Class VIII - Chapter 1 - Solved Worksheet

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G. Science
Class VIII
Chapter 1 (Page 07 - 26)

Task 1

The diagram shows some biotic and abiotic factors that can affect the environment.

1. What does environment mean?

the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

2. What are biotic factors?

the living components (organisms) that shape up the environment

3. What are abiotic factors?

a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment.

4. List four living things shown in the diagram.

a. plant

b. cat

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G. Science - Class VIII
Chapter 1

c. microrganisms

d. rabit

5. Give three examples of non-living things that can affect the environment.

a. water

b. sun

c. wind

Task 2

Using your textbook, write the definitions of the terms below with examples.

1. Producer

A producer is a maker or manufacturer of something.

2. Consumer

A consumer is any person or group who is the final user of a product or


3. Herbivore

An herbivore is an organism that feeds mostly on plants

4. Carnivore

A carnivore is an organism that eats mostly meat, or the flesh of


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G. Science - Class VIII
Chapter 1

5. Omnivore

An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both
plant and animal matter

6. Decomposer

Micro-organisms that break down the complex organic compounds

present in dead plants and animals and their products, such as faeces and
urine, into simpler substances

Task 3

Answer the questions.

1. Why do camels not live at the North Pole?

They are not adopted to this environment

2. Why do sharks not live in the desert?

They can not live without water

3. Why are camels able to live in deserts?

The camel's thick coat insulates it from the intense heat radiated from desert sand

Task 4

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G. Science - Class VIII
Chapter 1
Consider the list of features of animals below. Some are typical features of
predators, others of prey. Copy the features into the correct columns.

• camouflage to avoid being seen by predators

• camouflage to avoid being seen by prey
• defences such as poison or stings
• eyes to the front of the head to judge size and distance well
• eyes to the side of the head to get a wide field of vision
• live in groups
• sharp teeth and claws
Predators Prey

Built for sped Built for speed

• camouflage
• eyes to the front of the head to judge to avoid being
size and distance well seen by

• defences
such as
• live in groups
poison or

• sharp teeth and claws • live in groups

Task 5

Use your imagination and design the ‘perfect predator’. Describe each adaptation carefully
and explain how each helps the predator catch its prey. [Hint: Most perfect predators go
extinct over time]

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G. Science - Class VIII
Chapter 1

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