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University of Education

BSCS Semester 4 (Morning)

Principles of Psychology
Semester Spring 2024
Name & Id: Instructor: Dr. Mazhar
Bukhari Quiz No. 2
Total Marks: 20
1. Choose the correct option. [10]
i. Why is the significance of psychology often emphasized?
a) To promote subjective opinions
b) To understand and explain behavior and mental processes
c) To enforce specific cultural norms
d) To prioritize physical health over mental well-being
ii. What is a primary goal of emphasizing the significance of psychology?
a) Limiting the scope of psychological research
b) Encouraging the study of physical sciences
c) Promoting the understanding and improvement of human behavior
d) Reducing the importance of cultural diversity in psychological studies
iii. In psychology, observation involves:
a) Subjective interpretation of events
b) Systematic and objective recording of behavior
c) Manipulating variables to test hypotheses
d) Ignoring real-life situations for controlled experiments
iv. What is a key advantage of using observation as a research method in psychology?
a) It ensures complete objectivity in data collection.
b) It allows researchers to directly witness and record behavior.
c) It eliminates the need for ethical considerations.
d) It relies solely on participants' self-reporting.
v. The descriptive research method in psychology is primarily concerned with:
a) Identifying cause-and-effect relationships
b) Explaining the underlying reasons for behavior
c) Providing a detailed account of observed behavior or phenomena
d) Predicting future outcomes based on historical data
vi. Which of the following is a characteristic of descriptive research?
a) Manipulation of independent variables
b) Establishment of causal relationships
c) Systematic and detailed observation and documentation
d) Strict adherence to controlled experiments
vii. In psychological research, understanding refers to:
a) Memorizing facts and information
b) Gaining insight into the meaning of observed behavior
c) Controlling and influencing behavior
d) Ignoring the complexities of human experiences
viii. How does understanding contribute to the field of psychology?
a) By promoting rote learning of facts
b) By emphasizing memorization over critical thinking
c) By facilitating insight into the motives and meanings behind behavior
d) By discouraging the exploration of diverse perspectives
ix. What does the process of explanation in psychology involve?
a) Stating facts without analyzing their significance
b) Identifying the causes and reasons underlying observed behavior
c) Avoiding the use of theories and models
d) Relying solely on personal opinions
x. Which of the following is a goal of explanation in psychological research?
a) Generating biased interpretations
b) Providing a superficial overview of behavior
c) Identifying and clarifying the factors influencing behavior
d) Avoiding the use of theoretical frameworks
xi. In psychological research, prediction refers to:
a) Manipulating variables to observe their effects
b) Anticipating future behavior based on past observations
c) Ignoring the role of statistical analyses
d) Disregarding the importance of longitudinal studies
xii. Why is prediction considered a valuable aspect of psychological research?
a) It eliminates the need for statistical analyses.
b) It enables researchers to control all variables.
c) It allows for anticipating and preparing for future behavior.
d) It hinders the use of experimental designs.
xiii. What does the concept of control in psychology involve?
a) Manipulating variables to observe their effects
b) Ignoring ethical considerations in research
c) Discouraging experimental designs
d) Restricting the diversity of study participants
xiv. Why is control considered essential in psychological research?
a) It ensures complete unpredictability of outcomes.
b) It eliminates the need for ethical considerations.
c) It allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
d) It hinders the exploration of diverse perspectives.
xv. What major philosophical movement had a significant influence on the emergence of
modern psychology?
a) Existentialism
b) Behaviorism
c) Humanism
d) Philosophical dualism
xvi. Who is often credited as the founder of modern psychology and established the
first psychological laboratory?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) B.F. Skinner
c) Wilhelm Wundt
d) John B. Watson
xvii. What aspect of human experience does the science of consciousness primarily
focus on?
a) Unconscious thoughts and desires
b) Physical health and wellness
c) The awareness of thoughts, sensations, and feelings
d) External observable behaviors only
xviii. Why is the study of consciousness considered
significant in psychology?
a) It restricts the exploration of subjective experiences.
b) It emphasizes the exclusive study of unconscious processes.
c) It provides insight into the awareness of mental processes.
d) It discourages the consideration of individual differences.
xix. What does the behaviorist perspective in psychology emphasize?
a) The study of unconscious thoughts and desires
b) The importance of cognitive processes in behavior
c) The exclusive focus on observable behaviors
d) The exploration of subjective experiences
xx. Why is the study of behavior considered a fundamental aspect of psychology?
a) It ignores the role of environmental factors.
b) It allows for the exploration of subjective experiences only.
c) It provides a basis for understanding and predicting mental processes.
d) It discourages the consideration of individual differences.

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