Lo the. linear’ displa— | pos i8en. Ss the ‘moan position, Es @anies=— ky 3 Os )ushere: Kh | foree constank A — ‘Ls unit Nm! = =~mdav ma ee ne a Qe = =i ae ip ben B= Mh. # 20) [eal 2S Seca Now. from ef. O « and @ we get nied = =i Aly 23 Ts call Date (4) angular elas Eq) OY % te Yequired differentia) equation of linear 3H-M, Age from 4 "@), we have tt Ewe aO ‘Novo mrt b ae Aina 24) on both Aides by ta We wy Beaet is 2 et a he Pay ty. = ¢ = on Ee ae e} fate tt | me x - aid dav = Se wy =C —@ idore 2% constant of intes ration. Now, at extreme position 2c. a Y= Si 4 = pshore 4 tS oe alinblace- men} amplitude (or ma « bopla cement | | m the meqn position ae <9) @) tena ” { O+ SHS : Novo pig the vat =f sa r@_ | Ne jet eis yews iis 1 the expression for velocity tin ion A} mean position, 4 =0 then Sag = SE), = Win So the body H vel at mean Position Th SHB. & ae ra Y= Jone ‘han minimum, bh at exheme npsilon Bi SBM. iG), We have = ee = — WF | ae he Ae all i expression vr Lacceleration Mh Sry — | Gel At mean position, yoo d ay : ft dly- f te ae. Date thon Or Gk) = BE jm Fess means Hal the accelerahon th minimum at mean pasition and maximum at extreme pasition an StH:M: Also = eqn(S), We_hawe = Wat a= a oy, on sree we fet Ns ze) Sm Ga) zi ay Conshant of integration ane phase | Cons lant or | Pal fe hase. Se = Somer Lie-at = D> | Yo = Im Sin E+) Gras. the exbression cemen} mM Ss ee ees 69 Peri 1) a ape ik ea het ery} 5 os Pe « We Know, ii re & bs andher” Date But ih sm, We have a = Wy big Lae o for time pertad. i} [0 = 194. a by the. expression for tome ero in SHIM The number ca oscillations made by the. body in one Second % Called pi know, a =F hace? [iis Tn the eApression for ae i 5 —LPh ee A physic quant hat determines Pe nie jon and direction of motion a ad en ae es Ti, ck placemen} [a EE en SEF) : = Pre Di ape oe Te tae TS the. Fhage,” a tome inde et he ee Date (3) Angular harmonic morons A | peri hon 1”) vohieh an ulay ace’ dived! propertional ty “tha angular didblaceniont of the body from + cot ea a aaa Kw always directed a dha mean Peston. je. [ox x —O | where @ sgn Shows the mohoh ee Towards | tho moan position « Tn angular_harmonic motion , the yostori “for uo 1% direct! ih pérhona) to a our olinplace etn badly from, the” mean position . te. Cy OO ce == CC. (0) | Sorta called torsion oe : 4 AS i Knol, | 2 Ik = ee Bore xt 7 t =e + moment of eee of heat rr Now, from eq ae ; = ae i ies 2 mn ee SNE i SES as k= CS i on) A i! da wu a — {sepia . Simi aly He en? of ang ular ee milo moons that avqulay vel, Date (44) ov dee + qo SG =f tee Se =o @ thee to= = if ib angulay frequen, ey a. repreoen}s the differentia) squttin | of anqulay harmonic motion. ‘This <4) bs | Aimiléy to the cbfPeyential ex) af linagy SH, So We can So the characterstes ” Aim by Similar way and the’ | mar sey ny 8 = Om sine +?)| 1» the =e ” of angi lay veloaly a Jigs 2 SF 2 w [6 -O™ thne Om He an A alae “olinBlacomont _ oF angle _| ampli a. ae mean 1 position , 620 then | 4 PO Anal t Se a, ai oS max: ak rigan. Position J —mlonimune at Date Us) A} mean posibon, 620 then of -o] Al extreme position, 020m Han 2 5G: Than means that ty ALM, the angular acc). tb minimum at && man pasition A maximum ot extreme Position. Smiley tha expression of time Pericd « x frequancy ys AHM are - Sues A moving in SH Possasses KE our 4o i's moHon and Pre lye to it’s pesto clisblacoment