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Meta-Analysis of Neuropsychological Measures of Executive

Functioning in Children and Adolescents With High-Functioning
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Chun Lun Eric Lai, Zoe Lau, Simon S. Y. Lui, Eugenia Lok, Venus Tam, Quinney Chan, Koi Man Cheng,
Siu Man Lam, and Eric F. C. Cheung

Existing literature on the profile of executive dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder showed inconsistent results.
Age, comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cognitive abilities appeared to play a role in con-
founding the picture. Previous meta-analyses have focused on a few components of executive functions. This meta-
analysis attempted to delineate the profile of deficit in several components of executive functioning in children and
adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD). Ninety-eight English published case-control
studies comparing children and adolescents with HFASD with typically developing controls using well-known neuro-
psychological measures to assess executive functions were included. Results showed that children and adolescents
with HFASD were moderately impaired in verbal working memory (g 5 0.67), spatial working memory (g 5 0.58), flexi-
bility (g 5 0.59), planning (g 5 0.62), and generativity (g 5 0.60) except for inhibition (g 5 0.41). Subgroup analysis
showed that impairments were still significant for flexibility (g 5 0.57–0.61), generativity (g 5 0.52–0.68), and working
memory (g 5 0.49–0.56) in a sample of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) subjects without comorbid ADHD or when
the cognitive abilities of the ASD group and the control group were comparable. This meta-analysis confirmed the
presence of executive dysfunction in children and adolescents with HFASD. These deficits are not solely accounted
for by the effect of comorbid ADHD and the general cognitive abilities. Our results support the executive dysfunction
hypothesis and contribute to the clinical understanding and possible development of interventions to alleviate these
deficits in children and adolescents with HFASD. Autism Res 2016, 0: 000–000. V C 2016 International Society for

Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Keywords: executive function; high-functioning autism spectrum disorder; Asperger’s syndrome; meta-analysis

Introduction and actions in new or complex situations in which

automatic or impulsive responses are not adaptive
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmen- [Miyake & Friedman, 2012]. Executive function is a
tal disorder characterised by persistent deficits in social multi-faceted rather than a unitary construct, and typi-
communication and social interaction across multiple cally consists of the following components: inhibition,
contexts, and is associated with restricted, repetitive working memory, flexibility, planning and generativity
patterns of behaviour, interests or activities [American [Hill, 2004]. Inhibition refers to the ability to suppress
Psychiatric Association, 2013]. Executive dysfunctions or avoid a prepotent response to make a less automatic
are believed to contribute to the behavioural character- but task-relevant response [Miyake et al., 2000]. Work-
istics of autism [Hill, 2004], and might interact with ing memory is defined as the capacity to actively main-
other cognitive dysfunctions, such as theory of mind tain or manipulate information across a short delay,
impairment [Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985] and and can be divided into two domains, i.e., the phono-
weak central coherence [Frith, 1989], to constitute a logical loop and the visuospatial sketchpad [Baddeley,
“multiple-deficit model”, accounting for the core symp- 1992]. Flexibility is defined as switching between task
toms of autism [Pellicano, 2011]. sets or response rules [Miyake et al., 2000]. Planning is
Executive functions are higher cognitive processes defined as identifying and organising a sequence of
that underlie purposeful and goal-directed behaviour steps to achieve a goal [Lezak, 2012]. Generativity is
[Ozonoff, Pennington, & Rogers, 1991]. These functions defined as the ability to generate spontaneously appro-
are essential for individuals to control their thoughts priate novel responses [Lezak, 2012].

From the Castle Peak Hospital, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong (C.L.E.L., S.S.Y.L., E.L., V.T., Q.C., K.M.C., S.M.L., E.F.C.C.)
Received March 11, 2016; accepted for publication October 15, 2016
Address for correspondence and reprints: Chun Lun Eric Lai, Castle Peak Hospital, No 15 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.
Published online 00 Month 2016 in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/aur.1723
C 2016 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

INSAR Autism Research 00: 00–00, 2016 1

It is believed that executive dysfunctions could con- dysfunctions in children and adolescents. Fourth, previ-
tribute to the typical behavioural characteristics of ASD ous meta-analyses [Geurts et al., 2014; Leung & Zakza-
patients. For instance, inflexibility in applying social nis, 2014] included studies conducted on samples with
rules and shifting social behaviours or conversational ASD and comorbid intellectual disability. Although
topics to meet changing contextual demands could Geurts et al. [2014]’s meta-analysis suggested that IQ is
result in social deficits [Geurts, Corbett, & Solomon, a significant moderator for interference control but not
2009], and lack of generativity could limit one’s ability prepotent response inhibition, this finding was con-
to generate ideas relevant to the context in conversa- founded by the fact that a proportion of subjects failed
tion with others, resulting in communication impair- to comprehend the task instructions competently
ment [Bishop & Norbury, 2005a]. Inflexibility in because of intellectual disability.
shifting attention could also result in stereotyped Therefore, we conducted the first meta-analysis to
behaviour [Mosconi et al., 2009]. explore all components of executive dysfunction [Hill,
There is empirical evidence to support that ASD is 2004; Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996] in individuals with
associated with executive dysfunctions. Geurts, van den ASD using a high-functioning sample with a narrower age
Bergh, and Ruzzano [2014]’s meta-analysis examined range. We also explored the impact of comorbid ADHD.
the executive function component of inhibition and
concluded that individuals with ASD exhibited impair-
ments in prepotent response inhibition (with an effect Methodology
size of 0.55) and interference control (with an effect
Identification of Studies
size of 0.31), both of which are domains of inhibition.
Leung and Zakzanis [2014]’s meta-analysis demonstrat- MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, and Web of Science were
ed a considerable variability in the effect sizes of vari- utilised to search for articles from 1978 to 31 December
ous measures of the executive function component of 2015. The year 1978 was used because it was the year
flexibility in previous studies. The latest meta-analysis when the World Health Organisation officially listed
performed by Landry and Al-Taie [2016] summarised infantile autism as a diagnosis in the International Clas-
the various measures of the Wisconsin Card Sorting sification of Disease 9th edition [World Health Organi-
Test (WCST) and yielded weighted mean effect sizes sation, 1978]. Keywords of “Autis*”, “Asperger*”,
ranging from 0.30 (failure to maintain set) to 0.74 (per- “Pervasive Development*”, “ASD” or “PDD” were paired
severative errors). They also demonstrated that there
up with “Executive function*”, “Inhibit*”, “Cognitive
was no evidence of reduced impairment when the
control”, “Interference control”, “Working memory”,
WCST was administered by a computer.
“Visual memory”, “Verbal memory”, “Visuospatial
However, these meta-analyses failed to adequately
memory”, “Spatial memory”, “Flexibility”, “Shifting”,
address a number of factors which are highly relevant
“Planning”, “Generativity” or “Fluency”. Reference lists
to executive dysfunctions in ASD. First, the majority of
of the included articles and previous reviews were
previous meta-analytic literature in this area only
searched for additional articles (Appendix A). Titles and
focused on one component of executive functions in
abstracts were screened for preliminary inclusion. The
ASD, namely inhibition [Geurts et al., 2014] and flexi-
search was further refined according to the inclusion
bility [Landry & Al-Tale, 2016; Leung & Zakzanis,
and exclusion criteria as described below. The process
2014]. Second, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
of identification and selection was done independently
(ADHD) is a common comorbidity in individuals with
ASD [Lee & Ousley, 2006]. Importantly, Willcutt, Doyle, by two authors (EL and ZL). Any discordance was
Nigg, Faraone, and Pennington [2005]’s meta-analysis resolved by consensus.
demonstrated that ADHD itself is associated with Selection of Studies
marked executive dysfunctions, across different compo-
nents. However, no previous meta-analyses on execu- Studies were included if (1) they were primary case-
tive dysfunctions in ASD had taken the confounding control studies comparing individuals with ASD and
effect of ADHD comorbidity into account. Third, an controls on executive function with neuropsychological
individual’s executive function follows a protracted tests, (2) the ASD groups were diagnosed according to
course of development [Romine & Reynolds, 2005], but the International Classification of Disease (the 9th,
many previous studies examining the executive func- 10th version) or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
tions in ASD individuals recruited samples with a wide Mental Disorders (III, III-R, IV, IV-TR, V), (3) the partici-
age range. Although Geurts et al. [2014] had examined pants were children and adolescents (younger than or
the effect of age on both interference control and pre- equal to 18 years of age), (4) the comparison group
potent response inhibition using meta-regression, no comprised healthy individuals, (5) there was sufficient
previous meta-analysis had focused on executive information for computation of effect sizes, namely the

