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Exámen Modelo segundo año (16)

READING COMPREHENSION. Read the text and mark the sentences (T) or (F)

Clem Quinn was always interested in flying. When he was five, he tried to fly by jumping off the garden
shed with a golf umbrella, but when he grew up he didn't become a pilot, he became a taxi driver. Then
twenty years ago he did a parachute jump and loved it. He decided that being a taxi driver was a lot more
dangerous than jumping out of a plane, so he moved to the country to learn parachute jumping and sky-
diving. He is now a full-time teacher of sky diving.

1- When Clem was five he did a parachute jump.

2- He became a pilot when he was twenty.
3- He learnt parachute jumping in the country.
4- Being a taxi driver is dangerous.
5- Now he works full-time.

COMPLETE THE TEXT WITH THE WORDS IN THE BOX. There are two extra words that you don't
need to use.

there - live - don't - so - in - more - didn't - lot - kind - with - their - our

The ………… of food we eat depends on which part of the world we ………… in, or which part of
…………. country we come from. For example, in the south of China they eat rice, but in the north they
…………. In Scandinavia, they eat a …………. of fish and the Portuguese love sardines. But …………
Central Europe, away from the sea, people don't eat …………. much fish, they eat …………. meat and
sausages. In Germany and Poland ………… are hundreds of different kinds of sausages.
In North America, Australia and Europe people eat with knives and forks. In China people eat …………


I ……………(work) from 6.oo in the morning until 10.00 at night. Sixteen hours in the cotton fields and
I only ……………(earn) $2.- a day. I ……………(hate) that job. When I was sixteen I ……………
(marry) Hubert, and soon there…………….(be) six children, five sons, then a daughter. Hubert
……………..(die) just before she was born. That was sixty five years ago. So I …………….(look) after
my family alone. There …………….(be) no time for learning, but my children, they all ………………
(learn) to read and write. I didn't learn to read and write until I was 86, and now I …………….(have)
three books of poems.


1- I used (riding - to ride - ride ) a bike when I was a child.

2- Susan hasn't seen her friends ( during - for - since ) ten years.
3- If you don't arrive early tomorrow, you (will be - would be - have been) fired.
4- She wouldn't be so tired if she ( doesn't - didn't - wouldn't) work so much.
5- I've got (much - little - enough) sugar. I've got to buy some.


Margaret is at the ice-cream shop after school.

Shop-assistant: Good morning. Can I …………………………….?

Margaret: Yes, please. Can I ………………………, please?

Shop-assistant: Chocolate or vanilla?

Margaret: How ………………………..the chocolate ones?

Shop-assistant: They're 75p each.

Margaret: Oh, that's too expensive. And what about …………………?

Shop-assistant: They're 40p each.

Margaret: I ……………………….. , please.

Shop-assistant: Certainly. Anything else?
Margaret: No, that's all thank you.


Ann and Pat are talking about their plans for the weekend.

Ann: ………………………………….this weekend?

Pat: This weekend? I'm going to a birthday party for Liz Talbot.
Ann: Really? So am I. Where ……………………………….?
Pat: I met her at university. By the way, how ………………………….?
Ann: By car. Ellen is driving. You could come with us if you want.
Pat: Great! What ………………………?
Ann: Let's meet at Ellen's place at five. Is that OK?
Pat: Sure. ………………………………


Write a postcard to someone in an English-speaking country. Tell him/her about your holidays in Brazil.
Write about 80 words.























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