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Z910-v62 (£60) XP4/181 — 8BOI-7Z6 (ZE9) *xOa/"I9) S9LO-P6L (L460) “191 —86-L0-B6ePB-B0-86 “181 SOUS UD Id “BDO SeIDS dOD SIDIARIS 7 SITVS TVISISNGNI NOUVYOdIOD ONIWIINIDNT fe rsomengfueg) MOOSGNVH 3ONSH34354Y TWOINVHO3|\J tol 20 30) dol at 1 Foreworp This booklet, which was produced by the Electric ‘Apparatus Service Association, Inc., was pi vided to you by an EASA member. It contai carefully selected reference materials designedto assist you in your everyday work. ‘EASA is an international trade organization com= prised of electro-mechanical sales and repair firms throughout the world. Through its many ‘engineering and educational programs, EASA ‘provides members with a means of keeping up-to- ‘date on materials, equipment and state-of-the-art e in the right hands when you select an tanical service center displaying the & emblem to perform your electrical service ‘The EASA emblem is a symbol ship and performance through- industry. jn this booklet has been carefully believed to be correct, but EASA respecting it and disclaims vorliability of any kind forany loss consequence of anyone's use or | such information. rm estionson any datainthis booklet ‘be directed to your local EASA service ; of to the Electrical Apparatus Service Inc., 1331 Baur Bivd., St. Louis, ‘Missouri 63132; (814) 999-2220. Copyright © 1998, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Ing, 1004758 @ Taste Or Contents Fx Regan orci ios Ad Cais aie ‘BELTS AND SHEAVES ~ Paley Fam nnn amt ounung Plays, Shaves Soros nd Goa ema Poh For rvs ter Tha Ba Copyright © 1993 Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. All rights reserved. © Aticnment INroRMaTION Proper alignment of the driver shaft and the driven shaft eliminates vibration, maximizes bearing life, and extends the overall life of the machinery. It also improves the efficiency of the driver, which reduces power consumption. Ideally, the shaft axes should form one continuous line. ‘A common obstacle to proper align- mentis a “soft foot.” This ocours when not all of the mounting feet are in the same plane, causing the frame to twist as the foot is tightened. Horrzowrat Ancucanist - Tor View a Suacestep ALIGNMENT TOLERANCES These suggested alignment tolerances are the maximum allowable deviations from desired values, whether such values are zero or a targeted offset. They should be used only if machinery manufacturer or in-house alignment tolerances are not available. RPM Exceuewr ‘ACCEPTABLE Sort Foor (wus)* Au 2.0 3.0 sont Cowunes [Fant] * Parawer Orrser 1200 25 4.0 (wus) =F 1800 20 3.0 3600 1.0 15 + Axcuan Misauomen™ = 1200 os 08 (oms/vcei) 1800 03 05 ULES 3600 02 0.3 Courumes Wim Sexcens [ese t] Pana.ten Orrser Pen Inc oF Spacer 1200 09 15 Lect (s/c) 1800 06 1.0 3600 03 05 * "Soft fot” describes the condition where the four mounting feet are not alin the ‘same plane. Measured in mils (1 mil =.001 inches). * Angular misalignment = mils of misalignment per inch of coupling diameter, THERMAL GRowTH DIFFERENTIAL Deita (4) F = Change in temperature in degrees Fahrenheit from ambient to operating temperature, Coefficient of expansion for steel = 6.5x 10° (.0000068) Length in inches = L 6.5X 10®xDeltaFxL = Thermal growth 2 © Batancine AND Vipration Macinery VieraTion CHart For AssemBLeD Rotatine Equipment ‘Macawunt DispLacement, Peax-To-PEak, IncHes ‘Maximum Vetocrry, Zeno-Peax, IncHEs/Secono MEAGURED ON BEARING HOUSING IN ANY DIRECTION (WITH HALF KEY) wep | DSPLACEMENT veto coun ake Peat Eee Pane veces inched Bieaee —— a a a eat rc act auois oan ame Toa rt oe Sa tii! = | ae ocees 1999 and below: 015 | Sa esate owes =e ou * For AC motors, use the highest synchronous speed. Far DC motors, use the highest falod speed. For series and universal motos, use the operating speed, "* Reforonce 1993 NEMA MG 1-12.07 and MG 1-16.52 for small and medium machines. Forlarge machines, reference NEMA MG 1-20.55; MG 1-21.54, MG 1-22.54: MG 1-23- 52; MG 1.2450, Vevociry Zero-Peak INcHEs/Seconp PER, IEEE Sranparp 1068, Paracrapu The unit of measurement should be velocity inches per second Zero-Peak. Readings should be made in the radial or axial directions. Machines should be classified by rated speed (see “Maximum Displacement/Velocity" table, above). Vevocity RMS Per ISO 2372 (E) ‘The unit of measurement should be velocity root mean square (rms) in millimeters per second (mm/sec) or inches per second (in/sec). “ The frequency range should be 10 to 1000 Hz. Readings should be made in the radial and axial directions and a range classification should be determined (see “Vibration Severity Ranges” table on Page 4). 