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Subject: Social Studies (History)

Class: VIII

Unit 4 : Political Awakening in India

Q1. Enlist reasons of formation of All India Muslim League.

 The Indian National Congress could not maintain its neutral attitude and it became the
mouthpiece of the Hindus only. By 1906, the Muslim leaders were convinced that it
was absolutely necessary to have their own political party. The party would speak for
the Muslims on all important occasions.
 The Urdu-Hindi controversy began with the demand of the Hindus to replace Urdu by
Hindi as the official language. The Congress visibly sided with Hindi and supported the
movement against Urdu. At that moment, the need of formation of a Muslim party was
felt badly.
 At the time of announcement of Minto-Marley Reforms, the Muslims did not have any
platform from where they could share their demands. It made them think more
seriously about forming a separate party.
 The ideology presented by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan regarding the separate identity of
the Muslims appealed to many people. It became essential for the Muslims to establish
a political party of their own.
 The Muslims of the Subcontinent remained backward as compared to the Hindus in
education and economic progress. A separate Muslim organization was necessary to
safeguard the interests of the Muslims.

Q2. What was the significance of the Khilafat Movement?

 The aims of this movement were to protect the holy sites of Islam, to restore the
territories of Ottoman Turkey and to restore the Ottoman Caliphate.
 Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar and his brother Maulana Shaukat Ali played a
significant role as the frontline leaders of this movement.
 During the Khilafat Movement, the Muslims and the Hindus acted together against the
common enemy, the British Government.
Q3. How did Nehru Report pave the way for the creation of Pakistan?
 The Muslims rejected the report. According to them it was reversal of Lucknow Pact.
 After approval of Nehru Report by Congress Quaid-e-Azam was convinced that the
Hindu mindset in India was depriving the Indian Muslims of their rights.
 Quaid-e-Azam representing the Muslim League demanded amendments in the report
which were rejected by the Congress. He considered it as the parting of the ways.

Page 1
Q4 . What were the Round Table Conferences? What was the result of each of
the Conference?
Three rounds of consultation and discussion were held in London from 1930 to 1932
commonly known as Round Table Conferences.
 First round of conference could not bear any result as Congress leadership did not
 Second Round Table Conference failed due to unrealistic stance of Gandhi that he
represented all the Indians.
 Congress remained absent in the 3rd Conference.

Q5 . When were the congress ministries formed? How did the Congress
Ministries perform?
In July 1937, the Congress ministries were formed.
 For the next two years, the Congress Ministries mainly worked for asserting the Hindu
 Hindi was declared as the national language.
 Anti-Muslim educational reforms were introduced to displace the two-nation theory
from the minds of the Muslims.
Q6. Why is the Pakistan Resolution an important landmark in Pakistan Movement?
 The Lahore Resolution (later called the Pakistan Resolution) is the most important
milestone during the struggle for Pakistan.
 This resolution made it clear that there was only one destination for the Muslims of the
Subcontinent: Pakistan.
 Earlier, there was a demand for the separate electorate. Muslims then voiced their
demand for a separate state.
Q7. Describe the success of the Muslim League in the 1945-46 Elections. Why were
these elections important for the fate of the country?
 The elections for the central assembly were held in December 1945. The Muslim
League showed impressive performance and won all 30 reserved seats for the
 For the provincial assemblies, the elections were conducted in January 1946 where the
Muslim League won about 95% of the total Muslim seats.
 These results were a clear proof that the Muslim League was the sole representative of
the Muslims of the Subcontinent. After this clear verdict, the emergence of Pakistan
became more obvious than before.
Q8. Enlist the salient features of the ‘Indian Independence Act’ of 1947.
The following are the salient features of this Act:
i. On August 15, India would be divided into two dominion states: Pakistan and India.
ii. The boundaries between the two states were to be determined by a Boundary
Commission called the Radcliffe Commission.
iii. Punjab was to be divided into two parts i.e ., East Punjab and West Punjab. Similarly,
Bengal was also to be divided into East and West Bengal.
iv. Pakistan was to comprise the West Punjab, East Bengal, Sindh, North-West Frontier
Provinces (NWFP), and Balochistan.
v. The princely states were free to join either India or Pakistan or remain independent.
vi. For the time being till the constitution was made, both of them would be governed in
accordance with the Government of India Act 1935.

Page 2
i. b ii. b iii. d iv. d v. d vi.d Vii.b Viii. c Ix. b X.c

Search and write down the names of prominent leaders of ‘Congress’ and ‘Muslim
League’ in the notebook.
names of prominent leaders of ‘Congress’ names of prominent leaders of ‘Muslim
Jawaharlal Nehru Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Liaquat Ali Khan
Allama Iqbal
Draw ‘Minar e Pakistan and write down its significance.
Minar-e-Pakistan is a symbolization of commemoration of Lahore Resolution. It was
commenced on 23 March 1940. On that day, in the park, Muslims demanded a separate
homeland under the supervision of the Muslim league. Later on, in 1960, the tower (Minaar-e-
Pakistan) was built in the memory of Resolution of Pakistan.

