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Why are we aiming for the Moon?

One faction feels that we should not spend so much money just to get a space superpower tag
but there is a lot on the plate if we can achieve prowess in Moon Missions. Even when Nehru
started Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) in 1962, there were similar
questions of the utility of the Space Program in a hunger-poverty stricken nation.
Today, on the occasion of World Science Day, let’s explore the relevance of the Moon Missions
for India.
● Technological Advancement: Multiple technologies of daily use like thermal blankets,
wireless technology, scratch resistant lenses, memory foam, etc. were developed and
improved for space and moon missions.
● Scientific Research: In absence of a thick atmosphere, the moon can be an ideal place
to gain insights into the origin of earth and universe by studying Lunar geology,
mineralogy, and cosmic radiation, etc.
● Space Diplomacy: Technological advancement improves our Soft Power, fostering
collaborations with other spacefaring nations and organizations.
● National Pride and Women Participation: The successful missions led by Women
Scientists like Dr. Ritu Karidhal Srivastava inspire Women to be a part of STEMM.
○ It is extremely important for a country where women participation in STEMM is
staggeringly low.
● Resource Exploration: Moon can be a potential source of Helium-3, Water ice and
Rare minerals, which could be utilized for meeting human needs.
○ It will relieve Earth Ecosystem as Earth Overshoot Day every year is preceding
itself with some exceptions like CoVID Pandemic. (In 2023,it was on 2nd
● Space Economy: In future, space tourism, lunar mining and manufacturing can be a
major development and India should be in position to tap into it.
● Space Security: Establishing a presence on the Moon enhances India's space security
capabilities, enabling surveillance, reconnaissance, and strategic positioning in space.
● International Collaboration: Recently the Japanese Satellite SLIM used data from
Chandrayaan- II to do a precise landing within a 10m radius.
○ It helps in furthering broader pursuit of Human Spirit of Collaboration and Mutual
Learning in Space Exploration.

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