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Changes to the existing documents shall be initiated by filling a ‘Document Change Request’ form.
Any changes to the Internal Quality Documents shall be prepared by MR, based on MR
recommendation, reviewed and approved by the management. Care shall be taken to validate the
changes before being amended wherever required. In case of minor changes requiring the revision of
one or several pages of Internal Quality / Safety Document, only such page or pages shall be revised.
In such case the revision number of relevant pages will be incremented and the issue indicator will
remain unchanged. All the changes in italic font shall become normal font during whole manual
changes and revision will become again zero. The issue no. shall be changed if the complete manual
revised. Whenever practicable, the change in the document will be highlighted by using the italic font
and the revision will be denoted on amendment sheet. Should the nature of change to Internal Quality
/ Safety Document require a revision of a substantial number of pages or after a number of minor
changes, the document will be reissued. Document status shall be amended after the amendment is
finalized and ready for issue. The amended documents shall be controlled while the superseded
document shall be stamped ‘OBSOLETE’. As a rule all obsolete documents will be removed from the
place of issue and all places of use and destroyed. Should the Management Representative or
authorize personnel shall decide that any obsolete documents needs to be retained for legal,
contractual or knowledge preservation purpose, such document will be stamped “OBSOLETE” and
filed separately in his office only.

6.7 Distribution / Issue of Documents at Point of Use

The Management Representatives are responsible for distribution of controlled copies of all QHSE
management system documents. The documents shall be distributed in accordance with the
distribution list or by email source. The distribution list is established to ensure that the controlled copy
of any QHSE management System documents are distributed to all functions concerned. The
documents will be accompanied with the transmittal note or email source. QHSE management
system documents such as QHSE Manual, Documented Procedures, Standard Operational
Procedures and Work Instructions shall be controlled by the Management Representative (MR’s).
Records register, index sheet of forms and reference documents shall be controlled in a similar
manner as mentioned above. Issue of Uncontrolled copies to the clients or for any other purposes
shall be done with a permission of the management. Number of uncontrolled copies of quality system
documents shall be kept to minimum. The management shall instruct to all personnel that
uncontrolled copies of documents shall be used for reference purposes. In case of client requirement
for document certification, the same shall be considering as document reference purpose only. The
QHSE native files shall not be distributed to any personnel / client.

6.8 Control of Correspondence

All incoming / outgoing correspondence is registered by company’s secretary before being filed in
monthly or customer wise files. Such system will facilitate easy access and retrieval of such records.


 All incoming and outgoing faxes/E-mails are received by Company’s Secretary and
maintained in relevant files. All inquiries received through courier services are directly
received by management.
 Incoming Faxes / E-mails will be date stamped and handed to the management for review
and distributed to the concerned personnel.
 Incoming Faxes / E-mails / Couriers pertaining to customers are copied and maintained in
relevant customer files. The Secretary maintains filing system which incorporates:

 General Files
 Customer-wise Files
Outgoing Faxes / E-mails / Letters are controlled by a reference, which denotes the Originator /
Secretary / Type of Correspondence / Ref. No. / Year / Revision if any.

Document Title: Document Control

Rev. No 0, dated 15.06.2022
Document ID: ECG-QP-01
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