Ramadan Preparation Checklist Yaren Iffet 2024

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A checklist to prepare yourself
for the best month of the year!

‫َالّلُهَّم َبِّلْغَنا‬
Oh Allah! Let us reach the month of Ramadan.
Assalamu alaykum,

As the sacred month of Ramadan draws near, it's

time for us, to prepare our hearts and homes for
the blessings it brings.

This checklist is designed to guide you in your

journey of spiritual renewal and self-reflection as
we anticipate the arrival of Ramadan.

With devotion in our hearts and the light of faith

guiding us, let us embark on this path of readiness.

May we welcome Ramadan with open arms, eager

to embrace its transformative power and deepen
our connection with our Creator.

Your sister,
Yaren Iffet

Reflect on the significance of Ramadan in your
life and set your intentions.

Seek forgiveness from others and reconcile any

strained relationships.

Create a small corner with your favourite

Islamic books, Qurans, prayer mats & and
tasbihs - make it special and in sight.

Make sincere du'a (supplication) for a

productive and spiritually uplifting Ramadan.

Identify charitable organizations or initiatives to

support during Ramadan - set reminders in
your phone to donate throughout the 30 days.

Bonus: make a list of 5 duas you’d like to continuously make

throughout the month - print this out, or keep in your phone
notes to refer to often.

Refresh your knowledge about the rulings and

etiquettes of fasting in Ramadan.

Create a realistic schedule for reading Quran in

Ramadan, even 1 page per day is a great place to
start - get in the habit of reading daily now.

Plan 5 easy sahoor, and 5 easy iftar ideas that

you can make if fasting fatigue kicks in.

Find out your local mosque’s Ramadan events

such as Taraweeh times, upcoming classes or
lectures - schedule them into your planners.

Pick out a lecture series online and allocate time

to listen daily - such as 99 names of Allah, the
Seerah or Stories of the Prophets.

Bonus: curate your online content to include beneficial and

uplifting resources related to Islam - this means unfollowing
as well!

Ensure you have made up any missed fasts from

the year before. If none, prepare yourself by
fasting on Monday’s & Thursday’s.

Shop your cupboards, fridge & freezer first

before you do a Ramadan shop - help reduce
waste & reduce unnecessary purchasing.

Plan 5 easy sahoor, and 5 easy iftar ideas that

you can make if fasting fatigue kicks in.

Ensure you have all necessary medication and

supplements, especially if you have health
conditions. Consult with your health
practioners about fasting this Ramadan as well.

Adjust your sleep schedule to wake up for

suhoor and perform night prayers.

Bonus: clean and organize your home to create environment

for worship and reflection.
Inshallah this was beneficial!

I pray that this month of Ramadan brings us all

peace, blessings and guidance to all of our hearts

May Allah accept all of our pure intentions, keep us

on the straight path, and allow us all to do our
utmost best.

I also pray that we all continue to keep our brothers

and sisters in Islam, around the world in our duas,
may Allah free our brothers and sisters from
oppression. Ameen.

Jazakallahu Khayr,
Yaren Iffet

P.s if you found this helpful... I would love if you could share a snippet
(!) on your Instagram stories and tag me @yareniffet.u , each share
means that another person can benefit, and make the most of their

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