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The 2nd Agritech Research and Entrepreneurship Innovation (AGREETION 2023) is held
according to the jurisdiction of the Dean of Agricultural Technology Faculty in Brawijaya University.
With the collaboration of Agritech Research and Study Club (ARSC), Agritechno Business Centre
(ABC), Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Industri Pertanian (HIMATITAN), Himpunan Mahasiswa
Keteknikan Pertanian (HIMATETA), and Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
(HIMALOGISTA). The Agritech Research and Entrepreneurship Innovation (AGREETION), is
conducted as a response towards the program of Deanship of Student Affairs which is targeted
towards national and international students alike. Hence, the competition is for undergraduate students
worldwide interested in agricultural technology and its related sciences to enhance their abilities to
create an innovative solution. There are five main competitions in AGREETION 2023. Each with their
own guideline and regulation. In this guidebook, there will be detailed information and guideline
regarding Business Model Canvas Competition.
Hopefully, each participant can gain numerous benefits from this event. Constructive critics and
advice are accepted for the betterment and evaluation of the competition. Thank you for your attention
and enthusiasm.

The AGREETION Committee


Agro-based industries is defined as any form of industries that has direct or indirect correlation
on agriculture. For a long time, agro-based industries has played essential role on achieving human
welfare. Ironically, besides increasing the industries productivity, rapid development in agro-based
industries also bring numerous hazard that threaten the society’s well-being. To combat this problem,
continuous development and improvement on sustainable agro-based industries system and
technologies are essential. As young generation, undergraduate students are encourage to think
critically and creatively to create brilliant ideas to resolve that problem. Hence, the Faculty of
Agricultural Technology of Brawijaya University, as Center of Excellent in Sustainable Agro-Based
Industry, through Agritechno Business Centre (ABC), accommodates those brilliant and creative idea
through an international Business Model Canvas Competition, International Business Model Canvas
for Agritech Development 2023.
The International Business Model Canvas for Agritech Development is an international
business model competition held by the Agritechno Business Centre (ABC), Faculty of Agricultural
Technology, Brawijaya University as a part of Agritech Research and Entrepreneurship Innovation
(AGREETION) 2023. This competition is an event for undergraduate students around the world who
interested in agricultural technology and its related sciences to train and improve their creativity and
critical thinking to produce an innovative solution. Also, through this event, they can experience
professional experience developing critical and creative business, to the opportunity to present in front
of competitors to compete for their business investors through the Business Model Canvas.
The main theme of AGREETION 2023 is ‘Development and Innovation on Sustainable Agro-
Based Industry Technology to Achieve Human Welfare. As for the BMC’s topic includes Creative,
Industry, Food and Beverage, Service and Trade, Startup Innovation. These topics are chosen due to
their urgency on achieving human welfare through sustainable agro-based industry.

The AGREETION Committee


 Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a business template used to validate the completeness of
the aspects needed in planning a business. BMC can be used to make it easier to develop business
ideas to be more comprehensive and easy to understand.

 Business Pitch Deck

Business Pitch Deck is a short presentation about an overview of your business plan or your
existing business. With the help of a pitch deck, you can present your business plan in front of
potential investors more easily so that they become more interested in funding your business.

 Theme: “Strengthening FTP UB as Center of Excellent in Sustainable Agro-Based
Agroindustry plays a major role in the economic development of a country. Since the increase
in agricultural production alongside industrialization and urbanization could raise the per-capita
income in rural communities, also transforming the country to reach its development goal. This theme
is selected to embrace the idea that innovation in technology and business could accelerate these
goals further.

 Subthemes
1. Creative Industry : Utilization of individual creativity, skills, and talents to build
welfare and employment opportunities through the creation
and utilization of the individual's creative and creative power.
2. Food and Beverage : The resulting product is the result of the agro-complex sector
and is based on local commodities. Processed products in the
form of dishes, side dishes, food and drinks are something that
is very closely related to everyday life. This can be developed
into a potential business today.
3. Service and Trade : A business that is engaged in service and meeting the needs
of the community so that they can do things more practically
and benefit both parties. Service and trade usually refers to the
sale and delivery of an tangible (called a trade) or intangible
product (called a service) between a producer and consumer.
4. Start up Innovation : Development of an understanding of how entrepreneurial and
innovative thinking can turn opportunities into launching and
scaling up new ventures to create value. Mature ideas can be
put into the form of a start-up business that has the potential
as a forum to overcome the problems that exist in the
agricultural sector.