from the mean | position. Hence the tofa] =a ofthe ih the Sum of Kinele | pe energy» f ate meg je. (ES Ent E> 0 | Now, te KE: of the body moving ty | go HiM. fe ae ee | Eg apr s Lm iy) “Ve WIRES in SH. WW We ee a 2» We Ky aapmiy fo — Lpeleniel energy of ae Date (16) Also to cloplace the bedy from the nut aston, work should be Nae Le be the Amal dinplacemant of the body 3), ioe a force FIA app lied. Then Smal | pean of. warkdone 1% given by Wo Fay = byey Fag =kyJ Somtin | Hence the tola] a to , | dfoplace ly. body} vom OfoY | Bs Wet fae Poa: eM : This Worrdone ty sfored ay tha TR Yh Hla expression Sat ard! ts bat Alena a M_ gutta. te tio ia on a ata = nah : abs ; motion hut there tnalie fo ae V4. peer (> Date to kinetics Hence UE fotlows the Principle | oF Conreyvalxeow~ of energy 6 As week Then ma ER antf'%, 3 OS a > Fait in Now, at mean position Yel then (Came 2 ate 2 E (ojal eneyy) A (Ep) in =O ae Dn extreme pasition, Y= 4. then | Emin a a AL (P)ag= qn, = E f = ae of ss oe unchion De a been Shovan | Eergy ae yn flyuve = 0 + < Dishlacement from mean position > Date . Prove that the ORIG KE oy Biase per of a booty moving in’ S*HM over a4 ee oer ip equal to half of tol, pee he bo | a in Be fla mass and) UY be a of the body ee i mo at | dplal pe teh Kee. } a iven by - am Aes 3 Ct J ad Y= 4, Smo = tmw’y, Coz np sy cos —spdil(asegant) B prey, a 5Gui “eos uh) Mow the ave rage PE of Ha a 5h Ovey_4 Complete. eyele ven 2m =e _ = $ ae ts) ae a ese "ey candied jel Shee Rr =4, pais ey m4 oy Bape Ge preee Batol agg ae Ae 3 Eth | Ee Proved we Gn breve | es 0 SM Bs hor nt Mass reo 4 Modlion aA |_mass—sprin ee Bion 5 Compound mn um. Mobion efit ae fui. Jie Date (20) |Motia of horizontal _mass-s ring Sistem 5 i as ! pene | i 4. a a i! o | A_horigontal mass- spring System Con: |sists of a massless bring which TS laid on La frickonless horizontal purface» One end of the bring ip connected to a rigid Subbore 4 a mass 14 attached at the another end lof the Abr ng as Ahown in the figure. When the mass Js pulled and then ~releaaed _ then it starfs to oscillate about the vnaay bast tion. Let y’ be the extension prodittad oy [ke pring “vahon -the mass 73 pulled thah the y restoring force acting onthe Apring ta giren by 4 a 4 F =-ky—0 here Ke Spring AS We know, Be ma ita = mat SO Noi, from 2. ® Fats tne fete Date @D 5 POD My Aame an the otifferent'a] 24, of IMneay sm, Sethe motion af hoviso-| nial mass Shring system TS FHM, i Alyn the’ expressions for time poniod and frequency of horizontal mass’ Spring System are — : pales en. ring and a M4 A sp ag 4 ah Date Ga and @ mass 15 hanged at the free end 4 ths. _Abring ap phown> tn the figure. Lep 4 be tha 2xtension produted on fhe shin whorl | the mass 1 sper then the Tesh ‘a | -force acting on the sping ys given by, Fi = —Klp 30 where K= spring consfa Now the mass ig pulled and then | lreleaned po Hal oscillaken occurs. Let'y! beth: extension produced on the ap ving | vohen the mass 1 pulled then are Force = on the Spring in this a Bic Cle Yao pee fie_net restoring force by pohid, Odcil lation Occurs a j | Bis =F = Wr Kyte s 5S ea Kye aS) wil a we Know, ane Date (23) ‘el Thi 29) Ye Same a6 tho eifere|” hrie zi wb ge inaa Siem. So un OnOn OF’ wey} Shri Oa vii mass Spring sysjem : Aléo the. expressions for deme. Perrod and frequeney of 20 oscil late of Auch Syptem “are T=ab =a aE i all ye <4 au 1 = or 2 