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Trigonometric ratios upto transformations class 11 solutions pdf

Solutions for inter mathematics first year 1A and 1B some chapters. The solutions are very simple to understand. Junior inter 1A : Functions, mathematical induction, functions, addition of vectors, trigonometric ratios upto transformations, trigonometric equations, hyperbolic functions, inverse trigonometric functions and properties of triangles
solutions. Junior inter 1B : Solutions for locus, transformation of axes and three dimensional coordinates, the straight line,direction cosines and direction ratios and the plane. You can see the solutions for text book Maths 1A Functions Exercise 1(a) Exercise 1(b) Exercise 1(c) Mathematical Induction Exercise 2(a) Matrices Exercise 3(a) Exercise 3(b)
Exercise 3(c) Exercise 3(d) Exercise 3(e) Exercise 3(f) Exercise 3(g) Exercise 3(h) Exercise 3(i) Addution of Vectors Exercise 4(a) Exercise 4(b) Product of Vectors Exercise 5(a) Exercise 5(b) Exercise 5(c) Trigonometric Ratios up to Transformations Exercise 6(a) Exercise 6(b) Exercise 6(c) Exercise 6(d) Exercise 6(e) Exercise 6(f) Trigonometric
Equations Exercise 7(a) Inverse Trigonometric Equations Exercise 8(a) Hyperbolic Functions Exercise 9(a) Properties of Triangles Exercise 10(a) Exercise 10(b) Inter Maths Trigonometry solutions Maths 1B solutions for Locus Exercise 1(a) Transformation of Axes Exercise 2(a) Three Dimensional Coordinates Exercise 5(a) Exercise 5(b) Direction
Cosines and Direction Ratios Exetcise 6(a) Exercise 6(b) The Plane Exercise 7(a) Limits and Continuity Exercise 8(a) Exercise 8(b) Exetcise 8(c) Exercise 8(d) Exercise 8(e) M Nios Solutions for Maths Senior secondary M You can also see the solutions for junior inter maths 1A for examination purpose 1. Mathematical induction 2. Functions 3. Matrices
4. Addition of vectors 5. Product of vectors 6. Trigonometric ratios upto transformations 2 7. Trigonometric equations solutions 8. Inverse trigonometric functions 9. Hyperbolic functions 10. Properties of triangles Junior inter 1B solutions of 1. Locus 2. Transformation of axes 3. The straight lines vs Straight lines sa 4. Pair of straight lines 5. Three
dimensional coordinates 6. Direction cosines and direction ratios 7. The plane 8. Limits and continuity 9. Differentiation 10. Errors and approximations 11. Tangent and normal 12. Rate measure 13. Mean value theorems 14. Maxima and minima Very short answer questions TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS UPTO TRANSFORMATION, INTERMEDIATE,
FIRST YEAR. Note : Observe the solutions of trigonometric ratios upto transformations and try them in your own methods. Ncert solutions for maths class 6 th some chapters Ncert solutions for maths class 7 th some chapters Ncert solutions for maths class 8 th some chapters Ncert solutions for class 8 chapter 12 Inter maths 1a solutions Inter
maths trigonometry solutions Maths real numbers solutions class 10 You can see solutions for Inter Maths IIB 1. Circle 2. System of Circles 3. Parabola 4. Ellipse 5. Hyperbola 6. Integration 7. Definite Integrals You can also see solutions for Inter Maths IIA 1. Complex numbets 2. De Moivre’s Theorem 3. Quadratic Equations 1 Quadratic Equations
2 Quadratic Equations 3 4. Theory of Equations 5. Permutations and Combinations 6. Binomial Theorem 7. Partial Fractions 8. Measures of Dispersion 9. Probability 10. Random variables and Probability Distribution For examination purpose you can see Complex numbers De Moivre’ s Theorem Intermediate mathematics 1st year chapter 6
Trigonometric Ratios upto Transformations textbook solutions for exercise 6(a). These solutions are very easy to understand. Study the text boo lesson very well. Observe the example problems and solutions in the text book. Try them. Observe the given solutions and try them in your own method You can see the text book solutions for Maths 1A
Trigonometric Ratios upto Transformations Exercise 6(a) Exercise 6(b) Exercise 6(c) Exercise 6(d) Exercise 6(e) Exercise 6(f) Functions Exercise 1(a) Exercise 1(b) Exercise 1(c) Mathematical Induction Exercise 2(a) Matrices Exercise 3(a) Exercise 3(b) Exercise 3(c) Exercise 3(d) Exercise 3(e) Exercise 3(f) Exercise 3(g) Exercise 3(h) Exercise 3(i)
Addition of Vectors Exercise 4(a) Exercise 4(b) Product of Vectors Exercise 5(a) Exercise 5(b) Exercise 5(c) Trigonometric Equations Exercise 7(a) Inverse Trigonometric Functions Exercise 8(a) Hyperbolic Functions Exercise 9(a) Properties of Triangles Exercise 10(a) Exercise 10(b) Inter Maths Trigonometry text book solutions M Maths 1B text book
solutions Locus Exercise 1(a) Transformation of Axes Exercise 2(a) Three Dimensional Coordinates Exercise 5(a) Exercise 5(b) The Plane Exercise 7(a) Limits and Continuity Exetcise 8(a) Exercise 8(b) Exercise 8(d) Exercise 8(e) M You can also see the solutions for Inter maths for examination purpose. Maths 1A 1. Functions 2. Mathematical
