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‘ag Sh cay te CHRISTINA ROSSETTI The Complete Poems Asal any me 3 FLOWERS 208 The Complete Poon of Christina Reset MONWA INNOMINATA, 1s Sows Or Sonvers Beatrice, immortalised by “akisimo poeta... cotanto sroae Laur, celebrated! by reat tho! an inferior bar — ive alle paid tne exceponal penalty of excepinal honour, have come down tous reaplendent wih chars, bu at ica wo my apprehension) scant of seractvenes These heroines of word fame were preceded by & tex of named ladies "donne innominate” sung by a school oF fessconspcoue posts ad in at land ad that period Sthich gave simalatcoue birth to, Cadobes o Albigenses, nd'o‘Trounadours, one cn age many» ad a8 sharing fer lovers poetic spate, whie the barrier Between the ight be one held sacred by Bot, yet nor such a to vender {nutal ove incompatible wt muta honour. ‘Mad such a lady spoken for here, the porta eft ws right have appeared tore tender less dgied than any {ran even ya devo friend. Or had the Great Petes of Srown day and nation ony been unhappy instead of happy. iter eteurances woul have insted het to Bequeath 0 4 Eves ofthe "Portuguese Sonsets” an inimitable “doo vomits” drawn et from fancy but from feling, and trom woccupy a aiche beside Bearce and Laur Come back ote, who wait ad watch for you— ‘Or come not efor ore then ‘Ra ong is Sore you come ain So far between my pleasures ae and fev While, when you come not what do Udo Thinking "Now whet he comes” ny sweetest “when For one tan je my mord ofall the men ‘his wide word bo; O love, my worlds you ltt, met yon grows nat» ag TBecauoe the pang of paring comes 0 soon A Pageant and Other Poems My hope hangs waning, waxing ikea moon hence the heavenly days on which ne mee Ame, but where are mow the songs sg Wien ite wa suet becve you cle them set? 1 wih Leo remember that ist dy, "se hour, fit moment of your meting me, Trg oe dim the season might be Summer or Winter for aught Tan Sounrecorded didi ava. Sind wat [to se and foresee, Soll mark the budding of my ree ‘hat would no blossom ye for many 3 May only tend elle uch Ady of day Tee come and go ‘As recon a tha of bygone snow Ieseemed to mean soft, meant so much IKonly now 1 cou recall that wach, Fat wuch of hand in hand Done bat know! 1 dteam of you to wake: would hat night ‘Drea of you and not wake but slumber on: or nd with dream dhe dar companion gone As Summer ended Summer birds ake Might Tn happy dreams Iho you fli sight Tosh again who waking ook so wa Brighter than susie day that ever shove, In happy dreams yor mie makes day of might “Thus only ina dream we ae atone Tihs only ina dream we give and take The ah that maketh rich who ake oF give 95 Phe Compete Poe of China Reset To die were surely sweeter than tive "ho there be nothing new beneath the su ee Hoved you fis: but afterwards your ‘Ouwsoaring mine, ang sch ter 00g Ascrowned the rend cooing f my dove. Which wes the other mont? ny Love ws ong Ani yoursone moment sete 40 max more TOO {oven guessed you, you construed me ‘And loved an for wha aight or might not be— ‘Nay. weight and measues do ust a wong ‘Wat separate“ and "hou fre love has done Wome tach and bath are one in love: Bich lve knows not of "thine tat eno nine "Both have the atength and bods the length therof, Both ou, of the lone which makes us oe (© my heart hear, and you who are o me More han eye mG be with you Keep you rong sheen lel and toe Totti hone noe verie eth ree Give youl good we score forse, Mae yu oye any aod your tows fv, Bless ou in what ou bea id wha 04 de ‘ens perc you as He would have you be So uch for ou, bit wba forme, dea rend? ‘otove you without sin anda ean A Pageant and Other Poems To love you much and yet to love you more, As Jordan at hi flood weeps ether shore Since woman the helpmeet made for man Tove, ts you would have me, Cod the mot; Unread to forego what 1 forsook: They tng ue op he om The sorret sep Christ shepherd with His cook, eee ove my God the most, deem Tove Him more wet me lve you 0 _ Sem Lapehent ech Tan ove Hiv if ave wot you, “peo Love me, for ove you"-—and anover me Love i, fr [love you"=—ao shal we and fthongy hin Boeri Love bathe house on rock and nox on snd Tove laughs wha wii the winds rave desperately And whe hath found loves Gadel unmanned? “An who hath held n bonds love liberty? ‘Soften: theses. problem for your art ‘SIT Rod comtors it hi Book, who ath, ‘ho’ jealousy be ered the EE, Ad death be song, yet ove ng death 1. iC 1 perih,prh”—Esther spake ‘Ad brief fe or death she made her ie tal he hate of her perfumed air aun ame that Ln long bt to sake $Sheputon