ae Comboun Keal or physical) pendylym + A_vigid bedy of any shabe that can pieillale in @ Seal ow abe the hors ontal axix passing through it | call Compound | Pendulum. ef: Pendulum. Such pendulum em be | ed in actual practice So US q|go) 4 real hysical Penolulum, é Mh which the vertioa) | ofthe perdu Fy: aT pendulur: that passes through the bee Lot 5 be the Polnt of Suspension, G’ be Fhx._contre i. gravit and ©’ be tw point of oscilla “y ling that Passes through S£qG ™% allel axTs of the bie Le} Sq=J and aul Mi | Now the body %% displaced through s fant Avblacoman} @ and thar ae Hat ik Starts to oseillate cl mean position. Aj elinplaced conditol ietald ma” that acts en Ivough 0. and the normal “veachon f the “pointsi of oe form a couplee YO +0 orce Kk ae to ut ot ze ‘ “rym et da | Gye = Cither forex cho fanta beb Sake Sm GG —4 25) Date ¢ S ce-malsine (-. Sino 88 | For Amal) ample ive, When O>or We Con Wrtle Sindbx @. — i NE = +mge —>@ But Ne Know, Ze ee Cam =r 48 36 flee Tul the moment of Perta of the baby about | the ax passing through Ss Now, rom | ae. 8 Op=0 30 =) —- re ioe ae { 2 as ‘te: 4B) Ys Aame as the oli erenfia es) of angular SiH. So the ee ! f ‘compound penelillum TB SUM, a ¥y Time _ period of Combound enelulum (T)s—| Mi. The time taken by Lhe Com ound “pendulum +o complete ome oscillation is led it's time perind, we he os Ts A a fick Date : Cs) aan = ot Sing = @ pe fy —= But from the theorem of 1 oe eae have, us oe | an Beg + 1 a S d 4 vi Seren = Sea : 3 Lis mk*+ mL whore K wteety al TS called vadius of gyvatien.¢} tha. pendulum. | Now, (pudling the Value of 1 in eG HE get = Pam [ z [eo [eonse fet | d | cS aT = 27 ee shore. 2| T= an |= riod ‘of Compound send ym led! os ae : ales ae a | cimmble_penouilum’ or “reduced length {| Compolund openculum is 9 Sai asl + Ee of aseillation) s= Point that lies at a 4. Kh from the Centro of Gvavity Anal_on — the oppasite side of point of Susbension Ad called centre of “oscillation. aillation : i We know, the time perted of com a Pendulum by daring Ss’ 0A cil Teen | x O' an Pomt of “apeillahion 1p et = aly es = an Ss 216) Now letus fnver} the’ pendulum by Baking 0’ Od new point of Susbension cert shen ~ 3) will be the net point of asei)lation|, At this cape the time period of “ fran (Bert a0 a a ee Now trom c4sO4@, we get, | aN a ; a a ee Ges mons Ha te tn “Poniod of Compound’ pendulum aboe poi Fe Suspmot ” Bull torte: +tme penta, _ “of the pendulum about the point of asullats “fn hence they are interchangeable. | __| sushension [ies at its cent} We ki ie At ria ual ha me peri oh of Compound T2an Pir san [let aet “From 4his eg? Sh) clear AGE the Lime Pented _of compe. pendulum ib Mining | When jae oe be? ie Bi or eu a a z di= u This means that the! | die Hime period of compound pendulum Ys 4 minimum when point of suspension 4 Palme ig odeillation bath lie at copval olinfance_ cenhe a5 Aravii penclalum IB on maximum vo) i Date (24 Co] lineay figs at es) a ‘The Points on Compound pe, aly| ppd Which +h peralylum fae ae eh ML Perite| aye Called co||ineay- petals. | 49xis AS Ne Know tht 4g Combound | Pendulum has the same time Pound about hy, points s & 0. Now) lel us dray) two Concentric circks by takin ‘gas Centre both the Yadiy Sg and 0G then | Bthey cul al the points .s/£ olson the | =GXi5 of the Pendulum about which | abo the pendylam has the samo time | “Perrod'. Honce there