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● Purposive Communication is about
writing, speaking and presenting to
different audiences and for various

● Derived from the Latin word
"common" which means, "belonging to 1. LINEAR MODEL (one-way)
many" and "communico"-to confer
with others.
● A process of exchanging ideas between
two or more people;
● The act or process of using words,
sounds, signs, or behaviors to express 2. INTERACTION MODEL (two-way)
or exchange information or to express
your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to
someone else;
● A process by which information is
exchanged between individuals
through a common system of symbols,
signs, or behavior
● It is our ability to communicate that SIX (6) BASIC ELEMENTS OF
makes us different from all other living COMMUNICATION
● This is our instrument for human Sender/receiver
interaction. ● Persons
● Sender
PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION ○ also known as the encoder
Various Model Of Communication ○ decides on the message to be
sent and the best/most
effective way that it can be
○ All of these are done bearing
the receiver in mind.
○ it is the sender's job to
○ The sender may want to ask
Wendel Johnson's Model
him/herself questions like:
What words will I use? Do I
need signs or pictures?
● Receiver
○ Also known as the decoder
○ responsible for
extracting/decoding meaning
from the message.
○ The receiver is also
responsible for providing
feedback to the sender.
○ It is his/her job to

Message your brain or with what you
● Topic / Information have already known or
Channel understood about the subject
● Medium/ Tool matter of the communicative
● Channel act.
○ The channel is responsible for ○ Transmitted messages
the delivery of the chosen become understandable or
message form. meaningful because of your
● Medium innate or old knowledge about
○ The medium is the immediate the messages.
form which a message takes. ● An Interpretative Act
For example, a message may ○ The only person who knows
be communicated in the form the exact or full meaning of
of a letter or an email or face the message transmitted is
to face in the form of a speech. the sender or speaker.
○ Being the creator or source of
Feedback the ideas, he/she has the
● Reaction/response absolute knowledge about his
● It determines whether or not the message.
decoder grasped the intended ○ It is called interpretative act
meaning and whether communication because the role of the
was successful. receiver or listener is just to
● Communication does not take place in interpret, infer, or guess the
a vacuum. The context of any meaning of things appealing
communication act is the to his sense of hearing.
environment surrounding it. This ● Does Not Guarantee A Direct Link Within
includes, among other things, place, Two Mind
time, event, and attitudes of sender ○ These forms of knowledge
and receiver. become meaningful only to
others when you initiate
Noise/Barrier/Interference communication with them.
● Disturbing Factor ● Active, Powerful & Forceful
○ Psychological ○ Communication is generally
○ Physical taken as an active messages,
● Any factor that inhibits the because it has varied effects
transmission of a message. on all participants in any
● It is anything that gets in the way of communicative event. It
the message being accurately engages speakers and
received, interpreted and responded listeners in action of giving
to. and receiving information.
○ Communication is powerful
Setting and forceful for it elicits
● Time/ Place different meanings or
reactions, these messages are
■ A process or system
COMMUNICATION is… characterized by
● Schemata- Driven constant change
○ a product of imagination ■ Communication is
○ Communication begins within subjected to the
yourself, you begin with what changeable and
you have already stocked in

continued existence one-time learning towards
of the world communicative competence.
■ Nothing remains ● Process
permanent or fixed in ○ Several stages of
the world of communication take place
communication. when people exchange or
● Symbolic share ideas with one another.
○ Symbols, signs, or marks like Each stage involves elements
letters, words, sentences, with different functions.
graphs, pictures and other ● Ethical
concrete objects represent or ○ Any communication event is
stand for ideas that you intend expected to apply rules, moral
to convey verbally. values, and beliefs agreed
○ For non-verbal upon by societal members.
communication, you resort to Guided by these standards
bodily actions (gestures, eye determined by the cultural
movements, posture, facial group you belong to, your
expressions) voice quality, communication becomes
space and time elements to ethical, good or desirable.
stand for the ideas you want ● Influenced by media and technology
to express. ○ This period is characterized by
● A Result Of Something an instant global exchange of
○ It refers to two or more knoeledge, services and
persons participate in any technology.
communicative act. The first, ○ With the speedy turn out of
expresses or sends a message; varied modern media and
the second, responds or reacts devices of communication like
to the message. the e-mail, cellphone, web
● Irreversible cam, internet and other
○ You are free to talk about computer-run gadgets, you
anything under the sun. But now find interaction with
once you utter something, the anyone in any corner of the
things you have said remains world easily and quickly.
as it is susceptible to different ● Reciprocal
interpretations or meanings. ○ because we cannot separate
○ Oral communication is communicators into sender
irreversible. and receiver;
● Contextual ● Process
○ An exchange of views, ideas, ○ because it keeps on “evolving
or feelings doesn't only and changing”; involves
involve the sender and the creating and sharing of
receiver, but also other meaning.
aspects of the communication
setting like time, place, topic, COMMUNICATION CUES: VERBAL AND
occasion, purpose, and NON-VERBAL
manner of communication.
● Developmental/progressive Verbal Communication
○ To communicate ideas is to go ● consists of symbols such as letters,
through the different stages words, and other marks that needs to
of language learning that subject to language or expressing
begins from birth to ideas.
elementary, highschool, and ● Verbal symbols refer to the use of
college levels. It is not a speaker language