2 Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD INSAR

mean, standard deviation, the number of subjects, or was used as the population varied across studies
the t value when the mean and standard deviations [Hedges & Olkin, 1985]. Effect sizes were first calculated
were not provided; and (6) the neuropsychological in Hedges’s g [Hedges & Olkin, 1985] for individual
assessments were carried out using valid and reliable studies. They were then pooled together first according
tests with reference to Lezak [2012] and Strauss, Sher- to the types of tests to calculate the synthesised g, and
man, and Spreen [2006]. Due to the large number of then according to the components of executive func-
different experimental paradigms on executive func- tions they purported to measure to calculate a compos-
tions, we pre-defined which tasks would be included in ite Hedges’s g for each component of executive
this meta-analysis based on these two authoritative function. A positive Hedges’s g indicates poorer perfor-
texts. Studies were excluded if (1) they were not mance in individuals with ASD relative to the controls.
reported in English, (2) they were unpublished, (3) they It was interpreted as: g 5 0.20 is small; g 5 0.50 is medi-
used questionnaires to quantify the deficits, and (4) the um; g 5 0.80 is large [Cohen, 1988]. A P-value was also
ASD participants were not all high-functioning calculated for each synthesised g and composite
(IQ < 70). We contacted authors of the original studies Hedges’s g. The P-value was used to determine whether
for clarification whenever necessary. a finding was significant and from there, the effect size
was used to determine the strength of the effect.
Data Extraction
Assessment of Heterogeneity
Data such as the mean age, gender, mean IQ, the diag-
nostic method, the number of participants with comor- Heterogeneity refers to the variability of effect sizes of
bid ADHD, the number of medicated ASD participants individual studies beyond that expected from chance
as well as data regarding the neuropsychological mea- alone [Engels, Schmid, Terrin, Olkin, & Lau, 2000]. Het-
sures were extracted. The different tests employed in erogeneity was evaluated using the Cochran’s Q statis-
each of the study were first classified according to com- tic, with its P-value less than 0.10 indicating significant
ponents of executive function they purported to mea- heterogeneity [Higgins, Green, & Cochrane, 2008]. In
sure. The most representative variable of each test was addition, the I2 statistic describes the percentage of the
used for data synthesis. These were conducted by two variability in effect estimates that is due to heterogenei-
expert neuropsychologists independently, with refer- ty rather than sampling error (i.e., by chance alone),
ence to Lezak [2012] and Strauss et al. [2006]. If more and it was interpreted as follows: I2 5 25% is low;
than one test were considered to be capturing the same I2 5 50% is moderate; I2 5 75% is high.
component, they were combined by taking the mean.
Publication Bias
Similar strategy was employed for the digit span task
and verbal fluency task, where forward and backward Publication bias was assessed by visual examination of
digit span were combined for the former, and semantic the funnel plots, Duval and Tweedie’s trim and fill
and phonemic fluency test were combined for the lat- method [Duval & Tweedie, 2000] and Rosenthal’s fail-
ter. Batteries, such as the Delis-Kaplan Executive Func- safe N test [Rosenthal, 1979]. With the trim and fill
tioning System, were tackled as multiple tests. In method, any studies causing asymmetry of the funnel
longitudinal studies, only baseline neuropsychological plot were identified and an adjusted pooled effect size
results were used to circumvent practice effects. If the was calculated. With the fail-safe N test, the number of
results were reported separately according to clinical hypothetical missing negative studies required to nulli-
subtypes, such as autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome fy the findings was calculated. The number of missing
and pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise studies was generally regarded as acceptable if it was
specified, they were pooled together to calculate a gross less than five times the included studies plus ten
mean and standard deviation according to the method (N < 5k 1 10) [Mullen, Muellerleile, & Bryant, 2001].
suggested by Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Roth-
Subgroup Analyses
stein [2009]. Similar strategies were employed for stud-
ies stratifying ASD participants into two groups with or Subgroup analyses were performed twice. First, we iden-
without comorbid ADHD. Weissman and Bates [2010] tified studies that explicitly described exclusion of indi-
divided ASD participants into two groups with or with- viduals with ASD with comorbid ADHD either in the
out bipolar disorder. Only the group without bipolar text or through subsequent contacts. We also identified
disorder was included. studies that reported separately the performance data of
Data Synthesis and Analysis groups of participants with ASD with or without comor-
bid ADHD such that the group without comorbid
Data-analysis was conducted with Comprehensive ADHD can be isolated. These studies and groups were
Meta-analysis Version 2.0. The random effect model pooled together to examine the profile of executive

INSAR Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD 3

dysfunction in a ‘pure’ ASD sample. Next, again from Verbal working memory. Ten tests from 30 studies
the 98 articles, we identified the studies that used an were included. Individuals with ASD were impaired on
IQ-matched typically developing controls, be it full- the verbal working memory composite (k 5 30, g 5 0.67,
scale IQ, performance IQ or verbal IQ. The results were P < 0.001). The most commonly used task was the digit
pooled together to evaluate the profile of deficits in span task (k 5 19, g 5 0.46, P < 0.001). The Sentence
such a matching condition. Repetition task detected the most impairment in indi-
Meta-Regression viduals with ASD relative to controls (k 5 5, g 5 1.09,
P 5 0.006).
Simple regression was performed for mean age, mean
IQ, percentage of males and percentage of medicated
Spatial working memory. Twenty-eight studies
participants in the ASD group. Only studies that did
using 15 different tests capturing spatial working mem-
not demonstrate significant differences in mean age,
ory were included. Overall participants with ASD were
mean IQ, male-to-female ratio between the ASD and
impaired in this construct (k 5 28, g 5 0.58, P < 0.001).
the controls groups were included in the regression
The most commonly used task was the Spatial Working
analysis. Each variable was entered one at a time since
Memory task of Cambridge Neuropsychological Test
the number of studies used in the regression of differ-
Automated Battery (CANTAB) (k 5 8, g 5 0.67,
ent variables varied.
P < 0.001). The most impairment was detected by the
Rey Complex Figure Test (k 5 3, g 5 1.13, P 5 0.007).

Characteristics of Included Studies Flexibility. Thirty-seven studies using three main

types of tasks assessing flexibility were included (k 5 37,
Ninety-eight different samples of ASD participants g 5 0.59, P < 0.001). The most commonly used task was
and 99 different samples of controls from 98 articles the WCST (k 5 21, g 5 0.62, P < 0.001). Other types of
were included in this meta-analysis (Appendix B). The card sorting tasks were pooled together (k 5 6, g 5 0.79
flow chart of the study is presented in Figure 1. P < 0.001). The most deficits were observed in the Trail
Details of the individual studies are presented in Making Test (k 5 5, g 5 1.03, P < 0.001). Both groups
Table 1. The total number of participants was 5,991, made comparable number of errors in the extra-
in which 2,986 were individuals with ASD and 3,005 dimensional stage of the IED task of the CANTAB
were typically developing individuals. There were (k 5 8, g 5 0.090, P 5 0.51).
2,470 male participants (86.88%) in the ASD group
among the 92 studies that reported the gender ratios,
whereas there were 2,145 male participants (76.23%) Planning. Twenty-one studies with four different
in the typically developing group among the 90 stud- tasks were included in the construct. Individuals with
ies that reported gender ratios. All studies reported ASD were impaired on the planning composite (k 5 21,
the mean age of the ASD group and the typically g 5 0.62, P < 0.001). Since the tower task of the NEPSY,
developing group. The mean age was 10.65 and the tower task of the D-KEFS and the Tower of London
10.81, respectively. A total of 270 effect sizes were task were similar, they were pooled together (k 5 14,
included in the meta-analysis. g 5 0.67, P < 0.001). Five studies utilising the Stocking
of Cambridge task of the CANTAB were analysed sepa-
Weighted Mean Effect Sizes
rately (k 5 5, g 5 0.43, P 5 0.086).
Results are summarised in Table 2. Only the tasks uti-
lised by more than three studies are listed. A summary Generativity. Twenty-three studies using three differ-
forest plot of all the studies is presented in Figure 2. ent kinds of tasks were included. Children and adoles-
cents with ASD were impaired on the generativity
Inhibition. Forty-two studies explored inhibition in composite (k 5 23, g 5 0.60, P < 0.001). They showed the
individuals with ASD with seven different types of tests. most impairment in ideational fluency, as illustrated by
Individuals with ASD were impaired on the inhibition the Use of Common Objects task (k 5 3, g 5 1.03,
composite score (k 5 42, g 5 0.41, P < 0.001, where k P < 0.001). The least impairment was observed in the
denotes the number of included studies). The largest Design Fluency Task (k 5 4, g 5 0.35, P 5 0.021).
effect size was found in the Opposite World subtest of Subgroup Analysis
the TEA-Ch (k 5 3, g 5 0.59, P 5 0.015). The most com-
monly used test was the Stroop task (k 5 22, g 5 0.39, The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4. By exclud-
P < 0.001). ing comorbid ADHD in the ASD sample, the effect sizes

4 Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD INSAR

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the meta-analysis.