are, allege fr if tots S) 0, 0: and $' at e two | TSides of C4 about thich the pendu~ | tum “has” the same time _peried. Such points ave called cafindo pets, | — Date Compound pendulum: Tt he an_ideq] It isp 4 Pendulum & can't tan |meastired’( te: sLo)are measure not clearly defined. | defined. |4)Due 4ovless’ mass, it 4 Due to min Ys less ‘Ao LE, | a can't: 0Scillate much | Hime and +Hme pert | measured 75 no jaacurafe Differences belween Sinple eee ant Which can be ae easily Yealised in |ised in achual actual prachce. |. Practice . 2 canttasei|lale as 2) Th can ose whole. There is: lag as a Whelew 1 ie, the bob & ik the String. \ i ye |3) The length. cto be |z) The lengl to ber (ay real qre. -clesiy rien nov = Date () Su |lafer ) : 's( Poin} of Susfension) a f “S Rigid suport c= Thin metal} ic ell Poin} of ascilahins Metallic (Contre of the olisc) ‘ice Keterence. line A torsion pendulum consists of a| Metallic ole which is ie fiom} Q Yigid Subbor} on thin metallic b Loire. The wire 4 fixed sat the vt9gid | | Support at the point ‘s' which ack as it of Susben sion and anotherm end of | tf wire Js attached +> the Contre e : He clicc Which acts as pointiof ascilla ion. A straight line op Ih drawn as | rence line at equilibrium position, he We clisc ih Yotated through an argle p> | _ lower part of the voire gets fwisted je the. ‘Ubper e yemaivin’ untwisted hanged) so thak 9 eel evelobed jn The torre Ihich brings jo Us Original positon. ths z oh ‘the. yestoring -forque 1 directly ag HUUBUKERHEEBUREBEEEEERRSEEEEI. Date coe Probertional to tHe. angle of twist! 7 os C= -Cco— © where. sla TS Called torsion Constan rue _perumit wis). Experiment| co 1 ae ‘ pe a ee 1) 71 | | Gr amie 7 m1 bs modulus Lelasticify , x Ts radius 4°h'’ Ys length Hho Wiyg'. “has means. torsion constant on nature and jeometny of the votye As Weknow, t=txk = T <2 | where. I = momen} of inertia of disd. | Now, pa a OL£@®) we gt taf = ~c@ r “or cats + Ee <6 = va Date (33) Oscillator. ri eth Also the Jims. taken by fhe Faun. to Complete one oheiliqtion 1% called it « “Time period. As we knolo, Po an. am fe \ ud fe a 4 zi ea eee tov ame period of Jorsion pendulum , Applications of torsion Pendulum * A torsion Pendulum Can be used 4o"| aot re 1) Modulus of ngidity of Fiven Wire. Gi) torsion lard of ae nee Gi) M-2- of ince lay Shaped body , germination ‘ ire by tory "for 4NS a forsion Pendulum, vith experi menta) wire. ih’ taken and Mts me period Ys determined wlio M4 oy the formula Ae “ig =a JE Ahene i adorn Tees t “ On Squaring s we get jin gt SS 4 a 2 ae where 1% moduluy lof igi of wire oh ty to be deter miie) nis vadtus of wire Which Can be rmeasare} iby eee screw gauge 4 1 thoi length of fhe wire which~can be rneasured Also We have iC by “Ording meter Seale. at ’ Now, Putting the Value of Xe! Ph e'O We ¢el qt tae = aia) = fe ee as all flo quantitias n RS gre: il meastred So-that fabs ellie : of given rire Can be determined , After the determination o <2 Constant of the Loire a determined y cea Determination of M-f-0 ©, vel Shaped 4 batty Lusin a Foy this Jo late | Faken anal it's time pend Date @s) Siete which Can be represented } the formula i 4 TS an fe — 2D tae TEM. lef dice 4 C 1% torsion int 4 Now a. standard (body whose Mr Ts knoion) % taken & Tt ts” kebl on the oil Such that a axis of rolation cotnddes with thy dine i by taking length of the