Exam Sample - 4 PS

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‫أنموذج اختبار اللغة اإلنجليزية – السنة الرابعة ابتدائي‬

"Hi, I am Sarah! I am 9 years old. I love
playing outdoor games like hide-and-seek,
skipping rope, slide, and hopscotch with
my friends. Let's have fun together!"

Global Competence:

Interact orally, comprehend oral messages and identify the meaning of words,
expressions, and simple sentences, decode symbols, read simple messages,
and produce relevant information to fill in a form.
Didactic Guide- page 51
A short text of about 20 words for the second term that includes at least four
topical words (chunks) you dealt with in the learning sequence. The text model
contains hide-and-seek, skipping rope, slide, and hopscotch. Learners will read it
and identify the meaning of these target words through a given task based
on Bloom’s Level One (Remembering), where learners do not adapt any inference
skills to find the answer in the text. They only recognize the words related to the
provided pictures.
Some of the verbs related to Bloom’s Level One, which you can use to form the
activity instructions, are list, name, label, match, select, and identify.
Look at our example in task one: Read the text and name these games (word

Activity one: Read the text and name these games. (3 pts)

hide and seek …………………… ………………. ………………..

Coaching & Mentoring

‫أنموذج اختبار اللغة اإلنجليزية – السنة الرابعة ابتدائي‬

Or: Tick the games you read in the text:

We assess learners' decoding skills:
-learners' ability to recognize the connection between the phoneme (sound) and
the grapheme (letter) that represents it. (Activity 2)
-learners’ ability to blend sounds to form a correct word. (Activity 3)

These are not the only decoding skills but the ones we usually develop while
teaching. We often ask learners to isolate, identify, segment, and blend sounds.
Only through these basic skills can we know if our learners recognize the
connection between sounds and letters, which is our objective.
Activity 2: Circle the missing letter (2pts)

monkey b-rs b-ll bumper c-r d-ll b-sketball

a -o-u a-o-u a-o-u a-o-u a-o-u
Activity 3: Order the letters to write correct words: (2pts)

g me a d ar c oo t a ll b f e i s t nn

card games

Coaching & Mentoring

‫أنموذج اختبار اللغة اإلنجليزية – السنة الرابعة ابتدائي‬


In this activity, we segment the words according to the individual sounds since
we deal with written comprehension (reading).

For example:

-we keep (me) together in the word game because the letter (e) is silent, and both
sound /m/

-we keep double (ll) together because they represent one individual sound / l /

Activity 4: Fill in your ID fun club card (3pts)

Written Production :

Global competence :

Produce words using correct handwriting to fill in a form with specific details
related to the learners’ immediate environment, daily concerns, and interests.
Didactic Guide page 51

Learners produce words to fill in a sports center ID card. They write their full
name, age, and favorite games.
Even though learners produce words, this activity is still related to level one of
Bloom's Taxonomy because they have to recall the words they have already and
not construct sentences to express their thoughts.

Name: ………………………………….
Fun Time Club
Age: ……………………………………..

Favourite games: ………………………


Coaching & Mentoring

‫أنموذج اختبار اللغة اإلنجليزية – السنة الرابعة ابتدائي‬

All the activities included in this exam paper sample are limited to lower-
order thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which means it conforms with the
learner's academic abilities.

All the activities conform to the target competences mentioned in the official
documents, mainly the didactic guide.


We should test what we teach.

Coaching & Mentoring

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