3 Vipration Severtty Rances—10 To 1000 Hz cana ‘oven |" upto ‘OVER UPTO. @ |2le| Bel Exampes Or Quauity JUDGEMENT Tange of bran sever | Esme of uty pra pate an oan ae Range | gfe), | Classi | Css cass | lass | 0 ia —| | 0 ie—| * A ee 071 = 5 A [ue Te Tg 18 a | at 8 c r B jE 45 c 8 f+—: 1 +—1 ¢ = <2 c LB 8 D [ as 5 D ° [a5 = y n | “Thetolowinginerrtatonsoiqual- ‘ly uigoment are rom 0 2945; ~ Good Class" Up 0 20 HP on abicated ste! undaton, Class ila. 2510100} on fbicated ste! foundation 5, 10010400 HP on heavy so founda, B- Satstacory ‘lass Above 400 HP on heary soe foundation, G Unsatstacory (lassV-Apove 100 HP on fabicated steel foundation, | 0 - Unacceptable 4 SincLe-PLane Versus Two-PLANE BALANCING Disk-shaped rotating parts usually can be balanced in one correction plane only, whereas parts that have appreciable width require two-plane balancing. As precision tolerances become more meaningful in better performance, dynamic balancing becomes more important, even on relatively narrow parts. Some guides indicate that the proportion of large diameter to relatively narrow face width suggests single-plane balancing. However, the distance between the two planes is more important than the width-to-diameter rato. For example, a rotor with a face width of 5" will usually require dynamic balancing whether its diameters 4” or 40’. Unbalance in two separate planes 5” apart is the reason it requires balancing in two planes regardless of its so-called “disk shape.” Although attempts have been made to develop arule that would determine when a rotors diameter-to-length ratio would call for a dynamic (or couple) rather than a static balance only, itis the distance between planes, not the proportions, that counts. Experience also suggests that all parts that rotate at speeds. high enough to require balancing of any kind should be dynami- cally (or force and couple) balanced on the rotor’s main body length. ‘Separating the disks but placing the unbalance weights on the same side of the rotor as shown below causes static unbalance that can only be corrected by adding weight at each disk or plane. Shifting one weight 90°, as also shown, produces a ‘combination of static and dynamic unbalance. This condition can only be corrected by adding weights in each of the two planes. q SI gq — u W U Lu Dynanic UNBALANCE ‘Staric UNBALANCE c 1 oq ie BALANceo ‘Stanc & Dynamic UNBALANCE Bavancine Proslems Balancing problems can be divided into two types: single-plane and two-plane. The type of correction or number of balance correction planes should be based on the length-to-diameter ratio (i., the length of the rotor divided by the diameter). The L/D ratio is calculated using the dimensions of the rotor exclu- sive of the supporting shaft. For L/D ratios less than 0.5, single-plane balancing is sufficient for operating speeds up to 1000 rpm. For operating speeds above 1000 rpm, two-plane balancing is often required. For L/D ratios greater than 0.5, two- plane balancing is required for operating speeds greater than 150 rpm. up BaLance Connection Rario Swett PLave | Two Pane a —A Less RPM Above od £1 | Than To 1000 I 5 1000 RPM : Fl | More RPM Above Than To 150 oo Fis 150 RPM SELECT SINGLE-PLINE VERSUS TWO-PLANE BALANCING BASED ON THE LENGTH-TO- CIAWETER (L/D) RATIO AND RPM OF THE ROTOR, FFT Visration ANatysis FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) vibration analyzers rely solely on digital techniques to acquire the spectral data. The signal is sampled and a FFT algorithm (mathematical operation) per- formed on the sampled data to obtain the signature. A system response can be represented by displacement, velocity and acceleration amplitudes in both the time and frequency domains. The time domain consists of an amplitude that varies with time. When the amplitudes are represented in the frequency domain, they are shown asa series sum of sines, and cosines which have a magnitude and phase that varies with the frequency. The drawing below shows an example of time domain and frequency domain representation. Because measurements are made in the analog world (time domain), they must be “transformed” to the frequency domain. This is the purpose of the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Time (sec.) Time Domain Where A=Peak to Peak Amplitude T=Period of Vibration Cycle Frequency (cpm) Frequency Domain ViprATION CONVERSION FACTORS VipraTION IDENTIFICATION Guipe For AssempLep Unit The relationships between displacement, velocity and accel- oe ee eee [eee [ee eration are shown in the following formulas. The formulas are Macome RPM based on vibration waves due to harmonic motion (sine waves) bance rpm Sige sendy | Radial sendy | Common cause and the frequency of vibration. Most machine vibration wave bial (= =—Ml fest forms are close to sine waves and good accuracy will be os ive [tot 100xepm [Ur ‘Measure velo | Voy age obtained using these formulas. Acourate frequency values are pete: [eee | aaa [Meese | eee ve required for these conversions. It is recommended that only teaing radial ing, Astalve filter-in readings of vibration and frequency be used to insure te accuracy. frees, tency decreases Seem [Tm Srgjefeenes | Nevege | Shat and bearing ‘Sywpous eating mark antes a sane cagnrnent |2xrpm. Sone- | Usualy 2eteady [High axial | Ail baton Encust coupingo | mest orm, |relrence mars canbe ioe D = Displacement: inches peak-to-peak beating Somtines tor roca. Use dl in V_ = Velocity: inches/second peak iat as check A_ = Acceleration: G’s peak Bensrat [Toexpm [tare High axal Force of gravity = 386 in/sec? oe ae Radia ery Hertz: cycles/second IMexbanica | or2arpm | ror Proprio! Racal vibration ooseness whores | igestn aver . fer of ooseess Displacement: meters peak-to-peak ¥ al kobe ight a Velocity: meters/second peak ees [SaRetee