wire. ) constant. “the new time pad ha determi! Ned ishich bs given by 1 formula ve. 2 an EE SG ithere 5 MT of | is Standard bod’ Finally the Sided body ty icp ed — a uy ‘torsion Pel nol oat. ~ Selina hick Th Pe. he =a) (= 2 Owain er a boleh es 2 Date tee) it +®@ =x Aquaring <9": ©4691 Sia > 4 a @) Te get adi ey — 26 uantities in. RH: are ae gee Sd ig that the Mt: of given irregular sha- dleterminéd . | ped becly Can be |Free mechanical oscillation An oscillation maintained on a bedy | only by vestortng' oyce 75. called free mee fetal on lat hin ms cther- words, i 0 alion of ah with owt, olambing - ie called free mechanical’ oseilla 3 if tha body at frat aseilb n i dll toque Of the remains. Constarrt. 8f_mass ‘am’ movin Mae Then the re: “4 m) given by sone eg Als te Pe * the ody moving iy] SH-M. i =bKy* “tare ts restora ae force per unit Aisplacemon} L Hente the tolal aE apt! al Moving in SHH Me 7 Ti e +Ep = at) yey oe 2 ante fee ee AE npn tied Lt pK ASE | mat + ky ge 0 ‘an 50 We ‘have tofal ch Ps Conshant fn finfee | : cal oscil Date Gay "ED Becomes [ie og & om fy Ky ee ay mS ha | oy em [oii ray ‘evential ef of free mache co differential en. of free mechani ci [Where w, r Fig —tB—natural_any ep uaney ft la body Re olen can he orien fm” he form of Y= Jin Sin Esch Sin Jian bse |A_ natura eH eI are! a fg e anh wf f Date (39) Damped mechanic! Oscillation CPambed hay~ mont Osej)lah on) $5 When 4 bode ales iy the meobium then the mecium Moke, the motion of the | . by whieh the amplitude a well ap Yay” of the ra goes _on decreasing and_| Ha eh of the. Stops. Such type of Gdcillation by called amped) Mechanical Odtil lation. A body that or undergoes damped) Oscillation Ts called damped harmente | Oscillator. Mas} of the practiaa) Oscillations are \ clamp od oscillation, Consider a body ef mass m’ aseill: ating In @ ‘elim Then the forces acti) on Heo be 0 Ci) Yestoring Pa tha bring ngs the bo s to it’s “moan ~ position & is ee by Li) clarity forte . os p d that dam opens eps yebeelty | q tA wen rd Yo ~ ‘hk ae i b Date Tier Fanny abe 70 at? = | As we ver ein 2 mdi, S Now, from eq). Oa S We jet aly megs = RY hae ot dy ae ce e7AO a Aye 4 Ab di 4 y= 3 dso bk = = alc ee hare velaxavion time. Al time t=T, E = | Se Fear time bo rthak time’ at Re oe of the bo lor te onary ot aa _ ee fre. ua hep 2 Coded mochanical ‘Osall Ah Sala © can be written th y A Date Ga | OF aser)iqtion. This shows thot the ampli tude decreases =xponen Hally with time | Ty damped] oscillation, The pression | for damped angular froquancy TB. given by Beale = fF te o | ch Hence the exbressions for time period a frequency m ag sony pei he: From 4 of vol. Thay are af wr< sr ie b> ati T= jmaginany . This Condition” in dambing, At thd condition tHe on odvitafom and D ais Mh Positio Date Ges ) [caseDE i 96 ps Ger b< Rin than co! [and perv Such Condition 75 «called une lolamping. At this Coneiition, the Motion } & [Oct )q ory with decreasing amplrhide as | Shown im the fijure, +-— +n iyf © s | hc i E ef dambed harmonic aseil bors ] tie Be a ena ofa badly, Moving Mm SH 3 5 J E- oe mwA —>@ Whera A ae ‘amplitude of oscillation. 