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Subject: Social Studies (Geography)

Class: VIII

Unit 4 : Industrialization and International Trade

Q1. Explain Immigration.
 Immigration is the act of moving people into another country with the intention of
settling in it.
 Through this process, people become permanent residents or citizens of other
 People from Pakistan migrate to the Middle East, USA, UK and Canada etc.
 Peoples work in those countries and send money to their families.

Q2. Illustrate the stages of textile manufacturing process and explain ginning,
spinning, and weaving.

Growing and Harvesting Ginning Spinning Weaving

 Ginning is to separate seeds from cotton balls. Cotton flowers are compressed into bales
to be transported.
 Spinning is the processing of yarn from raw cotton.
 Weaving is a production of cloth from yarn. This is further used in garments and a
variety of
cotton products.

Q3. Explain the importance of Textile Industry.

 It has great export potential as about 60% of the textile products are exported.
 It contributes 70% of GDP. There is a great demand for Pakistani cotton products for
their quality in the international market.
 Pakistan has large number of skilled and unskilled labour to work in this industry.
 Pakistan produces raw cotton which is not only the source of income for the farmers but
also provides cheap local raw material.

Page 4
Q4. Analyze the significance of small scale industries.
 These industries not only provide employment to the people but also use cheap local
raw materials and traditional skills to make a variety of products.
 These industries check rural-urban migration and contribute a sufficient ratio to national
 These industries play a great role to eliminate poverty from the country.

Q5. How are trade regulations implemented?

 There are different national and international organizations to establish standards that
have to be obeyed by every country.
 World Trade Organization (WTO) sets the rules for the member countries to transport
their goods by following their rules.
 Pakistan has established the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) to
ensure rules set by WTO are followed for the improvement and standardization of its
trade goods.

Q6. Suggest the measures to reduce the imports of Pakistan.

 Needs to increase production of high value consumer goods.
 Reduce the import of luxury items.
 Needs to be self-sufficient in agriculture to restrict the import of food items.
 Better training and education for the quality and quantity of its production to increase
 Develop a better ratio between national assets and the demand of increasing
 Develop software industry on large scale.

Q7. Examine how the bilateral trade between Pakistan and China has contributed to
sound economic development for both countries.
 China provides technical assistance to Pakistan to improve its agricultural output.
 Both the countries signed a formal agreement of understanding in 2013. This
agreement was to develop better relations under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
 The idea was to link Pakistan and China through the port of Gwadar to Central Asia
and other countries.
 Some major projects developed by China in Pakistan is the port of Gwadar, the
Chashma Nuclear Power project and the Taxila Heavy Mechanical Complex.

Q8. How does IMF play a pivotal role in facilitating economic development in
 It provides financial assistance in the form of loans to the countries for their economic
 It also provides technical help to develop better projects.
 It also ensures that the loan taken by the countries are used properly and returned.
 IMF provides loans to Pakistan on its request to meet the shortage of its income.

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Q9. List the approaches used to address resource scarcity in Pakistan.
i. The national agriculture research council and other agriculture universities in Pakistan
are focusing on quality research according to the international standards to tackle the
issue of scarcity of resources.
ii. The Textile Engineering University of Faisalabad and other engineering universities in
the country are involved in research programs to modernize large scale industries to
meet the challenges of the international market including textile, steel, and chemical
iii. Polytechnical institutions are also contributing to research to improve the quality of
goods to overcome the problem of scarcity of resources.
iv. The Ministry of Science and Technology monitors and helps in the development of
technology. It provides technical assistance to institutions to modernize production
v. Awareness programs and campaigns are required to be conducted for the public to
join hands in the protection, conservation and recycling of resources.

Open Book Quiz

1. What is remittance? It is the money sent by people working in foreign countries to
their families living in their home country or homeland.
2. What does industrialization provide? It provides a large number of jobs to the
people in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors that cause the migration of
people according to their needs.
3. Name the major cash crops of Pakistan. Cotton, Sugarcane, tobacco and maize
4. Name the major industrial cities of Pakistan. Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad , Sialkot,
Peshawar and Quetta
5. What percentage of employment is provided by industries? 80%
6. Name few handicraft products of cottage industry. Carpets, pottery, embroidery
7. Define Trade. Trade is an exchange of import and export of goods and services
between different countries
8. What does WTO stand for? World Trade Organization
9. What does TDAP stand for? Trade Development Authority of Pakistan
10. What does IMF stand for? International Monetary Fund
11. How many member states does IMF have? 190
12. Where are the headquarters of World Bank and IMF? Washington DC, USA
13. What is scarcity? It means the demand for a good or service is greater than the
availability of the good or service.

