Mee 513 Group Project-1

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Group members: 19/205MEE/001, 19/205MEE/039, 19/205MEE/003, 19/205MEE/033,

20d/205MEE/072, 17246021, 19/205MEE/020


1. Discuss the overview and definitions of the following terms related to design: feasibility,
synthesis, and analysis.

Feasibility, in the context of design, constitutes a multifaceted evaluation encompassing
technical, economic, and operational considerations to determine the viability of a proposed
project. It involves an exhaustive analysis of whether the project can be successfully executed
within the constraints of available resources, technological capabilities, budgetary allocations,
and time limitations. By conducting a thorough feasibility study, designers can identify potential
challenges early in the process, allowing for informed decision-making and the establishment of
realistic project goals. Moreover, this phase plays a pivotal role in risk mitigation, ensuring that
the envisioned design aligns with practical and strategic objectives.

Synthesis within design represents the transformative and creative process of amalgamating
disparate elements, ideas, or functionalities into a unified and harmonious whole. It is a phase
characterized by ideation, conceptualization, and the generation of innovative solutions to
address identified needs and challenges. Designers engage in a dynamic and iterative process,
fostering collaboration and cross-disciplinary thinking to produce a holistic design that not only
meets functional requirements but also resonates with aesthetic and user experience
considerations. Synthesis is the crucible of creativity where novel ideas emerge, laying the
foundation for a design that transcends the ordinary and captivates its intended audience.

Analysis in design involves the systematic deconstruction and evaluation of various facets of a
project to gain deeper insights and guide decision-making. This phase typically follows synthesis
and is essential for validating design choices against predefined criteria. Design analysis spans
diverse dimensions, including user experience, functionality, sustainability, and cost-
effectiveness. By breaking down complex design elements into manageable components,
designers can assess the effectiveness of their solutions, identify potential improvements, and
ensure alignment with project goals. Iterative analysis throughout the design process is a
refining mechanism, fostering continuous improvement and enhancing the outcome.

In essence, these interconnected concepts - feasibility, synthesis, and analysis - collectively

constitute a comprehensive framework for the design process. Feasibility lays the groundwork
by scrutinizing the project's practical viability, synthesis infuses creativity and unity into the
design, and analysis provides a rigorous evaluation to refine and validate the design choices.
Together, they form a symbiotic relationship that empowers designers to navigate complexities,
innovate, and deliver solutions that seamlessly blend functionality, aesthetics, and real-world

2. Using suitable examples discuss the analysis of stress, performance, criteria, yielding, fracture,
stress corrosion cracking, and creep as they relate to mechanical engineering design.

Stress Analysis:
Stress analysis in mechanical engineering design is a pivotal process that involves the
examination and assessment of internal forces, deformations, and material responses within a
structure or component subjected to various loads. For instance, when designing a bridge, stress
analysis is crucial to ensure that the materials selected and structural elements can withstand
the diverse forces and environmental conditions they are expected to encounter, such as the
weight of vehicles, dynamic loads, and the impact of weather conditions. Utilizing tools like
finite element analysis (FEA), engineers can model and predict stress distribution across the
structure, ensuring that safety margins are maintained to prevent structural failure.

Performance Criteria:
Performance criteria serve as the guiding principles and specifications that a mechanical design
must adhere to function effectively and efficiently. In the context of designing an aircraft engine,
performance criteria may encompass factors such as specific fuel efficiency, thrust output,
weight constraints, and environmental considerations. Engineers need to strike a delicate
balance between these criteria to ensure optimal operational performance while meeting
regulatory standards and economic constraints.

Understanding the yielding behavior of materials is paramount in mechanical engineering
design, particularly when dealing with components subjected to varying loads. For example, in
designing a pressure vessel, engineers must carefully consider the material's yield strength to
ascertain that it can withstand the internal pressure without undergoing permanent
deformation. This involves selecting materials with appropriate yield strengths to ensure safety
and reliability in the designed structure.

Fracture Analysis:
Fracture analysis is a critical aspect of design that involves examining the behavior of materials
under extreme loads to prevent unexpected failures. In applications like the design of high-
stress components such as turbine blades, fracture analysis is indispensable. Engineers study
factors like material toughness, fatigue resistance, and susceptibility to brittle fracture to ensure
the structural integrity and reliability of components throughout their operational life.