Ente er A_ = Acceleration: G's peak Electical | Power ine Tor2rotaing | Usuallylow | Vibration stops 1G = Force of gravity = 9.806 65 m/sec? tequeney xt or | mans insta when Hz = Hertz: cycles/second Hore peer forwtip —[Lessinan om | Une Fatal Freueney ay Formutas unsteady be aslow as halt om D = 0.318 ViHz ewayname [Tomo Way cae D = 19.607 A(Hz)? purr os eslncse Vo = 3.1416(Hz) (D) aon = V = 61.440 AHz ewe [Oe ee fe | [eee A = 0,051(Hz)? (D) ning toe pn. A = 0.016(V) (Hz) Resonance —| Specie Sige gr Phase changes : enscas relerence mak spa. A EXAMPLE: Dude doreases % above ard below D = 0.002inches p-p oman Hz = 50cps Recent ; remove ira V_ = 3.1416(50) (0.002) 0.314 ips parative range A = 0.051(50)? (0.002) 0.255 G's Systhenieg. Viration ConsTANTS Constant For True Swe Waves OnLy ims value = 0707 x ims value wi OF peak value 1A4 x peak value 157 x average value 0637 x average value 0.90 x peak-to-peak 20 x 10 peak value average value rms value average value peak value ims value peak value ™ Sunes Anp Wire Rope Types oF SLINGS Te 3 a ay TPE 4 Tee S ‘Tyre 1: Metal Triancte AND METAL CHoKer. This sling can beused in the vertical, basket and choker hitch. The triangle prolongs the life of the sling by taking the abrasion off of the eye. This sling is recommended for applications when the sling will be used in the choker hitch primarily with lifting hooks. ‘Tee 2: Mert Trianctes Each Eno. This sling can only be used in the vertical and basket hitches. Again, the metal triangles ‘extend the life of the sling when used with hooks, This sling is preferable for applications calling for a basket hitch and using hooks. ‘Tyee 8: Straicur Eve (Eve & Eve). This is a versatile sling for ‘general purpose use. Itcan be used ina vertical, basket or choker hitch. The straight eye slingis preferable for applications when the sling will be used primarily in a basket or vertical hitch. Tyee 4: Revense Eve, The reverse eye is also a general use, all- purpose siing. It can be used in a basket, vertical or choker hitch. The reverse eyes make this the choice for slings to be primarily used as chokers. Tyre 5: Enptess. The endless sling can be used in the vertical, choker and basket hitch. The endless sling can be used when higher strengths are required, or to spread localized wear spots along the sling length. " Normat Sune Hitches ‘VeRTICAL Basket Lirtina Capacity* As the angle increases, the lifting capacity of asling decreases. For quick figuring, a 60-degree included angle decreases lifting capacity by 16 percent, a 90-degree angle causes a 30 percent loss, and a 120-degree angle lowers capacity by 50 percent. For precise figuring, use the chart above. Example: If you use two 1,000 Ib. capacity slings at a 120-degree included angle, each sling will have a load rating of only 500 lbs. * Chains and slings come in various types and grades and must be matched tothe application. Check the manufacturer's specifications for capacities and wear indicators. 12 Wire Rore* Caste Cups 80% of rated rope strengthis considered to be developed by the use of properly attached U-bolt clips that conform with the number and spacing in the following table. Rore Diaweren Nuwsen OF ‘Space Berween (ounces) | CursReounen | Cus (wiimcns) Ye-s B "eo Shee 3 2a *he- a 4 4h es 5 Bis af 5 6 1" 5 - 1a s 8 1% 6 82 Vp 6 9 1% 6 10'/2 2-2"a 7 13/2 2a 8 15 Bha-3 9 18 InsTaLt Cups CoRRECTLY Ran: Cotati Wrone: (Sissy ese Wrone: CaaS For maximum holding power, clips should be spaced at least six rope diameters apart and must always be attached with the base or saddle of the clip against the stress-bearing or standing strand of the rope. * Wire rope comes in various types and grades and must be matched to the ‘application, As the angle increases, the iting capacity decreases. Check the manufacturer's specifications for capacities and wear indicators 13 Deane Beem RBRRRsesgegse & raow eo Shays | 22esegsesae ager 58] 1 ee aeae ee a ae D i i ge p= — [oan Forceo SHACKLES M™) Suacktes Ano EyEBoLts—Forcen Shacktes +fFurnished in serew pin only, Evesoit STRENGTHS Commercial eyebolts are supplied with a rated breaking strength (in the "X" direction) and in some cases with a rated load—20 percent of the rated breaking strength (alsoin the "x" direc- tion). Forloadings other than along the axis of the eyebolt, the following rat- ings are recommended. These’ are expressed as a percentage of the rat- ing the axial direction. X = 100 percent Z = 20 percent Y = 33 percent W = 10 percent ‘These percentages are basedon tests conducted on eyebolts having typical proportions and over-all lengths about 1-1/2 times the outside diameters of the eyes. Eyebolts with shoulders are recom- mended. Always use eyebolts of the appropriate threaded length. 