1. a 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. b

Page 6

 Why do people migrate to other countries from Pakistan?

 Pakistanis are looking for better economic opportunities in other countries. They want
to earn higher salaries and have a better standard of living.
 Pakistanis are also leaving the country due to political instability.

 Enlist the small scale industries in Pakistan.

The prominent small industries in Pakistan include garments, surgical, sports
equipment, hosiery, home embroidery, electrical equipment, leather processing,
poultry, handicrafts, woodwork, and brick and tiles manufacturing.

 Make the table of exports and imports of Pakistan and identify which products
are more expensive.

Exports Imports
Cotton and cotton products Edible oil (expensive)
Sports goods Crude oil (expensive)
Leather goods (expensive) Mining and agricultural machinery (expensive)
Surgical instruments (expensive) Metals (expensive)
Carpets (expensive) Steel (expensive)
Handicrafts Iron ore (expensive)
Electrical, electronic equipment (expensive)

 Search and write trade partners of Pakistan.

In 2021, Pakistan major trading partner countries for exports were United States,
China, United Kingdom, Germany and Netherlands and for imports they were China, United
Arab Emirates, Indonesia, United States and Saudi Arabia.

 Why does Pakistan need the cooperation of IMF for the development of its
The IMF provides loans to developing states and provides those states with a list of
economic policies which they have to pursue in order to get loans. Like many
developing states, Pakistan has also been going to the IMF for years to support its
balance of payment difficulties.

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Subject: Social Studies (History)

Class: VIII

Unit 5 : Pakistan since Independence

Q1. Enlist the major problems for Pakistan at the time of independence.
Right after independence, Pakistan had to face certain issues which needed quick resolution.
Following are some of the problems:
i. Geographical Problems: Two wings of Pakistan; East Pakistan and West Pakistan were
separated by about 1000 miles of Indian land
ii. Economic Problems: Pakistan had mainly underdeveloped states with around 90% of rural
population. Hardly 10% of industrial enterprises came in Pakistan's share.
iii. Political Problems: Pakistan faced lack of administrative and government machinery to run
the affairs of the new state.
iv. Biased Boundary Distribution: It created Hyderabad, Junagadh and most importantly
Kashmir issue which is still unresolved and is a cause of tension between Pakistan and India.
v. Division of Assets: Pakistan was not given the due financial and military assets. This
caused great difficulties for the new state.
vi. Refugees Issue: Millions of Muslims refugees came to Pakistan. Their settlement was a
challenge for the new state.
vii. Canal Water Dispute: Unfair boundary distribution in Punjab made India upper beneficiary
and Pakistan the lower beneficiary of canals and rivers.

Q2. Elaborate the principles of Objectives Resolution and its significance.

Principles of Objectives Resolution
 As per the prescribed principles for development of constitution, it was declared that
sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone.
 It was further emphasized that the authority given by Allah to the state of Pakistan through
its people is a sacred trust, thus it is to be exercised within the limits prescribed by Him.
Importance of Objectives Resolution
This Resolution was important in a way that all the constitutions of Pakistan recognized its
principles. In fact, this sentence that the sovereignty belongs to Almighty Allah is incorporated
in all the constitutions of Pakistan.

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Q3. Define the following important constitutional terminologies.
i. Bill: A Bill is a draft of proposed law. It is presented to the parliament for discussion.
After discussion, bill may be passed or rejected.
ii. Act: When a bill is passed by parliament, it becomes Act. Once a bill becomes an
Act, it cannot be changed easily.
iii. Law: Law is a set of regulations or rules to be followed. Anything which has the
power to confer legal rights, obligations, liabilities, etc are laws.
iv. Amendment : Constitutional amendment means any modification, deletion, or
additions made to the constitution.
v. Ordinance: Ordinances are temporary laws that are circulated by the President.

Q4. Explain the UN resolution regarding Kashmir issue.

i. The United Nations Security Council Resolution of 21st April 1948 stated: "both India
and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India
or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial
ii. As the Indian governments did not act upon UN resolutions, Kashmir people started
struggle for self-determination Thousands of men, women and children have lost the
lives to achieve their goal.
iii. The solution to the dispute requires Referendum for the whole of Jammu & Kashmir
under international auspices.