3 Also, the. amplitude. in \camp {cal odcillation is bee a eee Date Cys) Th by the expression of ener. y of Aarbed harmonic ascillater which show’ athe eneray de of aye harmo nie: oscil a decrease? exponentially voith, ime avohere. j o 2 i i t mw Y,, = S. 1B the maxe energy of the body lolon time t=0, Forced ¢ Driven) mechanical oscillation An oscillation maintained on a th tle medium by applying externa) periodic force ys called” forced mechanical’ oscillation, Since Such -lube of Oscillation. in drive by external Periodic force So it te also Called olviven mechanica) ascillation, Te Consider a body » “under forced Oscillation. Th Has rg on the. ae. t lieol pertodic Ts ee wan position AT. giv Posi pais Date (44) (iti), externa] Periodic force white), hha by Bie Gy Sinwk Where Fy = farce ampli t w= forced anguby— tre | queni 4 __—__Henee the net force acting on tha. body jth given by, __ Be =e Rae Fy | =—Ky + by) + Fy Sinwit > Fe —ky = bay + Fins Ce |AS We Know, 2 sal F=ma = mat i> @ See } | Nowa, pom en. 0 4@> We geh fe ei oa br Ae; +h dey ey =m Si a TAY rat £82 Date C45) thn the form as a8. Sivi (ot — ts) —® where" Yq bh “anblidude and 4 6 bs the phase andle bef’) aAoplacomen} 1 'y' and external force F. o Novo, on solving 4h. @ @4@O the expr “ssivn amplitide and phase angle +, ca be sane qs ; P a 1 = fm aS = ea ee ©- “and ¢, “tile ) ene —b)- From hs. clear thatthe | plitude "of Be eee ose aly a oa fe the aiff. fference betn freguonty and nature uO re oT : . of Oscillation TR maxi uch Condition 5 called resone he. for resonance we have 4 We W& i MUU BU RUE RRR beh Date as ns fe Occurs. e variatio ” a i. unchon of pplied anaulay ae @3 been shovon in’ Reure below. Kesonahoe peak . Gs) at | k 6 | Low damping we bis medium oul \ if fx Heavy damping Li 5 Date (G7) a Wal the peak of He resonance yn | high, for ‘ow < it less for medium nq and the ara} h. M% almost flat | for hay ms ae ae moans thot the | Sharpness’ 6 et aie i high for low a » tesco foy modium sain g Jeas} tor tia ach A quantity that de efermines the eal sal harmontd Oscillator called factors Gregtey the value 6 quali fe! better> MS the quaint of harm Sei] lato y i Mathematically, it Ja defined as ag times the ratip lake Stored Ty fhe harmonic osedl lator $e the loss ene er C ycle. ai J F Set Stored aie Qn Toss of energy itd 4 E Bp. fT or § =a Tea We Know, ta ene a eo ‘ Date “as So “the rate af a energ ae oS ae | Soman ity fact esa a the. expression ry ug Qctoy 0. m harmonic sal thich hows heals ually fd ; is inversely ae th mi | constant. $ iw Wy 4 uy are Hasho0. applied anqulay_- frequen cies ok wh {tude be. \_ | oy (49 Date _ void of yesonance peat or band width. Ths band width i related vith quality dactoy 4s AW a | ee Fis eg” shows “that when dhe quality factor has a larger Malue, the regonance k will be narroiveyy Jt means that lesser the widlth of resonance! Peak, greater M4 the quality factor, Electomagnotic Oscillation <= An oseliahon ™ whie Pete ib Continuous interconversion between elech and mag medi energy 1p tale) em as + Maton - Tcthere are Se types LS em_* pees: a Ay Lc C re em) oStillation. 2 5B LeR (Damped em) oscillation __4# 3 Forced (Driven) em osal Le oscillation : “A circuit that Contains cl for T5_Called 4 a a Date Go) then 4 chayaed capacitor j iS conned lacross an Induetoy- and a is oe the Capacitor starts to odschar through the Mauetor. The Curvent T is rice [the ciroult. A} Hus case the electy pe fh the capacitor Starts tp cone a agnetic enor My the ineluctor. vihen eee leaeibr "A ay aincharged, all the electy| fo changes ve meg nelle energy. Again the Charges” star} _ Smale ee {Plate of