15 B 9 Z E a mommy} © Stanparp Sienats For SFoR CRANES Horst With forearm vetical, forefinger painting up, move hhand in smal hos zontal cle. " Lowen, With arm extended down: ward, forefinger pointing down, ‘move handin smal horizontal icles. f + = ‘Stanparp Sicnats For Cranes—Conminuen Lowen aoow Axo ase .oao, Witharm extended, thumb Painting down, flex fingersinandoutas long as lad move- ‘ments desire. Sw. Arm ex: tended, point with fingern direction of ‘wing of boom, Use manos Tap Use wi ne (aux Stor. Arm ex- Encnceney SroP. list on head; then wary wosst). Tap tended, palmdown, ‘Armextended, aim vsereplarsignas ee raldpossonriy. cov, move fand > hand; then use ‘rapidly rightand left ‘er sonal, + N A i aA aoe in Tone Arn 0 Doo Everrmine: tende, fngers sonia Sues tended forears, Oh, Casghandsinton ‘closed, thumb point- closed, thumb point- hand open and cof body. owed ing dour sightiy raised, make gushing mo tion in direction of * h A travel. A Move stomy. Use Raise Boom AND Traver (poTH ‘Travet (one TRACK), one and 1 ave tones oe, Yh ‘mses. Bah as Look ss on ce ‘any motion signal & arm extended, in front of body, indicated by raised and place other thm’ porting Up making 2 cel fst Teel oppo and moses n fe ters and moto ao each Stetacenetton font of bard gv ot ete a other indeating feiesbd by or ing the motion I}. | toa overon i ‘recborottre= iar motion fother sional. (HoIst eed, fervard of bac. ft olte er slowy shown 38 wa (Fo camer calyinterttoay. example.) ‘cranes only.) i eal only.) 16 17 Units Or Measure Anp Formutas Motor Apptication Horsepower x 5250 pm Torque (Ib. - ft.) x rpm ——50 Torque (Ib. - ft.) Horsepower ‘Time For Motor To REAcH OPERATING SPEED (seconos) WK? x Speed Change “308 x Avg, Accelerating Torque: Inertia of Rotor + Inertia of Load (Ib. - ft) Seconds Wk? Roce Tagua EET EO BOT + OT 3 FLT = Fulload torque _ BDT = Breakdown torque LRT = Locked-rotor torque Load WK? (at motor shaft) ke sey se aero Motor rpm= ‘Snart Stress Hp x 321,000 ici Rey « Rew _ Shalt Stress (PSL) = shalt Diameter CircLes (Pi) = 3.1416 + Circumference of Circle = Diameter 3.1416 Area of Circle = Diameter? x 7854 Diameter of Circle = Circumference x 31831 18 TEMPERATURE CONVERSION TABLE Locate known temperature in °C/°F column. Read converted temperature in °C or °F column. [or] * | clo) * | c | -cr] + 454] 50 [88] 185] 60 [140 | 765] 170 | 38 27| 45 | -49 | 183 | 65 | 149 | 793] 175 | 347 40 | 49 | -40 | 211 | 70 | 158 | 22.1} 180 | 356 o72.| 26 | a1 | 239 75 | 167 | 95 | 185 | 305 244 | 20 | 20 | 266] 80 | 176 | 76} 190 | a74 222| 25 | 13 | 204| 95 | 185 | 904] 195 | 303 294 | -20 | -4| 222] 90 | 194 | 932] 200 | 992 2e6| 15 | 5| 35 | 95 | 203 | 96 | 205 | 401 28 | 10 | 14 | 378 | 100 | 212 | gee] ato | 410 20s} 6 | 23 | 40s | 105 | 201 | 1016] 215 | a19 -i7e| 0 | 32 | 434 | 110 | 230 | 104.4 | 220 | 428 8 | 5 | at | a6t | 115 | 239 | 107.2 | 205 | 437 422} 10 | 50] 489 | 120 | 248 | 110 | 230 | aas -o4| 15 | 59 | 516 | 125 | 257 | 1128) 235 | 455 -67| 20 | 68 | 544} 190 | 266 | 1156 | 240 | 464 ag} 25 | 77 | 57a | 195 | 276 | 1182 | 245 | 473 ai] 30 | a6] 60 | 140 | 264 | 1209 | 250 | 482 17| 95 | 95 | 627 | 145 | 293 | 1237 | 255 | 491 44| 40 |104 | 655 | 150 | 902 | 1265 | 260 | 500 72| 45 |113 | 683 | 155 | 311 | 1293 | 266 | 09 to--| so |122] 71 | 180 | 320 | 1922) 270 | st 128] 55 |191 | 78 | 165 | 929 | 196 | 275 | 27 °F = (@5x°O) +92 °C = 519 (°F -32) 19 Metric System Linear Measure Metric Equivatents PReFIxes inch = 2.54 centimeters, or 25.4 millimeters. 1 foot = 30.4799 centimeters, 304.799 milimeters, or 3047 mega = amnillion times meter, kilo a thousand times tyart = 914999 meter. hecto a hundred times 1 mite = 1.6093 kilometers = 5,280 feet. deca ten times {millimeter = 09937 inch. deci a tenth part of 1 centimeter = 9937 inch. centi a hundredth part of 1 meter 39.370113 inches, 3.28084 feet, or 1.093614 yards. mill a thousandth part of ‘kilometer = .62137 mile. micro. = — amillionth part of Common Fractions OF An IncH Metric Conversion Factors Decimat & Metric Equivalents To Convent To Muzny BY Fracron Deon tw Millimeters Inches x .03997 (or + 25.4) ge © ee Sle Se & Centimeters Inches x 3987 (or + 2.54) a Ones a Meters Inches x 39.37 the 06280 1508 he 88260 14.208 Meters Feet x 3.281 Suave 1.964 hu nse 8a Motors Yards x 1.094 Ye cosas «= 238 | Me ass7s 15.081 Kilometers Miles x .6214(or+1.6093) ~ = ee oe lg Te tee ae ‘Square Millimeters Square Inches x 00185 (or645.1) % he iy, Set ‘Square Centimeters Square Inches x_.185 (or + 6.451) Se ime | aie gems Gunes ‘Square Meters Square Feet x 10.764 "la OTT 4.06 he erie = 86 ‘Square Meters Square Yards x 1.2 he overs 473 aserso 17469 Cubic Centimeters Inches x .061 (or + 16.387) ‘ "ha en ae he aoe Moo Cubic Meters Feet x 35.315 * y Yee oe gy Toe mee Cubic Meters Yards x 1.908 te cum “tem | de ane Cubic Meters Gallons (231 Ye ass 187 he ores ta? cubic inches) x 264.2 Ye oasis = 71 | la oveies i994 Liters Gallons x 21998 te bpeme teat | Sarge sot oe 5 oo Se omen bast Phu tae 208 “he oss art | 7h oewrs 21401 (avoirdupois) x _.035 (or + 28.35) ha 095938918 Shu 0.85038 21.808 Kilograms Pounds x 2.2046 % asso «© ag5 | % ows 6-5 Kilograms Tons x 0011 ee Kilogram-Meters Pound-Feet x 7.233 Se twee toate | ae as IS Newton-Meters Pound-Feet x 7376 , - ee lig eS Newton-Meters Pound-Inches x 8.851 a, fae ie iy, Geet | ioe Kilowatts Horsepower x 1.34 "he oases 11906 | he oss 24808 Watts Horsepower x 00134 (or + 746) Ma oaseen 12508 ee oseise = 25002 Atmospheres Lb.perSq.inch x 14.7 Me asa e700 | 4 90000 2600 20 24 heat © Bearines Lock Nuts Ano Lock WasHERs—Conmiweo Lock Nurs Lock Wastiens Lock Nuts Ano Lock Washers [Ours Face For Batt Bearincs ‘Dumeren | Thickness ‘Diauerer: Lock |C D E Lock Q Nor | +005 Waster | Tiacxe No. [015 | Mm. Max | Mou Mak. | ]No. | ness ANAS] ae | 584 604 | 3.593 9563] W45 | 072 AN-16| 4/2 | 584 604 | 3814 384d] | Weis | 072 AN-A7| 4%2 | 615 635 | 4.001 4031] ] W-t7 | 072 AN48| 4%e | 678 698 | 4.251 4.261] | W-18 | 094 AN-49| 4'%e | 709 729 | 4.593 4563] W-19 | .004 AN20| 5tie | 735 760 | 4.783 4.813] | w-20 | .094 Lock Nuts Lock Wastiers AN21| 5ti8 | 735 760 |4970 5.000] | W-21 | .094 Pingo Face AN-22| 5%s2 766 «791 | 5.251 5.281) | W-22 125 Bees | twermy «| eer ‘AN-24| ye | 708 823 | 5658 S688] | w24 | 125 te TE eg | e Fae (fe anzs| 6% | 860 985 | 6158 6188) | wee | 125 No [Lane | aie | ate ie [Tene AN26| 7a | 920 4 | 650i esat|| w2e | 125 AN-30| 7"hie 954 979 | 7.033 7.063] | W-30 156 N00} 209.229 | 605 042 9 not|% | 903 323 | 699 042 | 9 ance] erie |i.ot6 1.041 | 7.998 7.496] | we | 156 N-02] 1 303.323 793 042 | 11 AN-34| 8%ae [1.048 1.073 | 7.991 8.031] | W-34 | .156 AN-36| S'hs [1.079 1.104 | 8335 8.375] | W-36 156 N03] 1% 334.354 918 042 | 11 N04) 1% 365 385 | 1.105 042 | 11 ANG] 9%%2 [1.110 1.195 | 8741 8.781] | W-38 | .156 N-05} 1%h0 896416 | 1.261 050 | 13 AN-40] 9% so 1.173 1.198 | 9.116 9.156] | W-40 156 Neda] 11 1.230 1.260 | 9.803 9.843] | W-44 156 N-06| 1 396 416 | 1.480 050 | 13 N07) 2th | 428 448 1.783 050 | 15 Note: Verify threads per inch on the shaft with a thread gage prior to N08] 2! 428 448 | 1.980 058 | 15 installation. Refer to bearing manufacturer's specifications for Jock nuts on precision bearings. N09] 2%e 428 448 | 2.261 058 | 17 NAO] "he 490 510 | 2418 058 | 17 N11] 2s 490 510 | 2636 063 | 17 N12] See 521541 | 2.824 063 | 17 N13] 3% 553 573 | 3.043 063 | 19 N14] 3% 553.873 | 3.283 063 | 19 22 23 ce .Boreeg sowies esenpu,sBuseoe ob ws pardepy o0z 0eey OL ]eooaOniT ze oH 8 so 06L 66817 S01 | 2008501] Iz le ool. 0g} 4862 001 | 008001] 02 Sp 96 zt zone 86 | 200896] 6F oy 06 os eens€ 06 | eooa0e| er Wy 98 os: saree 8 | aoogse} ZI oe 08 Opt © g6rt'e 08 | eooaoe} ot £ SL ol 8296 Sz | zooasz| St o OL Ser ee $9 oak le 09 OL 6 ss 00k ze 05 6 92 Sy $3 & ov og ke Se zu 6h 0c Ey a % Es SL 0 ky i a OF. a a) wm. ‘S31835 008 00z AUVH NOISNaWIG ONIEVAg, ‘3H Due peau J+ puR 9y25n“assuuod 9 coveIOL op lau “soyRande Boao IO! pUE eq 0} OHA OW se)fenpesd 609 9/198 sy (Cunys ueonm Bo} Pues eoUerU=RU) Su ES aU, LYme¥ way peKeDY BPS Ooe | BOY Pee [OL] ze e0se 8 OGL | overs oper |cor | 12 vars ost | ieee 2286 | oor | 02 Ones oui | sore Gore'e | 96 | ot oer oat | verse ops | 06 | at g9e02 ost | sores aévee | 98 | Lb 62699 Ori | conve ose | og | ot 26629 ek | seg6e vesez | sz | Sb S506) ser | ossee sagze [OL | bt Biss O21 | eesse zesse | s9 | gL sats Oli | eegez gzaez | 09 | at wel’ oor | scare osarz| cs | ip 2088 06 | 9961 age [os | OL vege SB} elcl ear | se | 60 serge 0g | erst ess | Or | 90 gerbe z_| eer saves | oe | 20 vee zo | zie sigit | oe | 90 sore zs | prego Zpa60| sz | so eure dy | suv ezez'0 | 02 | bo 098"! ov | e6sgo 26990 | 21 | 60 S285 006 (wor Cu) Cu) |) ca) xen (a) ue ao | um xen | si0g | “on 10g Bussnoy Keuaneis won| aiog Gulsnoy Areuones won | ela Duneroy yeus_|'woR | 218e— GH) sig SsnoH, (i) sig vig LBVHD SONVHTIO) 14 ONIEVSg 25 24 Steeve Bearine DiameTraL CLeaRANce GuIDE Noumat Beane Boe ‘| Ou Lusaareo Baserrr Beannas {tiches) Honzona. Mout Over UrTo Mow. Max, 0.75 1 +.0015 +.0025 1 1.25 +.003 4.004 1.28 Z 4.0035 4.005 25 +.004 +.006 3 +.005 +.007 4 +.006, +.008 5 4.007 +009 6 +008, 4.01 7 +.009 +011 8 +01 4.012 9 +.011 +.013 4 +012 +014 13 +013 +015 13 16 +014 4.016 15 Y +.015, +.017 7 19 015 +018 19 22 4.016 4.019 22 28 +018 +.021 Suarr/Seat CLearances Basen On Suacestep DiameTrat CLeanances For LapyrintH SEALS Bore Sze (002) 3.015 3.992 . 3.643 3.781 3.800 4.000 4.020 4.188 4.209 4.250 4.271 4.500 4.523 26 1 Properties Or Various Metats Anp ALLoys ‘hard tan ‘Geman (ener (5 Cy, 45H) (operand (ACS) Irae (4 Fe, 36) WeicHt Or Coin Rout Stee.—Rounps dle x a wae wee glgrBe VERE Sege FURR B_se eess Jarek 88 & g8 SsRA59 2FS8 CSE SHAS SSF IELEE Z| Sais s2s. #88, #28. 2*2.2.#e g[e eos suo 5bHHO OSSKR KRR® DOOH é S = be a weane 2oono gelgs@r Begs Babe seeea segs eeess BRIG TAH SK Kn noth CrGa SAHH OLEAN gk N98 SSRNE x | @Z 4 | [Pes feet ese S28 a RET ZEEN v pial é ea os 2 = i ra 3 t a a: a a ee by Sees - wag bt Loe 'SsmURyS - peg a ‘SSaURIS - aI mo voqiea- Beis, 4 JONI a & eet wo sat ‘wg ie y won a a omen 0 zor {60.08 %N Lot UCN 2, 7 On01 0 2, Pajit Q0e See act | Seve | mates vow ats jet | eee | See erie al GaNNUNOD—SAOTIY ONY STVIBy\) SNOIUVA 40 SALLadOHY 29 28 WeicHt Formutas For Rouno Ano Square Steet To find the weight (in pounds) of one foot of steel: Rounos: Multiply the square of the diameter in inches by 2.67. Sauares: Multiply the square of one side in inches by 3.4 Hexacons: Multiply the square of the diameter in inches by 2.94. Fiars: Multiply the width by the thickness by 3.4. 