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Ninth Series, Vol.

IX No, 20 Thursday, September 6,1990

Bhadra 15, 1990/1912(Saka)


(English Version)

Third Session
(Ninth Lok Sabha)


Price: Rs., 50,00

[Ninth Series, Vol. IX, Third Session, 1990/1912 (SAKA)]

No. 20. Thursday. September 6. 1990/Bhadra 15, 1912 (Saka)

Co l u mn s

Oral Answers to Questions: 2—28

‘ Starred Question Nos. 407 to 410

Written Answers to Questions: 28—362

Starred Question Nos. 411 to 426 28— 42

Question (No. 1) under Rule 40 42— 44

Unstarred Question Nos. 4705 to 4937, 44—361

4937-A and 4937-B

Resignation by Member 362

Re. Bill for Granting Statehood to Delhi 362—383

393— 427

Papers Laid on the Table 383—389

Message from Rajya Sabha 389

Indian Council of World Affairs Bill, 1990 390

As passed by Rajya Sabha—Laid

Public Accounts Committee 3 9 0 -3 9 2

Fifth to Seventeenth Reports

Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance 427—430


‘The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually
asked on the fk}or of the House by that Member.

Co l u mn s

Extension of cotton monopoly procurement scheme to Maharashtra

Shri Harish Rawat 428


Shri Sharad Yadav 429—430


Prof. Mahadeo Shiwankar 43 3-^ 3 4

Shri Haribhau Shankar Mahale 446

Dr. Khushal Parasram Bopche 4 4 6 -4 4 7

Re. Business of the House 434—445

Matters under Rule 377 4 4 9 -4 6 4

(i) Need to declare synonyms of ‘Nayaka’ community 449—450

as scheduled tribes

Shri Raja Ambanna Nayak Dore

(ii) Need to permit the Government of Karnataka to raise 450

^unds to finance its irrigation and power projects by
issue of bonds
Shri C.P. Mudala Giriyappa

(iii) Need to implement the decision regarding waiver of 450-451

excise duty on diesel oil used by mechanised boats
run under the co-operative sector

Shnmati Uma Gajapathi Raju

(iv) Need to declare East and West Champaran districts in 4 5 1 -4 5 2

Bihar as drought affected areas and take remedial
Shri Dharmesh Prasad Varma

(V) Need to take steps to provide kerosene and cooking gas 452
in Madhya Pradesh

Shri Raghavji

C o l u mn s

(vi) Need to set up electronic telephone exchange in Azamgarh, 452—453

Uttar Pradesh

Shn Ram Krisnna Yadav

(VII) Need to take effective steps to implement 'one rank one 4 5 3 -4 5 4

pension scheme for the defence personnel

Prof Prem Kumar Dhumal

(viii) Need to issue licences to hawkers selling goods in trains 454

Shn Pratap Singh

(IX) Need to remove taxes levied on electronic goods in 454-~^55

Punjab and to declare it as industrially
backward State

S Atinder Pal Singh

Discussion under Rule 193 464—556

Decisions on Mandal Commission Report
Measuies for promotion of employment for youth in
addition to reservations for socially and
educationally backward classes

Shn Kashiram Chhabildas Rana 4 6 5 -4 6 9

Shn Indrajit Gupta 469—481

Shn Rajiv Gandhi 482—533

Shn Vishwanath Pratap Singh 533—556

Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Bill 556—566

Amendments made by Rajya Sabha

Motion to consider

Shn P Upendra S56


C o l u mn s

Motion to agree

Shri P, Upendra 566

Constitution (Seventy-Second Amendment) Bill 566—568

Insertion of New Article 371 J and amendment
of First and Fourth Schedules

Motion to consider

Shn Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 567


LOK SABHA MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat.

When your turn comes, you may speak.

Tuesday, September, 6, 1990/ Bhadra



Migration of Hindus From Pakistan

The Lok Sabha met at one minute past
Eleven of the Clock M07. SHRI RAMESHWAR PATIDAR:
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
[MR. SPEAKER in the Ohaii] pleased to state:

[English] (a) the number of Hindus who have

migrated to India from Pakistan in the last six
SHRI A. K. ROY: I am on a point of months; and
(b) the number thereof who have since
[Translation] returned to Pakistan?


SUBODHKANTSAHAY):(a) and(b). While
[English] precise figure are not available, there are
cases of 211 Hindus who have come to India
SHRI. A.K. ROY: Please listen to me. from Pakistan recently and are staying on
after the expiry of their authorised visa pe-
MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat. riod. They are reported to be seeking per-
mission to extend their stay in India indefi-
SHRI A. K. ROY: Question No. 1 under nitely.
"List of Questions for Oral Answer Under
Rule 40” should be taken up first. SHRI RAMESHWAR PATIDAR: My
question has been replied very lightly. In my
MR. SPEAKER: If it comes, I will check question. I had asked as to how many Hin-
up. dus migrated from Pakistan to India. In reply
to that, the hon. Minister stated in his reply
(Interruptions) that recently 211 Hindus came. Has there
Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6, 1990 Oral Answers

been any account of last six months with the be made available to the hon. Member...
Government? If not, whether our intelligence (Interruptions)
department is unable to keep this much
account? Does the Government keep the MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat.
accounts of only visa and passport hold- You have already put two questions. Shri
ers?... (Interruptions) Jaswant Singhji.

MR. SPEAKER: When Mr. Patidar is SHRI JASWANT SINGH: Mr. Speaker.
speaking, why are you getting up? He is also Sir, it has become a regular feature for the
competent to speak. last several years. As the hon. Minister is
aware. A large number of Pakistani nation-
SHRIRAMESHWAR PATIDAR: I would als have migrated to Barmer, Jaisalmer and
like to know from the hon. Minister as to how my Constituency, Jodhpur. There is nothing
many Pakistani nationals, whether they are new in it as it has been continuing for the last
Hindus or Muslims, came to India illegally"^ many years. I do not ask the Government to
furnish detailed figures of these people. One
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr. more thing is that the question of their return-
Speaker, Sir, I said that exact figure is not ing to Pakistan does not arise now. What-
available with me. But the number of people ever, may be the figure, the lapse cannot be
whose vise period has since expired is avail- attributed to any particular individual or
able with me and it is 211. agency. The Government of Rajasthan, the
B.S.F. etc. are equally responsible for the
SHRI RAMESHWAR PATIDAR* I did lapse. Now these people cannot return to
not ask about visa. People who come throug h Pakistan. I also know that granting citizen-
a valid procedure, come and return. The ship to these people is linked with the length
hon. Minister stated in his reply that some of of their stay in this country. It is a lengthy
them do not want to return. Then the Govern- procedure and without conducting proper
ment should ascertain the reasons for their enquiry in this regard, they cannot be granted
not returning to Pakistan? Will he set up a the citizenship. Inthe meantime, time passes
Commission of Enquiry for this"^ Now the off. Neither they can be issued ration cards
number of such people who have migrated nor driving licences. They cannot take treat-
to India from Pakistan and settled here has ment in a hospital or receive medicines for
touched the mark of crores. I would like to their ailments. The Government should take
know whether these Hindus include Sikhs this point into consideration and issue suit-
and Jains also? I would further like to know able instructions to the State Government.
whether the figure available with the Gov- So far as I know, thousands of Pakistani
ernment includes Sikhs also? Will the Gov- nationals are living in the districts of Barmer,
ernment please state as to how many people Jaisalmer and Jodhpur. As they are not the
have to leave their women tolk behindPaki- citizens of this country, neither they can take
stan per force of circumstances while mi- up any employment nor get driving licences
grating to India. Have almost all of them left so that they could drive trucks or buses and
behind their women? thus earn there livelihood. I would, therefore,
like to request the Government to take ur-
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: It is a gent steps in this regard.
fact that a large number of people whose
economic condition was not good, preferred SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr.
to migrate to India. But their number has not Speaker, Sr, the question was as to how
touched the mark of crores. However, de- many Hindus migrated to India. There are
tailed figures of these people are not avail- two points in the question put by the hon.
able with us. We have called for these fig- Member. There were a number of people
ures. After collecting the figures from the who migrated to Pakistan and their citizen-
B.S.F. and other concerned agencies, it could ship was cancelled. Some of them returned
Orat Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6

to India and settled in Rajasthan, especially SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr.
in the border districts. The question of grant* Speaker. Sir, I have said in very clear terms
ing citizenship to these people is pending that the question of granting citizenship is
consideration for a long time. The case is pending and a decision in regard to the
pending. Now about the people,... {Interrupt people who have been staying for a perbd of
tions) 5 years will be taken. This matter is under the
consideration of the Government and a pol-
MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat. icy decisbn inthis regard will be taken soon....
has been pending for the last several years. [English]
Please fix a time limit for this. Whatever Shri
Jaswant Singh has said is true. For how long PROF. RAM GANESH KAPSE: Hon.
will it be kept pending? Speaker, Sir, we are totally dissatisfied with
the reply given by the Minister. I may tell you
MR. SPEAKER: No, no. Mr. Joshi, not my experience. From my constituency, a
like this. Sindhi, who is a professor in a university in
Sind has come back with his whole family
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: I would and he wants to settle here. He is not getting
like to tell the hon. Member that he has linked a Visa. He wants to stay here but he is not
two questions with each other. The basic getting NOC. I have myself taken that man to
question Is as to how many Hindus migrated the Home Ministry. They are replying, as if it
to India and what is being done for them. IS a casual matter. Everywhere this problem
Both the questions are linked with each is there whether it is Rajasthan, Gujarat or
other. Firstly, people belonging to minority Sind. So, Sindhi’s in my constituency, Gujara-
community in Pakistan have come. Sec- tis in Gujarat and Rajasthanis in F^ajasthan
ondly, Muslims have also migrated. Both the are facing the problem. Government should
issues are inter-linked. One more thing is take cognisance of the feelings of the House
that Government’s policy is very clear in this that the problem is very wide. This is a
regard. Liberal decision is being taken In problem of refugees and nothing else. Please
respect of people who come with a visa and take it in that seriousness and accept the fact
intend to stay here. They can be given per- as it is. Please leport whenever you get the
mission to continue their stay here. But so far report correctly. My question is whether you
as people migrating to India in an illegal will treat this a refugees problem, a border
manner is concerned, the Ministry of Exter- problem and look after the Hindu interest
nal Affairs and all other Ministries have who are migrated from Pakistan.
decided that they wouki not be altowed to
stay in the country... {Interruptions) [Translation]

the question was about Hindus only... (Inter- Speaker, Sir, I have stated clearly that people
ruptions) who have entered illegally will not be treated
in the same manner. Some distinction will
have to be made between these two catego-
SHRIMATIJAYAWANTINAVINCHAN- ries—one. who have come with a valid visa
DRA MEHTA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the question and the other who have entered illegally.
is very clear, but the hon. Minister is giving But... (Interruptions)
reply to questbn No. 412 Instead of question
No. 407.... (Inten^uptbns) AN HON. MEMBER: Thy come to save
their lives.... (Interruptions)
Sir. I had sought some assurances. MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down.
Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Oral Answers 8

(Interruptions) SHRI KALYAN SINGH KALVI: Mr.

Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has rightly
[English] said that in the year 1971 many people from
Pakistan came to India and in the same
PROF. RAM GANESH KAPSE; This is period some people from India went to
a refugee problem.... {Interruptions) Pakistan also. Some of the people who came
to India returned to Pakistan and those who
[Translation] had gone to Pakistan also came back to
India. But the main problem is that 70 per
cent of the people who migrated to India in
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr. 1971 have got citizenship here and the
Speaker, Sir, I am saying in very clear terms. remaining 30 per cent have not got citizen-
ship. Out of these 30 per cent also there are
(Interruptions) such persons in whose case father has got
citizenship but son has not got it. I request
SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker. Sir, you to constitute a high level committee to
the Hon. Prime Minister would like to make it settle their cases so that they could also get
clear as to what is the exact position?... citizenship and should not be forced to go
(Interruptions) back as they are not in a position to go there.
Those who have been granted citizens '
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr. India are now well settled and they have
Speaker, Sir, I am clearly stating that there even purchase properties. Some people have
are separate rules to dispose to the cases of been allotted land under the Rajasthan In-
such people who have been living in India as dira Gandhi Canal Project and they have
refugees for the last five years. For that... started cultivation on that land. My second
(Interruptions) point is that now very few refugees are
coming have and their number is small. This
is a wrong propaganda that a large number
MR. SPEAKER: You please sit down. of Hindu refugees are migrating to India but
if any such persons are coming here then a
(Interruptions) departmental Committee should be consti-
tuted to solve their problem so that these
SHRI DAU DAYAL JOSHI: Mr. Speaker. people could also get facilities. I would like to
Sir, please do not shield the hon. Minister, he know whether Government is considering to
does not come with full preparation. Please take any such action?
pull him up for not coming fully prepared.
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr. Speaker, Sir, 6-7 days ago, a meeting was
Speaker, Sir, I have clearly stated that these held with the Chief Minister of Rajasthan in
people cannot be granted citizenship unless this regard because this matter has been
their cases are fully examined. Cases of pending for the last many years and Govern-
refugees are dealt with as per the rules and ment are contemplating to take a decision on
regulations made by the Government in this this matter. That is why I have said that we
regard. But those refugees who are here for would take a sympathetic view in their cases
the last Five Years in the different states and Government is going to take to decision
particularly in Gujarat and Rajasthan, are to grant citizenship to those people who
being considered for granting citizenship to have come here and living here for a tong
them by the Government and it will decide duration and their families have settled here
this matter very soon. The question of prepa- permanently. We have assured them that
ration and home-work does not arise.... (Inter- Government will take a decisfon in this re-
ruptions) gard shortly. (Interruptions)
Oral Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Oral Answers 10


Speaker, Sir, as far as the question of policy
SHRI UDAYSINGRAO GAIKWAD: A is concerned, we have come to power very
figure has been given by the Minister that recently. (Interruptions)
211 persons are staying without visa in India.
I would like to know how many of them have MR. SPEAKER: Their question is that
applied for extension of visa within the time under which policy they have been granted
and whetherthe Government is going to take citizenship.
a decisbn within a specific perkxJ of one or
two months. Please tell us within what time SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr.
you think of finalising all these cases. Speaker, Sir, the applicattons seeking citi-
zenship have to be submitted. After that,
[Translation] they are examined and after satisfying them-
selves that they have completed five years,
the Government grants citizenship to the
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr. applicants. (Interruptions)
Speaker, Sir, this figure of 211 persons is six
month old. After that they have applied for SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: Mr.
extension of visafor a long duration. Nowthe Speaker, Sir, my question has not been
question is that Government have to take a answered. People have not got citizenship
decision that upto what specifk: period their for more than 20 years.
visa should be extended sp that those people
who want to remain here for a long time SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: That is
ultimately become citizen of this country. a different case. It can be due to any lapse on
Government will have to decide it but this the part of officials but under the rules citi-
period cannot be declared right now be- zenship is granted after completing 5 years
cause this case is pending for the last so period. Government have seen this question
many years and it will take some time. from a different angle because it has been
pending for the last so many years. It has to
SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: Mr. be decided. The Chief Minister of Rajasthan
Speaker, Sir. it is very sad that this problem was consulted in this matter because many
remain unsolved for the last 30 years. There such persons are residing in Rajasthan and
are many Sindhi people in my Constituency Gujarat.
who are trying to get the citizenship of India
for the last 30 years. As just now hon. Minis* SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: Mr.
ter has told that no policy in this regard have Speaker, Sir, still my question has not been
so far been fixed. answered that under which policy the citi-
zenship was granted? (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: He has said that they
are going to do it. MR. SPEAKER: He has answered it,
you please sit down.
Speaker, Sir, this means that no policy has PROF. VUAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Mr.
been framed as yet. Whether not a single Speaker, Sir, I would like to know from hon.
person has been granted citizenship and if Minister as to reason why these Hindus are
so under which policy or rules it has been migrating from Pakistan to India? News of
granted? People have not been granted rapes, molestatbns and kidnappings of girls
citizenship in my Constituency for the last 30 of Hindus in Pakistan are coming in the
years. How a polrcy will be made In this newspapers and it is being reported that
regard. If no policy has been framed then their temples are being demolished their
how the people have been granted citizen' lands are being confiscated and thousands
ship and under which rules and policy? of Hindus are fleeing to India from Sindh.
11 Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 OralAnswers 12

Have you contacted the Pakistan Govern- back. Our policy should not chase them
ment in this regard and told them not to back.
create a situation there under which Hindus
are compelled to migrate to India? Have you I would like to the Minister to look into
raised this question in U.N.O. or warned the matter in its totality.
Pakistan about taking stern action in these
circumstances? [Translation]

What steps you have taken about the SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr.
people who have already migrated? They Speaker, Sir, this question has to be dealt
came here disappointed from Pakistan and with at 3-4 levels.The people who come here
they are disappointed here also, what the and possess Visas did not face any problem
Government have done for them? from anybody and there had never been any
incident sending them back. The process of
SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: The Visa has been libralised. Prevbusly there
questions raised by the hon. Member pertain was permit system and Passport system
to the External Affairs Ministry. In regard to was introduced in 1952. It was again imple-
the question raised about the granting of mented in 1974 Three to four stages were
citizenship I would like to inform that upto liberalised. The objective of the honourable
now 50 persons have been given visa. The member Is that the Hindus or their families
questions raised by Prof. Vijay Kumar who migrate should be looked after properly.
Malhotra does not pertain to my Ministry. The policy of the Government has been such
and we are following the same. We have
[English] said that we would be doing something and
Government wlH come before the House
SHRI SAMARENDRA KUNDU: Sir. it Is witn its policy very soon.
a very important question and we have to
view the entire thing in a larger perspective. [English]
It is true that some of the Hindus are not
given citizenship, though they have come PROF. N.G. RANGA: Mr. Speaker. Sir.
with visas. But there are many Muslims also, It IS your privilege I would like to use in the
who have come and they were hunted out by interest of this question. I am glad that this
the police before the visa term expires. I question has been raised. For too long a
remember, we did liberalise their entry ten time, we have neglected this matter. The
years back. This process of liberalisation Pnme Minister happens to be here. He is in
was hardened up during the last ten years. charge of the whole of these affairs. External
There is another category of persons, who affairs will come in. My hon. friend has said
entered without any visa or authorisation. It. So far as he is concerned, he has given a
They belong to both Hindus and Muslims. good answer. Good answer should get a
Some of the persons of this category are good response. But the external affairs also
used by Pakistan Govemment to spy. It is a come in. It is a question of policy.
very delicate matter and many things are
involved in it, which I do not want to say, I would like the hon. Prime Minister to
here. So, I would like to know from the hon. take an early opportunity of discussing this
Minister, who is very patiently replying to this matter with all the authorities concerned and
question, whether he will examine this prob- see that justice is done.
lem in its total perspective. Partcularly about
the Hindus, who have come, there need be My hon. friend, Shri Jaswant Singh, has
any problem. I would like that he should have just now said about the troubles that these
a sympatheVtc consideration towards the people go through here and the disabilities.
Muslims who come hereto see their families Then, the citizenship is not conferred upon
after 30-40 years. They do not want to go them. Therefore, use your own privilege and
13 Oral Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Orai Answers 14

your duty to call upon the Prime Minister to i) Ammonium Sulphate Plant
give special attention to the whole of this
matter. ii) Existing Captive Power Plant

[Translation] ill) Nitric Acid Plant

SHRI SUBODH KANT SAHAY: Mr. iv) Ammonium Bicartx)nate Plant

Speaker. Sr, the suggestion of the unable
Minister will be looked into and I believe v) Ammonium Nitrate Plant
Government is fully aware of the serfous-
ness expressed by the House towards this vi) Replacement of three Revexes in
question. Ammonia Plant

SIndrI Unit of FCI (b) There is no proposal at present to

set up a new Naptha based plant at Sindri.
*408 SHRI A. K. ROY: Will the Minister
of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state; (c) and (d). As intimated by the Fertilizer
Corporation of India a debottlenecking study
(a) the details of programme under- has been made by Messrs Projects and
taken to revamp the Sindri Unit of the Fertil- Development India Limited in which meas-
izer Corporation of India; ures have been suggested to improve the
capacity utilisation of ammonia plant to 90%
(b) whether any decision has been with an investment proposal of Rs. 57 crores.
taken on the new naphtha based plant to Government has not received the proposal
replace the present aging modernisation to enable analysis of profitability aspect.
(c) whether any comprehensive study
has been made regarding the investment SHRI A.K. ROY: Sir, the answer, which
required to turn the Sindri factory as the profit is laki on the Table of the House, has cut a
earnings unit of the Fertilizer Corporatbn of cruel joke to the requirement of the Sindri
India; and unit by offering a meagre Rs. 17.77 crore.
You know, the Sindri is the first public sector
(d) if so. the details thereof? unit in the country. It is not only the first
fertiliser factory in the country, the first public
[Translation] sector unit in the country. It is also a mother
of all our endeavour in this sphere.
DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP- But Sindri, the last 10-15 years, has
MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL- been systematically neglected any now put
TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA): to such a situation that the mother is dying,
(a) to (d). A statement is laid on the Table of I woukJ like to say that the Government is
the House. committing a matricide in respect of the
pubik: sector. This Sindri unit, established in
STATEMENT 1951 and inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharial
Nehru there, is having several units. And to
(a) FCI has taken an investment deci-augment its productk>n, rationalisation plant
sk>n of Rs. 17.77 crores to revamp the vari- was added. {Interruptions) It is a question of
ous plants at Sindri Unit. Under this revamp- future of the publrc sector. You just hear the
ing programme, urgent replacement and ailment of an industry. You wound up an
renovatbns are currently being undertaken industry. The industry was established. It
in the foltowing plants of the Sindri Unit: was expanded. The subsidiary was estab-
15 Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Oral Answers 16

lished. The captive power plant was estab- modernisation plant which is producing
lished. And Sir, to augment it, a full-fledged ammonia at 900 tonnes per day, will soon
design and research institute was estab* expire as no chemical plant will last for more
lished. And now, everything is in a declining than 15 years. So, if you do not start a new
stage. That is why, I ask for a total plan for naptha-based plarit now—’that plant was
revamping the whole unrt which is the first established in 1976—^then, what will you do
public sector unit in our country. Sir, he has when that plant will stop producing ammo*
given only Rs. 17.77 crores for six plants nia? How will you deploy 5000 persons?
which are to be revamped, while only the Thirdly, in part 'c&d\ it is said that PDII has
captive power plant revamping will require prepared a comprehensive plan. The capac-
Rs. 50 crores. This is nothing but cutting a ity utilisation is only 60 per cent now. To
joke on the requirement. So, I would like to make it more than 90 per cent, at the cost of
know from the Minister as to how he is going Rs. 57 crores, they have made a study and
to distribute Rs. 17.77 crores for six items submitted it to you. How long will you take to
individually. This is the first part of my ques- take a decision on that? What is the justifica-
tion. The second part is whether he is aware tion for deferring this new naptha plant for
that there is a methanol plant also which is which also a report was submitted to you
not included in this for which foundation was during the last 1989?
laid but was kept just like that. Sir, it is a key
plant. Secondly, regarding captive power [ Translation]
plant for which you promised that Calcutta
Electric Supply Corporation was finalising it, SHRI UPENDRA NATH VARMA: In fact
may I know when are you going to implement this plant was installed in 1969. Even older
that and have you got any time scheduled for plants are functioning properly wherever they
implementing it? have been installed. Some plants are Naph-
tha-based, which might not be functioning
[Translation] properly possibly because of dearth of
Naphtha which has been mentioned. There
SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA: Mr. is a report of the working Group of Fertilizer
Speaker, the answer is quite clear, it has for Eighth Plan in which there is no mention
been clearly stated that Rs. 17.77 crores are of their replacement. Even otherwise is not
being spent to revamp the various plants. As so old. There are such plants at Bhatinda,
I said Ammonium Sulphate Plant, Captive Panipat and Nangal which are functioning
Power Plant, Ammonium Bicarbonate Plant, properly. Therefore there is no necessity of
Nitric acid Plant, Ammonium Nitrate Plant, its replacement. This is the report of 1989.
and replacement of three Rebexes in
Ammonia Plant is being undertaken. It is [English]
evident that Government is not in a position
to spend more on this nor has any latest SHRI A.K. ROY: What about the reno-
suggestion come to us... vation plan costing about Rs. 57 crores, for
which PDIL has submitted a report?
MR. SPEAKER: He is asking about the
National Plant. [Translation]

should be separate question for that. This is Government has not not received the pro-
about Sindri. posals of Rs. 57 crores yet. The Government
would consider its under received.
SHRI A.K. ROY: Sir. I must thank the
Minister for his non-answer. I would like to DR. BIPLAB DASGUPTA: My question
put my second question. The life of the relates to the functioning of the fertilizer units
17 Oral Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (S/4/CA) OralAr)swers 18

in the eastern region as a whole, not only in the old machinery and install new machin-
Sindri. The general feeling is that a number ery?
of units in the eastern region require to be
revamped. There have been a number of SHRI UPENDRA NATH VARMA: Mr.
technical mission and a number of Commit- Speaker, Sir, the Hon. Member Is asking
tees have given their reports. Unfortunately, about corruption. Government has not re-
these reports have not yet been implemented. ceived any such complaint so far. if any such
complaint is received it will be looked into. So
As regard Haldia Fertilizer Plant, an far renovation of Sindri Fertilizer factory is
investment of Rs. 500 crores was made and concerned, it is going on.
it has been lying idle for several years. A
small amount has been invested and that is SHRIJANARDAN YADAV:Mr. Speaker,
not enough because both the German and Sir, Sindri Fertiliser Factory is meant for
the Japanese experts want an investment of catering to the needs of Eastern India and 50
Rs. 500 crores to be made for the unit to per cent of the Budget Estimates is to be
function. What are you going to do in this allocated for the welfare of the farmers. I
respect? would like the hon. Minister to tell us the
difficulty faced by the Government in the
Secondly, the Hindustan Fertilizers modernising this factory'? Particularly when
which looks after the units in the eastern various Committees have recommended in
region is at Delhi and is regulating from here. their reports that the factory should be
Will it not be appropriate to have its head- moderenised with new plants, what is the
quarters somewhere in the eastern region difficulty faced by the Government in this
itself, Calcutta or any other place? Further, I regard?
understand, there is a plant to transfer the
marketing division to Delhi. At least, the SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA: Mr.
marketing division should have its head- Speaker, Sir. as I have already made it clear
quarters in Calcutta. I want answers to these in my reply that there is no such proposal for
questions. setting up any new unit at the Sindri Fertiliser
Unit, but to revamp it. A sum of Rs. 17.77
[Trans/at/on] crores has been sanctioned for this purpose
and the work is in progress. As such there is
SHRIYUVRAJ: Mr. Speaker, Sir, a high no need to think about running the plant with
level comm ittee was formed for expansion of any new technique.
Sindri Fertilizer factory which decided that a
project for its nationalisation be prepared, [Eng//s/7]
but that work has been stopped. Later on a
programme for the modernisation of this U.S. Envoy's Report on Punjab
factory was prepared which was started with
an investment of Rs. 200 crores, but there
has been a loss of 5000 Lakh rupees from •409. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MAN-
1983 to 1985-86. We want to know whether DAL
the Government is aware of the fact that the SHRI SHANTARAM
officers of this factory have drawn Rs. 58 POTDUKHE:
Lakh for tours during 1983-84, and whether
Government is aware of this fact also that Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF-
crores of rupees have been given as over- FAIRS be pleased to state:
time allowance to the favouritis of the offi-
cers? So, what are the steps likely to be
taken to prevent such type of corruption (a) whether the attention of Govern*
thriving in Sindri Fertilizer Factory? Also the ment has been invited to the news-item
Govemment should pay attention to rectify captioned "Clark to submit Punjab Report”
19 Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Oral Answers 20

appearing in the ‘Indian Express*, dated the visit to Punjab and his meeting with the
10 August. 1990; and political leaders there. If so, his reaction
thereto and how far it is correct that his visit
(b) if so, the reaction of Government was for preparing the ground for the contem-
thereto? plated visit by the U.S. President to India
which may include a visit to Punjab, border
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE district apart from the visit to Golden Temple.
has seen the news-item in the Indian Ex- have no such information. There is no con-
press of 10 August, 1990. templated visit of the President.

(b) This Ministry has confirmed from the THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AF-
US Embassy in New Delhi that the report FAIRS (SHRI I.K. GUJRAL): No. no, may I
mentioned was the US Ambassador’s report slightly amend it. We have request the U.S.
to his Government on his Punjab visit. The PreskJent to visit us. The dates are still being
Government of India cannot make any discussed.
comment on a US official’s secret report to
his own Government, the contents of which SHRI SHANTARAM POTDUKHE: Much
are not known to us. concern has been expressed during the
discussion on Punjab Budget regardmg the
SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL: Sir. visit of Mr. William Clark to the disturbed
may I know from the.Minister whether before areas of Punjab. The visit of Mr. William
visiting the disturbed areas in Punjab and Clark is priorto the visit of the U.S. President.
meeting the pecole and leaders of the politi- I would like to ask the Minister whether he will
cal parties the U.S. Ambassador had a talk altowthe Human Rights Commission people
with the Government of India; if so, whether to tour that area. Whether it is desirable or
during such meeting any official from the whether he will allow them to visit that area?
Ministry of External Affairs or Punjab Gov-
ernment was present. I would also like to SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: The visit of the
know whether any report was made by that Ambassador to Punjab has no relevance at
official to the Government of India as to what all with other issues mentioned.
transpired during such meeting and the
reaction of the Government thereto. SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV: Sir. the
Hon. Minister of Stale in the Ministry of
SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: Sir, U.S. External Affairs did not mention, while reply-
Ambassador visited Punjab from August 6 to ing to the question, about the news which
10 and the places which he visited are Pa- appeared in the newspaper that they have
tiala, Pepsi Cola Factory, Chandigarh, accepted the Memorandum from AISSF. I
Semiconductor Complex, Amritsar. He had fully agree with him that it is not at all possible
a tour of the border areas also. And he met for the Government of India to know what
the Governor of Punjab, Governor of Har- report has been sent to the U.S. Government
yana. General Commander of Western by the U.S. Ambassador. May I know whether
Command, Chief Secretary Punjab, DG through your intelligence agencies, you have
Police, Punjab, Punjab politicians including got a copy of the memorandum which had
Shri Prakash Singh Badal, the Congress (I) been submitted to the U.S. Ambassador.
President and others. What are the contents? What action have
you taken against that particular organisa-
SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL: I would tion? What instructions you have given that
like to know whether the Government has in future, if any such Ambassador visits,
seen the interview given by this U.S. Ambas- what should be the protocol, whether they
sador to a Bombay Weekly, Blitz about his are entitled to receive the memorandum
21 Orai Answers BHADRA 15.1912 {SAKA) Oral Answers 22

from those organisations who are directly removed some months back. So, diplomats
involved with the terrorists and whose pres> have been going there. It is not that only the
ent policy is anti-India, which the Prime Ambassador had gone there. Several other
Minister, the Home Minister as well as the dipbmats have also gone there.
External Affairs Minister have condemned
publicly that they do not accept the theory of So far as accepting the memorandum
AISSF or any such organisations? etc. is concerned, as I have said, we are
looking into it.
SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: Sir, as a matter of
policy, it is not within the purview of any SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOUDHURY: I
diplomat, while travelling, to receive any think, it is not proper for the Minister to try to
such memoranda. We have taken notice of evade a direct answer to the question. Dur
what has been said in the press and we are ing the visit of Punjab of the U.S. Ambassa-
looking into it. dor to India, he had received memorandum
in Punjab from the Sikh Students Federa-
SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV: It is all tion. This organisation demanded help from
nght that they have taken notice. This is a U.S.A. to realise the goal of Khalistan. This
bad precedent that has been created. Some issue had beer\ raised by me and others also
action has to be taken. Why are you afraid? before this House. Now, I want a categorical
I know as a Home Minister, first of all. he is reply—It is not that you did not have much
not supposed to meet any terrorist? Why did time; he visited on 10th August and now, we
he meet? What is your reaction? I want a are in September—and it is no use telling
specific reply from him. that “we are looking into it*. I want a categori-
cal reply whether he had been told categori-
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Yadvendra Datt. cally before undertaking the visit, that he
should not do anything that would encour-
SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV: This is age terrorism in Punjab and the terrorists’
not fair. {Interruptions) organisations. We know that these terrorist
outfits are abetters. By sitting in U.S.A. they
SHRI YADVENDRA DATT; I would like are trying to influence the policy of the U.S.
to know from the Minister of External Affairs Government. Many times they have shel-
as to what was the compulsion or the reason tered them. They are helping them. What
that the American Ambassador was allowed showing them this casual attitude? It is a
to visit such a sensitive area. Why no official very serbus matter. I want a direct reply from
of the External Affairs Ministry had accom- him.
panied him and why was he allowed to
accept memorandum from other organisa- SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: As my colleague
tions? Is it not an Interference by a foreign has just now said that the Ambassador vis-
agency into our internal affairs? ited India last month. So. it is not that it had
happened bng back. In the meantime, we
SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: I want to clarify one are looking into things. But as yet. nothing
point. All the diptomats assigned to India, adverse has come to our notice.
who are accredited to India, do travel in
every part of India. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: The written
reply to this question says: “The Ministry has
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Gujral. you ad- confirmed from the U.S. Embassy in New
dress the Chair. Delhi that the report mentbned was the U.S.
Ambassador’s report to his Government on
SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: I am sorry. Sir. his Punjab visit." While the Minister say that
the contents of this secret report which the
Some months ago, there was a bar on Ambassador is sending to his own Govern-
dipbmats travelling in Punjab. This bar was ment may not be known and it cannot be
23 Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Oral Answers 24

know perhaps to our Government. am not asking the Government to tell us what
is already there. I would like to know: do the
But regarding his visit to the Punjab, the Government want to encourage, and if one
Government must surely be in the know. I Ambassador goes like this, what will stopthe
would like to know from him, which were the other Ambassadors also, of other countries
places that the Ambassador visited during going? Is your permission taken, or is your
his Punjab visit, who are the people whom he permission not required to go to these area,
met and talked with, and whether he is aware including border areas? I would like to know,
of the fact that Mr. Mann had come out directly, whether the permission or consent
openly with a statement appealing to the of the Government was obtained by the U.S.
U S. Ambassadorto pressurize Government Ambassador before going to Punjab, and to
of India to concede the demand for Khalis* border areas as has been stated. Will you
tan, and also to introduce a number of allow similar permission to other Ambassa-
American types of aid and so on, to India. Is dors of other countries also; and then what
he aware of that, and who did he meet when happens to our stability in that region, or if
he went to Punjab? When did he go? some people try to fish in troubled waters'^

SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: As my colleague SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: My dear old friend
has already said, he visited Patiala, Chandi- Mr. Vasant Sathe, though he has not held
garh, Amritsar and some areas on the bor- this portfolio, is a very accomplished special-
der—non-restricted areas. During his visit, ist on international affairs. He knows that
he met the Governor of Punjab, Governor of Ambassadors, whereverthey are designated,
Haryana, G.O.C. Western Command, Chief do travel in those countries. I have myself
Secretary, Director General of Police and done it, and everybody does it. Punjab is not
some Punjab politicians like Mr. Prakash a closed area. That is a fact. Therefore, it is
Singh Badal, Mr. Beant Singh, President of not only the American Ambassador, but
the Congress (I) and some others. {Interrup' several other Ambassadors have also gone
tions) to Punjab, The point I am trying to meet is
that it is wrong to assume that Ambassadors
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Choudhury, he has travel on missions other than known, but it is
already said it; he has already revealed. a fact also that every Ambassador travelling
(Interruptions) in any other part of India, every part of India,
does notify to us—not permission, but notifi-
SHRI I.K. GUJRAL: Sofar as the state- catbn. So. we knew that he was going.
ment of Mr. Mann is concerned, that is a
matter of {Interruptions) concern to this SHRI VASANT SATHE: Even to border
House, to all of us. areas? He has not answered. Sir, I need
your protectton. (Interruptions)
given by the hon. Minister is mostly what has MR. SPEAKER: Now next question,
already appeared in the newspapers, and is No. 410.
known. What this House is concerned about,
and I think the whole nation will be con- Capacity Utilisation of Hindustan
cerned about, is the activities of an important Pacioging
country like that of United States, through its
Ambassador, in going into a disturbed re- *410. SHRiBABUBHAiMEGHJISHAH:
gion, right up to the border, surveying, Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
meeting people, practically collecting from pleased to state:
them what Amnesty does, and doing also the
human rights thing indirectly, taking memo- (a) the details of the installed capacity of
randa from other organizations which are Hindustan Paukaging for printing and Manu-
trying to destabilize and secede— all this. I facturing of extruded, laminated paper and
25 Oral Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Oral Answers 26

board for Tetrapack and Tetrabrick packag- because it is a newtechnobgy and capacity
ing systems; and utilisation will be made on the basis of
demand. Its use is increasing gradually. It is
(b) the details of its capacity utilisationexpected that there will be a further rise in its
during the last three years? use this year, ilnterruptbns) Figures per-
taining to a period of three years have been
[Translation] given In the main reply. Its utilisation has
doubled in two years, It is expected that
there will be a rise of more than 60 per cent
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE in its utilisation this year. This company was
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND set up in 1985 and it was registered under
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF the Company Act. Thereafter it is functioning
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): under the name of Hindustan Packaging
(a) Installed capacity of Hindustan Packag- Company, Packaging machines worth Rs.
ing Company Ltd. is 7650 Metric Tons per 19.1 crores of foreign exchange had been
year of Laminated Paper both for Tetrapack imported foi this company. The hon. Mem-
and Tetrabrick packaging systems. ber desired to know the total cost involved in
it. In this connection I would like to tell him
(b) Capacity utilisation during the lastthat the total expenditure is Rs. 4-5 crores in
three years has been as follow:- the revised estimate.


1987-88 23% Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister said that its
capacity utilisation is being made on the
1988-89 40% basis of demand. In reply to my unstarred
question No. 3635 dated 30 August he had
1989-90 46% replied that tatrapack and tetrabrick ma-
chines cannot be used for packing of milk.

Translation] [English]

SHRI BABUBHAI MEGHJI SHAH: Mr. Based on the packing material sup-
Speaker, Sir. the Hindustan Packaging plied.
Company was set up for Tetrapack packag-
ing system. This unit was set up for packing [Translation]
of milk, laminatbn and printing. But what are
the reasons that its capacity Is not being That is why its capacity is not being
utilised fully? I wouki like to know from the utilised fully. Units at Selam, Allepey, Vijaya-
hon. Minister as to what was the total cost of wada, Surat, Indore and Jaipur are being
this project and what has been the year-wise utilised less than 20 per cent of their installed
profit/loss of this project during the last three capacity. The Hindustan Packaging Com-
years. Besides, how much material it has so pany had been set up for manufacturing
far printed for packing of milk? material for packing of milk, but what are the
reasons that the company did not supply its
SHRI NITISH KUMAR: Sir. so far as its material? My specific question is as to now
installed capacity is concemed, I have al- much material has been manufactured by
ready stated that it has not been possible to the Hindustan Packaging Company for
make full utilisation of the installed capacity packing of milk?
27 Oral Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Whiter) Answers 28

SHRINITISH KUMAR: Sir, this packag- with tetrapack. Actually, the cost of tetrapack
ing material is meant for milk and other liquid for 500 mililiter of milk comes to Rs. 0.42 and
substances viz. fruit juice and etc. The the cost of polythene packaging being done
installed capacity of the company for manu- by the D.M.S. for 500 mililiter of milk comes
facturing packaging material for all these to Rs. 0.22 only. So the difference is not
things is not being utilised fully because of much. The cost of alluminium foil comes to
lack of corresponding demand. Supply is 60-65 paise. Aluminum packing is very useful
being made according to the demand. In and milk or any other liquid substances can
spite of that the company is running in profit. be kept in It safely for months. Its technology
It earned a profit of Rs. 29 lakhs in 1989-90 is of better standard and its is being put to
and Rs. 31 lakhs in 1988-89. This the com- proper use. Its cost is not that high.
pany has earned a profit of Rs. 60 lakhs
during this period. So far as the tetrapack [English]
and tetrabrick machines are concerned, I
have got full details with me in this regard
and can furnish the same if the hon. Member QUESTION FOR ORAL ANSWER
so desires. The company is fully capable of UNDER RULE 40
manufacturing the material for milk in confor-
mity with its requirement. Question—I


Speaker, Sir, through you. I would like to MR. SPEAKER: Prof. Ram Ganesh
know two things from the hon. Minister. Kapse.Absent.
Firstly, I would like to know whether the
Government keeps a proper watch on the
utilisation of a technology after its import'^ Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal Absent.
The Government imports technology with-
out proper scruting and later on indulges in Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar. Absent.
too much of mental exertion as to how to
utilise the same. The tetrapack machine was
imported to manufacture packaging material Question Hour is over.
for milk, but now it has been realised that the
packaging cost is so high that nobody per-
fers to purchase the packed milk. Now this
material Is being used for packing oil. Due to
this the price of packed oil has gone up. Now WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS
this material is being supplied to the private
sector. The second part of my question Escape of Undertriais From Jail Van In
pertains to the functioning of the N.D.D.B. Delhi
No audit of the accounts of the N.D.D.B. and
its auxiliary units is being done and no watch *411. SHRI BANWARI LAL PURO-
is being kept on their functioning. I would like HIT:
to know the Government approach in this PROF. VIJAY KUMAR
regard? MALHOTRA:


Sir, the hon. Member has pointed out that Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
price of milk has gone up when it is packed pleased to state:
29 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S/\/C4) Written Answers 30

(a) whether seven undertrials have THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS

escaped from the jail van carrying them from (SHRI MUFTI MOHAMMAD SAYEED): (a)
Tihar Jail to Shahdara Courts on 10 August, According to the information available, 7677
1990 in New Delhi; Pakistani nationals were staying in India
illegally (overstaying) as on 31.12.1989.
(b) if so, the facts in this regard;
(b) Procedures have been prescribed
(c) whether Government propose to to govern entry into, stay in and exit from
probe the matter through vigilance/CBI; and India of Pakistani nationals. The State Gov-
ernments and Union Territory Administra-
(d) what steps Government propose to tions have been empowered to deal with
apprehend the undertrials? such Pakistani nationals in accordance with
the provisions of the Foreigners Act and
THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS Rules. The State authorities have been
(SHRI MUFTI MOHAMMAD SAYEED): (a) requested to gear up their machinery to
Yes, Sir. locate such Pakistani nationals with a viewto
deporting them.
(b) On 10.8.90, when 56 undertrials
were being transported from Central Jail, [English]
Tihar to Shahdara Courts, 7 undertrials
escaped from the jail van by breaking the Modalities for Running Yoga Classes
metal sheet and wooden plank in the floor of Abroad
the van.
(c) There is a prescribed procedure for DEYA:
conducting a probe in such cases. It is not SHRI SHANKERSINH
proposed to entrust the inquiry to vigilance or VAGHELA:
Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF-
(d) Six of the seven escapees have FAIRS be pleased to refer to the reply given
been apprehended and the Delhi Police are on 5 April, 1990 to Unstarred Question No.
continuing their efforts to apprehend the 3652 regarding Yoga classes in foreign
seventh. countries by Indian Embassies and state:

[Translation] (a) whether Government have since

worked out the modalities for running Yoga
Illegal Stay of Pakistani Citizens In classes in consultation with the concerned
India Missions; and

*412. SHRI PUNDLIK HARI DANVE: (b) if so, the details thereof?
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AF-
FAIRS (SHRI I.K. GUJRAL): (a) and (b).
(a) the number of Pakistani citizens Yes, Sir. Proposals for creation of posts are
illegally reading in India at present; and to be placed before the Finance Committee
and the Governing Body of the ICCR respec-
(b) the action being taken to repatriate tively at their next meetings. These propos-
them? als envisage creation of posts for Yoga
31 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 32

Teachers at the Indian Cultural Centres at of those Items as invalid.

Suriname. Mauritius and Indonesia, and a
second post of Yoga Teacher at the JNCC in (e) Does not arise.
Reforms in Punjab State Land Develop-
ment Bank Regional Plan for Development of
*414. BABA SUCH SINGH; Will the
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to *415. SHRI BALESHWAR YADAV;
(a) whether the general body of the
Punjab State Land Development Bank has Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
through its resolution directed reforms in the pleased to state:
working of the Bank;
(a) whether Government propose to
(b) if so, the details thereof; prepare regional plans for the development
of agriculture keeping in view the conditions
(c) the details of reforms since imple- of a particular area; and
mented; (b) if so, the details thereof and the time
by which it is likely to be implemented'^
(d) the reasons for not implementing
the remaining suggestions; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(e) the action proposed to be take by COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
Government in this regard? AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR)
(a) and (b). No. Sir. The agricultural devel-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE opment plans will continue to be prepared or i
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR); The Planning Commission has how-
(a) to (d). According to the information ever, taken up a project on agricultural plan*
furnished by the Government of Punjab, in ning based on 15 Agro-climatic regions. The
the meeting of the General Body of the thrust of the approach is an integrated and
Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural De- holistic planning for the development of
velopment Bank Ltd., Chandigarh held on resources and their optimum utilisation in a
28.4.89, a number of decision on various sustained manner within the resources
subjects which were not on the Agenda of constraint and development potential of each
the meeting concerning the functioning of region.
the Bank were taken. Since the proceedings
of the said General Body Meeting in respect [English]
of those items were without proper authority,
the Registrar. Cooperative Societies, Punjab Reconstruction of Overbridge Across
in exercise of power vested in him under the Railway Line in Thanjavur Town
provisions of the Punjab Cooperative Socie- •416. SHRI S SINGARAVADIVEL: Will
ties Rules, 1963 declared are proceedings the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be
of the said General Body meeting in respect pleased to state:
33 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 34

(a) the reasons for delay in clearing the THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS
proposal of Tamil Nadu Government for the (SHRI MUFTI MOHAMMAD SAYEED): (a)
reconstruction of the overbridge across the to (c). There is no such proposal. Effective
Thanjavur-Trichy Railway Line in Thanjavur implementation of existing laws and instruc-
town under the Central Road Fund; tions, which have in the last few years been
made more stringent is considered more
(b) whether the delay in construction of appropriate.
this overbridge has caused lot of inconven-
ience to the Public; and [ Translation]

(c) if so, the effective steps taken for the Operation Flood Programmes for Dairy
early clearance of the proposal? Development


(c). Constitutionally the Government of India SHRI ERA ANBARASU:
is responsible for development and mainte-
nance of the roads declared as National Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
Highways. All other roads are essentially the pleased to state:
responsibility of the respective State Govts.
However, the State Government of Tamil (a) the States where ‘Operation Flood’
Nadu, under whose jurisdiction the over programmes for dairy development are in
bridge at Thanjavur—‘Trichi Railway Line operation; and
lies, have projected its reconstruction under
the Central Road Fund keeping in view the (b) the achievements made so far?
inconvenience caused to the public as a
result of restrictk>n imposed on movement of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
vehicle exceeding 2 tonnes. As the actual DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
augmentation of the Central Road Fund COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
against which the proposal was sent has not AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
yet taken place, further processing of it has (a) The phase III (1987-94) of Operation
not been done. Flood Programme (O.F.III) is is currently in
operation in the following 22 States and
Special Courts for Cases of Mass Rape Union Territories:—
and Dowry Deaths
1. Andhra Pradesh
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to 2. Assam
3. Bihar
(a) whether Govemment propose to
bring forward legislatbn and set up special 4. Gujarat
courts for speedy trial of the cases of mass
rape and dowry deaths; 5. Haryana

(b) if so. the details in this regard; and 6. Himachal Pradesh

(c) if not, the reasons therefor? 7. Jammu & Kashmir

35 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6. 1990 Written Answers 36

8. Karnataka 19. Uttar Pradesh

9. Kerala 20. West Bengal

10. Madhya Pradesh

21. Goa
11. Maharashtra
22. Pondicherry
12. Nagaland

13. Orissa (b) The major achievements of Opera-

tion Flood have been the creation of infra-
14. Punjab structure for dairy development along coop-
erative lines thereby eliminating the exploi
15. Rajasthan tation by middlemen, the programme bene-
fits have flown to a large number of small and
16. Sikkinn marginal farmers. The overall cumulative
achievements of the key components of the
17. Tamil Nadu programme as on June, 1990 against the
targets envisaged under OF-III by March,
18. Tripura 1994 are given in Table below:-

SI. No. Particulars Target by March, 1994 Achievements as on June,

1990 (Provisional)

1 2 3 4

1. No. of Milk Sheds 190 174

2. No. of Dairy Cooperative Societies 70 61.22


3. No. of Farm families (lakhs) 80 70.49

4. Avg. milk procurement (Ikpd) 137 9 8 .r

5. Peak milk procurement (Ikpd; 183 120.3*

6. Rural milk processing capacity (lkpd)200 141.73

7. Milk marketing (llpd) 137/~ 80.08

lipd 3= lakh litres per day.

Ikpd » lakh kg. per day.

a includes UHT milk/milk products and other milk products

* « Refers to average figures for the year 1989-90.
37 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 38

Working Hours of Branch Post Offices for construction of these roads or any one of
these roads;
MAL: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- (e) if so, the details thereof; and
TIONS be pleased to state:
(f) if not, the reasons therefor?
(a) the maximum daily working hours of
(b) whether the Branch Post Master of and (b). There is no Master Plan for National
a Branch Post Office is provided salary on Highways as such. Presumably the Hon’ble
the basis of and in proportion to his presence Member is referring to the 20-year Road
in Post Office; and Development Plan (1981 -200‘1) prepared in
1984 by a group of Chief Engineers under
(c) if so, the maximum working hours for the aegis of the Indian Roads Congress.
which salary is paid to him? Proposals made in this 20-Year Plan are
only recommendatory in nature.
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (c) to (f). Do not arise.
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) 5 hours.
Extension of Expressway from Va-
(b) No. Sir. dodara to Bombay

(c) Does not arise. *421. SHRI CHANDUBHAI

DESHMUKH: Will the Minister of SURFACE
[English] TRANSPORT be pleased to state:

Master Plan for Construction of Na- (a) whether there is any proposal under
tional Highways consideration of Government for extension
of Expressway from Vadodara to Bombay;
the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be
pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof?

(a) whether there is a Master Plan for THE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS-

construction of National highways in India PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a)
and eight inter-state Highways connecting and (b). No, Sir. However, there is a pro-
the States of U.P., Bihar. West Bengal and posal for carrying out feasibility study of an
Nepal border were recommended for inclu- Expressway from Vadodara to Bombay at a
sion in the Master Plan; cost of about Rs. 1.3 crores.

(b) if so, the details thereof; Seizure of Heroin in Delhi

(c) whether any of these roads have *422. SHRI P. NARSA REDDY: Will the
been declared as National Highways and Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
taken up for construction; state:

(d) if not, whether there is any proposal (a) whether heroin worth Rs. 9 crores
39 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 40

was seized in Delhi on 10 June, 1990; and (c) Daily and periodic mail monitoring is
conducted to test transmission performance.
(b) if so, the details thereof and the
number of arrests made in this connection? Funds to Andhra Pradesh Under
No seizure was made on 10th June, 1990. Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
However, on 8th June, 1990,6 Kg of heroin state:
was seized by Delhi Police.
(a) whether Union Government pro-
(b) A case under section 21 of the pose to release special funds to Andhra
Narcotic Drugs arKi psychotropic substances Pradesh Government under the Acceler-
Act, 1985 has been registered at Police ated Rural Water Supply Programme to solve
Station, Kotwali on 8th June, 1990. Three the problem of drinking water in the villages
persons have been arrested. of Chittoor district;

Improvement In Delivery of Letters (b) if so, the details thereof; ana

*423. SHRIMANORANJANBHAKATA: (c) if not, the reasons therefor?

Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR
(a) whether it is a fact that it usually TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
takes a letter between four to seven days to VERMA): (a) No, Sir.
reach from one capital city to another, while
it should take only twenty four hours as per (b) Does not arise.
the Government norms;
(c) District-wise allocation of Central
(b) if so, the reasons thereof; and assistance under the Centrally Sponsored
Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme
(c) the steps proposed to improve the isdecided bythe State Government of Andhra
performance? Pradesh.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Shipping Service Between West Coast

JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). It is not
a fact that ass per the Government norms, *425. SHRI C. SRINIVASAN: Will the
mails from one Capital city to another is to be Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be
delivered within 24 hours. pleased to state:

Transmission time for mails delivery

among State Capitals is fixed according to (a) whether Government propose to
the availability of transport connection. It is albw the private companies based in India to
possible that a letter might have taken 4 to 7 operate the shippirig service between West
days to reach its destination due to some Coast and Australia in order to curb the
transport difficulties from one capital city to freight rates being increased by the foreign
another. Shipping Corporation of India; and
41 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Ansfi^ers 42

(b) if so, the details thereof? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) proposals for commemorative/special post-
and (b). Trade between West Coast of India age stamps have been recommended by the
and Australia is being served by members of Committee during the last 2 years and 83
the West Coast of India—^Australia Freight commemorative/spedal postage stamps
Agreement, whose only Indian member is have actually been Issued during this period.
Shipping Corporation of India. This route is
also sensed by some non>Member foreign (b) 31 stamps are proposed to be
lines. Shipping Corporation of India sus- issued by the end of this year.
pended its service from 30th June. 1990 due
to heavy bsses. (c) the cost of a stamp depends on
various factors like its dimensions, number
of colours used, type of paper used etc.
The general question of whether Indian According to the lates information, the cost
Shippping Companies who are not mem- of commemorative/special postage stamps
bers of Conference Lines/Freight Agree- varies from 8.75 paise to 40 per stamp
ments aught to be permitted to operate ship-
ping services on liner Conference Routes is (d) The designs of the stamps to mark
under consideration of the Government. the Diamond Jubilee of the New Delhi and
the Centenary of Air Mail Post Card are yet
to be finalised. The cost of these stamps is
issue of Postage Stamps likely to vary from 8.75 paise to 40 paise per
stamp, depending on the number of colours
*426. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the used and type of papers used etc.
Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased
to state: Change In the Name of the Country
From India to Hindustan

(a) the number of new postage stamps @1. PROF. RAMGANESH KAPSE:
recommended by the Philatelic Advisory PROF. PREM KUMAR DHU-
Committee during the last two years and MAL:
those actually issued by the Postal Depart- SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR
ment; GANGWAR:

Will Shri Ram Naik. M.P. be pleased to

(b) the number of postage stamps refer to the Constitution (Amendment) Bill,
proposed to be issued in the near future; 1989 introduced by him in the House on
29.12.89 and state:
(c) the approximate cost of a stamp to
be designed and issued; and (a) precisely the objects besides those
mentioned by him in the Statement of Ob-
(d) the estimated cost of the stamp jects and Reasons appended to the Bill, he
proposed to be issued to mark the Diamond has in view in suggesting amendment to the
Jubilee of New Delhi and the Centenary of Constitution tochangethe word “India^to the
Air Mail Post separately? word “Hindustan";

@ Ouestbn under Rule 40

43 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 44

(b) how the suggested name of the Lanka (Ceylon), Surinam (Dutch
country “Hindustan” would help furtherence Guiana) changed their foreign
of national interest in the present day con- names, after getting freedom, in
text; and keeping with their national pride
and sentiments.
(c) the grounds on which the present
expression “India i.e. Bharat" is proposed to (ii) The English name ‘India’ creates
be omitted? a wrong impression that this
nation came into existence only
SHRI RAM NAIK, M.P.: after the British Rule. However,
the fact is that our nation has a
(a) Besides the reasons that the coun- histor/ of thousands of years.
try is known as ‘Hindustan’ instead of ‘India* The name ‘Hindustan’ would
by the common mass and that the Imperialist reflect the said history.
British named this country as ‘India’ as stated
in the Statement of Objects and Reasons in (iii) According to the science of lan-
the Bill, the other reasons are: guages, proper names can never
be translated.
(i) To remove the inferiority com-
plex developed of late in the World Bank Loan for Agricultural
country which equates the word Development in Andhra Pradesh
'Hindu;with communalism, ortho-
doxy and parochialism. 4705. SHRI RAJAMOHAN REDDY:
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
(ii) To redeem an assurance given pleased to state:
by me during Lok Sabha election
campaign to the electorate that I (a) whether Union Government have
shall endeavour my best to received any request from Andhra Pradesh
change the name. Government for a loan from the World Bank
to improve administrative set up at mandal
(b) The word ‘Hindu; has a cherished, levels to channelise laboratory technology to
broad based, progressive, cultural and relig- the farmers and for improved seeds produc-
ious history. The name of ‘Hindustan’ would, tion;
therefore accelerate the process of national
integration and wold enable curbing of fissi- (b) whether Andhra Pradesh have also
parious tendencies which have crept in re- sought permission to get loan from foreign
cently. countries for getting enhanced yield of cot-
ton, chillies, flowers and to educate women
(c) The ground for omitting the word in scientific agriculture;
‘India’ are: (c) if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the decision taken by Union Govern-
(i) The Imperialist British were ment thereon?
unable to pronounce many
Bharatiya (Hindustani) names THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
correctly. The wrong usage of DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
‘India’ smacks of continued colo- COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
nial imposition by the British. AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
Even the small countries like Sri (a) No, Sir.
45 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 46

(b) Andhra Pradesh have not sought ing a scheme for floriculture development in
permission to get loan from foreign countries the Kumaon Region. Under the scheme 50%
for getting enhanced yield of cotton, chillies, subsidy is being provided for plant protection
flowers. However, the Government of Andhra chemicals and equipments. Technical know-
Pradesh had fon«/arded a project for training how, research support, improvedtechniques
of women farmers in agriculture. and post harvest management for enhanc-
ing the production of flowers are being pro-
(c) The Project is intended to design vided.
appropriate training programmes for devel-
opment of production skills of women farm- [English]
ers and to suitably design women extension
services to follow up the activities of women Hearing of Complaints from Subscrib-
farmers and the training programmes. 47,850 ers on Every Saturday by General
women farmers were expected to benefit Manager, MNTL
from the project in 5 years who would train
and disseminate knowledge to approximately
478,500 more women. The project would be 4707. SHRII^ATI GEETA MUKHER-
for a period of 10 years in two phases at a JEE: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA-
total cost of Rs. 20.88 crores. TIONS be pleased to state:

(d) The project was posed for assis- (a) whether it has been advertised
tance from Government of the Federal widely in newspapers that the General
Republic of Germany through the Depart- Manager, MahanagarTelephone Nigam Ltd.,
ment of Economic Affairs but the former (MNTL) will be available at his office to hear
were not willing to support the project. complaints from the public on every working
Saturdays from 10.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M; and
[ Translation]
(b) if so, the numlDer of complaints
Cultivation of Flowers in Kumaon attended to by him during the above period
Region in the last six months, month-wise?

4706. SHRI M.S. PAL: Will the Minister

whether Government have taken any effec- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
tive steps to encourage the cultivation of JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes Sir. Such
flowers in Kumaon region and marketing of Advertisements have been inserted in re-
these flowers to ensure fair price to farmers? spect of Area General Managers/Area
Managers of Delhi Unit of the Nigam.
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF (b) Total of 715 complaints have been
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): attended to by Area General Managers during
Government of Uttar Pradesh is Implement- last 6 months as per details given below:

Month Total number of complaints attended

March* 1990 120

47 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 48

Month Total number o f complaints attended

1 2

April' 1990 88

May ‘ 1990 112

June’ 1990 141

July’ 1990 129

August’ 1990 125

[Translation] Sir. There is no proposal to withdraw depart-

mental control from Telephone and Postal
Schemes to withdraw Departmental Services.
control from Telephones and Postal
services (c) MTNL is functioning for the tele-
phone system in Delhi and Bombay only.
4708. PROF. RASA SINGH RAWAT:The service given by MTNL is quite satisfac-
Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be tory.
pleased to state:
(d) and (e). There is no definite pro-
(a) whether any schemes are being posal at present to convert the Telecom
formulated by his Ministry to withdraw de- systems at other places into separate Tele-
partmental control from telephones and phone Nigams. The Department of Telecom
postal services; has however, undertaken and examination
of the pros and cons of restructuring its field
(b) if so, the details thereof; organisations in the light of the experience of
working of MTNL for Delhi and Bombay and
(c) the names of cities where autono- other relevant factors.
mous bodies like ‘Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam Limited’ have come into k>eing in the [EngBsm
country and the success achieved so far;
Sugarcane Production
(d) whether Government propose to
implement the scheme in some other cities
also; and 4709. SHRIM. BAGA REDDY: Will the
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
(e) if so, the details thereof? state;

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a) whether sugarcane production in

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI the countiy, particularly in Andhra Pradesh,
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). No. has been reducing year by year;
49 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 50

(b) if so. the reasons therefor; and (vii) Training of sugarcane develop-
ment personnel.
(c) the steps taken by Government to
argument sugarcane productbn in the coun- (viii) Greater and effective participa-
try? tion of sugar factories in cane
development programmes.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (ix) Assuring remunerative prices to

AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): Beskles, Department of Food provides
(a) No, Sir The sugarcane production In loan facilities from Sugar Development Fund
Andhra Pradesh was 116 lakh tonnes during for assisting the sugar mills to meet the
1980-89 and 1989-90 which is higher than requirement of their factories. The major
the average sugarcane production of 95 lakh components on which loan assistance is
tonnes during the last!ive years, i.e 1983-84 provkied are-(i) setting up of seed treatment
to 1987-88, in the State plants; (ii) rearing of nurseries; (in) incentive
to growers for improved varieties; (iv) irriga-
For the country as a whole, a record tion schemes; and (v) ratoon management,
production of sugarcane exceeding the etc.
targetted level of 212 million tonnes is ex-
pected during 1989-90.
Production Capacity of FACT
(b) Does not arise.
(c) At present there is no Centrally CHANDRAN: Will the Minister of AGRICUL-
Sponsored Scheme of sugarcane devetop- TURE be pleased to state:
ment in the country. The strategy being
adopted for increasing the production of (a) whether production capacity of
sugarcane is as under:— Fertilizer and Chemicals Travancore Lim-
ited has increased overthe past three years;
(i) Production and distribution of
quality seed cane. (b) if so, the details thereof;

(11) Increasing irrigation facilities. (c) the annual albcation made for the
development/modernisation expansion of
(ill) Judicious and timely use of fertil- FACT during the last three years; and
(d) the profit/toss of FACT during last
(iv) Better management of ratoon. three years?

(v) Larger coverage under plant

protectbn measures. THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR
(vi) Transfer of technotogy through TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
the extension systems including VERMA): (a) and (b). There has been no
demonstration with companbn increase in the production capacity of FACT
crops. during the last three years.
51 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 52

(c) Following are the details of alloca- tion/expansion of FACT during the last three
tion made for the development/modernisa- years:

Y e ar 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90

(Rs. in Crores)

Approved Outlay 110.00 100.00 75.00

of which budgetary support:

(A) Equity 40.00 26.00 20.00

(B) Loan 42.00 44.00

82.00 70.00 20 00

(d) The details of the profit of FACT storied and other buildmgs/premises in or-
during the last three years are as below:— der to protect them from recurnng fire inci-
dents; and
Year Profit after tax
(Rs m lakhs) (b) if so, the facts in this regard'?


1987>8B 1290.00 SUBODHKANTSAHAY):(a)and(b) Delhi
Fire Service is already ensuring this aspect
1988-89 772.00 before issue of No Objection Certificate for
occupation of high-rise builoings in Delhi
1989-90 301.00
Fire Protection Doors/Windows in
Government Buildings Issue Commemorative Postal Stamps
of Late Shrl Shidhu Kanu and Tilak
Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be to state:
pleased to state:
(a) whether Government propose to
(a) whether Government have not yet consider the demand and release commemo-
taken any concrete step to fix up fire protec- rative stamp in the honour of great leaders of
tion doors and windows intheir various multi- freedom struggle late Shri Shidhu Kanu and
53 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912(5/^/0^) Written Answers 54

Tilak Manjhi of Chhotanagpur, Santhal Para- [Eng/ish]

ganas; and
Thefts of Motor Vehicles In Delhi

(b) if so the time by which Government 4713. SHRIPARASRAMBHARDWAJ:

are contemplating to release the said stamp? Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
pleased to state:
(a) whether despite the scheme of
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE vehicle etching, introduced last year, the
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI number of motor vehicles theft in Delhi has
JANESHWARMISHRA):(a)and(b). There shown a considerable increase;
had, so far, been no proposal for issue of (b) if so. the details thereof alongwith
commemorative stamps in the memory of the number of motor vehicles thefts during
these personalities. Now this question is the last three years; and
being treated as a proposal. The matter will (c) the steps taken by Government in
be placed before the Philatelic Advisory this regard?
Committee which functions to advise the
Government regarding Issue of commemo- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
rative/special postage stamps and other MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
related matters, for consideration, at its next SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Yes. Sir.
meeting. (b) Number of cases reported

Car Scooter Motor Cycle TSR Bus/Truck Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1987 628 915 182 121 59 79

1988 443 869 183 136 62 107

1989 475 1262 267 193 46 180

1990 462 656 184 90 35 111

(upto 31.7,90)

(c) (i) Patrolling has been intensified (iv) Pickets have been posted at
at important places. strategic points.

Recallbratlon of Auto Rickshaw Meters

(ii) Sources have been developed
to collect intelligence and traps 4714. PROF. RAM GANESH KAPSE:
are laid. Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT
be pleased to state:
(iii) Checking of stolen vehicles at
the border check posts has (a) whether it is mandatory for Auto-
been intensified. Rickshaw drivers in Delhi to get their meters
55 Wr/tten Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 56

recalibrated as per revised fare schedule, nckshaw drivers who do not get the meters
recalibrated within the stipulated date
(b) (f so, the number of auto-rfckshaw
drivers who have got their meters recali- (d) There is no such proposal at pres-
brated after revision of the fares. ent

(c) the number of auto-rickshaw drivers [Translation]

who have not got their meters recalibrated
so far and whether any action has been Opening of Post Offices and Telegraph
taken against them, and Offices in Madhya Pradesh

(d) whether Government propose to fix 4715 SHRI SUKHENDRASINGH Will

a fresh date for getting the meters recali- the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
brated'^ pleased to state

1 HE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS (a) the total number of post offices and

PORT (SHRI KP UNNIKRISHNAN) (a) telegraph offices opened dunng the Seventh
Yes Sir Five Year Plan and distnct wise number
thereof in Madhya Pradesh and
(b) and (c) Delhi Administration have
informed that, as on 30 8 1990, 20490 Auto (b) the number o* post offiros tple
nckshaw drivers have got their meters re- graph offices and telephone exchange^
calibrated after the revision of the fares ef proposed to be set up m Madhya Pradosh
fective from 24 3 90 The number of Auto- dunng the Eighth Five Year Plan and tho
rickshaw drivers who have not got thpir number of such offices out of them likely to
meters recalibrated so far is 34810 The last be set up in 1990 91'?
date fixed for recalibration of meters is
23 9 1990 The Directorate of Transport, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THF
Delhi Administration have intimated that MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
action would betaken for non-compliance of JANESHWAR MISHRA) (a) The informa
the permit condit»ons against those Auto tion IS as follows

(i) Post Offices

Seventh Plan
No of offices opened

Post Offices

All India 4380

Madhya Pradesh 421

District-wise number of post office (ii) Telegraph Offices

opened in Madhya Pradesh is being ascer-
tained and will be laid on the Table of the The information is being collected and
House will be laid on the Table of the House
57 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S/l/OA) Written Answers 58

(b) Post Offices: The Eighth Plan in (b) the details of the achievements
respect of postal services is not yet finalised. made?
As regards Annual Plan 1990-91 the target
laid down is 1,000 branch post offices and
200 sub-post offices. State-wise targets are THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR
expected to be laid down as soon as revised RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINIS-
norms for the Eight Plan are finalised. TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
VERMA): (a) Under the programme of
Telegraph Offices/Telephone Ex- “Development of women & Children in Rural
changes; The information is being collected Areas”, financial allocation to States are not
and will be laid on the Table of the House. made. Each State is allocated the number of
Women’s groups to be formed and funds are
[English] released at the rate of Rs. 5,100 per group as
Central Share and Rs. 5,000 as UNICEF
Funds Allotted to Sates Under DWCRA Share. The State-wise Physical allocation of
groups for 1990-91 is given in the Statement
4716 SHRIPALAS BARMAN: Will the I give below.
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
(b) The achievements in terms of
(a) the amount allotted to States undernumber of groups formed and number of
the programme "Development of Women Women members for 1990-91 (upto July,
and Children in Rural Areas” for the years 199) are given In the statement-ll given
1990-91, Statewise; and below.


SI. No. States/UTs No. of groups allocated

1 3

1. Andhra Pradesh 300

2. Assam 220

3. ■* Arunachal Pradesh 25

4. Bihar 850

5. Goa 30

6. Gujarat 98

7. Haryana 280

8. Himachal Pradesh 240

59 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 60

SI. No. States/UTs No. of groups allocated

1 2 3

9. Jammu & Kashmir 308

10. Karnataka 400

11. Kerala 140

12. Madhya Pradesh 600

13. Maharashtra 650

14. Manipur 50

15. Meghalaya 60-

16, Mizoram 50

17. Nagaland 30

18. Orissa 200

19. Punjab 110

20. Rajasthan 450

21. Sikkim 30

22. Tamil Nadu 597

23. Tripura 70

24. Uttar Pradesh 1302

25. West Bengal 340

Union Territories

26. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 30

27. Daman & Diu 20

28. Lakshadweep 20

Total 7500
61 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S.4/C4) Written Answers


S. No, State/UTs. No. of groups No, of women

formed upto members
July, 1990

1 2 3 4

1. Andhra Pradesh —

2. Assam — —

3. Arunachal Pradesh — —

4. Bihar 4 47

5. Goa 2 30

6. Gujarat 54 713

7. Haryana — —

8. Himachal Pradesh 4 66

9. Jammu & Kashmir — —

10. Karnataka 15 159

11. Kerala — —

12. Madhya Pradesh 12 158

13. Maharashtra — —

14. Manipur — —

15. Meghalaya —

16. Mizoram — —

17. Nagaland — —

18. Orissa 8 131

19. Rajasthan — —

20. Punjab 1 15
63 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 64

S. No, State/UTs, No. of groups No, of women

formed upto members
July, 1990

1 2 3 4

21. Sikkim _____

22. Tamil Nadu — —

23, Tripura — —

24. Uttar Pradesh 31 671

25. West Bengal 53 1024

Union Territories

26. Delhi — —

27. Andaman & Nicobar —

28. Dadra & Nagar Haveli — —

29. Lakshadweep — —

30. Pondicherry — —

Total 184 3014

Villages Without Sub Post Offices and under laid down criteria for opening of new
Telegraph Offices in Rajahmundary post offices, sub-post offices on telegraph
offices: and
4717. SHRIMATIJ.JAMUNA: Will the
l^inister of COh4K4UNICATIONS be pleased
to state: (c) the number of villages identified for
opening of such post offices/sub-post offices
or telegraph offices in 1990-91 ?

