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Luke is a great detective, and one day, he found a paper around a old cupboard.

Luke read
the secret code on the ancient paper that says:"Miy lIl gialI imI thIis, soimIlIdiy liIcly imIlht gIl
Iit." Luke had read those signals before, but each code has its own meaning......... Luke told
his friend Oak about this problem, so they bought the old cupboard home. They tried to open
it, but it was no use. The old, ancient cupboard remained closed and they found a keyhole,
right in the middle of the cupboard....... They only knew one clue - Luke read that kind of
message before, and the letter i means nothing, and Luke says to delete all the i s in the
paper. After deleting, the paper's message turned out to be:My lil galI mI thIs, somIlIdy lIcly
mIlht gIl It. Luke thought of what the ancient code might mean, and then he realized
something. He remembered that the letter I means a vowel, they figured out, the vowels
now:My l-vowel-l gale me this,somel-vowel-dy l-vowel-cly milht gel it. Depending on the
vowels they got, we can now work out some of the ls:My mom gave me this, somebody
lucky might get it. Oh! So somebody's mom gave him it, and now we are the lucky ones, we
now got to figure it out. They went back to where they found the old cupboard, so they dug
around, and guess what? They found the key! After they unlocked it, they found out that
there were plenty of gold inside, not knowing if it's real or fake. They went to the shop that
sells gold, and found out all of the golds in the old cupboard are real! The told everything to
the police officer and the police helped them to find out where the gold really came from and
how is the gold here. The police told them there was this family, they were really rich, and
many people were dead. After the last person of the rich family died, they left a message for
the others to find and then Luke and Oak found it, and that's how and what happened. Luke
said:" There are many thing that we don't know even when I'm a great dectective That have
been through many cases."

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