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Speaking Test 2: Part 1

B1+ Pre-First

5 What do you think the examiner will say about

their answers?
giving reasons
vocabulary and grammar
answering the question

6 2.3 Watch and check your answers.

7 Work in pairs. Read the Part 1 questions and

complete the answers with your own ideas.
1 Do you enjoying going to the cinema?
Part 1 2 Do you like having holidays in hot countries?
Before you watch Not really
I prefer
1 Work in pairs. What do you remember about
No, I don’t because
Part 1?
1 What sort of questions does the examiner ask? After you watch
Give an example.
2 Who do you talk to? 8 Discuss the advice with your partner.
Which advice is more important for you?
3 How many questions do you answer?
What do you need to practice most?
4 How long are your answers?
1 Try to say more than one sentence.
5 Which question does the examiner always ask?
2 Try to use the correct prepositions when you say where
2 Match 1–5 to A–E to make Part 1 questions. you come from.
1 When did you last A favourite sport? 3 Listen to the tense in the questions and use the correct
tense in your answers.
2 What’s your B reading books?
4 Try to say a couple of sentences even if your answer
3 Do you spend a lot of C go to a party?
is ‘no’.
4 Do you enjoy D you from?
5 Where are E time watching films? 9 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
the questions.
While you watch 1 Where do you live?
3 2.1 Watch Wakana and Yunha and answer 2 What do you like about living there?
True (T) or False (F). 3 What’s your favourite day of the week?
1 They only say the country where they are from.  T/F 4 Do you enjoying cooking?
2 They use correct prepositions. T/F 5 What’s your favourite place to go on holiday?
3 They look at the examiner. T/F 6 What job would you like to do in the future?
4 They give clear, full answers.  T/F

4 2.2 Watch the candidates answering the

next questions.
1 Is Wakana’s question easy for her? Why? / Why not?
2 Watch Yunha answer her question. What does the
examiner need to do? Why?

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Speaking Test 2: Part 2
B1+ Pre-First

Part 2 After you watch

Before you watch 12 Wakana and Yunha use some good phrases in
1 What do you remember about Part 2 of the their answers. Match the strategies (1–5) to the
test? Make a list and compare your ideas with phrases (A–E).
your partner. 1 to identify which photo she’s talking about
2 to give an example
2 2.4 Listen to Wakana’s question and look
3 to talk about an action happening now
at the photographs. What does she need to
4 to say what is the same in the photos
talk about?
5 to give her opinion
3 Work in pairs. Discuss what she might say. A such as a suit / like that
B I think / is more important / because
While you watch C both photographs / both of them
4 2.5 Watch Wakana and answer the D in the first photo / the first one
questions. E people are listening / their mother is serving
1 Are her ideas the same as yours? 13 Add some examples to make sentence to
2 What does she say is the same about the photos? compare and speculate about the Part 2
3 What does she say is different? photographs.
4 Does she answer the question? Compare
5 Does she speak for a full minute? both: Both photos show people listening to music.
5 2.6 Listen to Yunha’s short question. Does however:
she answer it well? Why? / Why not? the main difference between:
more + adjective + than:
6 What do you think the examiner will say about Speculate
Wakana and Yunha’s answers? Think about:
I think:
describing the photographs it looks like:
vocabulary might:
expressions to compare and contrast look:
7 2.7 Watch and check your answers. 14 Work in pairs. Answer the questions below
with different photographs. Take turns to
8 2.8 Listen to Yunha’s question and look at answer the questions and try to use the
the photographs in Test 2, Part 2. Work in pairs phrases in Activity 12 and 13.
and discuss what she might say.
Street music / Eating with your family
9 2.9 Watch Yunha and answer the questions
Student A Your pictures show people spending
(1–5) in Activity 4.
time with others. Compare the photographs
and say what you think the people are enjoying
10 2.10 Listen to Wakana’s short question.
about spending time with other people in these
Does she answer it well? Why? / Why not? situations.
Student B Do you usually eat with your family?
11 2.11 What do you think the examiner will
say about their answers? Watch and check People in gym / People at indoor concert
your answers. Student A Your pictures show people doing
different activities in their free time. Compare the
photographs and say how they are benefitting
from doing these activities in their free time.
Student B Which activity would you prefer to do?