were of smaller magnitude in the inhibition and plan- Heterogeneity of Effect Sizes
ning constructs. The effect sizes were still of medium to
The results of assessment of heterogeneity are also pre-
large magnitude in the verbal working memory, spatial
sented in Tables 2–4. Overall the effect sizes were het-
working memory, flexibility, and generativity con-
erogeneous across all constructs. Studying a subgroup
structs. Conversely, through focusing exclusively on
of ASD samples without comorbid ADHD led to statisti-
studies matching the ASD and control subjects on IQ,
cally insignificant Q values, which indicates that the
the effect sizes were of similar magnitude across all
results were relatively more homogenous. Conversely,
the results were still heterogeneous in all components
except inhibition in the IQ-matched subgroup.
Meta-Regression Publication Bias

The results of meta-regression are presented in Table 5. The funnel plots are displayed in Figures 3–8. The
Deficits in flexibility appeared to decrease with age results of the trim-and-fill analysis and the fail-safe N
(B 5 20.062, P 5 0.031). Regression using other variables test are presented in Table 2. With trim-and-fill analy-
and in other constructs did not yield any statistically sis, asymmetry was detected in the spatial working
significant results. memory and generativity constructs, with a reduced

INSAR Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD 5

Table 1. Summary of Details of the Included Studies
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Alderson-Day, 2014 ASD 28/2 ADOS/ ASD 13.84 ASD 105.07 WASI A, G, IQ 1 NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 1.09
TD 10/5 ADI-R (2.44) (14.06) LFT Number of correct responses 0.64
TD 14.05 TD 110.40
(2.72) (10.54)
Altgassen, 2009 ASD 9/2 3DI/ADOS ASD 9.6 (2.6) NR WISC A, IQ NR NR NA DS Score 0.37
TD 6/5 TD 10.6 (2.9)
Ambrosino, 2014 ASD 19/0 ADI-R ASD 11.5 (1.2) ASD 112.2 WISC A, G, IQ NR 7 SS GNG % of correct responses on no-go 0.43
TD 19/0 TD 11.1 (1.6) (15.3) trial
TD 120.2
Andersen, 2013 ASD 31/7 K-SADS-PL ASD 12.0 (2.3) ASD 98.2 WASI A, IQ 8 4 SS HVLT Acquisition score 0.88
TD 32/18 TD 11.6 (2.0) (17.8) LNS Number of correct responses 1.20
TD 103.8
Andersen, 2015 ASD 28/6 K-SADS-PL ASD 11.6 (2.0) ASD 99.9 WASI A, G, IQ 8 4 SS LNS Score 1.33
TD 29/16 TD 11.4 (1.5) (17.4) Stroop Reaction time in condition 4 0.94
TD 104.5 (D-KEFS)
Barron- ASD 28/2 ADI-R ASD 9.1 (1.3) ASD 107.2 WISC A, G, IQ NR 3 NR DFT Score 0.012
Linnankoski, 2015 TD 56/4 TD 9.1 (1.4) (17.3) Stroop Switching score (NEPSY) 20.14
TD NR VFT Number of correct responses 0.59
Bishop, 2005a, ASD 14/0 SCQ/ADOS ASD 8.3 (0.99) ASD 107.21 Raven A, G, IQ NR NR NA OW Time difference 1.35
2005b TD 15/3 TD 8.56 (1.00) (15.62) UCO Number of correct responses 1.00
TD 110.83 WDW Number of correct responses 1.15
Brenner, 2015 ASD 23/4 ADI-R/ ASD 12.68 ASD 101.31 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA LNS Score 0.44
TD 22/3 ADOS (2.85) (11.24)
TD 13.41 TD 106.96
(2.32) (11.46)

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

Chan, 2011a ASD 20/0 Clinical ASD 7.98 ASD 89.5 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 0.89
TD 20/0 (1.90) (18.23) Stroop Number of errors 0.35
TD 8.30 (1.98) TD 101.0 WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.71
Chan, 2011b ASD 19/1 ADOS ASD 10.75 ASD 101.4 TONI A, G, IQ 0 0 NA CPT Commission errors 0.005
TD 19/1 (2.07) (16.83) FD Score 1.13
TD 9.8 (1.88) TD 110.7 GNG Commission errors 0.59
Chan, 2011c ASD 19/2 Clinical ASD 10.27 ASD 101.86 TONI A, G, IQ 0 0 NA FD Score 0.72
TD 14/7 (2.26) (16.09) RCFT Recall score 0.50
TD 9.85 (2.15) TD 106.0

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF

(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Chantiluke, 2015 ASD 17/0 ADI-R/ ASD 15.2 (1.8) ASD 114 (14) WASI-R A, G, IQ 0 0 NA NBT Percentage of correct responses 0.21
TD 17/0 ADOS TD 14.0 (2.6) TD 111 (14)
Chien, 2014 ASD 316/38 ADI-R ASD 10.5 (3.1) ASD 96.75 WISC A 251 NR NA CPT Commission errors 0.43
TD 180/46 TD 11.8 (2.2) (21.88)
TD 111.95
Corbett, 2009 ASD 17/1 ADOS ASD 9.44 ASD 94.17 WASI A NR 6 SS CCTT Interference score 1.29
TD 12/6 (1.96) (17.79) CFT Number of correct responses 1.33
TD 9.56 (1.81) TD 112.22 IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 20.15
(14.84) LFT Number of correct responses 1.37
SOC Number of perfect solutions 0.89
SSP Score 1.17
Stroop Reaction time in condition 4 1.46
SWM (D-KEFS) 1.31
Between-search errors
Cui, 2010 ASD 11/1 Clinical ASD 7.46 ASD 100.03 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA BD Score 0.028
TD 24/6 (0.84) (17.13) BT Spatial span 0.91
TD 7.37 (0.48) TD 108.31 FD Score 21.15
(14.08) NBT Percentage of correct responses 20.063
(digit) 20.37
Percentage of correct responses
Czermainski, 2014 ASD 9/2 Clinical ASD 11.73 ASD 31.36 Raven A, G, IQ 0 4 NR BD Score 0.16
TD 17/2 (1.9) (4.75)c BT Spatial span 0.96
TD 11.42 (1.8) TD 30.18 CFT Number of correct responses 0.84
(3.81) LFT Number of correct responses 0.88
NWR Score 0.64
RCFT Recall score 1.91
Stroop SCW score (SCWT) 0.69
TMT Time taken in part b 1.11

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

de Vries, 2014 ASD 67/10 ADI-R/SRS ASD 10.7 (1.4) ASD 109.5 WISC A, IQ NR 27 NS NBT Number of errors 20.16
TD 27/18 TD 10.3 (1.3) (20.5)
TD 105.9
Dichter, 2009 ASD 38/1 ADI-R ASD 9.72 ASD 101.69 Leiter-R A, IQ NR 13 NS CFT Number of correct responses 0.83
TD 38/1 (2.66) (17.5) UCO Number of correct responses 1.46
TD 10.57 TD 111.67
(3.35) (16.11)
Dunn, 1996 ASD 10 Clinical ASD 6.79 ASD 102.4 SB-4 IQ NR NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 0.38
TD 10 (1.90) (10.06)
TD 4.93 (1.51) TD 106.4
Faja, 2014 ASD 18/5 ADI-R/ ASD 6.88 ASD 102.3 DAS A, G, IQ NR NR NA BD Score 0.32
TD 15/5 ADOS (0.61) (12.4)
TD 6.74 (0.63) TD 108.0 (5.3)

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Gabig, 2008 ASD 13/2 ADOS/ ASD 6.5 (0.7) ASD 95 (10.6) PPVT/DAS A NR NR NA DS Score 2.16
TD 10 ADI-R TD 6.67 (0.9) TD 106 (9.5) NWR Score 1.34
Geurts, 2004 ASD 41/0 ADI-R ASD 9.4 (1.8) ASD 98.3 WISC A, G 11 NR NA BVRT Number of correct responses 0.60
TD 41/0 TD 9.1 (1.7) (18.4) BT Spatial span 0.70
TD 111.5 CFT Number of correct responses 0.92
(18.0) LFT Number of correct responses 1.01
OW Time difference 0.37
SOPT Number of errors 0.57
TOL Scores based on the number of trials 0.43
WCST required to solve a problem 0.86
Number of perseverative responses
Geurts, 2009 ASD 16/2 CCC/CSBQ/ ASD 10.3 (1.6) ASD 108.0 NR A, G, IQ NR 1 SS GNG Commission errors 0.42
TD 19/3 clinical TD 10.3 (1.4) (19.0)
TD 103.2
Geurts, 2014 ASD 20/4 SRS/CSBQ/ ASD 10.5 (1.1) ASD 108.5 SON-R A, G, IQ NR 9 NS DS Score 0.41
TD 17/7 clinical TD 10.6 (0.7) (17.4)
TD 103.6
Goddard, 2014 ASD 51/12 SCQ ASD 12.55 ASD 103.6 WASI A, G, IQ NR NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 20.008
TD 51/12 (2.81) (13.08) CMS Score – visual 0.57
TD 12.10 TD 104.76 JHT Score – verbal 20.03
(2.26) (11.79) Stroop Total score of section B 0.41
TOL Number of correct responses 0.49
WCST Move score 0.58
Number of perseverative errors 0.49
Goldberg, 2005 ASD 13/4 ADI-R/ ASD 10.3 (1.8) ASD 96.5 NR A, G NR 2 SS IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 0.12
TD 21/11 ADOS TD 10.4 (1.5) (15.9) SOC Number of perfect solutions 0.55
TD 112.6 Stroop SCW score (SCWT) 0.11
(12.1) SWM Between-search errors 0.97