Q5. Describe the conflict between Pakistan and India at Siachen glacier.
i. Siachen glacier is one of the largest glaciers of the world, situated in Himalayas.
ii. Since the border was not clear in this region, India launched an operation to capture all
the Siachen Glacier in 1984.
iii. Pakistan also sent its forces to oust India from this area. Since then, Siachen is the
world's highest and probably the most expensive war front.

Q6. Enlist the contributions of Pakistan Navy during times of war.

i. On 7th September 1965, Pakistan Navy ships bombarded Indian town and radar station
ii. Pakistan Navy submarine Ghazi kept the Indian Navy's aircraft carrier besieged in the
harbour throughout the war.
iii. On 9th December Pakistani Submarine Hangor, under the command of Commander
Ahmad Tasnim, intercepted Indian Navy Ships Khukri and Kirpan.

Q7. Write down contributions of the following rulers. General Muhammad Ayub
Khan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, General zia ul Haq

General Muhammad Ayub Khan (1958 to 1969)

i. Ten years rule of Ayub Khan is labelled as the 'decade of development'.
ii. Agricultural, industrial, social, and educational reforms were the highlights of this
iii. Three major dams were General Ayub Khan built to help agriculture and provision of
cost-effective energy for Pakistan.
iv. In 1967, capital of Pakistan was shifted from Karachi to a newly built city Islamabad.

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Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1971 to 1977)
 Simla Agreement with India, promulgation of unanimously passed Constitution in 1973,
nationalization of industries, and rehabilitation of a war-ridden country were few of the
highlights of his era.
 Land reforms, labour reforms, administrative reforms, education, health, during this
 Moreover, Pakistan started its nuclear program which helped Pakistan gain strategic
General Zia-ul-Haq (1977 to 1988)
i. In 1982, General Zia visited China and the Karakorum Highway was
ii. Islamization became the main policy during Zia government.
iii. During this period, Pakistan continued developing its military might in both
conventional as well as non-conventional weapons.

Q8. What were the contributions of the Tehreek-e-Insaf government?

 Former Benazir Income Support Program was extended as Ehsas Program and Sehet
Card program were initiated.
 In addition, to provide housing facilities to the masses, housing schemes were also
 Another step taken in this government was initiation of the project of the Single National
Curriculum which was aimed at improving the quality of education and bringing public
schools and Deeni Madaris at par with private sector educational institutions.

i. c ii. b iii. c iv. a v. b vi.c Vii.b Viii. a Ix. a X.d

Draw or paste ‘map of subcontinent at the time of independence’ in the notebook.

“A peaceful Pakistan is the guarantee of a prosperous Pakistan”. Evaluate this


Certainly! The statement "A peaceful Pakistan is the guarantee of a prosperous Pakistan"
emphasizes the intrinsic connection between peace and prosperity within the country.

When a nation enjoys internal stability and tranquility, it creates an environment conducive to

Page 10
economic growth, social development, and overall progress.



Subject: Social Studies (Geography)

Class: VIII

Unit 5 : Transport and its Importance

Q1. Answer the following questions:

i. Explain transportation and its significance.
Transportation means the movement of goods and persons from one place to another by
different modes. Modes of transport can be classified into three groups land, water and air.
Significance: They have made the world much closer to each other by reducing the distances.
Innovation and advancement in transport technology make it possible the globalization and
industrialization so rapidly.

ii. Explain water transport and its significance. What are the types of water transport?
 Water transport is the process of transporting a watercraft such as a boat, ship or
sailboat, over a body of water such as a sea, ocean, canal or river.
 Water transport is important because it is the cheapest way of transporting bulky goods
from one country to another. Ship transport is primarily used for the carriage of people
and cargo.
 There are two major types of water transport namely: Inland water transport and Ocean

Q2. Evaluate the role of transport system for the development of a settlement.
 A developed transport system links producers to markets, workers to jobs, students to
schools and the sick to the hospitals.
 Transportation provides access to food, health care, educational opportunities,
recreation and employment.
 An efficient and affordable transport system is vital for the development of a settlement.
 This is a major reason that small towns have been transformed into mega cities due to
advanced transports system.

Page 11
Q3. How does transportation system play a key role in economic development of a
i. A government always wants an efficient transport system because it allows easier
movement of labour from homes to labour markets.
ii. A good transportation system promotes industries and reduces the cost of raw
materials or manufactured goods.
iii. Transportation enables a country to trade with other countries. The transport system
strengthens our economy by providing services to carry the import and export goods
from markets to ports (sea, dry and air) and from ports to markets.
iv. Fast, safe and comfortable transport contributes to the growth of the tourism industry
thus it plays a major role in economic development.
v. Transport helps the businessmen to assemble raw materials and labour needed to
make specific products. Thus transportation system moves raw materials to the
producers and then supplies finished products to the consumers.

Q4. Explain the role of transportation system in internal or domestic trade.