(a) the number of villages in Rajahmun-

dary Parliamentary Constituency in Andhra THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
Pradesh without a sub-post office or a tele- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRl
graph office at present; JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (c). The
information is being collected and will be laid
(b) the number of villages who come on the Table of the House.
65 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S/1/C4) Written Answers 66

Dall*Collect Facilities for International Connplaints Regarding Teleplione

and Domestic Long Distance Calls Service in Calcutta Telephones


the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be MURHTY: Will the Minister of COMMUNI-
pleased to state: CATIONS be pleased to state:

(a) whether large number of telephone

(a) whether there is any proposal to subscribers of the "45”and “49”exchange of
provide call-collect facilities for international Calcutta Telephones are not getting the tele-
and domestic long distance calls: phone services due to damages caused in
the underground cable network near the
(b) if not. the reasons thereof; construction site of Durgapur Bridge in Cal-
(c) how many international calls were
made to USA, West Germany, France, UK (b) whether the exchange authorities
and Scandinavian countries from India and have failed to protect the cable lay-out and
how many calls came from those countries in arrange for proper ducting;
1988 and 1989: and
(c) whether most of the telephones
(d) what was India’s income in rupees have not rendered service properly even for
and in US dollars from those calls? a month in a year;

(d) whether complaints are not attended

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE to in time and written complaints are also not
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Call-collect
facilities for international calls are already (e) if so, the facts thereof and the
available for a number of countries. For number of written complaints received by
domestic long distance calls, facility for re- the Calcutta Telephones during August, 1990
versed Charge calls is also already avail- and duration of non-service of each tele-
able. In the Reversed Call’ facility, a person phone reported therein?
IS authorised (through issue of a Card of au-
thority by the Department) to make calls from THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
any Trunk Public Call Office to a specified MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
telephone number without pre-payment of JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) No, Sir. Faulty
the charges. The charges for such calls are lines near Durgapur Bridge are only a small
recovered from called subscriber instead of percentage of the total telephones in “45”
from the calling party. "49" exchange area.

(b) No Sir, as it is not feasible to con-

(b) Question does not arise in view of struction ducts on the bridge, cables are laid
(a) above. in pipe on the bridge.

(c) and (d). Information is being col- (c) No, Sir. Faulty telephones at any
lected and will be laid on the Table of the time are only a small fraction of the total
House. telephones.
67 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 68

(d) No, Sir. Complaint received are (a) whether any new guidelines have
attended promptly, but when large scale been issued by Government to States to
cable break-down occur during the mon- combat the activities of Naxalites;
soon. restoration gets delayed. Written
complaints are acknowledged and action is (b) if so, the details thereof and the
taken. assistance rendered by Union Government
to contain naxalism in the country; and
(e) Information is being collected and
will be laid on the Table of the House. (c) the States which are severely af-
fected by naxalite activities?
Conservation of Gopalpur Port as Major
Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT policy of the Government is to dear firmly
be pleased to state: with the extremist elements in the country
and simultaneously steps up socio-economic
(a) whether Union Government have development in the affected areas, to re-
prepared the project report on Gopal pur port dress the genuine grievances of the local
in Orissa to convert it into major and all people. The State Governments concerned
weather port; and have an important role to plash in solving the
problem. The Central Government is also
(b) if so, when a decision is likely to be rendering all possible assistance to the af-
taken by the Government thereon? fected States in the form of additional para-
military forces, provision of training facilities
THE MINISTER OF SURFACE TRANS- to the State Police personnel, improved
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) communication facilities etc.
No, Sir. But the Government of Orissa have
prepared a Detailed Project Report. (c) Andhra Pradesh and Bihar are the
worst affected States by naxalite activities.
(b) There is no proposal presently withThe left wing extremists have pockets of
the Central Government to convert Gopalpur influence in Macihya Pradesh, Maharashtra
Port into a Major Port. However, the State Orissa West Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Government has proposed to develop this
port as an All-Weather Port but no time lAWk Powder Plant at Guntur and
frame has been indicated for such a devel- Kurnool in A.P.
4722. SHRI B.N. REDDY: Will the
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
The responsibility for the development state:
and management of Gopalpur which is a
minor port vests with the State Government. (a) whether milk powder plants at Guntur
and Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh are not
Curbing of Naxalite Activities working to full capacity;
(b) if so, the reasons therefor; and
BRAHMBHATT: Will the Minister of HOME (c) the steps taken by Government in
AFFAIRS be pleased to state: this regard?
69 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 70

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Released of commemorattve Postal

(a) to (c). The Information is being collected Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. pleased to state:

Telephone Connections at Punalur (a) the proposed date for releasing the
Telephone Exchange commemorative stamp on A.K. ^ p a la n ;
Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be (b) the details thereof?
pleased to state:
(a) the number of aplicants on the MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
waiting list for new telephone connections in JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) The Stamp on
Punalur Telephone Exchange in Ouilon Shri A.K. Gopalan is proposed to be re-
District of Kerala; leased on 1.10.1990.

(b) the reasons for delay in giving new (b) Aspertheusualpractice.the stamps
connections; and are proposed to t>e released for sale through
all philatelic Bureau and counters in the
(c) the time l>y which the telephone country on 1st October, 1990.
connections will be given to all applicants in
Punalur Exchange? Telephone Service in Western Suburbs
of Bombay

JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) There are 457 state:
applicants for ndw telephone connections in
Punalur as on 1.8.90. (a) the number of telephones in the
western suburbs of Bombay which were out
of order as on 8 July, 1990 and how many of
(b) and (c). An expansion by 200 linesthem have been set-right,
or existing electro mechanical exchange is
planned for 1990-91. This will be carried out (b) how many are still out of order at
when equipment is received. A 1500 line present;
Main C-DOT Electronic Exchange with a (c) the reasons for their being in disor-
further 1000 tines expansion has been der on a large scale; and
planned during the 8th Plan. This equipment
has also not been received. A new building (d) the remedial steps tai<en in this
is to be constructed in the same compound regard?
where present exchange is located. It is
therefore, expected that telephone connec- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
tions to the pending appNcants shall be pro- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
vided in th% second half of the 8th five year JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). 12675
plan. telephones in Western sutHjrbs were out of
71 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 72

orders as on 8.7.1990. all of them have since (b) and (c). Electronic exchanges at
been set right. Una, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Amb, Barmana,
Kotkhai, Ahwa Devi and Lambles have been
(c) ^Due to heavy rains and the delugecommissioned. Electronicexchanges at other
that followed, some telephone cables devel- places and digital transmission links are also
oped faults. planned for commissioning during 8th Plan
subject to availability of equipment and suit-
(d) Remedial steps take in this regard able transmission media.
[ Translation]
(i) Large scale cable ducting and
pressurisation of cables are being Assistance to Madhya Pradesh Under
taken up; Gaushafa Development Scheme

(ii) Rehabilitation and upgradation 4727. SHRIRAGHAVJI: Will the Minis-

of external plants; ter of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state
the total assistance provided by U*
(iii) Centralised fault control was Government to Madhya Pradesh undei <
opened to closely monitor resto- Gaushala Development Scheme during i
ration of faulty cables. last three years, year-wise?


to state: has not been possible for the Union Govern-
ment to release any assistance to Madhya
(a) whether Hamirpur SSA of Himachal Pradesh under the Gaushala Development
Pradesh covering the Districts of Hamirpur, Scheme during the last 3 years because of
Una, Bilaspur and Dehra Sub*Divisbn of non submission of utilisation certificates
Kangrsa District had been selected for the against earlier releases made to the State.
provision IDN during 1989-90;
Manufacture of Teleprinters
(b) if so, the progress made in this
regard; and 4728. KUMARI UMA BHARATI: Will
the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
(c) if not, the reasons therefor and the pleased to state:
likely date by which the installation work in
each of the revenue Districts covered under (a) the number of teleprinters manufac>
the SSA would be completed? tured by the Hindustan Teleprinters Limited
in 1989 in Roman, Devnagri and bi>lingual
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE scripts separately;
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Hamirpur, Una (b) the number of purchase orders of
and Bilaspur districts only were selected for Devnagri or bi-iingual script teleprinters
provision of IDN subject to availability of pending with them and the reasons therefor;
equipment. and
73 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S/A/<y\) Written Answers lA

(c) the steps taken to arrange supply (c) the details of action taken so far in
against the remaining orders? this regard?


JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) During 1989, JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes. Sir.
HTI manufactured 1927 Nos. of Electro-
mechanical Teleprinters (Roman). (b) During the current plan period.

4261 Nos. of Electronic Teleprinters (c) (i) The estimates forthe equipment
(Roman) are under process of sanction.
143 Nos. of Electronic Teleprinters
(Bilingual). (ii) Transmission media has been
No Devnagri Teleprinters were pro- planned.
Setting up of New Telephone Ex-
(b) Orders for 1101 Nos. of bilingual change in Gujarat
Electronic Teleprinters are pending against
orders received during 1989. No order is 4730. SHRI BALVANT MANVAR: Will
pending for Devnagri Teleprinter. The the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
Company had to supply a large number of pleased to state:
Roman Electronic Teleprinters also as re-
quired by the Department of Telecommuni- (a) whether Govemment have formu-
cations. lated any scheme for setting up new tele-
phone exchanges in Surendranagar, Jam-
(c) Necessary steps have been take to nagar, Rajkot and Junagadh in Gujarat dur-
clear pending orders by the end of October, ing the next three years;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the time
[English] by which it is likely to be taken up for imple-
mentation; and
STD Facility at Hodel in Haryana
(c) if not, the reasons therefor?
4729. SHRIJAG PAL SINGH: Will the
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes, sir.
(a) whether STD facility are planned to
be provkled at Hodel in Haryana; (b) Details of the exchanges proposed
to be set up in thesefourtowns in given isthe
(b) if so, when It is likely to be provided: statement below.
and (c) Does not arise in view of (b) above.
75 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 76

Is. X)
c c
s M s JO
a. Q. OL a.

x: x:
00 oo as
a o> o> o>

I t c
ZJ ‘fc-

I >»
§ 03 m
O O o

*5- (D
o o>

a> (D S ^

x: s|
l i
Q <D
»c CO .9
y S I
I o O
I c o
P ^ 2L

I i 0
® o

o O o

I as

0 Oj “c
2 5
1 3

77 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 78

[Translation] Orissa Govern ment for soil conservation work

in the catchment area of upper Kolab, Indra-
Cold Storage Regulation vati and other rivers in Orissa;

4731. SHRIRAMESHWARPATIDAR: (b) if so, the estimated cost of the

Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be scheme;
pleased to state:
(c) whether it is proposed to cover the
(a) whetherGovernment have approved scheme during the Eighth Five Year Plan;
the Bill submitted by the Government, of
Madhya Pradesh regarding cold storage (d) if so, the amount of Central assis-
regulation; tance proposed to be provided for imple-
menting the scheme; and
(b) if not. the reasons therefor; and
(e) if not, the reasons therefor?
(c) the time by which permission is likely
to be granted to Madhya Pradesh Govern- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
ment to bring forward legislation in this re- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR (a) to (e). The proposal of Government of
RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINIS- Orissafortaking up Soil Conservation Works
TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRIUPENDRA in the catchments of Upper Kolab, Indravatl
VERMA): (a) to (c). The Bill on cold storage and subarnarekha at an estimated cost of
regulation submitted by the Government of Rs. 82.98 crores could not be considered for
Madhya Pradesh was not approved because implementation as the aforesaid catchments
at the same time Government of India was are not approved under the Centrally Spon-
also contemplating to bring in a Central sored Schemes of Soil Conservation in the
legislation for cold storage with a view to Catchments of River Valley Projects and
ensuring uniform legislation in the regulation Integrated Watershed Management in the
of cold storages all over the country. The Catchments of Flood Prone Rivers.
idea of Central legislation was. however,
dropped. Instead, a Model Bill has been News item Captioned **Saudi Bias
prepared and circulated to all the States Against Dead Hindu’*
including Madhya Pradesh which could be
adopted by them, mutatis-mutandis. if they 4733. SHRI SHANTARAM
so desired. POTDUKHE: Will the Minister of EXTER-
NAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(a) whether liis attention has been
Soil Conservation Scheme of Orissa drawn to the news item captioned *'Saudi
bias against dead Hindu” appearing in the
4732. SHRI GOPI NATH GAJAPATHI: ‘Hindu* dated the 7 August, 1990;
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
pleased to state: (b) if so, the facts of the case as ascer-
tained by the Government and as brought to
(a) whether Unton Government have their notrce by the parents of the deceased;
received any comprehensive scheme from and
79 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 80

(c) the affective measures taken to standard labour day. Rent of owned land is
ensure justice to the deceased young Indian estimated on the basis of prevailing rents in
National in getting his parents the full ‘blood the village for identical type of land or as
money’ deposited by the Greek national reported by the sample farmers subject to
whose negligence caused his death in Ri- the ceiling of fair rents given in the Land
yadh'^ Legislation of the concerned States.


(b) A Shairat court in Riyadh has ruled SHRI KAMAL CHAUDHRY:
that bbod money entitlement in case of a SHRI S.B. THORAT:
Hindu is 1/15th of that of Muslim.
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
(c) The matter is being take up with the pleased to state:
concerned Saudi authorities of enhanced
compensation. (a) the number of fires reported in Delhi
dunng January to August, 1990 with details
Cost of Production of Agricultural thereof;
(b) the number of person skilled and
4734. SHRI SUDAM DATTATRYA injured in such fires and the extent of loss to
DESHMUKH: Will the Minister of AGRICUL- property etc.;
TURE be pleased to state:
(c) the number of cases solved and the
(a) whether there is a standardised number of persons arrested in this regard;
proforma for the study of cost of production and
of agricultural produce in all the State; and
(d) theamountof compensation, If any,
(b) if so. how labour days of the family paid to the victims and the steps taken to
Tnembers of the farmers are measured and check the incidents fire in Delhi?
how the rental cost of owned land is imputed
for this purpose? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND 4861 calls were received by Delhi Fire Serv>
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF \ce from January to August, 1990. 28 per-
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): sons died and 20 were injured. The precise
(a) Yes. Sir. extent of loss of property has not been deter-
(b) The labour days of the family labour
of farmers are measured in hour units of (c) Information is being collected and
each member of the family spent on different will be laid on the table of the House.
farm operations. The male, female and child
labour is equated in the ratio of 1:1.5:2.0 to (d) Families of 25 deceased have been
convert the family labour into standard male pakJ relief® Rs. 10,000Aeach. Payments In
units in hours. Eight hours are taken for a 3 cases could not be made for want of proper
81 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S>4/C4) Written Answers 82

verification. An amount of Rs. 10,000/- has (c) the target set for cashew plantation
been paid as compensation to injured per- under centrally sponsored programmes in
sons @ Rs. 500/- each. Besides, a amount various State State-wise?
of RS. 86,84,250/- has been paid to 17503
families whose jhuggis were burnt in fire. To THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
check incidents of fires, training has been DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
imparted to officials in various Govt, offices. COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
Pamphlets indicating fire prevention meas- AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
ures have been distributed through Delhi (a) Yes, Sir.
Administration in jhuggi-jhopn clusters
(b) It ISproposed to implement a scheme
Cashew Plantation for area expansion with colonal planting
material as a part of a Central Sector Pro-
4736 SHRI T BASHEER- Will the gramme for development of cashewnut
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to during 1990-91 in Madhya Pradesh besides
state. the traditional Cashewnut growing States of
Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Tamil
(a) whether Government propose to Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa
bring additional land under cashew planta-
tion; (c) State-wise targets envisaged for
fresh cashew plantation under the proposed
(b) if so. the new areas/states identified Central Sector Programme dunng 1990-91
for the purpose, and are given below.—

S i No. Name of the State Target of fresh planting

dunng 1990-91 (Ha)

1 2 3

1. Kerala 100

2. Karnataka 700

3. Goa 300

4. Maharashtra 200

5. Tamil Nadu 400

6. Andhra Pradesh 100

7. Orissa 250

8. Madhya Pradesh 80

Pension to Ex-Governors Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to

4737. PROF. K.V. THOMAS: Will the (a) whether there is any proposal to jj
83 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 84

provide pension to Ex-Governors; and [Translation]

(b) if so. the details thereof? Bilateral Agreement with Nepal

SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). No. to state:
Sir. there is no proposal to provide pension
to Ex-Governors. (a) whether any bilateral agreement
has been reached with Nepal in August,
Installation of 5000 Lines E-10 B 1990 in the field of capital investment, indus-
Telephone Exchange At Gulbarge, try, trade, transit and tourism etc.. and
(b) if so, the details thereof'?
4738. DR. B.G. JAWALI: Will the Min-
(a) whether there is any plan for instal-
lation of 5000 lines E-10B Exchange at (b) Does not arise.
Gulbarga to be expanded later to 7500 lines
to clear the backlog of applicants on the [English]
waiting list;
Foreign Nationals in Assam
(b) if so, when it will be commissioned;
(c) whetherSedam.Shahbad and Wadi Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
in Karnataka are operated through manual pleased to state:
exchanges while Yadgiri is an Auto Exchange
without STD facility; and (a) the number of persons suspected to
be foreign nationals illegally residing in Assam
(d) if so. when STD facility is likely to be whose cases were referred to the Tribunals
provided at these places'^ since the inception of the Tribunals Act, year
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (b) the number of persons found to be
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes, Sir. foreign natbnals by the tribunals, the num-
ber of person not so found and the number of
(b) 5000 lines local E-10B exchange is person whose cases are pending upto 31
planned to be commissioned during 92-93 March, 1990 year-wise; and
and further planned to be expanded to 7500 (c) the number of person found to be
lines by 93-94. foreign nationals who were deported, pushed
out or detained?
(c) Yes, Sir.
(d) STD facility is proposed to be pro- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
vided at Sadam. Shahabad Wadi and Yadgiri SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). A
during 8th Five Year Plan. statement is given below.
85 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 86

C <2 “D

?It !s
rt g in
5 -Q CO
T- § S
3 ? jc §"


O lo 5
i2 CM
X ls.i d CT)
0> 00
■O in
*o o>
<30 i
3 <D h- C
CO o> LO C>
s ■§ o CM CO
O 5

t I

1 1

i I
o> CO
o o> CM
§ o
CO o> CM
^ %
CM CO CD § *c CO
11 !^ o

o S in r--. CM O) CO
CM 0> CO T- r- CM
i i Xf- CM CM O)

i i

CD h- 00 Oi S 2
I ia> 00
o> o>
O) s ^
87 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6, 1990 Written Answers 88

Translation] Indira Awas Yojana'^

Construction of Houses Under Indira THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR

Awas Yojana in Madhya Pradesh RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINIS-
4741. SHRISATYANARAYANJATIYA: VERMA)* The numberof houses which could
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be be built with the amount allocated to Madhya
pleased to state the year-wise target for the Pradesh underthe Indira Awas Yojana since
construction of houses and the amount alio* its inception is given in the statement given
cated therefor to Madhya Pradesh under the below.


Indira Awas Yojana (Madhya Pradesh)

SI. No, Year No. of houses could be built Allocation (Cash)

(Rs. in lakhs)

1 2 3 4

1, 1985-86 10740 725.00

2. 1986-87 13500 1033 00

3. 1987-88 13500 103v3.00

4. 1988-89 11407 1033.00

5. 1989-90 15070 1537.13*

6. 1990-91 18266 2319.72*

* Indicates resources allocated.

[English] (c) whether Government are now con-

templating to reconsider the matter; and
UN Convention of Civil and Political (d) if so, the details thereof?
Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) and (b). India
pleased to state: is a party to the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights. However, India is
(a) whether India has signed and rati- not a party to the Optional Protocol under
fied the Optional Protocol of the UN Conven- which the Human Rights Committee can
tion on Civil and Political Rights of 1966; receive and act on complaints on individuals
alleging violations by the State of their rights
(b) if not, the reasons therefor; under the Covenant. It is Government’s view
89 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S/1/C4) Written Answers 90

that adequate mechanisms exist ‘within the ual exchange is proposed to be

country to redress the grievances of indi> replaced by higher capacity
viduais regarding alleged violations of Human electronic exchange during the
rights under the Covenant. 1990-91, subject to availability
of equipment.
(c) No, Sir.
(ii) Trunk junction on bare wire are
(d) Does not arise. proposed to be replaced by
insulated wire by March, 1990.
Improvements in Mungeli Telephone
Exchange in Bilaspur District of S.T.D. Facility in Kattoor Telephone
Madhya Pradesh Exchange


Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be MANAN: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA-
pleased to state; TIONS be pleased to state:

(a) the capacity of Telephone Exchange (a) whether there is any proposal to
at Mungeli in Bilaspur district, Madhya provide S T.D. facility in Kattoor Telephone
Pradesh; Exchange, Trichur District, Kerala; and

(b) whether S.T.D. and I.S.D. direct (b) if so, when and if not, the reasons
dialling facilities are available in that ex> therefor?
(c) whether lines for Bilaspur Lormi MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
Pundariya and Pathariya from Mungeli al- JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes. Sir.
ways remain out of order;
(b) During the current plan period.
(d) if so, the reasons therefor; and
Integrated Fisheries Development
(e) the steps being taken to improve the Programme
services in Mungeli telephone exchange?


JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) 200 lines. pleased to state:

(b) No. Sir. (a) the amount sanctioned to Kerala for

Integrated Fisheries Development by Na-
(c) No. Sir. tional Co-operative Development Corpora-
tion (NCDC) in the current financial year;
(d) Question does not arise in viewof (c)
above. (b) whether Kerala Government has
spent the entire amount sanctioned during
(e) (i) Existing 200 lines CBNM man- the last financial year; and
91 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 92

(c) if so. the details thereof? (a) whether the Rashtriya Chemicals &
Fertilizers Ltd. has submitted a detailed
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Project Report for paper project at Nimagaon
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND (Tembhurani) in Sholapur District of Mahar-
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ashtra for clearance; and
(a) and (b). No amount has been sanctioned (b) if so, the reaction of Government
to Kerala Government for Integrated Fisher- thereto':^
ies Development Programme by National
Cooperative Development Corporation THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(NCDC) in the current financial year (1990- DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP-
91) as well as during last financial year MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL-
(1989-90). TURE (SHRI UPENDRA VERMA): (a) No.
(c) Does not anse.
(b) Does not arise.
Subsidised Shops for Delhi Police
Employees [ Translation]

4746. SHRI N.J. RATHVA; Will the Misuse of Telephone Lines by Tele-
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to phone Employees
(a) whether Government are contem- VASTAVA: Will the Minister of COMMUNI-
plated to open subsidised shops for the CATIONS be pleased to state:
employees of Delhi Police on the pattern of
Calcutta Police or to give any allowance to (a) whether it is a fact that telephone
them; employees, if need be, by fixing a block in
(b) if so, the details thereof; and any MDF on subscribers’ side and by fixing
telephone on exchange side, can help any-
(c) if not, the reasons therefor? body in making STD calls will have to be
borne by the subscriber with whose tele-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE phone number this mischief has been done;
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). There (b) whether in D.P., by replacing a
is no proposal under consideration to open telephone wire of any subscriber with the
subsidised shops for the employees of Delhi wire of another subscriber, STD call can be
Police. The Delhi Police have submitted a made by the other subscriber and in such
proposal to Delhi Adm inistration for payment cases the meter reading of the other sub-
of ration allowance @ Rs. 200/- per month to scriber will not increase but the meter read-
their personnel, excluding IPS Officers. ing of the first subscriber will increase in
whose line that wire had been inserted;
Project Report for Paper Project by
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. (c) whether Government are aware that
in Patna and in some other divisions of Bihar
4747. SHRI S.B. THORAT: Will the while using this method, inflated telephone
Minuter of AGRICULTURE be pleased to bills are sent to those subscribers who have
state: STD facirrty; and
93 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S>4M) Written Answers 94

(d) if so, the action proposed to be takeplated by Government thereon?

by Government to mitigate the grievances of
such subscribers? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI content of the book are under examination of
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes. Sir. the Government and appropriate action will
be take in the light of this examination.
(b) Yes, Sir.
Reguiarisatlon of Casual Labourers in
(c) No such case of diversion of misuse Telecommunications Department In
of telephone in Patna or any other place in Jabalpur
Bihar have come to the notice of the authori-
TRI: Will the Ministerof COMMUNICATIONS
(d) Such sensitive points are either kept be pleased to state:
locked or under strict watch to control mal-
practice. Severe disciplinary action is taken (a) whether a large number of casual
under departmental rules against officials labourers working in Telecommunications
observed to be indulging in such malprac- Department in Jabalpur for the last seven
tices. years have been removed from service in
May. 1990;
There are special procedures prescribed
for dealing with "excess billing" complaints. (b) if so. the reasons therefor; and

In E-10-B type electronic exchanges, (c) whether Government propose to

subscnbers can avail of a facility called 'STD issue a direction to the concerned officials, to
management’ through which they can set a take back these workers who had been
secret code which alone can enable STD working for seven years and regularise them?
calls. Line diversion will not be possible in
Depiction of Mahabharata In Vulgar JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (c). The in-
Manner formation is being collected and the same
will laid on the Table of the House.
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Foreign Aid to Imam Khomeini Memo-
to State: rial Trust

(a) whether Mahabharat has been 4751. SHRIBRIJBHUSHANTIWARI:

depicted in a vulgar manner in the book Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
‘Samraj’ written by N. Aruna dueto which the pleased to state:
image to Hindu Society is sullied;
(a) whether Government have any in-
(b) whether Government have received formation about foreign aid being provided
complaints in this regard; and to the Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust, Kargil
district and other places in Jammu and
(c) if so, the action taken or contem- Kashmir by Iran or from any other sources;
95 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 96

(b) if so, the details thereof and the and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha.
nature of propaganda being carried out by
Imam Khomeini Trust; and Central Assistance to Repair the
Shimsha Bridge In Karnataka
(c) whether any inquiry has been con-
ducted in this regard?
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). The
Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust. Kargil is (a) whether Karnataka Government
neither registered under the Foreign Contri- have submitted any proposal for Central
bution (Regulation) Act, 1976 nor has it assistance to repair the 40 years old Shin-
reported receipt of any foreign contribution. sha bridge that links Somanahalli-Shivapura
in Maddur, Mandya District, Karnataka:
Suggested Alternative
(b) if so, the total amount of assistance
The Trust, has in recent times, issued sought therefor; and
statements about alleged harassment of
persons in Kashmir Valley by the security (c) the steps taken by Union Govern-
forces. ment to release the necessary funds'?

National Workshop on Medicinal Plants PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN) (a)
and (b). A proposal for construction of a
4752. SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGA- bridge across Shimsha river near Maddur on
LAM: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be Bangalore-Mysore Road at an estimated
pleased to state: cost of RS. 85 lakhs has been received from
the State Govt, under Central Road Fund
(a) whether the Adviser on Technology programme.
Mission organised a National Workshop on
Medicinal plants from 27 to 30 November, (c) Since actual augmentation of Cen-
1989 in Karnataka; tral Road Fund against which the proposals
(b) if so, the details thereof; were invited has not yet taken place, the
same have not been processed for approval.
(c) the recommendations made by this
workshop; LTTE’s Request for India’s Involvement
(d) whether the workshop has also In their Struggle
suggested for creation of Gene parks for
medicinal plants; and 4754. SHRI KUSUMA KRISHNA
(e) if so, the details thereof? MURTHY: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL
AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF (a) whether LTTE loaders have ap-
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): proached the Government of India to get
(a) td^e). The information is being collected involved again in their struggle against Sri
97 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 98

Lankan Armed Forces and recognise them

as it did in the cases of Palestine Liberation THEMINISTEROFSURFACETRANS-
Organisation (PLO) and African National PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) to
Congress (ANC); and (d). In respect of medical reimbursement
scheme that was in operation in DTC during
(b) if so, the reaction of Government inMay, 1984 to January, 1986 there had been
this regard? reports of large scale misuse of the same by
the chemists, doctors and the employee.
Under that scheme the employees were free
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE to consult the doctors on the panel, of their
MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS(SHRI choice and purchase medicines from the
HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) Government empanneled chemists without any monetary
have seen press statements by some LTTE limits. Besides replacing the scheme, in
leaders to this effect. January, *86 it was decided to inquire into the
claims preferred by employee^, chemists
(b) Government believe that the ethnicand doctors. Pending investfgations and
problem of Sri Lanka has to be resolved inquiry the payments were withheld. The
ultimately by the Sri Lanka Government and scrutiny of the bills preferred by the chemists
the Tamils. Government have urged both has since been completed by DTC’s investi-
sides to the conflict to immediately cease gating committees. DTC has been asked to
hostilities and return to negotiations. Gov- settle the admitted claims of the chemists
ernment believe that only a negotiated politi- whose licences have been valid and have
cal settlement taking into account the legiti- continuity of establishments.
mate demands and grievances of the Tamils
within a united Sri Lanka can bring an end to [Translation]
the ethine problem in Sri Lanka.
Allocation in Madhya Pradesh Under
Jawahar Rozgar Yojna
Medical Bills Pending Settlement with
D ie
4755. SHRI RAM SAGAR (Saidpur):the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased
Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT to state the amount allocated to different
be pleased to state: Panchayats In Balaghat, Sewani and Mandia
districts of Madhya Pradesh under Jawahar
Rozgar Yojana panchayat-wise?
(a) whether payment of large amount
towards bills of various Chemists of Delhi THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR
running into several lakhs of rupees are RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINIS-
pending with the DTC for long; TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
NATH VERMA): Resources allocated, inclu-
(b) if so, reasons thereof; sive of State share, to Balaghat, Sewani and
Mandia districts of Madhya Pradesh under
(c) the details of steps take to clear Jawahar Rozgar Yojana during the current
these bills, and year (i.e. 1990-91) inclusive of resources
under Indira Awas Yojana but excluding
(d) the reasons for withholding the resources allocated under Million Wells
payment? Scheme is as under:
99 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 \NriiXen Answers 1GO

SI. No. District Resources allocatea

(Rs. in lakhs)

1 2 3

1. Balaghat 363.67

2. Sewani 451.64

3. Mandia 659.98

According to Jawahar Rozgar Yojana catch) and the selling price of fish during
guidelines issued by the Government of India 1989-90,
for implementation of the programme in 1990-
91, districts are required to distribute at least (c) whether Government have formu-
80% of funds among the village panchayats lated any scheme to reduce the cost of
of the district after setting apart a sum of Rs. fishing and also to bring down the selling
50,000 for training of officials/non-officials price of fish: and
involved in implementation of the programme.
While distributing resources, the minimum (d) if so, the details thereof*^
population of a village has to be taken as
1000 and the maximum population as 10,000. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
The guidelines further require that 60% re- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
sources to be allocated to village panchayats COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
should be distributed on the basis of Sched- AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
uled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population (a) No systematic study has been conducted
and the rest 40% on the basis of the total by the Central Govern ment to assess whether
population of the village panchayats. there has been a constant rise in cost of
fishing and selling price of fish.
The Government of India, however, do
not monitor the panchayat-wise allocation of (b) Does not arise.
funds at the central level.
(c) and (d). In order to reduce the
Cost of Fishing operational cost of fishing by mechanised
fishing vessels, Central Government have
4757. SHRIPHOOLCHANDVERf^A: approved to reimburse 100% excise duty on
SHRI MANJAY LAL: diesel oil used by mechanised fishing ves-
sels below 20 M. length during 1990-91.
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
pleased to state: New Telephone Connections in Udaipur

(a) whether there has been a constant 4758. SHRIGULABCHANDKATARIA:

rise in the cost of fishing and the selling price Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
of fish; pleased to state:

(b) if so. the price of fish produce (sea (a) the number of applicants on the
101 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 102

waiting list for telephone connections in be pleased to state:

Udaipur in Rajasthan;
(a) whether Government are aware of
(b) when the new electronic telephone the damage caused due to landsliding/inun-
exchange in Udaipur is expected to be dation in Neelkanth Mahadev,'Pauri Garhwal
commissioned; and in Uttar Pradesh;

(c) the time by which telephone connec- (b) if so, the details thereof;
tions are likely to be provided to all appli-
cants on the waiting list? (c) the number of persons killed in this
disaster; and
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (d) the relief measures taken by Gov-
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) The number of ernment to meet the situation?
applicants on waiting list is 8108 as on 1.7.90.
(b) New Electronic exchange of 5000 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
lines Is likely to be commissioned by the end COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
(a) and (b). The Government of Uttar Pradesh
(c) Plans are being drawn for clearing has reported that on the 9th July, 1990 at
the present waiting list progressively during about 5.00 PM, cloudburst and lightening
the Eighth Plan period. followed by heavy rain struck the Neelkanth
hill of the District Pauri Garhwal. Due to this,
Landslides in Pauri Garhwal (U.P.) huge rocks, boulders etc. solided down and
spread over a stretch of about 12 K.M. The
4759. SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR GANG- extent of damage as reported by the State
WAR: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE Government is given bebw:

1. Villages affected

2. Houses damaged fully 15

3. Houses damaged partially

4. Cattle lives lost:

(a) Big 165

(b) Small 358

5. Cropped area affected 7.80 hectare

6. Total estimated loss to Rs. 68.82 Lakh

Government property

(c) In all, ninety six persons were re-twenty one dead bodies have been recov-
ported missing till now in this disaster. Thirty ered.
one persons have been traced alive and (d) Rescue and Relief works were
103 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 104

immediately taken up by the State Govern- tained by the Ministry of Home Affairs
ment. Army help was also sought to remove However, information is available about the ^
the boulders and other big mass and extri- number of applications from Goa, Damman
cate the bodies. The State Chief Minister & Diu. The number of such applications
and the Hill Development Minister visited the received upto the prescribed date, viz.,
site to take stock of the situation. The State 31.3.1982 is 3,257.
Government has allotted a sum of Rs. 15.60
lakhs to the district under various heads of (b) Pension has been sanctioned in 873
relief for distribution to victims of the tragedy. cases.
So far. a sum of Rs. 13,000/- under gratui-
tous relief, Rs. 19,000/- under house sub- (c) The remaining cases have also
sidy for repair/restoration of damaged been decided. Pension has not been sanc-
houses, Rs. 55,000/- as ex-gratia payment tioned in these cases. However, where per-
on death of persons and Rs. 43,000/- ex- sons, whose claim had not been accepted,
gratia payment on death of qattle have been furnish fresh, acceptable evidence, the cases
distributed. In addition, a sum of Rs. 1.65 are reviewed. This is a continuing process.
lakh has been distributed as ex-gratia pay-
ment from Chief Minister’s Discretionary Fund [English]
to the next of kin of dead, whose bodies
could be identified. Purchase of Aircraft/Helicopters for
Border Security Force

Freedom Fighter Applications

the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased SHRI R.N. RAKESH:
to state:
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
pleased to state:
(a) the number of applications received
by Government from the freedom fighters (a) whether there is any proposal to
who participated in the liberation of Daman purchase some modern aircraft and light
and Diu; helicopters for Border Security Force; and

(b) the number of applications sane* (b) if so, the details thereof including the
lioned out of them; and names of the helicopters and aircrafts, finan-
cial implk:ations and the country from which
(c) the time by which the pending appli- they are proposed to be purchased?
cations are likely to be disposed of?


SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Separate proposal to purchase suitable aircraft for
statistics about applications for grant of BSF.
Swatantrat Sainik Samman pension forf ree-
dom fighters who participated in the libera- (b) The proposal Is in a preliminary
tion of Damman & Diu is not being main- stage and it is not feasible to give the details.
105 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S4K>^) Written Answers 106

[ Translation] (a) whet her foodg rains get poisoned by

the use of Parathene and E.N.P. pesticides;
Return of Indo-Pak Prisoners of Wars
(b) if so, whether Government propose
4762. SHRI RATILAL KALIDAS to impose a ban on the manufacture and use
VERMA; of these pesticides;
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF-
FAIRS be pleased to state: (d) if not, the reasons therefor?

(a) the number of Indian Prisoners of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

(b) whether there has been some AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
progress in regard to return of prisoners of (a) The correct name of parathene is Para-
wars of India and Pakistan during the last thion. Scientifically ths term Is used for the
three months; chemical pesticide known as Ethyl Para-
thion. Similarly, the correct name of E.N.P.
(c) if so. the details thereof and the is E.P.N. Ethyl Parathion has been phased
number of prisoners who have been able to out of use by mid-70s in India, whereas
return to their countries because of these registration has been refused for use of
developments; and E.P.N. Therefore, the question of foodgrains
(d) what further steps are contem- getting poisoned by use of said two pesti-
plated for the return of remaining Prisoners cides does not arise under Indian context.
of Wars with Pakistan?
(b) to (d). Question do not arise in view
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of reply to part (a) of the question.
HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) 54 missing [English]
Indian defence personnel are believed to be
in Pakistani jails. Unrest Amongst Postal Employees

(b) to (d). The question of locating and 4764. SHRIMATI SUBHASHINI ALL
repatriating these missing Indian defence Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
personnel has been taken up with Pakistan pleased to state:
several times, including during the Foreign
Secretary-level talks held in July and Au-
gust, 1990. The Government of Pakistan (a) whether there is a wide spread
maintains that there are no missing defence resentment and unrest amongst postal
personnel in their custody. We are continu- employees;
ing to press Pakistan on this issue.
(b) if so, the reasons therefor;
Ban on Parathene and E.N.P. Pesticides
(c) whether any redressal/corrective/
4763.SHRI RAM LAL RAHI: Will the conciliatory steps have been taken/pro-
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to posed in accordance with Government lib-
state: eral policies towards workers; and
107 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 108

(d) if so, the details thereof? [English]

Profit Earned by NSC

JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (d). No Sir. of AGRiCULTURE be pleased to state:
However, a 10 points Charter of Demands
was received on 23.7.1990 from the three (a) how much profit was earned by
Federations namely: National Federation of National Seeds Corporation of India during
Postal Employees, Federation of National years 1986-87, 1987-88, 1988-89; and
Postal Organisations and Bharatiya Postal
Employees Federation. Consequently, a (b) what steps have been taken by the
special meeting was arranged with the rep- Government to improve the working of Cor-
resentatives of the Federations on 31.7.1990 poration'?
to discuss the demands and present position
of action already in progress was explained THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
to them, appropriately. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
(a) No profit was earned by National Seeds
Corporation during 1986-87, 1987-88 and
Killing in Punjab 1988-89.

4765. SHRI HARSH VARDHAN: Will (b) A Consultant has been appointed
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased under National Seeds Project Phase-lll to
to state: study the working of the National Seeds

(a) the number of persons killed in Punjab STD Facility in District Headquarters in
during 1988, 1989, and 1990 so far, year- Tamil Nadu
wise; and
(b) the break up of such persons killed Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
in incidents of terrorism, personal enmity, pleased to state:
smuggling and dacoity etc.?

(a) whether STD facility has been pro-

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE vided in all district headquarters in Tamil
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). Ac-
cording to available information. 1949 per- (b) if not, the names of district head-
sons have been killed in 1988,1168 in 1989 quarters where this facility is yet to be pro-
and 1210 and 1990 (upto July) due to terror- vided;
ist violence. The number of such persons
killed due to personal enmity and in incidents (c) whether the work for providing STD
of smuggling and dacoity, is not readily link to these district headquarters has been
available. started; and
109 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 110

(d) if so, the time by which STD facility THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
is likely to be provided? MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Post Offices:
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Post offices sanctioned so far are indicated
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI Statement I. More post offices are likely to be
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) No, Sir. Out of considered after the revised norms are final>
20 district headquarters, STD facility has ised. Information as to post offices proposed
been provided in 19 district headquarters in to be upgraded is being collected and will be
Tamil Nadu. laid on the Table of the House.

(b) STD facility is yet to be provided for Telegraph Offices: Information is fur-
South Arcot (district headquarter at Cuddal- nished in the Statement~ll given below.
(b) New telephone exchanges will be
(c) and (d). At present Manual Sub- opened as and when the demands of tele-
scriber Trunk Dialling facility (MSTD) has phones are registered at various places.
been provided at Cuddalore. STD facility at
this place is likely to be provided dunng (c) The names of exchanges is medium
1991-92 on replacement of the Manual sizes which are proposed to be upgraded
Exchange with an Automatic Exchange. are given in Statement-Ill given below In
addition, about 100 Nos. of small sized
[ Translation] exchanges are also proposed to be up-
graded at various places in Bihar. Mad-
Opening of New Post Offices and hepura, Sahebganj, Jehandabad have al-
Telegraph Offices in Bihar ready been provided v^ith STD facility. In
addition, the following places are proposed
4768. SHRI TEJ NARAYAN SINGH: to be linked with STD facility.
YADAV: (i) Gumla (ii) Lohardaga (iii) Godda
(IV) Arana (v) Barauni
Willthe Ministerof COMMUNICATIONS
be pleased to state: STATEMENT-1

(a) the names of the places where BIHAR

Government propose to open new post of-
fices and telegraph offices in Bihar during Name of the New Branch Post Offices
the current year and the post offices and sanctioned on 31.3.1990.
telegraph offices proposed to be upgraded;

(b) the names of the places where SI. No. Name of the BO.
Government propose to set up new Tele-
phone exchanges in Bihar during the current 1 2
year; and
(c) the names of the existing telephone 1. Nawada
exchanges which are proposed to be up-
graded and the names of the places which 2. Rampudand
are proposed to be linked with S.T.D. facil-
ity? 3. Shyampur
111 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Ansvms 112

SI. No. Name of the BO. St. No. Name of the BO.

1 2 1 2

4. Sikanderpur 26. Garhiya Vijaypur

5. Sonjalpur 27. Banaili Patti

6. Bakhridua 28. Gokhiya Birhanpur

7. Bargaon 29. Achalpur

8. Shekhopur 30. Lalpur

9, Bajitpur Saidat 31. Shihpur

10. Bananta 32. Manman

11 Anjui 33. Marwa

12. Piranta Khas 34. Sadapur

13. Rashidpur 35. Teghra

14. Khajuri 36. Ekraha

15. Dharmagatpur 37. Bansgarha Rampur

16, Dukhi Chhapar 38. Chiknighat

17. Birla Matiarie 39. Akarthapa

18. Lagunaha 40. Karnakia

19. Chakhnia 41. Mohini

20. Saterh 42. Khairimai

21. Lantan 43. Barmaswa

22. Chanmukh 44. Biibry

23. Balamgarhiya 45. Karhara

24. Dumari 46. Bijhodah

25. Abhlrampur 47. Chhabiara

113 Wrlttsn Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) MWKen Answers 114


(a) The names of the places where new Telegraph Offices in Bihar are proposed to be
opened during the current year:

1. Hulasganj (Jahanabad district)

2. Taiyabpur ( Purnea district)

3. Tarwara (Siwan district)

4. Kubri (Hazaribagh district)

5. Parihar (Sitamarhi district)

(b) The names of the Telegraph Offices proposed to be upgraded during the current year
in Bihar.

1. Chaibasa 4. Araria

2. Madhepura 5. Tatsilawai

6. Barauni
3. Khagaria
7. Lakhi Sara
4. Godda
8. Buxer
5. Sahebganj
9. Bermo
6. Dumka
10. Ramgarh
7. Kishanganj 11. Chakardharpur

8. Araria 12. Kalgaon

9. Nawadah 13. Ghatsile

14. Nirsa
10. Aurangbad (Bihar)
15. Chhapra
11. Jehanabad
16. Munger.

Medium Sized [English]

Exchanges which are likely to be up- T ^ p h o n e Connections Under Kol-

graded during the year in Bihar hapur Telephone District/Division
1. Godda
2. Lohardga GAIKWAD: Will the Minister of CX)MMUNI-
CATIONS be pleased to state:
3. Gumla
115 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 116

(a) the number of applicants registered (c) The draft Eighth plan has been
for telephone connections under various formulated with an objective to provide (by
categories in Kolhapur telephone district/ the end of eighth fiye year plan) telephones
division upto 31st July 1990; on demand in telephone exchanges of ca-
pacities below 5000 lines and to contain the
(b) when telephones were released last wailing list to one year in exchanges of
In bulk in the above telephone district/divi- capacities of 5000 lines and above. With this
sion; and objective, expansion plans are being drawn
for clearing the waiting list progressively
(c) the steps taken by the Department during the 8th Plan period.
to clear the waiting list: particularly those
connections which are registered for more During 1990-91 the expansion plans
than two years? envisage an expansion of 1000 lines at Ichal-
karani and commissioning of 23 nos of small
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE size electronic exchanges. These will par-
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI tially cover those waiting for more than two
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Applicants years in Ichalkaranji and some rural area.
waiting for telephone connections under Others will be covered progressively during
various categories in Kolhapur district upto the 8th plan.
31.7.90 are as under:
Funds Allocated Under Jawahar Rozgar
OYT 516 Yojana


Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
GENERAL 7967 pleased to state the funds allocated and
released to the States during the current
TOTAL 9087 financial year under the Jawahar Rozgar
Yojana State-wise?
(b) Last bulk release was as under

Ichalkaranji 950 connections in 2/90 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

Jaysingpur 67 connections in 2/90 MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL-
Kolhapur 780 connections in 11 /89 (a) Central funds allocated and released to
different States/ Union Territories under
100 connections in 5/90 Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) during the
current financial year i.e. 1990>91 is given in
Shiroli MIDC 80 connections in 2/90 the Statement below.
117 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 118


I s XI*
CO r>-
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S 5
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,c CD CO CO 00
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2 !
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:c ^ s &

123 WritlBn Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 124

[Translation] (c) the amount released urKler th ^ e

schemes during the last three years;
Construction of Road between Auri-
more and Allahabad In U.P. (d) the amount allocated and released
for the current year; and
SINGH: Will the Minister of SURFACE (e) the extent to which these schemes
TRANSPORT be pleased to state: have helped in promoting coconut cultiva-
tion in the State?
(a) whether there is aay proposal under
consideratbn of Unton-Govennment to con- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
struct a road from Aurimore Anwara to DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
Allahabad via Ghorawal (Mirzapur) iN COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh under AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
Central Road Fund; (a) and (b). Coconut Devetopment Board
under Ministry of Agriculture is implementing
(b) if so, when the proposed project is following programmes for promotion of co-
likely to start; and conut cultivation tn Kerala.

(c) whether any proposal forihe con- i) Project for expansion of area;
struction of a bridge on the Sone river at
Red-Vijul is also included therein? ii) Production and distribution of qual-
ity planting material;
PORT (SHRI KP. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) to iii) Integrated farming in coconut small
(c). A proposal for construction of road from holdings in Kerala for productivity
Ghorawal to Jobail with construction of bridge improvement:
across river Sone has been received from
the State Government underthe augmented iv) Project for providing assistance for
Central Road Fund. Since actual augmenta- irrigation facilities to coconut grow-
tion of the has not taken place yet. the ers.
proposal has not been processed, and it is
too early to say when the project would start. (c) An amount of Rs. 110.4 lakhs was
released to Kerala under these schemes
[Engiish] during the last three years i.e. 1987-88 to
Promotion of Coconut Cultivation In
Kerala (d) An amount of Rs. 30.00 lakhs has
been earmarked for Kerala under these
4772. SHRI A CHARLES: Will theschemes for 1990-91. Funds couW not be
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to released dunng the fir$t quarter.
(e) These schemes have helped in area
(a) whether there is any Centrally Spon- expansion with Hybrid varieties for increas-
sored Schemes under operation for promo- ing productivity and increase in produotion in
tion of coconut cultivation in Ker^ta; Kerala. The area increased 1rom 7.05 lakh
hectares in 1985-86 to 8.65 lakh hectares in
(b) if so, the detiats thereof; 1988-89 and the productbn increased from
125 VMMn Answers BHADRA. t&,t!9!l2<£S4/C4) mmAmmrs 126

3377miitlon nutsto3841 miUioninuts during i^d) Whaihe# western Regtonal'IDfeveiop-

iMs period. ’ < im^nt OoUnfeH tias .decided tO'eonstruct a
National Highway tor oonneet>nglh»-«reas
[Tmnstgtiof^ ' ^ ofWeetern Coast; < i
« t *
Post Offlca and Telephone Facilities In (b) Hso, the details thereof; and
Purula and Araria District of BIhar
(c) the reaction of Union Government
4773. SHRI TASLIMUDDIN: Will the thereto?
Mlnisterof COMMUNICATIONS be pleased
(a) w/hether a proposal to provide post (c). Presumably, the Hon’ble Member Is
offices and telepf»neservices intlie various having in mind the demand made by the
villages of Purula and Araria districts of Bihar Western Zonal Council in its meetings for
is pending with Government for long time; inclusion, in National Highway grid, of the
Western Coastal Highway emanating from
(b) whetiier Government propose to Lakhpat (in Gujarat) to terminate at Satara
providetele-communication services inthese (In Maharashtra) having a length of about
villages in the near future; and 2526 Kms. Declaration of new National
Highways will depend on inter-se priorities
(c) if so, the details thereof? and outlay for this purpose in the 8th Plan
which is still not finalised. However, in the
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE past, the Central Government has provided
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI financial assistance to the Gujarat Govern-
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Post Office: ment to the tune of about Rs, 810.31 lakhs
Informatbn is being collected and will be laid lakhs under the centrally sponsored schemes
on the Table of the House. for improvement of selected stretches along
this highway.
Telephone Services: Proposal to pro-
vide telephone facilities by radio media inthe [English]
varbus villages of Purula and Araria districts
of Bihar is pending since April, 1990. Security Check of Incoming Passen-
gers at NIzamuddin Railway Station
(b) Yes. Sir.
(c) Efforts are tieing made to provide Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
such facilities in the villages of these districts pleased to state:
subject to technical feasibility and availabil-
ity of equipment. (a) whether the absence of security
check of incoming passengers by Delhi Police
and other law-enforcing agencies at Ni-
Construction of National Highway zamuddin Railway Station has been brought
Connecting Area of Western Coast to the notice of Government; and

4774. SHRiCHHITUBHAiDEVJIBHAI (b) if so, the details of the steps taken

GAMiT: Will the Minister of SURFACE or proposed to be taken by Government in
TRANSPORT be pleased to state: this regard*?
127 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 128

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, the details thereof stating the
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI annual productnn and toss suffered by each
SUBODH KANTSAHAY): (a) and (b). Check- of these units during the last three years,
ing of ail incoming passengers entaiis great year-wise and the reasons therefor; and
hardshiptothecommuters. However, screen-
ing of suspicious persons and objects is (c) the measures taken by Government
done by the Delhi Police. to make them financially viable?

Psrfonnance of Publto Sector fertilizer

BHAIGAMIT: (a) No Sir; the only public sector fertiliser
companies showing unsatisfactory perform-
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be ance for the last several years are the Fertil-
pleased to state* iser Corporatton of India (FCI) and the
Hindustan Fertiliser Corporation (HFC)
(a) whether the Public Sector fertilizer
factories in the country has been continu- (b) The details of production and loss
ously showing unsatisfactory performance suffered by these companies for the last
for the last several years; three years are given below:-
129 Writton Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 130

0> A
s | <o <

x l

CO i

5 in

d CD
s Si


CM o>


131 Wiiif^An6W&ri SEPTEMBER 6/vf09O Answers 13^

The main factors responsible for poor (b) and (c). No, Sir. However, the State
performance are low capacity utilisation on Government to Karnataka have already
account of power shortage, design deficien- undertaken oonlrol measures to bring the
cies, old and obsolete technology, equip- pesl under control.
ment break-downs, poor work culture, sur-
plus manpower and also because the coal [Translation]
based technology was used for the first time
in the cost of FCI’s plants at Ramagundam Unfform Wage Policy for Transport
and Talcher. Workers

(c) With a view to improving the 4778. SHRI HARI KEWAL PRASAD:
profitability of the fertiliser plants, several Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT
schemes for revamping, modernisation, be pleased to state:
installation of captive power plants etc. are
being implemented/formulated. (a) whether Government propose to
implement uniform wage policy for all trans-
Red Headed Caterpillars port workers in the country;

4777. SHRID.M.PUTTEGOWDA: Will (b) if so, the details m this regard; and
the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased
to state: (c) if not, the reasons therefor?

(a) whether red headed caterpillars

have devasted crops incertain parts of Chick- THE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS-^
magalur, Chitradurgaand Shimoga Districts PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) to
in Karnataka State; (c). There is at present no proposal for
uniform wage policy for all Transport Work-
(b) whether Union Government pro- ers in the country. Each State has differing
pose to declare the above mentioned area social and economic conditions based on
as pest affected area and propose to take which wages are determined and there
immediate measures to bring it under con- cannot be a uniform wage policy for Trans-
trol; and port Workers.

(c) if so, the details thereof? Congostion in Ports


AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): (a) the major ports which are facirtg
(a). No Sir, the incidence of red headed congestion; and
caterpillars occurred on sunflower, ground-
nut, jowar, regi and pulse crops only over an (b) the measures being taken to ease
area of 3743 ha. in Chickmangalur, 98 ha. in congestion In those ports?
Shimoga and 80 ha. in Chitradurga districts
of Karnataka. The incidence of pest varied THE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS-
between 20% to 30% which is considered PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): <a)
low to moderate intensity of infestation. ExceptKandIa and Visakhapatnam, all other
133 |iVMtMnArw«i«/s BHAW<Ai6.t91>(S4/W> 134

' majot’ ports are gsnerally free from conges- [Ti»i^laSoti\

Watting List for Telephone Connections
(b) Some of the short terms measures
to tackle day to day operationa] problems
such tedose monitoring ofworking vdsseis, 4781. PROF. MAHADEO
meeting with repreMntatives ofport users to SHiWANKAR:
identify constraints and remedy them, ad­ SHRI ASHOK ANAMDRAO
vance ship planning ete. and long term DESHMUKH;
measures such as creation of new berths
and Railway fadrtties, creation of faciitty for Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­
midstream discharge at Kandia and replace- TIONS be pleased to State:
menf of obsoiate equipments, etc. have t>een
taken (a) the nutrtber of applicants under
differerrt categones on waiting list for tele­
[EngHsh] phone connection^ in Maharashtra, district
wise and exchange-wise as on 30 June
Poultry Farming in Maharaslitra
(b) the reasons for delay in releasing
these connections; and
AHER: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE (c) the steps taken for increasing the
be pleased to state: capacity of telephone exchange so as to
clear all the applications on waiting list'^

(a) whether the Nattonal Cooperative THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

Devetopment Corporation has stopped giv­ MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
ing financial assistance to cooperative poul­ JANESHWAR MISHRA)- (a) to (c) The in­
try projects in Maharashtra; and formation is being collected and it will be laid
on the Table of the House.
(b) if so, the reasons therefor'^

THE MINISTER OF STATE THE Pos^ of Chairmen Lying Vacant in

DEPAPlTMENT OF ACIRICULTURC AfJD Public Undertaidngs of Punjab Govarn-
(a) and (b). No, Sir. NCDC has not stopped 4782. SHRI KIRPAL SfNGH. Will the
sanctioning financial assistance to the coop­ Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
erative poultry projects in Maharashtra. On state;
the basis Of experience and review, the
scheme has been revised and new models ’ (a) the nuiftber of Public Undertakings
evolv^ Al(the p ie tie s including those in of Punjab Government in which posts of
Mitharashlra WhosepitoposaAs weri4 received Chairmen are lying vacant;
iniHd^NbDChavdbeen advfsM to re-submIt
the''itAi}p6sal^ in tK ^d a rlce M h the n«hiv (b) since when these posts are lying
models forconskleraSOh by NCDC. vacarft;
135 Written Answws SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 136

(c) the criteria tor appointingAwminat- parole in Jammu and Kashmir during July-
ing of these Chairmen; and December, 1989 and January-June, 1990,
(d) when these posts are tikely 1o t>e
filled up? (b) whether legal requirement of peri-
odical reporting to the authorities is being
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE futfiUed in each such case;
SUBODH K/U4T S>UMY); (a) to (d). infor- (c) if not, the number of cases in which
mation in this regard is awaited from the the released persons failed to report; and
Government of Punjab.
(d) the action taken in such cases?
Construction of Godowns In fHm|ab
the Minister of AGRICULTURE be (leased SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (d). Sixty
to state: eight and five persons «vera released on
parole during 1989 and 1990 (upto J-mo
(a) whether Union Government have 1990) respedively. Details in respect of
provided funds to Punjab for the construc- individual cases have not tieen furnished tiy
tion of godowns in rural areas; the State Government. They have, however,
advised that appropriate legal action is taken
(b) if so, the details thereof and the against the defaulters.
number of godowns to be constructed;
(c) whether such godowns fiave been
constructed; and Repair of Bdcaro Steel City—Ramgarh
Gantt. Stretch of National Highway
(d) ifso.thepurposeforwhichtheseare
being used or likely to be used? 4785. SHRI R.L.P. VERMA: Will the
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE pleased to state:
MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL- (a) whether the condition of the Na-
TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA): tbnal Highway stretch from-Bokaro Steel
(a) No, Sir. Union Government has not re- City of Ramgarh Cemtt. (National Highway
ceived any proposal from the State Govern- Nos. 23 and 31) is in a very bad shape; and
ment of Punjab for central assistance for
constructbn of godowns in rural areas. (b) if so, the time by which the repair
work on the above stretch is proposed to be
(b)to(d). Do not arise. taken up and completed atongwith the ex-
penditure likely to be incurred thereon?
Release of Terrorists on Parole in J & K
4784. DR. A.K. PATEL: Will the Minis- PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a)
ter of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: and(b). Chas(BokaroSteelCity)— Ramgarh
Cantt. section whksh forms part of NH 23 has
(a) the number of terrorists released on been generally In traffic worthy condition.
137 Written Ansvms BHAORA 15,1912 (&4K4) Wrkkm Answers 138

Urgent repairs on some stretches which having less than 3000 telephone connec-
were damaged during the monsoon have tions;
been taken in hand out of the maintenance
grant at Rs. 6.65 crores released so far for (b) whether the maximum number of
the National Highways in Bihar including NH such districts are in Uttar Pradesh;
23. AH the repair works of immediate nature
w9l be completed before the end of the (c) if so, whether Govemment propose
current financial year. As the monsoon is still to formulate comprehensive programme for
not over, and the repairs are yet in progress, the expansion of telephone service in these
it is too early to give any indteation about the distrnts; and
expenditure involved.
(d) if so, the details thereof?
Alleged Misappropriation of Public Prop- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
erty at Sofid Stale Physics Laboratory JANESHWAR MISHRA); (a) to (d). The
informatton is being collected and will be laid
4786. SHRI MAOAN LAL KHURANA: on the Table of the House.
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
pleased to state: [F n g m j

(a) whether there has been a case of Technology for New Telephone Con-
alleged mis£v>piopriatk>n of public property nections During Eighth Plan
at Solkl State Physk» Laboratory, Delhi;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and SHRIMATIBASAVA RAJESH-
(c) the present stage of investigatnn in SHRI PARASRAM BHARD-
the matter? WAJ:


MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI be pleased to state:
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). A
complaint regarding misappropriatk>n of (a) whether Government have taken
public property and disposal of non-consum- any decisk>n about the technology to be
able stores as consumable items has been adopted for successful implementation of
made. An enquiry in the matter by the Delhi their plan to provkle new telephone connec-
Police is in its final stages. tions in the country during the Eighth Plan
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
Expansion of Telephone Service
(c) the year-wise phased programme
4787. SHRI HARISHRAWAT: Will thechalked out in this regard?
Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased
(a) the number of districts in the country JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes, Sir.
139 Writton Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Artswdrs 140

(b) and(c). Different technologies areto look into the incident of fire in Vigyan
available to meet the requirement for large, Bhavan on 16.4.90, has submitted its report
medium and small size exchanges. The main to Lt. Governor, Delhi on 25.7.90 Its recom-
techndogies inthis regard are E l OB. C-DOT mendatlonsfor preventing recun«nceoffires
and ILT (m developed technology). In sofar in Vigyan Bhawan will be considered for
as medium and small size exchanges are implementation in consultation with con-
concerned, adequatecapadty is available in cerned authorities.
the country based on the avail^le technolo-
giesto successfully implementthepropOsed (e) Does not arise.
DOT plants to provide new telephone con-
nections during the Eighth Plan period. In Inland Water Transport between
case of large capacity exchanges, produc- Ernakulam-Kanyakumarl
tion based on El 0 -6 technology is already
well established. It is expected that produc-
tion based on C-DOT technology for large 4790. SHRI N. DENNIS; Will the
size exchanges will commence during the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be
8th Five year Plan. pleased to state:

Fire in Vigyan Bhavan (a) whether there is a proposal to pro-

vide Inland Water Transport facility from
4789. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. Ernakulam to Kanya Kumari; and
BH06ALE: Will the Minister of HOME AF-
FAIRS be pleased to state; (b) if so, the details thereof?

(a) whether another inddent of fire has

been reported in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi; THEMINISTEROFSURFACETRANS-
(b) If so, the details thereof; and (b). There is no proposal under consid-
eratbn to provkle Inland Water Transport
(c) whether Government propose to facility from Ernakulam to Kanya-kumari.
take some stringent measures to stop the However there is a proposal to declare the
recurrence of fires in Vigyan Bhavan; West Coast Cannel as aNational Waterway,
whk:h includes the stretch between Cochin
(d) If so. the details thereof; and (Ernakulam) to Trivandrum. Feasibility stud-
ies comprising hydrographic surveys and
(e) if not, the reasons therefor? Techno-Econbmk: Studies have been under-
taken on this stretch as also on the stretches
between Cochin-Kottapuram and
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TWE Kottapuram-Badagara. The studies on the
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI remaining Badagar-Kasergode stretch are
SUBODH KANT SAHAY); (a) and (b). A in progress.
smalifire brokeout in Commissbn Room-H,
lind Floor, Vigyan Bhawan on 8.8.1990. The Some representations have been re-
fire was reportedly caused by a spark from ceived from KSnya-kumari Districtto restore
welding. The fire was extinguished im m ^i- the old A.V.M. 6anal ^nd nnk it up to
ately by the Delhi Fire Service. Kovaiam in Trivandrum Distrkit. The matter
has been referred to the Govemment of
(c) and (d). The Committee appointed Tamil Nadu.
141 WHttonAnstma BHADRA 15,l!9t2 (S A M ) 1/Vntt0tt Anst¥0a 142

EVaoiurtion of liMtans from Guff Coun- Saudi Arabia : 4 ^ ,0 0 0

Iran no deftrtile eistiniales
SHRl GULAB CHANO SAARC 8 u |^ rt for Action Against
to state:
Wilt the Minister of EXTERNAL AF-
FAIRS be pleased to state: (a) whether the Sri Lankan Parliamen-
tary delegation during their recent visit to
(a) whether a large number of Indians India sought support of member countries of
from different countries had to be evacuated SAARC to take acton against LTTE;
dunng the current year;
(b) whether norms of SAARC permit
(b) if so, the total number of Indians such a move for siqjport; and
evacuated from Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia
and Iran so far; and (c) if so, the details thereof?

(c) the number of Indians who are still in THE MINISTCR OF STATE IN THE
HARIKISHORE SINGH): (a) Yes. Sir. since
the recent Gulf crisis, some Indian nationals (c) Does not arise.
had to be repatriated from Iraq and Kuwait.
The process is still continuing. [Translation}

(b) From the beginning of August 2 tiU Concessional DTC Bus Pass to 111
September 2. 1990, 13,357 Indians were Trainees
repatriated by air from Iraq and lOiwait via
Amman. There was no mass repatriation of 4793. SHRI RAM SINGH SHAKYA:
Indian expatriates in Saudi Araba and Iran. DR. BENGALI SINGH:

Willthe Minister of SURFACE TRANS-

Fromthe beginning of the crisistiHAugust PORT be pleased to state:
30,1990.1.369 Indians were evacuated by
air from Iraq and Kuwait via Riyadh. (a) whether I.T.I. trainees in Delhi are
provided D.T.C. concessional pass facility
(c) Before August 2,1990, the numberonly for two years whereas their training
of Indians in these countries was as follows: period extends to three-four years;

Kuwait 1,72,000 (b) if so, whether Government propose

to issue ooncenssonal passes to them for
9,000 their full term; and
143 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 144

(c) not, the reasons therefor? Cattle Smuggling on Indo-Bangladesh

No, Sir. IT. I. Trainees in Delhi have been Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
provided D.T.C. concessbnal pass facility pleased to state:
for their full term under DTC (Free and
Concessional Passes) Regulations. 1985. (a) whether Government’s attention
has been drawn to the news-ijem captioned
(b) and (c). Do not arise in view of (a) "How Lucrative is cattle smuggling”appeared
above. in the ‘Statesman’ dated 6 June, 1990;

[EngHsfi] (b) whether Government have made

any investigation to find out the estimated
Criteria for Shifting of Telephones in number of cattle smuggled to Bangladesh
Frozen Areas every year; and

4794. SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD (c) rf so, the steps taken/proposed to be

SINGH: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- taken by Government to check this depletion
TIONS be pleased to state: of cattle wealth?

(a) the criteria for sanctioning/shifting of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

the telephones in the Frozen Area telephone MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
exchanges in Delhi; SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Yes, Sir.
Government Is aware of the news item.
(b) whether any prbrity is given to some
special categories like Doctors, high Gov- (b) The information regarding Cattle
ernment officials, etc. in such forzen areas; seized is given in the statement given bebw.

' (c) if so, the details in this regard; and

(c) Strict surveillance on the border is
(d) the reasons for not shifting thebeing maintained and intelligence set up has
telephones of Doctors in the Lakshmi Nagar been augmented to prevent/check cattle
(East Delhi) telephone exchange? smuggling on the Indo-Bangladesh border.
Border outposts and observatbn post tow-
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE ers have been set up. BSF have been
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI provided with sophisticated equipment like
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (d). The binaculars and Night Vision Devices patrol
information is being collected and will be laid vehicles including boats and communication
on the Table of the House. devices.
145 Writton Answers BHAORA 15,1912 (SAKX) Writton Answers 146

1 vr>
lA 00



00 P:


1 CM

15 1
c s
C/) g.

147 Writtan Answers SEPTEMBER 6, IM G W r i^ A n ^ m r s ^148

Construction of Houses Under Indira technical standards and specific£(tbns.

Awas Yojana
implementation, monitoring ^ d super-
4796. SHRINAKULNAYAK: Will thevision of the programme (including Indira
Minister of AGRfCULTURE be pleased to Awas Yojana) is primarily the responsibility
state: of the concerned State/UT administrattons.

(a) whetherGovemment have any check Besides, officers dealing with these
on the quality of the houses built in different programmes at the State Headquarters are
States under Indira Awas Yojana; required to visit district regularly and ascer-
tain through fieki visits that the programme
(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, is being implemented satisfactorily and that
the reasons therefor; execution of works is in accordance with the
prescribed specifications.
(c) whether most of the houses built
under that scheme are either incomplete or (c) No, Sir.
are on the verge of collapse; and
(d) Question does not arise.
(d) if so, the steps taken in this regard?
Villages without Post Offices in Bihar
TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA): TIONS be pleased to state:
(a) and (b). Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) was
launched as a sub-scheme of Rural Lan- (a) the number of villages in Bihar which
dless Empbyment Guarantee Programme are still without post offices; and
(RLEGP) during 1985-86 and has continued
as a sub-scheme of Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (b) what steps Government have taken
(JRY) with effect from 1.4.1989 after the in the matter?
launching of JRY. Under the guidelines of
RLEGP, it was envisaged that works taken THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
up under the programme should be of du- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
rable nature and should meet appropriate JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) The policy of
technical standards and specifications. It the department is to open offices for group of
was also envisaged that the State Govern- villages and not for every village. Villages
ment In consultation with Technical Experts/ which have no post office are nevertheless
Expert Organisation lay down minimum visited by branch postmaster delivery agent/
technical standards and spedficatbns for village postman, etc. for delivery of mail/
different type of works generally executed in payment of money orders. Postage stamps
the State underthe programme. It was clearly and statbnery are also carried for sale. The
mentioned that implementing Agencies officials are also authorised to book regis-
should ensure that works executed in the tered articles and to collect other letters for
fiekJs conformed to the standards and speci- despatch. In a number of such viBages letter
ficatk>ns laid down for such works. Under boxes are also provided.
JRY also, stress had been laid that works
taken up underthe programme should b© of The numt^er of village^ in Bihar without
durable nature and shoukl meet appropriate post offices in 56, 947.
149 Answers BHAORA IS ,m 2 (BAKA) m ktrnt Answers 150

(b) N«iwpo9toffioesatreopen(Ki under (c) the action taken thereon?

successive Annual Plans. 47 post offices
were sanctioned for Bihar irt March, 1990. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
Theft of Railway Mail insured Parcels JANESHWAR MISHRA); (a) Yes. Sir.

4798. SHRI K. MURALEEOHARAN: (b) A deiegatbn of USSR Telecommu-

Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be nication Experts had visited India in October
pleased to state: and Pecember, 1988 and had discussions
with C-DOT and had also visited C-DOT
(a) whether Government are aware that laboratories in Delhi and Bangalore. Although
the insured Parcels reaching Shoranur Rail- Russia had shown interest in C-DOT tech-
way Mail Senrice of Kerala are continuously nology and production no agreement was
being stolen; signed between C-DOT and USSR for ex-
port of technology and also there was no
(b) if so, how much loss has been export order. Thus questbn of loss does not
suffered by Government on this count; and arise.

(c) the action taken by Govemment in (c) Does not arise in view of (b) at>ove.
this regard
Recording of Sharecroppers
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) No case of Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
Insured parcels reaching Shoranur Railway pleased to state:
Mail Service being stolen has come to no-
tice. (a) the State-wise figures of total land
under share-cropping and their percentage
(b) and <c). Inview of (a) above, Ques-to the total land under cultivation;
tion does not arise.
(b) whether there is any uniform system
Loss of Export Order of recording of share-croppers in all States;

4799. SHRI VASANT SATHE: (c) if so, the details of the benefits
SHRI PRAKASH KOKO accrued to the share-croppers as a result of
BRAHMBHATT; such recording; and

Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- (d) if not, whether Government propose

TIONS be pleased to state: to direct the State Government to introduce
a uniform system of recording of share-
(a) whether the attention of Govarn- croppers?
ment has drawn to the news report<appear-
ing in the 'Indian Express’ dated 3 August THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
1990 under the caption 'C-DOT losses $5 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL D E V aO P -
billion deal due to Gover^unent apathy’; MENT 4N THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL-
0>) if so. Ihe reaction of Government to (a) to l^d)- The infprmatiorv is being collected
the obs^fV9tiof»5 mad^ tharein; and from the States and would be placed on the
151 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1900 Written Answers 152

table of Sabha when received. (a) the farthest distance from the Bang-
ladesh border for intercepting smuggled
[Translation] animal by BSF;

Post/Telegraph and Telephone Facili- (b) whether there have been any cases
ties in U.P. of snatching away of cows beyond this limit
in Ralganj P.S. by B.S.F.; and
the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be (c) if so, the reasons why the limit of
pleased to state: operation is not respected?