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

Henry, 2014 ASD 24/6 Clinical ASD 10.1 ASD 112.93 WASI A, G, IQ 0 NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 0.44
TD 19/11 (1.47) (16.71) Stroop Reaction time in condition 4 (D- 0.10
TD 10.0 (1.46) TD 115.30 TMT KEFS) 0.89
(14.69) Score in condition 4 (D-KEFS)
Hooper, 2006 ASD 19/4 Clinical ASD 9.59 ASD 97.39 NR A, G NR NR NA Tower Score (NEPSY) 1.17
TD 19/4 (2.29) (15.48)
TD 9.70 (2.28) TD 104.65
Kado, 2012 ASD 39/13 Clinical ASD 9.88 (2.4) ASD 97.7 WISC A, G 0 0 NA WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.75
TD 41/11 TD 9.98 (2.8) (10.1)
Kaufmann, 2013 ASD 8/2 ADI-R/ ASD 14.7 (5.0) ASD 102.3 WISC/ A, G, IQ 0 NR NA DMS Number of errors 0.69
TD 8/2 ADOS TD 13.8 (5.3) (15.9) WAIS IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 20.36
TD 109.5 (6.4) SOC Number of unsolved problems 20.034
SWM Total errors 0.37

Table 1. Continued

Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Kawakubo, 2009 ASD 12/2 CARS/clinical ASD 12.7 (3.4) ASD 95.2 (8.4) WISC A, G, IQ NR 10 NR LFT Number of correct responses 20.20
TD 12/2 TD 10.6 (2.8) TD 102.1 (6.5)
Kilincaslan, 2010 ASD 18/3 Clinical ASD 12.44 ASD 105.52 WISC A, G, IQ 9 6 SS CFT Number of correct responses 0.47
TD 15/3 (2.87) (14.74) CPT Commission errors 0.61
TD 11.96 TD 107.27 LFT Number of correct responses 0.76
(2.36) (13.39) Stroop Interference score (correct 0.11
WCST responses) 0.87
Number of perseverative errors
Kimhi, 2014 ASD 25/4 ADI-R/ ASD 4.95 ASD 103.52 WISC/ A, G, IQ NR NR NA TOL Scores based on the number of trials 0.53
TD 26/4 ADOS (0.92) (17.21) WPPSI/ required to solve a problem
TD 4.61 (0.91) TD 107.60 Mullen
Kretschmer, 2014 ASD 18/3 ADI-R/ ASD 10.22 ASD 10.86 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA DS Score 0.35
TD 14/7 ADOS (1.55) (2.99)c GNG % of correct responses on no-go 0.48
TD 9.83 (2.36) TD 10.71 trial
Landa, 2005 ASD 19 ADI-R/ ASD 11.01 ASD 109.7 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 20.96
TD 19 ADOS (2.89) (15.8) SOC Number of perfect solutions 0.99
TD 11.00 TD 113.4 SWM Between-search errors 0.99
(2.85) (14.34)
Lee, 2009 ASD 9/3 ADI-R/ ASD 10.17 ASD 113.33 NR A, G, IQ NR NR NA GNG Commission errors 0.26
TD 8/4 ADOS (1.57) (17.33)
TD 11.91 TD 114.92
(1.78) (10.28)
Li, 2014 ASD 30/8 CARS/ABC/clinical ASD 9.59 ASD 109.76 Raven A, G, IQ NR NR NA WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.58
TD 31 (2.29) (18.85)
TD 10.20 TD 113.00
(1.53) (15.12)
Loucas, 2010 ASD 16/0 ADI-R/ ASD 14.69 NR NR A NR NR NA NWR Number of correct responses 1.17

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

TD 17/7 ADOS (0.48)
TD 14.39
Loukusa, 2014 ASD 13/1 ADI-R/ ASD 7.17 NR NR A NR NR NA SR Score 1.35
TD 20/5 ADOS (1.25)
TD 6.58 (1.08)
Mahone, 2006 ASD 23/1 ADOS/ ASD 10.0 (1.6) ASD 99.1 WISC A NR 12 SS LHG Number of correct responses in the 20.051
TD 34/26 ADI-R TD 9.8 (1.4) (16.3) conflict condition
TD 118.2
Maister, 2011 ASD 15/0 ADI-R ASD 11.8 (1.5) ASD 39.7 Raven A, IQ 0 0 NA DMS Number of correct responses 0.37
TD 11/4 TD 11.2 (1.2) (6.1)c NWR Number of correct responses 0.59
TD 40.0 (5.9)

Table 1. Continued

Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Maister, 2013a ASD 14/0 ADI-R/ ASD 12.2 (0.6) ASD 43.9 Raven A, G, IQ 0 0 NA IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 0.28
TD 13/1 ADOS TD 12.1 (0.2) (6.4)c SSP Score 0.064
TD 46.4 (7.4) Stroop Interference score (correct 20.18
VFT responses) 0.45
Number of correct responses
Maister, 2013b ASD 13/1 ADI-R/ ASD 11.8 (1.4) ASD 41.6 Raven A, G, IQ 0 0 NA IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 0.48
TD 11/3 ADOS TD 11.8 (1.1) (8.3)c SSP Score 0.53
TD 44.3 (6.3)
Mashal, 2012 ASD 32/5 Clinical ASD 13.02 NR NR A, G 0 NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 2.86
TD 16/5 TD 12.09 LFT Number of correct responses 20.087
Matsuura, 2014 ASD 11/0 ADOS/ ASD 12.0 (2.2) ASD 105.6 WISC A, IQ 0 2 SS DMS Number of errors 20.32
TD 12/7 ADI-R TD 11.4 (1.6) (14.3) DS Score 20.22
TD 111.8 LNS Score 20.057
(13.4) SSP Score 0.39
SWM Between-search errors 0.72
May, 2015 ASD 20/20 SRS/clinical ASD 9.62 ASD 100.5 WISC A, G, IQ NR 7 NS FD Score 0.10
TD 20/20 (1.57) (15.1) (PIQ) SR Score 20.055
TD 9.62 (1.34) ASD 100.7
(13.4) (VIQ)
TD 104.8
(14.4) (PIQ)
TD 107.2
(10.5) (VIQ)
Narzisi, 2013 ASD 22/0 Clinical ASD 9.77 ASD 99.09 WISC A, G NR NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 0.43
TD 44/0 (3.65) (14.23) CST Score (D-KEFS) 1.44
TD NR TD NR DFT Score 0.59
LFT Number of correct responses 0.51
NWR Score 0.78
SR Score 1.35
Stroop Switching score (NEPSY) 1.23

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

WLI Score 1.63
Norbury, 2002 ASD 10 ADOS ASD 8.95 ASD 107.70 Raven A, IQ NR NR NA FD Number of correct responses 1.42
TD 18 (1.31) (15.30) SR Score 2.76
TD 8.56 (0.99) TD 110.83
Nyden, 1999 ASD 10/0 Clinical ASD 10.1 (0.9) ASD 100.7 WISC A, G 0 NR NA WCST Number of categories <.001
TD 10/0 TD 10.0 (0.9) (16.3)
Ozonoff, 1994 ASD 13/1 Clinical ASD 12.43 ASD101.9 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA GNG Commission errors 0.045
TD 11/3 (2.47) (17.17)
TD 12.15 TD 100.4
(1.73) (13.39)
Ozonoff, 1995a ASD 9/1 CARS/ ASD 11.9 (2.7) ASD 98.1 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA WCST Number of perseverative responses 20.071
TD 8/3 clinical TD 11.9 (1.3) (18.2)
TD 99.1 (15.0)