Transport plays a vital role in domestic trade.
i. It enables different kinds of goods to reach to every corner of the country.
ii. It is an important factor in promoting agriculture and many industries in a country.
iii. Supports internal trade by transferring raw materials to industries and finished products
to the different markets of a country.

Q5. Detail the Makran Coastal Highway.

i. Makran coastal highway is a 653 kilometre long national highway that connects the
provinces of Sindh to Baluchistan.
ii. It is a link between the major sea port of Karachi, Gwadar, Omara and Pasni.
iii. This highway was built to uplift the economic activity in areas along Pakistan's coast
Q6. Describe the international railway connections of Pakistan.
i. Pakistan's international rail route goes through India and Iran.
ii. The Samjhauta Express rail routes lie between Delhi (India) and Lahore (Pakistan)
through Wagah Border.
iii. Iran-Pakistan train service runs from Zahedan to Quetta.

Q7. Describe the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

i. CPEC is a framework of regional connectivity for the common interests of China,
Pakistan and other countries.
ii. Pakistan wants to upgrade its infrastructure and strengthen its economy by
constructing of modern transportation network and special economic zones.
iii. Government plans to train and develop skilled manpower for long term requirements
for the construction and operational phases of this project. Thus, this project will
provide opportunities for employment.

Page 12
Q8. Analyze the transportation infrastructure in Pakistan.
Strengths Weaknesses
New motorways and expressways made Urban traffic congestion is increasing.
throughout the country has significantly
reduced the time to reach their destinations.
Pakistan railway is the only enterprise In Pakistan public transport organizations
providing rail service in the country. But, the have nonprofessional and traditional attitude.
airline industry has greatly benefited its They lack necessary skills such as planning
passengers. and management of humans and poor
infrastructure financial and resources to
develop a high capacity public transport.
Well organized public transport projects like Sometimes poor infrastructure causes traffic
Metro Bus have facilitated people and dealt jams and dangerous accidents.
with their problems regarding transportation.

Q9. What impact does information technology have on transportation systems?

Information technology has a broad effect on the transport systems.
i. GPS (Global Positioning system) provides guidance on transport.
ii. The images and signals from satellites provide guidance to drivers, piolets, ship Captions
and even people on foot.
iii. Information technology has reduced the chances of accidents through cameras and
iv. Online booking of flights, trains and buses has made it easier to choose the service as well
as route.

i. d ii. d iii. a iv. c v. c vi. a Vii. b Viii. c Ix. d


1. Write down the name of your city and search and write the names of the nearest railway
station, airport and seaport to your city.
City: Karachi
Railway station: Karachi Cantt Station
Air port: Jinnah International Airport (JIAP)
Seaport: Karachi Port, Port Qasim

2. Write down the ways to improve transportation to overcome the needs due to increase in
population. Write in three points.
 More buses
 More good quality roads
 More good quality public buses

3. Find out and write down the names of three roads that you come across while coming to
school from your home. (Students will find according to their location.)

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Subject: Social Studies (History)

Class: VIII

Unit 6 : Developing Pakistan

Q1. Briefly describe the development of Pakistan in the field of Industry.

i. At the time of independence, there were only two sugar mills in the country whereas
now there are more than 100 sugar mills.
ii. In Sports, Pakistan exports more than 70% of the total world demand for hand stitched
footballs, the number of which reaches to more than 40 million footballs a year.
iii. Telecom industry has developed in recent years with spread of mobile phones and
internet facilities, reaching every corner of the country.
iv. Pakistan has made landmark development in the field of defence production.

Q2. Define democracy and elaborate the democratic process in Pakistan.

 Democracy is generally defined as "the government of the people, by the people and
for the people."
 Of the people means that the government is composed of common citizens.
 By the people implies that the government is elected by its own citizens.
 For the people denotes that the basic objective of the government is to act in ways
beneficial to the people.
 In democratic process, all citizens are allowed to live a life of their own choice and is
free to say and do what they want within the limits of established law.

Q3. Explain the executive government of Pakistan.

i. The member of National Assembly with majority votes of the members of assembly is
appointed as the Prime Minister.
ii. Prime Minister is appointed for a term of five years. He is assisted by the Ministers in
the Federal Cabinet. This cabinet comprises of the ministers, ministers of state, and
iii. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is the Head and Chief Executive of the Government of
Pakistan. He is the leader of the nation who has control over all matters of internal and
foreign policy.
Q4. Describe the warm relation between Pakistan and Iran.
i. Pakistan and Iran remained together in mutual cooperation and protection at CENTO
and Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD).
ii. During the 1965 and 1971 wars with India, Pakistan received military and diplomatic
support from Iran.
iii. In recent years, Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline project opened new doors of cooperation. After

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finishing this project both countries will get huge benefit from it.