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Speaking Test 2: Part 3
B1+ Pre-First

After you watch

Part 3
9 Add the headings (A–D) to the lists of useful
Before you watch phrases (1–4) for doing Part 3.
1 Work in pairs. Discuss what you remember A Asking and giving opinion
about Part 3. B Moving on to another point

2 2.12 Listen and complete the examiner’s C When you don’t understand
instructions. D Starting the task

1 The examiner will stop you after minutes. 1

2 Don’t come to a decision . Let’s start with this point.
Shall we start with this point?
While you watch 2
3 Read the Part 3 question. Work in pairs and What’s your opinion?
write four more prompts around the question. I think it’s important. How about you?
I think you’re right.
to get a job I completely agree.
I’m not sure.
Is it important for That’s interesting, but …
everyone to learn 3
a second language
at school? What do you think about this one?
We haven’t thought about this one.
Shall we look at this one now?

4 2.13 Listen to the question and look at What did you say?
the diagram in Test 2, Part 3. Can you see your I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that.
ideas from Activity 3? Could you repeat that please?

5 Work in pairs. Say two things about each point. 10 Work in pairs. Do the Test 2, Part 3 task
together and try to use the phrases in
6 2.14 Watch and answer the questions. Activity 9.
1 Did Wakana and Yunha say the same things as you?
2 How many points did they talk about?
DO give yourselves the correct time –
3 How do they show that they are listening to each two minutes for the main question and one
other? minute for the decision.
7 2.15 Watch the second part of the task DO have a good conversation about some of the
points and don’t try to talk quickly about them all.
about coming to a decision and answer the
questions. DO make sure you both talk for about the
same time.
1 Do they agree with each other?
DO give reasons or examples for your opinions.
2 Which point do they say is most important? What are
You DON’T need to agree on the decision.
their reasons?
3 Do you agree with Wakana or Yunha? Why?

8 2.16 What do you think the examiner will

say about the way they answered Part 3?
Watch and check your ideas.

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Speaking Test 2: Part 4
B1+ Pre-First

7 Complete the phrases with the correct words.

Part 4
Before you watch because if opinion totally why

1 2.17 Are these sentences about Part 4 1 Yes, I agree children are still learning …
True (T) or False (F)? Watch and check your 2 That’s my teacher taught me pronunciation …
answers. 3 In my , I think learning how to speak …
1 The questions are about general topics, related to 4 you cannot speak properly, I think it’s a big
Part 3. T/F problem.
2 You and your partner don’t discuss, you answer 5 I agree with you and also Korean is very hard to
questions separately. T/F learn.
3 You must agree with each other. T/F
8 What do you think the examiner will say about:
2 Match the first part (1–4) to the second part the candidates’ interaction?
(A–D) to make Part 4 questions.
answering the other parts of the Speaking test?
1 Some people say that children learn
2 Do you think it’s better to speak
9 2.21 Watch and check your answers.
3 Do you think that your language is
4 Is it true that you need a teacher to
After you watch
A another language, or to read and write it? 10 Work in pairs. Read the Part 4 questions below
and give one reason why you agree, and one
B languages more easily than adults. Do you agree?
reason you disagree. Then swap partners and
C learn another language?
discuss the questions.
D difficult for other people to learn?
• Do you think it’s easier to learn a second new
While you watch language once we’ve learned a first? Why / not?
• Some languages in the world are disappearing
3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions in because not many people speak them now.
Activity 2. Should we try to keep them alive?
• Which language do you think will be the most
4 2.18 Listen to the first question in Part 4 important for people to learn in the future?
and answer the questions. Why?
1 Which question from Activity 2 does Wakana answer?
2 Does she discuss it with her partner? 11 Match the advice (1–5) with phrases (A–E).
3 Do you think it’s a good answer? Why / Why not? Remember!
5 2.19 Watch Yunha and answer the 1 If you don’t understand a question, ask the examiner to
questions. repeat it.
2 If you can’t think of anything to say, tell the examiner
1 Which question from Activity 2 does she answer?
and she will move on to another question.
2 Tick (✓) the reasons she gives:
3 To give yourself some time to think, refer to the question.
a writing is not important
4 If you have something you’d like to say about your
b speaking is more important that reading partner’s question, wait until they have finished and
c speaking is more practical add your ideas.
3 Do you think it’s a good answer? Why? Why not? 5 To show good interaction, ask your partner what they
think after you’ve answered a question.
6 2.20 Listen to the next two answers that A That’s a really interesting question.
the candidates give and answer the questions.
B Can I add that I think … ?
1 Who answers each question? C I’m sorry, I’ve never thought about that. I’m afraid I’ve
2 Who agrees with the question? got no ideas.
3 Do they give examples or reasons to extend D What do you think? Do you agree?
their answers? E Could you say that again please?

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