(a) whether Government have formu- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

lated any scheme for providing post/tele- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
graph/telephone facilities in Thekme, Mohu- SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) The opera-
madpur, Rani Ki Sarai and Lalganj in tional jurisdiction of the BSF extends upto 15
Ajamgarh district and Doharighat Ghosi Kms. from the Internatbnal border in West
Madkhuvan Maryadpur, Sipah and Kapa- Bengal.
ganj in Mahow district in Uttar Pradesh; and
(b) and (c). No, Sir. No such case of
(b) if so, the details thereof? seizure or snatching away of cows beyond
this limit in Raiganj Police Station area by
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE BSF has come to the notice of the Central
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI Government. The limit of their operational
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). jurisdiction has not been over-stepped by
Postal Facilities
Postal facilities exist at Thekme, Mohu-
madpur, Rani Ki Saral and Lalganj in Enquiry Into Land Scandal
Azamgarh and Doharighat, Ghosi, Mary-
adpur and Kapaganj in Mahow district; infor- 4803. SHRI HARISH PAL:
mation in respect of Madkhuvan and Sipah is SHRI SHEO SHARAN
being ascertained and will be laid on the VERMA:
Table of the House.
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS
Telegraph/Telephone facilities be pleased to state:

Telegraph and telephone facilities al- (a) whether Government's attentbn

ready exist at all these places of Ajamgarh has been drawn to the news appearing In
and Mahow Districts. daily ‘*Jansatta”dated 18 August, 1990 under
the caption **Balaji Enterprises Par Thagi ke
[English] Arop KI Janch";

Interception of Smuggled Animals on (b) Ifso, whether the enquiry has since
Indo-Bangladesh Border been completed;
4802. DR.GOLAMYAZDANI: Will the
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to (c) the actbn proposedto be taken
state: against persons found quilty; and
153 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S>A/C4) Written Answers 154

(d) if not, the reasons therefor? are to be built up via Jabalpur.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (d) During 8th Plan subject to automa-
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI tisation of Dindori Manual Exchange and
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Yes, Sir. availability of Stable transmission media.

(b) Yes, Sir. [English]

(c) and (d). During the enquiry con- Pulses Production

ducted, no cognizable offence has been
made out against M/s Balaji Enterpnses. 4805 SHRICP MUDALAGIRIYAPPA:
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
Direct Dailling Facilities Between pleased to state*
Mandla and Dindori, M.P.
(a) whether the production of pulses
4804 SHRI MOHANLAL JHIKRAM- dunng the current year has reached the
Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be targetted production,
pleased to state
(b) if so, the facts in this regard, and
(a) whether there is no direct dialling
telephone facility betweon Mandla (Madhya (c) the total quantity and value of pulses
Pradesh) Head quarters and Dmdon (Tehsil imported during the last three years and thp
Kendra); quantity of pulses likely to be imported dur-
ing the current with its value'?
(b) if so. the reasons therefor,

(c) the reasons for routing the line from THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
Mandla to Dindori via Jabalpur Niwas, and DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
(d) the time by which the direct dialling AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR)
facility IS likely to be provided between these (a) and (b) The final estimates of production
places'? of pulses for 1989-90 are yet to be received
from some of the States. However, as per
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE the piesent assessment, the production of
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI pulses IS expected to be about 12 7 million
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Yes. Sir. tonnes against the targetted level of 14 75
million tonnes for 1989-90.
(b) Financially not viable.
(c) The total quantity and value of
(c) Main Trunk Exchange for Dindori is pulses imported during the last three years
Jabalpur. So the circuits beyond Jabalpur are as under;

Year Qty. imported Value

(000' tonnes) (Rs. m crores)

1987-88 586.80 274 88

155 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 156

Year Qty. imported Value

- (000'tonnes) (Rs. in crores)

1988-89 826.54 383.50

1989-90 429.06 227.86

The import of pulses is allowed on Open Committee was extended in the past; and
General License (O.G.L), The National
Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federa- (f) the time by which its report is likely to
tion (NAFED) is the registering authority for be submitted*^
import contracts of pulses. Contracts for
import of a quantity of 2.09 lakh tonnes of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
pulses of value of Rs. 132.27 crores have MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
been registered by NAFED in 1990>91 (upto SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). No,
June, 1990). There is no proposal at present Sir. Delay has been caused as the subject
to import pulses on Government account. matter is of complex and intricate nature
which requires detailed and m-depth study.
(c) Yes, Sir
High Powered Committee on Property
Tax In Delhi (d) and (e). The High Powered Commit-
tee was constituted on 5.5.1989 with term
4806. SHRISHEO SHARAN VERMA' upto 30.9.1989. It was granted extension
SHRIJ.P. AGARWAL: upto 31.3.1990. However, the Committee
SHRI HARISH PAL: was reconstituted on 14.2.1989. The term of
the reconstituted Committee was originally
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS upto 30.6.1990 but was later extended upto
be pleased to state: 31.8. 1990. Its term is further sought to be
extended upto 30.11.1990.
(a) whether the High Powered Commit-
tee on property tax set up to rationalise the (f) Report is expected to be available
property tax structure in the Capital has within the stipulated period.
submitted its report;
Change in Format of Passports
(b) if not, the reasons therefor;
4807. DR. BENGALI SINGH: Will the
(c) whether the Committee has now Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased
sought further extension; to state:

(d) if so, when this Committee was first (a) whether government have changed
constituted and what was its term; the old format of passports; and

(e) the number of times the term of this (b) if so. since when?
157 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 158

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Automatic Unloading and Bagging

(b) From 16th August. 1990. Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS-
PORT be pleased to state:
(a) whether an automatic unloading
and bagging machine has been installed at
Microwave Linking with Andhra JNP and jute bags cannot be handled for
Pradesh bagging in this machine;

(b) if so, whether it has affected the

4808, SHRI Y.S. RAJA SEKHAR labour oriented jute industry; and
REDDY; Will the Minister of COMMUNICA-
TIONS be pleased to state: (c) if so, the steps Government propose
to take in this regard?
(a) whether some States are proposed
to be provided with microwave link after THE MIN ISTER OF SURFACE TRANS-
successful launching of INSAT ID; PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a)
The automatic bagging machine installed at
(b) if so, the detials thereof; JNP can handle jute bags of specific quality

(c) whether Andhra Pradesh has been (b) and (c). Do not arise.
included to provide this facility of microwave
linking through INSAT-ID; and Services At 197,198 and 199 Number In
Delhi Telephone Exchange
(d) if not, when Andhra Pradesh is likely
to be provided with the facilities of micro- 4810. SHRI PIYARE LAL HANDOO:
wave link through this satellite? Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a) whether service at '197 ‘198 and
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI ‘199’ in most of telephone exchanges in
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) The provision- Delhi are very unsatisfactory and the sub-
ing of microwave link does not depend on the scribers are unable to get at them for long;
successful launching of INSAT —ID. Micro-
wave link & INSAT. ID link are independent (b) if so, the reasons thereof;
of each other.
(c) the remedial steps contemplated in
(b) Does not arise in view of the reply this regard;
given in part (a).
(d) whether Government propose to
(c) Andhra Pradesh has already been designate some officers in each Exchange
connected both on microwave and Satellite. in the Capital and advertise his number, both
Residence and Office, in the local dailies,
(d) Does not arise in view of the reply who could be contacted for necessary relief;
given in part (c). and
159 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 160

(e) if so, the reasons therefor? the last two years as under:


JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) No, Sir. 1989-90 14,993

(b) Question does not arise in view of (b) Details of steps taken by the Gov-
reply to para (a) above. ernment for redressal of such complaints are
given in statement below.
(c) Increase in the number of positions
and computerisation of Fault Repair Serv- (c) Eight telephone adalats have been
ices are some of the steps proposed for held in Gujarat for quick redressal of griev-
further improvement of these services. ances.

(d) and (e). The names and designa- STATEMENT

tions of concerned officers and their residen-
tial and office telephone numbers are printed Steps taken by the Government for
in the Delhi Telephone Directories. There- redressal for Excess Billing Complaints
fore, there is no proposal to advertise these
numbers in local daily newspapers as the 1. All complaints of the above nature
Directories are available with the subscrib- are first examined by the Telecom District
ers. Engineers, for clerical errors and then for
technical faults in the internal and external
Complaints Regarding Excessive equipment.
Telephone Billing in Gujarat
2. To give immediate relief to those
4811. SHRI JAYANTILAL subscribers, whose bill shows calls recorded
VIRCHANDBHAISHAH: Willthe Minister of to be more than 100% of the highest number
COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state* of calls metered during any of the preceding
SIX bi-monthly periods, the bill is split up. if so
(a) the number of complaints received requested by the subscriber, and he is asked
by Government regarding excessive billing to pay only the average of the said six billing
of telephones in Gujarat during the last two periods plus 10% thereof, immediately. The
years, circlewise; balance amount is kept in abeyance pending
finalisation of investigations.
(b) the steps taken by Government for
redressal of such complaints; and 3. In some cases, the telephone is also
placed under observation to check the func-
(c) how many telephone Adalats have tioning of the metering equipment and to
been set up in Gujarat for quick redressal of ascertain the calling pattern of the subscriber.
the grievances?
4. Detailed Investigation with regard to
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE the functioning of metering equipment and
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI special occasions on the subscriber’s prem-
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) There is only ises are conducted and the report submitted
one Telecom Circle in the State Gujarat and to the authority competent to grant rebate.
the number of complaints received regard-
ing excessive billing of telephones during 5. Ail excess billing complaints cases
161 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 162

are first decided by the Telecom District There has been a proposal for the Calicut
Engineers, and In case the subscriber is not bye-pass on National Highway No. 17 from
satisfied with his decision, he can appeal Km. 231 for a length of 28 Km. at a cost of
against the same to the Director Telecom/ about Rs. 38.0 crores including the land
Chief General Manager/DG Telecom, who acquisition cost.
review the case on its merits and gives his
decision. (b) and (c). The proposal has been
pending since October, 1982. But earlier this
Opening of Post Office and Sub-Post year, it was decided that the project will be
Offices in Districts of Garhwai taken up expeditiously in four phases. In the
Annual Plan of 1990-91, there is a provision
4812. SHRI C.M. NEGI: Will the of Rs. 8 3 crores for Phase -I. Land acquisi-
Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased tion estimate amounting to Rs. 2.85 crores
to state: for Phases III & IV was sanctioned in Febru-
ary, 1990. In March, 1990, survey and inves-
(a) the details of number of sub-post tigation estimates for Phase-1 was sanc-
offices opened in the districts of Garhwai in tioned. The estimate for Phase~l 1-Land
Uttar Pradesh during the last three years, acquisition is under process. The construc-
year-wise, district-wise; and tion estimate of Phase - I which has been
received recently is also under process. As
(b) the details of new sub-post offices to the construction starts only after the pre-
be opened therein 1990-91 to meet these qualification of contractors and finalisation of
demands of people residing there? tenders etc., it is difficult to indicate the exact
date/time-frame or scheduled for the com-
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE mencement of the project. However, the
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI authorities have been requested to expedite
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). The the process.
information is being collected and will be laid
on the Table of the House. S T D Facility in Town In Gujarat


TAM DAS PATEL. Will the Minister of
4813. SHRI P.A. ANTONY: Will theCOMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state:
pleased to state: (a) the number of towns m Gujarat
(a) whether there is any proposal to connected by STD facility.
construct a bye-pass at Calicut;
(b) whether Government have any
(b) whether the construction proposal proposal to introduce STD facility in some
for its first phase and land acquisition esti- more towns in the State, and
mates for the second phase are pending;
and (c) if so, the details thereof and their
expected dates of commissioning'?
(c) if so, the time by which they are likely
to be cleared and the actual work started? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) Gujarat aie connected through STD facility.
163 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 164

(b) Yes, Sir. not been used on any public road continu-
ously for a certain period not less than one
(c) It is proposed to provide STD facility month a proportionate refund of tax at the
to following additional 13 stations during rate as notified from time to time, shall be
1990-91:- payable subject to such conditions as may
be specified In such notifications.
Ankaleshwar, Bawal, Bopal, Chattral,
Dungri, Himatnagar, Kodinar, Nandesiri, (2) Where a life time tax for any motor
Okha, Palej, Panoli, Palitana and Rajula. vehicle has been paid and the registration of
the vehicle has been cancelled for any rea-
Refund of One Hme Motor Vehicles Tax son whatsoever or the vehicle has been
removed to any place outside the State on
4815. SHRI J,P. AGARWAL: Will the account of transfer of ownership or change
Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be of address, a refund of the tax at such rate as
pleased to state: may, from time to time, be notified by the
Government, shall be payable on an appli-
(a) whether Governnr^ent are aware of cation made within such period, as may be
the fact that the Public are being put to prescribed and subject to such conditio
inconvenience in getting refund of their motor may be specified in such notifications.
vehicle one time tax pakJ in one State in case
the vehicle is transferred to another State; Provided that in the case of removal of
vehicle to any place outside the State on
(b) whether any time limit has been account of transfer of ownership or change
fixed by which all such refund cases by of address, the refund of tax shall be consid-
Directorate of Transport are to be settled: ered only after receipt of proof of having
effected such transfer of owneiship, or
(c) if so, whether Government propose change of address.
to issue any guide-lines in this regard; and
Provided further that where the rates of
(d) if not, reasons therefor? tax liveable under the Taxation Act are re-
vised by notification in the Official Gazette
THE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS- issued by the State Government/Union Ter-
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN)- (a) ritory Administrations under the Act, the State
The question of proportionate refund arises Governments/Union Territory Administra-
in the cases of either (i) permanent transfer tions may, from time to time, by the samp
of vehicle out of the State, (ii) non*use of notification or by a separate notification in
vehicle permanently on account of its scrap- the Official Gazette correspondingly revise
ping or cancellation of registration or (lii) the rate of refund payable under the Act and
temporary non-use of vehicle. The guide- accordingly add su.taole entries in respect of
lines have been issued to the State Govern- such rates of refund, and the refund of tax
ments/Union Territory Administrations to payable in respect of vehicles registered on
provide for refund clauses and procedure of or after the date of such notification shall be
refund in their respective Motor Vehicles at such revised rates.”
Taxation Acts. The refund clauses suggested
have been as follows: (b) to (d). Directorate of Transport,
DelhlAdministration have intimatedthatthey
“(i) Where a life time tax for any motor have not received any complaint about trie
vehicle has been paid and the vehicle has inconvenience in the matter of getting the
165 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S>AKyi) Written Answers 166

refund. The State Governments and Union Acquisition of Land for FACT-Cochin
Territory Administrations are, however, being Division
addressed for expeditious disposal of refund
cases. 4817. SHRI P.C. TH0I\4AS: Will the
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
Communication Centres in Agricultural state:
Universities and ICAR Institutes
(a) whether any land was acquired for
4816. SHRI SRIKANTHA DATTAFertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Lim-
NARASIMHA RAJA WADIYAR: Will the ited (FACT) Cochin Division;
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
state. (b) the terms and conditions agreed to
with the occupants of such land;
(a) whether Government have any pro-
posal to establish one communication centre (c) the number of Scheduled Castes
in each Agricultural University; families evicted from these;

(b) whether such Communication (d) the number of families out of them
Centres will also be set up in every institute given alternate land;
of Indian Council of Agricultural Research;
(e) the number of Scheduled Castes
(c) if so, the steps taken to set up the families given job in FACT; and
Communication Centres in every Agricul-
tural University and ICAR Institutes; and (f) whether Government will give jobs to
the remaining SC families who were evicted
(d) what would be the main functions of for the above purpose but not given job in
these communication Centres? FACT so far?


(a) Yes, Sir. (a) Yes, Sir.

(b) No. (b) The land was acquired during the

period of 1966 to 1968. There were no spe-
(c) Under the scheme “Establishment & cific terms and conditions or agreements
Development of Agricultural Universities”, with the occupants of such lands.
the Government has provided financial as-
sistance to the state Agricultural Universities (c) Out of the 983 families who had to be
who have included establishment of com- evicted, 203 families belonged to the Sched-
munication centre as one of the priority items uled Castes.
for central assistance.
(d) All the ousters were given alternate
(d) The main purpose of Centres of land.
Communications is to speed up the flow of
information from Scientists to farmers by (e) So far 85 Scheduled Castes ous-
utilising modern technology. tees persons have been given jobs In FACT.
:67 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 168

(f) No, Sir. (b) if so, when;

Funds to Maharashtra Under Rural (c) if not, the reasons therefor;

Development Programmes
(d) whether Government propose to
4818. SHRI DHARMANNA MON- provide any special grant to Orissa for the
DAYYA SADUL: Will the Minister of AGRI- development of Horticulture; and
CULTURE be pleased to state:
(e) If so, the details thereof?
(a) whether Centrally sponsored
schemes for economic development of rural THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
masses in State of Maharashtra are running DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
(b) if so, the details thereof: and (a) to (c). There is no proposal to set up any
branch office of the National Horticulture
(c) the amount earmarked for the finan- Board of the Government of India in Orissa
cial year 1990-91 and spent so far on such However, one Market Information Centre of
schemes in the State? the National Horticulture Board has been
established in Orissa at Bhubaneshwar which
has been in operation since April, 1990.
DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP- (d) and (e). The Central Government is
MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL- assisting the State Government to imple-
TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA): ment a number of schemes for development
(a) No shortage of funds under Integrated of Horticulture in the State. There is no
Rural Development Programme (IRDP) and proposal with the Central Government to
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) has been provide any special grant to Orissa for devel-
reported in the State In Maharashtra. opment of Horticulture in the State.

(b) Question does not arise. [ Translation ]

(c) Rs. 5,894.536 lakh under IRDP and Subsidy to Farmers

Rs. 20,424.87 lakh under JRY are allocated
to Maharashtra during 1990-91, An amount 4820, SHRIRAJENDRAAGNIHOTRI:
of Rs. 576.23 lakh under IRDP and Rs, Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
849.60 lakh under JRY has been spent till pleased to state:
June, 1990. (a) whether Government propose to give
any subsidy to farmers for the purchase to
National Horticultural Board In Orissa tractors, seeds, fertilizers and pump sets,
etc; and
4819. SHRI ANADICHARAN DAS: Will (b) if so, the details thereof?
the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased
(a) whether Government propose to setCOOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
up a branch of National Horticulture Board in AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
Orissa; (a) and (b). Government is providing sub-
169 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 170

sidy on seeds under Special Foodgrains under Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY), after
Production Programme (SFPP)- Maize, Mil- setting apart funds earmarked for Indira Awas
lets and Wheat and Integrated Programme Yojana (lAY), were required to be distributed
for Rice Development (IPRD) to small and amongst the village panchayats on the basis
marginal farmers. Fertilizers are already of populatbn subject to the stipulation that
being supplied at subsidised prices. Under the village panchayats having population of
Centrally Sponsored Scheme for small and less than 1.000 were taken to be 1,000 and
marginal farmers subsidy is being provided more than 10,000 were taken to be 10,000.
for construction of shellow tubewells/dug District-wise resources altocated in Rajast-
wells including installation of pumps sets, han during 1989-90 under the Yojana are
electric and diesel pumpsets. The question given in the Statement given below.
of confessions as smaller horse powered
tractor to promote Its usage amongst farm- (b) and (c). Proper implementation,
ers having 4-8 acres of land is under exami- monitoring and supervision of the programme
nation. is essentially the responsibility of the con-
cerned State/UT Governments. The guide-
Funds to Panchayats Under Jawahar lines issued by the Government of India for
Rozgar Yojana in Rajasthan the programme require preparation and
approval of inspection schedule by the State
4821. SHRI NAND LAL MEENA: WillLevel Co-ordination Committee (SLCC).
the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased State Government officers at all levels are
to state: required to follow that laid down schedules
thus approved by the SLCC.
(a) the names of districts in Rajasthan
where Panchayats were given funds during So far as the Government of India is
1989-90 under Jawahar Rozgar Yojana and concerned, it monitors the programme
the amount given to each district; through periodical reports/returns the perio-
dicity of which is monthly, quarterly and
(b) whether there is any check to find annual.
out as to whether the amount given has been
spent properly; During 1989-90 . provisional figures of
(c) if so, the details thereof; expenditure incun'ed under the JRY in Ra-
jasthan was Rs. 10648.94 lakhs and provi-
(d) the names of Panchayats in District sional figures of employment generation was
Banswara, Doongarpur, Udaipur and Chit- 443.77 lakh mandays against the target of
torgarh where the misuse of this money was 439.21 lakh mandays. The achievement in
detected; respect of emptoyment generation Is thus
(e) if not such verification has been got 101.04%.
done, the reasons thereof; and

(f) the time by which it is proposed to be (d) and (e). Government of Rajasthan
got done? have reported that no need of specific verifi-
cations was felt by them in this regard and
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE none therefore was done apart from the built
DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP- in provisbns for implementation, monitoring
MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL- and supervision of the programme in the
TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA): gukielines and the inspection schedule laid
(a) 80 per cent funds received by the distrk:t$ down by the S.L.C,C.
171 Wntten Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 172

(f) The Central guidelines provideprogramme. However, if specific cases of

enough checks and balances to ensure that misutilisation of JRY funds are brought to the
the programme is implemented, monitored notice of the Government of India, the Ra-
and supervised in a satisfactory manner. jasthan Government will be requested to
Verification is thus part and parcel of the have them enquired.


Statement Indicating Districtwise Resources allocated in Rajasthan during 1989-90 under

Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

(Rs. in Lakhs)

SI. No. District Resources allocated including State Share

1. Ganganagar 588 78

2. Bikaner 404.89

3. Churu 676.05

4 Jhunjhunu 834.18

5. Alwar 374.96

6. Bharatpur 255.51

7 Sawai Madhopur 493.10

8 Jaipur 638 28

9 Sikar 259.40

10. Ajmer 232.73

11 Tonk 226.93

12, Jaisalmer 268.34

13. Jodhpur 846,90

14. Nagaur 1120.85

15 Pall 825.12

16 Barmer 776.30
173 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 174

S/. /Vo. District Resources allocated including State Share

7 2 3

17. Jallore 305.92

18. Sirohi 218.40

19. Bhilwara 291.78

20. Udaipur 748.76

21. Chittorgarh 326.84

22. Dungarpur 351.15

23. Banswara 500.15

24. Bundi 185.32

25. Kota 478.57

26. Jhalawar 255.87

27. Bholpur 109.16

Total 12594.24


ULFA Activities in Assam SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). Tea
trade and industry has brought to the notice
4822. SHRI YADVENDRA DATT: Willof the Government activities of ULFA which
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased include extortion of money from Tea compa-
to state: nies. However, according to the Govern-
ment of Assam, nobody from the Tea indus-
(a) whether the ULFA extremists of try has informed them about such demands
Assam have demanded Rs. 5 lakhs from made by ULFA and no complaints were
every Tea Garden in Assam; lodged with the police.

(b) if so, whether the owners of Tea (c) Various anti ULFA measure taken
Garden have reported the matter to Govern- by the State Government include arrest of
ment; and ULFA activists, seizure of arms, raids on
their hideouts and instructions to the district
(c) if so, the action taken by Govern- officers to keep in touch with Tea Garden
ment to protect their lite and property'J^ managers.
175 Wrhten Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 176

[Translation] development of the shipyard*^

Amount Spent on Bringing Indians THE MINISTER OF SURFACE TRANS-

from Kuwait PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a)
The installed capacity of the shipyard from
4823. SHRI CHHEDI PASWAN: Will 1976-77, the year in which it started produc-
the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be tion, has been (in DWT):
pleased to state:
1976-77 18750
(a) the total amount spent by Govern-
ment for bringing back people of Indian ori- 1977-78 26250
gin from Gulf countries after the attack on
Kuwait; 1978-79 32625

(b) whether Government propose to 1979-80 42000

provide employment to them; and
1980-81 70000
(c) if so, the details thereof, if not, the
reasons therefor'? 1981-82 77000


HARIKISHORE SINGH): (a) Asthe process 1983-84 92000
of bringing back people of Indian origin from
Gulf countries is still continuing, no figures of 1984-85 1,05,000
the total amount spent by the Government
are currently available. 1985-86 ,
1 20,000

(b) and (c). Employment as well as 1986-87 Onwards 1,50,000

other measures for the rehabilitation of the
repatriates will need to be undertaken by a The installed capacity of two ships of
national effort. 75000 DWT each was, however, to be
achieved progressively by constructing 10
[English] ships over a period of 11 years.

Construction of Ships at Cocliin The yard has taken 13 years to deliver

Slifpyard Five ships from the date of commencement
of production in 1976.
4824. DR. SUDHIR RAY: Will the Min-
ister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased (b) The reasons for the shortfall were:
to state:
1. Shipbuilding facilities were
(a) whether the Cochin Shipyard which completed towards end 1979
has an installed capacity to build two ships only.
per annum has take fifteen years to deliver
just five ships; and 2. The full rated capacity was
planned to be achieved only
(b) if so, the reasons for the tardy from the 10th ship and in the
177 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 178

11th year of commencement of THE MINISTEROFSURFACE TRANS-

production. The first series of PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) to
ships were discontinued after 5 (c). Bridge over river Indravati falls on road
ships. connecting Nizamabad in Andhra Pradesh
and Jagdalpur in Madhya Pradesh, which
3. Non-availability In time and was declared as National Highway 16 in
planned sequence of raw mate- 1989. All the deficiencies including those of
rials and equipment. bridges have to be investigated to formulate
an integrated plan for development of this
4. Jnclement weather conditions National Highway, It is, therefore, too early to
with rainly season lasting for indicate the construction schedule and esti-
almost half the year. mated cost of the bridge.

5. Want of adequate orders intime [English]

to sustain tempo of work and
consequent production vaccum. Kidnapping of Civil Servants by Terror-
ists in Punjab and J & K
6. Change of type of ship after 5th
ship, leading to fresh adoption 4826. SHRI JAGPAL SINGH: Will the
of skills and technology to build Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
oil tankers which affected the state:
learning curve and productivity.
(a) the details of kidnappings of Civil
7. Non-achievement of planned servants and there family members by ter-
levels of productivity. rorist organisations in Jammu and Kashmir
and Punjab during the last three months:
8. Resistance to sub-contracting.
(b) the steps taken to get them re-
9. Low level of ancillaries and in- leased; and
fra-structure facilities available.
(c) the measures proposed to face this
[Translation] type of violence from terrorist?

Bridge Over River Indravati

the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). Infor-
pleased to state: mation is awaited from the State Govern*
(a) whether there is need for construct-
ing a bridge on Indravati river near Bhopal- [Translation]
patnam on Jagdalpur-Nizamabad National
Highway; Reconstruction and Widening of Bridge
on National Highway No. 6
(b) the time by which this bridge is likely
to be constructed; and 4827. DR. KHUSHAL PARASHRAM
BOPCHE: Will the Minister of SURFACE
(c) the estimated cost of this bridge? TRANSPORT be pleased to state:
179 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 180

(a) whether the bridge constructed on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

Kanhan river near Manda between Nagpur DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
and Bhandara on Nagpur-Raipur section of COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
National Highway No. 6 is very old and AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
narrow resulting in accidents and traffic- (a) to (c). The Government of Andhra Pradesh
jams during monsoon every year; has reported that 928 persons lost their lives
in the cyclone of May. 1990. The Central
(b) if so, whether there is any proposal Government has agreed to provide assis-
for reconstruction and widening of the bridge; tance to the Sta*e Government for making
and ex-gratia payment to the next of kin of the
deceased at the rate of Rs. 25000/- per
(c) if so, the details thereof and when death case (Rs. 15000/- per head out of the
construction work is likely to be taken up and assistance provided from the Indian People’s
completed? natural Calamities Trust (IPNCT) and Rs.
10,000/- per head from the Prime Minister’s
Relief Fund). For this purpose, an amount of
THEMINISTEROFSURFACETRANS- RS. 78 lakhs has so far been released from
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) the IPNCT and an amount of Rs. 2 crores
Yes, Sir. from the Prime Ministers’ Relief Fund. The
balance payment from the Trust would be
(b) and (c). The proposal for construc-released on receipt of details of payment
tion of a two lane bridge across Kanhan river made by the State Government and also
in included n the Annual Plan 1990-91. The identification of beneficiaries.
estimate with firm cost is yet to be furnished
by the State Government. It is too early to Use of Hindi in Indian Embassies
indicate the time by which the work is likely Abroad
to be taken up and completed.
[English] DESHMUKH: Will the Minister of EXTER-
NAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
Assistance to Cyclone Affected Victims
in Andhra P rade^ (a) the arrangements made for the use
of Hindi in the Indian embassies abroad; and
4828. SHRI K.S. RAO: Will the Minister
of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (b) the language in which Government
corresponds with Indian embassies abroad'?

(a) whether Government have assessed THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

the number of those who died during the MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI
cyclone in Andhra Pradesh in the cyclone-hit HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) Indian Mis-
districts in Mazy, 1990 and an ex-gratia sions broad have instructed from time to time
amount of RS. 25,000/- paid in cash in each to implement the Official Language Act and
case as promised to them; rules framed thereunder. Hindi typewriters
have been provided to Embassies/Consu-
(b) if so, the numt>er thereof and the lates abroad and in Many Mission officials
total amount paid on that account; and with knowledge of Hindi typing have also
been posted. In addition. Hindi Officers have
(c) if not, the reasons therefor? been posted to 6 Indian Missions abroad
181 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 Written Answers 182

(one recently closed in Fiji), besides one LMG rounds 4,916

Senior Hindi Translator in Embassy of India,
Kathmandu. Hindi classes are also held free LMG magazines 14
of charge in many India embassies and
Consulates abroad. Revolvers 20

(b) English and Hindi. Self loading rifles 3

[ Translation] SLR rounds 14,556

Arms Seized from Tamil Militants Rocket Mortar Launcher Gun 1

4830. 8 . ATINDER PAL SINGH: Will Rocket/shells or mortars 190

the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased
to state: Hand grenades 21

(a) the total number of arms and their Value: More than Rs. 5 crores.
value in rupees seized from Tamil militants n
India during the period from June, 1987 to (b) The make and the name of the
June. 1990; countries are not available

(b) the name of the countries of their (c) The details of the arms seized with
make; their number afongwith their markings

(c) the details ot the arms seized with

their number alongwith their markings; and AK 47 rifles 104

(d) the action take against the persons AK 47 rounds 58,574

possessing arms illegally during the last
three years and the outcome thereof*^ AK 47 magazines 196


SUBODH KANTSAHAY):(a) Fromtheyear LMG rounds 4,916
1987 to 1990, the particulars of the weapons
seized are as follows: LMG magazines 14

AK 47 rifles 104 9 MM pistols 78

AK 47 round 58.574 9 MM rounds .328

9MM Pistols 78 Revolvers 20

9MM rounds 1,328 Self Loading Rifles 3

AK 47 magazines 196 SLR rounds 14,556

Light Machine Gun 41 Rocket/launcher gun 1

183 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 184

Rocket/Shells or Mortars 190 of the country of its make, except two 9MM
pistols seized from the LTTE cadre on
Hand grenades 21 25.1.1990 at Sethubavachathiram,
Thanjavur District which bore the following
None of the arms seized bore the name mark and name:

(1) 9MM Pistol Body No. 103476 Model 75 Made in Czechoslovakia

(2) 9MM Pistol Star Becheverria EIBAR SPAIN S.4 Calibre Body
No. 1661693

(d) 5 cases were registered during (a) whether government have received
1987. In three cases Sri Lankan Tamil mili- some representation from the residents of
tants belonging to TELO were concerned Sambalpur, District Dhenkanal, Orissa re-
and they could not be arrested. In one case, garding development of Telephone Ex-
2 PLOTE cadres were involved. They were change and opening of new Telephone
prosecuted and convicted. In one case 5 Sri exchanges in Orissa;
Lankan Tamil militants belonging to EPDP
were involved. The case is pending tnal. (b) if so, the details thereof; and

16 cases were registered during 1988 (c) the action taken by Government
In 10 cases the arms and ammunition were thereon'?
abandoned and no arrest was made 2 cases
are pending trial against Sri Lankan Tamils. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THF
4 cases are under investigation. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
JANESHWAR MISHRA). (a) No represen-
5 cases were registered during 1989. In tation is to the knowledge of the Department
2 cases some local persons were involved of Telecom regarding development and
and in the remaining 3 cases Sri Lankan openning of new telephone exchanges from
Tamils were involved. All the 5 cases are the residents of District Sambalpur & District
under investigation. Dhankanal of Onssa.
(b) Question does not arise in view of (a)
12 cases have been registered during (c) However, Government has planned
the current year. Sir Lankan Tamil militants for opening of an electronic exchange at
were involved in 5 cases. In 7 cases the arms Pallahara (District Dhenkanal) and Kuch-
and ammunition were seized by the State inda (District Sambalpur) during this finan-
Police. The cases in which the Sri Lankans cial year.
were involved are under investigatton.
Visit of Afghanistan Foreign Minister
Telephone Exchanges in Orissa SHRI MADHAVRAOSCINDIA:
Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AF-
pleased to state: FAIRS be pleased to state:
185 WrittQn Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Wrftten Answers 18€

(a) whether the Afghanistan Foreign THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

Minister visited India in the month of June, MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
1990; JANESHWAR MISHR A): 16, Godda, Gumal,
Jehanabad (since commissioned,), Araria,
(b) if so, the outcome of the talks held Lohardaga, Madhopura (since commis-
with him on issues of mutual regional and sioned), Sahebganj, Pakur, Nirsa,
international interests; and Chakardharpur, Tatis-ilwai, Mesra, Ghat-
shila, Persudih, Kahalgaon and lakshi saria
(c) the details of the agreements signed subject to availability of equipment.
during the visit?
FAIRS (SHRI I.K. GUJRAL): (a) to (c). For- Arms Aid Sought by Sri Lanka from
eign Minister of Afghanistan visited India on Pakistan
12-13 June, 1990, in connection with the 9th
meeting of the Indo-Afghan Joint commis- 4834. SHRIANANTRAODESHMUKH:
sion A comprehensive protocol envisaging Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be
cooperation in areas ranging from agricul- pleased to state:
ture to commodity assistance and telecom-
munications, was signed on 13thJune, 1990 (a) whether it is a fact that Sri Lanka is
at the conclusion of the Meeting. The proto- making efforts to seek arms aid from Paki-
col envisages cooperation in new areas of stan for finding a military solution to its ethnic
cartography, telecommunications, tounsm, problems; and
metereology and in the water and power
sector. The understandings, inter-alia, in- (b) if so. the reaction of Government
clude doubling of the level of bilateral trade thereto'^
and of India’ sannual grant for supply of
medicines and medical equipment, feasibil- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
ity studies for the setting up of an industrial MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS(SHRI
estate and caustic soda plant, Increase in HARI KISHORE SINGH); (a) Government
the number of training slots in India for Af- have seen reports that Sir Lanka Govern-
ghan technical personnel and deputation of ment is seeking arms from some foreign
35 India technical experts to Afghanistan. countries including Pakistan in the present
Discussions were also held on bilateral, (b) Government have made known to
regional and international issues of mutual Sri Lanka Government its concern about the
interest. The talks were characterised by involvement of foreign powers which may
mutual understanding and similarity of views. have adverse implications for India’s secu-
S.T.D Facility in Bihar
Rent for Buildings Paid by Government
4833. SHRI JANARDAN YADAV: Will in Himachal Pradesh
the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
pleased to state the number and names of 4835. SHRI K.D. SULTANPURI: Will
cities to be provided with STD facility in Bihar the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
during the year 1990-91? pleased to state the amount of rent paid by
187 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 188

his Ministry to the private buildings owners Sir. Consequent to the Supreme Court judge-
for leasing out their buildings for setting up ment in the Tin Bigha case on 3.5.90, steps
Post Offices, Telegraph offices and tele- have been initiated, including land acquisi-
phone exchange in Himachal Pradesh dur- tion proceedings, to implement the agree-
ing last one year? ments, in consultation with the concerned

Telecom. (I) Rent paid for Tele-

phone exchanges Profit Earned by Mahanagar Telephone
from 7/89 6/90 is Rs. NIgam Linfiited
(II) Rent paid for Tele- DEYA: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA-
graph office from 7/ TIONS be pleased to state:
89 to 6/90 is Rs.
1,20,480/- (a) the profit earned by Mahanagar
Telephone Nigam Limited so far,
Postal: The Department of Posts has
paid a sum of Rs. 13,29,697/- (Rupees Thir- (b) how the profits are proposed to be
teen lakhs twenty-nine thousand six hundred utilised;
ninety-seven) during the year 1989-90, on
accour of rent for the building of private (c) whether there are any rules laid
owners. down in this regard; and

[English] (d) if so, the details thereof?

Implementation of Agreement Regard- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

Ing Lease of Tin Bigha Corridor to MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
Bangladesh JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) The net profit
(aftertax) earned by Mahanagar Telephone
4836. SHRI CHITTA BASU: Will theNigam Ltd. is as under.—
Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased
to state: (Rs. in Crores)
(a) whether Government have since
initiated any process for the implementation 1986-87 136.52
of the 1974 and 1982 agreements between
India and Bangladesh relating to perpetual 1987-88 131.23
leasing of Tin Bigha Corridor to Bangladesh;
and 1988-89 252.18

(b) If so, the details thereof? 1989-90 201.64 (anticipated)

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) The profit earned by Mahanagar

MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS(SHRI Telephone Nigam Limited is proposed to be
HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) and (b). Yes. utilised for payment of dividend, creation of
189 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 Written Answers 190

specific reserves to meet special contingen- improve the road mail services between
cies and as internal resource for capital Santhal Pargana divisional headquarters and
investment. Sahebganj district headquarter in Bihar; and

(c) and (d). The provisions of the (b) if so, the details thereof'?
Companies Act, 1956 and Bureau of Public
Enterprises, (BPE) guidelines are applicable THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
to Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) No, Sir. There
[English] IS no proposal to revise the existing mail
transmission system between Santhal Par-
Reopening of Netaji Plane Crash gana District Hqs and Sahebganj District in
Episode Bihar as no adverse report has been re-
ceived against the present system.
Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be (b) Does not arise.
pleased to state:
Construction of Roads In Dacolt Prone
(a) whether Government are consider- Areas of Rajasthan
ing to reopen the question of Netaji’s plane
crash episode; 4840 SHRI GIRDHAFI LAL BHAR-
GAVA: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE
(b) if so, whether a final decision has be pleased to state:
been taken in this regard;
(a) whether Rajasthan Government
(c) whether Government have written have submitted proposals to Union Govern-
to all concerned Governments to provide all ment to construct Langare-Kalakhet-Rond-
the relevant material, etc: and hai and Chipura-Basaikaia roads in district
Dhaulpur under the scheme of const»'ucting
(d) if 30, the details thereof? roads in dacoit prone areas; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, the time by which these
MIN ISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI schemes are likely to be approved*?
HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) and (b). No,
(c) and (d). Does not arise. TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
NATH VERMA): (a) Yes, Sir.
(b) Administrative approval for the new
Road Mall Service Between Santhal works is accorded keeping in view the eligi-
Pargana and Sahebganj In Bihar bility criteria, availability of funds and satis-
factory progress of the on-going works sanc-
4839. SHRI SIMON MARANDLWillthe tioned under the scheme. The progress of
Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased on*going works in Rajasthan is not satisfac-
to state: tory and the State Governm'ent has been
requested to expedite the implementation of
(a) whether there is any proposal to already sanctioned works. Proposals for
191 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6, 1990 Written Answers 192

according administrative approval to the proposed to be set up during the current

above two works will be taken up on the year;
basis of progress of expenditure by the State
Government on the projects already sanc- (b) the names of the telephone ex-
tioned. changes, where STD facility is proposed to
be provided during this year;

Setting up of New Telephone Ex- (c) the number of such telephone ex-
changes and Provision of S.T.D. In changes. which have no direct links with the
Himachal Pradesh district and tehsil headquarters; and

4841. PROF. PREM KUMAR DHU- (d) the time by which al! the telephone
MAL: exchanges in the districts are likely to be
SHRI K. PRADHANI: inter-linked'?


be pleased to state: JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) During the
current financial year the telephone ex-
(a) the places in Hamirpur, Bilaspur,changes are proposed to be set up in the
Una and Kangra districts of Himachal Districts of Hamirpur, Una and Kangra as per
Pradesh, where telephone exchanges are details as under

SI No. Name of District Name of Places

1. Hamirpur Chabotra and Nalti

2. Una Thathal and Ghanari

3. Kangra Langroo, Daulatpur and Jalot

There is no proposal to set up a tele- (d) Progressively dunng the 8th and 9th
phone exchange during the current financial Plans.
year in the district of Bilaspur in Himachal
Pradesh. [English]

(b) Chamba, Kalpa, Kull and Kilong Separate Cell for Solving the Problenis
during 1990-91. of Extra Departmental Employees

(c) Seven number of exchanges have 4842. PROF. PREM KUMAR DHU-
no link with respective district/tehsil head- MAL: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA-
quarters. TIONS be pleased to state:
193 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 194

(a) whether Government propose to (a) the number of E.D. Employees in big
open a separate cell in the Ministry to deal cities like Bombay, Madras, Calcutta. Delhi;
with the problems of extra-departmental
employees working in rural reas; (b) the number of E.D. Employees
employed in Delhi during January 1989 to
(b) if so, the time by which it is likely to June, 1990; and
be opened; and
(c) the number of E.D. mailmen em-
(c) If not, the reasons therefor'? ployed in the Madras sorting division and
central station, madras T.M.O.?
ready a full fledged Section in the Ministry of MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
Communications known as ED & Training JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (c). The
Section for looking after the problems of ED information is being collected and will be
employees. placed on the Table of the House.

(b) and (c). Question does not arise.

FAX Facility
Postal Employees Migrated from
Kashmir Valley 4845. SHRI MULLAPPALLY RAMA-
CHANDRAN: Will the Minister of COMMU-
4843. PROF. PREM KUMAR DHU- NICATIONS be pleased to state:
MAL: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA-
TIONS be pleased to state:
(a) the places having FAX facility as on
(a) the number of Postal Employees 30 June 1990, State-wise;
including ED employees who have migrated
from the Kashmir Valley till date; (b) whether Government propose to
extend this facility to any more places; and
(b) whether these employees including
ED employees have been posted elsewhere (c) if so, the details thereof?
and are being paid wages regularly; and

(c) if not, the reasons thereof? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI list of 67 stations, having Fax facility in CTOs/
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (c). The DTOs as on 30.6.1990, is given in the state-
information is being collected and will be laid ment-1 below.
on the Table of the House.
(b) Yes, Sir.
Extra Departmental Employees
(c) It is proposed to extend the FAX
4844. PROF. PREM KUMAR DHU-facility, to be additional 189 statbns by March
MAL: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- 1991. The state-wise break-up is given inthe
TIONS be pleased to state: statement-ll below.
195 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 196


List of Statfons wit fax facility, as on 30.6.1990.

SI. No. Name of the State Name of the Station

Andhra Pradesh Hyderababd






Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar

Assam Guwahati


Bihar Patna


Goa Panaji

Gujarat Ahmedabad





Haryana Ambafa

Himachal Pradesh Shlmla

Jammu & Kashmir Jamu Tawi

197 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S>AM) Written Answers 198

SI No Name of the State Name of the Stat/on


10 Karnataka Bangalore



11 Kerala Calicut






12 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal


13 Mahaiashtra Bombay





14 Manipur Imphal

15 Meghalaya Shillong

16 Mizoram Aizwal

17 Nagaland Kohima

199 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 200

SI. No. Name of the State Name of the Station

1 2 3

18. Orissa Bhubaneshwar


19. Punjab Jullundhar

20. Rajasthan Jaipur



21. Sikkim Gangtok

22. Tamilnadu Madras



23. Tnpura Agartala

24. Uttar Pradesh Agra







25 West Bengal Calcutta


201 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 202

SI. No. Name of the State Name of the Station

1 2 3

Union Territories

Andaman & Nicobar Port Blair

Delhi New Delhi

Chandigarh Chandigarh

Pondicherry Pondicherry


SI No Name of the State No. of Stations

1 2 3

1. Andhra Pradesh 16

2 Assanfi 3

3. Bihar 3

4. Goa 1

5. Gujarat 16

6. Haryana 8

7. Himachal 3

8. Jammu & Kashmir 2

9. Karnataka 20

10. Kerala 10

11. M.P. 6

12. Maharashtra 16

13. Orissa 18
203 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 204

SI. No Name of the State No, of Stations

1 2 3

14. Punjab 10

15. Rajasthan 10

16. Tamilnadu 18

17. Uttar Pradesh 25

18. West Bengal 4

Total 189

Impounding of Passports Smoking in DTC Buses


CHANDRAN: Will the Minister of EXTER- Will the Ministerof SURFACE TRANSPORT
NAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: be pleased to refer to the reply given on 3
May. 1990 to Unstarred Question No. 7316
(a) whether a number of passports regarding smoking in DTC buses and state-
were impounded during 1988-89 and 1989-
90; (a) whether there has not been any
perceptible let up in smoking in the buses
(b) if so, the details thereof and the operated by the Delhi transport Corporation
reasons therefor; or private buses under DTC operation;

(c) whether any appeal/representation (b) whether 'No Smoking’ instructions

have been received by Government against have been prominently got displayed along
impounding of passports; and with the relevant penal provisions in all these
buses: and
(d) if so, the number of such appeals
pending for decision at present"? (c) if so. when and if not. the reasons


HARI KISHORE SINGH); (a) and (c). Yes, No, Sir. DTC has informed that strict watch is
Sir. being kept by them and the action is take by
the checking squad in case of any violation.
(b) and (d). Information is being col-The crew or the buses have been instriictp'^
lected and will be laid on the table of the that they should neither smoke themselves
House. nor allow any passengers to smoke in the
205 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (S>4/CA) Written Answers 206

buses. Similar discipline is enforced in re- bring forward any uniform legislative meas*
spect of private buses under their opera- ure to provide for the punishment of guilty
tions. custodial officials, awarding suitable com-
pensation to the nearest kith & kin of the
(b) and (c). 'No Smoking’ instructionsdeceased victim and extending the said
are displayed in the buses as rquired under legislative provision to whole of the country:
the regulations. As per Delhi f\4otor Vehicles
Rules, in case any smoker on being told to (c) if so, the details thereof; and
stop smoking, sl)ows reluctance, he can be
made to get down from the bus and is not (d) if not, the reasons therefor?
entitled to refund of fare paid b him. The bus
crew have been instructed to stop the bus THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
immediately till the passenger stops smok- MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
ing or gets down from the bus. SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) The subject
matter falls within the purview of the State
Widening of Hyderabad-Jedcheria List of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitu-
Section of National Highway No. 7 tion. It Is the constitutional responsibility of
tfie State Governments to look intothe cases
4848. SHRl M. BAGA REDDY: of alleged deaths in police lock-ups. The
SHRI J. CHOKKA RAO: Central Government does not maintain sta-
tistics of such incidents, no such compara-
Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS- tive study has been made with regard to thft
PORT be pleased to state. increase in the rate of custodial deaths.

(a) whether there is any proposal to (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. The Central Gov-
widen Hyderabad-Jedcherla Section of na p' riment is working on a scheme for payment
tional Highway No. 7 to four lane in Andhra of compensation to cover victims of custo
Pradesh; and dial crimes in respect of certain types of
crimes. It is proposed to bring an appropriate
(b) if so, the details thereof? Central Legislation after ascertaining the
views of all the Staies/UTs.
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) (d) Question does not arise.
No, Sir.
Transfer of Mangalore Chemicals
(b) Does not arise. Company

Deaths In Police Lock-ups 4850. SHRI RAJAMOHAN REDDY*

Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
4849. SHRIMATI J. JAMUNA: Will the pleased to state:
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
state: (a) whether Karnataka Government
have sought permission of Union Govern-
(a) whether the rate of custodial deathsment for transfer to Mangalore Chemicals
(deaths under police lock-ups) have in> Company to the State owned Rashtriya
creased In the country; Chemicals and Fertilizers; and

(b) whether Government propose to (b) if so, the action taken by Govern-
207 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Wr^ten Answers 208

ment in this regard? STATEMENT

THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR List of new post offices opened during the
RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINIS- period 1.4,1990 to 30.6.1990
NATH VERMA): (a) Yes. Sir. SI. No. Name

(b) The proposal that Rashtriya Chemi- 1 2

cals and Fertilizers should take over Manga-
lore Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. has not 1. Hastakavferi
been found viable. However, final decision
has not been taken. 2. Yepur

3. Jounipalie
Opening of Sub Post Offices and
Telegraph Offices In Andhra Pradesh
4. 64-Peddur

4851. SHRI RAJAMOHAN REDDY: 5. Nadimpalle

Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
pleased to state: 6. Ekvaipalle

(a) the number of villages in Andhra 7. Gunded

Pradesh with a population of one thousand
and above which are without a branch post 8. N Narsapuram
9. Lakshumpalle
(b) how many sub-post offices in Andhra
10. Dewajipalle
Pradesh are not having telegram facilities;
and 11. Machannapalle

(c) the number of post and telegraph 12. Dasukuppam

offices, location wise, proposed to be opened
in Andhra Pradesh in near future? 13. Vadlakunta


JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) According to a 15. Thimmampata
survey made in 1988-89 this future is 3,588.
16. kamarupalll

(b) There are 1,207 sub post offices In 17. Basapuram

Andhra Pradesh not having telegraph facili-
ties. 18. Vanakateswarapuram

(c) During the period 1.4.1990 to 19. Gogillapur

30.6.1990, 21 new post office have been
opened. The details are furnished in state- 20. Ramp-alli Daira
ment below. The further programme for the
year is expected to be finalised as soon as 21. Jubilee Hills
revised norms are formulated.
209 Written Answers BHADRA 16,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 210

Corruption in Exchanges of Calcutta (c) No shortages have been detected

Telepliones during such checks.

4852. SHRIM.V.CHANDRASHEKARA (d) and (e). In view of (b) and (c) above,
MURTHY; Will the Minister of COMMUNI- question does not arise
CATIONS be pleased to refer to the reply
given to Unstarred Question No. 7230 on 3rd Procurement of Store Items from Public
May, 1990 regarding corruption in exchanges Sector Undertalcings
of Calcutta Telephones and state.
(a) whether the investigaiions as re- MURTHY* Will the Minister of SURFACE
ferred to in part (b) of the reply have been TRANSPORT be pleased to state:
completed by now and responsibilities fixed
on individuals: (a) whether the Hindustan Shipyards
Limited, Visakhapatnam has been issuing
(b) whether still stores accounting sys- largo numberof tender enquinesforpruchase
tem has not been improved and physical of various stores and other related materials.
veiifications in every exchange of Calcutta
Telephones for stocks and stores are not (b) whether all such tender enquiries
TcuriGd out by senior officers, are not forwarded to Public Sector Undertak-
ings on all occasions for the items available
(c) whether shortages in each exchange from Public Sector,
have not yet been detected nor has the
proper accounting been rendered; (c) whether incases where Public Sector
Undertakings are participating in some ten-
(d) if so. the facts and details thereof; der enquines of HSL, they even do not get
and any response; and

(e) which are tne exchange's where (d) if so, the details thereof and facts of
shortages have been detected so far with ten d er enquiries issued by HSL for procure-
apportionment of values'^ m ent of store Items during the past two years
and am ount of stores purchased from Public
Sector Undertakings, if any*^
tigations have not yet been completed by the Hindustan Shipyard Limited has been issu-
concerned police authorities. ing enquiries depending on requirements
vis-a-vis the construction schedules of ves-
(b) There are standing instruction andsels on hand.
prescribed forms for accounting the stores
as per which stores received and issued are (b) According to the procedure in vogue,
required to be entered in these forms. The limited tenders are being issued to parties
officers in charge are required to physically registered in line wherever the material
check 100% of the sensitive stores and a covered by respective indent costi ess than
sample check of other stores personally. In Rs. 5 lakhs. Whenever the value of any
Calcutta Telephones majority of Divisional indent is estimated to be more than Rs. 5
Engineers have carried out these checks. lakhs, piiblic tenders are being issued invit-
211 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 212

m3 all those who are interested in supplying are responding to enquiries of HSL. In all
to obtain tender documents and quote. This such cases HSL is responding and complete
system is applied equally to Public Sector particulars are given to PSUs as and when
Undertaicings. they are participation in the tender.

(d) There is no case of PSUs not having

(c) Public Sector Undertal<ings who arereceived any response from HSL, in view of
interested are very much participating and the reply to part (c) of the question. During
competing in the tenders. PSUs like BHEL, the last 2 years, the amount of stores pur-
BHPV, SAIL. JESSOPS & COMPANY etc. chased from PSU's is as follows:

Ypar Total value of Value of purchases made

purchases from PSUs

(Rs in lakhs)

1988 305.49 291 1

1989 1385.54 1367 55

Passport Applications Received in Ships Constructed and Delivered by

RPO, Andhra Pradesh Hindustan Shipyard Limited

tiie Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT
pleased to state. pleased to state-

(a) the numberof passport applications (a) the numberof ships constructed and
(c'ceivcd by the Regional Passport Office. delivered by Hindustan Shipyard Limited,
Andhra Pnde&h since August, 1989 till date; Visakhapatnam during 1987-88,1988-89and
1989-90; and
(b) the number of passport applications
cleared so far; and (b) the percentage of off-toad system as
per the Factory Act and the percentage of
(c) the average time taken by the pass- off-k)ad work given by the Shipyard during
port offices to clear one passport in different the at>ove period?
States and in Delhi’
MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI The number of ships constructed and deliv-
HARIKISHORE SINGH): (a) to (c). Informa- ered by Hindustan Shipyard Limited,
tion IS being collected and will be laid on the Visakhapatnam during 1987-88,1988-89and
table of the House. 1989-90 is as under:
213 Written AnsW0fs BHAORA 15,1912 {SAKA) WirHten Answers 214

Year No. o f ships/Vessols D e s e rtio n o f vessel

1 2 3

1987-88 2 1 OPSSV

1 Drillshlp

1988-89 7 1 27000 DWT Bulk Carrier

6 Dumb Barges

1989-90 2 2—27000 DWT Bulk Carriers

(b) The question of percentage of of- covered by the Act The percentrjge off loc>r)
load system under the Factories Act does work done year-wise, in monetary terri’s, is
not arise as the subject of off-k>ading is not as under-

Year Ship-buitding Ship-repair Off-shore Platforms

1 2 3 4

1987-88 3.62 19.78 20.44

1988-89 1.42 13.80 44.81

1989-90 2.33 18.58 29.62


Contplalnts Against Private Buses complaints of this natuce have been received
Hired by DTC In orderto ensure compliance of discipline in
the operations of buses of private operators,
4856. SHRI P. NARSA REDDY: Will DTC have set up a Special Cell functioning
the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be under the control of a Senior Officer to regu-
pleased to state: late private buses operation. It undertakes
regular checking, both independently and
(a) whether Government have received jointly with the trjrffic Police. Such checking
complaints of not honouring DTC passes, during January—July, 1990 have detected
overcharging misbehaviour, improper up- 54 cases of non honouring of DTC passes,
keep of buses and rash driving against pri- 76 cases of over-charging and 199 cases of
vate buses hired by DTC; and misbehaviour and 23 instances of rash driv-
(b) if so, the steps taken thereon'^ ing. The checking squad also inspects
Whether the buses are kept in proper condi-
THE fWllNISTEROFSURFACETRANS- tions, and directs private operators for im-
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) mediate rectification whenever necessary.
and (b). The DTC have Informed that oartain Consequent to the attending to the com-
215 Writtm Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 WrHtm Answers 216

plaints from commuters and detection of as prevalent before the constituton of the
vioiation i>ythe chedting squads of DTC, the present Standing Committee has been
penalties imposed on private operators dur- adopted as it is by the Committee at the
ing January—July, 1990. amounted to Rs. National Level after its constitution and there-
3.30 lakhs for violations such as non-hon- after 3 addittonal suppliers have been en-
ouring of passes, over-charging etc. During listed on the merits of each case and on the
the same period, on-the-spot compounding t>asis of the main criteria that hereafter the
fees levied by traffic police authorities on firm shouM be an approved supplierof atleast
private bus operations for various types of one crKtoal equipment out ofthe milling plant,
traffic offences amounted to RS. 1.17 lakhs. boiler, turbo alternator and Centrifugals. A
List of the enlisted suppliers of turn-key
Supplies of Turn-Key Sugar Mill Project sugar plants as on 31 -8-90 is given in the
statement betow.
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be STATEMENT
pleased to state:
Suppliers of Complete Sugar Plants
(a) whether the national Cooperative
Oevebpment Corporation and the National 1. M/s. Andhra Foundry & Machines
Level Standing Committee have laid down Co.. Ltd., Moula Ail. Hyderabad
certain criteria for enlisting firms for supply of
complete sugar plants on turn-key basis; 2. M/s. Biickau Wolf India Limited,
Pimpri, PUne-411018
(b) if so, the details thereof;
3. M/s. Binny’s Engg. Works Lim-
(c) the details of companies/firms whbh ited. Post Box No. 111. Meenam-
stand enlisted as suppliers of complete sugar bakkam, Madras-600 061.
plants on turn-key basis as on 31 August,
1990; 4. M/s. Engineering Projects (I)
Lim ited. Him alaya
(d) whether some of the enlisted firms/ House.Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
companies do not even manufacture them- New Delhi-110001.
selves any of the critical equipment but have
ben granted exemption from the above 5. M/S. lndiaSugar& General Engg.
condition on the basis of other merits; and Corpn.. 5 &6, Community Centre,
P.B. No. 7007, NewFriends Col-
(e) if so, the names of such firms/ ony. New Delhi-110065.
6. M/s. The K.C.P. Limited, Triuvot-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tiyur, Madras-600019.
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF 7. M/s. Natonal Heavy Engg. Co-
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): op. Limited, 16, Mahatma Gandhi
(a) to (e). The nattonal Cooperative Devel- Road. PUne-411001.
opment Corporation (NCDC), based on the
recommendatk>ns of the standing Commit- 8. M/s. Prem Heavy Engineering
tee, maintains the list of turn-key sugar mills/ Works Pvt. Ltd. Rani Mills, Delhi
plants suppliers. The list of turnkey suppliers Road, meerut (U.P.)
217 Written Answ»rs BHADRA 15,1912 (&VC4) Written Answers 218

9. M/s. Richardson & Cruddas (b) the cost of import of Fire Protectk>n
(1972) Umied, BycuRa, Sir J.J. Doore during 1989-90, the countries from
Road, Bombay. which the same were imported with details of
10. M/sTexmaco Limited, Belgharia
Road, Calcutta-700 056. (c) whetherthese Fire Protection Doors
for ships are not available from Indian manu-
11. M/s. Triveni Engineering Wroks facturing companies;
Limited, P.O TSL-Naini,
Allahabad (U.P.) (d) whether the HSL is also importing
some special paints and paint brushes from
12. M/s. Walchandnagar Industries abroad;
Limited, (Marketing Division), 16,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Pune- (e) whether some public Sector Under-
411 001. takings are also manufacturing the similar
items and the same are not t>eing used by
13. M/s. Anand Tanks & Vessels Pvt. HSL; and
Ltd.. D-8, MiDC, Street No. 16.
Marol, Andhen (E) Bombay-400 (f) if so, the facts and details thereof'^
14. Sumac Internationia Pvt Ltd., PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a)
506-507, Kushal Bazar, 32-33, Details of imports made by HSL from each
Nehru Place, New Delhi-11Q- country during 1988-89 and 1989-90 are
019. given statement I and II bebw.

15. Vikram Vessals India (Private) (b) The cost of Fire Protection Doors
Ltd., Bombay imported during 1989-90 is Rs. 8.43 lakhs.
These were imported from Sweden and the
16. Uttam Industrial Engineering brief specification is as given below:
Pvt., Gazi^>ad.
“Fire Class Doors wrth Calcium Silicate
Import of Fire Protection Doors by Core lined with tow flame spreading charac-
Hindustan Shipyard Ltd teristics to stand to the standard fire tests
prescribed by 1976 Solar Rules with 1981
4858. SHRI V.SREENIVASA PRASAD:and 1983 amendments thereon to be sup-
Wilt the Ministerof SURFACE TFMNSPORT plied atognwith doorframing k>cking arrange-
be pleased to refer to the reply given on 26 ments handles electromagnetk: catched
April, 1990 to Unstarred Question No. 6634 auto-door closers completely ready for erect-
regarding import of Component and Spares ing the rule assembly having approval of
for building up of Vessels by H.S.L. and Deptt. of Trade, UK."
(c) They are not available from Indian
(a) the details of hems of imports mademanufacturing companies.
by Hindustan Shlyaid Ltd. from each country
for procurement of component and spares (d) Some special paints are imported.
during 1988-89 and 1989-90; Paint boishes are not imported t>y HSL.
219 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 W tittm Answers 220

(e) and (f). HSL is procuring compo-HSL of all limited, permissible and restricted
nents and spares from PSUs whenevertlieir items after securing indigenous clearance
offers fulfil technical suitabilHy/deliveiy pe- from Directorate General of Technical De-
riod requirement and price is within 10% velopment/Department of Electronics against
over the lowest technically suitable offer to Supplementary Licences.
any private enterprise. Imports are made by
221 Wrkten Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (S4M ) WrStan Answars 222

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223 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 224

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225 Written Answers BHA0RA1S,1912(SXKA) Writl»nAn$mts 226

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227 WrhmAnsvms SEPTEMBER 6,1990 WrittanAnsvms 228

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229 WrSton Answars BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Wrktan Answers 230

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233 Writton Answers BHAORA 15,1912 (S 4M ) WrUtan Answers 234

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235 Written Answais SEPTEMBER 6.1990 WrHten Ansvmrs 236

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237 WrittwiAnsvms BHADRA 15,1912 (Si4K4) Writton Answms 238

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239 Wr^»n Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 WrittBn Answers 240

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241 W rit^ Ansvms BHADRA 15,1912 (SM>I) WrittBn Answers 242

Monopoly Trend in Transport Business (b) No irregularities in the utilisation of

in Punjab the funds in Bihar have come to the notice of
the Government.
4859. BABA SUCHA SINGH: Wilt the
Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be (c) Does not arise.
pleased to state:
Exploitation of Tobacco Growers
(a) whether Government are suffering
loss ontransportatbn of foodgrains in Punjab 4861. SHRI KARIA MUNDA: Will the
in the absence of comptetbn amongst trans- Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to
porters; state:
(b) the details of prevalent transport
charges per quintal in Union controlled area (a) whether Government propose to
and non-union area; and ban the entry of Multi-national cigarette
companies into agricultural industries to stop
(c) the proposals of the Government to exploitation of tobacco growers; and
create competition amongsttransporters and
to end monopoly business'? (b) if so, the details thereof and if no*
the reasons therefor’
(c). Information is being collected from the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
concerned agencies and will be laid on the COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
(a) and (b). The information is being col-
Short Term Credit to Purchase Agricul- lected and will be laid on the Table of the
tural inputs Sabha.

4860. SHRI LALITVUOY SINGH: Will Reduction in Waiting Period For New
the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased Telephone connection in IMadras
to state:
(a) whether Short term Loans amount- 4862. SHRI ANBARASU ERA: Will the
ing to Rs. 260 crores were made available to Minister of COMMUNiCATIONS be pleased
States during 1988-89 for purchase and to state:
distribution of agricultural inputs including
fertilisers: (a) whether Government have taken
any concrete steps to reduce the waiting
(b) whether any irregularities in utilisa- period forgiving new telephone connections
tion of funds in Bihar have come to the notice in Madras this year;
of Government: and (b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) if so, the details thereof and the
remedial measures taken'? (c) when all the applicants on the wait-
ing list are likely to get telephone connec-
(a) Yes, Sir. JANESHWAR MiSHRA): (a) Yes, Sir.
243 Writton Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 244

(b) and (c). 3289 telephone connec- (b) whether There is any proposal for
tions have been provided during this finan- increasing these agencies in rural areas;
cial year (from 1.4.90 to 31.7.90) in Madras.
A total of 13500 new telephone connections (c) if so, the details thereof; and
are proposed to be provided in Madras dur-
ing the financial year 1090-91. The draft 8th (d) if not, the reasons therefor?
plan has been formulated with an objective
to contain the waiting list to one year on an THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
average in exchanges of capacities of 5000 MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
lines and above. With this objective, expan- JANESHWAR MISHRA); (a)' The informa-
sion plans are being drawn for clearing the tion is being collected and will be laid on the
waiting list progressively during the 8th plan Table of the House.
(b) No. Sir.
Satellite for 119-Natlon Contmunlea-
tions Consortiums (c) Does not arise.

4863. KUMARI UMA BHARATI: Will (d) Licensed postal agencies (LPAs)
the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be are remunerated by means of commission
pleased to state; paid on sale of postage stamps and station-
ery and booking of registered articles. In
(a) whether Intelsat of Washington had rural areas there is not much scope for an
blasted a satellite for 119-nation communi- LPA to earn a reasonable remuneration on
cations consortiums; this basis. Therefore, postal facilities con-
tinue to be provided in rural areas through
(b) if so. the details thereof; and extra-departmental branch post offices.

(c) whether the satellite would provide [English]

telecommunication and broadcasting facili-
ties to India also? Racial Attack on Indian In U.K.


HARIKISHORE SINGH): (a) to (c). Informa- NAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
tion is awaited and will be placed on the table
of the House on receipt. (a) whether racial ettacks on Indians
are on the rise in U.K; and
[T ransla^n]
(b) whether it is a fact that the main
Licensed Postal Agencies In Uttar areas of discrimination against the Indians
Pradesh were in housing, employment and immigra-
tion; and
4864. SHRI RAJVEER SINGH: Will the
Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased (c) if 80, what steps Government are
to state: taking to bring to the notice of the U.K.
Government the plight and harassment of
(a) the number of license postal agen-the British citizens of Indian origin and im-
cies functioning in Uttar Pradesh at present; proving the working and attitude of the India
245 Wr/lton Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 246

Houso Administration in London towards tlie THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI (a) and (b). Information is being collected
HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) to (c). There and will be laid on the table of the Sabha
are reports of an increase in racial attacks
against Asians. Figures, regarding attacks Publishing of Journals by C-OOT
against the Indian Community as such are
not available. However, the areas in whk:h a 4867. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: Will
significant increase in attacks has occurred the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
are not predominantly Indian. The IrKlian pleased to state:
High Commission in London is in dose touch
with Indian citizens as well as British nation- (a) whether publication of newspapers/
als of Indian origin. Where there are prob- magazines is a part of C-OOTs activities;
lems, including in the matter of security of
possible discrimination against them, they (b) whether C-OOT is publishing’ In-
are taken up with the appropriate authorities. fotei’, a quarterly journal with foreigners as
editorial advisers;
Corruption In Co-operative Institutions
In Punjab (c) if so, the details thereof: and

4866. SHRI SUCH SINGH; Will the (d) how much amount C-DOT has spent
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to on this venture and what is the future plan
state: therefor?

(a) whether cases of misappropriation THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

and corruption in Co-operative instituttons in MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
Punjab, managed by the offcials of the JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Dissemination
Cooperative Department on deputatton have of technical informatten is related to C-DOPs
come to the notice of Government; and activities.

(b) if so, the details thereof and the (b) Yes, Sir. Foreigners are on its
action taken against the officials found guihy? Advisory Board on Honorary basis.

(c) They are:— Prof. L. Begocchi — Italy

Dr. Jorge Valerdi — Mexico

Prof. Bruce Lusignan — USA

Mr. S.K. Pudasaini — Nepal

(d) The amount spent by C-DOT is given bek>w:—

Amount spent Rs. 8,34,483/-

Revenue Rs. 4,72,677/-

Net amount spent by C-DOT Rs. 3,61,806/-

Efforts will continue to make the publication self sustaining.

247 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Writton Answers 248

Electronic Tsiephone Exchanges at and Itill the ordinary Tamil population. The
Hakiwani letter urges the Government to put pressure
on Sri Lanka Government to stop the large-
4868. SHRi M.S. PAL: Will the Ministerscale killings of the Tamil speaking people.
of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state;
(c) Government have expressed its
(a) whetherthe construction of building concern on several occasions to Sri Larri<a
for Electronic Automatic Exchange at Government over the safety and security of
Haldwani has been completed; and Tamils in Sri Lanka. The P.M. in a statement
on 27 August expresseddeepconcern atthe
(b) if so, the time by which the neces- sharp escalation of conflict and called for an
sary equipment is iil^ely to be installed and immediate cessation of hostilities in Sri Lank
the telephone exchange will start function- and a retum to negotiations.
Development of Technology in Agricul-
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
(b) It Is planned to install and commis- pleased to state:
sion the telephone exchange at Haldwani in
1992-93. (a) whether any steps are contem-
plated to increase and upgrade technology
Memorandum from Tamil Action in agriculture; and
Committee in U.K. (b) if so, the details thereof?

(a) whether Government have received (a) Yes, Sir.
a memorandum from the Tamil Action
Committee based in U.K. seeking India’s (b) Special thrust areas have been
protection and to end the killing of Tamils by kientified for improving and upgrading the
the Sri Lankan armed forces, brute torture, technotogy in agriculture. These are Rainfed
lengthy detentions and killings in the pris- farming, breeder seed production, adaptive
ons; research on sugarcane, promotion & devel-
(b) if so, the details of the memoran- opment of hybrid seeds, post-harvest engi-
dum; and neering and technok>gy and frontier areas of
(c) the reactionofGovemment thereto? research viz., bio-technotogy, space imagery,
informatk: and use of plastks in agriculture.
MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI Irregularities in Central Translation
HARIKISHORE SINGH): (a) and (b). The Bureau
Tamil Actbn Committee based in London
made an appeal in a letter 14 July 1990. The 4871. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the
letter interalia alleges that the Sri Lankan Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
army has been given a free hand to terrorise state:
249 Wittm Answers BHAORA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 250

(a) whathw the Comptroller and Audi- Supply of Reek Phosphate at SubsK
tor General of India In his report on Union dlsed Rates
Government—Civil for the year ending 31
March, 1989 has pointmi out that the Cen- 4872. SHRI H.C. SRIKANTAIAH: Will
trals Translation Bureau did not foltow the the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased
prescrit>ed accounting procedure and mis- to state;
appropriated at log of money;
(a) whether Government have received
(b) a so, the exact amount involved; and any representation from the farmers of Kar-
natai<a. especially from Malnad region for
(c) the action taken by Government in the supply of Rock Phosphate at subsklised
this regard? rates; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, the decision taken by Govern-
troller and Auditor General of India has, on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
the basis of audit conducted by the Audit DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP-
Party in October, 1988, included a para of MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL-
this nature in his report that amounts real- TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA):
ised from the hostel occupants of the Central (a) No, Sir.
Translation Bureau, New Delhi through the
hostel warden pertaining to the pertod form (b) Does not arise.
September, 1986 to October, 1988 were not
brought in the Cash Book by the Cashier. Night Time Parking Fees from Vehicle
When this irregularity was pointed out by the Owners
Audit Party, the Cashier accounted for this
amount in the cash book on 17.10.88, 4873. SHRI P.M. SAYEED:
19.10.88,24.10.88 and 26.10.88. SHRI RAM SAGAR (Saidpur):
(b) Objectbn of the Audit Party was REDDY:
about the amount of Rs. 35,970/- Moreover,
they revealed that an amount of Rs. 18,000/ Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
- was accounted for in the Cash Book after pleased to state:
incoordinate delay.
(a) whether the Municipal Corporation
(c) This irregularity was investigated of Delhi has a plan to charge parking fees
and it was found that, though pubik: money from the vehk:le owners who park their
was not misappropriated, yet the Cashier, vehicles on municipal roads during the night;
the Drawing and Disbursing Offtoer and the
warden of the Hostel, not having followed the (b) if so, the details thereof including the
prescribed procedure for depositing pubik: fees to be charged and the ratkjnale behind
money on time, dkJ not perfbnn their duties the scheme;
properly. Subsequently, the Drawing and
Disbursing Offk»r, Cashier and Warden of (c) the estimated revenue likely to be
the Ho^el were administered strtot warning collected by MCD ever month;
for negligence of their duty and they were
transferred from their posts. (d) whether the above scheme will be
251 WriOrni Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 WrittM Answers 252

appficable in New Delhi area also; make rivers in Western Maharashtra navi- .>
gaisle for East/West trafTic, since there are
(e) whether there is any proposal to sever limitatkms of navigable length of the
charge such parking fees from three-wheel- rivers in the coastal belt due to Western
ers, taxis, ice-cream and water trolleys whidi Ghat.
are also parked in public areas; and
Loss Caused by Flood
(f) if not, the reasons therefor?
4 8 ^ . SHRI RAM LAL RAHl; Will the
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). A
proposal to levy night time parking fee on (a) whether Government are aware of
motor vehicle other than two wheeler scoot- the large-scale k>ss of life and property
ers motor-cydes/mopeds parked on munkii- caused due to fkxxlsevery year in the coun-
pal roads, peivements. foot-paths, is under try;
contemplation of the Municipal Cor(x>ration
of Delhi. The proposal is at a very initial (b) if so, whether Government have
stage. identified the causes of these fk>ods;

(d) No, Sir. (c) if so, the steps taken Government to

prevent these causes; and
(e) and (f). The questton of levying
parking fee on ice-cream and waier-trolleys (d) if not, the reasons therefor?
can been consMered at appropriate time.
Navigation Facility In Rhrers of Western AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
Maharashtra (a) Yes. Sir.

