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Introduction 03

Australia SOP: Guidelines 04

How To Write SOP For Australia? 05-06

Tips To Write an Impressive SOP For Australia For Indian Students 07

Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an SOP 08

Sample 09-12

FAQs 13

About upGrad Abroad 14


Securing a seat at your dream university in Australia will take a lot of effort, even with a
comprehensive profile. So, how can you make your application stand out in the heap of
applications? The answer is - an impeccable Statement of Purpose (SOP).

SOP is a means via which you can directly communicate with the decision-making
authorities. It is a vital medium to elucidate your purpose of wanting to pursue higher
studies in Australia. However, to secure a position, a simple SOP won’t suffice. You will
need to write an engaging SOP to enhance your acceptance chances. This guide will
come to your rescue while drafting an SOP.

Australia SOP: Guidelines

The word limit for an SOP usually varies based on the university you are applying for; it
can range from 500 to 1000 words, although there are exceptions. While it is important
to adhere to the required word limit, that alone will not guarantee your application
acceptance; you need to understand other indispensable elements. Moreover, you
should know that the guidelines for the SOP change based on your choice of course.

Here is a quick rundown of the elements you should consider before crafting an SOP for
different education levels.

SOP Guidelines: Education-level Based

Education-Level University Requirement

Australian universities are looking for two things from an

undergraduate — vision and motivation. It would help if
Undergraduate you focused on factors: what spiked your inclination for
Application the subject and how it is paramount to your success –
academic and professional. Ensure to mention the core
reason for choosing Australia.

Ensure to delve deeper into the technicalities and incor-

porate the relevant experience. Apart from your
academic achievements, jot down relevant experience.
Graduate Application
This experience can encapsulate – professional or
personal pertinent projects to academics or real-life

PhD applicants should draft an SOP that reflects their

PhD Applicants research interest. They should provide research
statements in tandem with their other academic

How To Write SOP For

Writing an SOP is time-taking. You will retain your chances of being shortlisted with the
proper structure. So, keep these pointers in mind to create an impressive SOP.

• An Introduction
Ensure to have a compelling start to your SOP. Delve into the reason that generated
your interest in the master’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree.

• Financial and Personal Details

Students will be required to share their financial status, assets/properties, family back-
ground information, etc., and information related to foreign travel for some Australian
Universities. Note that this is an exception and not a rule. Check the university guidelines
before drafting the SOP.

• Educational Background
For undergraduate applicants, they should delve into their X and XII standards grades,
gap year, or backlogs (if any) with proper explanations. Moreover, undergraduate
students should focus more on their achievements while pursuing their degrees and
related projects. Furthermore, PhD applicants should mention their research in tandem
with their academic achievements.

• Work Experience/Internships
You can draw the reference from your past work experience. For example, students
applying for a master of administration should showcase the leadership skills acquired
during their work experience. Mention the key takeaways that align with the course used.

• Reason for Pursuing the Course

It would be best if you mentioned career aspirations and how the course is paramount in
achieving your goal/global employability. Talk about how it bridges the gap between
theoretical and practical experience required to excel in the desired field.

• Reason(s) for Choosing Australia

For undergraduate applicants, it is indispensable to mention the reason that made
them choose Australia as their study-abroad destination. However, they must state
their intentions to return to their country.

• Reason(s) for Choosing the University

Mention the factors that made you choose the university; the university’s research
themes, faculty, modules, etc.

• Conclusion
What makes you an ideal candidate? How are you planning to contribute to the univer-
sity? How will the course contribute to them?

Tips To Write an Impressive

SOP is a cornerstone of your admission process. A half-baked SOP can put your candida-
ture at risk. Moreover, you will be required to create a revised SOP, which would be
time-consuming. Here are some insightful tips for creating an excellent SOP.

Tips to Reduce Your SOP Rejection Chances

• Never mention your desire to remain in Australia post studies in the SOP. Instead,
emphasize your financial and emotional ties to your home country and how much
your income will increase once you complete your Master's, Bachelor's, or PhD.
• Describe any academic setbacks you may have. Explain how you recovered from the
setback and used the time constructively.
• Avoid using jargon while drafting an SOP.
• Considering the pool of applicants applying for the same seat, more than just
mentioning your skills will be necessary. To secure your seat, make sure you substantiate
your skills.
• Adhere to first person and formal tone.
• Proofread and edit your SOP for Australia student visa/university multiple times to avoid

Dos and Don’ts Of SOP

Dos Don’ts

Make this document different from Ensure not to make it look like an
the essays and CV. extension of your university SOP.