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF

(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Ozonoff, 1995b ASD 23/1 CARS/ ASD 12.0 (3.1) ASD 97.4 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA WCST Number of perseverative responses 0.89
TD 19/5 clinical TD 12.4 (1.5) (17.0)
TD 101.9
Ozonoff, 1999 ASD 40 ADI-R/ ASD 12.6 (3.4) ASD 95.2 WISC A NR NR NA Stroop NR 0.40
TD 29 ADOS TD 12.1 (3.0) (18.8) TOH NR 0.69
TD 107.8 WCST Number of perseverative responses 0.79
Pankert, 2014 ASD 16/1 SCQ/SRS/ ASD 11.6 (1.5) ASD 109.3 WISC A, G, IQ 8 2 SS GNG Commission errors 0.72
TD 12/5 ADOS TD 11.7 (1.2) (17.5)
TD 109.2 (9.9)
Pellicano, 2006 ASD 35/5 ADI-R ASD 5.60 ASD 113.58 Leiter-R A, G, IQ 0 NR NA LHG Number of correct responses in the 0.67
TD 31/9 (0.91) (14.11) Maze conflict condition 0.26
TD 5.48 (0.96) TD 112.52 TOL Score 0.98
(14.47) TBCS Number of problems solved in mini- 0.76
mal number of moves
Number of trials taken
Pellicano, 2010 ASD 40/5 ADI-R ASD 5.66 ASD 113.27 Leiter-R A, G, IQ 2 NR NA TBCS Number of perseverative errors 1.12
TD 37/8 (0.87) (13.93) TOL Number of problems solved in mini- 0.98
TD 5.43 (1.05) TD 115.61 mal number of moves
Perez, 2009 ASD 14/1 Clinical ASD 10.8 (3.4) ASD 111.2 WASI A, IQ NR NR NA CST Number of perseverative errors 0.60
TD 9/7 TD 11.1 (2.6) (15) Stroop Number of errors 0.94
TD 123 (8)
Planche, 2012 ASD 27/3 ADI-R ASD 8.4 ASD 101.8 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA Tower Score (NEPSY) 20.041
TD 12/3 TD 9.0 (21.96)
TD 106.02
Prior, 1990 ASD 9/3 Clinical ASD 13.75 ASD 88 Leiter-R A, G NR NR NA Maze Time taken 1.26
TD 9/3 TD 13.75 TD 100 RCFT Recall score 1.12

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.84
Reinvall, 2013 ASD 20/10 ADI-R ASD 13.5 (1.2) ASD 103.2 WISC A, G NR NR NA DFT Score 0.68
TD 20/10 TD 13.7 (1.0) (10.7)
Riches, 2010 ASD 16/0 ADOS/ ASD 14.67 NR WISC A, IQ NR NR NA BD Score 0.82
TD 10/7 ADI-R (5.77) FD Score 0.87
TD 14.33 NWR Number of correct responses 1.14
Robinson, 2009 ASD 42/12 SCQ/clinical ASD 12.54 ASD 103.53 WASI A, G, IQ NR NR NA CFT Number of correct responses 0.11
TD 42/12 (2.80) (10.54) JHT Total score of section B 0.43
TD 12.08 TD 104.80 Stroop Interference score (correct 0.30
(2.36) (9.07) TOL responses) 0.52
WCST Move score 0.38
Number of perseverative errors

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Russell-smith, 2014 ASD 14/3 ADI-R ASD 11.93 PIQ WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA CST Number of perseverative errors 0.11
TD 16/2 (1.9) ASD 101.6
TD 10.69 (2.3) (14.6)
TD 102.9
ASD 101.4
TD 109.6
Salmanian, 2012 ASD 15 Clinical ASD 12.8 ASD 99 Raven A NR NR NA DMS Number of correct responses 1.21
TD 15 (3.23) (11.92) PAL First trial memory score 0.74
TD 10.53 TD 113.47 PRM Number of correct responses 0.76
(3.04) (8.29) SRM Number of correct responses 1.09
Samyn, 2015 ASD 31/0 SRS/clinical ASD 12.83 ASD 101.16 NR A 0 0 NA GNG Commission errors 0.46
TD 95/53 (1.41) (12.48) Stroop Interference score (correct 0.073
TD 12.73 TD 107.21 responses)
(1.48) (11.68)
Sawa, 2013 ASD 17/2 Clinical ASD 13.24 ASD 95.95 NR A, G, IQ 0 NR NA WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.91
TD 17/2 (1.79) (12.83)
TD 13.12 TD 97.32
(1.98) (9.48)
Schneider, 1987 ASD 14/1 K-SADS ASD 10.71 ASD 85.73 WISC A, G NR 1 NS WCST Number of perseverative responses 0.27
TD 22/6 (2.14) (14.56)
TD 11.00 TD NR
Schuh, 2012 ASD 16/2 ADOS/ ASD 12 (3) ASD 105 (10) SB-5 A, G, IQ 0 0 NA FW Score 0.98

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

TD 14/4 ADI-R TD 13 (2) TD 104 (10) LNS Score 0.39
NWR Score 1.24
Schurink, 2012 ASD 19/9 CSBQ/clinical ASD 10.5 ASD 81.4 NR A, G 0 NR NA TOL Scores based on the number of trials 0.59
TD 19/9 (1.42) (8.44) required to solve a problem
TD 10.42 TD NR
Semrud-Clikeman, 2010 ASD 8/7 Clinical ASD 10.6 (2.6) ASD 100.8 WASI A, G, IQ NR NR NA Stroop Reaction time in condition 4 (D- 0.47
TD 23/9 TD 9.8 (2.1) (13.0) Tower KEFS) 0.80
TD 109.4 Rule violation score (D-KEFS)
Semrud-Clikeman, 2014 ASD 30/6 ADI-R ASD 12.8 (2.6) ASD 102.9 WASI A, G NR NR NA CST Score (D-KEFS) 0.58
TD 24/14 TD 13.1 (2.6) (16.0) TMT Score in condition 4 (D-KEFS) 1.02
TD 113.0

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Sinzig, 2008 ASD 35/5 ADI-R/ ASD 12.6 (3.5) ASD 108 CFIT A, G 20 7 SA GNG Commission errors 0.15
TD 14/6 ADOS TD 13.1 (3.0) (16.0) IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 0.11
TD 113 (11.9) SOC Number of perfect solutions 20.22
SWM Between-search errors 0.57
Sinzig, 2014 ASD 26/0 ADI-R/ ASD 6.7 ASD 90.5 KAB-C A 17 9 NR GNG Commission errors 0.78
TD 11/19 ADOS 0(1.18) (13.5)
TD 5.19 (1.10) TD 107.4 (8.1)
Stieglitz, 2011 ASD 17/2 ADOS/SCQ ASD 12.1 (2.4) ASD 106.0 WASI A, G, IQ 0 NR NA DS Score 0.39
TD 21/2 TD 12.0 (2.1) (21.0)
TD 111.4
Terrett, 2013 ASD 23/7 SCQ/clinical ASD 9.50 ASD 115.63 NR A, G, IQ NR NR NA Stroop Switching score (NEPSY) 20.12
TD 21/9 (1.31) (16.8)
TD 9.73 (1.02) TD 116.57
Tye, 2014 ASD 48/0 ADI-R/ ASD 10.99 ASD 112.08 WASI A, IQ 29 6 SS CPT Commission errors 0.32
TD 26/0 ADOS (1.77) (14.51)
TD 10.56 TD 120.04
(1.79) (13.42)
Unterrainer, 2016 ASD 41/0 ADI-R/ ASD 10.16 ASD 98.07 Raven A, G, IQ 23 14 SS TOL Number of problems solved in mini- 20.085
TD 42/0 ADOS (2.20) (14.19) mal number of moves
TD 9.76 (2.36) TD 97.59
Urbain, 2015 ASD 16/4 ADOS ASD 11.25 ASD 108.25 WASI A, G, IQ NR NR NA NBT Percentage of correct responses 0.46
TD 13/7 (1.58) (14.31)
TD 11.26 TD 115.95
(1.64) (10.97)

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

van Eylen, 2011 ASD 36/4 3DI/clinical ASD 11.33 ASD 105.45 WISC A, G, IQ 0 0 NA WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.52
TD 36/4 (2.18) (12.34)
TD 11.13 TD 106.76
(2.22) (9.04)
van Eylen, 2015 ASD 30/20 3DI/clinical ASD 12.21 ASD 104.32 WISC A, G, IQ 7 6 NS BT Spatial span 0.31
TD 30/20 (2.58) (10.83) DFT Number of correct responses 0.24
TD 12.48 TD 107.72 GNG Commission errors 0.50
(2.72) (9.30) SWM Total errors 0.35
Tower Move accuracy ratio (D-KEFS) 0.22
WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.63
UCO Number of correct responses 0.66
Vanegas, 2015 ASD 21/3 ASQ/SRS ASD 9.70 ASD 100.29 Raven G 5 NR NA WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.49
TD 18/7 (1.35) (15.09)
TD 8.86 (1.09) TD 110.12

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Vara, 2014 ASD 12/3 ADI-R/ ASD 15.5 (1.2) ASD 103.8 WASI A, G NR 0 NA GNG Commission errors 0.62
TD 12/3 ADOS TD 15.6 (1.3) (13.6)
TD 112.4
Verte, 2006 ASD 99/13 ADI-R ASD 8.6 (1.9) ASD 100.5 WISC A, G, IQ 32 NR NA BT Spatial span 0.69
TD 40/7 TD 9.4 (1.6) (16.6) BVRT Number of correct responses 0.86
TD 112.1 (9.7) CFT Number of correct responses 0.93
LFT Number of correct responses 0.69
OW Time difference 0.35
SOPT Number of errors 0.65
TOL Scores based on the number of trials 1.34
WCST required to solve a problem 0.81
Number of perseverative responses
Voelbel, 2006 ASD 38/0 ADI-R ASD 10.16 ASD 99.37 WISC A, G 18 20 NS CFT Number of correct responses 0.50
TD 13/0 (1.92) (16.08) LFT Number of correct responses 0.068
TD 10.77 TD 115.15 Stroop SCW score (SCWT) 0.85
(1.48) (9.41) TMT Time taken in part b 0.96
WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.44
Vogan, 2014 ASD 16/3 ADOS ASD 11.05 ASD 109.42 WASI A, G, IQ NR 6 NS BD Score 0.74
TD 13/4 (1.43) (15.72) BT Spatial span 0.49
TD 11.12 TD 115.35 FD Score 0.46
(2.00) (9.27)
Weissman, 2010 ASD 52/3 ADI-R ASD 9.89 ASD 49.90 WISC A 19 43 NS CPT Commission errors 20.42
TD 19/8 (2.03) (9.73)c Stroop SCW score (SCWT) 0.41
TD 10.48 TD 58.36 (7.6)
Williams, 2005 ASD 22/2 ADOS/ ASD 11.75 ASD 109.67 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA FW Score 0.57