4874. SHRIHARISHANKARMAHALE: (b) Ftoods are mainly caused by;—

Willthe Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT
be pleased to state; (i) Overspilling of riverbanks due to
excessive predpitatton combined
(a) whether there is any proposal to with inadequate channel capac-
make rivers in Western Maharashtra navi- ity.
gable for EasVWest traffic;
(ii) Obstructnn in or aggradatton of
(b) if so, the details thereof and when the river bed;
the proposal is likely to materiarne; and
Oil) Encroachments in the river
(c) if not, the reasons therefor? banks;

THE MINISTER OFSURFACE TRANS- (iv) Inadequate waterways atrailand

PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIiO^ISHMAN): (a) to road crossings;
(c). The State Government Of Maharashtra
have intimated that there is no proposal to (v) Change of river courses and
253 Wrtton Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SMi4) Wrktwi Answers 254

avulsions; OottmStHingPirieeofEdlbtoOitebyNDOB

(vl) Deforostation; 4876. SHRI KASHIRAM RANA: Will the

Minister of AGRICULTURE be
(vii) Lack of soil conservation and pleased to state:
watershed management; and
(a) the cost prk;e and selling price of Pal-
(vili) Back ftow of water into the tribu- molein and groundnut oil by Natnnal Dairy
taries and the areas thereabout Devetopment Board; and
when the main river is in high
spate. (b) the profits earned by Nattonal Dairy
Devetopment Board from 1987-88 to 1989-
90, year-wise?
(c) and (d). Rashtriya Barh Ayog has
identified 40 million hectares as flood prone THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
area depending upon the intensity and oc- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
currence of rainfall. Ganga Ftood Control COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
Commission and Brahmaputra Board have AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR);
been set up by the Central Government for (a) NDDB has purchased Palmolein from
the formulationof master plansfortheGanga the STC at the rate of Rs. 15,000 per MT plus
and Brahmaputra basins. Besides physbal applicable taxes. During the Oil Year 1989-
food protection works like flood control res- 90, the sale prk;e of Palmolein has been in
ervoirs embankment and dikes, emphasis is the range of Rs. 239 to Rs. 250 per 10 Kg.
on non-structural measures like establish- plus applicable taxes. During the Oil Year
ment of flood forcasting networks and flood 1989-90 NDDB bought groundnut oil from
plain zoning to regulate settlement and the open market at prices varying between
economic activity so as to mitigate impact of Rs. 197 to Rs. 271 per 10 kg plus applicable
floods. An area of about 13.6 million hec- taxes. Currently groundnut oil is being sold
tares has so far been provided with a reason- only in consumer packs under the brand
able degree of protection from fk>ods. name 'Dhara' the prices of whtoh are;

Rs/1 Litre RsS kgs. •

1 2 S

Double Filtered 27.00 155.00 in Gujarat

Groundnut Oil 160.00 in Maharashtra

Refined Groundnut Oil 31.50 188.00

Oi) NDDB has been undertaking thesp oilseeds and edible oils and the surpluses if
operations on behalf of Govt, of India Jn0« any ?wcure to the Mart?et Intervention Fund,
the market interventton operatton policy in
255 Writtan Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answ0fs 256

[English] the Eighth Five Year Plan;

Right of Work*rs to Strike (b) whether Government propose to

give the role of prime contractors of PDIL in
4877. PROF. K.V. THOMAS: Will the future development of fertilizer industry ovoi
Minister of AGRICULTURE l)e pleased to the multinatnnals; and
(c) if os, the details thereof?
(a) whether the long term agreement
signed between the Trade Unions and the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
Management of Fertilizers and Chemicals DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP-
Travancore Ltd. (FACT) on 14 Juh/, 1990 MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL-
provides that they will not resort to strike TURE (SHRI UPENDRA NATH VERMA):
during the currency of this settlement: (a) The investment proposed to be made in
the public sector fertiliser factories during
(b) whether the present change from the 8th Plan is yet to be finalised.
the wording 'illegal strike’ in the earlier settle-
ment to ‘strike’ is not violating of the right of (b) and (c). Any proposal that may be
the workers to strike; and received by Government for giving prime
contractorshipto PDIL will be considered on
(c) if so, what action Government pro- merits in the light of technical capabilities
pose to take in this regard? achieved by PDIL.


(a) Yes Sir. be pleased to state:

(b) The long term settlement between (a) whether the National Dairy Devel-
the management and the employees Unions opment Board has released edible oil in the
of FACT provides that the Unions and work- market during the last three years;
ers will not resort to strike during the cur-
rency of the settlement on issues covered by (b) if so, the details thereof in terms of
the settlement. This provision is consistent quantity and value; and
with the provisions of the Industrial Disputes
Act. 1947. (c) the break up of edible oils soki in
bulk or retail?
(c) Does not arise.

Investment In Public Sector Fertilizer THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

Factories during Eighth Plan DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (a) Yes, Sir.

(a) the investment proposed to be made (b) and (c). Details of edibleoil released
in the public sector fertilizer factories during in t>ulk and retail are as foltows;—
257 WrKtm /^awws BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Written Ansvms 256

h- CM
8 o tf)
■s <o to s? §

!? S
s CM

s F: s
<<» t

s' CM

259 IV/iMan Ansvms SEPTCMBER 6,1990 Wrktm Ana/^nnrs 260

This includes quantities sold against in the three phases. A lang acquisition esti-
MIO Project also which is being carried out mated for the first phase in the reach be-
on behalf of Government. tween NH 7 (Nagpur-Wardha) and NH 6
(Nagpur-Bhandara) amounting to Rs. 68.55
Smuggling of Groundnut Oil lakhs was sanctioned in March, 1990. Also
an estimate amounting to Rs. 63.74lakhs for
4880. SHR! BANWARILAL PUROHIT: shifting of utility service in this section was
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be sanctk>ned in August, 1990. Construction of
pleased to state; first phase will be taken up after the land is
fully acquired. State Government has been
(a) whether the National Dairy Devel- requested to speed up the process of of land
opment Board has brought to the notice of acquisitbn and accord early clearance. Since
Government the incidence of large scale the Bypass is being developed in phases, it
smuggling of groundnut oil across the Kutch istoo early to give the target date for comple-
border: tion of the whole Project.

(b) whether Government have contem-

plated any action in this regard; and Construction of Pucca Roads In
Madhya Pradesh
(c) if so, the details thereof?
(a) No, Sir. Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
pleased to state:
(b) and (c). The questton does not arise.
(a) whether Madhya Pradesh Govern-
Diversion of National Highway Outside ment has submitted any proposals for the
the Nagpur City construction of pucca roads under the Cen-
trally sponsored scheme for approval;
Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT (b) if so, the details thereof; and
be pleased to state:
(c) the decision taken by Union Govern-
(a) whether any progress has been ment thereon?
made in diverting the National Highway
Passing through the Nagpur city to outside
(b) if so, the details thereof including the TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
target fixed for completion of the project? NATH VERMA); (a) to (c). A proposal for
construction of 10 rural link roads as given
under was received from the Govt, of Madhya
THE MINISTEROF SURFACE TRANS- Pradesh in 1987 under the Centrally Spon-
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) sored Scheme for Development of Roads in
and(b). Nagpur Bypass is to be devetoped Special Problem Areas:
261 WittenAnstms miAORA 15.1912 (SMCAi WHtMAnma/8 262

S p a d a lP n M u n A n a B :

SLNo. Name Of the Road N sm eofthaD isM ei

1 2 3

1. Salaiya Seton Bhusor Road Chhataipur

2. itosad Pratap-putra Road Bhind

3. ftohia Barechha Crossing Atreta Thana Ftoad Datia

4. Joura to Sumaoli Ftoad Morena

S. Thana Chhurch to Billaua Road Shivpuri

6. Khtria Kakanwaha Road Tikanngarti

7. Mandia Pipartola Pahadi Kheda Pahari Nalla to Gangah Road Panna

8. Dana Khirak Tigra Road to Kuleth Road Gwalior

9. Siris Badarwas Road Guna

10. Bhangarh to Dewal via Bhaiswaha Road Sagar

Till 1989-90, administrative approval the desired clarification form the State Gov-
could not be accorded to the above 10 works ernment, further examination of these works
due to non-availability of adequate financial for administrative approval coukJ not be
resources and non-satisfactory progress of undertaken.
works by the State Government sanctioned
earlier underthls scheme. Consequent upon [Translalion]
the discussbn between the officials of the
State Government and the Government of Export of Minerals from Major Ports
India regarding the problems being faced by
them in execution of on going works sanc- 4883. DR. LAXMINARAYAN PAN-
ttoned underthe scheme, State Government DEYA: Will the Minister of SURFACE
has modified their earlier proposal and have TRANSPORT be pleased to state:
now requested for administrative approval of
first five works out of the 10 works mentioned (a) the income from various major ports
earlier in January, 1990. While processing during 1989-90;
this revised proposal of the State Govern-
ment some fundamental discrepandes have flS) the major ports from where minerals
been notk»d in th ^ revised estimates and are exported; and
the D^jartment of Rural Dev^opment has
asked for necessary darSicatton from the (e) the quantity of minerals exported
StateQovemment. Duetonon-avaiiabBilyaf from ttwse ports during the U|8t two yearn?
263 WrktW! Answors SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Ansmrs 264

THE MINISTEROFSURFACETBANS- material was found in excess as compared

PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) to the records.
The income from major ports during 1989-90
was approximately Rs. 1142 crores. (c) Two Assistant Store-keepers of the
scrap-yard of DTC, who were fond respon-
(b) Minerals are mainly exported from sible in the case, have been placed under
the ports of Mormugao, Visal<hapatnam, suspensbn. Vigilance Department of DTC is
Madras, New Mangalore and Paradip. A carrying out in depth investigation.
small quantity of minerals is also exported
from the ports of Bombay, Calcutta, Cochin, (d) In orderto check that such irregulari-
Kandia and Tuticorin. ties do not recur in future, the DTC has
tightened up security and a committee of
(c) A quantity of about 34.76 million officers including a representative of vig-
tonnes and 34.86 million tonnes of minerals ilance Department has been set up to moni-
were exported from major ports during 1988- tor releasing of material for scrap.
89 and 1989-90 respectively.
Irregularities in Sale of Scrap in DIG
Jobs of Next of Kin of those Killed Due
4884. DR. LAXMINARAYAN PAN- to Terrorist Violence in Jammu and
DEYA: Will the Minister of SURFACE Kashmir and Punjab
TRANSPORT t>e pleased to state:
4885. SHRI KARIA MUNDA: Will the
(a) whether any irregularities in the sale Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
of scrap in DTC have come to the notice of state:
(a) whether Government propose to
(b) if so, the details thereof; issue any directive to different central Gov-
emment Undertakings and subordinate
(c) the actton taken against the empby- Central Offices to give emptoyment to the
ees found involved in those irregularities; next of kin of persons killed in Punjab and
and Jammu and Kashmir during last five years
due to terrorist vblence;
(d) the steps taken to check such ir-
regularities in future? (b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the total amount paid to migrants of

THE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS- Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir States,
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) Separately?
and (b). DTC has informed that they had in
January 1990, received a complain from two THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
tenders that sale contract for scrap was not MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
awarded to the highest bklder and that the SUBODHKANTSAHAY):(a)and(b). Central
spring leaf scrap being sold was not being Government policy is that as far as possible
properly weighed. A Committee was imme- the next of the kin of the Central Governmenl
diately set up for re-assessment of spring empbyee killed in terrorist vblence is pro-
leafs with book balances. It reported that vkled empbyment in Group ‘C and *0' posts
there was a difference in woight and the in the same establishment.
265 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Writtmn Anatwrs 266

(c) The Government of Jammu and (a) whether Union Government pro-
Kashmir and Dethi Administration have spent pose to release more funds to Birsa Agricul-
over Rs. 10.00 crores and 40.00 lal(hs re- tural University. Ranchi, Bihar during 1990-
spectiveV on relief to Kashmiri migrants 91:
including payment of monthly cash allow-
ance to eligible families at the rate of Rs. (b) if so. the details thereof; and
1000 per family of four members or more in
Jammu and Rs. 500 per family of four (c) if not, the reasons therefor?
members or more in Delhi.
An amount of Rs. 27,00,64,745/- has DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
been spent t>y the Government of Punjab COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
and Delhi Administration on various relief AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
measures for Punjab migrants upto 20.6.90. (a) and (b). Sir, Underthe Scheme Develop-
ment and Strengthening of Agricultural Uni-
Complaints Against Inspectors and versities, the Indian Council of Agricultural
Sub-Inspectors Research has tentatively allocated an amount
of Rs. 35 ialths for Birsa Agricultural Univer-
4686. SHRI KARIA MUNDA: Will the sity for the year 1990-91.
Minister of HOME AITAIRS t>e pleased to
state: (c) Does not arise.

(a) the number of complaints received [T/ans/ation]

by the commissioner of Delhi Police against
Inspectors during the last one year and how Strike by Dock Workers
many of them have been finalised so far;
(b) whether Government propose to Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT
setup a Special Cell to examine the com- be pleased to state:
plaints filed against Inspectors, Sub-Inspec-
tors and other high rantdng officers of Delhi (a) thenumljeroftimesdocl<worltersall
Police; over the countiy went on stril<e during the
(c) if so, the details thereof; and lastthree years and the reasons thereof; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor? (b) the steps taiten by Government to
redress their grievances?
information is being collected and will be laid and(b). Registered and Listed dock worlters
on the Table of the House. of seven dock Labour Boards at Bombay,
Catoutta, Madras, Visakhapatnam, Cochin,
Financial Assistance to Birsa Agricul- Mormugao and Kandia participated in the
tural University Ranchi (Bihar) all-ports strike of port and dock workers from
17!h April, 1989 to 22nd April, 1989ontheir
4887. SHRI KARIA MUNDA: Will the demand for wage reviston. The matter was
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to taken into conciliation by Chief Labour
state: Commissk>ner (Central), New Delhi, and
267 W rit^ A m m n SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 266

discussions were also held between the some local demands and normal
representatives of the five Federations of work was resumed after bilateral
Port and Dod( Woikers and the Officers of discussnns.
the Ministry of Surface Transport. Sutise-
quentto these discussions, and understand- Fishery Harbours in Maharashtra
ing was reached and the striice was called
off. 48S9. SHRI HARIBHAU S f^ K A R
MAHALE: Will the Minister of AGRICUL-
In addition to at»ve, there were also TURE be pleased to state;
some strikes t)y Registered/Listed dock
workers of Bomt>ay, Madras and Kandia (a) the number of fishery haibours
Dock LatMur Boards during the last three proposed to be set up in Maharashtra during
years. They are as follows: the Eighth Five Year Plan; and

(i) In Bombay, the dock woikers (b) the amount likely to be spent
had gone on one-day strike on thereon?
17th March 1989 against the
restart of 3rd shift The matter THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
was taken into condliatton and a DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND
Settlement was signed before COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
Chief Labour Ck>mmiss»ner AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
(Central), New Delhi, on the same (a) and (b). The Eighth Five Year Plan is yet
day. to t>e finalised. However, a deds»n in prin-
ciple, has been takentoundertakethedevei-
(ii) The registered dock workers in opment of a deep sea fishery harbour at
Madras Dock Labour Board went Agardanda in Maharashtra during the Eighth
on strike from the second shift of Five Year Plan, subject to techno-economk;
24th April, 1987tolstshiftof25th feasbHity. The amount Hkely to be spent on
April, 1987and from second shift the fishery harbour at Agardanda will be-
of 4th September, 1987 to press come known as after its techno-economk:
their demsmds for payment of feasibility is established.
drought and interim relief. The
demands were resolved by hokJ- Appointmsnts tn CISF Maharashtra
ing bilateral discusskms.
(iii) In Kandia, the Registered dock MAHALE: WiU the Minister of HOME AF-
workers had gone on strike from FAIRS be pleased to state:
1600 hrs. of the 22nd May 1989
to 1600 hrs. of 23rd May, 1989to
protest against appointment of (a) the number of persons appionted in
two representatives of IMTUS Central Industrial Security Force in Mahar-
Unkm as members of Kandia ashtra during the last two years with year-
Dod< Labour Board. In additkm, wise and district-wise details thereof;
the Registered dock workers in
kandia had also gone for few (b) the numt>erof persons betonging to
hours’ strike on 22nd April, 1987, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
27th April. 1988,21st July. 1988 appointed in Central M ustrial Security Force
and 23rd July. 1988 Mghiight during the abowe period; and
269 Wrintn Aimman BHA0RA1S,1912(SAK>I) WdttMAnsmn 270

(e) if not, ths masons therafor? years 1988 and 1989 is furnished tielaw.
DiMf)ctMrea*wise'^staMics are not madn-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Urined. However,there is no restriction for a
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI emdidate to af^iear for selection in ar^
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). Th« district of the State whenever recruitment is
information relating to nunAer of person organised:—
appointed in CISF in Maharashtra durmg the

Year Genera/ SC ST Total

1 2 3 4 5

1988 229 73 43 345

1989 196 60 26 282

(0) Does not arise. tai activities were taken up by the State
Govemment besides strengthening the
[EngHsh] machinery for maintaining law and order.
The Central Govemment (Ministry of Agri-
Financlai Assistance to Bihar to Con- culture, Department of Rural Development)
tain NaxalKe Unrest provided financial assistance to the State
Govemment during the year 1988^9 to the
4891. SHRI LALITVUOY SINGH; WiHtune of Rs. 222.50 lakhs. Rs. 620 lakhs and
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Rs. 130 lakhs under the schemes of Finan-
to state: cial Assistance to the assisgnees of surplus
iand/Bhoodan/Government wasteland. Ru-
(a) whether Union Government iiad ral Landless Empbyment Guarantee Pro-
given any financial assistance to Bihar gramme and Accelerated Rural Water Sup-
Govemment for containing Naxalite unrest ply Programme respectively. During the year
in the State; 1989-90 no financial assistance was pro-
videdtothe State Government fbrthe above
(b) if so, the details thereof; purpose.

(c) whether this financial assistance Criteria for OpMting of New Post
has been discontinued; and Offices in Rural Areas

(d) if so, the reasons therefor? 4892 SHRI LALITVUOY SINGH; Will
the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE pleased to state:
MINISTRY HOME AFFAfflS (SHRI (a) the details of criteria for opening of
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (d). With new post offices in rural areas;
the aim of defusing the extremtet activities in
the districts of Central Bihar, a programme (b) whettier the criteria for opening of
named Operation B Siddhaith* was launched post offices in rural areas have been ob-
tiy the State Govemment in October, 1988. served in districts of Munger and Beginarai
Underthte programme various developmen* inBihanand
271 WrittM Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Writttm Amwers 272

(c) the number of new post offices ranted by special circum-

proposed to be opened in rural ansas of stances.
Munger and Begusarai districts of Bihar in
1990-91? (iv) The minimum antic^ted reve-
nue wiH be 33.1/3% of the cost
THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE in normal rural areas and 15%
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI of the cost in hiHy, triban and
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) The informa- backward areas.
tion is furnished in the statement given be-
low. The norms indicated above are pro-
posed to be revised for purpose of Eighth
(b) Yes, Sir. Plan.

(c) So far, 4 branch post offices have Electronic Telephone Exchanges In

been sanctioned in Munger district and one Mimgar and Begusarai Districts of
in Begusarai district. More post offices may Bihar
be considered after the norms are revised.
pleased to state;
Norms for opening of post offices in
rural areas (a) the criteria for opening of new tele-
phone exchanges or upgrading the same to
electronic system;
(I) A group of villages constituting
a single gram panchayat will t>e (b) whether there is a persistent de-
eligible for a post office pro- mand for opening of electronic exchanges at
vided that-(a) the aggregate various places in Munger and Begusarai
populatbn of the group of vil- districts of Bihar; and
lages is not less than 3,000 in
normal rural areas and 1,500 in (c) if so, the Government’s plan for
hilly, backward and tribal areas opening of electronic telephone exchanges
and (b) there is no other post in these two districts in the year 1990-91 ?
office within the group.
(ii) The post office will normally be MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI
opened at the headquarter vil- JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) Opening of
lage of the gram panchayat. If new telephone exchanges are based on
such a village falls withinSKms. paid demand of 10 or more at a particular
of an existing post office, the place. This type of exchange is upgraded/
post office may be opened in changed where the demand exceeds the
another suitable village within equipped capacity or the equ^ment has out
the samegram panchayat which lived its useful life.
fulfills the distance conditions.
Department has not receh/ed any
(iii) The 3 Kms restriction can be such demand.
relaxed in hilly areas in cases
where such relaxatbn is war- (c) Does not arise in view (b) above.
273 Written Answers BHAORA 15,1012 (S4K4) Written Anamers 274

However, there are proposals to commis- (b) If so, whether the No Objection
sion 400 lines NEAX at Barauni, 12S Port C- Certificate has been granted to the State
DOT at Bihar in Begusari district, 128PortC- Govemment; and
DOT at Barehi and 2048 Port ILT at Munger
in Munger district subject to availability of (c) if not, when it is likely to be granted
equipment. and frequency allotted?


Cables wHh Pandl Telephone Ex- JANESHWAR MISHRA); (a) and (b). No
change of Gujarat request for allocation of frequency for the
communication system of the Sardar Sa-
4894. SHRI CHANOUBHAI tovar Project was received in August, 1988.
DESHMUKH; Wilt the Minister of COMMU- However, a request was received in April,
NICATIONS be pleased to state: 1989 from Gujarat Government for the re-
newal of the licence tooperatethe frequency
(a) whetherGovernment are aware thatfor the same project allocated to Gujarat
cables worth one crore rupees are lying idle Government in June, 1980. This was agreed
with the Panoli Telephone Exchange of to in August, 1989 and the license renewed
Gujarat; and thereafter.

(b) if so, the steps taken or proposed by (c) Does not arise in view of alx>ve.
Government in this regard?
US Efforts to Defuse Tension on Indo-
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). Cables 4896. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the
worth Rs. 16 lakhs were provided in the Ministerof EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased
Telephone Exchange project at Panoli in to state;
Gujarat and not that of one crore. 80% of the
cables provided in the project have been laki (a) whether US has made efforts to
and balance cables are proposed to be laid defuse the tension on the Indo-Pak border;
by December, 90.
(b) whether U.S.A has confirmed re-
[English] ceipt of communteation from Pakistan Gov-
emment that it has closed down 13 camps
Communication System hi Sardar whksh were training Kashmiri terrorists; and
Sarovar Project
(c) if so, the reaction of Government
4895. SHRI CHANOUBHAIthereto?
DESHMUKH: Will the Minister of COMMU-
NICATIONS be pleased to state:
(a) whether Gujarat Govemment had MINISTRYOF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI
requested for issue of No Objection Certifi- HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) the US Gov-
cate in August, 1988 for allotment of fre- emment has expressed support for a peace-
quency forproviding comunication system in ful and bilateral solution in the spirit of the
Sardar Sarovar Project; Simla acconl.
275 Writtan Answers SEPTEIMBB)6,1990 WfHtmAnsmrs 276

(b) No, Sir. (c) thereactlonofGovemmentthereto?

(c) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

Improvement of Kakinada-Yanam Road MENT IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL-
4897. SHRI RAJA MOHAN REDDY: (a) Yes, Sir.
Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT
t>e pleased to state: (b) 48 rural water supply schemes
costing Rs. 48.94 crores for covering 1229
(a) whether Andhra Pradesh Govern- problem villages affected by excess fluoride
ment has requested for the release of fund and brackishness had t>een received from
from Central Road Fund for the improve- the State Government of Andhra Pradesh
ment and widening of Kakirtada-Yanam road; for technnal clearance.

(b) if so, the details thereof; and (c) These schemes are under scrutiny
and the technical approval will be communi-
(c) the action taken by government cated shortly under ARWSP There is no
thereon? other scheme/project including for bilateral
assistance pending for clearance with the
THE MINISTEROFSURFACETRANS- Department of Rural Devebpment.
and (b). A proposal for improvement of Road ITrans/ation]
from Kakinada to Yanam via Tallarvu from
Km. 0/0 to 25/5 has been received from the Liberalisation of Arms Licencing
State Govt, under Central Road Fund pro- System
gramme, at an estimated cost of Rs. 3.76
crores. 4899. SHRI KASHIRAM RANA: Will
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased
(c) As the actual augmentation of theto state:
central Road Fund against which the pro-
posals were invited has not yet taken place, (a) whether Government propose to
the proposals have not been processed for liberalise the arms licensing system in view
approval. of the deteriorating law and order situation;
Projects From Andhra Pradash for
Rural Water Supply (b) if so, the details thereof?


pleased to state: SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Adequate
(a) whether Union Government have provisions exist in the Anms Act, 1959 and
received various project reports regarding the Arms Rules, 1962 to secure licences for
Rural Water Supply Programmes from fire arms for various purposes like protec-
Andhra Pradesh; tk)n, sport, target practice etc., and such
lioences are issued by the lk:ensing authori-
(b) if so, the details of these projects; ties to the applicants based upon genuine
and and proven need and also on the basis of
277 Written Atswmrs BHAORA 15.1912 (SAK4) Wi1tt»nAimms 278

considrations regarding prevailing law and (a) whetherGovemment have assessed

order situatton to ensure public peace and the number of Indians in each of the Gulf
safety. countries;
(b) Does not arise.
(b) if so, the number thereof in each
lEnglish] country;

Loss due to Strike by Telecom Engi- (c) whether there has been exodus of
neers Indians from the Gulf countries; and

4900. SHRI MULLAPPLLY RAMA- (d) if so, the details thereof?

CHANDRAN: Will the Minister of COMMU-
(a) whetherGovemment have assessed MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI
the loss caused to the revenue of the Tele- HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) and (b). The
com Department due to the strike t>ytelecom numt>er of Indias in the Gulf countries is
Engineers in May this year; assessed as follows:
(b) if so, the details in this regard; and
Baharain 80000
(c) the steps taken by Government to
ensure smooth functioning of the depart- Kuwait 172000
ment during the perkxl of strike?
Oman 190000
bills for the services rendered during May ’90 Saudi Arabia 425000
have been issued in July, and figures for the
same will be available in September/Octo- United Arab Emirates 275000
ber 90; only then can estimations of loss etc.
by made. Yemen 6000
(b) In view of (a) above no details are
available for the present (c) and (d). From August 2 till Septem-
b e r2 1990.13,357 Indians were repatriated
(c) All possible steps were taken to by air to India from the Gulf countries.
ensure smooth functioning of the Telecom.
Servk»s during the period of strike (work Earnings from Teieplwne, Teiex Ex-
according to Rule by Telecom. Engineers) in changes and Telegraph Offices
May 90.
4902. PROF. K.V. TH0K4AS: Will the
Indians in Gulf Countries and Thsir Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased
Return to state:

4901. SHRI MULUkPPALLY RAMA- (a) the number of telephone, telex

CHANDRAN: exchanges and Telegraph offices. State-
SHRJ SUKHENDRA SINGH: wise, as on 1 January, 1990;
WIH the IMinister of EXTERNAL AF-
FAIFtS be pleased to state: (b) the revenue earnings from these
279 Written Answars SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written AnsW6rs 280

offices State-wise, as on 1 January. 1990; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE

JANESHWARMISHRA):(a) Statement laid
(c) the expansion and modernisation on the Table of the House,
schemes envisaged. State-wise?
281 Answen BHADRA 15,1912 (SMK4) WrtttM Anawars 282

Cfi to m SI
^ a

o> (O CO CM ^

S s




I «M
I £
fO e

T- CM CO u> ig> K
283 VMtan Answors SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 284

<0 ir>
T- in 00
?! §
CM 00 to

y- Oi f-
S a

o> (£> Tt O h-
CO 0> h- CO
s 1^ CM -r-


CM £ 1

£L C

I lO
CO 0>
285 VIMttan Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Wm»n Answers 286



lu o
2 Oi

I- §
CO T— iO

1 _
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287 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 268

o h- lO
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s O)
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0) ■§
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lE Vi I

I- CVJ cr> U) CO GO Oi
289 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 290


Q s s $ s ^
>1-^ CO CO

1 T- CM


o CO

CO o5 !§ O s s 8 g o
$ g i g ? S
T— o
i2 T— i


t 2
f t z
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00 “B I I E
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a(0> 3

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° 1

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91 W
.1990 W
rs 292


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> 1
5 3

. § H
j s
? O
§ Q
. S 8
- C
M d I
293 VMt0fi Answers BHADRA 15,1912 <SAK>I) Written Answers 294

Expieckm in Oil Gsslftcation plant of AND OPERABILITY S T U D r

FACT was conducted by Engineers
irtdia Limited, New Delhi and the
4903. PROF. K.V. THOMAS: Wifl the recommendattons made by it are
Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to being implemented.
IlM tirtg of Railway Mlntetsr writh FBI
(a) whether there was an explosion in and CIA Officials
the oil Gasification Plant of fertilizers and
Chemicals Travancore Limited. Udyoganan- 4904. PROF. K.V. THOMAS; Will the
dal, Kerala; and Ministerof EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased
(b) if so, the details thereof and steps
taken for the safety of the various plants of (a) whether Railway Minister during his
Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Lim- recent visit to the USA met the FBI and CIA
ited, Kerala? offtoials in Washington; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, the nature of discusstons held
DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOP- by him during the meeting?
(a) and (b). Yes, Sir. When one of the Oil MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS(SHRI
Gasification Plants was being started up, HARIKISHORE SINGH): (a) No, Sir.
there was explosbn in the Naptha/Conden-
sate Separator of the Naphtha Recovery (b) Does not arise.
Section on 18.5.90 and the entire recovery
section was engulfed in Fire. Two of the [Translation]
operating staff of the Plant lost their lives in
the accident. The estimated damages is Allotment of P.C.Os. to Unemployed
about Rs. 60 lakhs, beskles toss of produc- and Handicapped Persons
tion. FACT has t>een always keeping very
high standards of safety, in recent times, a 4905. SHRIGULABCHANDKATARIA;
few addittonal steps have been taken to- Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
wards safety in the operatbn and mainte- pleased to state:
nance of plants, which are as betow;—

(a) whether Government contemplate

(I) FACThasconstituteda'SAFETY to allot PCOs to unemptoyed or handicapped
FIRST" committee whtoh visits persons in each village for the convenience
all the plants periodically to re- of villagers as also to help the persons;
view the safety system.
(b) whether there is also a proposal to
(ii) FEDO had conducted a safety altot PCOs to unemptoy or handicapped
audit on all plants in 1987 and its persons at each bus stand, railway station,
recommendations have been hospital, court, agriculture market and other
implemented. pubic places; and

(iii) After the acckfent a ‘HAZARD (c) if so, when?

295 Writtan Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 WiMen Answers 296

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a) whether Gujarat Government has

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI submitted any proposal for increasing the
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) There Is no crop area of groundnut keeping in view the
such policy so far framed to allot such PCOs increased demand of groundnut oil;
to unemployed or handicapped persons in
villages. (b) if so, the details thereof;

(b)and(c). Policy already exists to albt (c) the amount of grants sought by
only local PCOs to unemptoyed or handi- Gujarat Government to implement this plan;
capped persons at the places like Hospital.
Airports Railway Stations, Cinema houses (d) the total amount approved and
etc. whenever needed. released; and

Crop insurance Scheme (e) the time by which the remaining

amount is likely to be released?
be pleased to state: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE kU i.
(a) the amount sought by Gujarat AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
Government till March, 1990 under the (a) No, Sir.
Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme;
(b) to (e). Question does not arise.
(b) the amount sanctioned and pro- However, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme,
vided out of that amount; and Oilseed Productnn Programme (OPP) is
being implemented in important oilseeds
(c) when the balance of amount is likely growing States including Gujarat during 1990-
to be provided? 91 to provide financial assistance to the
States for supply of inputs and farmers
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE support services to increase the production
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND of oil seeds including groundnut. Under the
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF Scheme an amount of Rs. 669.51 lakhs has
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): been albtted out of which the share of the
(a) and (b). The total amount of indemnity Govemment of India is Rs. 502.13 lakhs.
claims payable to the concerned farmers in Release of funds is t>eing made shortly.
Gujarat under the Comprehensive Crop
Insurance Scheme till March, 1990 was of Houses Constructed Under lAY
the order of Rs. 329.90 crore, wheh has
since been paid by the General Insurance 4908. SHRICHITTUBHAIDEVJIBHAI
Corporation of India to various credit dis- GAMIT: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE
bursing agencies in the State. be pleased to state:
(b) Question does not arise.
(a) the number of houses constructed
Production of Groundnut In Gujarat under Indira Awas Yojana in Gujarat upto
March, 1990;
GAMIT: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE (b) the financial assistance demanded
be pleased to state: by Gujarat Government for this scheme;
297 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 298

(c) the amount sanctioned and released (a) whether cases of atrocities and
so far; and molestation of women reported from differ-
(d) the time by which the remaining ent States like, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal,
amount is tikeiy to be released? Bihar, Maharashtra etc. during 1989 and
1990 have been studies by the Union Gov-
VERMA): (a) 22574 number of houses are (b) if so. the facts in each case; and
reported to have been constructed under
Indira Awas Yojana in Gujarat upto March. (c) the advk:e given to the States to
1990. ensure that such inckients do not reocur?
(b) 6% of the total JRY resources at the
natbnals level have been earmarked for lAY
and distributed among the States in accor- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
dance to th proportion of poor among SCs, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
STs and bonded labourers out of the total SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). Two
rural population bebw the poverty line be- Statement I and II showing Statewise/Union
longing to this particular group. No specific Temtory wise the number of cases reported
demand for lAY has been received from as crime against women during the years
Gujarat. 1989 and 1990 are given betow

(c) Rs. 612.86 lakhs, comprising of Rs.

490.29 lakhs as Central share and Rs. 122.57 The registration investigation, detection
lakhs as State share, have been earmarked and preventbn of crime including crime
forlAYduring 1990-91 toGujarat. Rs. 245.15 against women is the responsibility of the
lakhs Central share of lAY resources have State Governments/Union Territory Admini-
ben released to Gujarat so far. stratbns. They have to take steps to curb
crime against women.
(d) The JRY resources are to be re-
leased in four instalments during 1990-91.
Third and fourth Instalment of JRY resources (c) Ministry of Home Affairs issued
woukJ be released in the month of October,instructbns to all State Governments/Union
1990 and January, 1991 respectively after Territory Administratbns in April. 1990 to
fulfilment of certain conditbns envisaged take serbus notice of all cases of crime
under the Yojana. against women. They were specifically ad-
vised to register cases promptly, get them
[English] investigated at the appropriate level, to file
Atrocities on Women cases in Courts expeditiously and to pursue
4909. SHRIMATIVUAYARAJE SCIN-them vigorously so that the accused persons
DIA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be get punishment whbh they deserve.
pleased to state:
299 Written Ansvmis SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 300

CO -t-
m ^>
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CM 2
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CM CO in o>
301 Wi^lonAnswwa BHAORA 15.1912 {SAKA) Wrnimt Answis 302

i I I


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s s


i2 (0
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fd s
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303 Writtan Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 304

Si at I I

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CM CO <o
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to S

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CO o S S I-
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& § S) 09
CM 2 Ql
g. E

i I I O Q
305 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKAf WrktBn Answers 306




CM cn
CM o» o
3 =>
1 O o>
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CM 3 S
c5 CJ>
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307 Wrtttmn Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 308

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309 WrittM Answms BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Anstmrs 310


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311 Writtan Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 VMtm Answers 312

¥ 00 o

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co cr>
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1 CO

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313 tm ianA nsm a BHM3RA 15,1912 (&VC4) WrilBn Anawa a 314



<o S*



1 C

§ 1
<M .5»
UL .1

£ s

315 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 316

Indo Pak Talks Held In N«w Delhi (b) the countries to whom this assis-
tance has been given during the last three
4910. SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: years indteating the amount released against
Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be various projects;
pleased to state the progress made in the
second round of talks between India and (c) whether Govemment propose to
Pakistan at Foreign secretaries level held at channelise the assistance through NAM
New Delhi in August this year with regard to Science and Technology Centre set up re-
securing assurances from Pakistan to re- cently; and
frain from interfering in India’s internal affairs
by way of training, arming and infiltrating (d) if so, the details thereof?
terrorists and secessionists from Pakistan?
HARI KiSHORE SINGH): At the second vant material is being compiled and will be
round of talks India, inter-alia, proposed to laid on the Table of the House.
Pakistan several concrete steps, such as
handing over of fugitives from law, seizure of (c) and (d). No, Sir. The NAM Centre for
infiltrators and weapons, clear public disso- Science and Technology was set up in Delhi
ciation from terrorism, closure of officially in April 1989 for the purpose of promoting
sponsored funds set up in connection with cooperation in the field of science and tech-
the developments in Kashmir and stoppage nology amongst developing countries. The
of inflammatory and hostile rhetoric, to indi- Centre is intended to be financed by regular
cate Pakistan’s sincerity regarding withdrawal contribution from member Countries. De-
of assistance to terrorism directed against pending on the work programme to the
India. approved by the Governing Council of the
Centre, Government of India will determine
Discussions on these and other Confi- its share of the expenses.
dence Building measures will continue atthe
third round of talks between the Foreign Foreign Assistance for National High-
Secretaries of the two countries scheduled way Projects in Rajasthan
for late September, 1990.
Assistance to Developing Countries RAJE:Willthef^inisterofSURFACETRANS-
PORT be pleased to state:
HOTA: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL
AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (a) whether Government have any
proposal to seek assistance from World Bank
(a) the details of the budget provisionsand other Internatbnalfinancial agencies for
and actual expenditure incurred on the pro- financing of some National Highway projects
gramme on assistance to Developing Coun- in Rajasthan; and
tries under Technical Cooperatbn among
developing countries and Indian Technical (b) if so, the amount of loan expected
and Economic Cooperatton during the last from world Bank and other international
three years; agencies?
317 VMtten Anstmrs BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answws 318

THE MINISTER OF SURFACETRANS- were lodged with the police in April & Octo-
F»ORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) ber. 1989. A case FIR No. 298/89 dated
and (b). Thera Is no proposal to seek flnan^ 9.11.89 under sectton 380 IPC was regis-
dal assistance for National Highways in tered at P.S. Vivek Vihar on the basis of the
Rajasthan from the World Bank. However, later complaint.
there is a proposal for seeking ban assis-
tance from Asian Devetopment Bank for (d) Does not arise.
lour-laning and strengthening of the Achml-
K oputll section (69 Kms) of Natkinal High- (e) Physical verifbation of the stock is
way No. 8 in Rajasthan”at an estimated cost being periodically earned out since Novem-
of atwut RS. 55.00 crores, subject to nego- ber, 1989.
tiattons with the Bank whk:h are yet to be
held. Telephone Advisory Committee for
Orissa Circle
Theft of Steel from Surya Nagar Store
o* Flood Control and Drainage Division 4914. SHRI MANGARAJ MALLIK Will
No. Ill of Delhi Administration the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be
pleased to state;
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (a) when the last Telephone Advisory
pleased to state: Committee of Orissa circle was constituted
and categories of persons who were pro-
(a) whether steel valued at lakhs of vided representation in the saki TAC;
rupees was stolen from the Surya Nagar
store of Flood Control & Drainage Division (b) whether Government propose to
No. ill of Delhi Administration in the mkfdleof increase the number of TAC members or to
1989; create separate TACs for Revenue Distrk^s,
District Manager/Telecom. office-wise; and
(b) whether any FIR was k>dged with
the police; (c) the size of the TAC in Cuttack DMT
office and when it is going to be constituted?
(c) if so, the present positton of the
investigation of the case and further actbn THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) to (c). A state-
(d) if not, the reasons therefor; and ment is laid on the Table of the House.

(e) whether the physical verification of STATEIMIENT

the stock has been done periodk»lly by the
higher officers concerned as per rules? (a)' The last advisory Committee for
Orissa telecom. Circle was constituted for a
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE period of two years upto 28.2.1990. The
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI foltowing categories, of persons were repre-
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) About 33 MT sented in the saki committee:—
of steel valued at Rs. 3 lakhs was found short
at the store at Surya Nagar. (I) Members of Parliament.

(b) and (c). Complaints for k>ss of steel (I!) State Legislature
319 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 320

(iii) State Administration (ix) Public Workers & Others.

(iv) Press (b) The details regarding number of

advisory committees and their composition
(v) Medical Profession is given in the Annexure, which is laid on the
Table of the House.
(vi) Legal Profession

(vii) Other Professions like Engineers, (c) The Advisory Committeefor Cuttack
Architects etc. Telecom. District, with a strength of 20
members, is expected to be constituted
(viii) Trade, Commerce & Industry. shortly.
321 Writlsn Answors BHADRA 15,1912 (SA/C4)WrittenAns

l l l c l
0 ^ 0)

CM T~ -r-

I q> ^

Ilf- CM


If 2 I
ca «o CO

•o CO T-

CO CO •»- ^ CM


Q. 0
CM .i
0> <1> &

5> r- CM CO lO
323 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 324

ill CO

.g g
u) in

o CNJ CM CU in in in


ca CM CM CM CD 00 o





I -Ǥ 1
§ g

1 ««
O .t: o o
" l
h Q.

w JE
.§I 09
Q. I! I

! II
c6 r>^ 0> 'I-
325 WrtttM Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Writtm Ans¥i/»r8 326


“ 5
S iS

“^ I f g o9


2 a


327 muanAnsweis SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 328

RaportMl aid to ULFA from Bangladesh and foidble extortions of money in Punjab;
OAL: (b) if so. Government’s reaction to this
SHRI SHANTARAM new development?
pleased to slate; SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). The
Govemment has seen a news-item that had
(a) whether the attention of Govern- appeared in the Press on 20.07.1990 in this
ment has been drawn to the news-item regard. The Govemment has no other infor-
captioned ULFA RANSOM RENDERVOUS mation.
IN DHAKA* ^>pearing in the Business Stan-
dard*. Calcutta dated 13 July, 1990; [Translation]

(b) if so. the facts thereof; Revhral of HFC Units

(c) whether the matter regarding re- 4917. SHRI SURYANARAYAN S it..
ported aid and abetment to the extremists Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
has t>een taken up with the Bangaladesh pleased to state:
Government; and
(a) whether M ^. Haldor Topsoe were
(d) if so, tfie outcome thereof? engaged in 1987 to conduct studies and
advise in regard to increase capacity utilisa-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tion and revival of Hindustan Fertiliser Cor-
(b) whether this agency has submitted
(b) The information could not be cor- its recommendations;
(c) if so, the details thereof;
(c)and(d). Question does not arise.
(d) whether Govemment propose to
Statement by Leaders of Punjab implement tfiese recommendations for re-
Militants vival of H.F.C. units; and

4916. SHRIINDRAJITGUPTA:Willthe (e) if so. by what time and if not. the

Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to reasons therefor?
(a) wftether his attention has l>een RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MMIS-
drawn to the joint statement issued at Chan- TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENDRA
digarh on 1 July, 1990 by four prominent VERMA); (a) and (b). Yes. Sir
leaders of the Khafistan Commando Fores,
Khalistan Uberatbn Force. Babbar Khalsa (c) The consultants recommended that
and All-India Skh Students Federation, the Durgapur, Barauni. Nammp-I & II Units
condemning the kiings of innocent people of Hindustan Fertiizer Corporation Limited
329 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 {SAKA) Writen Answers 330

(HFC) oouM be revainpddA»habilitated at measures being taken in this regard?

an estimated investment of of Rs. 4 8 6 ^
crorewitti a guaranteed 100%capacily utili- THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR
(d) and (e). The report of ttie oonsult-VERMA): (a) Under the sub missk>n on
ants.asaisovariousotlieraptions,werefully Conservation of water and rechaige Of aqui-
examined. However, as large investments fer under the natkxial Drinking Water Mis>
are involved in the vanous proposals, no sion, the State Governments are encour-
final decision tias t>een taken. aged to take up schemes for soil conserva-
tion, afforestatk>a constructbnof infrastruc-
[English] ture, constructon of ponds, recharge etc.
Such schemes are encouraged particuiarly
Storage of Rain Water to Overcome in North-eastern region and semi-arki areas
Drinking Water Shortage writh scanty rakifall. Full assistance is given
by the Central Governmentfor such schemes
4918. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJES-for virhich technkral clearance is given.
WARI; Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE
be pleased to state; <b) Details regarding cost of schemes
approved, funds released, expenditure in-
(a) whether there is a proposal for curred for rain water fiarvesting structures
storage and use of rain water to overcome are shown in the statement given below.
the drinking water crisis; and Department of Rural Devebpment has cir-
culated a manual on rain water harvesting to
(b) if so, the details thereof and the various State/UTs.
331 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written At)swers 332

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333 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 334

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335 Writtan Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 336

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337 WrittenAnswus BHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA^ Written Ansmeis 338

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339 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 340

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343 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Wrkten Ansvmis 344

[TranskOion] (a) whether the Asian'Devek>pment

Bank has agreed to provide toan assistance
Compensation to Farmers on Wire for setting up a ship building unit at Haldia;
Fencing in Indo-Paic Border and

4919. SHRI BEGA RAM CHAUHAN: (b) if so, the details thereof?
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
(a) whether it is a fact that one Murabbaand (b). There is proposal to set up a
lar)d of farmers were left on Pakistan side at ShipbuikJing Unit at Haldia and therefore the
the time of t>art)ed wire fencing on Indo-pak questnn of funding any such Unit t>y the
border; Asian Devebpment Bank does not arise.

(b) whether the affected farmers have [Translation]

notbeen given any compensatbn or attema-
tive land in lieu of the land acquired from Employment Opportunities in Rural
them; Areas of Bihar

(c) if so, the reasons therefor; and 4921. SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD
YADAV: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE
(d) when the affected farmers are likely be pleased to state:
to be compensated in terms of alternative
land or other financial assistance? (a) the emptoyment opportunities cre-
ated in rural areas of Bihar under various
Centrally sponsored schemes since 1 Janu-
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (d). Fence (b) the details of the steps taken t}y
has been erected in selected stretcher gen- Govemment to increase employment op-
erally at a distance of 150 yards from the portunities thereurxler?
Indo pak border. Gates have been provided
at appropriate places to enable the farmers
to have access to their lands falling beyond THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR
the fence and to continue to cultivate them. RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINIS-
As the larnJ referred to continues to be with TRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI UPENORA
the farmers concerned the questbn of pay- NATH VERMA): (a) In Bihar. 703.92 lakhs
ment of compensatbn does not ai ise. mandays of emptoyment have been gener-
ated under Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY)
lEngfish] since 1st January, 1990uptD 31 stJuly, 1990.
in additk>n, 2.39 lakh poor families have
Asian Development Bank Ijoan for been assisted under Integrated Rural Devel-
Setting up a Ship Building Unit at opment Programme (IRDP) (which is a self
Haklia empbyment programme) during this period.

4920. SHRISATYAGOPALMISHRA: (b) The Govemment of India have tatfcen

Will the MinisterofSURFACETRANSPORT the following steps to increase empkiyment
be pleased to state: opportunities in Bihar;
345 Written Answers BHADRA 15J912 (SAKA) Written Answers 346

(i) As against the employment decision has so far been taken for fixing the
generatfon of 907.31 lakh man- number of telephones to be released on
days under JRY in Bihar during priority on the basis of recommendations are
1989-90, a target of employment of the MPs. However such recommenda-
generation of 1125.86 lakh tions are given due consideration and tele-
mandays has been fixed for 1990- phone sanctioned on priority subject to their
91. merits.

(ii) The wage-material ratio under Revision of Visa Regulations

JRY in Bihar has been increased
to 60:40 during 1990-91 as 4923. SHRI NARSINGRAO SURYA-
against the ratio of 50:50 during WANSHI: Will the Minister of HOME AF-
1989-90 to raise the employment FAIRS be pleased to state:
content of the programme.
(a) whether Estimates Committee
(iii) The per capita subsidy under (1990-91) of Lok Sabha have urged the
IRDP in Bihar has been increased Government to undertake a revision of visa
from Rs. 2568 in 1989-90 to Rs. regulations between India and Bangladesh
3146 during 1990-91 to enable to check the unauthorised and unwarranted
the poor families to acquire vi- population transfer; and
able assets which can generate
sustainable income and help (b) if so, the steps proposed to be taken
them to overcome poverty. in this regard?


Quota System to Provide Telephones SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Yes. Sir.
on Priority Basis
(b) The matter is being examined.
SHRI C.P. MUDIAIA GIRI- Complaints from German Industrial
YAPPA: Firm Against HPSIDC


be pleased to state: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be
pleased to state:
(a) whether it is proposed to introduce
a quota system to provide Telephones on
priority basis on the recommendations of (a) whether Union Government and
Members of Parliament like LPG connec- Indian Embassy in Bonn have received
tions; and complaints from some German industrial
(b) if so, the details thereof and by what firm against the Himachal Pradesh State
time such a quota system wouki be intro- Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.,
duced? Shimla for its misleading statements and
fradulent dealing with the German firms;
MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (b) if so. the facts and details thereof;
JANESHWAR MISHRA): (a) and (b). No and
347 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 348

(c) the action contemplated by Govern-[English]

ment thereon?
**Khalistan Army’*
Embassy of India in Bonn has received one REDDY:
complaint from M/c Gorhardt & Buck GmbH
& Co. claiming that it had entered into an Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be
agreement with HPSIDC to manufacture Fire pleased to state:
Protective Steel Doors. However, it is under-
stood from the Government of Himachal (a) whether Government are aware that
Pradesh that no formal agreement was a new Khalistan army is being recruited in
singed nor has a Letter of Intent been granted Amritsar;
to the HPSIDC by the Government of India.
(b) whether it is a fact that soldiers who
[Translation] deserted the army after the Blue Star opera-
tion, and now released, or discharged from
Illegal Trade In Palika Bazar, New Delhi the army are now being recruited for the new
Khalistan army;
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (c) if so, the total numbers recruited so
pleased to state: far; and

(a) whether Palika Bazar, New Delhi (d) the steps Government are taking to
has become a centre of large scale illegal stop it?
(b) if so, whether Government have MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
taken any steps to put an end to this trade; SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (d). Gov-
ernment have been reports in this regard.
(c) if so, the details thereof; and According to information available, there is
nothig to corroborate the information.
(d) if not. the reasons therefor?
import of Paper and LDPE for Tetra-
stances of illegal sale of Directed video HOTA: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE
casettes blue films have come to notice of be pleased to state:
Delhi Polfce.

(b)and(c). RaWs are conducted by the (a) whether the paper and LDPE used
local police and also by officials of Crime by National Dairy Development Board for
Branch of Delhi Police as and when incrimi- tetrapacks are in short supply and are being
nating information is received. imported;

(a) Does not arise. (b) if so, the details of such imports;
349 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Written Answers 350

(c) whether on every Tetrapack royalty COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF

is payable in hard currency; and AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
(a) and (b). Paper required for the produc-
(d) if so, the details of royalty paid so tion of Laminated Paper used for tetrapacks
far? has not been imported so far. Import of
LDPE as per details given below has been
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE made when indigenous sources were not

Year Qty. (MT) CIF Value (Rs.)

1 2 3

1987-88 600 71 79,162.00

1988-89 400 87,73,468.00

1989-90 200 36,34,630.70

(c) and (d). Royalty was payable on the (c) Its repercussions on the already
Laminated Paper used for Tetrapacks. A deteriorating law and order conditions in the
one time royalty payment of Rs. 6.5 lakhs in North-East?
equivalent foreign currency was made dur-
ing 1988-89 based on the terms and condi- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
tions of foreign collaboration agreement MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
approved by the Government. No more SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) No, Sir.
royalty is payable as the agreement has
since expired. (b) and (c). Do not arise.

Repudiation of Shillong Accord [Translation]

4928. SHRI SHANTARAM Memorandum Against Delhi Admini-

POTDUKHE: stration


HARI KISHORE SINGH): (a) whether the pleased to state:
Naga National Council a (NNC) central
committee has disowned the Shillong Ac-
cord and other agreements between the (a) whether on 1 December, 1988 the
Union Government and some underground elected representatives of Delhi had submit-
organisations which did not have any politi- ted memorandum to the President against
cal authority to represent or act on behalf of the Delhi-Administration;
the Naga People;
(b) if so. Government’s reaction thereto; (b) if so, the main points made in the
and said memorandum; and
351 W rimn Answers SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Written Answers 352

(c) the action taken by Government Inadministration, Delhi have Informed that in
regard thereto? roder to contain the unscrupulous activities
of certain persons operating inthe and around
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Directorate offices,
SUBODH KANTSAHAY): (a) Yes, Sir. (i) a massive operation was under-
taken not only demolish their
(b) The memorandum charged the temporary structures, but to
previous Government with mal-administra- ensure that no such structure
tion, incompetency, betrayal of poor and came up oncd again. Strict secu-
waker sections, non-fulfilment of the elec- rity measures were taken by
tion-eve promises etc. and demanded the Enforcement Branch of the Di-
dissolution of the Metropoliten Council and rectorate to physically remove
the setting up of legislative Assembly in any unscrupulous elements in
Delhi. the office building. While enforc-
ing from outside to see that such
(c) The Delhi Administration has re- elements do not gam entry into
ported that necessary action has been initi- the Directorate, security within
ated/taken. was tightened;

Functioning of Regional Transport (ji) Complaint boxes have been put

Offices up in ever office and senior offi*
cers are directed to sit from 12.00
4930. SHRI SUKHENDRA SINGH: noon to 1.00 p.m. in their offices
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR to take immediate action against
MALHOTRA: public grievances.

Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS- (iii) As a long term measures, new
PORT be pleased to state: regional offices have been
opened to reduce waiting time
(a) whether attention of Government for applicants. New offices were
has been drav;n to the news item "RTO ke opened at Sheikh Sarai,
daftron mein dalalon ka jor” appearing in the Janakpuri and Majnu-Ka-Tilla.
Jansatta of 23 July, 1990; and
(iv) The application forms of licences
(b) if so, the details of steps taken to free are made available in all offices
the Regional Transport Offices in Delhi from and assistance counters are
the clutches of touts, to break the nexus opened in all the offices to assist
between the touts and the officials working in the general public.
Regional Transport Offices and to improve
the functioning of the RTOs to provide effi- (v) In order to simplify the issue of
cient service to the public? driving licences the Directorate
of Transport introduced assem-
THEMINISTEROFSURFACETRANS- bly line procedure where collec-
PORT (SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN): (a) tion of fees in not only mecha-
Yes, Sir. nised but the waiting period for
the applicant has been reduced
(b) Directorate of Transport, Delhi substantially.
353 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 (SiAK^) Written Answers 354

The Directorate of Transport, Delhi taken by the State Government as they

Administration has been keeping a constant come under their administrative control. The
vigil on the unscrupulous elements and Is in State Government have, however, been
close liaison with the local police to contain requested to take appropriate action.
the situation.
Clieating Activities by CRP & RPF at
Menfiorandum fronn displaced Resi- New Delhi Station
dents Associations, Mahila Ashram,
WAR: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS
4931. SHRmANIKSANYAL: Will the be pleased to state:
Minister of HOI^E AFFAIRS be pleased to
state: (a) whether attention of Government
has been drawn to the news item appeanng
(a) whether Government have received in the daily ‘Jansatta’ dated 10 July, 1990
a memorandum dated 16, July, 1990 from alleging that some employees of the G.R.P.
Displaced Residents Association, Mahila and Railway Police Force are engaged in
Ashram, Karnal, Haryana; cheating activities in connivance with crimi-
nal elements and exploiting the passengers
(b) if so, the details thereof; and at New Delhi Railway Station;

(c) the reaction of Government to their (b) whether Government have received
demands'? any such information that the said elements
are engaged in the illegal sale of tickets,
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE reservation of berths, theft of passengers’
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI luggage, carrying the goods of the shop-
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Yes, Sir. keepers of the neighbouring States illegally
and sale of drugs etc; and
(b) In their Memorandum dated 16.7.90,
the Displaced Residents Association. Mahila (c) if so, the effective steps being taken
Ashram, Karnal have requested that the new by Government in this regard?
migrant families of Mahila Ashram, Karnal
should be permanently rehabilitated and their THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
safety ensured by taking action against the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI
corrupt officers of the Government of Har- SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) Yes. Sir.
yana who are committing atrocities on the
(b) On the basis of a complaint, a raid
was conducted by the Delhi Police on 6-6-89
(c) A revised scheme for the resettle- and one Constable of the Delhi Police was
ment of 54 eligible new migrant families of found extorting money from traders. He has
the Mahila Ashram, Karnal is small trade/ been placed under suspension and Depart-
business was sanctioned in march. 1987 mental Enquiry has been initiated against
and funds were also released to the Govern- him, The details of person arrested for un-
ment of Haryana. Action against the officers lawful activities at New Delhi Railway Station
of Government of Haryana can only be are as under:—
355 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6 J 9 9 0 Written Answers 356

Period Towt Seater Hawl<er Drivers

1 2 3 4 5

1.1.90 to 399 131 273 97


(c) Special drives are launched by (b) to (d). Reorganisation of districts

police from time to time. and formation of new districts in a State are
within the power of the State Government. In
Demand for Separate District of Islam- this connection, attention to invited to sec-
pur Sub-Division tion 3(4) of the said Act.

4933. SHRIINDER JIT: Will the l\/1inis-[English]

ter of HOhAE AFFAIRS be pleased to refer to
the Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Ter- Linguistic and Cultural Identity of
ritories) Act, 1956 and state: Inhabitants of Kishanganj Sub Division
in West Bengal
(a) whether the portion of Kishanganj
Sub-Division transferred from Bihar to West 4934. SHRI INDER JIT: Will the Minis-
Bengal was ever made part of Darjeeling ter of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to refer to
District as provided for in clause 3(3) of the the recommendations made in pare 653 of
above Act. States Reorganisation Commission Report
(1955) and the Report of the Joint Commit-
(b) if so, when it was transferred to the tee on the Bihar and West Bengal (transfer of
West Dinajpur District of West Bengal and Territories) Bill, 1956 and state:
the circumstances leading thereto;
(a) whether the present West Bengal
(c) whether the local people of this area government has faithfully implemented in
(now known as Islampur Sub-Division) have letter and spirit the solemn assurances given
been demand that it be made a separate by the then Chief Minister of the State in
District; and 1956 for the maintenance of the linguistic
and cultural identity of the inhabitants of the
(d) if so, the reaction of Union Govern- area of the Kishanganj Sub-division trans-
ment thereto? ferred from Bihar to West Bengal and for
avoidance of resettlement of any displaced
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) According to (b) whether the people of the area
Section 3(3) of the Bihar and West Bengal transferred to West Bengal are restive over
(Transfer of Territories) Act, 1956, the por- the non-fulfilment of the solemn assurances
tion of Kishanganj Sub-Division of Purnea and have sought the intervention of the Union
District of Bihar, as described in Section 3(1) Government through their chosen represen-
(a) of that Act formed part of Darjeeling tatives to seek justice and fair play; and
District of West Bengal as from the ap-
pointed day. viz. 1st November, 1956. (c) the steps proposed to be taken by
357 Written Answers BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Written Answers 358

the Union Government to safeguard the fully free of curfew during the perkxi 1 Janu-
cultural and linguistic identity of the people in ary to 30 June, 1990;
accordance with its solemn commitment?
(b) the longest period of continuous
curfew in a locality of Srinagar during this
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (c). Infor- (c) the average number of hours per
mation is being collected and will be laid on day during this period that Srinagar has been
the table of the House. partially under curfew;

Corruption Charges Against Police (d) whether any complaints have been
Officers on Deputation and Posted in received by the authorities regarding the
Hoshiarpur difficMtties faced by the civil population; and

4935. SHRI KAMALCHAUDHRY: Will (e) if so, the action taken thereon?
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased
(a) the number and particulars of offi-SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (e). The
cers of the rank of S.P. and above posted in information is awaited from the State Gov-
Hoshiarpur district, Punjab who have been ernment.
on deputation from other cadre of service
like CRPF. [Translation]

(b) the number of them who have been Development of Fishery In Rajasthan
facing charges of corruption;
(c) whether Government propose to Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be
revert them to their parent organisatbns; pleased to state:
(a) whether Government have any
(d) if not. the reasons therefor? proposal for the development of fisheries in
Udaipurdivision (Rajasthan) which has nano
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE important place in India so far as sweet water
MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI lake fish are concerned;
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) to (d). Infor-
mation in this regard is awaited from the (b) if so, the details thereof; and
Government of Punjab.
(c) if not, the reasons therefor?
Imposition of Curfew in Srinagar
(a) to (c). VnRajasthan, including its Udaipur
(a) the number of days on which thecityDivision, the foltowing Centrally Sponsored
of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir has t>een Schemes are in operation;—
359 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Written Answers 360

(I) Development of Aquaculture: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE

Under this Centrally Sponsored COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
Scheme, thirteen Fish Farmers’ Develop- AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR):
ment Agencies (FFDAs) have been sanc- (a) For development of prawn farming
tioned in the districts of Ajmer. Alwar, Bhil- (Royyalu) in the Nellore district of Andhra
wara, Bharatpur, Dungerpur, Jaipur Tonk, Pradesh, the Government have taken up in
Udaipur, Chittorgarh, Banswara. Kota. Jhal- the following steps:
war and Swai Madhopur. These FFDAs have (i) One Brackishwater Fish Farm-
so far developed 2217 ha. of tanks and ers' Development Agency
ponds for fish culture and trained 3231 fish (BFDA) was sanctioned during
farmers. 1989-90 (January. 1990). This
(ii) National Fish Seed Pro- BFDA which will be operational
gramme: from 1990-91 onwards istargeted
to bring under prawn farming
Under this Centrally Sponsored about 50 ha. brackishwater area
Scheme, two fish seedfarm-cum-hatcheries per annum in the district.
have been sanctioned, one each a Banswar
in Udaipur district and Kota district to pro- (ii) The Marine Products Ex^-
duce 10 million fish seed each. The con- Development Authority (MPEDA)
struction of these two hatcheries has been is implementing a prawn culture
reported to be nearing completion. project in collaboration with the
Department of Biotechnology, in
[English] 8.8 ha. farm area in Nellore dis-
trict for demonstrating the tech no-
Growth of Royyalu in Salt Water Basing economic viability of semi-inten-
of Nelore District in Andhra Pradesh sive prawn farming.

4937-A. SHRI RAJAMOHAN REDDY: (b) The Government have not invited
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be any expert either from Taiwan or Thailand to
pleased to state: visit Andhra Pradesh in this regard.

(a) whether any proposal is under (c) Does not arise.

consideration of Government to improve the
growth of Royyalu in salt water basins in (d) The quantity of kozen shrimp
Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh; (Royyalu) exported from India to other coun-
tries in 1988-89 and 1989-90, was 56,835
(b) whether any expert team from Tai- tonnes and 58,010 tonnes, respectively.
wan and Thailand visited many parts of
Andhra Pradesh in this regard; Reguiarisation of Daily Wage Labourers
of A & N Administration
(c) whether this expert team has sub-
mitted any report to Government, if so, the 4937-B. SHRI MANORANJAN
details thereof; and BHAKTA: Will the Minister of HOME AF-
FAIRS be pleased to state:
(d) the quantity of Royyalu exported
from India to other countries in 1988-89 and (a) the total number of daily wage
1989-90? labourers working with the various depart-
361 Written Answers BHADRA 15.1912 (Si4/C4) Resignation by Member 362
Re, Bill for Granting Statehood to Delhi
ments of Andaman and Nicx)bar Administra- 12.00 hrs.
tion completing 240days service in a calender
year; [English]

(b) whether labourers of such category (Interruptions)

were retrenched in the past or the A &N
islands Administration is contemplating their MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, please
retrenchment; take your seats.

(c) whether Union Government have (Interruptions)

issued any directions for bringing all such
labourers into regular employment; and MR.SPEAKER: Will you please take
your seats?
(d) if so, the details thereof?
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): (a) and (b). TTie please take your seat. What is this? I have
information is being collected and will be laid not permitted you. will you please take your
on the Table of the House. seats?

(c) and (d). No directions have been12.04 hrs.

issued by the Union Government for bring-
ing of such labourers into regular employ- RESIGNATION BY MEMBER
ment. However, Department of Personnel
and Training have issued guidelines on 7-6- [English]
88 regarding recruitment of casual workers.
As per these guidelines, all Administrative MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the
Ministries/Departments are required to under- House that I received a letter dated the 30th
take a review of appointment of casual work- August, 1990 from Shri Vishvendra Singh,
ers in the offices under their control so that an elected Member from Bharatpur constitu-
the following targets are achieved; ency of Rajasthan, resigning his seat in Lok
Sabha. I have accepted his resignation with
(a) All eligible casual workers are ad- effect from the 30th August, 1990.
justed against regular posts to the extent
such regular posts are justified.

(b) The rest of the casual workers not 12.05 hrs.

covered by (a) above and whose retention is
considered absolutely necessary and is in RE. BILL FOR GRENTING STATEHOOD
accordance with the guidelines, are paid TO DELHI
emoluments strictly in accordance with the
guidelines. (Intenriptions)

(c) The remaining casual workers not MR. SPEAKER: I am to take up Delhi
covered by (a) and (b) above are discharged Statehood Bill.
from service.
363 Re, Bin for Granting SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Statehood to Delhi 364

MR* SPEAKER: Mr. Kuppuswamy, will an Delhi Statehood Bill. Sir, you yourself
you please take your seat? suggested that, as in the cases of Prasar
Bharati Bill, whbh Lok Sabha could pass, on
{interruptions) Delhi Statehood Bill also let us make an
attempt. Shri Dinesh Singh, our senbr leader,
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Kuppuswamy. I am who was present there, made it very clear
not going to hear you. Please goto your seat. that we are not opposed to this Bill and only
that we are not in agreement with the con>
{interruptions) tents of the Bill and therefore, if we sit to-
gether. there can be room for some consen-
MR. SPEAKER: I permit Mr. Kurien to sus. That assurance was given in your
speak. Chamber in the presence of Deputy-Speaker
and the leaders of ail the Parties. On that
{interruptions) assurance, we agreed for passing the Fi-
nance Bills without discussion. Sir, I should
MR. SPEAKER: I have permitted only say that the Government does not even care
Mr. Kurien to speak. to fulfil that assurance... (Interruptbns) Is it
not amounting to cheating? They asked our
PROF. P.J. KURIEN (Mavelikara): Sir, cooperatbn in passing the Finance Bills
yesterday the questbn of Delhi Statehood without discussbn. which no Opposition
Bill was brought here and you had kindly wouW usually agree. But we agreed to that.
called all the leaders of the Parties and the Now. they are trying to steamroll the Delhi
Whips fro a discussion in your Chamber. In Statehood Bill. The country is burning in
the discussion.. flames. Do you think that the Delhi State-
hood Bill is more important than the situation
MR. SPEAKER: The consensus was created by the acceptance of the recom*
arrived at. mendatk>ns of the Mandal Commission. We
want a discussbn on Mandal Commission
PROF. P.J. KURIEN: The hon. Prof. Report. The country is bringing in flames. So
Madhu Dandavate was there. He Is not here many people were killed. They are not both-
how. Mr. Deputy-Speaker was there. There ered about that. Police is killing students all
was as requestfrom the Government that we over the country. Delhi is observing a total
should cooperate with the Government. We bandh today. Different parts of the country
had been cooperating with the Govemment are in flames. The Government is not both-
and in passing all important Bills we cooper- ered. You cannot steamroll like this. We
ated. Prof. Madhu Dandavate requested us must have a discusston on Mandal Commis-
to cooperate in passing the Finance Bills sk>n Report. Only after completing that you
without even discussbn. Many of our Mem- can take any other business, {interruptions)
bers wanted to discuss Supplementary
Demands for Grants (General) and Supple* [Transiation]
mentary Demands for Grants (Railways). As
a matter of cooperation and constructive PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA
cooperation, we agreed that the Finance (Delhi Sadar): Mr. Speaker. Sir, yesterday,
Bills can be passed wihout discussion. That in a meeting of all the Party leaders in your
agreement was on the assurance that yes> Chamber it was decided thatthe Delhi State-
terday night itself the Government woukJ call hood Bill will be taken up today, even if we
a meeting of all Parties in order to see hadtositlateupto1 2 0 ’ck)ck....... {inten^t^h
whether some consensus can be arrived at tions).....We all listened peacefully to Shri
365 Re. Bill for GrantingBHADRA 15.1912 (SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 366

Kurien, even though, whatever he said was that even after an gentleman’s agreement,
totally untrue. I would like to tell that yester> they are backing out from their words. It is
day, it was decided in your presence that the improper. This is a cheating. {Interruptions)
Bill should be moved today by 4 'O clock and
you had also agreed to it that it shouki be
nfioved and passed today. Now it is upto
them whether they want to pas this Bill or lem): He is telling blatant utruth. This is
not... {Interruptions) .... contempt of the House... {Interruptions)

[English] MR. SPEAKER: He is contempt of the

House... {Interruptions)...
MR, SPEAKER: Let him have his say...
{Interruptions)... MR. SPEAKER: Heavens are not gong
to fail if you give him a patient hearing.
Speaker, Sir, I had already said it there also [Translation]
that the Congress Party wants to avoid this
bill on one pretext or the other. Shri Madhu
Speaker, Sir, they had proposed to try to
Dandavate was also present there. On your have a cosesus. but consensus is not pos-
asking he read it out to you that a gentle- sible with them because their intentions are
man’s agreement had been made that in> not clear. Even then Prof. Dandavate asked
stead of taking up the Bill that day, it would be them to give their amendments, so that a
taken up the next day the voting would also consensus can be reached on these amend-
be done on it. These things are written in that ments but no amedment has been received
agreement... {Interruptions) ... from them as yet. Today they are trying to
with hold Delhi State hood Bill through oe
pretext or the other the name of disturbances
[English] in the coutry.