State the genuine reasons behind Miss out on the comparison of

choosing Australia. Australia with other popular study

Use an active voice and a positive Do not exceed the word limit.

Articulate goals and interests as Your SOP should not be plagiarized.


Be consistent, honest, and straight- Do not mention your GRE, or IELTS

forward. score.

Sample 1
My desire to learn everything about the corporate world and international capital
markets has led me to pursue a degree in YYY. Watching my sister and mother driving
a business motivated me to enhance my skillset to build my business. I was trying to
learn from them and help them with their work when I realized how strongly I was
drawn to the managerial and accounting-related facets of the company. I was utterly
in awe of how businesses function and how some clever entrepreneurial concepts
may significantly increase profits. I'm eager to develop my academic goals with a
Bachelor of Commerce degree from your prestigious university as I want to turn my
passion into a profession and because I'm striving for the best stepping stone into the
corporate world.

To prepare for my journey ahead, I chose to pursue commerce in high school. My

A-level courses in accountancy, business studies, mathematics, and economics were
crucial in helping me get a solid foundation in all areas that support management and
deepen grasp of the intricacies and complex realities of the business world. I've had
excellent academic accomplishments throughout high school and always had lofty
aspirations. I worked on developing my personality holistically. The qualities of a
leader, orator, problem-solver, and critical thinker were ingrained by actively partici-
pating in academic and extracurricular activities.

After researching the best academic location to improve my academic career, I decid-
ed to choose Australia. The country is renowned and highly regarded for its educa-
tional system's rigorous standards. It is home to some of the greatest universities in
the world.

Furthermore, Australia is the go-to destination for enrolling in business programs due
to its reputation as the hub of critical financial centers. The learning opportunities

provided by the Australian educational system enable students to think freely, solve
problems proactively, see things critically, and think creatively and innovatively. I may
therefore aim to live, grow, and learn as an international student in Australia in a
developed, friendly environment full of chances.

Getting meaningful exposure abroad will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I

think getting a Bachelor of Commerce from XXX university will be the best course of
action. The program's extensive coursework is specifically created to develop abilities
essential to understanding the complexities of different business areas. The degree
program will place a strong emphasis on helping students develop fresh viewpoints so
they can handle a variety of difficulties. I am eager to expand my knowledge through
the Accounting for Decision Making, Fundamentals of Finance, Law of Commerce, and
Marketing Fundamentals course modules, which will all work to improve my employ-
able skills.

I see myself beginning an entry-level trainee position in the financial services industry
right after finishing my undergraduate studies, explicitly working for the likes of Gold-
man Sachs, Deloitte, or JP Morgan. I intend to enroll in a master's level course focusing
on accounting and finance after understanding how such industries function and
becoming familiar with the complexities they encounter. This will help me further my
knowledge base and give me the necessary tools to work as an investment banker.

I'll acquire the abilities I need to accomplish my objective by taking classes from the
greatest professors with years of expertise in the field. I fervently hope to join your
respected organization because it will help me become the person I want to be and
excel at what I do. To further my quest for knowledge and to spend quality time with
the best in the field, I would be delighted if I could help any professors with their
research projects. I would consider it an honor to identify as a XXX alumnus.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the excellent admissions committee for
allowing me to share why I want to be a part of the university.

Sample 2
Peter Kindersley, founder of Dorling Kindersley, once said, "If you have an idea and
everyone says it's crazy, that's probably the proper idea to pursue." The globe has
seen significant economic advancements, and my desire to learn more about these
ideas, namely the stock market, has drawn me to study business. I believe obtaining
well-rounded credentials in business administration will be an appropriate path for
me to comprehend the complexities of business from the grassroots level and various
managerial techniques and practices because I have had some experience managing
various departments of the food processing industries. I want to attend your presti-
gious university to get an MBA.

In higher secondary school, I found that business-related themes fascinated me more

than other subjects. I became interested in learning more about different industrial-
ists and how they skillfully and efficiently managed their firms. I was always curious
about their business strategies on a theoretical level because I was so impressed by
their success tales. Despite having a Bachelor's in biotechnology and a Master's in
food processing and technology, I discovered that business information systems and
information technology piqued my attention more. I understood that using technolo-
gy effectively also helps with decision-making in the corporate world.