pomp of lovelies take ier husband thro is eyes at wnaveare She spread abroad er enuf armiaas dover and aie a2 sake Ione metho ken hai She tapped him wi She wenqused hn by dom of er "saber peoples howe hat should tand— Ting ate my ie son my ana Aan for my love to Le pot up my Prayer Rn for lones sake by Lane be granted Thinking of you, and all tht was, and all That might have ben ad now can never be Teel your bonoured excellence and see tse unworthy of tae happier cal For woe ie who walk soap fall, ‘Soapeto shrink aad so apt oe, Apttolic down and die (a, woe ise!) rales an hopeless uring tothe al: Fd yet not hopeless ite nx Tales que The Complete Poems of Christina Rest A Pageant and Other Poems 209 cause not loves: ove may ial night ‘But take st morning, wrest l the break ‘OF diy, but then wild power wis God and man:— So ake Pheart of grace as best ea, Ready to spend and be spent for your sake Time is, hope ag life pie weaved wigs Death fllonng Hardon fe ain ground pace Faith runs with each and rare an eager face ‘Spurne earth and il id est o pray nd ing While lve ahead of al ups his pre Sill ase for grace and tl gives thanks for grace, CGontene wth day bring ad night wil being Lite wane: and when love fold is wings above Tred hope, and les we fee is onacous pe, Let ego fall auecp, dear rend in peste ‘tile wile and age aed Alle white id ie retire anus Lows and Jeay sd dest, al lve Many in aftertimes wil sy of you [Not that {loved you more dan just in play, For fashion sake a le women do Event hem pate ok 2% what we ew OF parting hopeless here to mee gai, Hopes on earth, and heaven out of ee 300 The Complete Poems of Christina Reset My love that you ean mike nt void nor vain, Love tha foregoes you butt claim anew ‘Beyond ths pasage ofthe gate of death, 1 charge you a the Judgment mae plain My love of you was ie and not = Breath 12 If thee be any one can take my pace [And make you happy whom lieve to grieve Think not tat Lea grdge bt bie 1 do commend yo to tat nobler grace “Thav rear wit than min, that sete ae: "Yea since your riches make me ric, conceive Too am towed, wile bial cromns Tweak, ‘And thvead he bridal dance with jocund pace Poni ds no love you. might be ‘hat I should grdge you some one dear delight: Bu since the hearts yours that was mine own, Your pleasure iemy pletsure right my ght ‘Your honourable fredom makes me free, ‘And you companioned Iam 20t alone 11 cou rust mine own sl wid your ite, ‘Shall not rather rust in Gods hand Withoue Whooe Willone iy doth not tnd, Nor sparrow fll this appointed dae ‘ito sumbercth the inumerable sand, Who weighs the wind and water with weight ‘To Whom the world it neither small or pret "Whose inowlslge frehnew every plan we planed. Searching ny Hear forall that touches yo Tiind there only love and lave’ good A Pageant and Other Poens sot Helpless to help and impoent do, (Of understanding dul of ight most dim Rnd therefore I commend you bak Him howe lve your love capacity ca il u Youth gone, and beauty gone fever there ‘Del eat nso poor face a his Youth gone and bery what ema of ss? 1 will ot bind fen roves ny a Toahame a cheek at best bu ile fi. — ‘Leave youth his rose, who a beat ahora, — 1 will ot week for Honma sayuere, "Except auch common flowers a blow with corn Youth fone and tensy gone, what doth remain? The longing ofa heart pent up forlorn, Went heart whoxe silence lover and longs The lence of heart which sang te songs iile youth and beauty made a summer morn, Silence of love that anon sng aga. “LUSCIOUS AND SORROWFUL Beans tender wating away for stow Tas todays an how sal be ith thee tomorrom? Benuful ender—what che? ‘hope tells Beautiful ender heping the jubilee Inthe land of home together ast death and ses ‘No more change or dest no more oot The Compete Pm of sie Reet spe 96-7 = Toba” ecihing so Sein sb ane ate Ove Cena Epigraph 'A wall park ose arent ae Poi 3) rhe eg ad edn ei ae i we yt rinses 2 ie mi is tp won sat Pe Pitedt deetiaret Sie i i wet lla Stay mae Be cote nae Lig "Amer Mua 1 Tienmernp ravaged etn nsf God ay pl The ny tye ciao en sie plgraph wu ley tbe hou wc tars back the ir (Pst soak mt nasa a rt 6 Te Cpe Pos of Cine Rs Bee cea ears Geog eae 725 i] Sey Api Sal ‘er aa at set id crm ars ota nd P53). Feenstra br nie i ee te ea cl nt mye al cra / fein jus ei th mm eet Tot ep cr ar page 297-900 Pa egg wie oe alga Coe yet gan Pair “ove, who peaks whi siti in Pa) Belson dt ne Pita si sortie id inca vot Cane ‘iso wad lua ih ig Torah wot re vids adhere een meat os eign Si pu nit LUSCIOUS AND SORROWFUL" [ew cys

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