Mr. Speaker: We should have at least a Sir. I, therefore would like to submit that
miimum decorum to give him a patient as per gentleman’s agreement, they should
hearig........ (Interruptions)... be asked to move this Bill and to vote on it
and let them say whatever they want to say
later on.,.{Interruptions)
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: I Speaker. Sir, please listen to us also...
had also stated that there would be no zero
hour next day. This was also decided in the SHRI P.R. KUMARAMAGLAM (Salem):
meeting. I had told that the congress Party Please listen to us also. It is improper that
does not want to pass this Bill. At least, they they can speak whatever they want and we
must habve courage speak to the truth that are notalbwed even to speak.
they don’t want to take up ad pass this Bill.
Why are they making so many pretexts?
Some times, they say oe thing and some- SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Mr. Speaker,
times aother. You had sakJthat you coukJ not Sir. what sort of justice is this that we had to
stop this Bill after today, even if, we had to sit listen to all types of allegations levelled
late upto 2 or 3 0'ck>ck in the night, tomor- against us and we are not allowed even to
row. Shri Dandavate had clarified everything speak. At least, we must also be given an
before them yesterday, but i am surprised opportuity to speak.Mr. Speaker:
367 Re. B ill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Statehood to Delhi 368

[English] SHRI INDERJIT: We were ignored

during the Parasar Bharati Bill,
present in the meeting MR. SPEAKER: You will not be ignored
yesterday,(Interruptions) You represent GNLF.

MR. SPEAKER: Let us hear the Gov- SHRI INDERJmOnthe Parasar Bharati
ernment side. Bill the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs then
apologised in the House for not having con-
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Midnapore): sulted the smaller parties. Ttiis procedure
Mr. Upendra was ot present in that meeting. has continued again and we find that un holy
Mr. madhu Dandavate was there. But, ufor- allieances and unholy agreements between
tuately, he is not here now. these political parties are reached and we
are being ignored.
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Malik was there.
MR. SPEAKER: Nobody is golnng to
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: As I under- ignore you.
stood it In that meeting Professor madhu
Dandavate wrote down some points on some SHRI INDERJIT: Sir, I seek your protec-
paper also and it was agreed that tiater in the tion.
evening or at night there will be consultatios
with which, of course, all parties will be MR. SPEAKER: You are well protected.
associated, and primarily the Congress Party
and the Bharatiya Janata Party to uderstad SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATERJEE
what were the differences on certai clauses (Dumdum): Let me concur with what Mr.
and certain provisios of the Bill. The Con- Indrajit Gupta has metioned in this House
gress friends went on saying that they had about the uderstanding arrived at in your
some doubts. But, they did not tell us what Chamber. The Minister of Parliamentary
those differences were. Then, we dispersed Affairs should aswer that point.
after the meeting, under the impression that
later the evening or i the night, there would MR. SPEAKER: Let us hear Mr. Upen-
be a meeting to see if any consensus could dra.
we reached. Now, what I uderstand frm Mr.
Dinesh Singh sitting here is that they were THE MUSTER OF INFORMATION AND
ready to come to such a meeting but they BROADCASTING AND MINISTER OF
were not called. That is what he Is saying, PARLIAMENTRAY AFFAIRS (SHRI P.
that the Government did not call them, so UPENDRA): Sir, it is a fact that I was not in
what could they do? No meeting was teld. the meetig. I was in the other House in con-
Now. Mr. Upendra may clarify why that nection with the Prasar Bharati Bill but our
meeting was not called. Minister of State was present and I got the
full report of the meeting also. So, one thing
SHRI INDERJIT (Darjeelig): I seek your is certain that we had a meeting with the rep-
protectio on a point of procedure. We seem resentatives of the Congress Party yester-
to be developing a new procedure in which day morning at the Home Minister’s resi-
the four major politcal parties here cme t a dence. We had a thorough discussion on the
certain agreement on varbus matters and subject. We had separate discussions with
Bills and the rest of us are ignored and by the other Parties also, including the Bhara-
passed. Sir, the Constitution does not recog- tiya Janata Party and others. We foud that
nise political parties. We are all equal there is a wide gap between the opinios
Members. I protest. expressed by the various Parties on this Bill
and we also realised that it is very difficult to
MR. SPEAKER: You will not be ignored. reconcile these two conflicting views. We
369 Re. Bill for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 370

have been following a procedure all along, arrive at a consesus. I don’t know but Shri
sice the first session of this new Lok Sabha, Indrajit and Shri Nirmal gave an indication
to arrive at a consensus on all major Bills and that more attempts should be made to arrive
we have been successful. It has been our at a consensus. This was also metioned in
endeavour to arrive at a consensus on this the meeting. On the basis of the information,
Bill also and for moths together we have the Government know about their own party
been discussing this. The Home Minister views about the views of our party, about
has been discussing this with various parties here and about you and it thought that a
separately, with some groups collectively, consesus is not possible, i would like to urge
etc., but the gap could not be bridged. Sir, that the discussion should be started and we
though a consensus is essetial, it does not are ready to sit. Last time, it appeared in
mean that Parliament will shy away from connectio with Prasar Bharati Bill also that
discussion on a subject simply because there no consensus could be reached but it was
IS no consensus. It is a democracy. We reached. So, I think we can find a consen-
cannot evade the s\jb\ecX..,[Interruptions], sus. It will be the authentic views of both the
Let the House decide what we want to do on sides. But the discussion should not be
this Bill. Ultimately we can try for a consen- avoided on that pretext. It was your commit-
sus but simply because there is no consen- ment that the discussion would be started
sus, you cannot put off the issue. It has to be and a decision would be taken. It would be
decided. You have to take a decision. There- better, if a consensus is reached before
fore, the democratic decision is that let the taking a decision. If it cannot be done, the
parties take their own stand and let the Bill be decision given by the House should be ac-
debated. If there is no consensus, this Bill cepted. I want to say that we should find a
may ultimately fall. That may be the ultimate way out to discuss the Mandal Commission
outcome. But still I feel that the Business Report. If Delhi Statehood Bill is postponed,
Advisory Committee has allotted time forthis the people will draw a conclusion that they in
Bill. It had been listed yesterday and by fact wanted to oppose it, but they are not able
agreement it was postponed for today. I to oppose it onenly. That is why they want
humbly submit that let the discussion start as discussion on Mandal Commissio Report
per the schedule and if the Parties want first. I would like to urge the Opposition again
another meeting with the Home Minister, we that the hon. Home Minister, the hon. Parlia-
can immediately go and call the meeting with mentary Affairs Minister and we all are sitting
the Home Minister, we can immediately go here. Let us see what the differences are in
and call the meeting and make another ef- point of views of both the sides. We can
fort. But let the debate continue in the mean jointly evolve a consensus here. The discus-
while. If there is consensus at the time of sion should be started now. We will take a
voting, we can pass it, othen/vise it can be decision on It, before 4 O’clock and every
rejected. Therefore, on that accout we need body is abiding by that
not postpone the discussion. resolution... (Interruptions)...

[Translation] SHRI DINESH SINGH (Pratapgarh) Mr.

Speaker, Sir, I was quite uhappy to hear the
SHRI L.K. ADVANI (New Delhi): Mr. things, which have been said here just now.
Speaker, Sir, I was not present in the meet- I think it is against the dignity of the House to
ing held in your chamber yesterday. But my give wrong statements about thethings which
two colleagues were present in the meeting, have been decided in your chamber by call-
and so far as I know, some decisios were ing a meeting. If thid process is continued,
taken there. It was decided i the meeting that there will be no use of discussing the issue i
the Delhi Statehood Bill would be taken up your Chamber.
for discussio and would be voted today. It
has been cofirmed by Shri Indrajit also. Yesterday, we sat in your Chamber
Perhaps there was a suggestio also to try to upto 2 O’clock and you were late for your
371 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Statehood to Delhi 372

[Sh. Dinesh Singh] wrog statements.

lunch also. Mr. Deputy>SpeaKer was also SHRI DIESH SIGH: Let Shri Satyapal
there and the two hon. Members of Bhartlya tell whether it was not decided yesterday that
Janta Party were also there. I am surprised a meeting would be helf in the evening today
that they did not tell their leader the fact and attempts would be made to arrive at a
because their leader told that he was not consensus. Whaf ever he said in the House,
aware of that. When they can give wrong he should tell whether this is true. I do not
accounts to their own leader, what more the want to drag you i this controversy. I would
House can expect of them. You can under- like to ask Shri Satyapal to clarify the real
stand their behaviour from this incidence. As position because I know, he will speak the
the hon. Member Shri Indrajithas mentioned truth. He is not like the Members of Bhartiya
here, that whatever was decided there, the Janta Party who have made a wrong state-
Congress to tally abde by it. The Finance Bill ment just now. I told it in your Chamber and
which Shri Upendra got passed yesterday, I have told it this House also and am saying
wuld never have been passed in such a short it agai that the Congress is fully iterested i
time. Unless this consesus was reached in granting statehood to Delhi. We are making
your Chamber that the Bill would be passed every effort in this regard, but we are not in
at the ear'iest today and if necessary the agreement with the contents of the Bill. As it
Members would not even discuss it after has been said that the Congrewss wants that
that, at 4 O'clock, the discussion o Mandal this Bill should iaW...{Interruptions)
Commission will be taken up and an attempt
will be made in the evening to arrive at a SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA (South
concensus. But has the Goverment changed Delhi): Statehood should be granted to Delhi.
its stand now? When the Government knew
if there would be no consensus on that, it SHRI DINESH SINGH: All right. State-
should have stated it there itself. It should not hood should be grated to Delhi, but we have
have postponed it for the evening and should some differences of opinion about the way of
not have got these Bills passed in a hurry. grating statehood to Delhi. But if the Bhartiya
So, it should have been clarified that there Janta Party wants only to make it a propa-
will be no meeting in the evening. If this gada that they are making attempts to bring
meeting would not have been i the evening, forward the Bill and also to pass it but the
we would have decided as to how much time Congress is opposing the same, it will be of
we will take In the day. But yu have been no use. We know that without our support,
deceivf?d and this House has been deceived. this Bill cannot be passed. As soon as the
This '' not the proper way that inplace of the consesus is arrived at, we are ready to
Leader, some other members attend the discuss this Bill. So, there is o use of making
me *ting and they say something and their wrong statements. If all are ready to sit in the
leader says something else. The hon. Minis- evening and a consensus is arrived at, this
ter of Parliamentary Affairs does not attend Bill can be taken up for dicsussio
the meeting himself and senc^ one of his tomorrow.... (Interruptions)...
colleagues i his place to attend the meeting,
but while speaking here, does not allow him [English]
to speak and he himself gives the replies. If
such process is adopted, anyone can play DR. THAMBI DURAI (Karur): Mr.
this game and it will not increase the dignity Speaker, Sir, you were kind enough to us
of the House, rather it will obstruct the pro- yesterday to your chambur. We had a thor^
ceedings. I would like to make it ough discussio and we tried to come to a
clear... (Interruptions)... cosensus on how to conduct the business of
the House.
Please tell what happened. You are making Some of our BJP Members raised the
373 Re, Bill for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 374

issue regarding the Bill on Statehood to the Prasar Bharati Bill. Why ca’t you have
Delhi. Every Bill is having its own impor- this? {Intenuptbns) Please liste to me. Let
tance, we cannot deny that. (Interruptions) us sit together and discuss ths ad try to come
Please listen to me. Because of the urgency to a consesus. I request them not to play
of the matter about Finance and everything politics here on the Delhi Statehood Bill. I am
we had readily accepted to carry on and tellig you that if you are sincere about It, let us
finish it before Four O’Clock or 4.15 yester* all sit together and come t a consesus. (Inter-
day without so much discussion because the ruptions) This is not a political issue. So. I
Supplementary Budge^is very important; at request the whole House to take up the
that time we had actually foregone the whole Mandal Commissbn debute immediately.
Regarding Railway Budget also, it was
very important, most of the Members wan/ed SHRI MADAN LAL KHURAA: Mr.
to particupate and say something about it. Speaker, Sir, as regard Delhi statehood Bill,
But becuase the consensus was arrived at. there is a consensus in the House to sit eve
we requested our hon. Members to coperate whole night to pass the Bill. But I would like
with us, they cooperated very well. And also to suggest [Interruptions] As the Deputy
we said that the Mandal Commission Report Speaker also has suggested to conclude
is a very imporant subject becausethe whole discussion on the Bill on statehood to Delhi
coutry is agitated about /f now. Daily we are to-day itself but it should be put to vote of the
reading in the newspapers how many stu- House to-morrow. Now only thing is how to
dents have died, how many violet activities accommodate it as a discussion on this Bill
are taking place, how many things of public is scheduled fortoday. I pointed it out yester-
property are burnt now. Are you not con- day also that three parties i.e. the B.J.P the
cerned about these things? On the other had Janata Dal ad the Leftist Party, are commit-
you are more concerned about this. It is high ted to give statehood to Delhi and when
time that we took up this subject immediately there is unanmity about giving statehood to
because we cannot delay it any loger. This Is Delhi, why they are raising the questen of
a very important thing because the National Unbn Territory? A consensus cannot be
Front Government is committed to that, our evolved in this way.
Party also committed to it. We are supporting MR. SPEAKER: You made your point,
the Mandal Ck)mmission Report. For that we now please take your seat. Shri Vasant
want a thorough discussio on this. I do not Sathe.
know whether the Parliamentary Affairs
Minister is going to allow this session to [English]
continue af ferthis week, but if he is not going
to do this, it is high time that we took up this
Mandat Commission Report immediately and SHRI VASANT SATHE (Wardha): Sir.
see that most of the Members participate in as far as the Delhi Statehood Bill is con-
Xha\.{lnterruptions) As I said, this Bill for cerned, we are all concerned about it. In the
granting Statehood to Delhi, according to case of Prasar Bharati Bill, all the parties sat
you, is important. For me, Pondicherry State- togetherthriceto discuss various amedments
hood is more important. {Interruptionsy There with the Minister of Parliametary Affairs and
are so many things like that. Mr. Bhakta is found a way-out. Where there is a will there
interested in Andamans. Therefore, nothing is a way.
is unimportant. At that time some of the
Members said they wanted to sit together [Translation]
and come to a consensus. I wat to know from
you. Sir, whether any effort is made by the PROF. VUAY KUMAR MALHOTRA:
Parliamentary Affairs Minister to bring these You said the same thing in the last session
part/dstogether and disuss to an'ive at wome also, you have been sayig it for the last six
concluston as they have done in the case of months. (Interruptions)
375 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 376

[English] ject if the Oppositions permits us to discuss.

This has become the position in this House.
SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: Sir, We are also supporting the Statehood Bill.
this has become a habit for The question is, let the House start discus-
(Interruptions) sion on this Bill and let the discussion start
between the Parties for evolving consensus,
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Kumarmangalam, at the same time. We are reiterating, there
your leader is speaking. Let us hear him. was a discussion, there was an understa-
ding that there would be a meeting and
SHRI VASANT SATHE: Sir, as Dinesh discussion. That should be there, is no bar
Singhji has said, on this also our anxiety and on that. But nothing can be condition prece-
wiiligess was clear. In your ow chamber, Shri dent to it. Therefore, I request that let the
Satyapal Malik agreed that a meeting would discussion on Delhi Statehood Bill start. It
take place in the night to evolve a consen- will take some time, no doubt, becasue all
sus. It is clear this is a Bill of national implica- Parties wish to speak on that. In the mean-
tions and nobody can take it lightly. Delhi, as time, whoever is authorised—I hope the
you know, is the capital of the Congress Party have decided who will speak
country .(Interruptions) I believe all other on their behalf—I do not know. Let the dis-
parties also would like to have this Bill dis- cussion start immediately in the
cussed peacefully ad ca\m\y.[Interruptions] House. (Interruptions)
In the House, no cosesus can be evolved.
You should use your good offices to allow SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: He
sometime sometime and the Minister of is tellling untruth. The Parliamentary Affairs
Parliamentary Affairs also should allow Minister who can tell what is not true cannot
sometime to all the parties to arrive at a be allowed to speak on this.
consesus so that this Bill can be passed.
Why do they want to buylldoze it 7(lnterrup- SHRI P.UPENDRA: You have made
tions) your Party position clear.[Interruptions] S\r,
how many people will speak from that side?
SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE Let me speak.(lnterruptions) .
(Bolpur): Sir, there are two aspects of the
matter. (Interruptions) Shri Indrajit Gupta ad SHRI DINESH SINGH: He is only mis-
Shri Nirmal Chatterjee had said as to what leading the House. He is a “Cesor” Minister.
traspired in the meeting, on behalf of the Left Let Mr. Satya Pal Malik say what the truth is,
parties and I do not wish to add to that. There about the cosesus and the meeting.
are two aspects of the matter. One is taking
up a subject for discussion and other is to SHRI P.R. KUMARAMAGALAM: He is
consider as to how to have a smooth pas- an expert in editing in censoring!
sage of the Bill.
MR. SPEAKER: That is true. sored the discussio held in your Chamber
also. (Interruptions)
Therefore, these are two different aspects. PROF. P.J. KURIEN: I would only re-
We do wanMhat like the Prasar Bharati Bill, quest Mr. Satya Pal Malik to speak because
if there is a possibility of narrowing the differ- he
ences, that should always be attempted.
There is no bar on that. It can go on even was preset in the meeting. Mr. Upendra
now. But in the mean-time, the question is, was not present.(/nferrapf/ons)
whether the House will take up for discussk)
the Delhi Statehood Bill. I am on a different SHRI P. UPENDRA: Sir. Dinesh Singhji
point. It seems, we can only discuss a sub- is a very senbr Member. Therefore, harsh
377 Re. B ill for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 378

words like “cheating” the House, “mislead- posal of Shri P. Upedra for affecting change
ing" the House should not be used because in the items listed i the list of Busiess, as the
to is not a one day affair. We have some Minister of Parliamentary Affairs has just
uderstanding. Nobody can cheat anybody In now announced that there after the Bill on
this. What I suggest is, we cannot shy away Delhi Statehood would be taken as the next
from the discussion which has been slated. item. It is known to all that the List of Busi-
My concrete suggestion is that the Party ness is finalised in consultation with the
leaders will meet the Home Minister at one Miistery of Parliamentary Affairs and there
O’clock today and the discussion on the Bill after it is circulated by your Secretariat. Had
can start at 2-30 o.m. Meanwhile the other he been sincere about it, he would have
items can be disposed of by foregoing the accorded priority to it in the List of Business.
Lunh Hour. At 2-30 p.m., we can start the
discusson on Delhi. We have allotted 3 hours. [English]
After finishing this Bill,we can continue on
the Mandal Commission. We will arrange MR. SPEAKER: There is no point of
dinner also because we have to sit late to order. I have heard you. Please take your
dispose of the business. We will give what- seat.
ever time they v/anX.{Interruptions)
SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: No. up my point of order.
He cannot censor it like Xh\s.{lnterruptions)
PROF. PJ. KURIEN: Here is the List of
Business. You look at this. Eve accordig to MR. SPEAKER: You are an experi-
the List of Business which is prepared by the enced Parliamentarian. What point of order
hon. Minister himself, it should be Call Atten- is there in it*?
tio and, after that, Prasar Bharati Bill. After
all, the List of Business is published. How SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Had the Gov-
can you bring up this without the cosent of ernment been sincere and serious about the
the House? We do not agree. This House Delhi Statehood Bill, they should have moved
canot be held to ransom like that. You have it in the House in the very first week of this
publised the List of Busiess. This is the five weeks’ session. They always listed it in
property of the House. You cannot take it the agenda paper as the last item at serial no
away. 5 or 6 and that to o the last day of the session.
And it is evident from this taht neither the
[ Translation] Government nor its supporting party, the
B.J.P is serious abut giving statehood to
SHRI HARIN PATHAK (Ahemedabad): Do Delhi. (Interruptions)
not try to play a new game.
[English ]
MR. SPEAKER: There is no point of
SHRI HARISH RAWAT: I am on a point order.
of order.
MR. SPEAKER: What is your poit of
order? SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Sir. my poit of
order is this that no chage in the List of
[Translation] Busiess can be effected without evolving a
consensus in the House, no matter whether
SHRI HARISH RAWAT: My point of prposal has been mooted by the Minister of
order is this that you are etertaiig the pro- Parliamentary Affairs or anybody else. The
379 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 380

[Sh. Harish Rawat] MR. SPEAKER. Remember, this is not

the way to raise issues.
sese of the House is taken into accx>ut con-
sideration. (Interruptions)

[English ] MR. SPEAKER: Pleasego to your seats.

I will permit you. I wil call you to speak. If you
MR. SPEAKER: Now let us proceed go to your seats, I will hear you. Mr.
and take up laying of papers. Kuppuswamy. please go to your seat.

{Interruptions) “At ths stage, Shri C.K. Kuppuswamy

ad some other hon. Members went back to
their seats.”
MR. SPEAKER: I have not concluded.
Please take your seats. MR. SPEAKER: Now I call Shri
Kuppuswamy to speak.
[At this state, Shri C.K, Kuppuswamy and
some other Hon, Members came and sat *SHRI C.K. KUPPUSWAMY (Coimba-
on the floor near the table] tore): Hon. Speaker, Sir, the influx of a large
umber of refugees from Shri Lanka into
MR. SPEAKER: Please go to your India, into Tamil Nadu, is posig a serious
seat, Mr. Kuppuswamy. problem for the State. More than one lakh
refugees are in Tamil Nadu. In my constitu-
{Interruptions) ency, in Coimbatore, the refugees have been
accomodated in corporation schools ad they
MR. SPEAKER: All of you, please are without food, clothes and shelter. Their
go to your seats. condition is very pathetic. Almost they are
starving. But the Central Government is nt
(Interruptions) attentive to their problems. The Home Minis-
ter has not so far visited the camps of refu-
gees in Tamil Nadu. In Coimbatore alone,
MR. SPEAKER: If you go to your seats, there are eight such camps. Their continued
then I will decide. stay is posing a serious law and order prob>
lem to the State. But the Home Minister is
(Interruptions) pretty unconcerned. I would charge this
Government with be traying the cause of the
Tamils by being inactive in this matter. The
[Translation] people here are unsympathetic to the wel-
fare of the Tamils. I urge upon the Govern-
MR. SPEAKER: Rakeshji, this is notthe ment to take note of this situation and take
way. (Interruptions) speedy action in resolving the refugge prob-
lem. (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Please goto your seats. Speaker, Sir, lat session, there a discussion
Then only I will hear you. I am not going to under Rule 193 on LTTE. It did not even go
hear you uless you go back to your seats. on for 45 minutes. It is like a part-heard case.
We have bee waiting and waiting and mak-
(Interruptions) ing request for that. Over a lakh of refugees

*Translation of the speech originally delivered in Tamil.

381 Re. BUI for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 382

have entered into Tamil Nadu. The law and heard. So far. it has not been resumed. The
order has broken down. Schools have been LTTE activities are on the increase. Smug>
closed. There is tremedous unrest in Tamil glers are coming. Drugs are being sold.
Nadu. We have been asking for a discussion College students and school studets are
under Rule 193. The discussion under Rule being given contraband thing.
193 started. But we did not even receive the
Home Minister’s reply. If yu do not allow the MR. SPEAKER: Do not repeat like that.
discussion, how can we allow it to go on?
Time is going on day in and day out. (Inter- (Interruptions)
[Translation] request you to allow this discussion, (/nfer-
You too have mothers and sisters,
please keep quite. SHRI ANBARASU ERA: Therefore, we
want you to allow this discussio on LTTE.
SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA (South (Interruptions)
Delhi): The Bill granting statehood to Delhi
should be passed today itself at any cost. DR. THAMBI DURAI (Karur): Mr.
The Congress Party’s lackadaisical approach Speaker, Sir, we have already given you in
IS to the statehood due to its apprehensions writig. There has been lot of Sri Lankan
about the election results this time. refugee problem in Tamil Nadu. So many
illegal activities are going on in Tamil Nadu.
MR. SPEAKER: Please address the Even the refugees are suffering a lot. No-
Chair. body is caring. It is our duty to help them.
(Interruptions) Therefore, I request you to
{Inten options) take up this discussio under Rule 193 imme-
diately. (Interruptions)


request you that the discussion under Rule your seat?
193 on LTTE that has been part-heard must
be reumed. The session is ending tomorrow. (Interruptions)
Discussion on Mandal Commission is on.
Let us have a discussion tomorrow. We want 13.00 hrs.
that BAC should decide today to ensure that
LTTE discussion starts tomorrow. We want SHRI KAMAL ATH (Chhindwara): The
an assurance. (Interruptions) issue of Excise refunds has been agitating
this House. The Finance Miister has made a
MR. SPEAKER: Do not threatenme statement in this House and outside. His
like that. Please resume your seat. statemet has only added more confusion,
has only added more suspicio. He has said
(Interruptions) iside the House adn outside the House that
he was unaware and this issue was never
SHRI ANBARASU ERA MADRAS brought to him. He has said that the Reveue
CETRAL: I have given the notice. You allow Secretary also never knew. He has further
me an opportunity to speak. (Interruptions) said that the Excise refunds were Rs. 30
On 19th of June, the EPRLF leader Shri MR. SPEAKER: The Estimates Com-
Padmanabha and 16 others were murdered mittee is already seized of the matter. Please
by LTTE people. We had asked for a discus- take your seat.
sion over the issue under Rule 193. Though
the discussin was allowed, it was partly (Interruptions)
383 Papers Laid SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Papers Laid 384

MR. SPEAKER: Now Papers Laid on Trade Practices Act, 1969. [Placed in Library.
the Table. See No, LT-1409/90] ^

Notification under National Airport

Authority Act, 1985
13.02 hrs. [English]


Governors (Allowances and Privileges) PARLIAMETARY AFFAIRS (SHRI
Amedment Rules 1930 and Annual Gen- P.UPEDRA): Sir, on behaH of Shri Arif
eral Admlnlstratun Report of Andaman Mohammad Khan, I beg to lay o the Table a
and Nicobar Administration for 1987-88 copy of the National Airports Authority
(Annua! Report and Annual Statement of
Accouts) Rules, 1989 (Hindi and English
[Eriglish] versions) published in Notification No. S.O.
253 (E) in Gazette of India dated the 26th
THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS March, 1990 uder secton 40 of the National
(SHRI MUFTI MOHAMMAD SAYEED): I Airporsts Authority Act, 1985. [Placed in
beg to lay on the Table— Library. See No. LT-1410/90]

(1) A copy of the Governors (Allow- Corrigendum to the Errata attached to

ances and Privileges) Amend- the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of
ment Rules, 1990 (Hindi and the Bombay Dock Labour Board for the year
English versios) published in 1988-89 ad Statemet*; correcting reply given
Notification No. G.S.R. 675 (E) in on 28th July, 1988 to unstarred questios
Gazette of India dated the 30th regarding losses of Shipping Corporation of
July. 1990 under sub-section (3) India on two crude earners and giving rea
of section 13 of the Governors sons for delay in correcting the reply.
(Emoluments, Allowances and
Privileges) Act, 1982. [Placed in [Translatin]
Library. See No. LT 1407/90]
(2) A copy of the Anual General MINISTERY OF PARLIAMENTARY AF-
Administration Report (Hindi and FAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN I'HF
English versions)of the Andaman MINISTRY OF TOURISM (SHRI SATYA
and Nicobar Administration for PAL MALIK): Sir. on behalf of Shri K P. Ufi-
the year 1987-88, [Placed in nikrishnan, I beg to lay on the Table—
Library. See No. LT 1408/90]
(1) A copy of the Corrigendum
Eighteenth Anual Report uder Monopo- (English version only) to the Er
lies and Restrictive Trade Practices rata attached to the Annu?i!
Act, 1969 Report and Audited Accounts o^
the Bombay Dock Labour Board
[Trarislatiofj] for the year 1988-89. [Placed in
Library. See No. LT. 1411/90]
MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (2) A statement (Hindi and English
AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- versios) (i) crrecting the reply
TRY OF TOURISM (SHRI SATYA PAL given on 28th July, 1988 to
MALIK): Sir, on behalf of Shri Ajit Singh, I beg Unstarred Questio No. 286 by
to lay on the Table a copy of the Eighteenth Shri BanwariLal Purohitand Prof.
Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) Ramkrishna More regarding
pertaining to the Execution of the Provisions losses of Shipping Corporation
of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade of India on two frude carriers and
Practices Act, 1969 for the period form 1st (ii) giving reasons for delay in
January, 1988to 31st December, 1988 under correcting the reply. [Placed in
section 62 of the Monopolies and Restrictive Library. See No. LT-1412/90]
385 Papers Laid BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Papers U id 386

* [Translation] papers mentioned at (1)

above. [Placed in Library See
Indian Post Office (Twelfth Amend- No. LT-1414/90)
ment) Rules 1990 (3) (i) A copy of the Annual
Report (Hindi and English
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE versbns) of the Nehru
JANESHWAR MISHRA): Sir. I beg to lay on Library, New Delhi, forthe
the Table a copy of the Indian Post Office year 1988-89 along with
(Twelfth Amendment) Rules, 1990 (Hindi Audited Accounts.
and English versions) published in Notifica- (ii) A copy of the Review
tion No. G.S.R. 630 (E) in Gazette of India (Hindi and English ver-
dated the 12th July, 1990 issued under sions) by the Government
sections 10 and 74 of the Indian Post Office on the working of the
Act, 1898. [Placed in Library See No. LT- Nehru Memorial Museum
1413/90] and Library, New Delhi,
for the year 1988-89.
Annual Reports/Accounts of and Review
on the working of the North-Eastern Hill (4) A statement (Hindi and English
University, Shillong and the Nehru Me- versions) showing reasons for
morial Museum and Library, New Delhi delay in laying the papers men-
etc., and statements showing reasons for tioned at (3) above. [Placed in
delay in laying these papers Library See No. LT-1415/90]

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (5) A copy of the Annual Accounts

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND (Hindi and English versbns) of
COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF the University Grants Commis-
AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR): sbn. New Delhi, for the year
Sir, on behalf of Shri Chimanbhai Mehta I 1988-89 together with Audit
beg to lay on the Table— Report thereon.
(1) (a) (i) A copy of the Annual
Report (Hindi and English (6) A statement (Hindi and English
versbns) of the North- versbns) showing reasons for
Eastern Hill University, delay in laying the papers men-
Shilbng, for the year tioned at (5) above. [Placed in
1987-88. Library See No. LT-1416/90]

(ii) A copy of the Annual National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils

Report (Hindi and English Devetopment Board (Amendment) Rules,
versions) of the North- 1990; Notification under Essential Com-
Eastern Hill University, modities Act, 1955 and Reviews on the
Shilbng, for the year working of and Annual Reports of Rajast-
1988-89. han State Dairy Development Corpora-
tion Ltd., Jaipur and Tamil Nadu Agro
(b) A copy of the Review (Hindi Industries Corporatkm Ltd., Madras for
and English versions) by the 1987-88and Statements showing reasons
Government on the working for delay in laying these papers
of the North-Eastern Hill Uni-
versity, Shilbng, forthe years THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(2) A statement (Hindi and Eng- COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF
lish versbns) showing rea- AGRICULTURE (SHRI NITISH KUMAR);
sons for delay in laying the Sir, I beg to lay on the Table—
387 Papers Laid SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Papers Laid 388

(1) A cx>pyof the National Oilseeds Limited, Jaipur, for the

and Vegetable Oils Devebp- year 1987-88.
ment Board (Amendment)
Rules, 1990 (Hindi and Eng- (ii) Annual Report of the Ra-
lish versions) published in jasthan State Dairy De-
Notification No. G.S.R. 94 ((E) velopment Corporation
in Gazette of India dated the Limited, Jaipur, for the
23rd February, 1990 under year 1987-88 along with
section 20 of the National Audited Accounts and
Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils comments of the Comp-
Development Board Act, 1983. troller and Auditor Gen-
[Placed in Library See No. LT- eral thereon. [Placed in
1417/901 Library See No. LT-1419/
(2) A copy each of the following
Notifications (Hindi and Eng- (b) (i) Review by the Govern-
lish versions) under sub-sec- ment on the working of
tion (6) of section 3 of the the Tamilnadu Agro In-
Essential Commodities act. dustries Corporation' 'm-
1955:— ited, Madras, for the >.
(i) The Fertiliser (Control)
(Third Amendment) Or- (ii) Annual Report of the
der, 1990 published in Tamilnadu Agro Indus-
Notification No. S .0 .403 tries Corporatbn Limited,
(E) in Gazette of India Madras, forthe year 1987-
dated the 23rd May, 1990. 88 atong with Audited
Accounts and comments
(ii) S .0 .488 (E) published in of the Comptroller and
Gazette of India dated the Auditor General thereon.
18th June, 1990 directing [Placed in Library SeeNo.
that the supplies of fertil- LT-1420/90)
isers to be made by do-
mestic manufacturers of (4) Two statements (Hindi and
fertiliserto various States, English versions) showing
Union Territories and the reasons for delay in laying the
Commodity Boards dur- papers mentioned at (3) above.
ing the period from 1st [Placed in Librjary See Nos.
April, 1990 to 30th Sep- LT-1419/90 and 1420/90]
tember 1990. [Placed in
Library See No. LT-1418/ Statements correcting reply given on 9-8-
90] 1990 to Unstarred question No 690
regarding ULFA activtties and going rea-
(3) A copy each of the following sons for delay In correcting the reply
papers (Hindi and English
versions) under sectfon 619A [Translation]
of the Companies Act, 1956;—
ment on the working of TRY OF TOURISM (SHRI SATYA PAL
the Rajasthan State Dairy MALIK): Sir, on behalf of Shri Subodh Kant
Development Corporation Sahay I beg to lay on the Table a statement
389 Messe^0 from R.S. BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) P.A.C. Reports 390

(Hindi and English versions) (i) correcting 13.034 hrs

the reply given on 9.8.1990 to Unstarred
Question No. 690 by Prof. Mahadeo INDIAN COUNCIL OF WORLD AFFAIRS
Shiwankar and Shri Janardan T twari regard- BILL. AS PASSED BY RAJYA SABHA
ing ULFA activities in Assam and (ii) giving
reasons for delay in correcting the reply. [English]
[Placed in Library See No. LT-1421/90]
Punjab Agriculture Produce Markets on the Table of the Indian Council of World
(Second Amendment) Act, 1989 Affairs Bill, 1990, as passed by Rajya Sabha.


beg to lay on the Table a copy of the Punjab
Agricultural Produce Markets (Second Fifth to Seventeenth Reports
Amendment) Ac,t 1989 (Preskfent Act. No. 5
of 1989) (Hindi and English versions) pub- [English]
lished in Gazette of India dated the 11th
November, 1989, under sub-section (3) of SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV (Tripura
section 3 of the Punjab State Legislature West): I beg to present the following Reports
(Delegation of Powers) Act 1987. [Placed in (Hindi and English versbns) of the Public
Library See No. LT-1422/90] Accounts Committee;

(1) Fifth Report on action taken on

61st Report (8th Lok Sabha) on
Blocking up of capital due to non-
commissioning of Air condition-
13.03 hrs ing Plant.

MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA (2) Sixth Report on action taken on

92nd Report (8th Lok Sabha) on
[English] Customs Receipts-lrregularities
in Bonds and Bank Guarantees
ADDITIONAL SECRETARY: Sir. I have executed by Importers.
to report the foltowing message received
from the Secretary-General of Rajya (3) Seventh Report on action taken
Sabha;— on 124th Report (8th Lok Sabha)
on Customs Receipts-Working
of Inland Customs Bonded Ware-
“In accordance with the provisions of houses.
rule 111 of the Rules of Procedure and
Conduct of Business in the Rajya (4) Eighth Report on action taken on
Sabha, I am directed to enclose a copy 133rd Report (8th Lok Sabha)
of the Indian Council of World Affairs on Customs Receipts—Short
Bill, 1990. which has been passed by collection of duty due to adoptton
the Rajya Sabha at its sitting held on of incorrect Assessable value.
the 5th September. 1990.”
(5) Ninth Report on action taken on
90th Report (8th Lok Sabha) on
391 P.A.C. Reports SEPTEMBER 6,1990 PA.C. Reports 392

[Sh. Sontosh Mohan Dev] MR. SPEAKER: The leaders of all Po-
litical Parties are hereby invited to come to
India Government Mint, Bombay- my chamber immediately.
The House stands adjourned to re-
(6) Tenth Report on action taken on assemble at 2 p.m.
128th Report (8th Lok Sabha) on
Manickgarh-Chandur New BG The Lok Sabha then adjourned for Lunch
Line and Chitradurg Rayadurg till Fourteen of the Clock
New MG Line.

(7) Eleventh Report on Excesses

over Voted Grants and Charged
Appropriations (1987-88) and The Lok Sabha re-assembled after Lunch
action taken on 147 Report (8th at three minutes past Fourteen of the clock
Lok Sabha) on Excesses over
Voted Grants and Charged [MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER in the Chair]
Appropriations (1986-87).
[ Translation]
(8) Twelfth Report on action taken
on 123rd Report (8th Lok Sabha SHRI R N. RAKESH (Chail) Mf Dep-
) on Railway Electrifications. uty Speaker, Sir, when the Congress (I)
leaders, Shri Balaram Singh, Shrimati Sh-
(9) Thirteenth Report on action taken iela Dikshit alongwith ex-M.F\', Shri Chandra
on 142nd Report (8th Lok Sabha) Pal Sailani protested against the atrocities
on Metropolitan Transport Proj- and excesses committed on Harijans and
ect, Calcutta. women in Uttar Pradesh and particularly on
a Harijan woman in Aligarh, they were put
(10) Fourteenth Report on action behind the bars. In this way excesses are
taken on 129th Report (8th Lok being committed on them. (Interruptions)
Sabha) on (i) Kharagpur-Madras
Wideband Microwave Scheme SHRI HARISH RAWAT (Almora); Mr.
(ii) Calcutta-North Bengal-Assam Deputy Speaker, Sir, our party workers have
Wideband Micro wave scheme been put behind the bars in Uttar Pradesh.
(iii) Nagpur-Bangalore Wideband They are being put in the jails without any
Microwave scheme. charge-sheet. About two thousand activities
of our party including former Union Ministers
(11) Fifteenth Report on action taken and Ex-M.Ps, have been put behind the bars
on 149th Report (8th Lok Sabha) during the last three days. They are being
on Pune Telephones. kept in jail alongwith other criminals. More
than 60,000 political activists from U.P. who
(12) Sixteenth Report on action taken were protesting against atrocities on women
on 28th Report (8th Lok Sabha) and Harijans have been put behind the bars.
on Delay in remittances of col- (Interruptions)
lections by Public Sector Banks.
(13) Seventeenth Report on action
taken on 85th Report (8th Lok SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Kindly allow us
Sabha) on Supply of drinking to say something. (Interruptions)
water to problem villages.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will give you
393 Re. Bill for GrantingBHADRA 16,1912 {SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 394

(Interruptions) sition parties shouW participate in the meet-

ing which has been convened by the Gov-
14.0S hrs ernment and have a discussion on it. Till that
time the remaining proceedings of the House
RE. BILL FOR GRANTING STATEHOOD could be carried on and we can accept the
TO DELHI Delhi statehood Bill today and take a decl-
sbn on that. With the same confidence whk:h
[Translation] was expressed in yesterday’s meeting.

SHRI L.K. ADVANI (New Delhi): Mr. SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT (East Delhi): Mr.
Depury Speaker, Sir, before adjourning the Deputy Speaker, Sir, I have the highest
House for Lunch, the hon. Speaker invited regard for Mr. Advani and have always been
leaders of ail political parties to his chan^iber doing so. It is not for the sake of mere
to discuss as to how to proceed with the Bill formality, but in real sense I have much
for granting statehood to Delhi. I regrettosay regards for him. (Interruptions)
that no member of the Congress (I) Party
was present in the meeting. {Interruptbns) Please do not interrupt. Is it an offence
to have regards for your leader. I have re-
So far I can recollect I have seldom gards for him and shall continue todo whether
come across an event in my Parliamentary you like or do not like.
career when the hon. Speaker extended
invitatbn and leader of any party or Mem- [English]
bers of a party remained absent in the
meeting. (Interruptions) I think, he is one of the ablest Members
of Parliament. Do not provoke me.
West): In a meeting of the joint Parliamen- It is my humble submission to Mr. Ad-
tary Party it happened that the opposition dkJ vani. He has rightly told when the hon.
not go to Mr. Balram Jakhar. Speaker invites, one should go. But what are
the reasons that our party did not attend the
[Translation] meeting"? A meeting was held in the pres-
ence of the hon. Speaker and points decided
SHRI L.K. ADVANI: At that time I was in the meeting were confirmed by the C.P.I.
not there, but today I was distressed much. and the C.P. (M) A decision was taken in the
If you think it proper, it is all right. meeting. Shri Vijay Kumarcame with a wrong
impression. As a matter of fact Shri Vijay
Mr. Speaker, Sir, it was expected yes- Kumar has never been in the habit of making
terday thal in case of any difference over the a wrong statement. But it is surprising what
issue of granting statehood to Delhi, we can has happened to him and by whom he has
sit together and arrive at a consensus and all been influenced now.
of us made a submission that efforts should
be made, in this regard. Even now I am of the He Is also a good man. I can appreciate
view that efforts should be made to arrive at the diffk^ulties of Upendraji, becuase I have
a consensus. Any one of you, who has gone also held the charge of fi^inlster of Parlia-
through this Bill whk:h deals with granting mentary Affairs. I had too much work. He
statehood to Delhi and who might have any also has the same problem. I can appreciate
objection on the Bill, must have seen that it. Shri P. Upendra did not attend yesterday's
there is nothing in this Bill. Only a discussion meeting and sent Madhuji. May be he can
could take place on the sub-sequent folbw say something else today. He may not alk>w
up Bill. I would, therefore, like that the oppo- Shri Satya Pal MaKk to speak. But I wouM
395 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 396

[Sh. H.K.L Bhagat] body has a right to speak. It is not the

meeting of the Congress Party. Is there no
like to say that our absence from the meeting ruling for him (Interruptions)
does not mean that we had any sense of
disrespect for the hon. Speaker. The hon. [English]
Speaker is respectable. I have regards for
him. Representatives of our party did not MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is an
attend the meeting only for the reason that agenda according to which we have to go. I
the decision which was taken yesterday was am giving you very short time. They are quite
not honoured today. It is you. not we, who good friends here and outside also. So. do
should be held responsible for our not at- not worry.
tending today's meeting.
Secondly. I would like to tell Mr. Advani
that ... I am not saying anything on merit.
(Interruptions) SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: I would not just
take more than a minute. I am very positively
I would not like to say anything on merit. reacting to what MR. Advani has said. The
Let me make my point. You cannot stop me. Congress is very keen that Delhi should
{Interruptions) I am not speaking at your have a good political status, should have a
mercy. Council of Ministers and an Assembly. We
have a number of apprehensions. The
SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA (South Government has brought one part of the
Delhi): It appears as If you are dictating us. Constitution (Amendment) Bill. There are a
(Interruptions) number of things we need in that. They have
to come with those things. Then, the other
lEnglish] Bill has not come. They are concealing more
than what they are revealing. We want to
raise a number of points. We can have a
SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT : I will not inter- consensus. We are no less interested in
rupt him. I am prepared to yield if he wants... giving a political status to Delhi. We have
(Interruptions) ... What I am saying is this been asking it since 1914. And we gave it to
that we are very keen to have Delhi State- Delhi... (Interruptions)... We gave it and you
hood and we had signalled it also... (Inter- had got it. You called it as white elephant....
ruptbns) ...I am reacting in response to (Interruptions)... I was inthe Assembly. None
them. (Interruptions) of them was in the Assembly and they know
nothing. (Interruptions)
SHRI SHIKIHO SEMA (Nagaland): Sir,
my submission is that the hon. Member, Mr MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Rakesh,
Khurana’s attention should be drawn to Rules please be seated. Do not get involved in it.
349 and 352. It seems to me that he does not
know about these rules. He does not have (Interruptions)
even the minimum decorum. I would request [Translation]
you to draw his attention to these rules...
(Interruptions) ...He is always misusing his SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: It is
right when other Members are speaking. wrong we did no call it as a white elephant.
How long will he do that? He is an elderly
man and we accept that. But he should not SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: Listen please
do so. (Interruptions) listen to me. (Interruptions)

[Translation] [English]

397 Re. B ill for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 398

address the Chair. Then everything will be MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Kurien.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have called
SHRI H.K.L.BHAGAT: Now. what I am Mr. Kurien.
saying is this. I am not wrong on facts.
Anyway, they will change their stand later (Interruptions)*
on. But that is all right. We are prepared to sit
with the Government and try to find out a MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Nothing is
consensus. We have a number of serious going on record.
apprehensions and a number of things. The
other Bill is not being brought out. Some Mr. Kurien.
constitutional guarantees as to what is there,
what is going to happen in course of time, PROF. P.J. KURIEN (Mavelikara): Mr.
etc., are needed. We are prepared to sit out Deputy’Speaker, I would like to make it clear
and have a consensus. If we try for that, will that we did not attend the meeting called by
heavens fall? Of course, it is good that he the hon. Speaker; we did not mean any
has said. If we can sit and talk together and disrespect...... (Interruptions)
find some way out, if we can agree to a thing,
then it is all right... (Interruptions) ...I hope Hon. Advaniji said that it is the first
that BJP is seriously interested in having time...... (Interruptbns)*
Statehood and in saying that they want to do
it, breast-beat on it and the Congress does MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Anything
not want it. If that is your game which you which is said without my permission will not
want to play, then we do not want to play it. form part of the record. Mr. Kurien.
SHRI P.J. KURIEN: Sir. I would like to
[Translation] kake it very clear again ... (Interruptions)


SHRI MADAN U L KHURANA: This is a I warn you that you should not get up hence-
fact that the Congress Party does not want. forth...
That is why they avoided the elections in
Delhi (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

[English] MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: He is your

Member who is speaking.
SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: It is your breast-
beating. (Interruptions)


are you going to allow him to speak like
this?... (Interruptbns) ... SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: Why
have you not warned Mr. Khurana?
You know that without our support, you
cannot get your constitutional amendment. (Interruptbns)
You should ensure that our support exists...
{Interruptbns) ... MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr.

*Not recorded
399 Re. Bill lo r Granting SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Statehood to Delhi 400

Kumaramangalam, allow me to speak. This PROF. P.J. KURIEN: We respect the

is not correct. Chair, not only the Chair but we equally
respect the decisions taken by the Speaker
{Interruptions) in the Chair. The Chair will get respect only
when the decisions taken with the Chair are
SHRI P. R. KUMARAMANGALAM: He endorsed and upheld. That i^ what we feel.
can misbehave as much as he wants. Are we Hon. Advaniji said that this is the first time
not Members? This to much, Sir. {Interrup- when the Opposition has boycotted the
tions) meeting convened by the Speaker. I would
like to inform him that this is not so. Hon.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Balram Jakhar called meeting with the then
Kumaramangalam. you are also not behav- Opposition and I know instances when they
ing properly in the House, boycotted it. At the same time. Sir, I would
like to say emphatically that this is the first
{Interruptions) time in the history of the Parliament that the
decision taken by the Speaker in the Chair is
MR, DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. violated by the Government. Yosterday, Mr.
Kumaramangalam, you please sit down. Satya Pal Malik represented the Govern-
ment in the meeting. Prof. Madhu Dandavate
(Interruptions) was also there. Both of them were there.
Government conveniently made prof, Dan-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Khurana, davate to absent today. Mr. Malik was sitting
you can see that you are attracting a lot of here but Mr. Upendra did not allow him to
attention. What ever I have said about him, speak the truth. So, what is the disrespect to
I say the same about you also. the Chair? Is it disrespect to the Chair to be
absent or is it disrespect not to comply with
{Interruptions) his direction? For your information, I may say
that you were also there.
Kumaramangalam, you will not look at Mr. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is not cor-
Khurana. rect to bring anything which has taken place
in the meeting on the floor of the House nor
SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: How to refer to the Members. Please avoid that.
can we provoke him, Sir?
PROF. P.J. KURIEN: Sir the decisbn
[ Translation] was taken with the Chair and the Govern-
ment has gone back on it. I feel that rt is a
SHRI DHARAM PALSHARMA(Udham- disrespect to the Chair; not only to the Chair
pur) Sir, is he is pretty young girl that one but to the House also.
may not look at him.
Secondly, Sir, we informed the hon.
[English] Speaker that we are prepared to attend the
meeting provkJed we are assured that what-
PROF. PJ. KURIEN: Sir, to keep the ever decisbn is taken will be uphekf and we
thing straight, I reiterate that we dki not mean should also be assured that the Government
showing any disrespect to the Speaker by will not misrepresent in the House the deci-
not attending the meeting called by him. sion taken by the Chair. This is what we
wanted and we had also informed it to the
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Prof. Kurien. Speaker. Our leader, Bhagatji also said that
you please address to the Chair to avoki any we are prepared to attend the meeting pro-
disturbance. vkled there is assurance:
401 Re. B ill for Granting BHADRA 15.1912 {SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 402

(1) that whatever decision istaken but at the same time he asserted also that
will be upheld and there would be no consensus among them
on It except not to pass this Bill. Shri Bhagatji
(2) that after taking the decision did not even mention once to give Delhi a
there, no Member wilt come and mis-repre- statehood in his whole speech he delivered
sent here, I would request an apology from just now. He toki that they want to provide an
the Government, from Mr. Malhotra for hav- Assembly, they want to give a good political
ing misled his Leader—because hon. Adva> set up to Delhi. He told also that he were
niji was not there, I believe he is a man who thinking for the last 40 years about giving
is telling the truth—and also for saying un- something to Delhi but he has not talked of
truth in this House. He owes an apology to the State Assembly and the Statehood for
this House. Delhi. It is quite an honest difference of
opening that they do not want to give Delhi a
[ Translation] statehood.


(Delhi Sadar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I had said in
the House that everything would have been Why don’t they accept that there is an
cleared if the hon. Speaker who was present honest difference of opinion that they don’t
there, elaborated the issue in detail. Sir. you want to give Delhi a Statehood?
also were present at that time. I had put all
my points regarding that issue in the begin- [Translation]
ning itself. Shri Madhu Dandavate had pre-
pared the papers, and he had also read out If they do not like it they should honestly
the decision which was taken there. After oppose It. We know well that this Bill cannot
that you had permitted to move it in the be passed without their support.
House that day.
It is a Constitutional Amendment.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER; You will not
refer to what I had said. {Interruptions)

[ Translation] SHRI HARISH RAWAT: If they want to

use this House for making allegations against
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: the Congress (I), we are not going to accept
Later on they requested not to move it on that it. You give a ruling. We want to discussit
day and suggested for voting on that for the here. (Interruptions)
next day. Thereafter we told if that was a
gentlemanly agreement, the debates and SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Mr. Deputy
the voting on that would be held on the Speaker, Sir, kindly control him. Unneces-
nextday whether we had to sit till mid night. sarily, they are saying this.
It is correct that on the above condition we
agreed to postpone it for the next day. At that MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will do that.
time also, I had asked whether any consen- You please sit down.
sus could be arrived at it? It was almost
known to all that a consensus on it was
impossible but even then they were given [Translation]
some time to tell the Government about their
views regarding it. But no such thing came SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Sir. why should
out there. After that Shri Advani told them to we accept their baseless allegations? it is
make consensus on it whenever they liked not good, please control them.
403 f?a. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 404

[English] I thought we can avoid waste of time, while

discussing this issue regarding Statehood
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Rawatji, you for Delhi, thinking that all will arrive at a
don’t control me by saying ‘control him.*. consensus and try to pass it. (Intenuptions)
Please sit down. I am quite capable of con-
trolling him. But every time, at the fag end of the
Session, we are taking up this issue, and we
(Intenruptions) are avoiding other important issues which
are happening. Therefore, they would have
[Translation] taken this kind fo an attitude, regarding tak-
ing it up today itself.
I would like to take one minute more. It has Another important thing is that we are
repeatedly been saying that this Bill should worried about Statehood for Pondicherry.
not passed in haste and some way must be (Interruptions) Why are you not bothered
found out in consultation with each other. Sir, about it? BJP is bothered only about State-
you might be remembering that during the hood for Delhi; the Congress is worried about
last session of the House it was urged upon Delhi Statehood. I am worried about State-
time and again that a consensus after sitting hood for Pondicherry. Nobody else is both-
together should be brought on it. And now ered about It. We are neglected. The South
four months have passed. Since 1947, about Indians are neglected in Delhi. That is going
40 committees have been constituted to to happen in Delhi State also. Even though
bring out a consensus over it. What will they we are Indians, out interests regarding our
do In 40 minutes as they could not bring out languages, our culture are not safeguarded,
any consensus over it in 40 years? Even we know. To safeguard ail these things, we
then we ask them to talk on it at least for half wanted a consensus on this Bill.'Without any
an hour. Shri Advaniji has requested to find consensus if you go on insisting like this, we
out some way so that there may be a division cannot allow this being hustled. We cannot
on It by tonight- They may put their six points allow it.
to be inserted in the Bill but it would be highly
improper if the session ends without doing So many Members have raised the
anything in this regard. question regarding LTTE and the Kuwait
issue. Regarding Kuwait. I have already
[English] given it in writing to you. What is happening
in Kuwait? So many times out people have
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Dr. Thambi raised it.
Durai. You should speak on a different issue
and not on the same issue. Anyhow, Mr Upendra is going to intro-
duce the Prasar Bharati Bill. (Interruptions)
DR. THAMBI DURAI (Karur): Our Party Yesterday also, we saw a programme on the
today thought of attending the Meeting but Doordarshan. (Interruptions) I am coming to
we could not attend the same. the point. What is happening in Kuwait? The
Doordarshan telecast showed how people
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No... are suffering there. They do not get food
there. They are throwing water on food;
{Interruptions) people are rushing, begging and fighting.
That is the situation prevailing there. (Inters
DR.THAMBI DURAI: I want to highlight ruptions) Our lAF planes could not land
a very important factor. Yesterday, we had there. What action are they going to take;
also attended the Meeting. I thought we can how are they going to bring out our people;
avoid wasting the time of this House. (Inter- bring them back to our country? Is it not the
ruptions) Please listen to me. (Interruptions) concern of the country? Is only Delhi State-
405 Re, Bin for Granting BHADRA 15J912 (SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 406

hood more important? What aboUt Kuwait; they were in power? They forgot it that Delhi
what about LTTE issue and the Pondicherry bebngs to the poors; No one can defeat to
issue? Please answer also these things and remove the Congress from here... (Interrup-
then proceed further. {Interruptions) tions)

[Translation] [English]

SHRIJ.P. AGARWAL (Chandni Chowk): SHRI D.K. NAIKAR (Dhanvard North):

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir I should be allowed The Delhi Statehood Bill is not mentioned in
to clarify it. It is wrong (Interruptions) the agenda Itself. (Interruptions) Now there
are no reasons given by the Minister con-
MR, DEPUTY SPEAKER: I shall give cerned why other items mentioned in the
you time. agenda should be left out and priority should
be given to the Delhi Statehood Bill. There
[English] must be reasons to explain why does he
request the House to give precedence to the
MR. DEPUTYSPEAKER: Things which Delhi Statehood Bill over other items mentio-
can be done according to rules, you are ened in the agenda. (Interruptions) There-
trying to do, against the rules. fore, this subject cannot be discussed with-
out being put in the agenda.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: 1 can quite
THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION see the point in the point of order raised by
AND BROADCASTING AND MINISTER OF Mr. Naikar. What is being discussed here is,
PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P. as you know, how it is happening.
UPENDRA): 1was making it very clear in the
morning itself: It has always been the effort of [Translation]
the Government to arrive at a consensus on
all major Bills, and there Is no point in involv- SHRI TARIF SINGH (Outer Delhi): Mr.
ing the hon. Speaker or you, Sir, in this Deputy Speaker, Sir all the parties in their
matter. Yesterday, the decision was that the manifestoes had declared to give Delhi a
Government should convene a meeting, and statehood. There was no responsible Gov-
we did consult various parties separately, on ernment in Delhi which may be answerable
whether a meeting would be fruitful; and as to Delhites. All the political parties had given
I mentioned in the morning, there were wide assurance during the election that they would
differences. But again, the parties are ready provide statehood to Delhi. It is another thing
to sit now; and from ail sides a request has whether there may or may not be consen-
come. If all of them are ready, at 3 o’clock the sus. As Shri Bhagatji was saying that they
Home Minister is ready to convene a meet- were making demand for it from the very
ing, sit with them and discuss these things. beginning. Delhi could have been given a
statehood long before by them if they in-
[Translation] tended for that. During the Janata regime we
had presented that Bill but unfortunately that
SHRI J.P. AGARWAL: Mr. Deputy Government fell down and Delhi could not be
Speaker, Sir, through you, I would like to given the statehood. Objections are being
emphasise that the congress has always made by raising certain technical points in
demanded for an Assembly and the political this regard. I would like to request you toehold
power for Delhi. In 1952, when there was a an immediate discussion on giving state-
Assembly in Delhi, they used to call it a white hood to Delhi in order to provide relief and
elephant. And now they say that the Delhites justice to the people of Delhi.
should get Assembly only then Delhi may get
the power. Were they sleeping in 1977 when
407 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 408

[English] about the safety of their lives. Three days

back I got a letter that one Mr. Sajan Ibrahim,
SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE a Naval empbyee has been shot dead.
(Panskura): I seek the cooperation of the There is no information about his family. I
House in humihty. Since I am interested, would appeal to the hon. Minister that all the
before the adjournment of the present ses- arrangements made may be implemented
sbn, in having discussion on atrocities on and an amicable settlement arrived at. (inter-
women in the country, may I make a fervent ruptions)
appeal to all the parties not to waste the time
of the House and pass the Prasar Bharati MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Harish
(Broadcasting Corporation of India) Bill in- Rawat to call the attention.
stead. After that, if the House desires. State-
hood Bill may be taken up for discussion. (Interruptions)
But, In any case, discussion on atrocities on
women should take place in the House. This MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will call you
is my humble submission, (Interruptions) aftenwards, Mr. Choudhary.

SHRIMATIJ.JAMUNA(Rajahmundry): SHRI P.C. THOMAS (Muvattupuzha):

I support it. Our hon. Minister, Shri Unnikrishnan is going
to the Gulf tomorrow. We would like to get an
SHRI A. CHARLES (Trivandrum): The answer from the Governmeni by tomorrow
situation in Kuwait is becoming more and as to what the Government is going to do
more alarming. Three days back, I, along because a lot of things have to be done
with our Chief Whip. Prof. Kurien and two immediately for evacuation. Nobody from
other members met the hon. Minister of Kuwait has been evacuated so far. Only
External Affairs, Shri I.K. Gujral. We are those who were brought to Aman, who about
thankful to him that he very patiently ex- one lakh, were evacuated. There is no news
plained to us the various measures that were as to what is happening in in Kuwait. The
being taken to reach food and medicines to situation there is very bad The people there
the people who are stranded in Kuwait. He do not have food, drinking water and medi-
also explained the other arrangements that cines. They have to be brought back and
were being made to repatriate the people urgent steps have to be taken for that imme-
from there. But, unfortunately, today’s news- diately. We suggest that Mr. Unnikrishnan
papers conveyed a very disturbing news stay there in Kuwait till the evacuation is
saying that ail those arrangements were complete. (Interruptions)
scuttled A vessel called Tipu Sultan of the
S^ipp!»"g Corporation of India, went there full SHRI LOKANATH CHOUDHURY
of '}ipd}cines and food. That vessel was not (Jagatsinghpur): Sir, rJI the parties are
allowed to land near Kuwait. Now there is a committed to give the right to work to the
shortage of food, medicines and drinking people, just as we are committed to give
water. Doordarshan also showed a news Statehood for Delhi, fne Constitution has
item how people were crying for a glass of been amended so many times; we want it to
water. If everything is not settled immedi- be amended to include the right to work and
ately, all the people over the there will be the righj to education. Thousands of youths
ruined. One more disturbing news has come outside^ under the leadership of the All India
today. There is an unfortunate propaganda Students Federation are demanding the right
that the Government of India is pro-Iraq and to work and the right to education. (Interrupt
so our people are being harassed. There is tions)
a section of a large number of employees MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Rakheshji,
working in Kuwait in Government offices and please sit down.
other public utility services. They are com-
pelled to attend offices but they are afraid (Interruptions)
409 R 0. B ill for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 (S>1/C4) Statehood to Delhi 410

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER; You ave ail go to your seats I will adjourn the House.
been veiy very nicely cooperating with the
Chair. Now, you see. It is quarter to three O’ (Intenupthns)
Clock. Today we are discussing all those
sul^ects which are not on the agenda. That MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The House
is not good. Please cooperate. The sutqects stands adjourned to re-assemble at 3 O’
on the agenda are also moved by you. So, ck)ck.
please cooperate and let us go to the subject
on the agenda. Anbarasuji, you spoke in the 14.51 hrs
morning. If necessary, you can speak tomor-
row, not today. Now it is quarter to three O’ The Loi( Sabha then adjourned tiii Fifteen
Clock. I am calling upon Mr. Harish Rawat. of the Clock


MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Rakesh, The Loti Sabha reassembled at three
please go to your seat. This is not the way. minutes past Fifteen of the Clock

(Interruptions) [MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER in the Chaii]

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please go [English]

back to your seats.
(Interruptions) tempers have cooled down now...

SHRIKAMAL NATH (Chindwara): Sir, a (interruptions)

large number of Members are agitated about
the LTTE activities Please direct the Gov- SRIP.M.SAYEED:(Muzaffamagar):Sir,
ernment to make a statement tomorrow... a little while you have seen that the commo-
(Interruptions) tion on account of Members...

tral): Sir, I have been demanding the Gov- the point.
ernment to make a statement on this issue
from the beginning of this Session. (Intern^- SHRI P.M. SAYEEO: Sir, I only submit
tions) to you that those Members, particularly from
Tamil Nadu and from J &K...
SHRI HARISH RAWAT (Almora): I have speaking for them. I will allow them to speak.
a suggestbn to make. Drought conditions Yes, Mr. Anbarasu.
are prevailing in the State of Tamil Nadu and
Karnataka, and also in Uttar Pradesh, politi- SHRI KAMAL NATH (Chhindwara):
cal workers are being harassed there. There- Similarly, lady Members shouki also be al-
fore, you please altow the hon. Members bwed. Sir.
belonging to these States to express their
views on these issues. This would also help MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: O.K., I will
in saving the precious lime of the House. allow the ladies also.
[English] tral): Sir, thousands of innocent Srilankan
Tamils are tieing butchered and killed in Sri
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: If you do not Lanka. Genocide is being committed in Sri
411 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 412

[Sh. Anbarasu Era] ised statehood to the people of Delhi. Simi-

larly, today, it Is a question of our prestige
Lanka. This is a very serious problem. This too. The Government should fulfil the assur-
matter should have been taken to the Hu> ance given by the Hon. Minister of Home
man Rights Commission, in fact. From the Affairs on the basis of which we had assured '
beginning of this session, we have been the people of the backward regions of
insisting that discussion under rule 193 be Vidarbha, Marathawada and' Konkan, who
allowed on this and on other problems like have been spearheading an agitation for the
LTTE extremists’ activities in Tamil Nadu. development of these areas. I would like to
But this Government did not react to that. urge upon the Government to give us at least
Either they should have come out with some this much assurance or at least inform us
suo motu statement or the should have al- about the ground work done by the Govern-
lowed discussion under rule 193. But they ment in this regard and tell us whether the
did not do that. It shows that they are anti- Government proposes to fulfil its assurance
Tamils, they are not interested in Tamil prob- or not?
lems. Sir, I do notknow whether they want to
scrap Tamil Nadu from the map of India. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: How long will ’
Therefore, Sir, I want a discussion under rule you drag it on*^ Now, please take your seat.
193 on this subject. At least, they should
come fonvard with some suo motu state- SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: Mr.
ment on the subject. Deputy Speaker, Sir, through this august
House. I would like to tell this Government
[Translation] that if it fails to live up to its assurances, the
people of Vidarbha, Marathwada and Konkan
SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT regions won’t tolerate it and this Govern-
(Nagpur): Hon. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, so ment would be fully responsible for any
.far as the Government is concerned, it is its negative outcome thereof. The Government
primary duty fulfil the promises it has made should keep this in mind. Is it so that only the
on the floor of the House. In this very House problems being faced by the people of Delhi
itself, the hon. Minister of Home Affairs had are important. What are the problems being
given us an assurance that necessary legis- faced by the Delhites which can be termed
lation regarding the formation of Develop- as ‘grave’? Aren’t the problems of the people
ment Boards under Article 372 of the Consti­ of Vidarbha, Marathwada and Konkan re-
tution for the Vidarbha, Marathwada and gions, which have remained backward for
Konkan regions of Maharashtra would be the past four decades, important?
brought forward, in the current sesison itself.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, tomorrow isthe last MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Purohit,
day of this session, but so far, no steps have you please sit down.
been taken in this direction. I would like to
say that the Government has failed to fulfil SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: Mr.
the assurances it had given to the people of Deputy Speaker, Sir, I will take my seat. If the
Vidarbha, Marathwada and Konkan. We are Government gives me an assurance in this
not opposed to the proposed Bill which seeks regard, I am insisting on it because I would
to grant statehood to Delhi. The people of like to know whether the Government pro-
Delhi... poses to fulfil Its promise or not? I would like
to have an assurance in this regard in this
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You please House, today itself. I want a categorical reply
come to the point. In this regard.


minute. That Bill has become a prestige Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, lakhs of students
issueforthe hon. Members, who have prom- and young men and women, under the
413 R 9 .0 I for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKX) Statahood to Delhi 414

banners of Ail India Student’s Federation that yesterday terrorists shot dead some
and Ail India Youth Federatton have as- people in the RoheO<hand division and es-
sembled in the capital demanding the Gov- c a p ^ from the scene. About 3-4 people died
ernment to go ahead with the implementa- in the bus itself and some of them were
tion of its party Manifesto, on which we had injured out of whbh, about 6-7 people are
extended our support to the present Govern- lying in the hospital. I would like to draw the
ment. Our main demands include the Right attentton of this House towards this fact that
to Work and Right to Education in the list of Bareilly, Pilibhit, Badaun and Lakhimpurare
Fundamental Rights. These people have fast becoming major centres of extremist
come from various parts of the country and activities. Earlier also. I had made a mention
consists of people from all walks of life in- about it, but the Government oia not pay Any
cluding students and youths. We the old heed to it. The Govemment should pay seri-
timers may recall it that in our school days ous attention towards the increasing extrem-
most of us were members of the All India ist activities in that area... (Intanvpttans)...
Students Federation because in those days
there was no other students' organisation in SHRI SURYA NARAYAN YADAV
the country except the A.I.S.F. This year is (Saharsa): Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, as Shri
being celebrated as the 'International Liter- Bhogendra Jha has correctly observed few
acy Year’ by the United Nation Organization. minutes back, it is necessary to bring for-
ward a constitution AmerKlment Bill to in-
SHRINATHU SINGH (Dausa): Are you clude the Right to Work among the Funda-
referring to the Mandal Commission Report? mental Rights. I would like to say that last
Friday, the Parliamentary Party met twice
SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: Now I am under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minis-
tallying about what I know. This issue has ter to discuss this issue and I would like to
come up lately. I was refemng to those give you this much of information that the
people who have assembled here from vari- Right to Work will t)e definitely included in the
ous parts of the country. We had discussed Fundamental Rights and a Draft is being
this matter at the meeting of the Business prepared in this regard.
Advisoiy Committee and upon my insis-
tence, the Minister tooking after the work of [English]
the 8. A.C. toW me that the legislaton to that
effect was not ready, but now when that Bill SHRIMATI SUKHBUNS KAUR (Gur-
is ready. I wouW like to urge upon the Gov- daspur); Mr. Deputy Speaker, for two hours
ernment to introduce it at least in the current we have been discussing the matter about
sessbn. Further, I wouM also insist that the Delhi State Bill, which is not on the
eitherthe Prime Minister, if he has sometime agenda For the last two weeks discussbn
at his disposal, or any other Minister should on the atrocities on women has been listed
assure those people who have assembled on the agenda and each day the Minister of
outside, that those Bills woukJ be introduced Parliamentary Affairs puts this item at the
in the Parliament, at least in this very ses- bottom of the agenda, but the discussion is
sion. In the next session, we may pass it or not taking place.
we may have a discussion on it, that is
altogether a different issue, but if these MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Are you pre-
Constitutton Amendment Bills, which seek to pared to sit late in the night?
include among the Fundamental Rights the
Right to Work and Right to Educatbn, are SHRIMATI SUKHBUNS KAUR: No. we
not even introduced in this sessnn, then it are not prepared. .It should be discussed
would be something very distressing. now.