I had the chance to work in the food manufacturing and processing sectors shortly
after receiving my Bachelor's degree, where I received useful, practical expertise in the
logistics, purchasing, research & development, project management, and quality
control areas of the firm. I learned about business analytics in this capacity, and I was
able to use data to understand how businesses grow. I am currently employed by AAA
as a Project Manager for YYY, where my responsibilities include planning, analysis,
project closure, logistics, and client engagements.

As a result, I am eager to enroll in an AAA program at the prestigious ZZZ that will
highlight the intricate workings of the business world via the prism of challenging
decision-making and concept leadership. According to my study, the curriculum is
carefully planned, considering the current norms and trends in the industry, which will
make me a completely qualified professional after receiving this degree. My prior
knowledge will be considerably complemented by modules in corporate governance,
strategic and entrepreneurial marketing, accounting information and managerial

decision-making, and managerial economics, which will broaden my opportunities for

a more international perspective. The course's emphasis on developing strategies and
making critical decisions will further prepare me to develop innovative ways to
address the industry's changing difficulties and keep up with the fierce competition.

I intend to focus all my efforts in the near future on completing your master's pro-
gram, developing my business knowledge, and making more progress in the field in
which I have been employed. Working for a reputable company specializing in food
technology would allow me to develop my practical abilities and use my acquired
professional knowledge. I envision moving up in seniority and serving as a C-suite
executive with a sophisticated understanding of business administration and a global

After careful consideration, I concluded that the MMM was the only university that
perfectly matched my desired learning outcomes and gave me a sense of joy in attain-
ing sound knowledge. Modern program delivery techniques and cutting-edge educa-
tional infrastructure set new standards for high-quality instruction and a stimulating
learning environment at the institution. MMM’s award-winning faculty has impressed
me. It will be an absolute honor to learn under their supervision. I'm eager to contrib-
ute significantly to their research teams and support their future ground-breaking
research projects.

Due to Australia's international reputation and world-class educational system, I

decided to study there to have a more comprehensive and global perspective on my
job prospects. Australian universities' practical approach and cutting-edge program
delivery techniques further contribute to the nation's academic prowess, making it
one of the most sought-after academic destinations with students from all over the
world. Studying business and management in Australia is worthwhile because the
country is home to some of the top multinational corporations from various indus-
tries, which increases the work chances for graduates. Additionally, the energetic,
student-friendly climate and the multicultural setting help to make it a secure and
welcoming place.

I believe that earning an AAA (specialization) from your prestigious university will be a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to gain sound erudition. I pledge to do all possi-
ble to contribute significantly to the outstanding student body and become an accom-
plished graduate in the future.

1. Are SOP and GTE the same?

No, a Statement of Purpose (SOP) and a Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) are different.
Students in the online student visa application form will need to provide a personal
statement in English addressing the GTE requirement. Students must adhere to the 300
words (2000 characters) limit. The statement should state your intent to undertake your
proposed study in Australia. In comparison, an SOP is comparatively a detailed

2. Is there a minimum word count to write an SOP for an Australian University?

The word count for an SOP can vary based on the course or university. However, the
expected SOP word count oscillates between 500 and 1000 words, although there are
exceptions. It is advisable to check the word count on the university’s official website.

3. How important is SOP for studying at an Australian University?

SOP is one of the indispensable documents while filing your student application form at
an Australian university. It helps the university staff comprehend you and assess your
study application.

About upGrad Abroad

upGrad is an online education provider that helps individuals to develop their profes-
sional potential in the most engaging learning environment. upGrad Abroad, the study
abroad division of upGrad, through its collaborations with accredited and higly-ranked
institutions has introduced a portfolio of distinctive study abroad programs. These
innovative programs provide an invaluable opportunity for international students to
leverage initial online learning to pursue their dream to study abroad in a flexible and
affordable manner. Students begin their program online with a partner institution in
the home country, then transition to on-campus with one of the upGrad destination
academic partners. upGrad students also have the support of our student services
team to assist with the application processing, visa assistance, as well as support upon
arrival to campus.

Reimagining Global Education


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