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When I was born, there were only us, but around the age of 10, I saw the settlers

arrive on our land. They

gradually took our territory and plundered all our resources, such as buffaloes. Then, because of that, we
were forced to leave home to live elsewhere. However, the settlers wanted to transform us into their image
and completely forgot our traditions. This resulted in the massacre of the majority of my people and I lost
almost all my family and friends: it was horrible !

A while ago, I decided to leave the country I know with my family to go west because I had almost nothing
and my life was really boring. In the dream of a better life, we therefore left for this new country where we
met Native Americans. They are very simple people in my opinion and they are very underdeveloped. But
today, this move has allowed me to know myself better in a new world and to have a more pleasant and
interesting life.

I think that when two cultures meet, they should coexist and neither should try to transform the other.
Indeed, each culture must be respected because without it, there will surely be a conflict and therefore a lot
of damage. Nevertheless, in my opinion, it is very difficult not to try to transform the other so that they look
like us because we naturally think that our culture is the best and we want everyone to have the same as us.

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