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Volume 6
Issue 1 The Building Blocks of Social Article 6


The Relationship Between School and Society: Part I -

Functionalist Perspective
Roger T. Wilson
Grand Valley State University,

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Wilson, Roger T. (2011) "The Relationship Between School and Society: Part I - Functionalist Perspective,"
Colleagues: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 6.
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Wilson: The Relationship Between School and Society: Part I - Functionali
F e at u r e

The Relationship Between
School and Society: Part I —
unctionalist Perspective
The Practical Focus of Educational Preparation the institution called school, and the relationship of each to the larger

or most teacher candidates, there is the tendency during preservice collectivity called society. But that assumption would be incorrect in
training to focus their attention upon what might be referred to as most instances. With the increasing expectations from a multitude
the technical aspects of instruction and of becoming an educator. of educational stakeholders including the shifting demands that
They are often consumed with knowing how to address the myriad of accompany the push for ever more effective delivery and assessment
instructional circumstances and student behaviors that will confront of the state curriculum, is it really any wonder that even upon return to
them, and spend most of their time acquiring the requisite knowledge graduate school, most educators remain focused largely upon technique
and skills to prepare for those eventualities. It tends to dominate their and discipline content?
thinking. An untrained observer might be forgiven for assuming, by Simply knowing one’s subject matter and formal place in a given
the time educators commence their graduate studies and with it a focus educational environment and the roles and responsibilities one executes
upon advanced knowledge, content and intellectual development, on a daily basis (be it as an administrator, teacher, or counselor), fails
that they might be sufficiently prepared in instructional delivery to to provide any particular insights into or lens through which to begin
then begin an examination of their very profession, its relationship to an examination into the relationship between schools and society or
Published by ScholarWorks@GVSU, 2011 1
8 Colleagues
Colleagues, Vol. 6 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 6
in their building each and every day. For it role in modern society:
is only then that they can begin to initiate an • The evolution of American society from
enlightened internal review and reform of those agrarian to industrial
beliefs and practices.
• The expansion of the nation’s population
The social foundations of education offers and its demographic shift from rural to
educators several macro or societal level lens urban habitation
through which to examine the school-society
• The inability to keep pace with the
relationship. With the revamping of the

Photo Montage Illustration by Lisa T Tennant, Images courtesy and the Library of Congress
explosion in knowledge and the
Foundations area curricula in the Grand Valley
sophistication and intensification of labor
State University College of Education (COE),
skills (i.e., development of human capital
faculty have begun a more concerted effort to
with specialized, highly technical skills)
address that relationship through employing
the sociological perspectives of functionalism, Consequently, the persuasive argument for a
conflict theory, and interpretivism. Particularly compulsory social institution to adapt the new
in COE course ED672—Social and Cultural and the young to the values of an evolving
Foundations of Education, there is an expressed social organism called America seems all the
intent of having students begin to reflect upon more reasonable when we also factor in:
the various acts and beliefs that comprise their • That the Jeffersonian vision of democracy
profession and the role that schools play in an necessitated a literate public
advanced capitalist society. • That much of the population expansion
resulted from immigration
A Socio-theoretical Examination
• That the precepts of the American Dream
of Education and meritocracy envision knowledge and
Functionalism. This general theoretical learning as the foundation of a productive
orientation actually derives from biology, country, as the great equalizer of the human
as its label might suggest, though its social- condition and the potential creator of wealth
theoretical version tends to be found in undreamed of
anthropology and sociology. It is to the latter
Thus, the primary functions of this
and the school-society relationship that we
compulsory social institution are seen as role
turn. Drawing from the biological analogy,
differentiation and social solidarity.
functionalists claim that to gain a better
understanding of the social institution called But such an explanation, while reasonable
school, we need to comprehend the function enough on its face, suffers from at least one
or social needs it serves in our social system. major flaw—determinism. Biological and
Given the social significance of the common social functions are not qualitatively the same.
school movement of the mid-19th century (i.e., Having a social function and being successful
Horace Mann), the subsequent push for mass, in its execution are different things. There is
compulsory education, and its continuance, an assumption in functionalism that in being
evolution, even refinement, over the past 150 acted upon by the schools, all or most humans
years, there is a clear and abiding social value successfully internalize the curricula, both
that we attach to our schools. The general formal and hidden. Consequently, human
questions that arise then are ‘what general agency or the capacity of individuals to make
purpose do they serve’ and ‘in what manner do choices and to impose those choices upon their
they seek to address their role.’ world is diminished; they become secondary
to the power and influence of the school. But
The evolutionary state of our society
clearly, we are not all of a mind, our value
as well as the size of its population are
systems differ, our visions for this society
important considerations when addressing
are not identical, social solidarity might be
these questions because in earlier times, as
described as loosely coupled, and the American
we think back to the colonial days and their
Dream is under attack. Yet, as fundamental
By Roger Wilson, Ph.D. beginnings, many of the tasks associated with
as that flaw may be, most of our educational
Grand Valley State University Faculty schools today belonged to the realm of the
policy remains functionalist in intent as
family or community. The knowledge and skills
witnessed by the various schools reforms of the
associated with life in their world, knowledge
past two decades. The fact that human beings
those very educators’ role in that relationship. and skills of a different level of sophistication
cannot be educationally and thus socially
Rather, it is an awareness of the function that in keeping with the developmental state of
processed doesn’t prevent social engineers
schools have come to play in our society, the society then, were passed on from old to
from engaging in such attempts. A complex
understanding what drives the various young often through familial and associated
industrialized society like ours needs such a
mandates and counter critiques, that will afford relationships, sometimes inconsistently so,
social institution as school lest we be left to our
educators an opportunity to more greatly and thus the long term fate of the family or the
own devices and social chaos erupts. However,
comprehend their part in that most important community were often dependent upon the
the debate will always center on what
social institution, and thereby, allow them a success of that transmission.
knowledge and values are being imparted, the
fuller appreciation of the implications of their But notwithstanding the rise of modern same discussion that erupted when Horace
own and their colleagues’ role in the social and home schooling since the 1990s, much of which Mann began his social experiment with
intellectual development of students imparted has faith-based reasoning behind it, numerous compulsory education in Massachusetts in
by a particular curriculum as well as the historical factors have contributed to the the 1830s.
associated behaviors and dispositions enacted significant decline in the family’s educational 2
Colleagues 9

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