Though you, I wouM like to inform this House proposal for this, otherwise I can't take it up
415 Re, Bin for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to DeHii 416

now in the House. case, then we should have been consulted

and we shouki not be taken for granted on
SHRIMATISUKHBUNS KAUR: We will this policy issue, I want to make it clear.
do that (Intenruptions)
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is your -
Another point is that women migrants Government.
from Punjab were beaten up yesterday by
the Delhi police, but no action has been (intenruptions)
taken, (interruptions)
DR. BIPLAB DASGUPTA; If it reflects a
. SHRIMATI J.JAMUNA (Rajahmundiy): difference within the Government on this
Sir, for the last 15 days I have been waiting issue between the Ministry of Industry and
to speak on the atrocities on women. But the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry of
they are postponing the discussk>n on this. Planning, that is not acceptable. Whatever
There are yet so many women Members to are the differences, they have to resolve
speak on this. On the one hand the Govern- them within the Cabinet. But the third possi-
ment says that they have constituted a bility isthis, that he is speaking his own mind. ,
Commission for women. On the other hand If that is the case, this is a luxury which is not
they are not bothered about giving chance to enjoyed by a senior civil servant Sir, he
women Members to speak on the atrocities should be asked for an explanation and if the
on women. For the last two weeks I have explanation is not satisfactory, he should be
been waiting very patiently to speak on this. called back because such kind of behaviour
So. \ am requesting you to give us the by a civil servant should not be permitted. I
opportunity at least to speak on this subject would like the Government to make the
listed under Rule 193. (Interruptbns) position clear as to whether they are in
agreement with the statement which has
DR. BIPLAB DAS GUPTA (Calcutta been made by this particular Ambassador
South); Sir, I am raising this issue which and whether it reflects the policy of the
relates to a speech made by the Indian Government...
Ambassador to the European Economic
Community in a meeting in the Bengal MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: How much
Chamber of Commerce in Calcutta. I under- time you will take?
stand that in his speech he has made a
number of points which are totally and dia- DR. BIPLAB DASGUPTA: I am just
metrically opposed to the accepted policies finishing. If this is the opinion of the person
of the India Government. For example, he himself, then that should be strongly criti- ,
opposed licensing and he wanted that it cised. He should be pulled back and trans-
should be scrapped. He wanted a free econ- ferred from this position of Ambassador to
omy. free import of technotogy and he op- EEC.
posed the reservation of certain areas in the
economy for small enterprises. He com- [Translation]
pletely denounced the pubik: sector. What I
am saying is this. Is this the policy of the SHRIJANARDAN YADAV (Godda); Mr.
Government? (intenruptions) He is the Deputy Speaker, Sir, the well known scien-
Ambassador of India, I doni want to mention tists, Shri R.C. Tyagi and Shri Jain, who had
his name. If this is the policy of the Govern- settled in the United States of America were
ment. if he isfaithfully representing the policy invited by the Indian Government in 1972, to
of the Government, there is a radical depar- assist it in the development and manufactur-
ture from the established policies of the ing of Anti-Detector Missiles. When they
Govemment and the Government should were on the point of successful completion of
make it clear whether he is reflecting the the said project, Prof. M.G.K. Menon hatched
polk:les of the Government. If that is the a conspiracy to oust them and consequently,
417 Re. m for Granting BHAORA 15,1912 (SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 418

Shri R.C. Tyagi was sent back to the Military foreign country. No citizen of India... {Inter-
School at Pune. Even there he was not ruptions) ...
allowed to join and thus the country’s secu-
rity missed a golden opportunity to benefit KUMARI UMA BHARATI (Khajuraho):
from Shri Tyagfs scientific endeavours. Since Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, he used the
1977, he has been leading a retired life. He term...while refemng to Shri Ashok Singhal.
has filed a law-suit seeking justice. I would I object to it....... {Interruptions) ...
insist upon this Government to see to it that
Shri R.C. Tyagi is not denied justice because MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please take
the previous Government and a Minister in your seat, {interruptions)
the present cabinet had denied him the place
he deserves. Now, this Government should MR. DEPUTE SPEAKER; JoshiSaheb,
rectify that mistake and reinstate him in his first of all take your seat, I shall give you time.
previous job. {Interruptfons)


Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, one feels very your seat. Mr. Makkasar ji. {interruptions)
much concerned, when one goes through
the newspaper reports about the mounting MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please raise
communal tensbn in various parts of the your point of order after order is established
country. On the one hand, communal riots in the House.
have taken place in Gujarat and on the other,
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad has accelerated {Interruptions)
its programme and have started sending the
‘Ram Jyoti’ from Ayodhya to various parts of [English]
the country......
This is not going on record.
very positive development. {In te n sio n s)


this, there is a matter of much more serbus your seat. May I have order in the House?
concern... (Interruptions)...
TAVA (Patna): What sort of calamity will take [Translation]
place, if 'Ram Jyoti’ is lit up in this country,
where ‘Jawahar Jyoti’ can be lighted without MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Makkasar ji,
any inhibitbn? Certainly Lord Rama isgreater Joshi Sabhe, Please take your seats. Why
than Jawaharlal Nehru. do you stand uptime and again while I am on
my legs. I shall give you time. I invite Shri
SHRIMATI SUBHASHINI ALI; Mr. Makkasarji for sitting this side.
Deputy Speaker, Sir, a matter of much more
concern is the fact that Shri Ashok Singhal of (interruptions)
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad paki a visit to SHRI SHOPAT SINGH MAKKASAR
Nepal.There, he appealed to the foreigners (Bikaner): We shall not allow them to hoot
to despatch a ‘Jatha’ of 'Kar Sewaks’ to India any member while he is making his submis-
for the Constructnn of the Ram temple. It is sk>n in the House. Why did all of them stand
*.*. work. The hon. Home Minister is present up while a lady Member was making her
in the House... {Interruptions) ...Nepal is a submission? (interruptions)

**Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

419 Re, B ill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Statehood to Delhi 420

please sit down. Why are you standing up? you time. First of all I request all of you to cool
down and no to be agitated.
(In te rru f^ n s )
Saheb, are you also adding your voice to [English]
[English] my ruling on that. At least somebody should
help me. Shri Sontosh Mohan Dev will help
SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV me by not raising any point of order.
(Tripura West): Sir. you allow the lady
Member to continue her speech. (Interruptions)
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You are also
addition your voice to this. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Makkasar
ji, you should not take it otherwise for my
(Interruptbns) request you to come to this side.


please. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the questbn is not
to come to this skie or that side. Is it proper
(Interruptions) to interrupt any hon. Member? Are they
along minton of Hindus? (Interruptbns)
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Are you (Thane): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, though I
also standing up? See, the proceedings of do not join issues with Shubhashini ji who
the House have been conducted in a very has just made her submisswn here yet my
conducive atmosphere for the last so many point of order is this that such words should
days. But today on the last day of the not be used here in the House against the
session, we are engaged in a long discus* President of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad who
Sion on a Non-Agenda item like this. is notpresent here as you cannot reply on his
behalf, so let us do it. We want to reply in his
[English] defence.

Nath, why do you get up? I am standing. First MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Do not speak
of all, create a conducive atmosphere in the together please.
House and then let us talk.
[Translation J (Tripura West): Let gents be quiet and let the
ladies speak. (Interruptions)
MR. DEPUTY SP EAKER: No one will
speak now. [Translation]

(Interruptions^ MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is my

421 R9. Bill for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 422

request to you not to be exerted. Let my voice taken if deemed necessary. Now, let us not
also be heard to others in the House. I will involve ourselves in any further discussion
see the records and if I found that any about it.
aspersion has been cast on any body. I will
take necessary action. (Interruptions)

{Interruptions) [English]


MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI me to give my ruling, I can give the ruling. Do
SUBODH KANT SAHAY): Mr. Deputy not force me to give the ruling. (Interrup-
Speaker, Sir, if you allow, I may help you in tions)
maintain order in the House.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: If you could
maintain order outside the House, that will MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please do
be on your part. not linger It any more. By now others might
have got chance to speak. I have been
(Interruptions) constantly saying that I will see this matter. If
you want any ruling over it, I may do that. Let
SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI me see the record first.
(Jhansi): Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, an ad-
vance notice is required to be given by the (Interruptions)
hon. Member for raising an issue and on the
basis of the advance notice, the concerned SHRIMATI SUBHASHINI ALI: Mr.
member is allowed to raise the issue in the Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am not casting asper-
House, So the hon. Member should not have sion on any particular person. It is highly
said anything against the President of the objectionable that an Indian Citizen goes to
Vishwa Hindu Parishad who is just a citizen other countries and makes appeal to the
of the country, not a member of this House... people of that country to come to the our
(Interruptions) country to break the haw of the land. I con-
sider it quite objectbnable and think that it is
SHRI RAM NAIK (Bombay North): Mr. against the interest of our country’s
Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am on a point of order (Interruptbns)
that the person on whom aspersion has
been cast, is not a member of the House so MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Again I have
he cannot defend himself I think rules do not to request you to sit down.
permit to cast aspersion on a person who Is
unable to defend himself in the House. If any unparliamentary works have been
Aspersion has been cast on Shri Singhal ji, said by her in her speech, it is a matter to be
who is not in a position to defend himself and looked into, otherwise you should listen to
it is also not known whether he Is the whatever she is saying. However, the time
President or the General Secretary of the will be given to you later on for pointing out
Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Saying something anything wrong said by her in her speech.
against a person who cannot defend himself
here, is not appropriate and permissible under (Interruptions)
the Rules so this is my point of order.
Deputy Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister of
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: In reply to Home Affairs Is present in the House today
your point of order, I already stated that I and tomorrow is the last day of the session.
would see that records and action would be I would like to submit that communalism is
423 Re. Bill for Granting SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Statehood to Delhi 424

[Shrimati Subhashini Lai] support price of apple has been fixed at Rs.
1.20 per kilogram. The Government of Hima-
being spread all over the country like wild fire chal Pradesh has made this announcement
and efforts are bolog made to international- Ch. Devi Lai who happened to be the Minis-
ise the issue. I would like to request the hon. ter of Agriculture had said that the loss will be
Minister of Home Affairs to let us know as to made good by the Government and the
what steps are being taken by the Govern- farmers will qiven a support price of Rs. 5
ment to check communaltension and unlaw- per kilogram. It you do not want to listen to
ful activities being carried out by certain me, I will sit on a hunger strike outside. I am
elements In the country. {Interruptions) also a Member of this House and I also have
a right to speak. I have a right to apprise the
KUMARI UMA BHARATI: Mr. Deputy House of my point of view. The Farmers of
Speaker, Sir, I am grateful to you you provid- Himachal Pradesh were shot. The law and
ing me to speak an opportunity. It has been order situation is deteriorating day by day
urged upon to the devotees of Lord Ram to and all the roads in the State have been
reach Ayodhya to participate in the Kar blocked. Due to this, village goods are not
Seva which was to commence on 30 Octo- reaching the towns. I would like to request
ber. In this connection I would like to bring to the Government to provide financial assis-
your notice that crores of petro-dollars enter tance to the State so that the situation may
the country freely and publicly. No action is improve.
being taken against it. People of this country
visit U.S.S.R. and one country establishes During election campaign Shri Gujral
contacts with other countries in the name of while delivering his speeches in election
socialism, but no charge of treason is lev- meetings made a promise that support price
elled against them. Then what is wrong in it of a apple would be fixed at Rs. 5. But where
if in the name of religion contacts are estab- is he today? What about the assured price of
lished with Hindus living all over the world. apple at Rs. I would like to make a
There have been number of occasions when demand from the Government that the apple
sikhs living all over the world were given calls and fruit growers of Himachal Pradesh should
to participate in the Kar Seva undertaken in be given reasonable remunerative price for
the golden temple. Could they be stopped to their produces.
do so? Similarly, if the General Secretary of
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad gives a call to [English ]
Hindus living all over the world to participate
in the Kar Seva, it will be shameful and SHRI G.S. BASAWARAJ (Tumkur):
deplorable if words like traitor etc. are used Sir, in Karnataka, the desiccated coconut’s
against him. This is purely an allegation and (Bal Copra) rate has gone down. Last year it
whatever communal tension has been cre- was Rs. 4,000 and this year it has gone down
ated in the country, is only due to such to Rs. 1300 to Rs. 1400 per quintal. This Is of
allegations. (Interruptions) great concern to us. Growers and agricultur-
ists are agitating which has resulted in law
SHRI K.D. SULTANPURI (Shimla): Mr. and order situation is going down; Road
Deputy Speaker, Sr, please provide me also rokosare going on. The same situation arose
an opportunity to speak. Due to excessive in Kerala during 1987-88. At that time, the
rainfall all the roads in Himachal Pradesh Union Government intervened and they gave
have been blocked and the State Govern- a support price of Rs. 1,600 per quintal Bal
ment is not paying any attention to it. 1wish copra. 1urge upon the Central Government
that Central Assistance should be given to through you to give th<^ support price of Rs.
the State Government for this purpose and 3000 per quintal to agriculturists on the same
immediate steps should betaken to clearthe lines. In this connection. I have given num-
roads. ber of notices under Rules 193 and 197. But
so far no action has been taken by you. I
Secondly, I would like to submit that the request you to kindly admit my notices and
425 Re. BUI for Granting BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Statehood to Delhi 426

give me an opportunity to express my views make a statement in the House whether

about the coconut rates. (Interruptions) * democracy will remain in the country or not?

form part of the record. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, through you, I
wouW like to bring to the notfce of the Gov-
{Interruptions) ernment that in 1947 when Pakistan made
an attack, lakhs of refugees who came to
[Translation] Jammu and Kashmir State have been re s t-
ing in the districts Jammu, Kathua and Rajori
SHRIMITRA SEN YADAV (Faizabad): since then. At that time the Government had
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, today youth from assured them that it would provide them land
the book and corner of the country and and financial assistance at the rate of Rs.
thousands and students are demonstrating 25,000 per family so that they could start
at the boat club. Their demand is right to their own business. But sir, the assurance
work. Right to work means right to life. I given to them has not yet been fulfilled. They
would like to submit that the Gtovernment are still living in slums. I would , therefore,
should bring forward a Bill so as to provide a like to make a request to the Government to
right to work to the youth of the country and fulfill the assurances given to them at that
to inclusion this right as one of the Funda* time by providing land and financial assis-
mental Rights in the Constitution. It is a very tance.
important Bill for which lakhs of people have
congregated here. I would like to bring to SHRI DHARM PAL SHARMA (Udham-
your notice that while on the one hand these pur): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, refugees have
youth are supporting the Mandal Commis- been trapped In my constituency also. The
sion Report, on the other hand they are same problem with my constituency also.
making a demand for a right to work also. I
would like to request you to direct the Gov- MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: He has al-
ernment to bring forward a Bill to give statu- ready told. Now you may please sit down.
tory sanction to right to work.
SHRI R.N. RAKESH (Chail): Mr. Dep-
uty Speaker, Sir, a Harijan woman was raped SHRI DHARM PAL SHARMA: I will
and thereafter killed in Etawah, A minor girl associate with Shri Janak Raj Gupta.
was killed after being gangraped in Aligarh.
The culprits have not yet been apprehended. PROF. SAIF UD DIN SOZ (Baramul-
When Shri Balram Singh Yadav, former Unfon lah): I am on a point of order Sir.
Minister, Shrimati Shiela Dikshit, former
Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Gouri Sh- (Interruptions)
ankar and Ex. M.P. Shri Chander Pal Shailani,
Shri Bihari Lai alongwith 5,000 party workers MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am really
protested against these atrocities, they were very sorry that you have dragged this busi-
arrested and lodged in various jails in Uttar ness which is not listed upto 4 O* clock.
Pradesh. After 14 days, their detention was
extended for an indefinite period. Yesterday (intenuptions)
Shri Balram Singh Yadav was beaten up in
Agra Jail. People are being tortured and PROF SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ: After the
killed in the State. There is no democracy left Papers were laid on the Table, we should
In Uttar Pradesh. Through you, I would like to have discussed the Calling Attention Motion
request the hon. Minister of Home Affairs to and thereafter the amendments passed by

*Not recorded.
427 CaK AftmOon Exin. o f SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Scheme to Maharashtra 428
Cotton MonofxAy Procurement

[Prof. Sarf-Ud-Din Soz] (Interruptions)

the Rayya Sabha on the Prasar Bharati Bill. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Rawat. if
I would request you to go to the business. you are not calling the attention, then I will go
to the next item in the Agenda.
(Dhandhuka): Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir. I SHRI HARISH RAWAT (Almorah): Sir.
and other 12 hon. Menfibers of Parliament I am not doing anything wrong.
are trying to raise the same issue but you are
not alk)tting the time for it. Keeping in view (Interruptions )*
our request kindly alk>w us to raise the issue.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, what Shri Harish Rawat says only will go on record
do you want? and nothing else.


Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir. in Baroda, Gujarat.
Some people resorted to stone throwing MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Shri Rawat, if
from a religbus place on a religious proces- you are not calling the attention, then I will go
sion on the occasion of Immersion of Ganesh to the next item.
idols resulting in clashes and death of 12 to
15 persons. Today the situation has reached (Interruptions )*
such a point as our people cannot observe
any religious festival. I wouki like to request MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: This will not
you to institute an inquiry into the incident go on record.
and ask the hon. Minister of Home Affairs to
make a statement in this regard. (Interruptions )*
is interested in the Calling Attention Motion. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Mr. Deputy
I call upon him to call the attentton of the Speaker, Sir, 1call the attention of the Minis-
Minister. ter of Textiles to the following matter of
urgent public importance and request that
{Intenuptbns) he may make a statement thereon:-

“Reported delay in taking decision

regarding extension of cotton monop-
15.45 hrs oly procurement scheme to Mahar-
ashtra thus affecting the cotton grow-
CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF ers and the steps taken by the Govern-
URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE ment in that regard.**

Extension of cotton monopoly procure-

ment scheme to Maharashtra. [English]

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now. Please I have called the attention. Sir.
sit down. This has taken too much. (Interruptions)

•Not recorded.
429 Ca!IAnention B etn,of BHADRA 15.1912 (5A/CA) Scheme to Mahgrashtra 430
Cotton Monopoly Procurement

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You have to row and while taking decision thereon due
sit down please. account will be taken of the feelings ex-
pressed by hon. Members here. I do not
{intenrupitons) want to take much time of the house. This is
a compulston and it is better to extend it. We
hAFL DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now. the will act according to the suggestbrYS we
Minister. have received.

[Transkaion] SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Mr. Deputy

Speaker. Sir, I have heard the statement
THE MINISTER OF TEXTILES AND given by the hon. Minister and assurance
MINISTER OF FOOD PROCESSING IN- given by him to this house. I am very thankful
DUSTRIES (SHRISHARAD YADAV): While to him that he had shown a very sympathetic
approving extension of the Maharashtra attitude to this matter and I believe that very
Cotton Monopoly Procurement Scheme for soon he will take a decision which will meet
a period of one year in 1989. the Central the aspiratbn of the people of Maharashtra.
Government has constituted an Inter-Minis* We are very concerned about it because of
terial Committee in July. 1989 consisting of the ensuing cotton procurement season. If
representatives from the Ministries of Tex- the Government will not take timely decision
tiles. Commerce, Agriculture. Finance and in this regard, the agencies which are en-
Reserve Bank of India to examine in depth gaged in this work will have to face a bt of
the merits and demerits of further continu- difficulties.
ation of the Scheme beyond 30th June,
1990. The Committee invited the views of. Unfortunately the past performance of
and heki discussions with all organisations the Ministry in this regard now held by Shri
directly or indirectly affected by the opera- Sharad Yadavji has not been very satisfac-
tion of the aforesaki Scheme including the tory and people have apprehensions about
Government Maharashtra. Maharashtra it. We have raised this matter many times.
State Cooperative Cotton Growers' Federa- The Maharashtra Government and the
tion Ltd.. All India Cooperative Cotton Fed- Chairman of Maharashtra Cotton Monopoly
eration. Cotton Corporation of India. Indian Procurement Scheme had also requested
Cotton Mills Federatk>n. etc. The Committee him to extend the scheme for atleast another
has since submitted its report to Govern- ten years. You may also agree to the rea-
ment. whk:h is under very active conskiera- sons advanced in favour of this demand.
tion of the Govemment and a decision in this They want that if this scheme for procure-
regard is expected to be taken very soon. ment is allowed to continue for another ten
Since the decisbn is expected to be taken years they can be able to prepare a bng term
well before the start of arrivals of the new plan. On that case they can be able to work
crop, the question of Interests of growers not only for the welfare of this body but for
being affected does not arise. these farmers also who are associated with
this body. I request you to extend the valbity
2. I understand the concern of of this procurement scheme for atleast an-
the Hon*ble Members on the subject. I want other ten years. This has also been re-
to assure them that Government is fully quested by the Management of the Mahar-
seized of the matter and is taking an early ashtra Cotton Monopoly Procurement
decision on the matter of extension of the Scheme. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I realise
Scheme. your attentiveness in regard to time.

Sir. you are very particular about time. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The time at
Whatever Mr. Rawat and others have sab the disposal of the House is yours. I am not
that I wanted to give In writing to the hon. to have my say it is. You people to have your
Speaker. This matter is to be decided tomor- say.
431 Can Attentbn Extn, o f SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Scheme to Maharashtra 432
Cotton Monopoly Procurement

SHRIHARISH RAWAT: We also share agencies whk:h purchase cotton under this
your concern about the contains of time as scheme have to Incur toss. I woukJ like to
your concern Is the concern of entire of request you that If you can not stop It than
House. please ask the other states to extend this
scheme to other cotton growing areas also
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, and in this way it will help these bodies to
very much. protect their interests because they are doing
good work.
like to submit that C.C.I. has not been set up Further, I would like to request that the
to earn profit by exports. That is incurring poltoies should not be made under any pres-
heavy losses. I don't want to mentbn the sure from cotton mill federation and accord-
amount of losses C.C.I.’s main function is to ing to their interests. I don’t mean to say that
procure the cotton in those areas where they shouki not be asked in this regard but it
there is not organised agency to save the has been observe that every year these mills
farmers from Middleman but it has been group together and pressurise the C.C.I. and
converted into a cotton exporting agency. Govemment and put influence to reserve the
You give this agency permissbn to export quota for them and manage to reduce the
bales of cotton as per their demand whereas export of cotton. Due to these pract toes there
step motherly treatment is meted to the is the glut in the cotton market and these
cooperatives in Maharashtra Gujarat in this people get the chance to dictate the arbitrary
score. They ask permission for exporting the prices for the cotton. I would like to say that
cotton bales and you grant It. I request you there must be a comprehensive scheme and
that the cooperative institutions of Gujarat or all the bodies other than Cotton Mill Federa-
the co-operative institutions of Maharashtra tion shoukJ also have a say in fixing the
are people’s institutions which are well aware prices of cotton. The views of farmers should
of the hopes and aspiratbn of the peoples. also be taken into consideration and this
They are doing very good job. Our friends scheme mustcoverthe Wider interest. I also
Shri Uttambhai Rathod and Shri Purohitji are want to suggest that...
very concerned about it. They have submit-
ted that you are altowing the C.C.I. to export MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No. there is
more bales of cotton than what is permis- nothing to suggest in it. You are to seek
sible under this scheme, whereas Gujarat clarificatton only. You are extending its scope.
Cooperative and Maharashtra Cotton Mo-
nopoly Scheme are not being allowed to SHRI HARISH RAWAT: I will ask for
export cotton according to their capacity. clariftoatton. I woukJ like to know from the
They have to incur tosses. I request you to hon. Minister steps to be taken to strengthen
altow the Maharashtra Cotton Monopoly the procurement system of C.C.I. and to
scheme and Gujarat Co-operatives may be open more procurement centres?
allowed to export the cotton bales according
to their procurement and to the quantity they [English]
give to C.C.I. You should not differentiate
between these two bodies. One is Govern- MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: That has
ment Agency and the other is Co-operative nothing to do with the Maharashtra Cotton
body. It is obligatory for the Government to Monopoly Procurement Scheme.
promote the co-operative movement.
SHRI HARISH RAWAT: I know this kind
Thirdly, I want to submit that in Mahar- of thing; you need not enlighten me. This is
ashtra when the first staple comes into not uie way.
market, the traders from all the places like
Andhra Pradesh, Delhi and other places MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You have
come to purchase it, and because of it these wtoened the scope. You do not understand.
433 Caii Attention Extn, of BHADRA 15.1912 (S4K4) Business of the House 434
Ck>tton Monopoly Procurement
Scheme to Maharashtra
SHRIHARISH RAWAT: I understand; I Government does not pay for it. They them
need not require educatbn. self fix the prbes.


educate you. if you are not educated. main thing I want to say that the Central
Government shoukJ help in this matter. I
[Translation] have raised this point because of It only. I
want to raise another point that this scheme
PROF. MAHADEO SHIWANKAR is incun'ing bsses. Maharashtra Market
(Chlmur): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I would Federation does not get permit to export well
like to have clarifbatbn on three>four points. in time, due to whbh it always suffers losses.
You are also from Maharashtra and you also There is a fixed quota for it and it should be
know the difficulties of cotton growers. Like given in time. Central Government must
us. you also observe that the cotton growers consider this matter.
grow cotton on thousands of acres of land
but every year the monopoly procurement MR. DEPUTYSPEAKER: This scheme
scheme is not started in time and the grow- is of Maharashtra Govemment.
ers have to suffer heavy losses. We want
that the Cotton Monopoly Procurement PROF. MAHADEO SHIWNAKAR:
Scheme should be extended for another ten Central Government will also have to con-
years and every year due to Indecision of sider this.
Central Government in the name of giving
extension to this scheme the cotton growers MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have told
are confused about their produce, hence the you it is not like this. This is Maharashtra
scheme should be extended for another ten Government’s Scheme.
Secondly. I would like to say that the Thank you.
prices of cotton are fixed not in proportbn to
the cost of productbn and very few people SHRI HARIBHAU SHANKAR MA-
get remunerative prices. On the basis of cost HALE (Malegaon): Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir.
of production the minimum prrces should be Janata Dal Government is the well wisher of
fixed at Rs. 1200 or 1250 per quintal. The farmers in 15 years of Congress rule grave
farmers have to suffer bsses and they are in injustice was done to the farmers and now
debts. Hence. I would like to say that the the Janata Government is doing the same to
farmers should get the remunerative prices the Monopoly procurement system under
on the basis of their cost of productbn. pressure.
particularly the areas of Marathvada and
Vidarbha are very poor and the people of
these areas should get the benefit of remu>
nerative prices. This whole scheme was for 16.02 hr s.
the cotton growers...
the subject of Central Govemment, Mahar> [English]
ashtra Government is concerned to it.
DR. THAMBI DURAI (Karur): Sir. ac-
PROF. MAHADEO SHIWANKAR: I cording to today’s Agenda, at 4 o’cbck we
want to say that Central Government should are supposed to take up discussion on
fix higher prices for them. Mandal Commission. Since morning we are
demanding for its discussbn. Now. it is al-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Central ready 4 o’ cbck. so we, shoub not continue
435 Business of the House SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Business of the House 436

[Dr. Thambi Durai] O’clock, a concesus has not been arrived at

regarding the Bill about Delhi. Therefore feel
with the Calling Attention. Let us take up the that the Bill be introduced in the House and
discussion on Mandal Commission, After* a discussion is initiated on it. As was decided
wards, if time permits, we can continue with yesterday that if we had to sit even upto
the Calling Attention. midnight we will do so and pass the Bill for
giving statehood to Delhi. This is my view.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is a Yesterday's consensus agreement may be
lot of sense in what you say but you ail have implemented... {Interruptions ) ...That
seen what has happened in the House. I gentlemanly agreement should be imple-
leave to the House to decide in whatever mented even if we may have to sit upto
fashion they like. midnight, no matter Congress people sup-
port or not it shoukl be taken up today at any
DR. THAMBI DURAI: Sir, the whole cost... (Intenruptions)
country is agitated over this issue. So many
buses are burnt. A number of students have DR. THAMBI DURAI: It Is a very impor-
died, A lot of tension is created. It is our duty tant subject. Hon. Prime Minister is here. We
to see that the tension is reduced. It is the want to listen to him. He should know as to
duty of the Members of Parliament to create what is happening now in India. This is more
confidence among the students community. important. Therefore, we should take up
It is high time that we take up discussion on Mandal Commission.
Mandal Commission.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Today, no Deputy Speaker, Sir, my point of order is this
business has been transacted according to that discussion on Calling attention has not
the Agenda. And, if I have given any ruling, yet completed. Dr. Khushal Bopche and
it has not been accepted. So, I leave it to the other honourable members are yet to speak.
House to decide. The Government is yet to decide on the
matter. So Government should take deci-
SHRI P.R KUMARAMNAGALAM sion today, because it is a question related to
(Salem): Sir, I understand your problem. It is 10-15 lakh of people. So we want your deci-
not simple to handle things in such a kind of sion regardirtg this Calling Attention just
situation. But. Sir, the Prime Minister has today.
come in the House so, I think it is important.
Time fixed for the discussion was 4 o* clock. [English ]
Everybody is waiting to hear the views of
various parties. So, I woukf suggest that we SHRI P. UPENDRA: We propose that
should take up the discussbn on Mandal tomorrow being a Friday—a day for non-
Commission. official business—and that some small Bills
have to go to the Rajya Sabha and tomorrow
THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION being the last day for the Rajya Sabha also,
AND BROADCASTING AND MINISTER OF I therefore suggest that the Legislative Busi-
PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P. ness can be completed. We will sit late in the
UPENDRA): Sir let us finish this item listed night and finish the discussion on Mandal
on the Agenda and then we can take up Commission also.
Mandal Commission. We can sit late and
finish it. You take the sense of the House... SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: No.
SHRI P. UPENDRA: Kindly take the
[Translation] sense of the House, {Interruptions)

Delhi): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, now It is 4 take the sense of the House. According to
437 Business of the House BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Business o f tfie House 438

Agenda, we can proceed. {Intenvptions) MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The views of

the Government are expressed on the ftoor
SHRIB. SHANKARANAND (Chikkodi): of the House. The views of the parties are
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Pariiamentary expressed on the floor of the House. They
Affairs Minister has his own views. He can- are recorded. It is for the Members to accept
not force his views on the House, through or to reject each other’s views. I am not
you. You have to go by the Order Paper. You saying that you should accept or reject them.
see, what is the business that is listed in the The PreskJintg Offber’s drffk^ulty today is
Agenda paper at 4 o’ clock? Can you change nothing on the Agenda has gone according
the order and impose the will of the Govern- to the order.
ment on the House? You can’t do that.
{Interruptions) Supposing everything has not gone
according to the order and if the House has
SHRI P. UPENDRA: Kindly take the conducted itself as per the wishes of the
sense of the House. {Interruptions) members, now this also be deckJed either by
consensus or in whatever fashfon you like. I
SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: After all. I am not going to say, you take it or you don’t
humbly submit that the Deputy Speaker and take it. Now, it is for the House to decide. I am
the House cannot be held to ransom. Deputy not going to decide on this. {Interruptbns)
Speaker, cannot be held to ransom by the
Parliamentary Affairs Minister, he is trying to SHRI P. UPENDRA: Sir. whenever we
do that. I am happy that you are not. But the said 4.00 P.M., we never said whrchever is
question is that you have to go by the Order earlier. 4.00 P.M. cannot be treated as a
Paper. You cannot change the order. limit. Matters under 193 cannot take prece-
{Interruptions) dence over the Govemment’s business.
I am sorry to say that, again let not
there be any occasion for the Government to MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I do not know
impose its will on the House, through you. what isto be done. Mr. Shankaranand. please
This is what I am requesting. take your seat. I do not know what is to be
done. If we are discussing all those things
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please do which are not on the agenda upto 3.30 p.m.,
not drag me. You had your say. and if we are in the mklst of the Calling
Attention which is not finished, and if one of
{interruptions) the Members having not realized what has
happened in the House, is asking me to
SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: Mr. Dep- migrate to the item which is to be taken up at
uty Speaker, let me make it clear. It is not my 4 p.m., what do you expect me to do?
intentbn to cast any aspersion on the Chair.
But please listen. Our concern is for the item {Interruptions)
which is listed at 4 P.M. today. The Rules of
Procedure says that 'Ihe order of business SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM:
cannot be changed.” Let us stick to it. Let us There is a Calling Attentbn... (Interruptions)
take the item that is listed in the Order Paper.
This is my submission. DR. THAMBI DURAI: I want to add
something to what you have sakJ, Sir, Gen-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I would not erally. we are conducting the proceedings in
like to impose my views on the House. the House this way: there is a list of business
on the agenda. We try to cover items as far
SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: You need as possible, according to the agenda. Some-
not ‘mpose your views but we want the views times we mi$s some; we are not able to cover
of the Government. {Interruptions) them. But when we have fixed the time for an
439 Business o f the House SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Business of the House 440

[Dr. ThambI Durai] right to alter the arrangement of business, if

he feels that there is a satisfactory reason for
item at 4 p.m. it is customary in the House that. I would read it out:
that we take it up at 4 o’ clock, and continue
with it. unless there Is a consensus in the “On days allotted for the transact ton of
House—not a majority. {Intermptions) Wh^t Government business...
you said is correct. We wish to cover all
items, but what can we do? and today is one such;

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I value the "...such business shall have prece-
advice given by Dr. Thambi Durai. He has dence and the Secretary-General shall
been in the know of the procedure which is arrange that business in such order as
followed. I would suggest that the Whips of the Speaker may, after consultation
the parties may meet in the chamber of the with the Leader of the House, deter-
Parliamentary Affairs Minister. Uptothat, we mine:
will complete the discussbn on Calling At>
tention Notbe. It is not good to leave it Provided that such order of business
uncompleted. shall not be varied on the day that
business is set down for disposal un-
Nov; Mr. Harl Shankar Mahale. less the Speaker is satisfied that there
is sufficient ground for such variation.”
DR. THAMBI DURAI: We have also left
it like that. (Interruptions) Here, there is a dispute among Members on
whether it should be varied or not; and be-
SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: Sir. I fore the House, on behalf of the Govern-
am on a point of order. ment, formal motion has been presented,
that there be a variation, and this should be
PROF. P.J. KURIEN (Mavelikara): In taken up first. (Interruptions)
the list of business, only one item has been
mentioned specifically, to start at 4 p.m. For AN HON. MEMBER: There is no formal
none of the others, the time is mentioned. motion before the House.
(Interruptions) After that, we have the half-
an-hour discussion at 5.30 p.m. The Parlia- SHRI P. UPENDRA: I have already
mentary Affairs Ministry itself wants that this moved it. (Interruptions)
ISto be taken up at 4 p.m. That is specifically
mentioned here. To change that, since you SHRI L.K. ADVANI: Sir. I am not yield-
advise that the Whips may meet. ing. (Interruptions ) Even without that
{Interruptions ) , my submissfon is that if motion, it could have been within your legiti-
anything which Is mentbned in the list of mate authority to exercise your discretion on
business is to be changed, it should be with the basis of the discussion that took place
the consent of the House. I am submitting yesterday or today, to come to any conclu-
that if the Whips go separately and decide sion. But you chose not to do it. But, now this
that it is to be changed, it should be with the Motion having been moved and if the House
consent of the House. It is already men- decides that this Motton be adopted, then it
tioned that at 4 p.m. it will be taken up. and would be within your authority to see that the
there is no consensus for not taking it up at decision of the House is carried. This is my
4 p.m. Then what do we do? submission.

SHRI LK. ADVANI (New Delhi): Sir, in MR, DEPUTY SPEAKER: Well, I do
this regard, rule 25 Is very clear; and it agree with what Mr. Advani has said. Rule 25
speaks not of a consensus, but that even the is very dear and the discretion is given to the
hon. Speaker and the Chair himself has the Presiding Officer. Even without rule 25 the
441 Business of the House BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Business of the House 442

inheromjurisdiction and the authority is given continue according to the agenda on the
to the Presiding Officer to decide. I did not paper, we will be more grateful to you.
choose to decide today because the busi-
ness which was not on the agenda dragged SHRI VASANTSATHE (Wardha): Ithink
on up to 3.30 P.M. That is one reason. this dilemma can be easily solved. Up till now
the practice has been that whatever is fixed
The second reason why I did not choose by time, that is time-bound, whenever it is
to decide is because we were in the midst of fixed like that, you remember that some-
the Call Attentbn Motbn. The question is times it is also put here on the agenda that it
whether we should leave the Call Attention in will be taken up at that time, and whichever
the midst of it or not. is earlier. If it is time-bound, the practice up
till now has been that whatever is the subject
And the third reasons is that there are going on we interrupt that subject, take up
differing views of the members in the House. the time-bound discussion and after the time-
Some members think that the Mandal bound discussion is over, we again take up
Commission Report which is applicable to from where we left the unfinished subject.
the entire country is more important and that Here, today also, I know that it would have
ft should be discussed. Some members have been better if we could have finished the
a very strong view that the Delhi State hood Calling Attention and then taken up the
Bill has been pending for pretty long years subject. But now the difficulty—I can under-
and it should be discussed. Now, when I find stand the difficulty of the Government even—
that there are views which are at tangent with is the moment we do not stick to four O’Clock
each other, it is not possible some times to and do not interrupt, and take-up the time-
carry the entire House with the Presiding bound discussion, to complete the Calling
Officer. So. there are two courses open. One Attention, then the rest of the items on the
course is to move a motion and decide what agenda are also there. Then everyone will
is to be done. The second course is to have say, "Why not Rule 377 statements?”, "why
a discussion outside and decide what is to be not other items which are listed?” and so on.
done. Now, if you want me to decide, I will
decide. But if I decide you shall have to follow So, I would submit, please stick to the
it. I would like to hear from you. earlier practice. Let the House not break that
SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: The healthy convention, traditions and practice.
Motion has already been moved. Sir. under Rule 25 and even under Rule 30,
the discretion is given to the Speaker. I
DR. THAMBI DURAI: Mr, Deputy entirely agree with you that the residual
Speaker, I am not chadlenging your ruling. As power as per the rules Is entirely with the
you observed, whatever you have said is Chair and with the Speaker. But the Speaker
connect. But when you are changing the also goes by the healthy practices and con-
agenda which has already been approved, ventions. Once we break the convention, it
then you cannot change it through a motion. will open a flood-gate. We are on a delicate
If all are accepting it, if the House unani> and an important subject. At least today let
mously accept it as a consensus, then you us not break this convention. The country is
can do as decided. But by putting through a concerned about the Mandal Commission
motbn if you change the the agenda it is not Report. I do not think that we should make a
fair. In a democracy then minority is not precedent of changing the 4 o’ Clock discus-
protected. Because, has been done unani- sion. The whole nation is lookjng at it. Let us
mously by consensus. Simply by putting to continue with the discussion on Mandal
vote you can do anything. That is there. You Commission Report. The rest of the items
can do. Especially, this Mandal Commission we can take up later. As you remember,
report is very important. But the Delhi Bill is other discussion under Rule 193, which has
also important, they have been agitating for been interrupted, can also be taken up and
it. I am not disputing that. ThereforeTif you finished. That is my request.
443 Business of the House SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Business of the House 444

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: There are disposed of my point of order. My point of

three courses open—either the Presiding order is that at 4 o’ Clock, we have to take up
Officer decides or the Members decide by the discussion on Mandal Commission
consensus or the Member decide by voting. fleport, as per the Agenda. Therefore, let us
If the leaders of the parties are ready to get stop the proceedings whatever may be,
up and say, then I will decide. Otherwise, I Calling Attention or any other item, and take
wilt not decide. I will not decide because I can up the discussion on Mandal Commission
conduct the business of the House only with Report. You have observed that if you take '
your help. If your help is not forthcoming, I up the discussion on Mandal Commission
will not be able to conduct. Up to this time, I Report now, some Members how are listed
am very sorry to say that I did not get any for Calling Attention and some Members
assistance to conduct the business of the who want to take up the Delhi Statehood Bill
House today. Today is an exceptional day will be agitated. That means, you are suc-
and I could not carry the Members with me. cumbing to the pressure... (Interruptbns)
Supposing if I take up the discussion on As you have suggested, the leaders of the
Mandal Commission Report, those who have parties can discuss with Mr. Upendra in his
given the Calling Attention may not support. Chamber and arrive at consensu?. Till {hsy
Supposing I say that the discussion on decide aho^; us take up the discussion
Mandal Commission Report should be taker, on Mandal Commission Report now as per
up, those who are forthe Delhi Statehood Bill the Agenda. Once they come to a consen-
may not support. The result could be that sus, then we can stop the discussion on
there would be Pandemonium in the House, Mandal Commission Report and take up the
which should not be there. My request to the Item whatever they decide.
Members of the House is that the leaders of
the Parties and the Whips should shortly go [Translation]
to Mr. Upendra’s Chamber and decide about
what to do, and let me know their decision. PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA
Until that time, we shall complete the Calling (Delhi Sadar): No consensus is being ar-
Attention. rived at in this regard. {Interruptions)

SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Midnapore): [ English]

Another factor has to be taken into consid-
eration. Apart from what you have said, quite SHRI VASANT SATHE: When you lay
correctly, another new factor has now ap- the practice of changing the business by
peared, which you have to take into consid- moving a Government resolution, hereafter
eration. The Minister of Parliamentary Af- no business can ever be transacted be-
fairs has formally moved a motion which is cause everyday motion can be moved and
before you. business can be changed. Then the Chair
will be in difficulty... {Interruptions)
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is cor-
rectly. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have an-
swered your point of order. I have said that
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: How do you there is an authority given to the Speaker. I
propose to dispose of that motion? You have said that there is a rule accordingly.
cannot just avoid that motion. And the practk:e which we have followed is
by consensus. There have been occasions
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Indrajit in the House when the time has been ex-
Gupta, you are right in saying that. Let him tended and the subject have been changed
also apply his mind to this motion, whether by putting it to the vote...
this motion is as it should be.
DR. THAMBI DURAI: You have sakJ
DR. THAMBIDURAI: Sir, you have not that you are afraid of...
445 Business of the House BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Call Attention Extn. of 446
Cotton Monopoly Procurement
Scheme to Maharashtra
of anything. I need not be afraid of anything. URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE

DR. THAMBI DURAI: This is what you Extension of Cotton Monopoly Procure-
have said. ment Scheme to Maharashtra— Confcf.

for you,. If you are standing to speak and MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now, Shri
nobody allows you to speak, then you will Hari Bhau Shankar Mahale.
have to say to the Chair to control the House.
I will not have to speak. [ English]

leave it to the Business Advisory Commit- (Malegaon): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Na-
tee? tional Front Government has done remark-
able work for farmers and I congratulate the
Government on this account. I listened pa-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Let us un- tiently to the statement made by the Minister
derstand the situation. Are you interest in the . It will not yield any good if they also want to
discussion? If you are interested in discus- do what the Congress Government did pre-
sion the Mandal Commission’s Report or viously This scheme should be extended for
Call Attention or anything else, you please another ton years. The Minister said that he
decide. I am not afraid on anything. It is not would give his decision very soon.
against me. It is not against the Presiding
Officer. It is between the political parties. The Farmers are suffering losses. So exten-
Presiding Officer does not speak; it is you sion for another ten years should be granted
who speak. It is the duty of the Presiding as soon as possible, this is my only sugges-
Officer to see that the business of the House tion.
is conducted in a proper manner. But at
times, as you have said, I have to adjourn the DR. KHUSHAL PARASRAM BOPCHE
House and to see that the order is estab- (Bhandara): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I want
lished. You have yourselves seen it. So let to offer a suggestion regarding extension of
me not prolong it. The practical solution cotton monopoly scheme in Maharashtra. I
which I have suggested is that you talk to the welcome the statement made by the honour-
Parliamentary Afjairs Minister. If you fail to able Minister in this regard. The Minister said
do that, then I will decide. In his statement that they are going to pur-
chase bales of cotton very soon. In this
regard may I know from the Minister what he
DR. THAMBI DURAI: Then you adjourn means by very soon.
the House till that time... (Interruptions)
, I also agree to the demand made by my
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have given honourable members who spoke prior to
my ruling that the Parliamentary Affairs me. Every years the farmers have to come to
Minister and the Whips should discuss this you for their demand of extension of monop-
matter and let us know what is to be done. oly procurement schemes. It is better to
Now I am continuing with the Calling Atten- extend this scheme for another next ten
tion Motion. years. The farmers should get remunerative
price for their produce.

You are aware of the fact that this ses-

447 Can Attention Extn, of SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Scheme to Maharashtra 448
Cotton Monopoly Procurement

[Dr. Khushal Parasram Bopche] others. In order to have a check on this type
of irregularities, we have rationalised the
sion is now coming to a close. There should entire system of distribution. Several State
be some final decision regarding this assur- which I would not like to name, have not been
ance before the end of this session. I con- able to export, It, whereas the C.C.I. is making
clude with this demand. its exports. As far as practicable by us, we
have made allotment of cotton quota to
THE MINISTER OF TEXTILES AND Maharashtra so that it could made full export
MINISTER OF FOOD PROCESSING IN- in conformity with the monopoly scheme of
DUSTRIES (SHRI SHARAD YADAV); Mr. Maharashtra federation. The matter had been
Deputy Speaker, Sir, I agree with whatever pending for one year. Time is short. I do not
Shri Harish Rawat and other hon. Members want to enter into any controversy. I am short
have said about the Maharashtra Monopoly of time as your agenda is very hrge. I have
Scheme. I do not want to go into past. In got the figures with me which I may read out,
different expert committee reports made in if you permit. Had our Government not come,
the past, an opinion was expressed that the this monopoly scheme would have thrown
procured cotton was not of a fine quality. into disarray. When the Government and the
However, I do not agree with the contention co-operative sector take over a scheme It
of many hon. Members who said about the could be that it may not run in a scientific way
scheme of Maharashtra that permission has or in manner ever then it is considered to be
been granted to export a lesser quantity of the best way to run the scheme. I would like
cotton to them. This time there has been to say this much that we have made full
record harvest of cotton. One hundred thirty preparations and the Calling Attention has
bails of cotton were produced in India, this also contributed to our preparation. We will
year C.C.I. has purchases it from the entire take an early decision in this regard. Some of
country. Its production from Maharashtra the hon. Members have expressed the view
was 15 per cent of the whole production. that it should be further extended for anothe:
Since it is a monopoly scheme, the whole 10 years. This thing I cannot say. But one
production of 22 lakh bails was procured. thing is certain that farmers’ cotton will be
procured and there will be no difficulty in it.
We have allocated the quota for export, This year we did not allow any problem to be
in proportion to its share In total production in faced by the farmers. We got the procure-
the entire country. Since the cotton pro- ment done by the C.C.I. at the commercial
duced by farmers is purchased under the level and we did not allow the cotton prices
Maharashtra Monopoly scheme, 12.5 lakh to fall in the whole country. Today I would like
bails have been exported. It has exported to assure the august House once again that
20% of cotton procured. Besides, Mahar- there will be no problem with the scheme of
ashtra is a dry and cotton area. Its production monopoly scheme of Maharashtra and the
does not increase Cotton productiori is in- Cotton growers. If a decision in this regard is
creasing ail over the country except some taken tomorrow I shall announce the same.
pockets of Maharashtra where it is compara- It is not in my hands. The matter has gone to
tively less. Alongwith production there should the cabinet. May be that a decision cannot
be improvement in jeaning and pressing be taken in the cabinet tomorrow. But one
facilities and other infrastructural facilites. I thing is certain that an early decision will be
have already submitted that efforts should taken in this regard and there will be no
be made to provide assistance to farmers difficulty about it.
through co-operatives. The difficulty with the
Government is that the Cotton Corporation I know that there will be bumper crops
of India has to look after the entire country. this year. There was no rain fall in Gujarat.
Just now hon. Member, Shri Harish Rawat, But how there has been rainfall in the State.
alleged that the C.C.I has allotted more This year also there has been a production
cotton to some states and less to some 130 lakh bates of cotton in the State. If there
449 Matters Under BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) Rule 377 450

wilt be number crop this year, we will not which are the synonyms of “Nayaka** In the
suocumb to the pressure of mill owners. In Scheduled Tribes list.
this connection I would like to add further that
not a single private person has been issued li) Need to permit the Government
licence to export cotton. The C.C. I. made the of Karnataka to raise Funds to
export on behalf of all the State Co-opera- finance its Irrigation and Power
tives. I was told by the people that export projects by issue of bonds
should continue. We released quota for
exports in the manner that helped in stabilis- SHRI C P. MUDALA GIRIYAPPA (Chi-
ing the prices to be given to farmers. Some- tradurga): It is gratifying Xo note that Karna-
times one lakh, sometimes two lakh, some- taka Government has given top priority to
times three lakh bales were released. Three agriculture sector and to complete the long
days ago from now I announced the prices pending irrigation projects.* The Central
for more than 5 lakh bales of cotton that has Government is also encouraging this vital
been stored for next year so that prices sector. Completion of pending Irrigation
remain stable at a particular level. I would projects is possible only when the Centre
like to assure the House that there will be no provides adequate funds. At present Karna-
laxity in it. taka Government is facing actuate financial
constraints. Hence the State Government is
very keen to raise funds for agricultural
development. The State Government has
16.39 hrs. requested the centre for the establishment
of a Natior'ial Irrigation Development Bank,
MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 so that irrigation and power projects could be
financed from this Bank. But there is no
I) Need to Declare synonyms of positive reply so far from the Centre. The
Nayak Community as Scheduled Central Government has already permitted
Tribes many public sector like NTPC, Nuplear
Thermal Projects to raise capital through
[ English] bonds. The State Governments should also
be permitted to raise their capital through
SHRI RAJ AMBANNA NAYAK DORE their public undertakings. It was also as-
(Raichur): Sir, I would like to draw the atten- sured by Karnataka Government that the
tion of the fHouse towards the miserable funds raised for irrigation and power projects
sufferings of Scheduled Tribes in Karnataka. would be invariably utilised for the same pur-
.Scheduled Tribes pf Beda, Bedar,Valmiki, pose. Karnataka Government assured that it
talwara, Nayak and Nalk are suffering. will take the responsibility for the payment of
these bonds and interest. Delay in this re-
There are fifty lakh of Scheduled Tribes gard would only result in the hike in the
in Karnataka State. Government of Karna- construction costs.
taka has submitted proposals to the Union
Government to declare synonyms of ‘Nay- I therefore, request the Government of
aka’ community which isclassified as Sched- India to clear these proposal without any
uled Tribes. Due to delay in declaring these further delay.
classified as Scheduled Tribes. Due to delay iii) Need to implement the decision
in declaring these classified communities at regarding waiver of excise duty
par with other S.T. communities, the ‘Nay- on diesei oil used by mecha-
aka’ community is suffering a lot. nised boats run under the co-
I. therefore, urge the Central Govern- operative sector
ment to Immediately mitigate the sufferings
of S.T. communities immediately mitigate SHRIMATI UMA GAJAPATHI RAJU
the sufferings and declare at parthe Nayaka/ (Visakhapatnam): The small mechanised
Beda, Bedar, Valmiki Talwara. Nayak. Naik. fishing boats are mostly operated by SC/ST
451 Matters Under SEPTEMBER 6,1990 Rule 377 452

[Sfirlmati Lima Gajapathj Raju] the crisis (i) provision of 24 hours electricity
to the existing tube-wells; (ii) 100% subsi-
fishermen as also by the unemployed youth dised sinking of tube-wells in the area; (iii)
under the self-employment schemes. The immediate restoration of damaged Gandak
hike in fuel prices by the Union Government canal system specially that of Triveni, Don
has put the mechanised boat operators and Ghorashahan and their distributories;
under hardship. On representation by the (iv) arrangement for free distribution of seeds
small mechanized boat operators, the Union and fertiliser for Rabi cultivation to small and
Government in its Budget for 1990-91 an- marginal farmers as well as provision of
nounced some relief by waiving excise duty interest free loan facility to th.em; (v) provi-
on the diesel oil used by these boats. Though sion of IRDP loans to those below poverty
the duty waiver was announced in the month line and lastly immediate implementation of
of May 1990, to this day the necessary hard manual schemes.
orders to implement it has not reached the
local Excise Duty authorities in V) Need to take steps to provide
Visakhapatnam. I urge upon the Govern- kerosene and cooking gas in
mem to take Immediate steps to issue orders Madhya Pradesh
for implementation of the waiver of Excise
duty on diesel oil used by mechanized boats [Trans/at/on]
run under the co-operative sector.
SHRI RAGHAVJI (Vidisha): Mr. Deputy
iv) Need to declare East and West Speaker, Sir, for the last two months Madhya
Champarson districts in Bihar Pradesh has been experiencing acute short-
as drought affected areas and age of kerosene and L.P.G. which are items
take remedial measures of daily necessity. As a result thereof people
form long queues in front of the kerosene
SHRI DHARMESH PRASAD VARMA dealers’ shops. Due to non-availability of
(Bettiah): Sir, the agriculture has continu- kerosene village life has become miserable
ously been kept on the top priority in the Five and in the villages where electricity connec-
Year Plans as well as in the current Five Year tions have not been given people are forced
Plan. The Central Government has been to pass their nights in darkness. On the other
planning to attain self-sufficiency in due to non-availability of cooking gas the
foodgrains but it would be possible only if we middle class people living in cities and towns
tackle the problem of drought and floods in are experiencing a lot of hardships and prob-
the country Sir, this time the districts of East lems to their food.
and West Champaran in Bihar are under
spell of drought after having been visited by I would, therefore, like to request the
devastating floods in 1986 and 1987. These Central Government to take concrete steps
districts are chiefly paddy growing areas and to remove this grave crisis.
famous granery of Bihar. The entire Bhadai
crop has almost been lost. These districts vi) Need to set-up electronic Tele-
still remain agricultural districts where 90% phone Exchange in Azamgarh,
population depend on farming. The loss of Uttar Pradesh
Bhadai crop and the imminent loss of Kharif
crop as well has completely disheartened SHRI RAM KRISHAN YADAV
the people and put them in a state of frustra- (Azamgarh): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, in this
tion and despair. In view of the critical situ- age of science and race of materialistic life,
ation prevailing there. I request that the East telephone has become not only a powerful
and the West Champaran districts of Bihar any swift medium of communication, but
be declared drought affected areas and the also a necessity of life. But I regret to State
following measures be adopted on war-foot- that the Government is not able to meet the
ing to help people sustain themselves through growing demands of telephones. Particu-
453 Matters Under BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Rule 377 454

iarly in backward localities and districts where are determined to see that this demand of
even though telephone connections have the ex-servicemen in fulfilled.
been given, but they are not working
smoothly. The working of telephone net work vii I) Need Is Issue licences to the
in Azamgarh area of Uttar Pradesh is not at hawkers selling goods in trains
all satisfactory. There are a large nunriber of
people in the waiting list and disturbances in SHRI PRATAP SINGH (Banka): Mr.
telephone systenfi are causing concern for Deputy Speaker, Sir, a large number of
the people who have already been given hawkers are earning their livelihood by sell-
connections. Telephone lines mostly remain ing vanous commodities in trains in the In-
out of order. Local calls and trunk calls do not dian railways. Since long there has been a
materialise. If a complaints is made, it is demand of hawkers to issue licences. While
being replied that machines have become on the one hand this system will increase
outdated and useless. For some reason or revenue to Indian Railways, on the other it
the other even the chairs shown in telephone will provide employment avenues to a large
bills are much higher than the amount worked number of people. Passengers travelling in
out on the basis of number of calls made. trains will also be benefited by their services.
Having been disappointed, a number of Though these people are selling their goods
people have disconnected their telephone without licences but they have to innumer-
connections. Even telephones of peoples' able difficulties in absence of licenceness.
representatives such as M.Ps, M.L. As and They are being harassed due to non-pos-
M.L.Cs are not working properly and it is a session of licenceness These people have
serious thing. Under the above circum- bribe in compulsion to run their business.
stances, I would like to draw the attention of While this practice gives rise to corruption, it
the hon. Minister of Communication to take also tarnishes image of the hawkers before
steps to streamline the telephone system in the passengers.
Azamgarh immediately and replace the ex-
isting telephone exchange at Azamgarh by I would, therefore, like to make a de-
an electronic exchange at the earliest. mand to the Government to pass order im-
mediately by considering sympathetically
vii) Need to take effective steps to their the demand of issuing licences to these
implement one rank one pen- hawkers so that they could run their busi-
sion scheme ness fearlessly and earn their livelihood.

PROF. PREM KUMAR DHUMAL (ix) Need to abolish taxes levied

(Hamirpur): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the on electronic goods in
Government made an announcement in the Punjab and to declare it as
first session of the House to give one rank industrjaily backward State
one pension to ex-servicemen. But it has not
so far taken any steps in this regard. Ques- S. ATINDER PAL SINGH (Patiala)- Mr,
tion put in the House in this regard has also Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like draw the
not been replies clearly. Due to this ambigu- attention of this august House to the follow-
ity on the part of the Government a sense of ing matter of public importance.
discontentment and distrust is fast develop-
ing in the minds of ex-servicemen. Due to excessive taxation the electronic
industry is suffering heavy losses in Punjab,
The Government must take immediate as a result thereof a number of small and
steps to fulfil the demand of *one rank one medium electronic industries have either
pension’ of the lakhs of ex-servicemen in the been closed or are on the verge of closure
country and implement this decision so that in Mohali and several other areas of Punjab.
justice could be done to them who have been While the rate of this tax is quite low in rts‘
fighting for this for last several years. We all adjoining State, it is more than double in
465 Matters Under SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Rule 377 456

[Sh. Alinder Pal Singh] decisbn of the House. (Interruptions)

Punjab. As such it is very necessary to MR. DEPUTYSPEAKER: I wouWllketo

remove this disparity. It is creating problems know whether there is any consensus or not.
for the marketing of electronic goods manu-
factured in Punjab in national and interna- SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: No, No.
tional markets. Goods manufactured In this (Interruptions)
industry are not selling In the market thus
causing heavy losses to It. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Well. Order
Please. Now will you please pay your atten-
I would, therefore, like to make a de- tion to what we say?
mand that taxes on electronic goods manu-
factured in Punjab should be totally abol- Today also I must congratulate you for
ished so that Punjab could emerge as an working very diligently throughout the Ses-
electronic industry State. I wouW also like to sion. Sometimes you might have given pin-
demand that the entire State of Punjab should pricks but all the time you were cooperating
be declared as an industrially backward State with us. Today also you shall have to coop-
so that maximum empbyment avenuescoukl erate with the presiding officer, in the interest
be created in the State. At the same time of the traditions and conventbns arivi
Punjab should be provided all Central assis- and the goodwill that prevails here, 1 have
tance as an industrially backward State which saki that you should take to each other and
has not hitherto been given to it. you should decide as to how we should go
about, to arrive at a consensus. I have also
said that if you fail to decide, then I shall
decide. I am now trying to decide. I hope that
[Er)gli$h] because you have reposed faith in the pre-
siding officer, you would try to help the pre-
DR. THAMBI DURAI (Karur): Mr. Dep- siding officer.
uty Speaker, Sir, I raised a point of order at
4 o'clock and we decided that we would take Now, whatever I say would be in the
up the Mandal Commission debate at 4 o’ interest of the entire House and the dignity
clock. (Interruptions) and tradition of the House. I have full faith in
you that you will support what I am saying.
PROF. P.J. KURIEN (Mavelikara): Sir.
there is no consensus. Therefore. I request My decision is that we are going to
you to go by the List of Business. (Interrupt discuss the Mandal Commission for some
tions) time.


UPENDRA): Sir, I requested for their coop- that we would start discussing the Mandal
eration. The proposal t gave was that if they Commission from now and we will go upto 7
insist on taking up the Mandal Commission O’ clock From 7 O’ ptack to 8 O’ clock, we will
debate, we can take up. Similarly, at 5.30 take up the legislative business.
p.m., the Half-an-Hour discussion is there.
The, at 6 o’cbck, we can take upthe Legisla- [English]
tive Business as listed in the order and sit
late until it is finished. That was the proposal DR. THAMBI DURAI: Do not force us...
for which they have agreed to. Now, since (Intenuptions)
they say that there was no consensus, under
rule 364, I formally request you to take the SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: How is
457 Matters Under BHAORA 15,1912 {SAKA) Rule 377 458

it possible to bring forward Delhi Statehood like to tell you that we all are unanimous on
Bill within an hour {Interruptions) Let us sit the point of taking up the Delhi Statehood Bill
upto12. today. No matter if we are required to sit late
into the night hours but the Delhi Statehood
[English] Bill must be taken up today... {Interruptions)


(Manjeri); Sir, you have given adecision. We MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I wouM like
must abide by yourdecisbn. Nobody should thank you on my own behalf and on behalf of
contradict your decisbn. Everybody should the august House for your decisbn. {Inter-
go according to that. ruptions)

[Trartslation] [English]

SHRI L.K. ADVANI (New Delhi): Mr. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: By and large,
Deputy Speaker, Sir there can be no two excepting two points here and there, there is
opinbns to accept whatever ruling you give. agreement.
As you know Sir, some of the hon. Members
were concerned about the Mandal Commis- SEVERAL HON MEMBERS: No. No.
sbn Report and made a request to you to (Interruptions)
hokl a discussion on it. Exactly with the same
concern several of my colleagues including MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You do not
myself request you take up the Delhi State- understand. Please sit down, Mr. Sontosh
hood Bill. If it is decided that only business of Mohan Dev.
the House will be transacted upto 8.00 p.m.
and thereafter the Prasar Bharati Bill will be SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV (Tripura
passed, the Delhi Statehood Bill couM be West): You allow them to speak and you do
take up thereafter. As such, I wouM like to not albw us to speak.
request you that the Delhi Statehood Bill
should be brought forward. I suggest that in MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: O.K. I albw
the order of list of business prepared by you you to speak.
the Mandal Commissbn Report may be taken
up first. It woukJ been nrost appropriate to SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV: You
take it up as 7.00 P.M. yestenlay. The House have given a ruling that up to 7 O’ Clock,
was of the view that as long as the Bill is not Mandal Commission report will be discussed.
passed, the House shouM not be adjourned From 7 to 8 O’ Ctack, Delhi Statehood Bill will
for the day. ... (Intenvptions) ...This deci- be discussed. The.Pnme Minister and Shri
sbn is acceptable to me and my party. I Advaniji have said that it will come up at 8
wouM like to request you not to fix any time O’Cbck. (Intenuptions)
limit fo this... (Interrijpthns) ...
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You will not
17.00 hrs interrupt me. I have heard your feelings. I
have assessed your feelings. I have come to
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Shri Advani’s a particular condusbn. But you please real-
view...... (Interruptim s) ... ise and do not immediately get up and inter-
rupt me until I finish. Please realise that you
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: First listen to have to work with each other and unless you
the Hon. Prime Minister, please. cooperate with the PreskJing Offber, Presid-
ing Officer cannot also woric I saki that you
THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI VISH- will not interrupt. Please help me, Mr. K.S.
WANATH PRATAP SINGH): So far as the Rao I have said that we start discussbn on
Delhi Statehood Bill is concerned, I wouM Mandal Commissbn now, go upto 7 O'Cbck
459 Matters Under SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Rule 377 460

and from 7 O’clock onwards, we will discuss not be the case.

tho legislative business.
SHRIDINESH SINGH (Pratapgarh): Sir.
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Do not dis- I seek a clarification. In my understanding of
turb me. I am not allowing you to speak, Mr. your ruling, you have said that we shall take
Kamal Nath. I have given the ruling. It shall up the Mandal Commission immediately.
be for everybody to cooperate with me. You This will go on up to 7 O Clock. From 7 to 8
say "We will cooperate with you when the p.m.. we will take up the Government busi-
ruling is announced.” And if the ruling is ness. It means that at 8 O’Clock, the busi-
against you, you cannot say that we will not ness of the House will end... (Interruptions)
cooperate with you. This cannot be done. I Your statement would have been recorded.
have taken into account what the Prime I would like you to make it quite clear,! mean
Minister has said and what Mr. Advani has your statement. It is a recorded statement.
said.* You have said that it is between 7-8 p.m. It is
not going to go beyond 8 O’Clock. That is my
{Interruptions) point. {Interruptions)


not interrupt until I complete. I am saying that ing an assurance that it will end at 8 O’ Clock.
I do not guarantee that the Bill will be passed.
But I would certainly see that it is taken up for {Interruptions)
SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: No. interrupt me. Please sit down. Shn Dinesh
Singh, I have said...before also and after
PROF. P.J. KURIEN: I am on a point of that also. If I am fixing the time, if you have
order. You were kind enough to giver a ruling given that authority to the Chair to conduct
in this House and you requested the House the business and fix and the time, the busi-
to agree to your ruling. I accept that ruling. ness will be conducted and carried on in
What was that ruling? That ruling is that such a fashion that as far as possible there
Mandal Commission will be discussed up to is agreement between the parties. You don’t
7 PM and from 7 to 8 PM Government stretch ittoo much. They agreed, you agreed
business will be taken up. You yourself gave and you carry on the business in such a
that ruling. We accept that ruling. Are you fashion that your points of view are also
realising your own ruling? projected and you are able to conduct the
business. No more discussion on this now. I
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am plead- call upon Shri Kashiram Chhabilds Rana to
ing with you to cooperate with me. Please continue.
understand the nicety and understand care-
fully the statement I have made. Please DR. THAMBI DURAI: No, Sir.
cooperate and please do not interrupt me.
Please understand that unless you cooper- 17.10 hrs.
ate jivith each other the business cannot be
transacted. We are interested in transacting At this stage, Dr. Thambi Durai came and
the business. I have said that we are taking sat on the floor near the Table
up the business. We are not completing it. I
am not assuring that it will be completed. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Dr. Thambi
Please understand that. When the ruling is in Durai, please cooperate with me.
your favour, you accept it and when it goes
against you. you don’t accept it. That should (Interruptions)
461 Matters Under BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) Rule 377 462