- Registration and Submission : February 1st – February 25th, 2023
- Selection of BMC : March 2rd - March 7th, 2023
- Pass Announcement BMC : March 8th, 2023
- Submission Video Pitching : March 9th - March 14th, 2023
- Reviewers Pitching : March 15st - March 18th, 2023
- Winner Announcement & Awarding Ceremony : March 19th, 2023

1. Followed in team form. 1 team must consist of 3 members.
2. All team members are S1/D3/D4 students or equivalent.

3. The business idea being contested has never won a similar competition.
4. Participants who are indicated to have violated point 3 will be disqualified from each stage
of The International Business Model Canvas for Agritech Development. Prizes will be
transferred according to the order in which the winner is not disqualified if the violator wins
the competition
5. Do not include university origin submission.
6. Team members are allowed to come from different departments, faculties, and even
7. Registered team members cannot be replaced for any reason.
8. Each team can only submit one submission.
9. One person can join a maximum of two different teams, but is only allowed to be the leader
of one team.
10. One university may send more than one team.
11. The best 10 teams with the highest BMC scores will take part to the pitch deck stage.
12. The decision of the judges and committee is final and cannot be contested.
13. All series of this event are free registration.
14. Plagiarism will be penalized in the form of disqualification.

F. Format BMC
● Key Partners
Key partners are the external companies or suppliers that you would need to perform your
key activities and deliver value to the customers. In order to optimize operations and reduce
risks of a business model, make sure your business usually cultivates buyer-supplier
relationships so you can focus on your core activity.
● Key Activities
Key Activities are the most important activities in executing a company's value proposition.
These include your product distribution, research, and development, strategy etc. It is the
most important activity in executing a company's value proposition.
● Cost Structure
Cost Structure defines all the costs and expenses that your company will incur while
operating your business model. This process is important because it will help your team
decide whether to pivot or proceed.
● Revenue Streams
Revenues streams are the sources from which your company generates money by selling
the product or service to the customers. And in this section, you should describe how you will
earn revenue from your value propositions.
● Value Propositions
The Value Proposition is an innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or
product attractive to customers. It is based on a review and analysis of the benefits, costs,
and value that an organization can deliver to its customer.

● Customer Segments
Customer Segments define the groups of people or organizations you aim to reach or serve.
A good way to think about this block is to treat it as the demographic information of your
● Channels
Channel describes how a company communicates with and reaches its Customer Segments
to deliver its Value Proposition. It is important to understand which pathway (or channel) is
best for your company to reach your customers.
● Key Resources
Key Resources describes the most important assets required to make a business model
work. These can be things like your office, hosting requirements, human resources, financial,
transportation, electricity etc. These resources should be mapped to the key activities. They
are considered as an asset to a company, which are needed in order to sustain and support
the business.
● Customer Relationship
Customer Relationships describes the type of relationship a company establishes with its
specific customer segments. Customer relationships are driven by customer acquisition,
customer retention, and boosting sales — in other words, you need to get, keep, and grow
your customer relationships.


● Cover
Business name and team name and its members
● Business Background
The flow of ideas, reasons for establishing a business, and supporting data, both secondary
and primary data
● Business Model
Company structure and flow plan in earning revenue and profit
● Market Segmentation & Targeting
Customer market projections such as:
- Geographic
- Demographic - Characteristics and Profession
- Behavior
- Psychographic - Interests and preferences
● Market Structure
The company's projection of the market to be penetrated. Consist of:
- Market Size - projection of the overall target market that has the potential to become
- Market Share - projection of the company's portion of the specific market
- Positioning - the projected position of the company among existing competitors

● Unique Selling Proposition
Attributes that distinguish pre-existing products/services. For example: in terms of materials,
product function, price, service quality, geographical location, exclusivity, and process
● Marketing Strategy
The company's methodology to penetrate the market. Example: 4P (Price, product,
promotion, place)
● Financial Projection
The company's financial projections for 5 years. contains Cash Flow, Net Present Value
(NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Pay-Back Period.