Q5. Describe the role of Pakistan in the United Nations Organization.

i. Pakistan joined the United Nations on September 30, 1947. Since then it has been an
active member of the UN and its different agencies, bodies and conferences.
ii. In order to resolve any issue, instead of following any aggressive designs, Pakistan
has always consulted the forum of United Nations. Most notably, for the peaceful
resolution of the Kashmir issue, Pakistan has called for solution through UN
iii. Pakistan also played a great role in UN peacekeeping forces, contributing thousands of
troops to the United Nations Operations in Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other
conflict zones.
i. b ii. c iii. c iv. b v. c vi. d vii. c viii. b ix. b x. a

Illustrate the Judiciary of Pakistan.

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Subject: Social Studies (Geography)

Class: VIII

Unit 6 : Social and Economic Development

Q1. Define inflation and discuss its consequences.

Inflation is the constant increase in aggregate prices of services and goods.
i. It leads to the devaluation of the currency of that country, which eventually lowers the
values of the savings of the country's residents.
ii. It also decreases the purchasing power of the people of that country.
iii. High inflation is bad for economic development, while a lower inflation rate is
considered good for economic development.

Q2. Compare three characteristics of developed and the developing countries.

Developed Countries Developing Countries

1. Only about one-fifth of the world's About 80% of the people in ti world live in
people live in developed countries. developing countries.
2. Developed areas have a good Underdeveloped areas do not have good
geographical location with respect to location with respect to climate, resources
climate, resources and trade. and trade.
3. The population growth rate is low. The population growth rate is high.

Q3. Explain the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Economic Activities.

Primary Economic Activities:
These activities are directly related to the nature of extraction of resources of the Earth.
Agriculture, livestock farming, forestry, fishing and mining are some of the important primary

Secondary Economic Activities:

These activities use raw materials produced by primary activities and change their form into
more valuable finished goods. Secondary economic activities include industry, manufacturing
and construction.

Tertiary Economic Activities:

These activities provide a wide range of services to primary and secondary activities.
Important tertiary activities include clerical and financial services, trade (retail and wholesale),
transport and communication.

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Q4. What are the consequences of high unemployment rate in a country?
i. A high unemployment rate leads to a negative impact on development because
unemployed people waste resources without contributing to the economy.
ii. Unemployment can cause illness, conflicts and social unrest in the country.
iii. In developed countries, unemployed people put an extra burden on the economy by
taking benefits of joblessness.

Q5. What is OECD and provide an overview of its functions and responsibilities.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a group of 38
countries. OECD was founded in 1961 in France to improve the economic and social
conditions of the member countries.
Functions and responsibilities:
i. It provides policy solutions to governments for improvement in their development level.
ii. The OECD publishes reports on the economy and analyzes the impacts of policy
issues and makes recommendations for economic improvement around the world.
iii. The OECD provides a platform to share experiences of government and give solutions
to confront problems.

i. d ii. a iii. b iv. a v. d vi. a vii. b viii. b ix. b x. c

1. Write names of three developed countries and three developing countries in Asia, keeping
in view the characteristic that you have studied.

Three developed countries in Asia:

1. Japan
2. South Korea
3. Singapore

Three developing countries in Asia:

1. India
2. Vietnam
3. Bangladesh

Page 17
Social Studies Revision Test Worksheet # 1
Class: VIII
Unit 4 : Industrialization and International Trade

NOTE: Deleting/Overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.

Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. /05

(i) ______________ is to separate seeds from cotton balls.
(A) Ginning (B) Weaving
(C) Spinning (D) Sewing
(ii) There is a great demand for Pakistani _________ products for their quality in the international
(A) mango (B) artificial
(C) cotton (D) grass
(iii) Pakistan produces raw _________ which is not only the source of income for the farmers but
also provides cheap local raw material.
(A) mango (B) cotton
(C) orange (D) All of the above
(iv) Small Scale industries check rural-urban ___________ and contribute a sufficient ratio to
national earnings.
(A) nationalism (B) citizenship
(C) scarcity (D) migration
(v) ______________ is the money sent by people working in foreign countries to their families living
in their home country or homeland.
(A) Remittance (B) Monetary Fund
(C)Temporary (D) none of these options

Q2. Complete the following statements: /05

1. _____________________ is the processing of yarn from raw cotton. spinning
2. ____________________ means the demand for a good or service is greater than the availability
of the good or service. scarcity
3. IMF has _____________ member states. 190
4. WTO stands for World ___________ Organization. Trade
5. ________________ is an exchange of import and export of goods and services between different
countries. Trade
Q3. Answer in Yes or No: /05
S.No Yes No
1 Immigration is the act of moving people into another ✔
country with the intention of settling in it.
2 IMF stands for International Money Fund. ✔
3 Weaving is a production of cloth from yarn. ✔
4 Headquarter of World Bank is in Canada. ✔
5 10 percentage of employment is provided by industries. ✔

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Social Studies Revision Test Worksheet # 1
Class: VIII

Unit 04: Political Awakening in India

NOTE: Deleting/Overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.

Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. /03

(i) For the provincial assemblies, the elections were conducted in January 1946 where the Muslim
League won about _____________ of the total Muslim seats.
(A) 85% (B) 65%
(C) 95% (D) 75%
(ii) The boundaries between the two states were to be determined by a Boundary Commission called
the Radcliffe Commission.
(A) Radcliffe (B) Westland
(C) Simon (D) none of these options
(iii) The __________ states were free to join either India or Pakistan or remain independent.
(A) undefined (B) princely
(C) developing (D) village

Q2. Complete the following statements: /05

1. The Indian National Congress could not maintain its neutral attitude and it became the mouthpiece
of the ______________ only. Hindus
2. The Urdu-Hindi controversy began with the demand of the Hindus to replace _______________
by Hindi as the official language. Urdu
3. The aims of _______________ movement were to protect the holy sites of Islam, to restore the
territories of Ottoman Turkey and to restore the Ottoman Caliphate. Khilafat
4. First round of conference could not bear any result as ________________ leadership did not
participate. Congress
5. _______________ resolution made it clear that there was only one destination for the Muslims of
the Subcontinent: Pakistan. Lahore

Q3. Answer in Yes or No: /05

S.No Yes No
1 Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar and his brother Maulana Shaukat
Ali played a significant role as the frontline leaders of Khilafat ✔
2 In September 1947, the Congress ministries were formed. ✔
3 The Muslims rejected the Nehru report. According to them it was ✔
reversal of Lucknow Pact.
4 Bengal was to be divided into two parts i.e ., East Punjab and ✔
West Punjab.
5 Second Round Table Conference failed due to unrealistic stance ✔
of Gandhi that he represented all the Indians.

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Social Studies Revision Test Worksheet # 2
Class: VIII

Unit 5 : Transport and its Importance

NOTE: Deleting/Overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.

Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. /05

(i) The sea port that handles about 60% of Pakistan’s cargo deals is _______________ .
(A) Port Qasim (B) Port of Karachi
(C) Port of Gwadar (D) Port of Pasni
(ii) Chaman is the international border crossing between _____________.
(A) Pakistan and India (B) Afghanistan and China
(C) Pakistan and Iran (D) Pakistan and Afghanistan
(iii) Indus highway is the main connecting road from ________________ to Peshawar.
(A) Karachi (B) Makran
(C) Quetta (D) Chaman
(iv) ________________ refers to buying and selling goods and services within the country.
(A) Exploration (B) External trade
(C) Tourism (D) Internal trade
(v) _________________ provides complete door to door services and is one of the cheapest modes
of transport.
(A) Sea transport (B) Air transport
(C) Road transport (D) none of these options

Q2. Complete the following statements: /05

1. __________________________ means the movement of goods and persons from one place to
another by different modes. Transportation
2. ___________________ provides guidance on transport. GPS
3. _______________ is most common and cheapest mode of transport. Road
4. Silk route connects Pakistan with __________________ . China
5. ____________ Pakistan train service runs from Zahedan to Quetta. Iran
Q3. Answer in Yes or No: /05
S.No Yes No
1 Modes of transport can be classified into three groups land, ✔
water and air.
2 Rural areas have more developed and organized transport ✔
3 In rural areas there are planned and paved roads suitable for ✔
heavy traffic
4 In urban areas it takes lot of time to move from one place to ✔
5 Urban areas have convenient and fast transport ✔

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Social Studies Revision Test Worksheet # 2
Class: VIII