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

TD 33/11 ADI-R (2.36) (16.07) LNS Score 0.11
TD 12.39 TD 109.95 NBT Reaction time to hits 0.32
(2.16) (10.66)
Williams, 2006a ASD 46/10 ADOS/ ASD 11.36 ASD 104.13 WISC A, G, IQ NR NR NA DM Score 0.71
TD 39/17 ADI-R (2.18) (15.09) DS Score 0.23
TD 11.82 TD 107.50 FW Score 0.77
(2.20) (8.21) LFT Number of correct responses 0.17
PM Score 0.50
Williams, 2006b ASD 38 ADI-R/ ASD 11.68 ASD 103.82 WISC A, G, IQ NR 25 NS DM Score 0.62
TD 38 ADOS (2.46) (14.29) DS Score 0.20
TD 12.16 TD 107.18 FW Score 0.71
(2.19) (9.37) LNS Score 0.22
PM Score 0.46
SR Score 0.49

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF

(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Williams, 2013 ASD 21 3DI/SRS/clinical ASD 10.60 VIQ WASI A, IQ 0 NR NA WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.83
TD 21 (2.01) ASD 103.57
TD 10.59 (17.88)
(1.31) TD 106.48
ASD 110.19
TD 107.48
Winsler, 2007 ASD 32/1 Clinical ASD 11.0 (2.3) ASD 107.07 NR A NR 19 SS WCST Number of perseverative errors 0.63
TD 19/9 TD 10.3 (3.2) (14.82)
Xiao, 2012 ASD 19/0 ADI-R ASD 10.11 ASD 99.26 WISC A, G, IQ 0 NR NA GNG Commission errors 0.87
TD 16/0 (2.08) (9.03) Stroop Number of errors 0.34
TD 9.69 (1.74) TD 105.63
Yasumura, 2014 ASD 7/4 ADOS/ ASD 10.51 ASD 30.70 Raven A, G, IQ NR NR NA Stroop Interference score (correct 0.23
TD 6/9 ADI-R (2.30) (2.41)c Reversed stroop responses) 20.090
TD 9.56 (1.51) TD 29.47 Interference score (correct
(4.05) responses)
Yerys, 2009a ASD 38/11 ADI-R/ADOS ASD 9.68 ASD 114.75 WISC A, G, IQ 21 7 SS BD Score 0.58
TD 13/8 (1.90) (16.80) SWM Between-search errors 0.57
TD 10.30 TD 116.24 WDW Score 0.45
(1.76) (11.53)
Yerys, 2009b ASD 33/9 ADOS/ ASD 10.19 ASD 111.95 WASI/WISC A, G, IQ NR 2 SS IED Extra-dimensional stage errors 0.41
TD 65/19 ADI-R (2.00) (18.04)
TD 10.26 TD 113.18
(2.08) (11.94)
Yerys, 2011 ASD 21/7 ADOS/ ASD 10.89 ASD 113.86 WISC A, G, IQ NR 5 SS CTT Score 2.52

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

TD 13/5 ADI-R (1.50) (15.49)
TD 11.07 TD 118.89
(1.32) (12.94)
Yoran-Hegesh, 2009 ASD 23/0 Clinical ASD 15.1 (3.6) NR NR A, G NR 0 NA Stroop Number of correct responses 0.22
TD 43/0 TD 15.5 (0.6)
Zandt, 2009 ASD 16/3 Clinical ASD 10.97 VIQ WISC A, IQ NR 5 NS VFT Number of correct responses 0.96
TD 6/12 (2.42) ASD 96.45 WDW Score 0.40
TD 11.94 (14.71)
(2.74) TD 94.89
ASD 95.38
TD 102.72

Table 1. Continued
Study Sample size Diagnostic Mean age Mean IQ EF
(1st author, year) (Male/Female) method M (SD) M (SD) IQ Ax Matching ADHDa Medb MS assessment Variable ES

Zinke, 2010 ASD 13/2 ADOS/ ASD 9.0 (1.5) ASD 96.4 WISC A, G NR 7 NS BT Spatial span 1.14
TD 14/3 ADI-R TD 9.8 (1.7) (14.5) FD Longest sequence 0.64
TD NR TOL Number of problems solved in mini- 0.95
mal number of moves

Number of subjects with comorbid ADHD in the ASD sample.
Number of medicated subjects in the ASD sample, irrespective of what the medications were and whether the medications were discontinued at the time of testing.
The reported IQ scores were on different scales.
General abbreviations: A 5 Age; G 5 Gender; NR 5 Not recorded; M 5 Mean; SD 5 Standard Deviation; IQ Ax 5 Method of IQ assessment; MS 5 Medication status (NS 5 Not stopped; SS 5 Stopped
stimulant; SA 5 Stopped all medications; NA 5 Not applicable); EF 5 Executive functioning; ADHD 5 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder; ASD 5 Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Abbreviations for diagnostic methods: 3DI 5 The Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview; ABC 5 Aberrant Behavior Checklist; ADI-R 5 Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised;
ADOS 5 Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; AQ 5 Autism Spectrum Quotient; CARS 5 Childhood Autism Rating Scale; CCC 5 Children’s Communication Checklist; CSBQ 5 Children’s Social Behavior
Questionnaire; KSADS-PL 5 Kiddie-Sads-Present and Lifetime Version; SCQ 5 Social Communication Questionnaire; SRS 5 Social Responsiveness Scale.
Abbreviations for inhibition assessments: CPT 5 Continuous Performance Test; GNG 5 Go-No-Go; JHT 5 Junior Hayling Test; LHG 5 Luria’s Hand Game; OW 5 Opposite World; Stroop 5 Stroop
Color Word Test; TEA-Ch 5 Test of Everyday Attention for Children; WDW 5 Walk-Don’t-Walk.
Abbreviations for verbal working memory assessments: BD 5 Backward Digit Span; CTT 5 Consonant Trigrams Test; DS 5 Digit Span; FD 5 Forward Digit Span; HVLT 5 Hopkin’s Verbal Learning
Test; LNS 5 Letter Number Sequencing; SR 5 Sentence repetition; WLI 5 Word list interference; WMTB 5 Working Memory Test Battery for Children.
Abbreviations for spatial working memory assessments: BT 5 Block Tapping; BVRT 5 Benton Visual Retention Test; DM 5 Designs Memory; DMS 5 Delayed Matching to Sample; FW 5 Fingers
Window; NBT 5 N-Back Task; PAL 5 Paired Associates Learning (CANTAB); PM 5 Picture Memory; PRM 5 Pattern Recognition Memory (CANTAB); RCFT 5 Rey Complex Figure Test; SRM 5 Spatial Recogni-
tion Memory (CANTAB); SSP 5 Spatial Span Test (CANTAB); SWM 5 Spatial Working Memory (CANTAB); SOPT 5 Self-ordered Pointing Test.
Abbreviations for flexibility assessments: CCTT 5 Children’s Color Trails Test; CST 5 Card Sorting Test; IED 5 Intra/Extra-Dimensional Shift; TBCS 5 Teddy Bear Card Sorting Test; TMT 5 Trails
Making Test; WCST 5 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.
Abbreviations for planning assessments: SOC 5 Stockings of Cambridge; TOH 5 Tower of Hanoi; TOL 5 Tower of London.
Abbreviations for generativity assessments: DFT 5 Design Fluency Test; LFT 5 Letter Fluency Test; UCO 5 Use of Common Objects; VFT 5 Verbal Fluency Test.
Abbreviations for batteries: CMS 5 Children’s Memory Scale; CANTAB 5 Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; DKEFS 5 Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System; NEPSY 5 A Devel-
opmental Neuropsychological Assessment; WRAML 5 Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning.
Abbreviations for IQ assessments: CFIT 5 Culture Fair Intelligence Test; DAS 5 Differential Ability Scales; KAB-C 5 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children; Mullen 5 Mullen Scales of Early

Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD

Learning; LIP-R 5 Leiter International Performance Scale – Revised; PPVT 5 Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; Raven 5 Raven’s Progressive Matrices; SB-4/5 5 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales-Fourth
or Fifth Edition; SON-R 5 Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Scale–Revised; TONI 5 Test of Nonverbal Intelligence; WAIS 5 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WASI 5 Wechsler Abbreviated Scale
of Intelligence; WISC 5 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WPPSI 5 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence.