● BMC format (30%)
Compatibility of component layout that has been determined by the committee
● Content of BMC (50%)
a. Conformity of theme
Topic BMC is in line with the theme that has been determined by the committee (25%)
b. Ideas and ideas
New ideas, never been published before (25%)
● Template (20%)
Design Has a distinctive template design according to the chosen theme

● Creativity and originality (25%)
Ideas show understanding new authors on the issues discussed, and are new ideas that
have never been published before
● Rationality of ideas and innovation (25%)
The ideas submitted are supported by the relevance of data and are able to produce new
● Sharpness of analysis (25%)
Accuracy in solving problems taken
● The clarity of the content and format of the pitch deck (25%)
The content and format of the pitch desk can be read and understood

1. Each participant must read and understand all the provisions contained in The International
Business Model Canvas for Agritech Development Guidebook.
2. Participants must choose one sub-theme as their focus and may not change it after form
submission and finalization
3. The team leader will then fill out the registration form and submit their work to the committee
via the Link :

4. Participants are required to upload the Student ID Card in one file using PDF format with
the format name : Student Card_Name of Team Leader.
5. Participants are required to upload the Originality Sheet in PDF format using the format
name : Originality Sheet_Name of Team Leader. The Originality Sheet can be
downloaded via the link:
6. The formatting rules of the Business Model Canvas :
a. Typed on HVS A3 paper size using clearly legible fonts and can be designed according
to the creativity of each team.
b. Component placement cannot be changed according to the format already loaded in
the "BMCC template". BMC template can be downloaded via link :
c. The maximum page for the Business Model Canvas file is 1 page
7. Business Model Canvas Competition are saved in PDF format with the following title
format : BMCC_SubTheme Category_Name of Team Leader
8. Registration form can only be filled once
9. Participants who have registered are deemed to have accepted and agreed to all the terms
of the competition
10. Participants who pass the Business Model Canvas selection will be notified via the team
leader's e-mail


1. Maximum Slides for Pitch Deck is 20 slides excluding appendix. Exceeding the slide limit
will result in a point deduction
2. The maximum duration for pitch deck video is 15 minutes. Exceeding the allotted time will
result in a point deduction
3. The video resolution must be between 720p-1080p and landscape
4. The video must not contain any gratuitously offensive, obscene, libelous, or defamatory
5. The video must be original and must not breach the rights of any third party.
6. Presenter(s) must present with their own voice in English and must show their faces during
the presentation.
7. Full video in a finished form without any breaks or advertisements.
8. The video and powerpoint slides must be uploaded on google drive and the video link is
submitted via e-mail :
a. To :
b. Email Subject : PITCHING VIDEO_SubTheme Category_Name of Team Leader
9. Videos that are included in the competition become the committee's rights and can be used
for the concern of the committee provided that they include the name of the creator as the
copyright holder.




With my signature, I, as the leader of my group:

Name of Group Leader :

Name of Team :
Date of Birth :
Origin University :

Which members consist of :

Name of member 1 :
Date of Birth :
Origin University :

Name of member 2 :
Date of Birth :
Origin University :

Hereby confirm the originality of this BMC under the title

“............................................................. ” Is truly an original work and not a product of plagiarism.
This work has never been submitted to another competition or/and published anywhere. If
my statement is proven false, I am ready to accept the sanction appointed by the committee
of “The International Business Model Canvas Competition for Agritech Development” in the
form of disqualification from competition and foreclosure of any award and certificate that I
got. I also give my consent to the committee of The International Business Model Canvas
Competition for Agritech Development to publish my work according to valid rules. Thus I
write this declaration sincerely to be used according to its purpose.




After the selection scheme, all participants should join the awarding ceremony on ZOOM
platform. In this ceremony, the winners will be announced based on the criteria above. The ceremony
will be opened with an opening speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology of
Brawijaya University. Then, there will be a Scientific Seminar conducted by a student from the
Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Afterward, the winners will be announced and awarded. Then,
the ceremony will be closed by the committee and there will be documentation in the end.


At the BMC stage, 10 teams from each category with the highest score will qualify for the next
stage. The second selection stage is the pitch deck which will be assessed based on the provisions
in the guidelines. The final score is taken from 30% of the BMC results and 70% of the pitch deck
results. Winners are divided into three categories (gold, silver, bronze) for each sub-theme and
sorted from the highest score to the lowest. Here are the prizes for each category:

 Gold (for 2 teams): Gold Medal and Certificate

 Silver (for 2 teams): Silver Medal and Certificate
 Bronze (for 2 teams): Bronze Medal and Certificate
 Best Presentation (for 2 teams): E-Certificate

*all participants get an e-certificate

For further inquiries, please reach out to the contacts below via line or whatsapp.
- Grace : +62 877-4549-9333 (Whatsapp) or gracesior22 (id line)
- Fara : +62 877-3264-2011 (Whatsapp) or faradarojati23 (id line)


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