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Using a simple pendulum plot L-T and L-T2 graphs. Hence find the effective length of second’s
pendulum using appropriate graph.

Apparatus required:

A clamp with a stand, a split cork, fine inextensible thread, bob with hook, vernier callipers, stop
watch, metre scale.


 Simple pendulum:
It consists of a heavy mass called bob tied to one end of a perfectly inextensible, flexible
and weightless string.
 Effective Length of simple pendulum
= length of thread +length of hook of bob + mean radius of the spherical bob.
 Time period

T =2 π
√ l
⇒ T 2=4 π 2

2 l
⇒ g=4 π 2


(a) Find the vernier constant and zero error of the vernier callipers. Determine the diameter of the
given pendulum bob at three different positions and find the mean diameter and then radius of
the bob.
(b) Tie one end of the thread to the hook of the bob. The other end of the thread is tied firmly in
the clamp stand with the help of cork pieces(in fig).
(c) Place the stand on the table as shown in such a way that the bob is just 1 to 2 cm above the
(d) Mark a line, with a piece of chalk, just below the pendulum bob and parallel to the edge of the
table. Mark a point just below the bob in equilibrium position and two other points A and B
on opposite side of it at a distance of nearly 5 cm from mean position. Smaller the distance,
more accurate will be the results. Starts your observation with the length of 100 cm.
(e) Adjust the length of the a thread below the cork piece so that sum of length of thread, length
of hook and radius of bob comes out to be exactly equal 100 cm.
(f) Displace the pendulum bob from its mean position to the point A gently on the line parallel to
the edge of the table and release it so that the bob starts vibrating. Ensure that the vibration is
along the straight line AB and the bob does not spin along with oscillation.
(g) Start the stop clock simultaneously. Count twenty oscillations. Stop the stop clock when 20
oscillations the bob are complete. Note the reading of the stop clock. This gives us the time of
20 oscillations. Repeat the observation for same length.
(h) Increase the length of the pendulum by 5 or 10 cm; calculate the time period T of the
pendulum in each case.
(i) Find the value of T 2 for various observations.
(j) Plot a graph between l and T and also between l and T 2 by taking l along x-axis and T or T 2
along y-axis. The shape of the graphs is shown in fig.


vernier constant of Vernier Callipers = ……cm

Zero error of vernier callipers = …

Zero correction of vernier callipers = ….cm

Diameter of bob (i)….cm (ii) … (iii) …

Mean observed diameter of bob = …

Mean corrected diameter of bob =….cm

Mean radius of bob = …. cm

S. No. Effective Time for 20 Time period 2 2

T (s ¿ l /T2 g
Length oscillations t (s) =4π2(l/T2)
t (cm/s2)
(T) = (s)
(𝒍=l T +r B ¿ 20 (cm/s2)

(in cm) (in Seconds)

1. 100

2. 105

3. 110

4. 115

5. 120

Mean of g =


 For the radius of the bob:-

Least count = 0.01
VSR X LC = 0.01cm
MSR = …. cm
Diameter of bob = …..
Radius = cm = …………. cm
 For the calculation of acceleration due to gravity (g) –
2 l
g=4 π 2 = m/s

1. Point of suspension should be fixed in a rigid support.

2. The bob should move along a straight line.
3. The bob shouldn’t spin during vibration.
4. Laboratory fan should be switched off.

Sources of Error:

1. Point of suspension may not be rigid.

2. The amplitude may not be small.
3. Air current may disturb vibrations.
4. There may be delay in starting and stopping the stop watch.


AIM: -

To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a
given spherical body

Materials Required:-

 Viscous tube - 5 cm breadth and with millimetre graduations along its height,
 transparent viscous liquid
 steel balls of small radii,
 stop watch,
 screw gauge.


Viscosity is the property of fluids by virtue of which they offer a temporary opposition, to forces
which try to change their shape. If a small spherical body falls under gravity in a liquid, a resistance is
offered to it by the liquid. According to stake’s law, this opposing force F is given by

F=6 πη rv
Where r = radius of the sphere and η the coefficient of viscosity and v velocity.

As the body fall under gravity it is gradually accelerated and its velocity goes on increasing; soon a
stage reaches when the upward force due to viscosity is balanced by its apparent weight i.e., the
difference between the real weight and upward thrust. The body now experiences no net force and
begins to move with a uniform velocity called terminal velocity.
Let ρ = Density of the body
σ = Density of the medium

4 3 4 3
Then its apparent weight = ( 3 π r ρ − 3 π r σ ) g

4 3
= 3 π r (ρ −σ )g

When the body moves with a uniform velocity, then

4 3
6 πηrv= π r (ρ −σ ) g
η= ( ρ− σ )
9 v

Since η of the liquid constant.

∴ 2

Procedure: -

 Find the radius of the ball using the screw

 Clean the glass jar and fill it with the
viscous fluid.
 Place a meter scale vertically beside the jar.
 Measure the inner diameter of the jar using a
vernier calliper. Hence the inner radius of
the jar R can be found.
 Mark two reference points A and B on the
jar using two threads. The marking A is made well below the free surface of liquid, so that
by the time when the ball reaches A, it would have acquired terminal velocity v.
 Adjust the position the thread B so that the distance between A and B is 30cm.
 The ball of known diameter is dropped gently in the liquid. It falls down in the liquid
with accelerated velocity for about one-third of the height. Then it falls with uniform
terminal velocity.
 When the ball crosses the point A, start the stop watch and the time taken by the ball to
reach the point B is noted.
 Now, calculate the terminal velocity of the spherical ball.

Observation: -

 To find the diameter of the sphere using screw gauge:

Least count
Zero error

MSR (mm) CSR = CSD x Total reading

[A] LC (mm) [B] [A+B]

Mean = mm

To calculate the time:



Mean = sec

Calculations: -

Radius of the sphere = d/2= mm

Terminal velocity of the sphere = h/t = m/s

Viscosity = N s/m2

Precautions: -

 Choose a liquid which is transparent enough to watch the motion of ball.

 Wet the ball with the experimental liquid before it is dropped.
 The steel balls should be spherical.
 The radii of the balls should be measured accurately in two mutually
perpendicular directions.
 The distance AB = BC should be large enough so that it has a large value.
 To ensure that terminal velocity has been reached Tab=Tbc within
experimental error.

Sources of error: -

 The ball may not be perfectly spherical.

 Noted velocity may not be constant.
 Temperature may have changed during the performance of the experiment.

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