Table 2. Summary of Results
95% CI Heterogeneity test Publication bias
Measure N (ASD/TD) k g LL UL SE Z P Q I2 T&F gadj NFs

Continuous Performance Test 488/316 5 0.20 20.16 0.55 0.18 1.10 0.28 13.07* 69.40 Nil NA 6
Go-No-Go 302/403 13 0.49 0.33 0.64 0.080 6.07 <.001 6.52 0.00 Nil NA 106
Opposite World 167/106 3 0.59 0.11 1.06 0.24 2.42 0.015 5.83# 65.71 Nil NA 11
Stroop 590/781 22 0.39 0.22 0.57 0.088 4.50 <.001 46.38** 54.72 Nil NA 234
Walk-Don’t-Walk 74/57 3 0.58 0.18 0.98 0.20 2.87 0.004 2.29 12.84 Nil NA 6
Inhibition Composite 1,534/1,517 42 0.41 0.31 0.51 0.050 8.22 <.001 61.34* 33.16 Nil NA 1,110
Non-Word Repetition 113/147 7 0.96 0.70 1.21 0.13 7.25 <.001 4.17 0.00 R1 0.92 90
Digit Span 429/440 19 0.46 0.25 0.68 0.11 4.28 <.001 41.19** 56.30 Nil NA 187
Letter-Number Sequencing 188/239 7 0.54 0.13 0.96 0.21 2.56 0.011 25.71** 76.66 Nil NA 48
Sentence repetition 124/165 5 1.09 0.31 1.87 0.40 2.75 0.006 36.01*** 88.89 Nil NA 59
Verbal WM Composite 728/811 30 0.67 0.45 0.88 0.11 6.14 <.001 114.33*** 74.74 Nil NA 1,018
Block Tapping 321/267 7 0.65 0.46 0.84 0.097 6.70 <.001 6.06 1.05 R2 0.60 79
Delayed Match to Sample 51/59 4 0.48 20.16 1.12 0.33 1.46 0.14 8.46* 64.52 Nil NA 3
Rey Complex Figure Test 44/52 3 1.13 0.31 1.95 0.42 2.69 0.007 6.97* 71.30 Nil NA 17
SSP (CANTAB) 57/65 4 0.55 0.08 1.01 0.24 2.31 0.021 5.00 40.05 L1 0.71 6
SWM (CANTAB) 214/189 8 0.67 0.45 0.90 0.12 5.82 <.001 8.29 15.51 Nil NA 80
Finger Windows 126/144 4 0.73 0.49 0.98 0.13 5.82 <.001 0.93 0.00 R1 0.69 32
N-Back Task 146/152 5 0.099 20.17 0.36 0.14 0.73 0.46 4.82 17.03 Nil NA 0
Spatial WM Composite 816/738 28 0.58 0.45 0.71 0.070 8.56 <.001 41.04* 34.21 R6 0.48 809
Card Sorting Task 168/189 6 0.79 0.44 1.13 0.18 4.47 <.001 12.16* 58.87 L1 0.90 71
IED (CANTAB) 164/201 8 0.090 20.18 0.36 0.14 0.65 0.51 10.46 33.07 Nil NA 0
Trail Making Test 134/120 5 1.03 0.76 1.29 0.14 7.58 <.001 0.87 0.00 Nil NA 70
Wisconsin Card Sorting 739/641 21 0.62 0.51 0.73 0.056 11.16 <.001 16.49 0.00 R1 0.61 600
Flexibility Composite 1,112/1,080 37 0.59 0.48 0.71 0.058 10.17 <.001 58.77* 38.74 Nil NA 1,531
Stocking of Cambridge 104/99 5 0.43 20.061 0.93 0.25 1.72 0.086 11.64* 65.63 Nil NA 6
Tower of London and variants 577/518 14 0.67 0.42 0.92 0.02 5.17 <.001 52.42*** 75.20 Nil NA 373
Planning Composite 733/658 21 0.62 0.42 0.83 0.11 5.93 <.001 66.36*** 69.86 Nil NA 609
Verbal Fluency 663/593 20 0.59 0.40 0.78 0.095 6.16 <.001 45.74** 58.46 R4 0.46 445
Design Fluency 132/184 4 0.35 0.054 0.65 0.15 2.31 0.021 5.04 40.50 R1 0.25 6
Use of Common Objects 103/107 3 1.03 0.50 1.56 0.27 3.79 <.001 6.17* 67.56 Nil NA 33
Generativity Composite 757/691 23 0.60 0.43 0.78 0.089 6.75 <.001 53.44*** 58.83 R4 0.49 624

Note. Only tasks utilised by more than three studies are listed in this table. SSP 5 Spatial span task of CANTAB; SWM 5 Spatial Working Memory
task of CANTAB; IED 5 Intra-extra Dimesntional Set-shifting task; CANTAB 5 Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; N 5 Number of
subjects; k 5 Number of studies; g 5 Hedges’s g; LL 5 Lower limit; UL 5 Upper limit; CI 5 Confident interval; SE 5 Standard error; Z 5 Z value; P 5 P-
value; Q 5 Q statistics; T&F 5 Trim and fill test; gadj 5 Adjusted Hedges’s g; NFs 5 Number of studies needed to nullify results in fail-safe N test;
Nil 5 No articles were trimmed by T&F; L 5 Studies were trimmed to the left of the mean with the number of articles trimmed denoted by the follow-
ing digit; R 5 Studies were trimmed to the right of the mean with the number of articles trimmed denoted by the following digit; NA 5 Not applica-
ble. Other abbreviations are listed under Table 1.
# P < .10; *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

weighted mean effect sizes 0.48 and 0.49, respectively, adolescents with high-functioning ASD across six major
on subsequent incorporation of hypothetical missing components of executive function. It is also the first
studies. The Fail-safe N test showed that 609 to 1,531 meta-analysis to examine the impact of comorbid
negative articles had to be identified to render the effect ADHD on the expression of executive function deficits
sizes non-significant. in ASD. Positive weighted mean effect sizes were found
across all components of executive function. In particu-
lar, the impairment of verbal working memory, spatial
Discussion working memory, flexibility, and generativity were evi-
dent irrespective of whether comorbid ADHD was
This is the first meta-analysis conducted to examine the excluded or whether an IQ-matched control group was
profile of executive function in children and used.

INSAR Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD 17

Figure 2. Forest plot of included tests and composites. Items in boldface are composite scores. g 5 Hedges’s g; CI 5 Confidence
interval. CPT 5 Continuous Performance Test; GNG 5 Go-No-Go Test; WDW 5 Walk-Don’t-Walk Test; NWR 5 Non-word Repetition;
DS 5 Digit Span; LNS 5 Letter Number Sequencing; SR 5 Sentence Repetition; BT 5 Block Tapping; DMS 5 Delayed Match to Sample;
RCFT 5 Rey’s Complex Figure Test; SSP 5 Spatial Span task of CANTAB; SWM 5 Spatial Working Memory task of CANTAB; FW 5 Finger
Windows; NBT 5 N-Back Task; CST 5 Card-sorting Test; IED 5 Intra-extra Dimensional Set-shifting; TMT 5 Trail Making Test;
WCST 5 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; SOC 5 Stockings of Cambridge; TOL 5 Tower of London; VFT 5 Verbal Fluency Test; DFT 5 Design
Fluency Test; UCO 5 Use of Common Objects.

Working Memory, Flexibility, and Generativity as Core by the effect of comorbid ADHD and IQ. When consid-
Deficits ering the results of individual tests, there was consider-
able variability in the effect sizes. In the verbal working
The pooled effect size of verbal working memory (g 5.
memory component, more impairment was elicited by
67) was comparable to that of spatial working memory
the Sentence Repetition task and the Non-Word Repeti-
(g 5 0.58) as a whole. The results were similar when
tion task. Compared with other verbal working memory
considering the subgroups excluding co-morbid ADHD
(g 5 0.53 for verbal; g 5 0.51 for spatial) or participants tasks (such as the digit span task and the letter-number
with matched IQ (g 5 0.56 for verbal; g 5 0.50 for spa- sequencing task), these two tasks place high demand on
tial). This suggests the absence of differential impair- language ability [Conti-Ramsden, Botting, & Faragher,
ment of these constructs, in contrast to the postulation 2001]. Given that individuals with ASD often have
by some of the researchers [Cui, Gao, Chen, Zou, & communication difficulties, encompassing syntax, pho-
Wang, 2010; Williams, Goldstein, Carpenter, & Min- nological skills, and communications skills [Bartak, Rut-
shew, 2005]. Moreover, the fact that the impairments ter, & Cox, 1975], it is difficult to distinguish whether
of both components in either condition in the sub- poor performance on these tasks actually reflects execu-
group analyses were of at least medium magnitude sug- tive dysfunction or poor language skills [Joseph,
gests that these impairments were not solely explained McGrath, & Tager-Flusberg, 2005]. Conversely, in the