person’s intension
Non-verbal Communication and emotion like
● Non-verbal communication is a form handshakes, kiss,
of sharing insights and ideas slap, shoulder tap,
,information, experiences etc. without etc.
the use of words; ○ Time (Chronemics)
● Most of the time verbal ■ punctuality/late;
communication is supported by willingness,
non-verbal communication to better hesitance, or hatred
portray the meanings a speaker would to wait for a long time
like to share. speaks of your trait of
● Two such universal signals are: patience or
○ "eyebrow flash" of recognition impatience
when we see someone we ■ Chronemics is the
know term that refers to
○ The Open Hand And The Palm your act of studying
Up Gesture that signals a the impact or effect of
person would like something time on your behavior
or needs help (Martin & ○ Space / Distance (Proxemics)
Nakayama, 2010). ■ space or distance
● Smiling is also a universal nonverbal symbolizes or
behavior, but the triggers that lead a represents your
person to smile vary from culture to thoughts or feelings
culture. about your world
● Types Of Non-verbal Communication ● Intimate
○ Body Movements (Kinesics) (1.5ft)
■ gestures, facial ● Personal (4ft)
expression, posture ● Social (9ft)
and eye behavior ○ Physical Appearance and
■ Big and small Adornments
movements of your ■ dressing styles,
body express tattoos, perfumes,
meanings. body appearance like
■ Kinesics, derived from size or
the Greek term, shape,structures and
kinesis, meaning other environmental
"motion" which refers factors that influence
to the study of body or affect any
movements. communicative event.
○ Paralanguage
with your spoken TURKLE KEYPOINTS
words ;
● voice’s pitch, ● Goldilocks Effect
volume, ● Alone Together
duration, ● Human relationships are rich; they are
intonation messy and demanding
and quality ● We are consumed with that which we
● vocalization are nourished by
● vocal pauses ● The illusion of companionship
○ Touch (Haptics) without the demands of a relationship
■ touching ● Connecting in sips

● Cultural misunderstandings often lead them directly
to lost opportunities and increased ○ Japanese - 👎
levels of tension between people. ■ believe eye contact
● Communicators who fail to realize over a sustained
that persons from different cultures period of time shows
may not look, think, or act as they disrespect.
themselves do run the risk of having ● *Too much eye contact is deemed
those with whom they interact judge intrusive among Asian cultures
them to be insensitive, ignorant, or ● *Arabs maintain direct eye contact
culturally confused. with those they interact with for
● The culturally confused pay a high prolonged periods
price. ● Body Orientation
● The following examples demonstrate ○ Arabs
the extent to which cultural ignorance ■ typically adopt a
affects communication: direct body
● Showing the sole of a shoe/ Crossing of orientation when
legs communicating.
○ US/Europe - 👍 ○ Americans
■ means nothing to ■ employ astance that is
observers somewhat less direct
■ in the United States ■ find the
indicates you are communication of
relaxed Arabs aggressive and
○ Muslim/Korea - 👎 unnerving.
■ In Muslim, the ● Speaking to Others
gesture is perceived as ○ Arabs and South Americans
insulting ■ tend togesture
■ in Korea it is a social vigorously when
faux pas. speaking to others,
● Blinking of an eye causing the less
○ North Americans- 👍 physical Americans to
■ Blinking while construe their
another person talks behavior as
is considered normal inappropriate and
to North Americans unmannerly.
○ Taiwanese- 👎 ● Emotions/ Responses
■ to Taiwanese it is ○ Middle Eastern
considered impolite ■ males and females to
(Gudykunst, 2004) physicaly exaggerated
● Business Card responses
○ Japanese ○ United States
■ extension of a person ■ emotions are more
○ Americans likely to be
■ business formality/ suppressed
convenience ○ Japan
● Eye Contact ■ individuals may try to
○ Americans - 👍 hide or mask certain
■ Americans place a emotions.
high value on eye- ■ It is common among
to-eye Asian cultures to
communication and exhibit reserve and
tend to distrust those emotional restraint.