Capacitor Which elec! magnetic emg) Converts 7 electri¢e ena iy L=0 the Cobacifor again becomes Charred Ao a al nehic. ene Links Solel te ene ay 7 fs ‘Continuous inter corivers toh ee Clechic and mag a eneya en Py the Ce enslabe is the sm echic ane mroyle energy - pe: p= e+ Vg. ae oy V= _ + pita ion Ae “here As Le ckt thas no resistance so there 1 no [oss of 7 voluich means, U= Constant 4 hence av | ne © be iG.) tu becomes Lr da. = ree or ohne Uys ob Ea 16) MS ta clifferenfial ge ey ° i Odcillation and the expres siah for dP stguariey in » Le oscillation 2& t Again, the. So|ution oft ge 7G) can e ot ‘hn(k+4) where yt choy a -ast Date Cy Hence tho Instantaneous Values of electric A es hag is are Sin ee Oe OS ult e) A 1. cuss all lence the tofal a af thot Snstanf iven aft DE ba, Se AC a “lal oy in thee ckt jh constant as Wy Ae Gea but there ta. alsa fi | |drins-tormakon af’ ene from “ele | +o peek. 4 magnetic is “ae ete | it follows -the principle of Cons servi | OF oo “ “From Ow olisei ire ee af ener fe (53) Date Leg (Damped em) oscillation = A circuit that contains an anductoy, @ Capacitor and a ves istor Ts Glled Le) Ciro, Tn Such a Circvie, damped em, OCrcillation Occurs L a a, kK When 4 charged Capacitor is connected, across an inductor and a resistor then | energy 16 [ast in the form of heat thre the “vesistor: by which fle amp|itude a5 Well as energy Joes’ on decreasin 4 dindlly the opcillakinr’ Atsbs. Such He ap em Oscillation js Galled damped? em oscilletion. Mos} of’ practical oscillations are clambed Sem oSullaken- (otis La L Consider an €lechric cht that Contains ‘ain inductor of twductonceL'; a \Cabacitor 0 Capacitance c! A a. resistor of wesistan LR Hho Inga ! char ) han toha LLL TT 6 | BAe 4 $LaE Se ae ha ‘ a | Seer 4 Thin vale of change toa] energy [is equal tothe vate “of Joss of enorgy iy the for m_of heat thyaugh the vesistar, Le du = PS =a R [= sph shows Jess Sie 1 ene Is a) @ becomes veg 2 LE ae = a sa Re a af ae + Se VED E 2 her rs ord thes (55) Date = a ae % 54, e tn (alg) he 25 (abel Where 4 € ft ip the amplitude vobieh Shows the amplilude decreases exponentials mh damped em oddillatiow . The expression 4 for damped angulay freq wenty is Given by, } per Sa ae Je -s so Hence the expression -for tome __| ie & frequency ty damped em ost ledign aye J | h Also. trom ea) we see three Possible values of tO, they are _ r 2 ere f Ck-sf uy? <$* then tole Imaginary, | Buch Condition TS called overda mbing. At this Condition, tha civeuit Ds nom oseilletory Date (So | Case EP wy 7 6 then W!=Veal 4 tive, | Such Condition 76 Called underdamping « Wr Condition, the ckt 1 Oseillato j amp lifuale as Shown ) | | At + With decreasin the figure : | A circuil that Confains an inducer, 1a capacifor and a yesistor~ i G)led LeR cht | Tn this ck} damped em ale {We eonnect aq source of 4 Hternaring lin Auch a ckt then we can continu | oscillation. in the Circubl:« Such | cAdillabon which 14 dyriveol _| source eee emf em Optillaktin c) Date Consider an elechic ck} that Contains & _induelor of jncludence ‘L's a Capacitor of Capacitance ‘co’ and q yesistor of restsfance K+ Now @ Aouree of alternating 7 of mamitude E -E, Sinwat 55 Connecte. Mynlhe | ORL te continue the oscillation. Let 9’ Borde yo instantaneous values of Charge 4 cunyent ~hen by KVL we have at Zib = yeh te. E-bay = at ER Ar = fa | Oe | 4 +tK+ 1 a where w - forced angles