induction 3. Matrices 4. Addition of vectors 5. Trigonometric ratios upto transformations 1 6. Trigonometric ratios upto transformations 2 7. Trigonometric equations 8. Inverse trigonometric functions 9. Hyperbolic functions 10. Properties of triangles You can also see the solutions for Maths 1B for examination purpose 1. Locus 2. Transformation of
axes 3. Straight lines vs The straight line sa Straight lines la 4. Pair of straight lines 5. Three dimensional coordinates 6. Direction cosines and direction ratios 7. The plane 8. Limits and continuity 9. Differentiation 10. Errors and approximations 11. Tangent and normal 12. Rate measure 13. Mean value theorems 14. Maxima and minima You can see
the solutions for maths IIA inter 1. Complex numbers 2. De Mouvre’s theorem 3. Quadratic expressions exercise 3(a) Exercise 3(b) Exercise 3(c) 4. Partial fractions 5. Random variables and prabability distributuos Exercise 6(a) Intermediate maths solutions for Trigonometric Ratios upto Transformations Note : Observe the solutions and try them in
your own methods. Class 10 solutions for real numbers Class 10 solutions for sets Inter second year solutions for complex numbers Inter second year solutions for De Moivre’ s theorem Ncert solutions for class 8 exponents and powers Exercise 1(b) inter maths 1A You can see solutions for Inter Maths IIB 1. Circle 2. System of Circles 3. Parabola
4. Ellipse 5. Hyperbola 6. Integration 7. Definite Integrals You can also see solutions for Inter Maths IIA 1. Complex numbets 2. De Moivre’s Theorem 3. Quadratic Equations 1 Quadratic Equations 2 Quadratic Equations 3 4. Theory of Equations 5. Permutations and Combinations 6. Binomial Theorem 7. Partial Fractions 8. Measures of Dispersion
9. Probability 10. Random variables and Probability Distribution For examination purpose you can see Complex numbers De Moivre’ s Theorem You can see the solutions for text book Maths 1A Functions Exercise 1(a) Exercise 1(b) Exercise 1(c) Mathematical Induction Exercise 2(a) Trigonometric Ratios up to Transformations Exercise 6(a) Exercise
6(b) Exercise 6(c) Exercise 6(d) Exercise 6(e) Exercise 6(f) Trigonometric Equations Exercise 7(a) Inverse Trigonometric Equations Exercise 8(a) Hyperbolic Functions Exercise 9(a) Properties of Triangles Exercise 10(a) Exercise 10(b) Maths 1B solutions for Transformation of Axes Exercise 2(a) Limits and Continuity Exercise 8(a) Exercise 8(b) M 1
Mark Questions1. Find the radian measure corresponding to $ 5{}^\circ \text{ }37'\text{ }30'' $ Ans- Converting the given value to a pure degree form $ {{5}^{\circ }}37'30''={{5}^{\circ }}37'\left( \dfrac{30}{60} \right)' $ $ \Rightarrow {{5}^{\circ }}37'60''={{5}^{\circ }}\left( \dfrac{75}{2} \right)' $ $ \Rightarrow {{5}^{\circ }}37'60''=
{{5}^{\circ }}{{\left( \dfrac{75}{2\left( 60 \right)} \right)}^{\circ }} $ $ \Rightarrow {{5}^{\circ }}37'60''={{\left( \dfrac{45}{8} \right)}^{\circ }} $ Degree to Radian Conversion $ \left( \dfrac{45}{8} \right)\left( \dfrac{\pi }{180} \right)=\dfrac{\pi }{32}\text{rad} $ 2. Find degree measure corresponding to $ {{\left( \dfrac{\pi }{16}
\right)}^{c}} $ Ans- Converting the given value from radian to degree form$ \dfrac{\pi }{16}\times \dfrac{180}{\pi }={{\left( \dfrac{45}{4} \right)}^{\circ }} $ Simplify degree form$ {{\left( \dfrac{45}{4} \right)}^{\circ }}={{11}^{\circ }}15' $ 3. Find the length of an arc of a circle of radius $ 5cm $ subtending a central angle measuring $
15{}^\circ $ Ans- The arc of a circle with a radius of $ 5\,\text{cm} $ with a central angle of $ {{15}^{\circ }} $ should be of the length $ \dfrac{5\pi }{12}cm $ using the formula $ \text{Arc}\,\text{=}\,\pi \times \left( \theta \right) $ .4. Find the value of $ \dfrac{19\pi }{3} $ Ans- We have $ \tan \dfrac{19\pi }{3} $ $ \tan \dfrac{19\pi }
{3}=\tan \left( 6\dfrac{\pi }{3} \right) $ $ =\tan \left( 6\pi +\dfrac{\pi }{3} \right) $ $ =\tan \left( 3\times 2\pi +\dfrac{\pi }{3} \right) $ $ =\tan \left( \dfrac{\pi }{3} \right) $ $ =\sqrt{3} $ 5. Find the value of $ \sin \left( -1125{}^\circ \right) $ Ans- We have $ \sin \left( -{{1125}^{\circ }} \right) $ $
\sin \left( -\dfrac{1125}{360}\times {{360}^{\circ }} \right) $ $ =-\sin \left( \left( 3+\dfrac{45}{360} \right)\times {{360}^{\circ }} \right) $ $ =-\sin \left( {{45}^{\circ }} \right) $ $ =-\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} $ 6. Find the value of $ \tan \left( {{15}^{\circ }} \right) $ Ans- We have $ \tan {{15}^{\circ }} $ $ \tan {{15}^{\circ }}=\tan \left(
{{60}^{\circ }}-{{45}^{\circ }} \right) $ $ =\dfrac{\tan {{60}^{\circ }}-\tan {{45}^{\circ }}}{1+\tan {{60}^{\circ }}\times \tan {{45}^{\circ }}} $ $ =\dfrac{\sqrt{3}-1}{\sqrt{3}+1} $ 7. If $ \sin A=\dfrac{3}{5} $ and $ \dfrac{\pi }{2}
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