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is my per- important. The National Front Government

sonal request to you. is claiming so much that they are implement-
ing it. But there are so many lacunae in that.
(Interruptions) I want to highlight them so that the whole
natbn comes to know what is happening in
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You are the the country.
presiding officer. You know the plight of the
presiding officer. I betong to a backward community. How
I developed, I only know. What Mr. Poojary
{Interruptbns) said Yesterday, I can also say. The whole
country is expecting certain assurances from
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am not forc- the Prime Minister. Therefore we are agi-
ing you. It is my personal request. tated here. I requested yesterday and previ-
ously also that this has to betaken seriously.
17.13 hrs Today in the morning itself, after the Ques-
tion Hour, I requested the Chair to take up
(At this state, Dr. Thambi Durai went back the discussion on Mandal Commission
to his sent) Report immediately. But the discussion on
the Mandal Commissbn Report is getting
MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will allow diluted. Purposely some sectiorrs of the
you to raise the point of order. I would like to people are doing it. One Minister is telling
make it very amply clear that I do not remem- that this is not applicable to educatbnal
ber to have said anything which would have institutions. What is this*? Without education
caused any irritation to Shri Durai. And if I can you apply for any job'^ Therefore this is
have said and if it is found in the record. I will a very important subject... (Interruptions) ..
remove it. That is one thing.
That is why I requested that at 4 o’clock
And the second thing is, we do respect we have to take up the discussbn. The Chair
your feelings. And if you have any point of had given the assurance that it would be
order. You can say. I am again saying that it taken up at 4 o’clock. I raised at 4 o’clock to
is not for the presiding officer to say anything say that we have to take up the business
against any member and of all the people according to the order. You gave some clari-
against you. Please raise your point of order. fication and said that if the .consensus is
there we can come to a conclusion and if all
DR. THAMBI DURAI: At 4 o*Clock, I accepts, that is ail right. But there is no
raised my point of order. (Interruptions) consensus. Sometjmes we also observed
that when Calling Attention is going on, if you
This IS not the way of functioning. (Inter- change it, Members are agitated.
ruptions) I am very sorry, you pushed me to
act like this. At 4 o’clock, I raised my point of Some people are interested in the Delhi
order stating abouttheorder of the business. Statehood Bill also.:(Interruptions)... Please
I said: "At 4 o’clock, we have to take up the listen to me... (Interruptions) ...
discussion on Mandal Commission.” The
whole country is agitated over this. Many There is so much of confusion in the
people are dying and firing also took place. House and there is no unanimity. Thaj is why
It is a very serious thing. Therefore, we want I requested you to please go according to the
to discuss it. Our Dravidian movement fought order of business. If you do that there will be
forthis Mandal Commission’s recommenda- no conflict. But if you put any motion on the
tions. Our whole party devoted itself for that. business and get it passed by simple major-
We want to express or feelings. Previously, ity, anything may happen in future. Any
before two days also I had said that the section of the House will move certain things
discussion on Mandal Commissbn is very and it will create unnecessary precedents in
463 Matters Under SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Disc. Under Rule 193 Dec. on 464
Rule 377 Mandal Commission Report and Measures
tor promotion o f employment tor youth
in addition to resen/ations. etc.
[Dr. Thambi DuraQ ckJe at that time. I have said that we will start
at 5 O’ctock and go upto 7 O’clock with this
the House. That is why I request you go to discussnn.
according to the order.
Afterwards when we discussed it, I came DR. THAMBI DURAI; But at 5.30 HaH-
to the House and raised my point of order. an-Hourdiscussk>n is there. What about it?
You said that cannot be taken up. You said
that if at all there Is a consensus that can be MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER; We are tak-
taken up.l want to abkie by your decisk>n. ing up discussion on Mandal Commisston
You said that upto 7 o’ctock we can take up Report now.
Mandal Commisston discussbn and from 7
to 8 0'ck}ck we can take up the Legislative DR. THAMBI DURAI: I want a clarifrca-
business. (Interruptions) tion from the Chair. Are you going to take up
Half-an-Hour discussion at 5.30 p.m. (Inter-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER; Thambi Du- ruptions)
raiji, if I have misunderstood you anywhere I
will take it back. In my chamber I will discuss MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: We will post-
it with you, you can tell me as to how we can pone the Half-an-Hour Discussbn.
sit and tie up.
DR.THAMBI DURAI: I know the cham-
ber business. I was also the Presiding Offi- MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: We are post-
cer. ponirtg the Half-an-Hour discussion. On that
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now that we point, you are very right. At the proper
have taken this up, let us discuss it. moment, I would have said that we would
postpone the HaH-an-Hour discussion.
DR. THAMBI DURAI; I know when I was
presiding how our Members picked up mikes (intenuptions)
and threw them out. Nobody condemned it at
that time. DR. THAMBI DURAI: Then, how long H
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: What do you will go? (Intem ptions)
want me to do now?
MR. DEPUTYSPEAKER: Don’t ask like
DR. THAMBI DURAI: I don’t want to this. I cannot go on answering like this. We
repeat all these things. We are demonstrat- are now taking up the discussion on the
ing in the Satyagraha way £uid we are de- Mandal Commission Report.
manding in a polite manner. Let the business
go according to the agenda. Why are you 17.22 hrs
changing it? Unless you give the guarantee,
we cannot do anything. What is your ruling? DECISION ON UNDER RULE 193


point of order? Do you want a ruling on your REPORT
point of order? AND
business on the agenda you have to go. PLOYMENT FOR YOUTH IN ADDITION TO
cussnn on Mandal Commission. CONTD.
lE r^lish]
DR. THAMBI DURAI: At 5.30 Half-an-
Hour discusston is coming. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now Shri
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: We will de- Rana..
ASS Disc, UndBT Rule 193 6HA0RA 15,1912 (S^KA) o f employment for youth 466
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, eta
Report and Measures for promotion
[Translation] dents of 1947 when the country was divided
into two parts—India and Pakistan due to
SHRIKASHIRAM CHHABILDAS RANA communal reasons. Mr. Deputy Speaker,
(Surat): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, a very Sir, this is what we hear. They are giving
reasonable demand has been fulfilled with references of the 'Manusmriti*. A time has
the statement made by the Hon .Prime come when this Government decided to give
Minister on 7th August, in the House about the depressed their legitimate rights, but
reservation. Everybody knows that ourcoun* these people are showing the tenets of
try achieved Independence in 1947. But Manusmriti. During elections, they also use
mere Independence is not enough. People the same language. They also make prom-
will have to be given social as well as eco- ises that justbe wouki be given to the down-
nomic freedom. One or the other hurdle trodden, the oppressed and the exploited
comes in the way as and when some an- classes, their economk: disparties would be
nouncement is made to give social and removed and they would be lifted above. But
economic freedom to people. their action is different from their words. I
recollect even today that in 1985 when an
Sir, during the elections—^the parties agitatk^n was launched in Gujarat, the then
whether it was the Janata Dal or the Bhara- Prime Minister and the present leader of
tiya Janata Party, had made a promise to the opposition in the lo k SabHa, Shri Rajiv
people that the recommendations of the Gandhi advised the agitatbnists to withdraw
Mandal Commission would be implemented. their agitation and also promised them that a
I feel that it will be better if all the parties are natbnal consensus would be arrived at. Now
consulted and a decision is taken after arriv- power has gone out of his hands. When they
ing at a general consensus. I mean to say were in power, they did not do any-things for
that had the Government made this an- 4-5 years to arrive at a national consensus.
nouncement of reservation immediately af- What I want to say is that people who claim
ter coming to power, people would have that they are the well-wishers of the down-
widely welcomed its decision. But I was trodden and the oppressed class in the house
pained a lot when I heard the speeches of are trying to snatch aware their rights. They
hon. Members about implementation of the are the same people who did everything to
Mandal Commission Report during the last change the Supreme Court judgement and
two days. I was further distressed when I make amendments in the Constitution just to
heard the views of the Congress Party in this capture Muslim votes. But they never made
regard. Today, we are living in a democracy. any efforts to implement the recommenda-
What does democracy mean? Does it mean tions of the Mandal Commission in the inter-
that what 51 per cent people say is correct est of the downtrodden and the oppressed
and the views of remaining 49 per cent class.
carries no weight. The backward classes,
the downtrodden and the oppressed class Sir. today the conditbn of the backward,
account for 62 per cent of the total population the downtrodden and the oppressed classes
of the country, but people do not accept their in the society is very deplorable. What are
views. In the Congress party while Shri Pujari the reasons that their children are dying of
says that his party is not against the recom- starvatk>n? What are the reasons that their
mendations of the Mandal Commissbn, Shri women are committing suicide by jumping
Sathe reads out quotations from the into wells. Why do their old parents commit
Manusmriti. Sometimes, efforts are being subide by jumping before the trains? All this
made to draw a dividing line between the happens, because they have no employ-
class and the caste. They also express ment and no food to eat. They have no
apprehensions that if the Prime Minister money to purchase milk for their children.
implements the Mandal Commissbn Rec-
ommendations, the country woukJ be frag- Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, today about
mented into 1000 pieces. They cite the inci- 52 per cent people are living in such a
467 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 of employment for youth 468
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Kashiram Chhabildas Rana) used to say that the downtrodden would be
given their due rights. But there has been no
deplorable condition in the country. The hon. change in their plight in these 43 years. Then
Members may belonging to Congress Party, how the country could remain united today?
are taking steps against the Mandal Com* Sir, there was also a discussion on Assam
mission just to take political advantage of the situation as to why did the ULFA became
situation. The Bhartiya Janata Party had hostile to people of Maharashtra. Gujarat
also made a promise to the people that it and other non-Assamese people who are
would implement the recommendations of living in Assam. It is because the original
the Mandal Commission. But In practice, inhabitants of Assam were exploited. Their
quite a reverse view is being expressed. Let tolerance reached a point of saturation. That
us not raise a wall between the caste and is why they are fighting against those people,
classes. I would like to request all the parties I feel that if this state of affairs continues in
concerned to extend their co-operation when the country and these 52 per cent people
a decision has been taken to give some continue to be exploited, Assam like situ-
rights to the backward classes. The parties ation will emerge inthe whole country. People
must extend their co-operation for the sake who have nothing with them, nothing to eat.
of humanity. Though the backward classes no employment and no clothes to wear, what
account for 52 per cent of the total population can they do? Naturally, they will beg before
of the country, only 4.65 percent of them are the people living In luxurious bungalows.
in employment and the rest are unemployed.
In this connection, I would like to point out Therefore, we should accept this deci-
that nowhere in the Constitution, it has been sion. Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, if at all there
written that a wall would be raised between are certain communities which have been
the caste and the class. They why clashes poor and backward and yet have not been
are being engineered between them today. included in the Mandal Commission report,
It has come in the press reports that two they should also be provided reservation
bottles of blood were sent to the Prime facilities on economic basis. The proposal of
Minister, out of which one bottle contains providing 5-10 per cent reservation to them
bbod of the forward class and other is of the has already been made. I think still there is a
backward class. People belonging to back- time for the leaders of all the political parties
ward classes are also Indians and part of the to think over the matter and move together in
85 crore population. Same blood isflowing in this direction. {Interruptions)
their veins. Their blood is not different from
other people. When it is true that they are I know very well who is responsible for
also one among us they have a right to live anti-national activities and agitations in the
a good life, others who consider themselves country. I know who started the agitation in
of higher classes should make some sacri- Orissa and who spiead it throughout the
fices for their fellow brethern who have no country,If we want to prove ourselves good
employment and who are dying of starva- leaders we must )i)ersuade the people that
tion. They have always been exploited. They such outlook IS essential to be adopted in
have been oppressed for centuries. Who is order to safeguard the independence of the
responsible for their plight? Out of 52 per country. Keeping in view what is provided in
cent only 4.65 per cent of people have got the section 15-4 or 16-4 of the Constitution,
employment, Who is responsible for this? we took oath. On order to fulfil that oath to
Except 3-4 years of the Janata Party rule, the unite the people of the country measures will
Congress Party has all along been In power have to be taken for their social, educational
for the last 43 years. During her tenure as and economic development. And whenever
Prime Minister, Shrimati Indira Gandhi prom- steps to this effect would be taken they will
ised that she would remove poverty. Has be opposed. However, only those who re-
poverty been removed? During the tenure of main firm on their oath despite strong oppo-
the Congress Party, their Prime Ministers sition, are the true leaders. If people think
AS9 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 of employment fo r youth 470
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservatbns, etc.
Report and Measures for promotbn
that agitation should be started against the ing left at the end of it if we accept what they
Government then they are mistaken, it won’t are saying.
last long. My only submission is that the
decision taken in the House today should The point is, Sir, the atmosphere in the
have been taken 43 years back when the country is now highly emotionally surcharged
constitutbn was made. We have been en- and I understand it is very difficult for any-
trusted the duty to lend our support to this Bill body to take a very detached and objective
in order to uplift the suppressed people. With views of the Implications of this decision
these words, 1conclude. which has been taken by the Government.
Because people are on the streets. It Is not
[English] surprising to know that the social structure,
particularly the Hindu community social struc-
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Midnapore): ture. as it existed all these years has been
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, on behalf of my given a shake up by this decision. It is only ,
party I rise to extend our whole-hearted natural that those people or those groups or
support to the decision of the Government those elements whothinkthat they are going
and the Prime Minister to introduce 27 per to lose the privilege which they have enjoyed
cent reservation to the backward classes. uninterruptly for so many years, should be
upset. They should be angry; they should be
[Translation] alarmed and they should be apprehensive of
the future. It always happen when a big
SHRI R.N. RAKESH (Chaii):Outoffear shake up of the whole social structure takes
of Shri Devi Lai. (Intenruptions) place, as it is going to happen now or as it is
happening. I am deeply and my party is
SHRI INDRAJITGUPTA: Wheneveryou deeply sorrowful at the loss of lives of people
speak, we do not interrupt. You should learn and, of course, the loss of public property
to have patience to listen to others. also which has taken place since this an-
nouncement was made. I know that the
[English] Government here in Delhi had itself given
orders that despite all provocations, despite
Sir, I can understand, the Congress all difficulties, the police should not fire. In
Party is in a difficulty over this issue. There Is spite of that, firing has taken place in some
no single leader of the Congress Party who place and some precious young lives have
can say that they oppose to the Mandal been lost. At the same time I wonder when
Commission as such. But then, they have other all these young people, who are after
missed the bus. They were given a chance, all our own sons and daughters, who are
they were given a golden opportunity. They now rampaging on the streets if all of them
were in power for so many years. During the have really understood or anybody has a
last 10 years in which the Mandal Commis^ bothered to explain to them in a calm, dis-
sion submitted its report, it was they who passionate and detalfed way what exactly
were in power and if they were really true to are the dimensions of this reservation meas-
their promises they could have taken the ure which has been announced. Or is It being
initiative. It would not have been necessary blown out of proportions? Is it creating in the
for this present Government to come and minds of young people a spectre, which is
initiate this measure. They could have done not justified at all? They have implemented,
it very well but they failed because they were if I can understand it, in a truncated form, the
really not serious they were not sincere in recommendations of the Mandal Commis-
this thing at all. When they say that we sion. The only thing that they have intro-
support the Mandal Commission it is be- duced is and that itself has set off this big
cause they cannot oppose it. They seek to commotion throughout the country thatthese
qualify it with so many conditions and so backward classes who constitute 52 per
many restrictions that actually there is noth- cent of the population should be given 27 per
47^ Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6. 1990 of employment for youth 472
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

(Sh, Indrajit Gupta] allowed to degenerate Into a sort of pro*

reservation and anti^reservation issue. This
cent reservation. Where in the Central Gov- will be extremely harmful to our society. It is
ernment services and in the Central Public an extremely sensitive issue, we understand
Sector Undertakings, nowhere else, not in that, In a society like ours with all these
the State Government services. I think, the centuries of history and traditions behind us.
State Governments employ a very large Mr. Sathe had spoken eloquently about
number of people in their Departments and Manusmriti and the fact isthat for 3000 years
Undertakings and all that. This decision of of rigid caste system in which people are
the Government does not apply to them. It sealed off from each other, in which they are
does not apply to any educational institutbn. hermetically seated into water tight compart-
It does not apply to any medical college or ments by the accident of their birth, this is the
engineering college. It does not apply to any society in which we have been living. How-
medical college or engineering college. It ever much we may decry this caste system
does not apply to such Classes or Castes and however much we may go on hoping
which are not common to the State List, and pleading that we will get rid of this caste
which are not there already in various states system some time, and we all realise that
and are common with the Mandal Commis- this is not in keeping with the development of
sion. It does not apply to them. Also, a modern society. But the fact of the matter or
categorical assurance had been given that it the reality is that, everyday of our lives, even
Is not going to be imposed on any State those amongst us, who are well-educated
which does not want it. I really order whether people.we are living, breathing, eating and
all the people who are so excited about this, sleeping with consciousness of caste in our
who are carrying on such big anti-reserva- heads. We have passed so many laws in this
tion campaign-whether it is by word of mouth Parliament, beginning from the Constitution,
or by writing or by leading demonstrations in down to recent days. If you go by those laws,
the streets—have really, truthfully and faith- then beginning from untouchability, the caste
fully explained to the concerned people, system has no place in the country— not at
what are the actual dimensbns of the deci- all, according to those laws. But how many
sion which the Government had taken. I people in this country really, effectively, loy-
doubt it very much. Because to me, it ap- ally and sincerely are prepared to carry out
pears that it is quite a modest, restricted, all the implications of those laws in their own
'truncated implementation of the recommen- daily lives? When we give our daughters in
dations of the Mandal Commission. But it is marriage, do we go by them? There may be
thoroughly justified and it is webome. It is not a few exceptions here and there; all honour
the whole thing which should have come, to them, to those who are prepared to prac-
which could come and which couki have tise inter-caste marriages and Inter-commu-
come in the name of the Mandal Commis- nal marriages and all that. How many are
sion. Some people are behaving as though, there? The overwhelming majority of our
their children and their grand children for people. Including those who are well edu-
generations to come are going to be totally cated, continue to practise will nilly, con-
deprived and that there is no further left for scbusly or unconsciously, all the prejudbes
them and so on. An exaggerated distorted of caste or caste system whbh are there
picture has been given I am sure. Otherwise ingrained in our society. How many of them
this kind of excitement and agiation would are witling to go to the hut of a Harijan and sit
not have taken place which had taken place and eat with him? How many will give their
now. daughters in marriage to peop1e«belonging
to other castes?
I would only plead that this conflict or
wherever we would like to call it-ditference Somebody spoke here the other day; I
of opinbn, conflict, clashes in some cases— think it was our Minister Mr.Janeshwar Mishra
are taking place and that should not be I do not know when I was I listening to him,
473 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 16,1912 (SAKA) ofem phym ent for youth 474
Dec, on Mandat Commission in addiHon to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
I was surprised. I said: when Harijan girl tonger be in this worW. and even then the
marries a Thakur, she becomes a Thakur- caste system will go on persisting.
ani, and when Harijan boys mames an upper
caste girl he is accepted as a jamaai. I know But the point is that taking this as the
what happens to them also, if they try to do reality in which we live, we are realists in the
that kind of a thing. There have been so sense that we have to accept the worW, the
many cases in our country. They are not society as it is, not as we would like it to be.
allowed even to go and live in the some We would like it to be very different. But
area—if they marry like that, at the peril of realism tells us that we have to begin from
their own lives. here. When you want to bring about changes
in a direction which eventually will be in
So. what I am saying is that this limited conformity with your ultimate goal, you must
reservation is not a cure, is not a panacea for begin from here.
the caste system, nor is it going to cure the
problems of unemptoyment. It is not meant You must begin from here. But you must
for that. But what I say is this: 1am a Commu> begin by taking certain concrete steps. And.
nist. Presonally I may say, perhaps with a therefore, I think that this confusion between
touch of shame-l suppose one should be castes and classes and professions and
ashamed of the fact that one has never occupations and ail that are all mixed up,
known poverty in one*s life. I have not known jumped together here. If you take these lists
poverty. Let me make it quite clear here, nor which are tabulated by the Mandal Commis-
have I known social oppression, nor can I sion, you will find classes there. But we
complain that I was not able to get access to cannot speak of castes openly because it Is
good education. Everything that was desir- unconstitutional. There are occupations
able, I was able to get because of my family, there, there are professions there, but I am
my parents’ position and all that. But today, not learned enough to question whether all
one cannot but understand this fact that if those list which are tabulated by the Mandal
these down-trodden people, backward Commission, are ail without any en^or and
people, weaker sections, socially backward are absolutely perfect and do not require any
and educattonally backward economically modification or any amendment.
backward people remain like this as a drag
on our whole society, a drag on our whole I am not in position to say that. All those
future development and progress, this coun- matters can be gone into in due course.
try can never go fon^ard. Some people have complained, that for
example, in Andhra Pradesh there are cer-
Therefore, those people—may be they tain forward people who can never be con-
are 15% or 17%, how many I do not know— sidered backward, as they are forward
who are really, consciously becuase of their people, they have been put in the backward
own interests, are opposed to this reserva- classes list. Okay, if that is a fact, the matter
tion, we cannot allow them to excise a veto should be gone into and corrections can be
on this thing at all. Therefore, what I want to made.
say is that we cannot abolish the caste
system. Certainly not over night, and cer- Somebody said the other day, I think it
tainly not for a good many years; I do not was the Chief Minister of Orissa, that some
know, or a few centuries, perhaps. The caste people who are known to be fonvard, people,
system will not disappear. That way, the law they have been put in the backward list. If
of Manu is supreme in the mind of man. You that is a fact, these things can be rectified
can abolish it on paper, but the most difficult and this should be rectified. But, what I am
tWng to change Int^j^worW is the conscious- saying is, that you cannot hedge this thing
ness, and the mind of man. So. the caste abng at this stage who with all kinds of
system will continue for a long time. I think all restrictions and qualifk^ations and conditbns.
of us who are sitting in this House This idea that there shouki be means test, is
475 Disa Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 o f empbyment fo r youth 476
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, eta
Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Indrajit Gupta] this stage, at the initial stage, that for the first
time this reservatbn is being Introduced, on
very late. Some people have now suddenly a limited scale, up to 27 percent at this stage,
become very much considerate for the fate it would not be correct, it wouW not be
of the less educated and less affluent people desirable to insist on the introductk>n of
within each of these backward classes. They some economic criterion or a means test.
are saying, X)h\ They will never get these
benefits. All the benefits will be concerned by Yes. we can going to this later, after this
a few people at the top.” But that is the way thing has worked for some time and these
our society functions. What about the upper classes are able to make some progress and
classes and the upper class people? Are not come up. then the whole matter can be gone
their privileges and benefits and right also into again. All those other side issues which
cornered by small groups of people? In this are there, whether it should apply only to
great industrial empire of our big business- recruitment or also to promotions, are differ-
men and big monopoly houses belonging to ent. We ail know that this promotions ques-
the upper classes are they not always com- tion is the main cause of a lot of heart
plaining in that small groups of people, smalt burning, particularly in the government serv-
groups of business houses are cornering all ices. At some stage I think we will have to go
the licences and all the subsidies and all the into the whole question as to whether they
export licences and everything? They are should be only a one time benefit given to a
doing it and here also I am sure about it. I do partk:ular person or his family. Once he has
not deny the fact that some groups are there, become a Collector or Migrate or a being
who are better organised than the other Government official, then after that his chil-
groups, better organised, who may try to dren need not get that benefit. These are all
corner a larger disproportionate share of the considerations whidh have to be gone into at
benefits. I know what happens among the some stage. But I say and my Party says that
Harijans. You know it also. Sir. In your state, now at the intitial stage when these people
in Maharashtra also, we know It. After all, we for the first time are being given an opportu-
had reservations for the Scheduled Castes nity to feel that they will also have a share in
and the Scheduled Tribes not now, but form the administration of the country, it will not be
the time of our independence. Within Sched- dominated and monopolised by a few people
uled Castes there are groups who are better belonging to some upper classes. At this
organised than others. And who, if you go stage, it is absolutely wrong, it would not
into the details, you will find, that they are have positive results, it would be undesir-
cornering a disproportionate share of the able to try to insist on some kind of means
benefits and the jobs and all that. But, from test or an income ceiling. Let us consider it
within the entire Scheduled Castes commu- after some time. We have suggested in our
nity I do not hear any outer against this. I do Party Resolution that let this scheme work
not hear any outcry. The psyche of these for ten years and after ten years, let all these
people, who are backward, who are de- things be gone in to again and they can be
prived, who are kept down who are not modified.
educated, who are poor, their psyche has
also been distorted and destroyed and they Today unfortunately, though I wanted to
have been given a kind of a permanent mention it in the House, I did not get an
inferiority is our job to see that opportunity. There was a massive demon-
they get out of this inferiority complex. stration here whk:h ended in a rally at the
boat club of some forty to fifty thousand
So, I would say that it is very wrong. I do youth and students all drenched I the rain
not want to make this a point over which to since last night they are living in the open at
have a very heated argument with anybody. the boat club, where there is no shelter and
no covering. They have come from several
But I say this and my party feels, that at States of the country and their maan slogans
477 Dtsc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (S>A/C4) o f employment for youth 478
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures forprom ot'^'^
were “jobs for air “Education for alt”. Inciden- and power. By increasing the repre-
tally, they also voiced their support for this sentation of OBCs in Government
reservation decision which has been taken services, we give them an immediate
by the Government. But they made it clear feeling of participation in the govern-
that reservation by itself is not going to cure ance of this country. When a backward
anything. Therefore, it is very necessary and class candidate becomes a Collector
I urge upon the Government, I believe, that or a Superintendent of Police, the
they will take up follow up measures and material to the members of his family
follow up steps. The main thing is that new only. But the psychological spin-off of
opportunities must be created in the country this phenomenon is tremendous, the
particularly in the rural areas. Those unem- entire community of the backward class
ployed boys in the rural areas are not going candidate feels socially elevated. Even
to come and get jobs in Government offices, when no tangible benefits may flow to
sitting at table under the fan in a Government the community at large, the feeling that
office or on the Railways. They have to be now it has "its own man in the “corri-
given opportunities for earning and for doing dors of power” acts as moral booster.
some work, useful productive gainful em-
ployment there in the rural areas, where they In a democratic set-up, very individual
live. For that, a massive programme is re- and community as a legitimate right
quired. A programme of developing all types and aspiration to participate in ruling
of new employment opportunities, self- this country. Any situation which re-
employment and so many other things have sults in a near-denial of this right to
to be done. Land reforms in those parts of the nearly 52 per cent of the country’s
country, where they have not been carried population needs to be-urgently recti-
out, where they have been avoided and fied”
shelved, there land reforms have to be car-
ried out And of course, educational opportu- 18.00 hrs
nities are dismal in our country. We have to
all get together and work out—it is not a party So the first limited step has been taken
issue—how educational opportunity should to rectify this situation. And all this talk which
be provided on an increased scale to all is going on how merit will suffer, how the
these people, who are deprived all these efficiency of the administrative services will
times. Then only this reservation will also be destroyed if these people are allowed to
have some concrete meaning. I would say come over there and so on and so forth—an
that we must keep in mind, as I said in the argument which we heard before independ-
beginning, the proportion of this whole thing. ence also from the foreign masters—is bogus.
When people are given education and op-
Sir, the Mandal Commission has made portunities they can progress and develop
some very telling remarks in its recommen- as well as anybody else. It does not matter to
dation. It says: which class or which caste they belong. I do
not think that our administration which is
"It is not at all our contention that by dominated by upper class people is a great
offering a few thousand jobs to OBC model of honesty, integrity, efficiency and all
candidates, we shall be able to make that. I do not think, it has acquired that
52 per cent of the Indian population as reputation. There are, of course, very good
forward. (They cannot do it). But we officers, very efficient officers among them.
must recognise that an essential part The bureacucratic system as a whole which
of the battle against social backward- runs the administration of this country has
ness is to be fought in the minds of the not got a very high reputation for integrity
backward people themselves. In India, and efficiency. Why not? It is not dominated
the Government service is always been by lower class people. It is dominated by
looked upon as a symbol of prestige upper class people. So it should not have
479 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990 o f empbyment for youth 480
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Indrajit Gupta] I would say finally that these apprehen-
sions regarding drop in the quality and effi-
been so. I do not believe that merit is a ciency of the Government services owing to
monopoly of certain upper caste people only. influx of OBCs are totally unfounded. I am
It Is wrong to think that merit must be drawn sorry to see the young boys and girls from
only from the narrow upper caste segment of colleges who are carrying out funeral crema-
people. That way, ultimately merit will suffer. tions and funeral ceremonies of merit.”
It is necessary to bring more people into the Something called Merit is being burnt or
mainstream of the administration and devel- burried and young girls are going about with
opment of the country. Therefore, I heartily posters saying we do not want our husbands
welcome the step that has been taken. All to be unemployed. But, there are lakhs and
those qualifying things, some of them I also, crores of unemployed husbands in this
share. We have said openly that perhaps the country who are unemployed for no fault of
modalities of implementing this thing, how to their own. I am sorry for these young ladies
do it, when to do it and so on, could have who do not bother about those people. They
been perhaps better considered and a are only concerned that their own husbands
broader measure of agreement could have in future should ndt be unemployed. What
been reached ifthere has been somebroader kind of outlook is this in the society, I do not
consultation and discussion and if this an- understand specially those who are enjoying
nouncement has not been done so hastily. the fruits of good education, higher educa-
There is not haste in taking the step. The tion. They should have some social con-
step is long overdue. But the haste with sciousness also. I would say that let us all try,
which it was announced perhaps was not we may have differences. There may be
altogether wise. many points on which further clarifications
are requried and so on. But, let us all still get-
Finally I would only say one thing that together try and see that the surcharged
whatever the leaders of different parties may atmosphere is calmed down. It cannot be
say, I think, in every party without exception solved on the streets. It will be solved through
there are numbers of people who because of discussions, dialogues, exchange of opin-
party discipline or because of their leaders or ions and all that. And everybody who is
whatever it is may not be speaking out, but I seriously concerned with the welfare and
believe, there are people in all parties who fate of this country should appeal to the
heartily welcome this. I think that unless the agitationists whoever they are to give up this
leaders realise this and unless they attune agitation and let they and their representa-
themselves and attune their stand and their tives, their leaders and whoever they are. let
position with the feelings of the people in them come and as strongly as they want, let
their party, then they will come to grief sooner them put their point of view, but it should be
or later. across the table and not out in the street. I
urge upon the Government to take more
Somebody has already said that 52 per urgent measures to see that some dialogue
cent of this population which we are talking is opened with the leaders of the student
about at present, is supposed to enjoy only community or other youth, who are agitating
4.5 per cent of the top grade jobs. Is this not and who are very excited. Thus, while I
gross injustice? And it will not be changed deplore the instances of police repression
overnight. You know what has happened in against them, I also deplore very much the
the case of Scheduled Castes. Tens of thou- action of some forces and elements in the
sands of unfilled reserved vacancies for the country who are trying deliberately to insti-
scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are gate and incite these people by creating all
being carried forward. After sometime, they sorts of unfounded and false apprehensions
lapse. They cannot be filled up. That Is the in their minds and not allowing them to
shame on us. It shows that there are gross understand calmly what is the actual dimen-
inadequacies in our whole system. sion of the Government decision. This is a
481 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA15. 1912 {SAKA) of employment for youth 482
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
very wrong thing to do for political and party he has asked a question. I must clarify...
purposes, This is Fratricidal way of trying to {Interruptions) I am answering him. I was
solve this problem. We will only hurt each asked a question by him. Sir, I maintain that
other and ultimately hurt the country. There- if every citizen of this country hereafter is
fore, I would appeal to everybody, it may be going to be asked to have a label on his head
a futile appeal I may making, but let us with of his caste, that will be taking us back to the
all sense of responsibility try to exert all our crudest era of Manu and the most brutal era
efforts to see that this type of agitation is of dividing this country on caste lines. Don't
reduced and people are in a calmer mood do that. This is what he is doing.
and willing to sit down and argue, argue their
points. Nobody is asking them to give up [Translation]
their argument. But, let them argue it now
and that is the only way in which we can THE MINISTER OF TEXTILES AND
make some progress in this matter. I hope MINISTER OF FOOD PROCESSING IN-
though I do not know, I have indications that DUSTRIES (SHRI SHARAD YADAV): Those
may be the intensity and the height of the members in the House may please raise
agitation has probably reached its peak now. their hands who made intercaste marriage.
It has reached its peak and it may begin to {Interruptions)
decline after that. No agitation goes on for-
ever. SHRI VASANT SATHE: We have never
asked anybody to tell his caste. I consider it
Therefore, I shall finally end by saying to be the worst abuse for a person to ask the
that my friend Shri Vasant Sathe is a very other person to tell his caste. Do not treat
clever man. I do not deny... {Interruptions) your daughters as dumb animals. {Interrup-
The main thrust of his argument was that you tions)
are going back to Manu, you resurrecting
Manu as though Manu was not there. Now, lEnglish]
through this reservation of twenty seven per
cent for Central Government services, Manu MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please do
is being brought back and Shri V.P. Singh, not pass the remarks which will vitiate the
you are the new Manu. This was his main atmosphere....
thrust of argument. I want to raise this ques-
tion. It should be answered whether by car- {Interruptions)
rying out after all these years this measure
for uplifting the people of the backward SHRI RAJIV GANDHI (Amethi): Mr.
classes and the weaker sections, whether it Deputy Speaker, Sir, before 1start on what I
is a step of going back to Manu, Manu in his really wanted to say, I must say that I have
worst possible connotation or whether it is a been terribly pained with what I have heard
move away from Manu for breaking down just now from one of the members of the
these walls of caste rigidity and is a move Government, one of the Ministers. It is ex-
forward. It is not a revolution by any means. tremely sad that the thinking in this Govern-
I do not call it as revolution by any means. ment revolves around caste and perhaps
But, it does represent the big shaking up of that is why we are at this sorry... {Interrup-
the social structure in favour of the weaker tions)
sections and to that extent, of course, the
upper class people may feel frightened or SHRI NATHU SINGH (Dausa): What
they may not like it. But unfortunately, this about you?... {Interruptions)
was a long overdue shaking up of the social
structure and it has to be carried out. My MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: May I re-
Party fully supports this and I congratulate quest the Members not to interrupt like that.
the Government for having taken this step. If you feel very strongly, you may have the
opportunity to have your say over here. I
SHRI VASANT SATHE (Wardha); Sir, would requestthe Members on this side also
483 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990 of employment for youth 484
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
not to respond in such a fashion that the stepeney, if you don’t like standby. >
Member speaking is disturbed...
Sir, apart from language, there is also
(Interruptions) the question of communal tension. Again, it
is high and in the coming couple of months--
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: This is not there is every indication—it is going to esca-
the way, please. You have been doing this late even higher, not because what we are ,
thing, you should not do that... doing something but because one of your
parties is doing so and because of that you
(Interruptions) are not able to cope with that. Then, there is
the question of the rural-urban divide which
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir. I would like has been created just recently because there
to point out that we are working on a fairly are certain differences in the ru’ing party.
tight time scheduled today. The time allo- (Interruptions)
cated wasfrom 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Then we had
a little bit of questioning. You than extended Sir, I would like to point out that there is
it. If this is the way debate is going to func- only one Member on the opposite side who
tion, it will be very difficult to accommodate feels that there is no difference (Interrup-
the Government business before 8 p.m., and tions)
I think the Government should be aware of
that. Sir, on top of that, there has been, after
a very long time, a caste tension like the one
Sir, when one looks at the timing of the that has developed and the caste tension
announcement made by the Prime Minister, that we have seen today is on two levels—
a very important factor comes up. This is a the first wave of caste tension was caused by
time when the nation is going through a the formula used by the National Front to get
number of very serious, perhaps even se- together, the AIGAR formula’. The AIGAR
vere problems. The situation in Kashmir is formula’ was the casteist formula and it
worse than it has ever been since independ- brought back casteism to electoral policy
ence. The situation in Punjab is again per- after a break of approximately 10 years. If
haps worse than it has ever been. Assam you think back, it was in 1980 that the Con-
has joined that list. Tamil Nadu is drawing gress underthe leadership of IndiraGandhiji,
very close to that. In fact the Prime Minister, had raised the slogan
if I remember correctly, speaking in this very
House, had asked the nation to be prepared “Na jaat par na patt par"
for war or some such words—psychologi-
cally prepared for war. Then, apart from that, SHRI SYED MASUDAL HOSSAIN:
we already have North-South tension brew- “Devratha Baba ki Laat par” (Interruptions)
ing on the question of language because
certain Chief Minister who belong to the SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, in this sort of
ruling party here at the Centre have raised a prevailing situation, with the pressures
the issue of language and caused a North- from outside and the pressures from within,
South divide. It is only because of the Con- what was needed was the soothing touch
gress which is a responsible party and the from the Government. Where the nation and
majority of Members... (Interruptions) Sir, I our society needed a soothing touch, what
will not speak while interruptions are going does the Government go and do*^ They
on. With your permission, everything I have announce without preparing any ground. Mr.
to say (Interruptions) Hansna hai to bans to. Gupta who is a very responsible Member of
this House, a very senior Member of this
Sir, I notice that today they have go a House and a very strong supporter of the
replacement crutch; the normal crurtch is not Government, himself has said that— I think
here. It is a standby unit which there. It is a the words used are, 'It was not done in a
465 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (SA/C4) o f empbyment for youth 486
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

hurry*, something like that. most backward, the poorest. They cannot be
left out. I don't think anybody In this House
SHRIINPRAJIT GUPTA: Hasty. will say that when a child is born, there is a
substantial difference in merit between one
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: It was hasty. chiW and another child. They are all the
Now. what does 'hasty* mean? *Hasty’ does same. The difference comes when equal
not mean that it was hanging for 10 years, so opportunity is not given. The first thing in
you put on the switch and it comes out. removing backwardness and poverty is to
*Hasty' means that the ground has not ben bok at the root of the problem, give equal
prepared and the proof that the ground has opportunity. Whether that child is a Sched-
not been prepared is that the people are uled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or a back-
getting killed outside, buses are getting burnt, ward or a forward or a minority community of
trains are getting burnt and buildings are any religion, the merits are all there, but it
being destroyed. That is the proof. does not get the opportunity to develop those
merits and if he cannot develop them, the
SHRI NATHU SINGH: What happened natbn cannot use that at least for the devel-
in 1975? (Interruptions) opment of the nation. So, it is imperative that
we harness all our energies to help these
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Nathu children, all the children of the country to
Singh, please don*t comment. If you feel like develop the talents as best as they can.
speaking, 1will allow you to speak.
The problems of backwardness are very
(interruptions) real and they cannot be handled just by
looking at any one aspect. You cannot say
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, where on the that we will give only education, so back-
one hand the Prime Minister is asking the wardness will go. You will start hitting at the
nation to be psychobgically prepared for roots, but it will take a number of years; you
war, he is doing exactly the opposite to the cannot say that we will give financial assis-
nation. He is causing rifl inour society so that tance and backwardness will go. It will help,
the nation can to be psychologically pre- but you cannot say only reservations will do.
pared to face the foreign threat of Pakistan The fact is that you need a comprehensive
like he has saki. This is atotally irresponsible plan. You need a comprehensive vision you
stand that the Government has taken. cannot took at these things in an isolated
manner. We, the Congress, are in favour of
There are a number of national goals. If a comprehensive action plan, an affirmative
we try to prcture what the national goals are, action plan for the backward communities.
each party will have a slightly different pic- We need that. The problem cannot be solved
ture, but many items in that will be common by playing politics or by limited politically
and I think nobody in this House will say that motivated manipulations. (Interruptions) Sir,
the removal of backwardness and the re- 1appeal to the Left Members. Now that the
moval of poverty are not part of that national real crutch is back, they might let him inter-
goal. I think, equally nobody in this House vene.
will say that the removal of casteism is not
party of that national goal. We must remem- Sir, if 1 can quote from the Mandal
ber both. When we think of poverty and Commission Report, in paragraph 1.4, the
backwardness, it is not just a question of Mandal Commission recalls what the Kaka
righting a social wrong which has existed for Saheb Kalelkar Commission had said. The
many years. Today we need to harness all recommendations of the Commission for the
the energies of the nation to develop so fast upWtment of the backward classes are ex-
as to compete with other countries. That can tremely wide-raning and comprehensive.
only be done if we harness all the resources They cover such diverse fields as extensive
of ourpeople. That includesthe weakest, the land reforms, reorganisatton of the village
487 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 of empbyment for youth 488
Dec. or) Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

[Sh. Rajiv Gandhi] no circumstances they can be described as

socially and educationally backward.
economy, Bhoodan movement, development
of livestock, dairy farming, cattle insurance, I will give an example. Supposing we
bee keeping, piggeries, fisheries, develop* have a person who has been a Supreme
ment of rural and cottage industries, rural Court judge for a number of years, say 10 or
housing, public health, rural water supply, 15 years and then joins politics and becomes
adult literacy, university educatbn, repre- a Cabinet Minister, is he socially backward?
sentation of backward classes in Govern- Is he educationally backward? Do his chil-
ment, etc. dren need help?

Then, from here, the Mandal Commis- AN. HON. MEMBER: How many ?
sion goes on to give very far-reaching rec-
ommendations in chapter 13. These are SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I am not saying
covered from paragraph 13.2 to 13.17 on how many. Even if there is one, that assis-
reservations, from paragraph 13.18 to 13.26 tance should go to somebody else rather
on educational assistance, financial assis- than to him. This is the point, (interruptions)
tance and structural changes. Then there
are miscellaneous proposals and there is For example, do we want the benefit
Central assistance. that the Government is giving to be cornered
by the Ministers or the sons of Ministers or
It is not just a question of taking one the families o f D o we want the benefits that
item. Both of them, whether it is the Kalelkar are being given by the Government to be
Commission or the Mandal Commission, cornered by big landlords and people who
talk of very wide ranging, sweeping action have a lot of property?(lnterruptions)
that needs to be taken. We must remember
that. The Congress is for such assistance to THE MINISTER OF TEXTILES AND
'Socially and Educationally Backward MINISTER OF FOOD PROCESSING IN-
Classes’. That is what the constitution had DUSTRIES (SHRI SHARAD YADAV): I am
said. But having said that we are in favour of on a point of order.
all such measures. I am including 'all' be-
cause I believe some questions were raised SHRI VASANTSATHE: Underthe guise
yesterday in this House. The Congress is in of point of order, if he says something else,
favour of all such measures. But I would like it should not form part of the record.
to emphasise the ‘but’—we would like that all
such measures go to those groups of people [Translation]
within the SEBCs. who deserve such help
most. We are not in favour of having such SHRI SHARAD YADAV: I would like to
measures being cornered by one particular submit one thing. My point of order is that...
group within the SEBCs. The benefits must (Interruptions) I have not interrupted you.
seep down to those who need them the Kindly listen to my point of order. I will take
most. just half a minute. My point of order is that
why it was not done in the Congress rules
Who are the groups, who are the people states or during the regime of Shri Rajiv
who are the more privileged among any Gandhi.
group? I am not continuing this only to
S.E.B.Cs. But when you want to give some- SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: This is not a
thing, when you want to take some affirma- point of order.
tive action, give something positive, you
must accept that there are those people who Second example is, do we want all
perhaps though originally of a socially, edu* these benefits to be cornered and taken
catbnally backward group, are today under away by land-hoklers and land tords? Why
m Dbc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (SA/M) of emptoyment for youth 490
Dec. on Mandaf Commission in addition to reservations, eta
Report and Measures forpromotion
do we not exclude the people with a certain answer if he asks the question. Let the Prime
member of properties from such benefits? Minister answer the questions I am raising.
Do we want these benefits to go to high
seniorGovemment officers who already have [Translation]
got that privilege? Yes, they are a very few,
I agree. But why should those few comer all THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI VISH-
the privileges? (intenruptions) WANATH PRATAP SINGH):I will give the
reply but first you conclude.
SHRf HARISH PAL (Meerut): Whether
this was the only reason that you did not SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV (Tripura
provide it to them during your tenure. West): The Prime Minister should not inter-
vene unless allowed by the Deputy Speaker.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I can’t help if you (Dumdum): Let him help the tax-evaders.
have objection and feeling hurt over it. (Inter- There can be no objection. (Interruptions)
rupthns) once an individual has risen above
a certain level and becomes a doctor or a [Translation]
lawyer or an engineer or a professional,
does his family need it or, should this benefit MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please sit
go to another socially, educationally back- quietly.
ward who is less privileged and who will have
less advantage? (Interruptions) [English]

[Translation] SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: What objection

can there be to what I am saying? In fact,
Yesterday, when you spoke everybody every objection that I am hearing is only
listened silently. Now please listen quietly. confirming my fear that this Government is
aiming these benefits at a particularly privi>
[English ] leged group and not looking at the really
poor. (Intenruptions) I am not yielding.
Do we want these benefits, for example,
to go to taxpayers who are obviously in the [Translation]
upper class of society? There will be many
other such groupings. It needs to be thought SHRI RAM DHAN (Lalganj): Mr. Deputy
out a little more deeply, is the Government Speaker, Sir, I have a point of order. You
looking at one particular vested interest or is listen to it first.
the Government really kx)king at the socially
and educatbnally backward classes? (Interruptbns)
This is the questbn I want to put to the have inthis manner, nothing concrete can be
Prime. Minister. (Interruptbns) done. Please take your seat.

[Translation] (Intenruptions)

Kindly listen to me first. SHRI RAM DHAN: My point of order is

that the leader of opposition has said that he
[English] has objectbn to our interruption. Every
member has a right to interrupt and there can
When the Prime Minister speaks, I will be Interruptbns.
491 Disc, Under R uh 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 o f empbymont for youth 492
Dec. on Mandaf Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures Uyr promotion

[Engiish] [Englisft]

(Cuddapah); What is this? He says that the Prime Minister on one condition. Almost
interrupting the speaker is his right. 25 minutes of my time is being taken by
interruptions on the other side. If interrup-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will take one tions continue in this way, then the agree-
minute. ment that was brought about between Shri
Upendra and the Congress that certain
SHRI R.N. RAKESH (Chail): I will also business will be transacted after this, may
interrupt. This is my right. not be possible. So. let us be clear about this
now. I will yield to the Prime Minister.
actly what happens if everytx)dy wants to SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
enjoy the right to interrupt. Nobody has a The point I wanted to make is this. The
right to interrupt. Everybody has a right to Leader of the Opposition was making that
speak here. This kind of a point of order is certain persons, individuals who have risen
really in disorder. One more thing I would like above the economic strata, why are they
to say. If you have really got anything to ask being given this benefit. What is being ad-
and if the speaker yields, you may please dressed, the issue, is on the whole sectbn of
ask. But don’t, under the guise of raising a the society, backward-educationally and
point of order, disturb it. You may note the socially backward classes, not socially and
point and if necessary, you may reply. economically backward persons. This is the
Members are quite capable of replying to issue. When a class moves up, then, of
each other’s points and debate. Here also, I course, weaning out can be there. But when
would like to say that when one Member is the whole class is under just zero and one
saying something and you respond, then it per cent, that is not the issue. The issue is
be^m e very diffkajit to control the House. whether the whole class has gone up or not.
That is the issue.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I think the hon.
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please leave Prime Minister has totally missed the point.
it to me. So, you have the capacity, you have The point is within a particular class, who do
the time- if you need—^toreply to each other's you want to help? Do you want to help those
point. But do not disturb or interrupt the persons within a particular class who are
debate like this. This is my request. already well-off?

(\nterruptions) AN HON. MEMBER: How many?


CHAVDA (Patan): Sir. decorum and de- many. If the number is negligible, if the
cency of this House demands that when the number is only one or two, then you should
Leader of the Opposition Shri Rajiv Gandhi have no objection at all because you are only
is on his legs and when he is interrupted, he eliminating two cut of the 42 or 43 crores.
should resume his seat. (Interruptions) What is your objection then? The fact is that
within a class when you want to give some
[Translation] assistance, it should go to the poorest. I
would recommend it...

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Do not wasts [Translation]

your intelligence likethat Please speak when
your turn comes. SHRI RAM DH AN: Delhi University was
493 Disc. Under Rul0 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (Si4fM) o f employment for youth 494
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
shifted to his House for his children. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is not cor-
rect, Mr. Chatterjee. You have been sitting in
[English ] this Chair also.

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No personal (fnten^uptbns)

remarks please. It is not correct.

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: If I can just read SHRI RAJIV GANDH I: The benefit from
out the rules. {Interruptbns) With your per- any such measure should not go to the
mission. I may be allowed a point of order privileged. They should instead be going to
while I am speaking. Shri Ram Dhan said the landless; they should be going to the
that it is a right of a Member to interrupt a landless labour; they should be going to
speaker. May I read out Rule 349 (2)? coolies, rikshaw-wallas, to nais to dhot)is, to
these people who are definitely under-privi-
[Translation] leged in our society. And unless you take...
AN HON. MEMBER: It has been read.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I am saying this
for Ram Dhanji. He may listen to it and THE MINISTER OF LABOUR AND
understand it. WELFARE (SHRI RAM PASWAN): You want
reservation to be limited to sweepers only
(Interruptions) (Interruptions)

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Ruling has been [English]

given thrice but he is acting like jack in the
box. It ISa toy consisting of a box from which, SHRIRAJIVGANDHhOne more point. (Inter-
upon release of its lid, the toy figure springs ruptions)
up. (Interruptions)
SHRI RAM DHAN: Dhobi (Washer-
The Rule says: man) is a Scheduled Caste and not a back-
ward class.
“Whilst the House is sitting, a Member
shall not interrupt any Member while speak- SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Ram Dhanji you
ing by disorderly expression or noises or in may not be aware that there are dhobis
any other disorderly meanner,” (Washerman) among the Muslims also.
[English ]
Ram Dhanji. have you understood (Inter-
ruptions) He should sit down nowas the point Sir. it shoukJ go not only to such under-
has been cleared. privileged groups and many others like them,
but to people from all religions who are
[English ] under-privileged and this is where I have a
grave difference with what the Government
is bringing in. They are kx>king almost en-
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: tirely at caste, (Intenuptions) Not only that.
Allow the Leader of the Oppositton to make They have not included very large sections
the speech. 1will request not to make inter- of the minority who should be included. If you
ruption. (Interruptions) look at the Muslims, the vast majority of the
495 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990o f employment for youth 496
Dec. on Manaal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

[Sh. Rajiv Gandhi] may see or we may not see, the question is
that you are always there.
Muslim community in India is backward-
educationally, socially, economically every- SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: The
where. Leader of the Opposition of course is a self-
confessed juvenile. He does not understand
The same thing is true for Christians. why he is there today, when in the earlier
The same thing is true even for Sikhs who House he had 450 Members. How the poor
are by and large okay, but there are still people were alienated from the Congress
groups who are not all right. It is true for Party, why the people have lost faith in them,
almost every religion as groups who are he does not ask himself that. Whether I am
socially and educationally backward. Why here or not, whether I am there or not, I am
should they not be included? The Govern- for the ordinary people, the poor people, the
ment must explain this; the country wants to struggling people of this country. We shall
know. fight them and fight them everywhere. {Inter’
The second point which must be a part
of the national goal is a casteless society. SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: The hon. Mem-
The Constitution very clearly differentiates ber is a very old Member of the House and I
between Scheduled Castes and backward don’t want to contradict him. But while we
classes. Why did our Constitution makers may have lost confidence of the people, we
make this distinction? They had something still got 42% confidence of the people in the
in their minds. Why have we lost that distinc- country. At what point of time have you
tion today? crossed 5% or 6%?

I agree with you; the reality is that caste SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: But
counts for a tremendous amount in this we have never let down the people. {Inter-
country. I don’t disagree with that. But what ruptions)
is our goal? Is our goal a casteless society^
If our goal is a casteless society, surely every SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir. our goal
step that we take- we might have made today must be a casteless socieW. Let us be
mistakes in the past and 1 am including ^ST^TcTear about that. {Interruptions)
myself in that... {Interruptions)
You are not sure, though. There has been enough of fun. Now
please keep quiet.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I am trying to
keep the debate at a high level and on a [English ]
serious plane. I am not being frivolous on
any count and I would appreciate it If the Sir, do we still have that goal of a cas-
Members specially fromthe Left parties whom teless society? I was a little worried when I
I thought-will before they got into this alii- heard Shri Inderajit Gupta speaking, be-
ance-were responsible members, who were cause he drew a line. I think the line he drew
principled members, who believed in certain was periiaps very fine; or like my friend is
things... saying, it was a dotted line. If you believe In
a casteless society, every major step you
SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE take, must be such that you move towards a
(Bolpur): Because of our sense of responsi- casteless society. And you must avoid tak-
bility we have seen that you are there. ing any step which takes you towards a
caste-ridden society. Unfortunately, the step
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Whatever we that we are taking today, the manner in
497 Disc. Under R uh 193 BHADRA 15,1912 {SAKA) o f empfoyment for youth 498
Dec. or) Mancktl Commission in s^dkion to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

which it has I^Gdn put, is a casteist formula. Sir, Raja Sahib is putting the caste into
While accepting that caste is a reality, we our society, once again. He is ensuring that
must dilute that formula and break that for> caste does not go out by this action and by
mula by adding something on to it. So that at sticking to his guns on this issue of caste.
least we start inching away from the casteist (Intenruptions)
formula. This is where I feel that the leftists
are not carrying out their responsibility. And SHRI RAM DHAN (Lalganj): Which Raja
you should do that. It is within your powers to Sahib? (interruptions)
do it, it is not within our powers to do it. With
a little bit of pressure, with a little bit of SHRI RAJIVGANDHI: Raja Vishwanath
wobbling of that crutceh, it can all happen. Pratap Singhji.
Therefore you have to do it. {interruptions)
Sir, this Government iscreating a vested
SHRI NIRMAL KANT! CHATTERJEE: interest in casteism and the country is going
You are absolutely right. Whether the Left to pay a very heavy price for this, Sir. His
has influence on you or not. the Left has definition of caste... (interruptbns)
influence on the present Government. You
are absolutely right. (Interruptions) 19.00 hrs.

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: This is exactly Sir, I would request the ‘Raja Sahib’ not
what I am trying to say. So, if the present to latch on to caste this way but to expand
Government goes in a casteist direction, you the definition of caste, first by including
are partly responsible. You must bear that socially and educationally backward classes
cross. You cannot wish it away. Here, I or backward groups-whatever you want to
would like to ask the Prime Minister, a very call it-fromothercastes from within the Hindu
specific question. Does he believe in a cas- religion and then expanding it to socially and
teless society? It Is a specific question. “Do economically backward groups from other
you personally believe in a casteless soci- religions, viz., Muslims, Christians, Sikhs,
ety, as the goal for a developing nation like Buddhists, Parsis and others. All those
India?” (Interruptions) classes that are socially and educationally
backward should be first... (Interruptions)
I am not going to reply now. I will reply later. [Translation]
You go on. (Interruptions)
PROF. P.J. KURIEN: Sir, it is a specific Indians have been left out.
question, he can answer it. (Intenruptions)
[Translation] dian... (Interruptions)

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: When you have [English]

replied to other question in the middle why
can't you reply to this specific question? SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
I was asked a specific question about caste
[Engiisii] and I want to answer it straight... (Interrup-
tions) ...It is over... (interruptbns) ...I want
to quote from Jawaharlal Nehru and I think,
Sir, it is precisely what I feared. The you may not hear me but hear Jawaharlal
Prime Minister does not have the guts to Nehru. Please do hot show disrespect for
stand up and say whether he believes in a Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. In one of his Par-
casteless society or does not believe in a liamentary Party meetings, he talked about
casteless society. It is very sad. Sir. casteism as ‘you’ and he condemned It as he
499 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 o f empbyment for youth 600
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Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Vishwanath Pratap Singh] he believes in a casteless society or not.

should as he had done but the fact remains. SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
That is what he says. He says that half a 1have clarifies fully not only to your satisfac-
dozen or may be ten so-called superior castes tion but to the satisfaction of the House. So,
dominate the Indian scene among the Hin> please move ahead. Do not move on like a
dus... (Interruptions) ...There is no doubt record on the same line and get stuck in this.
about it. And if I talk about removal of cas-
teism, do not understand that I want to per- SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I had accepted
petuate the present classification as some this argument of the Prime Minister and we
people at the top and other people at the had continued the debate. But he, on his own
bottom. So. this is what Jawaharlal Nehru initiative, wanted to clarify it now. So, it is he
has said. (Interruptions) who has opened the issue and not me. While
accepting what the Prime Minister has said,
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir. I would like we will wait for his reply but I will also leave
to convey to the hon. Prime Minister that I am the optbn open. In case, another astrologi-
perhaps more knowledgeable about what cal moment comes during this debate, he is
Panditji has said than himself. (Interrupt most welcome to get up and offer another
tions) ...Sir, the question was very specific. answer which might be more complete than
Does the Prime Minister believe in a cas- the one he has given so far. Can I ask the
teless society or not? I do not want to know Prime Minister a specific question?... (Inter-
what Panditji believed in. What does the ruptions) .
Prime Minister believe in? I appreciate that It
took the Prime Minister ten or twelve min- Raja Saheb has refused to say whether
utes-l do not know the exact time- to think he believes in caste or not. Can I ask him
about this. But I wonder whether this timing another question?... (Interruptions) On many
was worked out astrologk:ally by the Cabinet occasions, I believe, Raja Saheb has said
Secretariat or not.... (Interruptions) ...I no- that he is going to implement this Mandal
ticed that that piece of paper that the hon. Commission report in toto and it is only going
Prime Minister read was handed over to him to happen in a number of pieces, but It Is
from behind him, down the line. (Interrupt going to happen in toto. This is what he has
tions) said on a number of occasions.

SHRIMATIGEETA MUKHERJEE: This Let me read one sentence from here

quotation is from Mandal Commission’s and again specifically ask Raja Saheb how
recommendations itself. He read from that. he reacts to this... (Interruptions)
SHRI SYED MASUDAL HOSSAIN: down. Let him express himself. (Interrup-
Have you read Mandal Commission Re- tions)
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I think 1 have
read Mandal Commission Report betterthan SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Mr. Mandal in
you. (Interruptions) para 12.11 is talking about the Hindu con-
verts to other religions to Islam, Christianity
[English ] and other religions. I read one part of the
Sir, you will notice that the hon. Prime
Minister has still not clarified as to whether "This resulted in the Hindu converts
501 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (S>4/C4) o f employment fo r youth 502
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Report and Measures for promotion

inadvertently acting as Trojan horses SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:

of caste system amongst highly equali- in laying the ground, you have lost the ground.
tarian religions such as Islam../

Does the Prime Minister believe that the SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Now, I come to
converts to Islam are Trojan horses of Hin- the second part of implementing this Report,
duism in Islam? I would like an answer to why we were having problems was that we
that. wanted to focus the assistance and help in
every area to those amongst SC/ST. —the
For these measures to be truly benefi- weakest and the poorest of the SC/ST—so
cial to the socially and educationally back- that they couki get the benefit. The third point
ward, they must eliminate those among the is that there are many questions about the
socially and educationally backward who do Mandal Commission Report itself. There are
not need such assistance. This is very im- many contradictions in the Mandal Commis-
portant. sion Report and I would just like at random to
point out some in this House.
A tot has been said in this House about
why the Congress Government when it was Firstly, what is the scientific basis on
in power did not take action on the Mandal which this Report is prepared because
Commission report. We have been told: For whenever you find out a task like this one
ten years, the report was lying there, nothing expects that the Report that you set has a
happened: what was the Congress Party very sound base? Let me give you some
doing? quotations. I am not going to quote from
outskJe or anywhere else. I am only going to
AN HON. MEMBER: Sleeping. read out quotations from the Report itself.

sleeping. Firstly, when implementing any For misquoting.
such measure which has major social rami-
fications it is very important to lay the ground. SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: No misquote. It
shows that there are difficulties in coming to
SHRI NIRMAL KANT CHATTERJEE: answer. I am not saying that the Report is
You were digging the ground, useless. There are tremendous merits in the
Report but there are problems in the Report
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Let me finish, also. We must understand that. Let me first
you will understand it. Even you will under- go to what the Mandal Report says about the
stand it. I will put it in such a simple language, Kaka Sahib Kalelkar Commission.
even you will not have any difficulty to under-
stand that. In Para 1.9, when the Kaka Sahib Ka-
lelkar Report was presented to the Govern-
ment. the Government said and I quote:
All right, I will not say it. If you want me
to quote Shri Indrajit Gupta, he said exactly “In view of the above, the Government
the same thing. “You need to lay the ground consider it necessary “some positive
before taking any such measure.” This and workable criteria” should be de-
Government has not laki the ground. We vised for the speciftoatton of the so-
may have erred on the soft side thinking we cially and educationally backward
are taking too long to do it. We had a number classes.”
of Cabinet meetings and the Prime Minister
was the part of the Cabinet then. I don't That was the problem with Kaka Sahib
remember any vociferous comment at all at Kalelkar's Report. And Mr. Mandal’s first
that time. task was to sort out this problem. What does
503 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990o f empbyment for youth 504
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Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Rajiv Gandhi] bers come from?

Mr. Mandal do? He comments on this in para Sir, three important sociologists were
117 where he says: “Though the above involved with the Mandal Commission, Prof.
fallings are serious, yet the real weakness of B.K. Roy Burman, Prof. Srinivas and Prof.
the Report-he is referring to the previous Jogendra Singh. They have been thanked In
Kalelkar Report*lies in its internal contradic- the Preface of the Mandal Commission
tion.”This is Mr. Mandal speaking about Mr. Report for the work they have done. But
Kalelkar. Where does he go from there? Mr. reading the newspapers recently, I found
Mandal was determined to do much better. that they have declined the honour and they
In para 3.1 he recalls the main failing of the have clearly said that they were denied any
Kalelkar Report and then asserts himself in real opportunity to participate in the findings.
Para 3.2 In para 3.1 he said-it is important to {interruptions)
hear this because we are taking a very big
measure, we are taking a very big step. I The three important Sociologists that
think the House should understand the basis were involved with this Commisskjn have
on which that step was taken. In para 3.1, it today said that they have not contributed to
says: this Commission. Then, how did this Com-
missbn get its Information? There was a
“One important reason as to why the Research and Planning team which met for
Central Government could not accept only there days.
the recommendation of the Kaka Sahib
Kalelkar Commission was that it had I will read out Para 11.3 where it says:
not worked out objective tests and
criteria for the proper classification of 'To begin with, a Research Planning
socially and educationally backward Team of sociobgists met in Delhi from
classes...** June 12th to 14th, 1979 to draw up a
plan of studies and researches which
“...In several petitions filed against should be undertaken by Backward
reservation orders issued by some Classes Commission for determining,
State Governments, the Supreme in a scientific and objective manner,
Court and various High Courts have the criteria for defining socially and
also emphasised the imperative need educatbnally backward classes.
for an empirical approach to the defin-
ing of socially and educationally back- Then he says it is appended on the
wardness or identification of other back... (Interruptions)
Backward Classes.”
In the next para, he talks about his own are the contradictions?
3.2 “The commission has constantly
kept the above requirements in view in SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Please listen,
planning the scope of the acti^'^ties.” othen/\rlse how will you understand.

That means, he really saw this as one of

this major tasks. He set out to sort this out. [English ]
The objective is very clear and it Is laudable.
But what happened? Did the Mandal Com* SHRI CHIRANJI LAL SHARMA (Kar-
mission give solid scientific foundations to nal): Sir, 90 percent of the Members have not
the Commission’s findings? It is a big ques- read this Report and they are making com-
tion. Otherwise, where have all these num- ments.
SOS tXK .U nd^R U f1S J BHAORA IS.ISIS (SAM) otanqjhymwn for youth 506
Dea on H/btmbl CommMan in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures forpromotion
SHRI RAJIV GANOHI: I will rap«at. The This Committee never met again, and was
task of this taam was solely to draw up a plan never consulted again. What i am trying to
of studies-not to do the studies only but to point out is not that this report is worthless,
draw up a plan of studies. They did not do the and should be thrown away. Like I saM. there
studies. This group was never consulted is a kit of substance in the report, but to say
again. Then, the Srinlvas Panel did meet that you will just accept it like that, without
only for five days. So, the Research team discussing it or without debating it, is not
merfor three days, the Srinivas Panel metfor adequate. It needs more kx>king into, (inter-
five days. rufitions)

Para 11.4 * Subsequently, a Panel of SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE:

Experts led by Prof. M.N. Srinivas, met What dkJ you do for ten years?
in Delhi from July 16 to 20th, 1979, i.e.
for five days, and, after detailed delib- SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Forget ten years.
erations, prepared a complete design We made a mistake. At least you shouM
of the survey along with a set of sched- have read this report before making this
ules, dummy tables, instructions, etc.” announcement.

So, these two Groups in a sense laid SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE;
down, what the Commission could do. Now, Now, are you sure about it?
what did the Commission actually do with it,
because neither of these teams was con- SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: The only expert
sulted after this? This means no specialist, advice that this committee has got was from
no sociologist was involved with this report, the Technrcal Advisory Committee headed
apart from those eight days. by a bureaucrat, the Director General of the
Central StatistKal Organisatbn, a profes-
SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: One sbnal statistician (intenuptions) not a soci-
clarification. Now the Leader of the Opposi- otogist or anybody who has got any knowl-
tion points out serious infirmities, according edge of the problems in the society and how
to him, and deficiencies in the report. Why to rectify them.
did not his Government reject this report?
He knows how a statistnian functnns. (inter-
[Transia^nJ ^ njptions)

AN HON. MEMBER: Yes, yes. SHRI RAJIV GANDHI; This was the
level, the intellectual level at whk:h the data
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: You were also a that has been received, has been proc-
Minister, now you are saying Yes-yes. essed. These are the intellectual inputs that
have gone into it. But what of the data; what
SHRI SYED MASUDAL HOSSAIN: is the quality of the data that was collected^
Everyday you used to change the Ministers, I am not giving my comment, a subjective
that is why you do not remembers. The faces comment. I am going to give you quotatk>ns
of memory? from Mr. Mandal himself on what he thinks
about the data that he has collected and
{interruptions) presented. First paragraph 3.15.

[EngOsit] [Translation]

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir. we are tak- SHRJ RAItOHAN: Congress Party may
ing a b t of time, with d l these disturbances. reject it.
507 Disa Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990 o f emptoyment for youth 508
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservaiions, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

[English] [English]

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Paragraph 3.15 I am reading from para 9.4. where Shri
says, on the basis of cost indexing 1891 and Mandal is commenting on the quality of data
1931: he got from the State Governments. 9.4:" It
was rather disappointing to see that hardly
*On the basts of 1891 and 1931 Census, any State was able to give the desired infor-
data was collected and analysed with a view matfon." And then, he goes on with this and
to getting aframeforthe linkage of traditional again **Only one or two States, of them
occupations k>y caste.” furnished the necessary details. Further,
several States did not choose to respond
Now. what are we talking about? We are even to some simple and straight-forward
talking about data which is 100 years old. or questbns on important polrcy issues.” So,
60 years old. is that valkJ today? Can we from the States he has got almost no data
really interpolate from 1891 and 1931. to Then he goes to what he has got from the
1990; or does something better needs to be general public, which is in 10.47 and 10.48.
done? (Interruptions) Para 10.47 says. “ Generally
speaking... "This is very important, you must
From there, he goes on. The Commis- listen to it. (Interruptions)
sion thought itwas inadequate; and he himself
saki he relied on three methods, because [Translation]
this data collectk>n was not good enough.
So. he himself rejected that at the beginning. I am serious and you are taking It lightly.
The three meth^s he has taken are (1) (Interruptions) That is your problem but it is
questbnnaires to vark)us authorities; (2) also important because ths is dividing our
sodo<educatk>nal field survey (which we society. (Interruptions)
already talked about, the quality of that sur-
vey) and then (3) tours and interaction with [English ]
pubik: and experts. The questton is. they got
very bad data backing. I quote from para- Please listen to para 10.47. “Generally
graph 9.4. on what Shri Mandal thought, speaking...”.I would like you to be quiet
what the Commissbn thought about the because these two paragraphs. I think are
quality of the data coming from the State very important. “Generally speaking... ”(Infer-
Governments. {Interruptions) ruptbns)

[Translation] MR. SPEAKER: May I request the hon.

Members to please help us to complete the
You also see what are the problems. debate? I wouki like to bring to your notice
that the Hon. Prime Minister is also. I am told,
[Translation] going to reply.


Deputy Speaker. Sir. you had tokJ that the I would, if I have time.
Mandal Commissbn Report will bediscussed
at 7.00 p.m. and after that legistative busl< MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Well, this is a
ness will be taken up. If the leader of oppo- very importantdiscussbn. Everybody is inter-
sition party will continue to quote like this ested in knowing the point of view of the
how the other subjects can be taken up. You Opposition Party and the Leader of the
should follow the schedule. (Intem^tions) Opposition, the biggest party who has been
the former Prime Minister, speaking. It would
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: If you disturb be in the interests of the House and the
less It can more fast. (Intemjptbns) people outskJe to hear him. And the hon.
509 Disb. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15.1912 (S/\/C4) o f employment for youth 510
Dec, on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, eta
Report and Measures for promotion

Prime Minister is here. He is also going to this could have been valid if it was to check
reply and it would be necessary that the hon. the validity of a report. To do such a small
Prime Minister’s speech and that of the hon. sampling check is a valid step when you are
Leader of the Opposition should be heard checking the validity of a report. But is it a
with attention. If you have any points of view, valid step on which to base a complete
if you want to m ^ e those points of view, you report like this?
can make them. But my I seek your coopera-
tion in seeing that a very conducive atmos- It is not only that. The Experts panel
phere is maintained in the House? (Interrup- recommendation of the survey that was to be
tions) done was unilaterally rejected and changed,
arbitranly changed by the commission. He
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please sit says this in para 11.10 and 11.15. {Interrup-
down. tions)


At least for some time, why do you not take whole report?... (Interruptions)
it seriously?
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Para 10.47 syas. They do not understand that you are reading
It for the first time... (Interruptions)

"Generally speaking, it was seen that SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, para 11.10
the views of every individual... ”This is deals with the socio-educational studies that
the response of individuals. 'The views was done. It says:
of every individual group and associa-
tion were conditioned by their own "Experts panel had recommended “one
class interests and the question of per cent purposive sample of villages at the
giving concessions to OBCs was sur- district level to be able to Identify a vast
charged with emotion.” majority of backward classes”...”

That means, the input that he has got This was a specialist panel which sat
from individuals and associations has been only fora few days. They recommended one
very biased by the people who presented percent sample. It further says:
them. He then goes on to say:
"At a subsequent meeting of Technical
“It was but natural that most of the Advisory Committee presided over by
respondents appearing before the the Director-General of the Central
Commission belonged to the OBC." Statistics Organisation...”

That means, the inputs that he has got This formula was changed. It says:
are not reliable as a cross section of society.
" was decided that for our purpose
Coming back to the socio-educational a sample of one per cent of the coun-
sun/ey, he says: try’s population comprising 65 lakh
persons may be too large...”
“The results are exhaustively listed
and reported in Chapter 11. But these It says that they went on to arbitrarily
surveys, the village surveys were only select two villages and one urban blookfrom
810.” each district. That means, what the experts
and sociologists had suggested was ran-
Only 810 villages out of over 5 lakh domly changed and a different parameter
villages were sun/eyed as a sample. Now was put in. Now how can we rely on the
511 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990of employment for youth 512
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Report and Measures for promotion
results of such a survey? “The population of Hindu OBCs could
be derived by subtracting from the total
Sir, the survey was conducted by junior population of Hindus, the population of
Government officials without any supervi- the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
sion or checking or validation by any high Tribes and that of the forward Hindu
ranking or known sociologist. This Is the castes and communities and it worked
basis of the data we have got. out to 52%”

The Mandal Commission in fact itself First, there Is a problem even here. The
confesses in para 11.27, which says: problem is that many castes that are listed in
his list are forward castes and are Scheduled
"In the end, it may be emphasised that Castes. That means, 52 percent as calcu-
the survey has no pretensions to being lated by Mr. Mandal and his Commission
a piece of academic research. It has Includes Scheduled Castes and forward
been conducted by the administrative castes. The Chief Minister of Orissa has said
machinery of the Government...All that lots of Scheduled Castes were included.
these factors obviously militate against
the requirements of a technically so- SHRl INDRAJIT GUPTA: Only one—
phisticated and academically satisfy- Sahu.
ing operation.”
SHRl RAJIV GANDHI: I was told 14 or
He himself has said that this operation is 16.1 have not checked that figure myself. So
not scientific, is not technically sophisticated I am not quoting that. I am just saying that
and it is not even academically satisfying. many are included.
This is the Commission speaking itself on its
own data collection. What has then Mandal I know for a fact that Brahmins are
gone on to say on Chapter 3.9? One of the Included, Reddys are included, Vakkaligas
problems was that when the Commission are included, Kammas are included, Lin-
itself wanted to go to the villages and see the gayats are included, Gounders are included,
realities, while the survey covered 810 vil- Chetiyars are included. Are these backward
lages, the Commission itself only visited 37 castes? Do they need the help? This is how
villages. I am sure, each one of us sitting in 52 percent has been derived. So there is
this House, has visited 100 times moie vil- even a question of 52. Then he arbitrarily
lages than the Commission had visited. So takes this figure of 52 and applies it to the
the real data that the Commission has got is minorities. He says that if 52 percent of
from the 37 villages out of 5.5 lakh villages. Hindus are OBCs, then 52 percent of Mus-
What is the basis of this data? Is this ade- lims will be OBCs, 52 per cent of Christians
quate data to draw such conclusions from? will be OBCs, 52 per cent of Sikhs will be
OBCs and 52 percent of everybody will be
In Chapter 10 the Commission is unable OBCs. Where is the logic in this? I will read
to quote any expert or any academic opinion. this out. But the same approach could not be
The point is that the Commission has not adopted in respect of non-Hindu OBCs.
been scientific or technically correct. The Assuming that roughly the proportion of OBC
Commission has been impressionistic and amongst non-Hindus was of the same order
non-scientific. as amongst the Hindu population of non-
OBCs, it was also taken as 52 percent. What
Then there is a question of the minority is the basis of this? Do each one of us sitting
religions. How have they been included in in this House not know that the Muslim
this? (Intenuptions) If you are not interested community as a whole is much more back-
in minorities, say so; otherwise keep quiet. ward than the Hindu community? They are
What does he say about minorities? He says educationally backward, they are socially
in para 12.1: backward. Yet we apply the same formula on
513 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (S.A/C4) o f employment for youth ' 514
Dec. on Mandal Commission In addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
the Muslims. How can that be done? How MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER; This is not a
can we accept that? K must be changed. point of order.

Then in calculating OBCs for Hindus he {htenupthns)

has not included the Scheduled Castes and [Translation]
rightly so. But when you calculated OBCs for
Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, etc. surely the SHRI RAM NAIK (Bombay North): Sir.
Scheduled Castes percentage should have my point or order is that m the beginning of
been included in that. Because the Christian this discusston, you had said that would be
Scheduled Caste, the converted scheduled over by 7.00 p.m. and next term would be
caste into Christian, the converted sched- taken up thereafter. We can understand that
uled caste into Muslim, and into other relig- you have given some time, but my point of
ions do not get the benefit of anything. He order is we are not going according to the
should also be there. He is also backward... programme fixed for today; we can under-
{Interruptions) ...I would like to ask the stand if somebody quotas one or two para-
Government, do they really believe tlun ' graphs from the report but.
formula of fifty percent Hindu backwards can
be applied to fifty to fifty two percent for [English]
Muslim backwards. I really want to know. Do
you believe that only half the Muslim popula- The Leader of the Oppositran can quote
tion is backward, socially and economk:ally? a para or two from the Report. But, he is
I challenge you on that. I think we demand an reading paragraphs after paragraphs. We
answer for that... (Interruptions) have read the Report. We would like to know
his comments. It appears to be filflsustering
[Translation] tactics. We must also take care of the time.
The debate was to be completed by 7
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Your members o’ctock. More than forty minutes have ex-
are saying that Muslims are backwards but ceeded. Kindly take care of the time.
they are not included in your list.
SHRI ANIL BASU (Arambagh): Now, he
...Ramdhan ji, it is 7.45 now, it could realised the mistake he committed earlier.
have finished by time {Interruptions)
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, the fact of
MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- the matter is that minorities have not got their
TRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND just due. The hon. Member, the Chairman of
MINISTRY OF TOURISM (SHRI SATYA the SCST Commission has said categori-
PAL MALIK): You Please wind up. We will cally that all minorities have been counted as
inform you. backwards. I do not think that is factual
according to what the to paper that was
[English] placed on the Table of this House... (Inter-
rupthns) The fact of the matter is that by
playing games this resen/ation. They have
SHRI NANI BHATTACHARYA (Ber- deliberately bk>cked the minorities from
hampore): Sir, I have a point of order. Mr. getting any benefit. The Prime Minister should
Gandhi is misleading the House and let me answer how he is going to help the socially
quote from the Report itself that he is giving and educationally backward minority com-
a wrong information to the House regarding munities.
the Report of the Mandal Commission.
Mandal commission clearly states that 52 The next vary important point is: On
per cent of the total population of India is what basis has the Mandal Commissbn
constituted of backward dass of whk:h there defined caste in its definltton? How has the
are both Hindus and non-Hindus. Mandal'Commission reinterpreted the Con-
515 Oise. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990 of employment for youth 616
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Rajiv Gandhi] Then again, there has been a method-
ology in collecting information. I won’t go into
stitution and changed backward classes to the quotations because obviously they are
backward caste? In para 10.4... (Interrupt going over their heads now.-But again the
tions) same thing. He has used four sources. One
in himself. He has quoted the socio educa-
[Translation] tional field survey. What was the socio edu-
cated field survey? Where was the scientific
Please listen. It is worth listening {Inter^ basis for this? He himself has described. His
ruptions) It will definitely hurt you (Interrup- second item is the Census Report 1961.
tions) What has the Census Report given us? He
himself says: "Census Report, particularly
[English ] for the Identification of primitive tribes, abo-
riginal tribes, forest tribes and indigenous
Sir, this is Chapter-X. Evidence by the tribes”. The third is his personal knowledge
Public-para 10.4- criteria for defining after visiting 37 villages. Thirty-seven vil-
backwardness:”Nearly 78 per cent of the lages and his personal knowledge give us
respondents were of the view that caste the information. The fourth source is list of
should be accepted as a criterion. However, OBCs. as prepared by various States. I think
28 per cent favoured the acceptance of it is important that I read out what Mandal
caste as the sole criterion.”Only 28 per cent aimself says about the list of OBCs. pre-
of the respondents favoured caste as the pared by other States. (Interruptions)
sole criterion. 78 per cent said that caste can
be one of the criteria, but not the sole crite- [Translation]
rion. And then he himself goes on to say:
“Nearly 70 per cent were in favour of evolv- PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Mr.
ing multiple criteria based on social status, Deputy Speaker, Sir, Congressmen should
political influences, educational attainments, not go cent of the House, they should sit in
economic level, employment status, etc. the House and listen to the Prime Minister.
Others favoured the including of place of Please take up Delhi statehood Bill and get
habitation and financial position.” I would like assurance from them that they would not
to linkthisto an earlier quotation that I made, leave the House. (Interruptions)
where the Commission has said that most of
the respondents were OBCs. So, most of the [English ]
respondents who were OBCs. have said that
they do not want caste as the single de- SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
finer... (Interruptions) Sir, please protect us from the atrocity which
is being made through the Mandal Commis-
AN HON. MEMBER; We are glad that sion Report which he is reading out. (Inter-
after so many years you are reading the ruptions)
Commission’s Report. (Interruptions)
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Let me ask you
[Translation] a specific question.You must have read at
least the Recommendations chapter, if not
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: At least listen to anything else. (Interruptions) Then, I ask you
me. ' specificquestionsonthe Recommendations.
(Inten^uptbns) Sir, a very important question
[English] which, I think, the Leftist party must listen to.
Sir. the Commission has recommended
Sir, on what basis then has this Govern- specifically electorates based on caste. The
ment and the Mandal Commissbn accept^ Commission has recommended In para
caste as the sole definer? 13.37.4 which says:
S\7 Disc. Under Rule m BHADRA 15.1912 (S/VC4) <aen^tbyment toryouth 518
Doc. on Mandal Oommisskx) in addition to reservations, eto.
Report and Measures for promotion

*With a view to giving batter representa- issue; woukl you not like to listen to him only
V on..“ {kilem ptionsii Donltakethesa things because of the paucity of time?... (Interrup-
lightly- {M erniptbns) tions) ...