Stress Corrosion Cracking:

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a specific type of material failure that arises from the
combined effects of corrosion and tensile stress. In the context of designing pipelines for
transporting corrosive fluids, engineers must account for the potential of stress corrosion
cracking. Through material selection and design considerations, they aim to mitigate the risk of
SCC to prevent catastrophic failures over the system's operational lifespan, emphasizing the
importance of considering both mechanical and environmental factors in design.

Creep Analysis:
Creep analysis is paramount in applications involving sustained loads at elevated temperatures,
such as in the design of components for power plants. Creep refers to the gradual deformation
over time under constant stress and elevated temperatures. In such scenarios, engineers need
to predict and analyze creep behavior to ensure the long-term durability and reliability of
materials, preventing premature failure and ensuring the safety and efficiency of the designed

In essence, the comprehensive understanding and application of stress analysis, performance

criteria, yielding, fracture analysis, stress corrosion cracking, and creep analysis collectively
contribute to the creation of robust and reliable mechanical systems. These considerations
underscore the interdisciplinary nature of mechanical engineering design, where the integration
of material science, structural analysis, and performance optimization is paramount to ensuring
the success and longevity of designed components and systems.

B. Development of a 3D printer using locally available parts to minimize waste


To develop a 3D printer using locally available parts in Abuja, Nigeria, we can focus on utilizing readily
accessible materials and components to minimize waste generation. Here's a simplified design:

1. Frame: Construct the frame using locally sourced wood or metal bars. Wood can be obtained from
sustainable forestry practices or recycled sources to minimize environmental impact.

2. Print Bed: Utilize a flat surface such as a glass sheet or an aluminum plate. These materials are
commonly available and can be sourced locally from hardware stores or scrap yards.

3. Extruder: Design a simple extruder using a stepper motor, a threaded rod, and a nozzle. These
components can be salvaged from old printers or purchased from local electronics markets.

4. Filament: Recycle plastic waste or use locally available materials like recycled PET bottles to create
filament. There are DIY filament extruders that can be built to recycle plastic into filament.
5. Cooling System: Implement a simple fan or water cooling system to regulate the temperature of the
extruded filament and prevent overheating.

6. Stepper Motor: Stepper motor plays a crucial role in the operation of a 3D printer. It is a type of
electric motor that moves in discrete steps, allowing for precise control of position and speed. In a 3D
printer, stepper motors are used in several key components:

a. X, Y, and Z Axes Movement:

Stepper motors are commonly employed to control the movement of the print head along the X, Y,
and Z axes. They provide the necessary precision and accuracy for positioning the extruder and the print
bed during the printing process.

b. Extruder Control:

The extruder is responsible for pushing filament through the hot-end nozzle. A stepper motor controls
the rotation of the extruder gear, ensuring a consistent and controlled flow of filament during the
printing of each layer.

c. Layer Height and Resolution:

Stepper motors allow for fine control of the movement of the print head, influencing the layer height
and overall resolution of the 3D print. This is essential for achieving detailed and accurate prints.

d. Closed-Loop Control:

Stepper motors provide a form of closed-loop control. The printer's firmware sends signals to the
stepper motor, and the motor moves in discrete steps, allowing the printer to precisely control the
position and speed of the various components.

e. Accuracy and Repeatability:

Stepper motors provide a high level of accuracy and repeatability. The ability to move in precise
increments ensures that the printer can reproduce designs consistently, layer by layer.

f. Simple Control Interface:

Stepper motors are relatively easy to control using dedicated stepper motor drivers. The simplicity of
their control interface, combined with the ability to move in discrete steps, makes them suitable for
applications requiring precise movements.

In the context of a 3D printer built with locally available parts, stepper motors are preferred due to their
affordability, reliability, and ease of integration with commonly used 3D printer control systems like
RAMPS (RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield). Using stepper motors allows for a cost-effective solution
while maintaining the necessary precision and control required for accurate 3D printing.

By sourcing materials locally and repurposing existing components, this 3D printer design aims to
minimize waste generation while providing a functional printing solution for the community in Abuja,
Nigeria. Additionally, incorporating principles of repairability and upgradability can further extend the
lifespan of the printer and reduce electronic waste.

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