■ In Japan, the word for Examples Of Cultural Differences:
"different" is the ● Expressions
same as the word for ○ Laughing is considered a sign
"wrong.” of happiness in most countries
● Achievements ○ Japan
○ Americans ■ it is considered a sign
■ tend to value personal of confusion,
achievement and embarrassment or
individualism. In insecurity
contrast, ● Thumb And Forefinger
○ Asian and Native American ○ England
cultures ■ the thumb and
■ stress group cohesion forefinger together to
and loyalty, placing form and ‘O’ means
greater emphasis on Ok,
group rather than ○ France
individual ■ it means ‘nothing or
achievement. without any value”
● Terms
CULTURE ○ Fart means speed in Danish,
● derives from a French term “colere” Norwegian and Swedish
which means to tend to earth and ○ Gift means poison in German
grow, or cultivation and nurture; and in Scandinavian languages
● it encompasses religion, food, what can mean both poison and
we wear, how we wear it, our marriage
language, marriage, music, what we ○ Kiss in Swedish means pee
believe is right or wrong, how we sit at ○ In Romanian, crap means carp
the table, how we greet, and a million (type of fish)
other things ○ In Dutch, lol means fun
○ Slut means end in Swedish;
CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION ○ Slutstation – last stop on a
● Cultures can be part of globalization train route
which involves the formation of ○ In Russian, Polish, Ukrainian,
shared norms and knowledge which Croatian and Serbian, brat
people associate their individual and means brother
collective cultural identities
Ways On How To Be Culturally Aware:
IMPORTANCE OF HAVING ONE’S CULTURE: ● engage with other’s cultures by asking
● Individual & Social Benefits questions;
○ Intrinsic benefits ● be open;
○ Improved learning and ● think about how can you learn no
valuable skills for the future matter how unusual it is;
○ Better health and well being ● invite someone to share his/her
○ Vibrant communities culture with you;
● Economic Benefits ● overcome stereotypes
○ Contribution to job creation
○ Contribution to tourism CULTURAL SENSITIVITY
○ Cultural planning ● is an attitude and way of behaving in
which you are aware of and
CULTURAL DIFFERENCES acknowledge cultural differences;
● Cultural awareness can give us better ● it is crucial for such global goals as
understanding of our own culture and world peace and economic growth as
how it is perceived by outsiders

well as for effective interpersonal DEFINITION OF TERMS
ASPECTS OF GENDER ● It is the means by which co-culture
● Assignment members maintain their cultural
○ being male or female upon identity while striving to establish
birth relationships with members of the
● Role dominant culture.
○ society’s expectation based on
your assigned sex Assimilation
● Identity ● It is the means by which co-culture
○ personal sense or preference members attempt to fit in with
● Attribution members of the dominant culture.
○ how it is perceived by people
CULTURAL APPRECIATION VS CULTURAL ● It refers to group of people who differ
APPROPRIATION in some ethnic or sociological way
● Appreciation from the parent culture.
○ recognition and enjoyment of
the good qualities of someone Collectivistic Cultures
or something; with respect ● It refers to cultures in which group
and values goals are stressed.
● Appropriation
○ action of taking something for Cultural Imperialism
one’s own use, without ● It is the expansion of dominion of one
owner's permission / culture over another culture.
Cultural Pluralism
EXAMPLES OF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION ● It is the adherence to the principle of
● Miley Cyrus' recorded and live cultural relativism.
performances of twerk dance in 2013,
a dance style with roots in the Cultural Relativism
African-American community; ● It refers to the acceptance of other
● Top Shop, high street fashion retailer cultural groups as equal in value to
caused consternation for using one's own.
Palestinian black and white scarf
design for a summer dress; Culturally Confused
● Chanel was lambasted by Aboriginal ● It refers to the lacking an
groups for selling a $1000+ Chanel understanding of cultural difference.
branded boomerang for their
spring-summer 2017 collection. Culture
Boomerang is a piece of Australian ● It is a system of knowledge, beliefs,
Aboriginal culture values, customs, behaviors, and
artifacts that are acquired, shared, and
STEPS TO AVOID CULTURAL used by members during daily living.
● Research the culture Diversity
● Avoid the sacred ● It refers to the recognition and valuing
● Don’t stereotype of difference such factors as age,
● Promote diversity gender, race, ethnicity, ability,
● Engage, promote and share benefits religion, education, marital status,
sexual orientation and income.

Ethnocentrism ● It pertains to the cultures that believe
● It is the tendency to see one's own that power should be used only when
culture as superior to all others. legitimate.

Globalization Masculine Cultures

● It refers to the increasing economic, ● It pertains to the cultures that value
political, and cultural integration and aggressiveness, strength, and
interdependence of diverse cultures. material symbols of success.

High-context Communication Melting-pot Philosophy

● It is a tradition-bound ● It is the view that different cultures
communication system which should be assimilated into the
depends on indirectness. dominant culture.

High-power-distance Cultures Multiculturalism

● It pertains to the cultures based on ● It refers to the engagement with and
power differences in which respect toward people from distinctly
subordinates defer to superiors. different cultures.

Individualistic Cultures Prejudice

● It pertains to the cultures in which ● It is a positive or negative
individual goals are stressed. prejudgment.

Intercultural Communication Separation

● It is the way of interpreting and ● It is the means co-culture members
sharing meanings with individuals use to resist interacting with members
from different cultures. of the dominant culture.

Interethnic Communication
● It refers to the interaction with
individuals of different ethnic origins.

International Communication
● It refers to the communication
between persons representing
different nations.

Intracultural Communication
● It refers to the interaction with
members of the same racial or ethnic
group or co-culture as yours.

Interracial Communication
● It is the way of interpreting and
sharing of meanings with individuals
from different races.

Low-context Communication
● It is a system that encourages
directness in communication.

Low-power-distance Cultures

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