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1. (a) “Software engineering a layered approach” discuss?

(b) Write about the software engineering process. Pick any one of the process models you feel is
the best for SDLC and explain why it is the best model.
2. Write about Incremental and Evolutionary software process models.
3. Write about the Unified Process model in detail.
4. There are many situations in which initial software requirements are well defined, but the
overall scope of the development effort is purely linear. In addition, there may be a compelling
need to provide a limited set of software functionality to users quickly and then refine
functionality. In such cases, if you are a project manager and you have been given the
responsibility to choose a process model, then which process model will you choose and why?
5. In a particular process model, users get a feel of the actual system, and developers get to build
something immediately. Also, sometimes, the process model can be problematic for some
reasons. Which process model is it, and what are the different problems we face with the model?

6. Write about the Need for a Systematic process for addressing issues, Software life cycle,
software development lifecycle, software release process, source control, versioning, and
maintenance of software.

7.Write about DevOps in detail.

8. What is Scrum? Write about Scrum Master.

7. Write about Agile in detail. Write 12 Agile principles.

9. What is Requirement Engineering? Write about the different Tasks in it. In Detail?

10. What is Requirement Analysis? Discuss the different modeling in the requirement Analysis.

11. differentiate the functional and non-functional (quality)requirements

11. explain the modular design

12)explain about types of cohesion and coupling

13 discuss about Structural Design -Top down and Bottom up approaches


14 summarize the types of software maintenance

15. illustrate the software release process in detail

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