Unit 5: Pakistan Since Independence
Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. /10
(i) After long talks a solution was agreed upon water problems between India and Pakistan, in
1960 as a treaty which is commonly known as the __________________.
(A) Indus water Treaty (B) Independence Act
(C) India Act 1935 (D) Lucknow Pact
(ii) To resolve the problem of communal riots , Pakistani Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and Indian
Prime Minister Jawahir Lal Nehru signed an agreement on 8th April 1952, called ________________.
(A) Radcliffe Commission (B) Liaquat-Nehru Pact
(C) India Act 1935 (D) Lucknow Pact
(iii) ________________ is the set of plans and schemes to manage a country’s relationships with
other countries.
(A) Agriculture Policy (B) Defence Policy
(C) Foreign Policy (D) All of the above
(iv) ________________articles were there in the 1956 constitution.
(A) 682 (B) 999
(C) 394 (D) 234
(v) _________________ type of government was introduced in 1962 constitution.
(A) Martial Law (B) Presidential
(C)Temporary (D) none of these options
(vi) ________________ is the Military controlled line between Indian and Pakistani-controlled parts
of Jammu and Kashmir.
(A) Line of Control (LOC) (B) Political Line
(C) Topographic Line (D) Democratic Line
(vii) ___________ is one of the largest glaciers of the world, situated in Himalayas.
(A) Batura Glacier (B) Baifo Glacier
(C) Siachen Glacier (D) Yengunta Glacier
(viii) ________________is a maritime boundary line between Kutch and Sindh.
(A) Brook Creek (B) Blackwater Creek
(C) Mill Creek (D) Sir Creek
(ix) Pakistani pilot Squadron Leader M. M. Alam made a world record when he shot down ______
attacking Indian Air Force aircrafts in a single sortie.
(A) seven (B) two
(C) five (D) four
(x) The political, social and economic conflict between Soviet Union and USA and their
ideological allies worldwide is termed as ____________.
(A) Cold War (B) War of Fame
(C) Peace War (D) Democratic War

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Social Studies Revision Test Worksheet # 3
Class: VIII

Unit 6 : Social and Economic Development

NOTE: Deleting/Overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.

Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. /05

(i) Indicators of development can be divided into _______ broad categories.
(A) 6 (B) 3
(C) 7 (D) 2
(ii) The World Bank has replaced Gross National Product with Gross National __________.
(A) Income (B) Inflation
(C) Investment (D) Interaction
(iii) Where there is less wealth inequality, the poverty ration will be ___________ .
(A) more (B) balanced
(C) less (D) none of these options
(iv) _______ development indicators measure the non-economic aspects of a country’s development.
(A) Unemployment (B) Human
(C) Inflation (D) International
(v) Literacy rate measures the access of people to _____________ .
(A) entertainment (B) education
(C) health (D) none of these options
Q2. Complete the following statements: /10
i. In geography, _______________ refers to the economic and social growth of a
country. (Development)
ii. ____________ represents the total monetary value of all finished goods and services
produced usually in one year, within a country. (GDP)
iii. __________ referred to the total value of all finished goods and services produced by a
country’s citizens in a given financial year. (GNP/GNI)
iv. Wealth Inequality is the unequal distribution of __________ or a gap between the rich
and the poor in a country. (wealth)
v. _______________ is the constant increase in aggregate prices of services and goods.
vi. Unemployment is the state of the economy where the individuals are unable to get
_______ even though they are eligible for employment. (jobs)
vii. _______________ is the most important indicator of human development. (Education)
viii. Standard of __________ is directly associated with the level of income of
individuals or residents. (living)
ix. About ________ % of the people in the world live in developing countries. (80%)
x. According to United Nations, there are _______ developed countries and 156
developing countries. (36)

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Social Studies Revision Test Worksheet # 3
Class: VIII

Unit # 06 Developing Pakistan

Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. /05

(i) __________ provides 39 percent employment to Pakistan labour and 19 percent of GDP.
(A) Agriculture Sector (B) Transport Sector
(C) Sewage Sector (D) Sports Sector
(ii) Hashim Khan won British Open ___________ times in 1950s.
(A) 6 (B) 7
(C) 4 (D) 9
(iii) __________ inaugurated State Bank of Pakistan which issued currency notes in October 1948.
(A) Allama Iqbal (B) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
(C) Liaquat Ali Khan (D) Quaid e Azam
(iv) ________________ is the largest mud dam of the world.
(A) Mangla Dam (B) Warsaq Dam
(C) Tarbela Dam (D) none of these options
(v) Pakistan and Afghanistan share a 2250 km long border called ___________________.
(A) Dari Line (B) Durand Line
(C) Kabul Line (D) Dawood Line
Q2. Complete the following statements: /08
i. The national game of Pakistan is ______________________ . Hockey
ii. Jahangir Khan won __________ British Open titles. 10
iii. The __________________ of Pakistan is the law-making body of Pakistan. Parliament
iv. National Assembly consists of _____________ members. 342
v. The members of the National Assembly are elected for a ___________ year term. Five
vi. The ______________________ of Pakistan is the Head and Chief Executive of the Government
of Pakistan. Prime Minister
vii. The members of the Senate are elected for a term of ___________ years. 6
With the motto of Iman, Taqwa and Jihad Fi Sabeel Allah, our valiat ______________ forces are
responsible for defending the borders of the country. Armed
Q3. Write down the full form of the following organizations. /03
World Organizations Full Forms
i. UNO United Nations Organizations
ii. OIC Organization of Islamic Cooperation
iii. SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization

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