30 Botts Anp Nuts Common Bout Grave Markines The most commonly used bolt grade markings are shown below and on Page 32. trem 1. trem 2. rem 3. trem 4, Trem 5. ren 6. If no grade markings appear, SAE Grades 1 or 2 are presumed, with yield strength as low as 60,000 psi, depending upon bolt diameter. SAE Grade 5.0; yield strength is 90,000 to 120,000 psi, depending upon bolt diameter. SAE Grade 5.2; the same strength as Grade 5.0 but has a lower temperature rating; may carry the “A 325" designation. When “A 325" appears in the center of the head, with or without the radial dashes, the bolt is ASTM A325 Type 1, a variety commonly used in structures. SAE Grade 8.0, with a yield strength of 150,000 psi. SAE Grade 8.2; the same as Grade 810 but has a lowor temperature limit, Besides these grade markings, various codes or logos are used by manufacturers to identify themselves. (See other items.) ASTM Ano SAE Grape Markincs For Steet Botts Ano Screws* Grane Manns SAE— Grade z ee |} ——— itedum carbon stel, enced 3. ty ‘SAE —Grade 5.2] Low carbon martensite steel, a Q ‘ASTM—AG25_| Medium carbon steel, quenched ASTM — A307. SAE — Grade 2_| Low or medium carbon steal ASIM—A449 | andtempered, ‘quenched and tempered. Type t and tempered. Radial deshes optional * ANSI B18.2.1-1981, Apporai I 31 ASTM Ano SAE Grave Marines For Steet Botts Anp Screws*—Conrinuen Grane Manne | Seecncarion | Marena ASTM—A325 | Low-carbon martensite steel, Type2 (quenched and tempered. ASTM —A325 Typed ‘mosphete corosion (weathering) sled), quotched and tempered, ASTM—A354 | Alloy steel, quenched and Grade BC tempered. Medium carbon alloy steel, ‘SAE—Grade7 | quenched and tempered. Roll threaded eter heat reatment SAE—Grade8 | Medium carbon allay steel, | guenches ane tempered | asTM—A354 | Alloy steel quenched and Grade BD ‘tompered, SAE—Grade 82 | Low carbon martensite steel, {quenched and tempered. ASTM—A490_| Alloy steo| quenched and Type t tempered. ASTM—A490 | Atmosphere corosion (westherng) Type3 sleel, quenched and tempered * ANS! B18.2.1-1981, Append, 32 Toraue Requirements For Boutep Joints Recognizing the importance of threaded joint integrity, electri- cal industry leaders have for years urged adoption of precise torque requirements for such joints in electrical connections. Underwriters Laboratories has already set up some such requirements. The usual formula for torque is: T(e-m) = 0.2 x Nom. Bolt Dia. (i) x Bolt Tension (ss) Where: Tis measured in pound-inches; Nominal bolt diameter is in inches; and Bolt tension is in pounds, Suggested torque values are usually based on this formula. Exaupte: A 3/4-inch steel bolt, Grade 5.0, has a maximum allowable tensile force of about 28,000 pounds. Proper tighten- ing torque for unlubricated threads (the normal condition) is 0.2 times bolt diameter times bolt tension, or 0.2 times 0.75 times 28,000. This equals 4200 Ib.-in. or 350 Ib.-ft. Unfortunately, the 0.2 factor in the formula will vary with the surface contition of the threads—e g., the type of plating or the extent of corrosion. Lubrication of the threads will also influence the relationship. So this method, though simple, is imprecise. Precautions For Tichteninc Bottep Joints 1. Use a torque wrench for tightening only. When it is necessary to loosen bolts, use another type of wrench. 2. The torque values given in the following tables are for dry bolts only. 3. Ininitially tightening a bolted joint, tighten the final turn with the torque wrench to obtain an accurate setting, 4. To check the tightness of bolted joints, apply the torque wrench at the higher value of torque given in the tables below to insure adequate tightness. 33 Tap Dritts Ano Cearance Dritis Bott TicHTENING Torque VALUES For’ MacumesSicnews ‘SAE Grane 5 — Merat-To-Metat Contact Onty ‘Sonew | Connse Twncad | Fine Toneao Cueamance | Boor He mo Sr erro eco) CHAT Soe [TL] Om [Ter [Oma | On | Oa MpomfeacExcGocn ee) | nome foce eae ee | ee) ae 2 | 328 ‘ieiosea [TEBE Tae 5 | 40] 38 | 44 | 37 30 | 125 wnczy) | ter ___Newouereas_| Us. -Fr Nev Mens 6 | 32 | 36 | 40 | 33 o7 | 438 "20 7.9 10-12 8-10 41-14 8 | 32] 29 | 36] 29 18 | 164 S018 13-17 18-28 16-90 2-27 io | 24 | 25 | 32] at 9 190 the 16 2-90 98-40 28-95 38-47 12 | 24 | t6 | 28] 14 2 | 216 3 e0-78 = ao-100— | 72-90 98-120 14 | 20 | 10 | 24 z D 242 felt 420-150 160-200 | 140-180 190-240 ww | 20 7 | 28 8 F | 250 10 20-260 280-350 | 255-320 350.490 She | 18 F | 24 1 P| 3125 “a9 geo-400 430-540 | 400-500 540-680 % | 16 | %e | 24] @ w | 375 1-8 460-500 620-790 | 615-770 830-1040 the | 14] U | 20 | ee | %e | 4975 t-7 610-800 870-1080 | 885-1000 1170-1480 Ye | 13 | ee | 20 | Meu | Mee 500 tet 900-1120 1200-1520 | 1220-1820 1660. 2060 che | 12 | vee | 18 | Me | Me 5625 1-8 1540-1980 2090-2630} 2190-2660 2890-3610 Se | 11 | Me | 18 | me |e 625 a | 10 | 7 | 16 | he | es 750 | he | 9 | “foe | 14] %s tm | 0.875 | Bott TiGHTENING Torque VALUES 1 8 | 14) the 1% | 1.00 Non-Mera.tic Parts Bovteo To Metatic Parts te 7 | Moe | 12 | Mee 19/2 1.125 ‘iy esis ive | 7 | te | 12 | 4% | 1% | 1.250 (ore, Bri Srv, Coe. Sion) 1% | 6 | te | 12 1% | 1% | 1.375 ie | 6 [1% | 12 | 1% | 1%2 | 1.500 Newton Mess 5-7 7-9 7-9 40-12 13-17 18-23 24-30 33-41 60-75 81 - 100 35 34 LusRIcaTION Amount Or Grease Requinep ‘Wuen Reareasine Motor Bearines Grease CLAssiFicaTions Beane "Auownr ‘Arenox. Eouv. Grove ‘Tewrerature Rance | Purpose user eee) eee Group! | -40°to250°F | General Purpose 208 a aoe 205 27 9 Tsp. Group | 0°t0300°F —_| High Temperature 206 34 1.1 Tsp. Group I | 32°t 200°F | Medium Temperature om z 1a Group IV |-67°to225°F | Low Temperature se 52 1.7 Tsp Group V_| to 450° F Extreme High Temperature 209 re 2.0 Tsp, 210 72 2.4 Top, Motor Bearine Lusrication GuipE 212 95 3.1 Tsp. M Fi Tyre Or Service® 213 1.07 3.6 Tsp. — L..”