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Poetic Form: An Introduction MICHAEL D. HURLEY res of Cambie MICHAEL O°NEILL Durham Unesiy CAMBRIDGE Chapter 1 The Elements of Poetic Form [allway somewhere ander the ve and speaking idiom of the Voce a podey theres the count, the beats you cn count on your agers. Yes "Swye under the shout and the whimper andthe quck andthe sow of posty thee the formal construction tne made sbetact nthe nds ‘at And the strange thing tht tht very abstract dmersion nth poem fswhat rats the eaders res into the human world ane ‘W.S. Graham! Gerard Manley Hopkins observed thatthe artical par of poetry, perhaps we Shall be right to sy all arti, reduces itself to the principe of paralelsm? His phrate catches well the sense in which words are heightened nko pootry by organising language into expresive ptterns(parallisms) sounds into fiyme schemes, rhythms lato metre line into stanzas and so on. Th chap ter dents, and attempts rio characterise, these common poetic bul ing block that combine to crete the diferent poetic ones considered inthe ‘ook’ subsequent chapters. IR mst be emphasised fom the outset hat even where they draw oa lang standing and widely wed conventions, the descriptive categories requied for sich a taxonomy ate on inspection nothing like as sturdy a the ‘bulding ‘locke metaphor implies, Te very term for the study of verse form tele 8 point of contention (although this book weas'ersifiatin and prosody’ as ‘synonyms, dhere ae argument fr distinguishing between then), and asim lar conrariety inconsistency snd confusion aver terms ~ the iplications of which extend far beyond mere semantics ~ seemingly atends every poetic fextare and eft ‘Thave read or invented twenty definitions of Ryton and have adopted none of them, complained Pal Valery: ‘If merely stop to ask ‘what Consonants begin to wonder Such vaelaton and vertigo is under Sandable, even inevitable. Mone than ths ils welcome, Analyse of verse form invites ‘wonder’ in oth senses of the word, and persistent uncertainty ‘overeven the most basic elements may helpfull disturb critical complacency {nto aesthetic appceciation for what maybe felt beyond what ca be classi. The definitions that follow ae, chen, all working definitions as opposed to 16 ‘The Blements of Pootc Form 7

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