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“Ionization, Prepare a Chart
Displaying Phenomena”



Name : .Shubham Dhamraraj Javir Exam seat No:-

Samadhan sanjay kharat Exam seat No:-

Snehal Gulab Gherade Exam seat No:-


Prof. Ms.Bhagat.A.H





This is to certify that Mr.Shubham Dhamraraj Javir of class SY(Computer) as

per the curriculum laid down by the Maharashtra State Board of
Technical Education, Mumbai have successfully completed Micro project
entitled under our guidance in satisfactory manner as a part of academic
syllabus during the academic year 2023-2024.

Date :
Place : Atpadi

Prof. Ms.Bhagat.A.H Prof.Mr.Tamboli.A.S

(Guide) (HOD )

Prof. Mr. Kulkarni

O.G (Principal)

It is matter of great pleasure for me to submit this micro project report

on " Ionization, Prepare a Chart Displaying Phenomena " as a part of curriculum for
award of Diploma in Computer Technology Maharashtra State Board Of
Technical Education, Mumbai.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my guide Prof.
Ms.Bhagat.A.H sir her inspiration, adroit guidance, constant supervision,
direction and discussion in successfulcompletion of this Micro project.
I am thankful to Head of Department Prof Mr.Tamboli.A.S for guiding
and helping me right from the beginning,
I am thankful to my Principal Prof. Mr. Kulkarni O.G and to all our
staff members who encouraged me to do this micro project.
Also I extend my thanks to all my colleagues those who have helped me
directly or indirectly in completion of this micro project and last but not least,
I am thankful to my parents, who had inspired me with their blessings.

Name:-Shubham Ramesh Javir

Exam Seat No
 What Is Ionization Energy?
In more technical terms, we can describe ionization energy as the minimum energy that an
electron in a gaseous atom or ion has to absorb to come out of the influence of the nucleus. It
is also sometimes referred to as ionization potential and is usually an endothermic process.

What we can deduce further is that ionization energy gives us an idea of the reactivity of
chemical compounds. It can also be used to determine the strength of chemical bonds. It is
measured either in units of electronvolts or kJ/mol.

Depending on the ionization of molecules which often leads to changes in molecular

geometry, ionization energy can be either adiabatic ionization energy or vertical ionization

 Factors Governing Ionization Energy

Normally, when the ionization energy is high, it will be more difficult to remove an electron.
There are also several factors that govern the attraction forces.

 If the nucleus is positively charged, then the electrons are strongly attracted to it.
 If an electron lies near or close to the nucleus, then the attraction will be greater than
the one when the electron is further away.
 If there are more electrons between the outer level and the nucleus, the attraction
forces are less.
 When there are two electrons in the same orbital, they experience some form of
repulsion. Now, this creates disturbances in the attraction of the nucleus. In essence,
ionization energy will be less in paired electrons as they can be removed easily.

 Ionization Energy and Bohr’s Atomic Model

Atomic ionization energy can be further predicted using Bohr’s model of an atom. His model
predicts the presence of several paths for the electron to go around the nucleus containing
protons and neutrons. Each path or orbit is at a fixed distance from the nucleus, and it also
represents fixed energy. Electron is a particle and will have the energy of the orbit present. A
particle can absorb energy and jump to the next higher orbits of higher energy. If more
energy is available and absorbed, the electron will come out of the force of attraction of the
nucleus, which means out of the atom.
 Ionization
Ionization is a process that involves the removal of electron present in an orbit outside the
atom. As the electron in each orbit has characteristic energy, ionization energy is equal to the
difference of energy between the energy of the electron in the initial orbit and the energy of
the electron outside the atom (in the infinite orbit from the nucleus).

 The energy of an electron in ‘n’th orbit is calculated by the Bohr model of an atom as,
Ionization energy for the removal of an electron from a neutral atom can be calculated by
substituting the orbit number of the electron before transition as ‘n1‘ and the orbit number of
the electron after transition as ‘∞'( infinity) and ‘n2‘ in Bohr’s energy equation.

Also Read:


Since 1∞2 is almost zero, it can be neglected.


 First and Second Ionization Energy

The first ionization energy is the energy that is required to remove the first electron from a
neutral atom. It is numerically the same as the orbital energy of the electron but of the
opposite sign.

For hydrogen, the first orbit energy is –2.18 × 10– 18 J/atom (or – 1312.3 KJ/mole), and the
ionization energy is + 2.18 × 10–18 J/atom (or + 1312.3 KJ/mole).

