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Stock Transport Order

Stock Transfers – moving the stock from one location

to another
SL – SL with in a Plant –
Single – 311 mov type
Two - 313,315
Plant to Plant –
Single – 301 mov type
Two - 303,305
What are the dis advantages of using the above –

hyderabad bangalore

1.Goods Receipt cannot be planned

2.Delivery Information is not available
3.Shipping Information is not available
4.Supplier Information
5. We can not track all the information in a single
STO – Stock Transport Order
All the drawbacks are overcome by using STO
Advantages of STO-
1.Goods Receipt can be planned by Receiving Plant
2.Delivery Information is available
3.Shipping Information is available
4.Supplier Information
5. We can track all the information In Purchase Order

STO – Types
1. STO without delivery and without Billing
2. STO with delivery and without Billing
3. STO with delivery and with Billing
MM+SD --- Configuration (Both MM and SD
consultant will do the configuration)

MM - Procurement Activities -Raw
PP - Produce Products
SD - Sales Activities
Look for Customers
SD Terminology
Customer – is one with whom the Company will
exchanges goods or services
Sales Org – This is an Org Unit that looks after sales
related activities
Distribution channel-This is means of delivering the
Division – The type of wing – example two wheeler
division, four wheeler division
Sales Area – The combination of Sales Org,
Distribution Channel and division together called
Sales Area
Create ES related to SD in SPRO
Sales Org,Dis Channel,Division and assign these org
elements -by SD Consultant
Shipping Point – It is the location with in a Plant from
where the goods are delivered (shipped)
Shipping Condition – as soon as possible
SP ---------------------------------------------------RP

1. STO with delivery and without Billing

Configuration for SD Enterprise Structure

1.Define Sales Org –
SPRO-IMG-ES-Def-SD -Define Copy ,delete, check sales
Click execute
Double click on Copy, delete, check sales organization
Click copy as
Enter From – 1000
To - New One
Click enter,
Click enter
Click yes
Click enter
Click enter
Click completed activities
Click back
Double click on Define Sales Organization
Click position
Enter the sales org
Select the row and click details and change the details

2.Define Distribution Channel

SPRO-IMG-ES-Def-SD -Define Copy ,delete, check
distribution channel
Click execute
Double click on Copy, delete, check distribution
Click copy as
Enter from – 10
TO - 10

Click enter
Click yes
Click enter
Click yes and
Click continue’
Click enter ,click enter
Click completed activities and click back
Double click on Define distribution channel
Click position – enter the distribution channel created
And change the text
Click enter and save.
3.Define Division
SPRO-IMG-ES-Def-Log Gen-Define,Copy,delete ,check
Db click Copy, delete, check division
Click copy as
Enter – From -10
Click enter
Click enter
Click enter
Click enter

Click save.
Define Shipping point
This is a Point that comes under Plant from where
goods are shipped (taken to deliver )
SPRO-IMG-ES-Def-Log Exe-define , copy ,delete check
shipping point
Db click on Copy, delete, check shipping point
Enter From – 1000
TO - ur shipping point
Click enter for four times
Click enter, click completed activities
Click back
Click Define shipping point
Click position -enter ur ship point

Assign sales org to Company Code
SPRO- IMG-ES-ASST-SD-Assign sales Org to Company
Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Org –
SPRO- IMG-ES-ASST-SD- Assign Distribution Channel
to Sales Org
Click execute-click position

Assign Division to Sales Org

SPRO- IMG-ES-ASST-SD- Assign Division to Sales Org

Set up sales area –

SPRO- IMG-ES-ASST-SD-set up sales area
Click new entries
Enter sales area -dis channel-division
Click enter and save.

Assign sales org -dis cha-plant

SPRO- IMG-ES-ASST-SD- Assign sales org -dis cha-plant

Distribution channel per sales org – TC – VOR1-SD

Division per sales org – VOR2 -SD

Tax Category by Country – OVK1-SD
Click position -enter IN

Shipping point combination – here we assign with the

below combination -MM
Shipping Conditions(01)-Loading grp(0001)-Plant -
Proposed Shipping Point
SPRO-IMG-Log Execution-Shipping-Basic Shipping-
shipping point and gr point determination-assign
shipping points
Click execute
Click position
Enter shipping condition (01),loading
group(0001),plant then click enter
Replace 1000with ur new shipping point
Create MMR with new config data -take sales views
also along with normal views we have to create in
both SP and RP with the same MMR code.

Create Customer Master Record –

TC – XD01
Sales Area data


MUMBAI VISHAL vishal customer xyx
712345 Mumbai IN 13

MM Configuration
Spro-img-MM-purchasing-Pur Ord-Set up transport
order--Define shipping data for Plant
Here we Assign sales area to supplying plant (Treating
SP as Sales Dept)
Click execute – click position enter Supplying and
assign sales area to SP

Assign customer to Receiving plant(Treating RP as

Then save

Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule

Click position enter doc type – UB,supplying Plant
With this combination we have to assign delivery
UB --- BATH- NL -Intra Company Transfer


Steps1. Receiving plant will raise STO to Supplying
Plant - RP MM User will create
Create STO – TC – ME21N
Use Doc type – UB
You need to enter SP ,Org data,Mat,qty and RP- Item
Cat – U will come automatically

S.T.O created under the number 4500019050

In PO , you are seeing a new Tab – Shipping – This contains all the Information -like
Sales Area,Shipping Point,Shipping Point,Loading Group,Trans.Group,Customer

2.Create Out bound Delivery – The Supplying Plant

will create Out bound delivery to deliver the Product
to RP - SD User in SP
TC – VL10B
Click enter

Select the row and click back ground

Select the 1strow click show delivery (Truck button)

The OBD (outbound delivery document) no –

3.Change OBD – TC-VL02N

Click enter
Enter Storage Location and Picked qty
Click Post Goods Issue button

Display Doc

Movement type 641 should come as shown above.

In this step, you will see Accounting Docs are
To view Accounting Doc – click Accounting Docs in the
above screen
4.Goods Receipt at RP– TC – MIGO -GR -PO
After GR .
Check in MMBE
1. STO without delivery and without Billing

Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule

Click position enter doc type – UB,supplying Plant
With this combination we have to assign delivery
UB --- BATH- NL -Intra Company Transfer

Responsibility of MM consultant in STO process-

1-Define shipping point

2-Shipping point combination—combination of
shipping condition, Loading group, Plant and shipping
3-Set up stock transport order ---
Assign shipping data for plants
Assign sales data to supplying plant
Assign Customer no to rec plant—SD team will
provide all the information like Sales org-dis channel,
division and customer no
4-Assign delivery type and checking rules—
Doc Type will be UB and del type NL always for Intra
company STO
Movement type –641 will be there
5- As a MM consultant you will be creating MMR with
sales view
6-Creating PO through ME21N select doc type UB and
enter supplying plant in vendor field, Item category U
will be there for Intracompany STO
7-Release the PO
8-Create outbound delivery note -VL10B
9-Post goods issue through VL02N---movement type
during post goods issue will be 641
10-Goods receipt-MIGO and mov type 101

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