~| (CSC | 8 Houn/Dav 24 Houn/Day 216 1.49 4.9 Tsp, Openanon cece _| aie 28 7.2Tsp. 1437 256T { oe 3.0 10.0 Tsp. 3600 284TS-286TS: 6 months 2 months s24Ts-s87US | 4 months 2 months OF i eae ee * 308 66 2.2 Tsp. 2ear-a26T | years 18 months 309 Bt 2.7 Tsp. 1800 | 3e4t-a6sT ‘year 4 months 310 97 32 Tsp 4047-4497 ‘9 months 3 months 3tt 1.14 3.8 Tsp. | 505U-587U. 6 months 2 months aio. 155 44 Top 143T-256T - =. 4.54 5.4Ts = 284T-326T years 18 months mn oe Me [sosrasor | —tyour | ot ore us Tsp. 505U-587U 9 months 3 months S16 2.24 7.4 Tsp. * For oer bearings, dive above times by 3 a8 ee S2 TED * These motors nomally do nothavebearing that canbe reubriated, Their beerngs 319 3.00 10.0 Tsp. should be replaced at least every 5 years for 6 hour/day service, or every 2 years for (24 hourlday service. a6 37 Keys Ano Key Seats NEMA Motor Frame Stanparp Key Sizes Ano Key Seats* Sauare Ano Fiat Stock Keys* (Au pivensions in INCHES.) Sue z z + = fFrawe | Suarr] Key Sue Ker Sear Diameter a 5 = i 2 a U [Wor [Taomess| Lev [Naw [vim [ A [ESwu] § = #|4 = ist = a | 5 est 15 453 flat te -% [| % | % | t% | % | 0002 | ooce0 56 | 625] %e | Yo | 1% | 1.98 si7| 1.41 | 188 Se te |e | %e | te | te | 0.0020 | 00020 143 | 75 | %e | Ye | 1% | 2 | 175 | 64s) 141 | 138 he the | m | % | uw | %6 | 0000 | a0020 14st | 875] Ys | Shs | tte | 225 | 2 7a) 141 | 188 ie ~1% | te |e | te | % | 00020 | once 145 | 75 | i | 0 | tte | 2 | 1.75 | 54s] tat | 108 the -1% | % | % | % | % | coc | ooa20 14st | 875] %h6 | Ms | tte | 225 | 2 mi} 141 | 188 fiecte | tm | | & | M% | ooes | oxms © lee Ye “ Ph | 225 | 2 mri] 1.41 | 188 Sls ‘ X iaet raze] me | ve | 1% | 275 ] 25 | 996] 1.78 | 25 ae Bh | te | Me | Mm | the | eas | cones sea | 275] % | %e | 1% | 208 | 2 mln | 188 rr ey 4 ‘e | 0.0025 | 0.0025 1eaT 1.125] he | he | 1% | 275 | 25 986] 1.78 | 25 ah BV 109 ~ 1.8 13.0 195 SL fe 3 isso | to | 210 ie 7 & ves 180 | seo | 290" w tro-200 | sor | 450° 7 5 212 ~ 224 34.0" 51.0" e ad toe 22-25 a2 48 Cc Te Vas ax | 265 = 475 38 st ai eo - 65 23 72 Tr 7 .o 63 53 a7 a bt i 1 ea Tee | PB wv % Te t 23 | 59 ~ 60 130 180 a3 toe | tao | ao | tee 7 7 f tte iso | zo | iss ay le hee } 7 Teapeaemsow oa Dagnsiay av 1 Is eee ee inant ss aioe OE 52 53 Sneave Dimensions F = D(N-1)+26 Where: N = Number of Grooves ‘Ao To | Meant Nowmat P.D.10 | Recomuenneo Ber | Bett Sze oer 0.D. | Prov Dias | © ISecrion | (vores) (om) | fos) A ‘ex fhe [| 25 3.00 B | in x “Ie | 36 5.40 e "a x “he | 40 9.00 D Jit x % | 64 13.00 av fe x he | 05 2.60 8v Se x the | 10 7.00 a jt x % 12.50 + The minimum recommended pitch diameters listed above are Rubber = Manufacturers Association (RMA) and Mechanical Power Transmission ‘Association (MPTA) Standards recommendations. Many sheaves with ciameters smaller than these recommendations are made and used. if a raling for a *sub-minimum diameter” sheave is published in the selection tables and the drive is properly installed, it should give the same theoretical Ite as.adrive using sheave diameters equalto or greaterthan the minimums ‘shown above, 54 V-Bett SHEAvE Dimensions Mevium Motors—Potypnase Inpuction*+ Wer Seat (Cowen % Ye zset | 20-25 a Table 14-1, NEMA NG 1. + For the maximum speed of the drive components, see NEMA MG 1-14.07.3, ++ For the assignment of horsepower and sped ratings to frames, see NEMA Standards Publication No. MG 13, Fame Assignments For ltarating-Curont intogral-Horsepower Motors." { Sheave dimensions afe based onthe folowing: 4. Motor nameplate horsepower and speed, 2. Ball erice factor ot. wth belts ghtered fo beltmanufacturers' recommendations. 55 coma 3. Speed reduction of 1. 4, Mounting of sheave on motor shat in accordance with MG 1-14.07. 5. Gentorto-centercstance betwoon sheaves approximatoly equaltothe diameter ofthe larger sheave, 6. Galeulaions based upon standards covered by the $t and" footnotes, as apolcabl. +s covored by Engineering Slandards—Spectications For Dives Using Multiple V- Balls (A, B,C, Dand E Cross Sections)? tt As covered by Stanerd Spscieators For Drives Using Narrow V-Bats (3. SV and BY Cross Sections) {The width ofthe sheave shall not be greater than that required to transmit the indicated horsepower but in no case shall it be wider than 2 (N-W)-0:25, “+ Thewidth ofthe sheave shall nt be greater than that required fo transmit the incicatod horsepower but in no ease shal ibe wier than (N-W). ‘1go0 referenced NEMA Standards, MG 1-1.01, See NEMA NG 11.01, The Rubber Manufacturers Assocation. ™® Giossary AGE HARDENING AGING ALCLAD ‘ALUMINUM BRONZE BRAZING BRINELL HARDNESS BURSTING PRESSURE Precipitation hardening; @ process of aging aluminum alloys that increases hardness and strength and ordinarily decreases ductifty. Age hardening usually follows rapid cooling from solution heat treatment temperatures or cold working. Achangein properties of an aluminum alloy that Usually occurs siowly at atmospheric tempera- tures and more rapidly at higher temperatures. The common name for clad wrought aluminum products having coatings of high purity alumi- hum or of an aluminum alloy different from the core. The coatings