Prep way. | : 44 | Soe = eI ai + Sat ae or. a? a4 rata — Eo siniol iy Shr 2s ee pe’ ; Where ash, wb=7e* ¥ ee +O % the olifferential eguaisn| ee itl em, ouilatte te Séluhion of- | Hen th the or Date we or _E = Jo Cos(ul=¢) dohene 0% =o Wy current ampl tude. Noto, on Solving en OA@® the expression for charge amplifude Can be Oblatned as % = oA Es SS Ce) Haswye LS) +e Hence the exbression for Current amp|Hude is Where X, =WL=anfliis inductive reaclenta t= tj Capacitive Yeaclante AMI ye ui owe ~ anife =< =e here sor Date Be at resonance we have, 1. Se it eth! Tanke —— >| Fr = sage | This is the expression for resonan} frequen, Qual, Facer of Series Ler oki at respnaned: ~ the. yvatio ct volage drop across Thee Meluder ‘py Capacitor +e the VolJage Pop across the vesistor 1h. called quality factor. Le. Q — Voltage drop across Lore aie Vellaye drop across R ixpor Eke TR Sy pela 25H Biwi WK + At resonante) we have — Date Gi 3/8 =e Thi, tle expression for quality facoy Which Shows for quality factor to be “high, RAc Ahould be low, | L Ahowd be huigh but 4) An oscillatory motion. of 4 body ih repre— : ‘y! is sented by y= ae where & y! dishlacement Yin time, ‘q's it’s amblituck] and Ww! ty angular freq uency Shovo that the imotion 1% S-Hem, : | Sol! Here the given disblacement 4. lof a Tocy is ~ fot ih Fats ah | Now differentiating this €q. W-Yeto t twice, rr + ; . j | We Jet dy = omens Loh ae ye A =e Si oan : Date (6p S$ 0:01 ko TK GHeached 4 | ing of force conslantes nfm, | tarts. from rest by lisblacing | £ body o-04m to the right “veleasing 4, Gloulate _ (iy Frequency (ii) amplitude Gil) ini} ja) Phade (iv) 4olal energy and ©) maximum veloch a Soll Here, M= Moi nq, Kee Amplitude Y= ¢ G) f- 2 ; > We know, ,[- (i) Amplitude A=? 3! A= Yn = O01 m Ad in) Initia] phase p =? tt We have Y=. 4msin (ot +-¢) 30) Initially j-e. 0+ t=0 before Yeleasin > te Fea 1) at extremp. posi— tion 0 we m= 0:01 mM. A body tn AMY has angular amp! ifude of mn radian A period of 6:5 see. Calculate Gi) ‘Maximum angular velocity |__¢il) Angulay velocity when 8 =o is " | (iii) angular acc: “When 6 = Nye as | Here, angtilax amplitude Om= Jt radon es bib T= 05 se a (1) max angular Velocity Oe 2 se We Know, OF = WO, = of! 63) Date ( or S Aili) At B= hy ioc =? s° We Know, =o oe DB xX = wo Caking magnitude only) Ly | “a | 2 5 X= an inde? Ak = a 4) A spring is hanging verhically 4: loader With q mass~of 4ooam A allowed fo Oscillafe - Calculate (i) time perrod of Obcillation A (j}) frequency of opcillahion _if the Abring 18 —furthe/ loaded voith soon _ Produces an extension of 40Cms $02 Here. extra mass loaded on Fhe sbring m= A009m = O12kg tH - ions ten tel y ae Bye _ Spring. constant — doar Weknoi,2 UF = mg i C64qy Date | Again, initial mass leaded tn the spring m'=oagm \ | a4 Time period of aseillgtion T= °. + We Know, Teen fm = an [ose = 0-45 hec Ang [es To ae ihe A (li) Frequency of oscillation f=? oof We Know, neat _ = 2.99Hz Aw eh es 0:45 = aye 5) A torsion pendulum op Ma 40 Symem suffers av angular dinplacement of 14° under 4 constant Remus of 000 dyne cnn. tuba} Should be the frequenyy of periodie torque that mus} See the Pendulum tn resonant Vibration 9 So? Here B= '4°— 47 © — aif aig 480 f Tea tooo dyne-cm » Ea10 Pyne | ‘Torsion constant c= 2 cheba tH ce. a ol eC ele a a ee nik be “same a of the pend

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