The energy needed for the removal of the second electron away from the unipositive ion is
second ionization energy, and so on.

For example:

M + ∆H1st → M+ + e– ; ∆H1st = First ionization energy

M+ + ∆H2nd →M2+ + e– ; ∆H2nd = Second Ionization energy, etc.,

Naturally, removing the second electron from an already positive ion will be difficult. Hence,
the second ionization energy will be larger than the first ionization energy. The third
ionization energy will be more than the second ionization energy etc.

∆H1st < ∆H2nd < ∆H3rd < …..

Because of the enhanced stability of half-filled and fully-filled orbitals, the removal of
electrons from such systems will have relatively higher ionization than other atoms and ions.

For example, helium is more stable due to completely filled s-orbital than hydrogen. So, the
first ionization energy of helium (2372 KJ/mole) is more than that of hydrogen (1312

The first ionization energy of nitrogen (1402KJ/mole) is more than that of its near
neighbours, carbon (1086 KJ/mole) and oxygen (1313KJ/mole), because of the higher
stability due to half-filled orbitals. Chromium has half-filled s- and d-orbitals and so has
much more first ionization than titanium.

 Ionization Energy Trends in the Periodic Table

The ionization energy of an electron increases with the atomic number of the atom and
decreases for higher energy orbitals. If we look at the periodic table and move from left to
right across the elements, the ionization energy increases due to decreasing atomic radius.

Also Read:

Whereas, if we move from top to bottom, the ionization energy decreases. This is mainly due
to the presence of more electron shells in the elements as we move down the group.
Additionally, the electrons are placed at a greater distance from the attractive forces of the

 How to Determine the Ionization Energy of an Element?

1. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 242 nm is just sufficient to ionize the sodium
atom. Calculate the ionization energy of sodium in kJ mol–1.


Ionization energy = E
2. How much energy is required to ionize an H atom if the electron occupies n = 5 orbit?
Compare your answer with the ionization enthalpy of the H atom (energy required to remove
the electron from n =1 orbit).


Ionization refers to the electron being out of the atom or to the infinite orbit. The energy of
the electron in the hydrogen atom is given by,

a) For ionization from n = 1 to n = ∞,

b) For ionization from n = 5 to n = ∞,

The energy required for ionization from the fifth orbit is 25 times lesser than that required for
ionization from the first orbit.

3. Calculate the wavenumber for the shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of
atomic hydrogen.


The shortest wavelength corresponds to the highest energy. The highest energy is equal to the
ionization energy from that orbit. The balmer series belongs to the second orbit.

Ionization energy from second orbit =

Ionization energy = E

Shortest wavelength

4. Arrange the following elements, whose electronic configurations are given below, in
increasing order of first ionization energy.

a) [Ne] 3s2 3p1

b) [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p2

c) [Ne] 3s2 3p2

d) [Ne] 3s2 3p3


The first ionization in the given elements is related to the removal of the s-electron. Higher
the attraction of the nucleus on the electron, difficult it is to remove, and so, the higher the
first ionization energy.

The electron to be removed in [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p2 is in the 4th orbit, while in others, it is in the
third orbit. As the attraction of the nucleus decreases with increasing orbit number, [Ar]
3d10 4s2 4p2 will have the lowest ionization energy.

Among the rest, [Ne] 3s2 3p3 is more stable due to half-filled orbitals. Hence, this will have
the highest ionization energy.

Among [Ne] 3s2 3p1 and [Ne] 3s2 3p2, the nuclear charge is more in [Ne] 3s2 3p2, increasing
the attraction of the nucleus on the s-electron. So, this will have higher ionization energy than
[Ne] 3s2 3p1.

The order of the increasing order of ionization energy of the atoms is as follows:

[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p2 < [Ne] 3s2 3p1 < [Ne] 3s2 3p2 < [Ne] 3s2 3p3
5. The correct order of ionization energy for the following species is:

1) He < Li+ < H–

2) H– < Li+ < He

3) H < Li+ < He

4) H– < He < Li+


All, He, Li+, and H– have two electrons in the first orbital. But the nuclear charge is different
in them. Ionization is directly related to the attraction of the electron by the nucleus. Hence,
the higher the nuclear charge, the higher the ionization energy.

Nuclear charge in He = 2, Li+ = 3, H– = 1.

So, the order of nucleus charge = order of ionization energy = H– < He < Li+

Therefore, the correct answer is option 4.


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