[Translation] [Engfeft]

Why are you dividing this country. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: In my author-
ity I will give all of you time to spe^rit on this
[Engrish] if you want. But if they are important topics
and if they are important for the entire coun-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please sit try. I say. Please don’t do this thing. You
down. This is an important topic which we have been cooperating, I expect you to
are discussing. cooperate now also.

{Interruptions) (Interruptions)
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: lwouWiy<e to
tell you that this is an important issue, I9(e PROF.VUAYKUMARMALHOTRA:We
Hindu Code Bill. We have been discussing it are not objecting, but the time should be
for the last 5-6 hours.... (Interruption^ ... fixed, let us sit up to the mklnight orthe whole
night After that, you please take up Prasar
[EngSsh] Bharati Bill and Delhi BiH.


Nath, please taKe your seat You will not You are reading the whole book.
{Intem ptions) bo(A... (Interruption^ ...W e are not sitting
here only for Zero Hour.
point o! order. [English]


be some time limit. What is this? issue is an extremely important issue. I could
cut short, but I doni think that would be doing
(\nternjpfhns) justice to this. I wouM request the Govern-
ment not to curtail the time on this issue. Let
[Translationji us speak eveiything that needs to be said on
this issue. If you want to continue tomorrow,
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: If there is a we are willing to continue tomorrow. (Inter-
discussion on an important matter like Hindu ruptions) We win sit. Up to that, we will
Code BUI, nobody should have any ot^ectton extend the House.
to it and if it te necessary to consult the
Parliamentary Affairs Minister regarding the MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Idonlthink It
sotutkm of this problem, we will think over it. wouM be possble to discuss this matter
But If the lea<tor of the laigest opposition tomorrow. Please continue now. You may
party is speaking on some important issue take time. I am going to albw the Prime
and that issue relates to the caste based Minister also to speak. I wouM request all of
electorate system and partknilarly the issue you to being the House, ff the matter is
which Mahatma Gandhi had opposed, and if important—forthis side it is important and for
a discussion is going on such an important that also it is important—may request is
s n Dhc. Under Rule 193 SGPTEMBER 6,1990 afempk^mentforfouHh 520
Dea on h/lmdU Commission in aeUition to nsennltions, ete.
Report and Measures h r promotion
that the Leader of the Opposition should they have read this, they wouM have known
have as much time as he wants and ^ whatto avoid. Even if have not read and
Leader of the House should have as much known what to avoM, atleast the bureauc-
time as he wants. racy wouM have known to fliam. ^
they did not even given them that chance.
{Interrupthm li
Sir, I am going back to the question of
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, let me ask a using caste as the sole kientifier. I win just
specific questbn. Paragraph 13.37 (4) cf the read from the what the put>llc opinkjn was,
Report says: where 70 per cent of the OBCs have sakl
that caste shouM not be the only kfentifier.
*With a view to giving better represen- Now, we go to what 10 States have sakt,
tation to certain backwmd sections of Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Kar-
O.B.CS. like the Gaddis in Himachal nataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab, Ra-
Pradesh, Neo-Buddhi^ in Maharash- jasthan and Uttar Pradesh. I do not remem-
tra, Fishermen in the coastal areas. ber as I d who was the Chief Minister of Uttar
Gujjars in J.&K., it is recommended Pradesh at that time.
that areas of their concentration may
be carved out into separate constitu- [Translation]
encies at the time of delimitation.*
AN HON. MEMBER: It must have been
Does the Government sut>scribe to the the Chief Minister betonging to your party.
Mandal Commission view that poHtcal con-
stituencies shoukl be carved out on the SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Yes, definitely.
caste basis? Are we going back to the Round But a number of our persons have gone our
Table Conference for having separate elec- there.
torates? That was designed to break our
countiy, Sir, when the Prime Minister says [English]
that he accepts this Report in toto.
All these States have recommended
And I am reading the recommendatkMs caste as one of the criteria for identifying
at the end of the Report, not some wher* backwardness and not as the sole criterion.
else. Then three States and two Unton Territories,
Delhi, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Haryana, Hima-
chal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have
20j00hrs said that caste should not tw made as the
criterion for backwardness. Then, seven
does flte Prime Minsiter accept this? it is a States. Bihar, Gujkrat Himabhal Pradesh,
very serious questnn and on this question,I Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
do not think eitherthe BJP or the Left parties have said 'no income status as one of the
can avokl answer. They can afford to signiftoant tests’. Then, one State and two
keepquiet..1^ not mean potitk»lly because Unton Territories, Haryana, Delhi and Dadra
I know what is inside you and what you feel. Nagar Haveli have desired that economto
I know the patriotism that is there. Can you factor to be the sole detenninant of back-
stand by k% and allow this gentleman sitting wardness. Now, the indivtouals who re-
here to have caste based electorates as Mr. sponded, who intertocutor with the Commis-
Mandal recomniends? Thera has been a ston, the' States who gave their reports,
promise that there port will be implemented everybody had sakl that caste shouU not be
in toto. Let the Prime Minister get up and say the sole identifier. Then the Commission
that he wHI not implefiient the report In toto. goes and has the caste as the sole kientifier.
The point is, this rapoil has not been gone Why are we sitting here accepting caste as
into in detail by this Govtmment, because if the sole kientifier? Do we not have a respon-
521 D iK .U n d 0rH u l»m BHAORA 15.1912 (5AKM) fori 522
Oac. on MandaJ Commisskxi inaikHtiontb «to.
sMIity over and adwve what is written in this compulsbns. You have yours; we migfit
boolt? Do ws not have to react? is it not our have ours... (InMrufftionsI)
rasponsibffity sitting in this House to see that
tiie nation is not divided, tMcausesomebody DR. BPLAB DASGUPTA (Cateutta
m i(^ have made a sfi|>aip? Why are we South): The point I am making is, I accept
here? Otherwise, they could sit here and that the Leader of the Oppositfon shouM be
such reports could l>e mandatoiy. {Intenvp- given sufficient time to m ^ e his aiguments.
^ns) But my point is, he is repeating to much.
Sir, in paragraph 9.16 on census date,
he askedforinformationfromvariousStates SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: To switch over
and he says: from *las8* as the dafinitton to 'caste* as the
definition, the Commissnn quotes three
This section sought to ooliect informa- Supreme Court judgements. But in the very
tion on various demographicaspects of Other report itself, there are at least three more
Backward Classes, denotffied tribes, ad- Supreme Court judgements whnh say that
vanced castes and to comparellsts of Other you cannot define ‘dass*only on the basis of
backward Classes prepared by Kaka Ka- ‘castes*, in para 7.15, para 7.24, para
lelkar Commission with those notified by 7.40—1wouM not read them uptothe House.
various State Governments.* But in these three paras, in detail, the Com-
mission itself says that icaste* cannot be the
Then, the Commissbn says that the only factor. The Supreme Court itself says
information supplied was veiy incomplete. that ‘V^ste* cannot be the only factor and if it
He goes on from there to say—No State is so. it will be struck down. But here we are
Government couM furnish figures regarding where ‘caste* is taken as the only factor. We
the level of literacy and education among are happily sitting over here—representa-
OBCs. Then, he goes on from there to say, tives of 500 of us. We ate happily saying that
“No State Government could furnish any 'Yes’caste can be af actor and caste must be
precise informatk>n on this point. What sort the only factor. It is incredible that the Gov-
of information is this report based on? What emment has no comment at all on this report
is the substance of this? other than saying *We will implement it in
And then, he himself goes on to say that
the above information is too *sketchy and Why has the Government not com-
scrappy*—these are his words to say—for mented on allthese points that I have raised?
any meaningful inference which maybe valid
for the country as a whole. (Intwruptions) Why has the Government not thought
about the lack of scientific input in the data,
After he himself accepts that the basis about the lack of scientifk: analysis of that
for his date is totaNy non-scientific, non- data because there were no socnk>gists
technical and the t>asis is reaUy so diffuse involved?
that no substantial data has come, he tries to
cover all this in a veneer of scientific quality. Why has the Government not spoken
Where do we get the figures after getting «te>ut the heavily conditfoned inputs that the
inputs like that? How do we get percentages Commissfon has got?
iike4.69-twodecimal places—10.63,24.04,
12.55? This is just a veneer which has no Why has the Government not com-
substance. We have to have much more to mented on the speed and huny with whwh
debate on this. How can we just accept this the report was completed?
as a fact and just bulNloze it through the
nattoti? We have to be much more respon-
sble than that. We may have our political
523 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBERS. 1990of empk^ment foryouth 524
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures torpromotion
[Sh. Rajiv Gandhi] was in your manifesto?

One thing is worth reading. Okay, if you

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI; I wouM also like
are annoyed. I would not read it out.
to mention that the Mandal Commission has
specially mentbned Indiraji and thanked her.
Because many of our friends opposite seem
In three paragraphs in the Preface, the to think that during that period, the Congress
Commission itself has said that they have did not help the Commissnn, here I wouM
done the whole thing in a tremendous rush like to read out please
and hurry and, in that rush and hurry, there
was Parliament election and there were the ‘H may be mentioned that although this
Assembly elections. So, they were not able Commisskm...*
to work properly during that period because
the bureaucracy, the administratbn. and ITransla^n]
every one was involved inthe electon. So, in
SHRI FtAM DHAN: This Gorh had set up
fact, although the time kx)ked like a substan-
tial time, the actual time spent is afractnn of Mandal Commission
that time, h is written here in the Preface.
This is the t>asis on which the report has {Interruptions)
twen compiled.
As I said at the beginning, the Congress
is for all types of actbn irusluding reservation SHRI RAJIV GANDHI; Sir, this from the
to help socially and economically backward letter that Shri mandal wrote to the President
classes. I went beyond that. I said in general at the covering letter. He has stated: ‘ It may
everything that has been recommended by t>e mentk>ned that although this Commis-
the Mandal Commissnn and by the Kaka sk>n was appointed by previous Janata
Saheb Kalelkar Commisston, shouki be Government...
implemented but we have serious problems
with certain definitk>ns. (Interrvptions)

We have problems if the weakest [Translation]

amongst the classes are not helped and if
the weakest among the minority religions MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Ram Dhanji,
are not helped. now let it be over, it wouki be better if both of
you outskle to discuss the matter.
We have problems if csiste is defined to
enshrine casteism in our country. SHRI RAJIV GANDHI; The best is that
they do not discuss it at all.
We have problems if casteism is going
to be made a factor for parliamentary and MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is best.
Assembly Constituencies. (Intem ifM m s)

The congress cannot stand by 9 nd watch [English]

this natton being divktod for the potttk»l
convenience of one indivklual. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER; Mr. Rakesh,
please sit down.
SHRi MADAN LAL KHUFtANA: What Mandal has sakl:
S25 Disc. Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15.1912 (S>^/C4) o f emptoymerA fo r youth 526
Db c , on Mundal Commission in addition to rBservsthns, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
I t may be mentioned that although this without thinking about it« without even per-
Commission was appointed by previous haps kx>king at the report, reading the re-
JanataGovernment, Shrimati Indira Gandhi’s port, you locked only at your manifesto which
Government not only gave two extensions has 10 words about it and dived into it. Why
but extended all support and cooperation in did the Government not go into all these
the discharge of our work. things much more seriously? Was the unity
and integrity of the nation not important to
Then, he goes beyond that to say: this Government? Is it not important for you
that chiklren are getting killed In the street?
‘This clearly shows her devotion and Is it not important that caste vblence is
commrtment to the cause of the suppressed breaking out all over the country?
depressed and the oppressed...” He also
mentioned that Indiraji gave the valedictory Out of the report, out of a holistk: pcture
Address to the Commission. But unfortu- that Mr. Mandal has put, I have pk:ked up tots
nately what she said in the valedictory ad- of holes in how he has come to the conclu-
dress seems to have got missed. I will just sbn. But in his conclusion, there are lots of
read out three sentences from here (be- things whfch are prudent, should be done.
cause the book k>oks frightening.) The question is. have you done what Mr.
Mandal wanted you to do? Have you taken
I quote: his holistic pbture? Or have you taken just
one part of that for political convenience?
"This question of the backward classes Does Mr. Mandal in his Report consider any
IS important not only for those who betong to one part of his recommendations more
those classes or castes or to the backward important than the other? Has he given a
region, it is a national question Article 46, priority to it? On what basis have you given
Article 15(4) and Article 16(4)—these provi- a priority to it? In fact, if I can quote from from
sions reflect the nation’s understanding from Mr. Mandal himself on what he thinks about
the very beginning of the need for special his recommendatbns he says that reserva-
treatment in favour such classes. Such treat- tions in Government emptoyment whbh is
ment is not intended to create new dispari- the only thing that you have done. The res-
ties. It is to redress existing injustfces. The ervations in Government emptoyment and
aim is to overcome historical and geographi- educational institutbns as also all possible
cal handicaps, not to create new vested financial assistance are needed. He has
interests. The categorisation of backward listed three types of assistance out of which
classes has always been difficult. I should you have done only one.” All this question
like only to point out that we shall have to will remain a mere palliative.
devise a formula whbh commands wkJe
public acceptance besides strengthening our [Transiation]
national fabric..."
Listen, what have you not done
Don’t forget our national fabric...
{interruptions) Before dividing on the actk>n [English ]
on a report which leaves so many
questions... we may greed with many things. All this will remain palliative unless the
But there are things we disagree with, it problem of backwardness is tackled at its
would have been prudent on the part of the root. And then he goes on at great length on
Government if it had called at least those what shouM be done.
friendly parties--we would have liked if they
had called us also. Atleast If they had called But what did you do? You made it phase
their friendly parties and had a thorough one, phase two phase three totally arbitrailiy.
discussbn, I am sure that such lacunas You have not even put a time limit on the
wouki have been closed. But, unfortunately, phases... {interruptions)
527 Disc. Under R uh 193 SEPTEMBERS. 1990a l om phynrntt for youth 528
Dec. on Mandal CkHnmisskm m aikntion to reservations, tie.
Report and Measures for promotion
SHRI ViSHWANATH PRATAP SttiGH: resenrattnns, and complete assistance for
Will you put some time limit to the speech? alsodallyeducatkxially backward. The issue
is not how to keep one sectton of your party
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: No. I win not. at bay. This is what you must make. If you
Because the manner in which you have start thinking of thd issue likd this, it will be
implemented the Mandal Commission, to more holistic attitude that you take.
me. it is breaking up my country. Break-up of
my country may not be important to you. Whatdo weneed? We need acomplete
(intmruptions) pKture of what the Government wants to do.
Do you want reservations? For how many
SHRI NATHU SINGH (Dausa); This is secttons do you want reservatkms? Are
not your country. This is our country. resen^atk>ns going to be proportional to the
populaton as Mr. Mandal has recom-
[Translation] mended? He has sakl 52% reservatnn must
be for the backward class tMcause 52% are
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: ff you raise your backward. But because the Supreme Court
voice against it I win appreciate, but you are has sakj 50% is the limit, he has recom-
lending you support to him and thus dividing ntended 27%. But you have sakl 50% limit
the country. Please speak a bit loud. I know does iK>t exist, you have said you will amend
how you got trapped. But as you are in the the ConstihJtnn, you have said you will bring
the grip now, you can neither free yourself in laws to change that limit, you have brought
nor move ahead. But at least, you can advise in. suggested reservatbn to break that limit
him privately not to take this wrong step. even when your own Law Minister has said
{Interruptions) that it may not be upheki in court. At the all-
party meeting it was the Law Minister who
[EngUsfi] sakl that over 50% may not be upheM, he
can only guarantee t>ek>w 50%.
The Prime Minister shouM explain on
what basis he has broken the holistk: view of If we tireak the 50% barrier, then the
the Mandal Commisston’s Report On what mandal Commissmns’ recommendatnn of
basis, he has divkled this Report into sec- 27% whKh is linked or limited by the 50%
tions, into phases. And whattime frame he is barrier set by the Supreme Court is not
going to complete these phases. And most limited any mare. Why wiH you not give the
important is that, he isdivkling intothese one OBCs 52% if you can cross 50%? Why will
by one without thinking through anything. I you not take the reservation to 22- 1/2% plus
appreciate that this is an issue t>ased Gov- 52%? On what ratnnale wilt it be purely
ernment. But at least think of the next issue arbitrary ll<e you have taken steps so far or
which will come up 24 hours later. You w9l there be a logb in limiting the reservation
announced reservatnns—27 per cent. to 27% {Interruptions)
Suddenly, you piloted that another five par
cent, ten per cent more must be there. Now
we know that you have promised to certain Let him propose ft, I will answer it. But
mifjo(ity Members of yours that you wiHhave hear me through on this one point first.
a spcK^o'sector for minorities. You have {fnterruptiora) *
p ro m i^ something to the ex-sen^m en.
You have promised something for some- MR. DEPUTY SPEKAER: This will not
body else. Now before you take a decision, form part of the record.
surely, the full picture shouM l>e before you.
I wouki beg to tell you that the issue is. {bHerrvptions )*

*Not Recorded.
S29 Disc, Und0TRule 193 BHADRA 15J912 ( S ^ ) of omphyment foryouth 530
Dec. on Manda! Commission in addition to reservations, etc,
Report and Measures for promotion
[Translation] [Transla^]

SHRI RAJIV GANOHI: If I am wrong. I Please listen, sometimes good things

take my words back. appear in newspapers too.

[English J [English]

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: He has with- Sir, this Newspaper is dated the First of
drawn it and it is not going on record also. September 1990. It is six days oki only. Five
months ago when some Editors had warned
{Interruptions) him—*him* is the Prime Minister’—of the
direct consequences of the implementation
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir. I am on a of the Mandal Commission Fteport, in the
very serious points please listen to it. An form of caste wars, Shri V.P. Singh had said
issue like reservation cannot be treated in a that the Report was purely a political strategy
piecemeal manner. We must k>ok at the and that he was not foolish. This is, Shri V.P.
whole picture. You must see. the Govern- Singh talking to Editors five months ago.
ment must decide how many sections must
get reservation, whether those sections are Now, what has happened in those five
going to be part of the backward, the SEBCs nrK)nths? Nothing happened for a couple of
or whether those Sections are going to be months! Nothing very much happened for a
apart from SEBCs. We must know clearly couple of months; But then, suddenly all
what proportion of seats is going to be kept sorts of things have been happening.
open. Otherwise we will not know what the {Interruptions)
final picture is going to become.
We would like the Government to pres-
ent a White Paper to this House, a White MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is not
Paper which will suggest, first, the Govern- going on record.
ment’s attitude towards the many incongrui-
ties in this report and how to correct them (Interruptions )*
Secondly how the implementatk>n is to be
done and how the recommendations are to SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: If I may quote
be implemented. Third, what is the total from the Newspaper, in the last sentence, he
picture of reservatbns that they want and says, "It was purely a political strategy”. He
what proportion are they willing to leave had to use that politrcal strategy. And in the
open? (/r7fe/n/pf»f?s) This is also important last part of the sentence, he says, **he was
so that the complete picture is in front of the not foolish**. Perhaps, it got cancelled by
nation when such a decisbn can be taken. implementing the first part of that sentence.
We will partk:ipate fully In any such debate Why was this thing brought in in such a
and I can assure you that such a natbnal rush? I do not know because we are not privy
dialogue will reduce the tensbn that Is taking to certain thing. But. I believe that the imple-
place right across the country today. mentatbn of the Mandal Commissbn Re-
port was not even part of the Cabinet Agenda
Sir, that brings me to why ail this is- on the day it was brought in. It was put on the
happening. If I can quote from an artble in Table and it was passed in hurry, because
the ‘Independent*, it says, just five months something was happening outside, that
ago...”, needed this thing to be done. What was
happening outskJe? There was a rally taking
(Interruptions) place in Delhi. (Intenruptions) Why was it

‘Not recorded.
531 Disc, Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 o f employment for youth 532
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. Rajiv Gandhq Ministers have deliberately provoked the
caste confrontation and caste
necessary to rush intothis Report? Because, vtars...{Inten^uptions) ...Even after the Min-
if that rally got the support of certain Chief ister have provoked wars ...{Interruptions)
Ministers, then, there would be tremendous
problems inside this House. So, to protect
himself against internal part wranglings— [Translation]
and I charge you with this—you have taken
the country to the edge of caste wars. (Inter- SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: It is wrong.
ruptions) When a big tree falls the earth shakes. This
is what the Prime Minister had said. What
Sir. Raja Sahib's policies are not very happened when Hindu-Sikh riotstook place?
different from what the Britishers were doing. When a big tree fails, the ground beneath
It was the British who tried to divide our shakes.
country on caste and religion and today it is
the Raja Sahib, sitting there, who is trying to [English]
divide our country on caste and religion.
(Interruptions) Already you are taking this It was the version of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi
country towards religions electorates: first the then Prime Minister of India.
you are divkJing into reservatton in jobs. This
Government is taking this country in the [Translation]
The country was destroyed- When a big
[Translation ] treefallsthe leaves also ia\L{lnterruptions)...


What was your Government doing in Andhra Paswan, you are right. Let him
Pradesh Now you are delivering such a long conclude...(//iferri/pf/ons)...
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I will reply only
when the you deliver your speech ...{Inter- SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Ministers are
ruptions) ... I am merely reminding my col- provoking caste wars and the Raja Sahib is
leagues betonging to leftist parties that Raja quiet. Why is he not speaking now? Why is
Sahib is s\n\ng...{Interruptions) ... he not telling his Ministers to control them-
selves? If he cannot do this, is he part of the
SHRI SHOPAT SINGH MAKKASAR: provocation that is killing people outside?
Raja Sahib was with you earlier. Why it is Sir, socially and socially and educationally
only nowthat he is spoilt...(/nferr£/pf/o/?s)... backward classes need ail the help they can
get including reservation and the Congress
[English] will support you in that. We would like that to
be targeted to the poorest and the weakest
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir. even at this in the socially and educationally backward
late hour, there is time to pull the country classes this the Congress Party has outlined
back from this caste divisbn. Even at this in the Working Committee’s Resolution on
point of time, you can correct this path that the 30th August this year.
you have taken. And I wish that you will look
at these points which I have raised seriously. I would like to Appeal to this House, let
Sir. the Raja Sahib*s statement do noi com- us not have one man’s obstinacy holding
mend wide acceptance in the country. They India to hostage, let that man's obstinacy not
have weakened our natbnal fabrk: and to lead to children getting killed, our children,
add to that, the Central Government, the Indian children getting killed on the streets.
533 Dhc. Under Fiuto 193 BHADRA 15,1912(S/VC4) ofem f^oym enttoryou&i 534
Dec. on Mandal (km m isshn in addWon to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
Let that man's obstinacy not lead to caste should get reservation ak>ng withotherthings.
'Hax...{Merrupit}ons) Violence must end. I He coukf not suppress this feeling in his
appeal to the whole House, I appeal to the hearL(/nfem49ti(>ns) Iwoukf like to thank the
patriotism and patriotic feelings of eveiy leaders of all the parties that there is no
member in this House not to remain idle, not difference of opinnn in regard to making
to remain quiet and save this nation from the special proviskm forthe backward classes. H
obstinacy of one person. Thank you. is a matter of great national importance that
even though we have different opinbns on
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Now the other issues yet we are unanimous on the
Prime Minister is going to reply and he will issue of making special proviston for t>ack-
have as much time as is necessary. I would ward classes. This acceptance, from both
request all the Memt>ers to show the cour- the sides is of great national importance. At
tesy on this important topic and remain in the least, the country has decided that there
House until he finishes. should t>e some special provisions for the
backward classes. National acceptance has
SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: The also been gained that social injustice exists
Leader of the Opposition should have shown in our present social system. There may be
due courtesy, should not have referred to the some difference of opinion as to how these
Leader of the House as that man, that man. special provisions should be made for the
This is most indecorous. Parliament as an backward classes. The political importance
institution is very very of this issue is that It has been accepted t>y
important... (Interruptions). the nation that social injustice is prevalent in
our society.
20.43 hrs
SHRI VASANT SATHE: Was the point
[MR. SPEAKER in the Chai^ relating to Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the
Constitutnn included at that time or today?
[Translation] (Intem^tions)

The hon. Prime Minister is speaking. I am not There is another point also. Despite having
altowing you. acommunistoutkx>kShri IndrajitGt^ta spoke
of social reality. The Government in this
THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI VISH- country can be changed, the Prime Minister
WANATH PRATAP SINGH): Mr. Speaker, can be changed, the religion can be changed
sir, today I listened the speech of the leader but the caste, deckled by birth cannot be
oftheoppositnn in this House very patiently. changed till death...(/nterrqoT/bns)
It is a record that no national leader has given
such a bng speech opposing the Mandal Sir, I was saying that one, who is born in
Commission till now. It will go to every nook a downtrodden or backward class, had to
and comer of the country that the leader of face a tot of insult through out life. A person
the oppositnn spoke for three hours continu- is burnt on the pyre for once but they suffer
ously agaisnt the Mandal Commissnn the indignity for the whole life. Just imagine
f\epoti.{lnterrufaions) that indignity.One can accept death with
honour but one wouM not like to lead a lifefull
But I will give him credit for his support of insult. They have alleged that through
on one point regiarding mandal Commission. reservattons the society has been divided
(Interruptions) and provision of reservatnns is not going to
be made for them. But in fact there has twen
Despite all this he supported one thing such a reservatton for centuries. But for
and I wouM like to thank him for that. He had whom it has been there? That resen^atkin
toagreethatthetMckwardcastesandclasses was made with a view to ensure the continu-
535 Disc, Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 o f employmBntforyoum 536
Dec, on Manda! Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

[Sh. Vishwanath Pratap Singh] think of social reforms. So. this issue can be
linked with the jobs and livelihood only. If
ity of a class for the disposal of their night soil they get 40 per cent of the jobs they will also
because today after a period of 40>42 years, become capable like Shri Paswan. Only
no such caste is prepared to undertake that those who had been in power, have availed
job. That reservatbn still holds the entire of all the opportunities. What was its result?
society In its grip and as a result it has stalled The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tr\bes
the progress of the downtrodden. The poor were assured of 22 1/2 per cen reservation.
and the backward. It has also divided the Every one gave these assurances.
SHRI R.N. RAKESH (Chail); You were
MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat. also one of them.


Look at those wounds in the I was not one of them. Assurances were
hearts... (interruptions) given to the downtrodden that they would get
22 1/2 per cent reservation In class I posts.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: This is not fair at Ail the schemes like poverty alleviatbn
all...(/nfe/ruptions) schemes. Scheduled Trlk>es development
programmes, special component schemes
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: and scholarships etc. were continued, but
You spoke for two hours. I will reply your only 8 1/2% could make it to class I posts.
points only when you interrupt me after I (Interruptions)
have spoken for an hour, I rose only when
you had spoken for an hour.(inten'uptions) It was said that package of benefits wilt
be provkJed through reservation in educa-
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: They were vic- tion, It should be certainly done. But even
tims of feudalism on\y,..{Interruptions) after this holistic view of 43 years, the back-
ward classes could not get even 4 1/2 per
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: cent of class one posts. It is not only the
This is related with Government jobs only. It questbn of provbing some facilities, but
is not the questbn of salary abne. ft should also the question of participation In power.
be seen in this context only. There is no The National Front Government certainly
questbn of feudalism because this is the wants to let those, who have not been al-
only way we can ensure the welfare of a bwed to partbipate in power share power.
partbular dass through the provision of We are not making these reservations just
reservation for them in Government jobs. for providing them some facilities or means
(Interruptions) of livelihood but we are trying to give them
share in the institutions of power.
There is the question of social justice
also. Besides, we have to bring changes in SHRI VAS ANT SATHE: On the basis of
our social set up also. From where and how caste...
we shouki start. There is a set up of society
and bureaucracy. The bureaucratb set up in SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
made according to the society. Now, the The questbn is not of money or of the
society has become more powerful. If we amount distributed as charity. The question
want to bring changes In the society, we will is that of power. I would like to repeat that we
have to bring changes in the bureaucracy attribute poverty to economb factors, but It Is
also whbh Is a decisbn taking institutbn. All inseparaably linked to power. Centuries ago,
the important dedsbns are taken by the the Aryan invaders defeated the Dravbina
bureaucracy. We have to place the down- inhabitants of this country and established
trodden in bureaucracy and only then we can their supremacy and today those defeated
537 Disc, Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15, 1912 (SAKA) of employment for youth 53B
Dec. on Manda! Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
people have remained downtrodden. It is MR. SPEAKER: The Prime Minister has
becuase these people never had share in yielded to Mr. Rajiv Gandhi.
the power structure of the society. If you
want to bring them at part with others, then SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, he has raised
you should have the courage to make them a question of different types of reservation in
equal partners in the power structure. They various States... (Interruptions)
are not at par with others, just because the
Constitution says so. It is an injustice to term SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
them as 'equals’. What about Andhra?

I had proposed that if you care so much SHRIRAJIVGANDHLSpecially Andhra;

for the poor and downtrodden, then you I am taking of Andhra also. (Interruptions)
should be bold enough to provide forty per
cent reservation to them in all decision- 21.00 hrs
making bodies includig State Legislative
Assemblies, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya [Translation]
Sabha. These are the small things which can
contribute a lot towards the amelioration of SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
their poverty... (Interruptions)... The number of people who talk eloquently
about eliminating poverty have increased
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Rakesh, please considerably. Therefore, it is essential to
take your seat. You are not saying heed to remove those who talk of eliminating poverty
even Shri Rajiv Gandhi. Please sit down and hand over power to the poor people
themselves. Either they will achieve the goal
SHRIVISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: of eliminating poverty or remain satisfied
I would like to say that if you direct these with their lot. You give them power with
questions towards Dr. Chenna Reddy, the complete confidence Don’t give it to them in
Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, with even apiece meal manner... (Interruptions) ...
one-tenth of the passion and anger with
which you were raising them here, I am sure [English]
that he would tender his resignation that very
moment. You have provided for reservations SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: We will extend
in Andhra Pradesh, one a purely caste ba- this Session and we will have your Bill.
sis... {Interruptions) ...
[English] Okay. I keep it on record.... (Interruptions),..

MR. SPEAKER: Madam, please take [Translation]

your seat. I am not permitting you.
It is said that casteism is increasing and
(Interruptions) when these opposition leaders meet each
other, they have all smiles for each other but
when it comes to raising questions in the
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Mr. Speaker, house, they give vent to their rage and fury.
Sir, two points have been made by the hon.
Prime Minister. The first point he raised was SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: We are not angry
when he was talking about those people who with you, we are angry over your deeds.
were as a reserve category for thousand of
years. I would like to remind him that most of SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH*
that was under the feudalistic system that They say that casteism is increasing and that
existed before,which the Congress broke. we are encouraging it In their eyes, it is
You were a part of that; (Interruptions) casteless society, where the representation
539 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990 of empbyment for youth 540
Dec. on Mandal Ck>mmi$$ion in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

[Sh. Vishwanath Pratap Singh] to give a patient haring to the Prime Minist^.

of 52% of the people in the higher echolons [Translation]

of power is a mere 4.5 per cent, and where
22.5% of the population has a prepresenta> SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
tion of 8.5 per cent... {Interruptions) ...and I do appreciate the courage and honesty
when an effort is made to change the present shown by the leader of the opposition who at
equitation, it tantamounts to promoting cas- least accept his mistake,
teism. What kind of logic is this?
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI. I may add one
Can you do it Say ‘y^s’ or ‘no’ (Interrup- more thing. Almost all these reservations
tions) that took place took place long before I came
into politics... {Interruptions) ...
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, I said right at
the beginning that many mistakes have been [Translation]
made... {Interruptions)
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: No, it is true, the leader of the opposition is
Since you have realised it, will you correct right, when he says that these things took
the mistake? place, long before his ent.y into politics. It is
okay. Even if he disowns Shrimati Indira
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I will answer you Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharalal Nehru, it
if your side stops making a noise. doesn’t matter... {Interruptions) ...


No, they will not make a noise. ing anybody here... (Interruptions)... That is
why I accepted it, but when you raised your
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Many mistakes finger towards me, I had no option, but clarify
have been made in many States. It is not only my position... {Interruptions) ...
Andhra but almost every State has gone
through the route of castebased reservation. SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
I think, it is wrong and I categorically say Weren’t you pointing towards me, then you
this... {Interruptions) I am very clear. This were speaking, but now hen I pointed to-
evening I am not talking of votes; I am talking wards you during the course of my speech,
of what is happening to our nation. I think, it why did it irk you? {Interruptions)
is more important. Whatever might have
been the mistakes in the States there Is no SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I do accept that
need to compound that mistake inthe Centre. something might have been done before my
What we need is national consensus. We entry into politics, I am not aware of it, but I
can look at the Centre and will look at each can certainly say that the thing you are
State. Let us sit down together and develop referring to might have occurred before my
such a national consensus. We will sit down, entry into politics... {Interruptions)
we will work positively and we will implement
that national consensus... (Interruptions) SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
Now, this entire House is witness to the fact
MR. SPEA K ER:^ the way you have that the leader of the Opposition has ac-
heard Shri Rajiv Gandhi, I would like that in cepted the earlier decision one reservations
the interest of the dignity of the house please as a mistake and considers the present
give a patient hearing to the Prime Minister decision also as a wrong one.... {Interrup-
also. I will tell the Opposition Members also tions) ...The entire House is a witness to it.
54^ Disc. Under R uh 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (Si4/CA) of employment fo r youth 542
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
he has accppted the mistake committed by and resolute enough, then you should bring
his predecessors. I sincerely hope that he about a national consensus on it. We want to
wouid amend that mistake and give neces- see whether you can do it or not? You
sary directions in this regard to the Chief yourself had said that the States are free to
Minister of Andhra Pradesh. If our leader of decide their course of action. Then, what is
opposition doesn’t do it, then it won’t be a the problem?
sincere acton his part... (Interruptions) ...If
ne doesn’t intend to do so, why is he getting SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
agitated? Why is he getting angry? If a Where there is consensus, there is no need
person says something with complete confi- for any consultation. We are going by our
dence, then he should have that much con- own consensus and we are appealing for a
fidence within him also and he should not wider national consensus, but here you were
hesitate in expressing it. Therefore, you talking about saving the country and now
should go by what you are saying, even if it you are trying to save your Government (in
means that your Government will fall in Andhra Pradesh). This kind of bluffing and
Andhra Pradesh, you should have the cour- brow-beating is not going to serve any pur-
age to do it, otherwise there is no meaning of pose. We are well aware of all this. I too was
giving such a lengthy speech in the House. in that party for twenty years. We know their
Not only we sitting on the treasury benches, games very well.
but also those occupying the opposition
benches got bored in the past three hours. Seriously speaking we too are not for
reservations—We know that it is not a per-
[English] manent remedy to the existing problems.
You provide food, clothes and housing facili-
SHRIRAJIVGANDHI; I said very clearly, ties to all the people. Then, there won’t be
let us have a consensus... [Interruptions) any need for any kind of reservation. We can
..You cannot isolate any State. Andhra is withdraw all existing reservations. You can
not the only State. Let us have a national put an end to the reservations being pro-
consensus on what the parameters of reser- vided to the Scheduled Cases and Tribes
vation should be. Let the Government bring also, but even if a disease is not properly and
a white paper. fully diagnosed by a doctor, the petient is
advised to take crocin. Therefore, it is essen-
[ Translation] tial to provide some incentives for their
upliftment, to provide ^hem wlth housing
SHRI VISHWNATH PRATAP SINGH: facilities and a means of livelihood till a better
Just now. he was talking about the urgency alternative is found to cure this deep-rooted
to save the country from peril. If one really social malady. We are not saying that reser-
intends to save the country, one should be vation is a magical wand, with the simple
prepared to face the guillotine too, but here waive of which we can solve all their prob-
when a reference was made to Andhra lems, but definitely it is a step in that direc-
Pradesh, the leader of the Opposition started tion. Definitely, the path which we have
looking for excuses and now he is talking chosen will lead us to a confrontation with
about the need to have a national consen- the existing system, but only that confronta-
sus. if you are bold enough, you should go tion will result in the creation and emergence
alone. We have courage within us and that is of an egalitarian social order. It is definitely a
why, we are going ahead alone, on the issue mistake to believe that this weapon does not
of the implementation of the Mandal Com- have any creative power. The thing is that, at
mission Report. We are not listening to your the moment, the parameters of the society,
opinion in this regard. We are going alone on the scales are in favour of the affluent and
this path. the balance pan on which the poor and
downtrodden are weighed, always remain
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: If you are bold k>w. We are just trying to balance these
543 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 of employment for youth 544
Dec. on Mandal Commission in addition to reservations, eta
Report and Measures for promotion
[Sh. VIshwanath Pratap Singh] that struggle, but what is the harm is joining
hands for a noble cause? We have joined
pans, bring them at par with each other. hands and we cordially invite you to join us in
this endeavour ... {Interruptions) ...Kindly
Then we were questioned about the have the patience to listen to it, it Is just the
timing of this announcement. We are asked beginning and you have already got demor-
about the astrological calculations on the alised.
basis of which this announcement was made
and also about the time when the astrologer SHRI VASANT SATHE: You mean to
made his predictions? Forthepastten years, say that we had done...... **.......{Interrupt
it was gathering dust and even the constitu- tions)
tion has not specified any timing for bring
going about this social change. We cannot

been to a public meeting? Not only this during the days of our struggle,
we made it clear to one and all that by gaining
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH; power... (Interruptions)
Yes, we are prepared to discuss it in a public
meeting. Let us go and discuss. {Interrup- MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Ram Dhan, are you
tions) You too have been witnessing this on a point of order? If so, what is it?
drama for three long hours Just two ques-
tions have punctured it, the three hour long SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Sathe said that
drama has met its end with just two ques- they cannot...... ’ This word should be ex-
tions... (Interruptions) During the tenure of punged from the proceedings of the house.
your Government, that time, that auspicious
moment did not come through but at least MR. SPEAKER: We will see to it.
now that opportune moment has come for
the implementation of the Mandal Commis- SHRI VASANT SATHE: can be
sion Report. The opposition leader read done but can’t be said. (Interruptions)
excerpts from the Mandal Commission
Report in detail. They did not give even an SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
iota of emphasis on its implementation, as After that, we included it in our manifesto.
much as they laid stress on the need to fore Discussions were held on this not only within
stall it. They say that it is being implemented the Janata Dal, but also among its various
in a wrong manner. Yes, according to your constituents and other groups. It was ac-
calculation, it has been done in a wrong way corded approval by all the Constituents of
at a wrong time. Had it been done according National Front separately as well as collec-
to your calculation, it would have taken tively. After that it was included in the Presi-
another ten years to implement and we would dent’s Address both the times. This issue too
have reached twenty-first century by then. was thoroughly discussed, when the Presi-
Then, they say that we did not have any dent’s Address was taken up for discussion.
discussion on it. You please don’t confine During the course of these discussions,
your vision to the time of its implementation, members used to ask as to when were we
you look at the way these downtrodden going to implement the Mandal Commission
people have struggled, you look at the number Report? I think, Shri M.J. Akbar too, while
of people who bore the marks of the police’s referring to the mandal Commission Report,
batons and bullets, who suffered the tor- once said the the Government were not
ments of prison life. It is true that we were in sincere about the implementation of the
the Congress and we did not participate in Mandal Commission Report.

'Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

545 Disc, Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) o f employment for youth in 546
Dec, on Mandal Commission addition to resen/ations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
SHRI M.J. AKBAR (Kishanganj): But I ommendations on the basis of caste alone.
did not say that. You please look at page no. 63 chapter-11.


Good, if you did not say that, thank you very
much for supporting the recommendations It is given on page 63, Chapter 11-
of the Mandal Commission. {Interruptions) Social educational survey criteria for back-
Earlier, those sitting on the opposition ward classes.
benches used to ask us as to when were we
going to implement the Mandal Commission “In view of their relative importance 3
Report. The same questions were raised by points were assigned to each one of th social
their partymen in the Rajya Sabha also. indicators, 2 to educational indicators and 1
Now, when we have implemented it, they are to economic indicators."
saying that it is a hasty decision. During the
last session, I had given an assurance in the [Translation]
Rajya Sabha that we would implement it
within one year. This is ourf irst year in office. Economic indicators were also taken
The next session will be held in the next year, into consideration by the MarKlal Commis-
but we fulfilled our assurance at the earliest sion. The criteria for assessing backward-
and came to the House and we are ex- ness were evolved on thebasis of composite
tremely thankful to you for the same. {Inter^ indicator of social, educational and economic
ruptions) indicators.

[English] [English]

SHRI VASANT SATHE: One phase in SHRI RAJIV GANDHI; There is a very
each Session. sertous point. The dispute is not on whether
economic factors was included in the selec-
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: tion. The problem is the defining the word,
One phase in each session and you will be that is, caste word is being used. And you
going out the phase. (Interruptions) look at para 12.4.He had said very clearly-

[Translation] "In fact caste being the basic unit of

social organisation of Hindu Society, castes
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: are the only readily and clearly ‘recognisable
We had a lot of discussion on it. (Interrup- and persistent collectivities.’”
He has gone to define only caste. He
SHRI VASANT SATHE: Your phase is might have used the economic factor to see
sitting on your right hand side... (Interrup- which caste was included and which caste
tions) was excluded. But it is solely by caste which
is being indicated.
We are saying it collectively. (Interruptions) SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
This does not stand scrutiny for a minute.
There was an extensive discussion on it (Interruptions)
stretching uptothree hours. Duringthecourse
of discussion it was alleged that the Mandal [Translation]
Commission Report was not acceptable, as
its recommendations were caste based. If SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
your took at It, carefully, you will find that the It is clear from this that the Mandal Commis-
Mandia Commission has not made its rec- sion made its recommendations not on the
547 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 o f employment for youth in 548
Dec, on financial Commission addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion

[Sh. VIshwanath Pratap Singh] regional factors have also been taken into
consideration. Therefore, please do not give
basis of caste alone, but also on the basis of it a casteist cotour. You are giving it this
a composite indicator of social, educational colour to achieve your narrow political ends
and economic indicators. Caste system is and to stall the initiative taken by us. This is
prevalent to only among the Hindus. Now, being done with the motives of strengthen-
the argument that the Commission’s recom- ing the already existing caste-system and of
mendations were made on caste basis confusing and misleading the masses. Your
doesn't hold ground, for had it been so, the utterances both within and outside the House,
commission would not have identified some leaves no room for any doubt regarding your
Muslim and Christian communities for this nefarious designs, it is an issu^, which needs
purpose. (Interruptions) an indepth study and a perfect understand-
ing of the ground realities and it was for these
SHRI M.J. AKBAR: There is no caste very reasons, that we held such wide rang-
system in Islam. ing discussions on it. It I read further, you will
start shouting (Interruptbns) Restrain your-
SHRI RAJIVGANDHIiThey have asso- self for a moment and listen to me. I am
ciated caste system with Islam also. (Inter- quoting Shri P. Shiv Shankar. (Interrup’
ruptions) tions)

SHRI M.J. AKBAR: There are no castes MR. SPEAKER: You please sit down.
as per the teachings of Allah, the Prophent
and Islam. (Interri^^tions) SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
When Shri Shiv Shankar was the Law Minis-
MR. SPEAKER: You please take your ter, he had testified before the Mandal
seat. Commission. Permit us also to contest your
claims, if not much, at least a bit.......
Therefore, what I am trying to say is that the SHRI M.J. AKBAR: Don’t associate
recommendations were made after taking yourself with learning. (Interruptions)
social, educational and economic backward-
ness into consideration. Had caste been the [English]
lone factor, it would not have included the
communities of Ansari, Chikwa, Jafali, Fakir, SRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
Kunjra, Manihar, Mommin, Hajjam and Paragraph 10.44 of the Report says:
Rangrez in the long list of backward classes
of Uttar Pradesh. The same can be said “Shri P. Shiv Shankar (Law Minister)
about the inclusion of certain minority com- suggested that it would be safer to follow the
munities in the long lists pertaining to Tamil criteria of social and educational backward-
Nadu and Gujarat. Thus, the Mandal Com- ness already upheld bu the Supreme Court
mission took into consideration, social edu- in a number of cases. Adoption of there
cational and economic backwardness irre- criteria will lead to fresh litigation and create
spective of caste or community. Castes are complications. He also felt that the accep-
mostly common in all the States. Now, had tance of economic criteria would give a set
caste been the sole deciding factor, it would back to OBCs.”
not have been that one caste is included in
one state on the basis of its social, educa- [Translation]
tional and economic backwardness, while
the same caste is excluded from the list in Your Law Minister himself suggested,
another state because that community is not that it is safer not to adopt any other criterion,
backward from the social, educational and as it will lead to fresh litigations and create
economic points of view there. Thus, the complications. It is true. Now, comes the
549 Disc, Under Rule 193 BHADRA 15, 1912 (SAKA) o f employment for youth m 550
Dec, on Mandal Commission addition to resen/ations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
questbn of economic standard os a a com- [Translation]
munity and economic standards of an indi-
vidual. So far as economic standard of a SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
community is concerned the Mandal Com- Hon. Mr. Speaker, Sir, even When I look at
mission made its recommendations on the that side, I am addressing you.
basis of communitywise economic indica-
tors. The denial of reservations to the finan-
cially well-off people among these communi- Now comes the question of criteria. The
ties can be done, once these communities economic criteria of the various communi-
are rescued from the vortex of poverty and ties were taken into consideration by the
destitution. We accept your suggestions Mandal Commission. So far as the question
about the need to include certain other para- of individuals benefiting from reservations is
meters also and as Shri Indrajit Gupta sug- concerned, once an individual benefits from
gested, it should be reviewed. The Bharatiya it... {Interruptions) ...then his or her children
Janata Party has also said that we should {Interruptions) ...should not benefit from
not be open-handed once a comunity reaches reservations, I would like to ask who has
a particular stage of development, but first let made such a demand? Has any backward
them reach that stage, then we shall defi- class demanded it? Has anyone belonging
nitely review it. The commission has sug- to a Scheduled Caste demanded it"^ {Inter-
gested a review of the entire gamut, after ruptions) But they do not have any group.
every ten years, and it is acceptable to us. Had there been any collective demands,
This is all when these communities reach a they would have also sat under a tent on the
particular stage of development, but at the Boat Club as others do even for petty de-
moment, we have not even served the food mands. They have never demanded any-
and you are trying to walk-off with the utensil thing. But there are classes who do not have
containing the food. First, let us serve them any problem but even then they are given
and let them have some food, then you can facilities and concessions. It is just like giving
say that they have already eaten more then an injection to a healthy man. Truly speak-
enough and that they need not be given any ing, even if some of them might have suc-
more food, but here, we have not even ceeded in becoming officer, collector or
started serving them and you have already Superintendent of Police, people belonging
started clamoring for. {Interruptions) to this class would have dared to approach
the police station to lodge their report. We
SHRI VASANT SATHE: Don’t serve want to break their morale. What else do we
Sharad Yadav and Hukumdeo Narayan want to do? if a few of them, whose forefa-
Yadav. thers could not even dream of, imparting
education to their children, have been able to
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: give good education to their children, the
Okay, we will discuss that too. {Interrup- vested interests say it should be stopped.
tions) Does that mean that at best this class should
provide peons and no officers? Now that
[Engh'sh] something Is being done for the upliftmentof
the Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes
SHRI SHIKIHO SEMA (Nagaland): Mr. and the backward classes, the vested inter-
Speaker, Sir, I am on a point of order. Under eststhinkthatthey should be crushed so that
rule 351, one has to address the Speaker. their economic conditions remains same and
For the last 45 minutes I am listening to the they are able to give bare minimum educa-
hon. Prime Minster, but he has not addressed tion to their children. Consequently, they will
the Speaker. fill up only class IV and class III posts. They
want to keep them away from getting top
MR. SPEAKER: Your point of order is education. This is true. I agree with Shri
disallowed, please take your seat. Indrajit Gupta {Interruptions)^
551 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6,1990 of employment for youth in 552
Dec. on Mandal Commission addition to reservations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
MR. SPEAKER: Take your seat please. yourself? You could have atleast used your
brain. (Interruptions)
We, the developing countries, once
SHRIVISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: approached unitedly the World Bank and the
There is an apprehension that those who I.M.F. to ask for some help and grants. They
have got good education among these acknowledged our backwardness and as-
classes would one day become strong and sured us to give help but at the same time
powerful and will capture all spheres of ac- asked us as to which among us was the most
tivities. Had they been so powerful and rich, backward country? They explained more
the percentage of the backward class in the funds would be allocated to the most back-
class I service would have been more than ward country and lesser to other countries.
the four and a half per cent and that of the This was an attempt to break our unity. So.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes do not adopt the World Bank Policy. Now so
would have been more than eight and a half far as capturing maximum quota by the well-
percent. Despite all efforts we have not been to-do persons from among the backward
able to achieve much, {Interruptions) The classes is concerned, the same thing hap-
people belonging to poor sections say that pens in general category also. Will you check
out of the 22 1/2 per cent quota reserved for the children of officers and Minister from
them, only 8 1/2 per cen quota is filled and occupying prestigious posts. Let us allow full
the rest 161/2 per cent is being passed over reservation for the poor. (Interruptions) I
to those who are better off. The poor can only believe the House is unanimous that reser-
fill up 81 /2 per cent quota and they are being vation should be provided for the backward
deprived of even that. Let reservation of 27 classes but the bone of contention is the
per cent and 22 1/2 per cent for Scheduled percentage. Some say the notification of 27
Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribes and per cen job-reservation for them is good
backward classes continue for some more whereas some say it is bad. The class, which
time. After 10-15 years we can review it. forms 52 per cent of the total population, is
(Interruptions) I know the policy. My experi- going to get 27 per cent job-reservation, i.e.
ence is that when we approached the World near about half of their population, whereas
Bank and the I.M. F. on behalf of the devel- the class which forms only 25 per cent of the
oping countries... total population, will avail approximately 50
per cent job-opportunity that is double their
AN HON. MEMBER: When? population. Thus, the ratio in job-opportunity
between the two class is one to four (1:4).
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH' People say that everyone can compete m
I attended a meeting of the World Bank when that category but the de fecto position is 1'4.
I was the Finance Minister. Now, you say that in ail the States... (Inter
ruptions) We know that you are weak in data
AN HON. MEMBER: At that times you so you will not understand it quickly but you
were in the Congress. (Interruptions) will pick it up after reading it tomorrow. (Inter-
Yes, but I am not speaking of the experience Sir, we have taken precautionary meas-
as a Congressman though I have ben in the ures in many States where there have ben
party for the last 30 years. You can benefit riots and bloodshed. (Interruptions) There
from my experience. I still have a soft corner are many short-comings in the list of back-
for the Congress. (Interruptions) ward classes recommended by Mandal
Commission. Keeping that in view we have
SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: asked for the opinion of the States and
You may give this gift to me. You were whatever is common in the lists, I.e. both
befooling us. But, why were you befooling Mandal Commission and States, we will do
553 Disc. Under Rule 193BHADRA 15,1912 (SAKA) o f employment for youth in 554
Dec. on Mandal Commission addition to resen/ations, etc.
Report and Measures for promotion
that so that no State faces any difficulty in its country is without any capability and merit.
implementation. The difficulties if any faced What remains in the country if Its 74 per cent
by the States would be taken into account population comprising of 22 per cent of the
later. {Interruptions) Scheduled Castes and Tribes and 52 per
cent of the backward classes are incapable?
[English] This is the mentality... (Interruptions)... lam
raising this point because people outside are
SRI ANBARASU ERA (Madras Cen- talking about it... (Interruptbns)... There is a
tral); In some of the States there is no special provision of little less than 70 per cent of
list of backward classes and communities. reservation in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh.
So if you want to implement this, how will you Karnataka and Kerala have also provided a
be able to implement it? (Interruptions) high percentage of reservation for SC/ST.
Whether the Central Administration is more
[Translation] efficient where there is only 8 per cent reser-
vation for SC/ST in Class I posts and reser-
SHRIVISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: vation of only 4 1/2 per cent for the candi-
Even this is not being allowed and you are dates of backward classes. They are not
talking of more. Really it is a great thing. responsible for inefficiency and corruption.
(Interruptions) Then who is responsible for it?...... (Inter-
ruptions) What about talent. If we have to
So far as approval of states is con> make progress then we will have to give due
cerned, most of them have prepared a list of regard to the labour class. We cannot raise
backward classes who would get reserva- the production capacity in the country with-
tion in jobs. Are we creating anything new by out the upliftment of the labour class. We
doing just that is mentally and politically want equal participation of the labour in the
accepted in many States. We are doing Industry and other fields. We have togive the
nothing except bringing the Centre at par workers an equal share and participation in
with the States which are ahead in this task. political, social and economic activities.
Tell me, where is the heavy blow in it. There People with a drawing room history behind
is certainly some problems in the States them, cannot increase the production. In-
where no such list exists. For that we are stead they are more useful on the front of
asking such States for adopting it to the planning. Workers are a fit class to under-
extent it is possible. People say the speed of take labour intensive jobs and they should
implementation is very fast but it is still slow. be given more opportunities. It will expedite
It is true that we should not accelerate the the progress of courltry. There is a need for
speed too much lest things go out of control. imparting proper education to these people
(Interruptions) Another question is about the and until they are educated, they can not
merit. Where is the merit produced after all? compete with the higher classes. Today,
there are three systems of education. One is
SHRIVASANTSATHE: None from our for the poor class, the other one is for the
side said this. middle classes and third one is for the higher
classes... (Interruptions)... This system will
SHRI M.J. AKBAR: The B.J.P. said this. have to be changed. There is the need for
(Interruptions) structural changes. Training Schools will not
be able to solve this problem. It can be done
SHRI VISHWA NATH PRATAP SINGH: if the Government gives these schools to the
I am not referring to what is being said SC/ST. (Intenuptions) Mandal Commissbn
outskie. They are saying it in another con- has recommended structural changes. But
text. It shoukJ be given on merit and balance nothing has been done in this regard. We
should be maintained. Full reservatton shouki have included land reforms in the Ninth
not be done for them. The mentality behind schedule. We are making laws for agricul-
this is that the 72 per cent population of the tural labourers. All these things are related
555 Disc. Under Rule 193 SEPTEMBER 6.1990 Prasar Bharatf (Broad. 556
Dec, on Mandal Comn}i$sion Corpn. of India) Bill Amendments
Report and Measures for promotion made by RajyaSabha
of employment for youth in
addition to reservations, etc.
[Sh. Vishwanath Pratap Singh] [English]

with it. Our friends in the Bhartiya Janata MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Charles, you take
Party, Shri Somnath ji of the C.P.M. and Shri your seat. That is not the way. I have not
Indrajit ji and many others on that side have permitted you.
asked for enhancing the opportunities of the
general employment. Sharing the power is [Translation]
not the only solution of unemployment and
Giovernment jobs are not their remedy. SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH:
However, the Central Government is of the They are the legislators of Congress. I will
view that by the end of Eighth Plan... {Inter- request the Congress Party and the entire
njptbns)... opposition that they should take disciplinary
actbn against those people who are inciting
MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down. vblence and by that they should prove that
they have no hand in these incidents of
Agricultural Sector has the largest empby-
ment potential. So agriculture is being given
priority. Industry will be brought under the
small sector and programmes are also being
prepared for the service sector. Nearly Rs. 21.52 hrs.
265 crores have been allocated for self-
employment of 20 crores youths. I don’t want [MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER in the Chaii]
to go into those details. We want to talk to the
students and discuss their grievances with PRASAR BHARATI (BROADCASTING
them. We want to appeal to the students that CORPORATION OF INDIA) BILL
they are being misgukied whk:h is very
dangerous. All the things have not been Amendnfients made by Rajya Sabha
presented before them in their proper per-
spective. By making certain changes in our [English]
present setup of things, we can chalk out
new schemes for our youth. We propose to MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Shri P.
form a Nattonal Council for that. However, I Upendra to move.
won’t go into the details of all that. We are
going ahead with it. In the end, I wouki like to THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION
make an appeal to the students that this AND BROADCASTING AND MINISTER OF
decision has been taken in the interest of PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P.
social justice. This is for the fulfilment of UPENDRA): I beg to move:
dreams of Dr. Lohia, Chaudhari Charan
Singh, Mahatmaji, Jaiprakashji, Ramaswami "That the following amendments made
Periyar and all In the oppositbn are re- by Rajya Sabha in the Bill to provide for
quested to co-operate with us. But they talk the establishment of a Broadcasting
of violence, arson and bkx)dshed. We have Corporatbn for India, to be known as
received a report from Bihar Government Prasar Bharati, to define its composi-
that people like Shri Mahachandra Singh. tion, functbns and powers and to pro-
M.L.C., Shri Rajendra Singh Bismil, M.LC., vkie for matters connected therewith
Shri Yogeswar Jha, M.L.A., Shri Ramendra or inddental thereto, be taken into
Pratap Sahi, M.L.A. and Shri Ramakant consideration:—
Pandey, M.L.A. were behind these inckients
of violence... Clause 4

(Interruptions).., That at page 4, affer line 36, the fotbw-

557 Prasar Bharati (Broad, BHADRA 15.1912 (SM<A) B ill Amandments 558
Corpn. o f India) made by RajyaSabha
ing be insertod, namely:— have said also should be appreciated by
“(4) The recommendations made by
the Committee constituted under {Interruptions)
sub-section (1) shall be binding
for the purposes of appointments MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will allow
under this section." (1) you to speak on it.

Clausa 7 {Interruptions)

That at page 5.— MR.DEPUTYSPEAKER: Not this way

"(i) after line 40, the following be in-
serted namely:— (a) ceases to be SHRIVASANTSATHE: We are willing
a citizen of India; or to pass the Prasar Bharatl Bill tomorrow. We
want to speak on it. Rajya Sabha has sent it
(ii) the existing entries (a) to (d) be back and you know how important it is.
renumbered as entries (b) to (e) Particularly I was responsible here not only
respectively.*’ (2) of initiating the discussion on the Prasar
Bharati Bill but of being able to see that it was
{Interruptions) done unanimously with all other friends from
both the s»des. My request is, I want to speak
PROF. P.J. KURIEN (Mavelikara): We on the Prasar Bharati Bill as introduced now.
can pass it tomorrow. {Interruptions) But I am strained too much and I am not
willing to sit any more to stiain myself further.
SHRI VASANTSATHE(Wardha): We I beg of you to please postpone it for tomor-
can pass it tomorrow. {Interruptions) row. If you want, you can introduce the Delhi
Statehood Bill also.
PROF. P.J. KURIEN: I would like to
assure the House that we will pass it tomor- [Translation]
row. We want to discuss it and we will pass
it tomorrow. {Interruptions) SHRI L.K. ADVANI (New Delhi): Mr.
Deputy Speaker. Sir. issue if not the Prasar
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Let me at Bharati Bill because it needs no considera-
least say something. I think, I had said tion or discussion. This is an ordinary Bill
something from this Chair. which we will pass after voting. The main
issue is the granting of statehood to Delhi for
{Interruptions) which It was decided that today we will
discuss this Bill and conclude it tomorrow.
but we will sit up to 10 o’clock. That does not PRIME MINISTER (SHRI VISH-
mean that you can say only up to 8 o’clock. WANATH PRATAP SINGH): Sir. the Chair
Now this has been introduced. I had said that had assured you that we will discuss this Bill
we would take up this discussbn on Mandal today. So we will sit late for it
Commission at a particular time and later on
we would take up the legislative business. [English]

DR. THAMBI DURA! (Karur): Mr. Dep-
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now I appre- uty Speaker, please listen to me also be-
ciate very much that you have cooperated cause I am the most affected person. {Inter-
and cooperated very well. At least what I ruptions)
559 Prasar Bharati (Broad. SEPTEMBER 6,1990 B ill Amendments 560
Corpn. of India) made by RajyaSabha
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I did say on Deputy Speaker, just now whatever Mrs.
the floor of the House that the Legislative Geeta Mukherjee has said. I fully agree with
business will be transacted. When the Hon. that and would like to say that the discussion
Prime Minister and Advaniji said that the regarding atrocities on women is being put
Delhi Bill is very important and it should be on the agenda of Lok Sabha business forthe
taken up, I did say that it cannot be com- last fifteen days but that discussion under
pleted t^ ay , but we will start the discusston. rule 193 is still pending and have not been
it is for you to cooperate with me and to help taken up as yet. Discussion on this subject is
me. We have been able to conduct the being put off which is also a kind of atrocity
business of the House in an understanding on women. Therefore, I request this House
manner. I hope that you will extend the same that the discussion regarding atrocities on
courtesy and cooperation. women which has been pending since long
may not be postponed and betaken up today
SHRI KAMAL CHAUDHRY (Hoshiar- itself.
pur): We are here since 9 O’clock in the
morning. There are people who had gone SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: But
home, had their dinner and came back. But injustice is being done with us also because
we are sitting here throughout. the bill to give statehood to Delhi is pending.
First, let it be decided. That is also a very
SHRI P. UPENDRA: Sir. a light dinner important bill... (Interruptions)...
has been aranged. {Interruptions)
DR. THAMBI DURAI; I am very sorry. I Mr. Deputy Speaker, you know that just now
dkl not tike to say anything. But my con- Shrlmati Geeta Mukherjee pleaded for the
science insists to say something now. (Inter- discussion on the question of atrocities on
ruptions) women which is pending for the last 15 days
and it has not been taken up to this date.
22.00 hrs. Tomorrow is the last day of this Session. I
would like to have a full debate tomorrow on
SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE this very important subject. Please allot time
(Panskura): Sir, will you please allow me to for discussion on this subject today itself and
speak? any other item may be taken up only after
that. (Interruptions)
Once again, I beg the cooperation of the
whole House (Interruptions). If you coopera- [English]
tive, then I shall be happy and if you do not
cooperate, I will raise my voice as much as SHRIMATI VIDYA CHENNUPATI
I can. Sir, today itself, I once raised the (Vijayawada): We can start the discussion
questbnof atrocities on women, that it has to on atrocities on women, just now. This is our
be taken up tomorrow. At that time itself, I plea. (Interruptions)
proposed that the discussion on the Prasar
Bharati Bill may be taken up in the mean MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Well, you
time. It was not all allowed. Therefore, I do have cooperated in a very splendid manner
not want any other thing. I want that tomor- and this House take cognizance of it and I
row, at an appropriate time, the discussion can assure you that we will try to find out a
on atrocities on women betaken up, without method of discussing it tomorrow. But don’t
whkih I am not going to let the House go on. ask me to fix the time. I shall discuss it with
The time has to be fixed up for this discus- the Speaker and others.
sk>n tomorrow. (Interruptions)
DRA MEHTA (Bombay North East): Mr. SHRI ANBARASU ERA (Madras Cen-
561 Prasar Bharat! (Broad. BHADRA 15,1912 (S4K>1) B ill Amendments 562
Corpr), of India) made by Rajya Sabha
tral): Sir. why cannot we have it tomorrow? not on the agenda, it may cause difficulties.
Is there any other proposal? Tomorrow is the But if you cooperate, we shall try to see as to
last day of this Session. Is there any other how we can do.
plan for tomorrow? When there Is no other
plan, why cannot we have it tomorrow? We (Interruptions)
can even extend the time of the House and
we can have it tomorrow. {Interruptions) DR. THAMBI DURAI: Let us continue
the discussion on Mandal Commission
DR. THAMBIDURAI: Sir, I explained to tomorrow.
you, why I agitated at 4 O’Clock. I want to
speak on the Mandal Commission. I was not SHRI VASANT SATHE: I have a sug-
given the opportunity...... (Interruptions) gestion. Mandat Commission discussion is
When are you going to give me the opportu- not over... (Interruptions) You agree that the
nity to speak on Mandal Commission...... Mandal Commission discussion is not yet
(Interruptions) over. So many speakers have to speak. You
yourself said that they have to speak and you
[Translation] will give them time. Either let the discussion
on Mandal Commission continue or you can
SHRI R.N. RAKESH (Chail): Mr Dep- adjourn the House to meet tomorrow and we
uty Speaker, my name is also there is the list will take it up tomorrow. There is no time
of speakers regarding debate on Mandal now.... (Interruptions)
Commission, I have not been given an op-
portunity to speak. (Interruptions) [Translation]


lem): Sir, I have come prepared and I am not ten, everybody is speaking for two minutes
being allowed to speak. each. I have to reply to everybody. Please
co-operate with me.
Please let me speak. How can I reply to
[English] everybody’s commentary. (Intenruptions)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please take [English]

your seats. Not this way.

(Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Prasar

Bharati motion he has already moved. I
SHRI VASANT SATHE: The Mandal would request Satheji and Mr. Kurien. Well,
Commission discussion is not over. It was we have to bring about a sort of understand-
only intervention... (Interruptions) ing. I did give a formula and you were gra-
cious enough to accept it. Now, you should
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I will respond allow it. My formula was that we will discuss
to your point. Please wait. from five to seven and then from seven to
eight. I had said that. And then when the hon.
There Is a point in what Shri Thambi Prime Minister and hon. Advaniji said that
Durai has said. I did tell him that he would they would like to discuss it, they had specifi-
speak and I did tell other Members also. We cally made a statement, I had said that this
would try to find out as to how this can be may not be completed today, but the discus-
taken up. But then we can do it if you also sion would certainly start. If I had said that
cooperate. Tomorrow also, if you cooperate, and if everybody had accepted, I would
we can do it. But then you have to cooperate. expect the courtesy from the Members to
If you want to take up the business which is accept it.
563 Prasar Bharati (Broad SEPTEMBER 6.1990 B ill Amendments 564
Corpn. of India) made by RajyaSabha
Prasar Bharati Bill to be taken up from 10 to The Lok Sabha re-assembled at thirty-five
11 p.m. and after that Delhi Bill. How long do minutes past Twenty-two of the Clock
you want us to sit?...... (Interruptions)
(At this stage. Prof, PJ. Kurien and some Chair]
other Hon. Members came and stood on
the floor near the table) (Interruptions)


SHRI ANBARASU ERA: Let us have it 1990
tomorrow. What is the urgency of having this
Delhi Bill? Amendments made by Rajya Sabha—
All the lady Members will speak on Mandal [English]
Commissbn as well as Atrocities on Women.
PROF. PJ. KURIEN: We will pass Upendra has moved the motion that the
Prasar Bharati Bill tomorrow. amendments made by Rajya Sabha in the
Prasar Bharti (Broadcasting Corporation of
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No. India) Bill, 1990 be taken into consideration.
Now the question is:
“That the following amendments made
PROF. P.J. KURIEN: Why are you by Rajya Sabha in the Bill to provide for
enforcing it? Please don’t enforce. the establishment of a Broadcasting
Corporation for India, to be known as
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am not Prasar Bharati, to define its composi-
enforcing it. You cannot also dictate me. tion, functions and powers and to pro-
vide for matters connected therewith
(Interruptions) or incidental thereto, be taken into
that it would have been very graceful if you Clause 4
would have.... (Interruptions)
That at page 4, after line 36, the follow-
SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: No. (Inter- ing be inserted, namely:—
“(4) The recommendations made by
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am not the Committee constituted under
adjourning the House for the day; I am ad- sub-section (1) shall be binding
journing the House only for 16 minutes, to for the purposes of appointments
talk to you. under this section.’* (1)

The Lok Sabha then adjourned till Thirty ClausB?

Minutes past Twenty-two o f the Clock
That at page 5.—
565 PmsarBharaU(Bmad. B H fiO r{A \S .m 2{S A K A )C onsaution(72ndA iM nd.) 566
Coipn. o f India) B ill Amendments aw (Insertion o f new artkde 371-J, etc.
made by Ra^aSabha
*(i) after tine 40, the fotbwing be in­ The questbn is:—
serted namely:—
That at page 5.—
(a) ceases to be a citizen of India;
or (i) after line 40 the folbwing be in-
serted, namely:—
(ii) the existing entries (a) to (d) be
renumbered as entries (b) to (e) (a) ceases to be a citizen of India;
respectively.” (2) or

The motion was adopted (li) the existing entries (a) to (d) be
renumbered as entries (b) to (e)
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: We shall respectively.* (2)
now take up Amendments made by Rajya
Sabha. The motion was adopted


nowtake up the amendments recommended UPENDRA): I beg to move:
by Rajya Sabha. I shall now put the main
Amendment No. 1 to the vote of the House. That the amendments made by Rajya
Sabha in the Bill be agreed to.”
Amendment No. 1
Clause 4 tion is:

The questbn is: That the amendments made by Rajya

Sabha in the Bill be agreed to.”
That at page 4, after line 38, the fol-
bwing be Inserted, namely:— The motion was adopted

(4) the recommendations made by the (Interruptions)

committee constituted under sub-sec-
tion (1) shall be binding for the pur-
poses of appointments under this
section.” (1) 22^71/2 hrs.


Amendment No. 2
(insertion of New Article 371 J and
Clause 7 amendment of First and Fourth Sched-

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I shaM now [English]

put the main Amendment No. 2 to ttw vote of
567 Constitution (72nd SEPTEMBER 6,1990 new article 371 -J, etc. 568
Amend.) Bill (Insertion of
(SHRI MUFTI MOHAMMAD SAYEED): I stands adjourned to re-assemble tomorrow
beg to move: at 11 A.M.

“That tlie Bill further to amend the 22.38 hrs.

Constitution of India, be taken into
consideration.” (Interruptions)
The Lok Sabha then adjourned till Eleven
of the Clock on Friday, September 7,
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The House 1990/Bhadra 16, 1912 (Saka)

Printed a t : S. Narayan & Sons, Delhi-110006

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