are anodic to the core, so they protect exposed areas of the core electro- \yticaly fram corrosive environments. Copper-base alloys with aluminum asthe princi- pal alloying element, normally in the range of 3 to 11%, with or without the additions of other ‘elements. {joining process wherein coalescence is pro- ‘duced by heating to suitable temperatures above 800° F and by using a nonferrous filer ‘metal having a melting point below that of the base metals. The filer metal is distributed between the closely fitted surfaces of the jointby capillary attraction. ‘A measure of resistance to indentation. It is obtained by applying a load through a ball in- denter and measuring the permanent impression in the material. The hardness value is obtained by dividing the applied load in kilo- {grams by the spherical area of the impression in ‘square millimeters. In esting aluminum alloys, ‘load of 500 kilograms is applied to a ball 10 rmilimetersin diameter for30 seconds. This test is seldom used on copper and copper-base alloys. The internal pressure required to burst tubes or other hollow products. 57 GLossaRY—Continuen CATHODE CIRCUMFERENTIAL CRACKING COEFFICIENT OF ‘THERMAL EXPANSION COLD FORMING (WORKING) COLD ROLLING CORROSION DENSITY DRAWING (DRAWN) DRY ROLLING The negative pole or electrode of an electrolytic cell Delamination of layers in a rolled or laminated tube; usually caused by vapor entrapment dur- ing manufacture. ‘The linear expansion (or contraction) per unit length per degree Fahrenheit between specified lower and upper Fahrenheit temperatures. The process of changing the form or cross: section of a piece of metal at a temperature below the softening orrecystallization point, but ‘commonly at or about 1oom temperature. It results in increased hardness and improved strength. Cold worked metal may be brought back to the original state or workability by proper annealing, The process of passing metal between rolls under pressure, below the softening point of the total, to reduce its cross-section. This process isusually done at room temperature with copper alloys. The action by which metalis eaten or worn away by slow degrees. All metals will corrode under certain conditions. Corrosion is elactro-chemi- cal in nature. Common steel will corrode and form rust when itis exposed to moisture. Other metais will corrode in varying degrees upon ‘contact with cissimilar metals under conditions that encourage such disintegration. The ratio of the mass of ahomogeneous portion of matter to its volume—usually expressed in pounds per cubic inch. ‘The process of pulling fat products, rod, wire, tube, and shapes through a die. This reduces the size or changes the shape of the cross- section and hardens the metal ‘A finish rolling performed without the use of ‘metal oil whereby the metal is given a very light reduction, This produces a sheet with a very 58 GLossarY—Conrinven ELASTIC LIMIT ELONGATION EXTRUSION FATIGUE FREE-MACHINING (FREE-CUTTING) GRAIN SIZE HARDNESS HOT FORGING HOT WORKING HYDROSTATIC TEST MILL FINISH clean, bright surface and a temper suitable for forming, The maximum unit stress to which metal can be put without permanent deformation. The permanent extension of a specimen that has been stretched to rupture in a tension test. The percentage of elongation is an indication of ductility. ‘The pushing of metal, usually at high tempera- ture, through a die to form various shapes. ‘The tendency for a metal to break due to re- peated cyclic stress at considerably less than its ultimate tensile strength. The quality of an alloy that enables itto be cutin automatic machines at relatively high speeds yielding short, brittle chips. The standard of 100% machinabilty is considered to be Free- Cutting Brass (UNS C3600). All metals are crystalline in structure. The orys- tals are generally referred to as grains. Grain size is a measure in millimeters af the average diameter of grains. This is usually determined microscopically on an etched plane surface of the metal ‘The resistance of metalto plasticdeformation by indentation. See Brinell, Rockwell, and Scleroscope Hardness Tests. ‘The shaping of any metal, while hot, by the blow of a hammer. ‘The process of changing the form or cross: section of a piece of metal at a temperature above its recrystallization temperature. A test that uses internal water pressure to prove the soundness and resistance to leakage of tubes and pipes. Aluminum sheet material with an uncontrolled finish that may vary from sheet to sheet and 59 GLossaRY—Continveo MONOMER MONOMER CASTING RESIDUAL STRESSES ROCKWELL. HARDNESS ROLLING SCLEROSCOPE TEST ‘SEASON CRACKING ‘SHEAR STRENGTH ‘SHORE within a sheet and that may not be entirely free from stains or oil, A.relatively simple compound (usually a liquid) that can react to form a polymer (usually a solid). ‘Amethod of casting liquid monomer directly into finished product. Generally used in reference to nylon where the standard procedure is to first produce pellets that are remitted and extruded. Stresses thatare setup withina metal asa result of a nonuniform plastic deformation; may be caused by cold working or drastic temperature

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