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Green Parties around the world share common values as expressed in the Charter of the Global Greens. Ecological Wisdom We acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and we respect the specific value of all forms of life, including non-human species. Non-Violence We declare our commitment to non-violence and strive for a culture of peace and cooperation between states. Social Justice We assert that the key to social justice is the equitable distribution of resources to ensure that all have full opportunities for personal and social development. Sustainability We recognize the scope for the material expansion of society within the biosphere, and the need to maintain biodiversity through the use of renewable resources. Participatory Democracy We strive for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in decisions which affect their lives. Respect for Diversity We honour and value equally the Earth's biological and ecological diversity together with the context of individual responsibility toward all beings. Only Green MLAs can change the climate in Regina.

Meggan was born, raised, educated, and currently works in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan is home. Meggan credits her rural upbringing for her work ethic, appreciation for nature, community, and neighbours. Her background and education lies in the health science field; previously working as a health educator. Today Meggan farms on her family farm, raising Hereford and Angus cattle, as well as being the founder of an eco-friendly sustainable living general store. A word from Meggan: I decided to join and run for the Green Party of Saskatchewan because it is the only party to address the nuclear issue in Saskatchewan. The Green Party of Saskatchewan does not support the nuclear industry or nuclear waste storage in Saskatchewan. I am excited for their progressive common sense economy for the province including green job creation and renewable energy policies. This is a future I can buy into and support for Saskatchewan! As a grassroots party we will strive to improve and develop policy that meets our constituents needs. We are here to work for YOU! I look forward to hearing your thoughts. The future is looking green! Meggan Hougham Email: Phone: 306-344-4913 @MegganHougham The Green Party of Saskatchewan is solely dependent on individual donors like you to fund our initiatives! Please donate today! - Click How to Donate Mail Donations: Payable to Green Party of Saskatchewan (Meggan Hougham) Box 96 Frenchman Butte, Sk. S0M 0W0


Working with Saskatchewan people to make common sense decisions.

During this election let's ask:

Does it make sense?

For the Environment? For Saskatchewan People? For the Economy?
Authorized by the Business Manager for the Candidate




The Green Party of Saskatchewan fully supports the Canada Health Act. We oppose any level of for-profit health care. We believe in: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Public Administration Comprehensiveness Universality Portability Accessibility


The health of Saskatchewan's population today and in the future depends on environmentally sustainable production of wholesome food. We need local farmers to produce locally accessible healthy food. We must restructure our agricultural markets to sustain local farming. Hard working farm families need a fair share of the consumer food dollar. The Green Party of Saskatchewan wants to expand local small scale agriculture and support a transition to organic agriculture; rather than subsidizing costly agro-chemicals, multinational corporations, industrial food production, and genetically modified crops.

Back to Common Sense. Back to the Grass Roots. We strive for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in decisions which affect their lives. We support locally owned small business and in province job creation where Saskatchewan people benefit; rather than large corporations exporting jobs and wealth out of this province at our expense. Myths: I work hard in the oil and gas industry and I hear the Green Party just wants to take my job away. We appreciate every hard working man and woman in the Oil and Gas industry. We realize that we are in a transition period from the non-renewable oil and gas industry to a renewable energy sustainable society. We realize that this transition cannot happen without education, training and resources dedicated to make it happen. As a party we are willing to step up to the plate and provide future solutions and options for these hard working individuals; so they not only have a choice of where they want to work but have a sustainable reliable job in their local community.

We believe in Saskatchewan: Seniors and long term care residents should have a bed in their own community. Everyone should have a family doctor. Preventative treatments and education should be increased. Prevention and health promotion save lives and money.


Greens would like to see: Local job creation in the renewable energy sector Financial savings of energy efficiency and conservation be promoted and realized New local economies created for individuals, communities, and businesses to sell excess renewable power they produce into the provincial grid. Incentives for Green Research and Sustainable Job Creation Saskatchewan as a world leader in renewable energy technology and implementation. A shift of government subsidies from non-renewable energy to renewable energy. End government subsidies for the Nuclear Industry. Universities as centers of excellence in renewable energy, sustainable living, and ecological protection / habitat restoration. Accessible information and grant access for retrofitting and constructing buildings that are efficient, use green technologies, and are sustainable.

Tuition increases are believed to be the largest barrier for students wanting to further their studies (whether in academics or trades) after high school. DID YOU KNOW? The Canadian Federation of Students says tuition in Saskatchewan has gone up 11 per cent since the government lifted a freeze three years ago. Green Party of Saskatchewan seeks to eliminate tuition fees for post-secondary students. There is no excuse for underfunding education. This includes our teachers, support staff, preschool children's programming, elementary schools, high schools, trades programs, colleges, and Universities.

DID YOU KNOW? The Green Party of Saskatchewan is the only party in Saskatchewan to say NO to Nuclear Even after the public consultations in 2009 where our constituency and province overwhelmingly said NO to the nuclear industry in Saskatchewan - the current government has decided to continue to push the nuclear agenda in this province. The provincial government has joined with Hitachi (a Japanese Nuclear company) to pursue the nuclear industry in Saskatchewan. This follows the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. The current government has turned a blind eye to our democratic rights as citizens and our ability to determine what we think is right and wrong.




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