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Midterm Project in Research Design and


Submitted to:

Dr. Honey Girl A. Avo, DIT

Submitted by:

Ryan Czar J. Rayray

Vigan National High School West Learning System

In the rapidly evolving field of education, learning systems have become

essential instruments in determining how people learn. The idea of a learning system

has changed dramatically from conventional classroom settings to contemporary

internet platforms. Vigan National High School West is a school with a small

population of students where people immerse in technology so that they forget how

to learn and be knowledgeable in certain things. Learning System helps students to

focus on learning while they are in the classroom using the appropriate application.

It consists of a reviewer, activities, and lessons that the teachers can upload. The

evolution of these systems reflects a commitment to providing accessible, flexible,

and personalized education. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age,

learning systems continue to be at the forefront, shaping the future of education and

empowering learners on a global scale.

Functional Requirements

Create Account The system should allow users to create accounts and log in


Course Creation and The system should allow instructors to create, edit, and

Management manage courses

Content Delivery The system should provide a platform for delivering various

types of content like images, videos, and interactive

Search Bar The system should allow users to search a certain course they

want to read and allow instructors to search their students.

Assessment and The system should support the creation and administration of

Grading assessment like quizzes, exams and activities and allow for

grading and feedback on student performance.

Communication The system should have features like discussion forums,

Tools messaging, and notifications to facilitate communication

between students and instructors.

Progress Tracking Users should be able to track their progress within courses and

instructors should have access to analytics and reports on

student performance.

Collaborative The system should support collaborative activities, such as

Features group projects or virtual classrooms.

Non- Functional Requirements

Performance The system should be scalable to accommodate a growing

number of users and courses every time.

Reliability The system should be available and reliable, with minimal

downtime for maintenance and unexpected issues.

Scalability The system should be scalable to accommodate a growing

number of users and courses over time.

Security User data, especially personal and assessment-related

information should be securely stored and transmitted.

The system should comply with relevant data protection


Usability The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly,

ensuring ease of navigation and interaction.

Compatibility The system should be compatible with various devices and

browsers to ensure accessibility for a diverse user base.

Accessibility The learning system should be designed to be accessible

to users with disabilities, following accessibility standards.

Response Time The system should have acceptable response time for

actions such as loading pages, submitting assessment, and

accessing various content.

Barangay Paratong, Vigan City Medical Record System

In the 21st Century where technology been the focus of residents, healthcare

services play a vital role in barangay in delivering primary health care to their

communities. A critical component of efficient healthcare management is the

implementation of a robust Barangay Medical Record System (BMRS). This system

acts as a comprehensive repository of health information, facilitating better patient

care, disease surveillance, and public health interventions. Barangay Paratong, one

of the barangay’s in Vigan City, has no medical record system and it is really hard for

them to track the patients that have diseases and they just provide door to door

information. By harnessing the power of information, barangays can improve patient

care, respond proactively to health challenges, and contribute significantly to public

health initiatives. Addressing challenges in implementation through strategic

planning and collaboration will pave the way for a healthier and more resilient

community healthcare system.

Functional Requirements

Patient Registration The system should allow for the registration of individuals,

capturing essential demographic information such as name,

age, gender, civil status, etc.

Health Record Maintain comprehensive health records for everyone, including

Management medical history, allergies, current medications, and

immunization history.
Appointment Enable healthcare providers to schedule appointments for

Schedule patients, ensuring organized and timely consultations.

Search Bar The system should allow users to search a certain patient they

want to examine and generate a kind of reports.

Treatment Planning Support the creation and monitoring of treatment plans for

and Monitoring individuals, including medication schedules and follow-up


Report and Generate reports and analytics on health trends, disease

Analytics prevalence, and the effectiveness of healthcare interventions

to guide decision-making.

Non- Functional Requirements

Scalability Design the system to scale efficiently as the number of users

and volume of health records grow over time.

Performance Optimize system performance to ensure quick access to health

records and efficient processing of tasks, even during peak


Reliability The system should be reliable, with minimal downtime,

ensuring that healthcare services are not disrupted

Security Implement robust security measures to protect patient data,

including encryption, secure user authentication, and access


Availability Ensure high system availability, minimizing downtime to

guarantee that healthcare providers can access critical

information whenever needed.

Usability Ensure that the system is user-friendly, with an intuitive

interface and straightforward navigation, to facilitate easy

adoption by healthcare professionals

Auditability Maintain and audit trail of system activities, allowing

administrators to track user actions and changes made to

health records for accountability process.

Accounting System of The Dessert Shop by Grace

Accounting System is a system that was created to ease a certain thing

including a manual accounting that it takes time to do and can consume time while

doing a certain task. By creating this type of system, we should be able to have the

best financial system since they have a lot of total employees in the big company

you are dealing with. It is something that we cannot adopt in past centuries because

of availability of a product or service that can easily be created on this century. This

system requires a lot of patience in computing a lot of money and dedication to

finish a task.

Functional Requirements

Create Account It allows users to create an account.

Data Entry The system should allow user to enter a corresponding

financial transaction, including details such as date, amount,

and description.

Financial Reporting The system should generate standard financial statements

such as balance sheets, incoming statements, and cash flow


User Authentication The system should have user authentication to control access

and Authorization to financial data.

Audit Trail The system should maintain an audit trail to track changes

made to financial data.

Integration with The system should integrate with other relevant systems, such
other System as ERP or payroll system.

Non- Functional Requirements

Performance The system should allow the user to enter a corresponding

financial transaction, including details such as date, amount,

and description.

Reliability The system should have a low probability of failure, and data

integrity should be maintained even in the event of a system


Scalability The architecture should be scalable to handle increases data

volume without significant performance degradation.

Security The system should have robust security measures to prevent

unauthorized access, data breaches, and ensure compliance

with data protection regulations.

Usability Training requirements for users should be minimal, and the

system should be user-friendly.

Maintainability Code should be well-documented, and maintenance tasks

should be straightforward.

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