18 Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD INSAR

spatial working memory construct, more impairment complex the task is and the more information is being
was elicited by the Rey Complex Figure Test than other processed, the higher the demand is placed on the
tests (such as the self-ordered pointing test or the memory system such that the deficits will emerge. The
delayed matching to sample test) that simply assess rec- N-Back task yielded the smallest pooled effect size
ognition of previously seen images. The Rey Complex (g 5 0.099), which was not statistically significant. Of
Figure Test tests recall rather than recognition, and the five studies that adopted the N-Back task, four
recall is considered to place higher demand on working reported difficulties in task completion in both individ-
memory than recognition [Craik & McDowd, 1987]. uals with ASD and control participants, resulting in
This is consistent with theoretical models of working either exclusion of such participants [Cui et al., 2010;
memory, such as the information processing model de Vries & Geurts, 2014; Urbain, Pang, & Taylor, 2015]
[Just & Carpenter, 1992] and the central executive mod- or removal as outliers on analysis [Williams et al.,
el [Baddeley, 1986], both of which posit that the more 2005]. This might have introduced biases into the
Consistent with Leung and Zakzanis [2014]’s meta-
Table 3. Subgroup Analysis of Exclusion of Comorbid ADHD
analysis, our findings in the component of flexibility
ADHD excluded showed considerable variability of effect sizes when a
k ASD TD g Q I2 sample of children and adolescents with high-
functioning ASD was considered. The least impairment
Inhibition 11 242 371 0.32** 7.34 0.00
Verbal Working Memory 8 142 156 0.53** 8.36 16.22 was captured by the IED task of the CANTAB
Spatial Working Memory 11 179 193 0.50*** 10.06 0.59 (g 5 0.090). Geurts et al. [2009] pointed out several diffi-
Flexibility 13 293 307 0.61*** 15.14 20.73 culties associated with this task, and suggested that fail-
Planning 5 116 140 0.24 7.41 46.04 ure to complete the stages in the IED task actually
Generativity 5 104 102 0.68** 7.32 45.39
reflects difficulties in sustaining attention rather than
Note. Qbet 5 Q between; P 5 P-value; k 5 Number of studies; deficits in flexibility, because the part capturing flexibil-
g 5 Hedges’s g. ity only occurs in the last part of the test and not
*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. throughout the test, contrary to the WCST. Moreover,
Landa and Goldberg [2005] utilised the IED task but did
not code the errors in the conventional manner by
Table 4. Subgroup Analysis of Matching Strategies entering 25 errors for each stage failed and excluded
Matched IQ participants who failed in the analysis. The variable
k ASD TD g Q I2 scoring system in the IED might have contributed to
the negative effect size (g 5 20.96) found by Landa and
Inhibition 28 795 772 0.40*** 30.64 11.88
Goldberg [2005], and might have introduced biases in
Verbal Working Memory 25 646 691 0.56*** 92.00*** 73.91
Spatial Working Memory 21 658 583 0.49*** 28.60# 30.06 the pooled results in our findings.
Flexibility 23 713 688 0.57*** 37.41* 41.18 In the generativity construct, the effect size was actu-
Planning 12 499 438 0.59*** 49.24*** 77.66 ally larger when comorbid ADHD was excluded. Overall
Generativity 17 571 524 0.52*** 36.30** 55.92 autistic participants produced fewer correct responses
on the Verbal Fluency tasks, named fewer de novo uses
Note. Qbet 5 Q between; P 5 P-value; k 5 Number of studies;
g 5 Hedges’s g. in the Use of Common Object task and created fewer
#P < .10; *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. designs in the Design Fluency task. Impairment was
more marked when the dependent outcome was verbal,

Table 5. Summary Table of the Results of Meta-Regression

Mean age Mean IQ % Male % Med
k B SE P k B SE P k B SE P k B SE P

Inhibition 42 20.027 0.026 0.30 17 20.011 0.011 0.31 32 0.35 0.48 0.47 21 0.006 0.005 0.24
Verbal Working Memory 30 20.018 0.057 0.75 13 0.038 0.036 0.30 21 0.94 1.18 0.42 15 20.009 0.008 0.22
Spatial Working Memory 28 20.028 0.042 0.51 14 20.018 0.019 0.33 21 20.062 0.58 0.92 16 0.004 0.006 0.53
Flexibility 36 20.062 0.029 0.031 14 20.0064 0.017 0.71 30 0.60 0.65 0.35 13 0.003 0.004 0.40
Planning 21 20.059 0.040 0.13 9 2<0.001 0.064 0.99 18 20.39 1.02 0.70 5 0.023 0.014 0.098
Generativity 22 20.073 0.050 0.14 11 20.0083 0.020 0.67 19 0.88 0.76 0.25 9 20.004 0.008 0.59

Note. k 5 Number of studies; B 5 Regression coefficient; SE 5 Standard error of the slope; P 5 P-value; % Male 5 Percentage of male in the ASD
sample; % Med 5 Percentage of medicated subjects in the ASD sample.

INSAR Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD 19

Figure 3. Funnel plot of inhibition. Figure 6. Funnel plot of flexibility.

Figure 4. Funnel plot of verbal working memory. Figure 7. Funnel plot of planning.

Figure 5. Funnel plot of spatial working memory. Figure 8. Funnel plot of generativity.

as in the Verbal Fluency and Use of Common Object ADHD was considered. Apparently, our finding suggests
tasks, but still existed when it was non-verbal, as in the that inhibition and planning are not the most promi-
Design Fluency task. This may suggest that the genera- nent deficits in ASD. Friedman and Miyake [2004]
tivity impairment is further exacerbated when demand argued that inhibition is not a unitary construct but a
is placed on the participants’ communicative abilities as constellation of three different functions, including pre-
suggested by Bishop and Norbury [2005a]. potent response inhibition, resistance to distractor
Inhibition and planning were both shown to be interference and resistance to proactive interference.
impaired in ADHD [Willcutt et al., 2005]. This meta- However, our meta-analysis did not separately analyse
analysis demonstrated that the effect sizes of inhibition these different types of inhibition, and also excluded
and planning were of small to medium magnitude several experimental paradigms which specifically mea-
when the subgroup of participants without co-morbid sure interference controls (such as the Flanker Task and

20 Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD INSAR

the Simon Task) or prepotent response inhibition (such the notion that working memory and flexibility are
as the Stop Signal Task). Notably, different types of malleable [Karbach & Unger, 2014]. Moreover, it has
inhibition could be impaired variably among ASD indi- been postulated that clinical populations who are more
viduals. Geurts et al. [2014] concluded a weighted impaired in executive functions could benefit most
mean effect size of 0.55 for deficits in prepotent from EF training [Titz & Karbach, 2014]. There is a
response inhibition deficit, but a weighted mean effect growing body of evidence for training of executive
size of 0.31 for deficits in interference control in ASD function in individuals with HFASD [Fisher & Happe,
individuals. Therefore, our findings regarding compo- 2005; Kenworthy et al., 2013; Kouijzer, de Moor, Ger-
nent of inhibition must be interpreted in the context of rits, Congedo, & van Schie, 2009]. In view of our meta-
these factors carefully. analytic findings, more studies on how these specific
deficits can be remediated in the future are indicated.
Unexplained Heterogeneity
Limitations and Future Research Direction
Heterogeneity was in general small, except for the plan-
ning and generativity component, when the subgroup Twenty studies were excluded from this meta-analysis
of ADHD-excluded samples was analysed. This finding because the authors of the studies could not be con-
lends support to our hypothesis that comorbid ADHD tacted for additional information that was necessary
serves as a significant confounder to the profile of exec- either for assessment of eligibility of inclusion or for
utive dysfunction in ASD. However, there was still con- computation of effect sizes. Importantly, these excluded
siderable heterogeneity when a subgroup of studies studies likely contributed to non-random bias, and
with IQ-matched samples was used. Apart from the reduced the number of studies available for meta-
effect of comorbid ADHD, the heterogeneity may also analysis.
have resulted from the variability in matching strategies Moreover, the exclusion of experimental paradigms
within this group, since studies with performance-IQ- and the arbitrariness of our choice of variables listed in
matched, verbal-IQ-matched or full-scale-IQ-matched Table 1 are also limitations of this study. This variabili-
samples were all considered as IQ-matched in this ty of measurements has plagued much of the literature
study. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that com- and might have contributed to conflicting results.
ponents of executive function are unlikely to be homo- Geurts et al. [2004] had attempted to identify which
geneous. For instance, ASD individuals could be variable that a single executive function paradigm gen-
impaired variably in different types of inhibition erates would be the most representative, by using both
[Geurts et al., 2014]. In our meta-analysis, conflating theory-driven and statistical methods. However, it was
different types of inhibition and treating them as a uni- not feasible for us to do so, because we did not have
tary construct might have contributed to heterogeneity the raw data of each individual studies. We also fol-
between studies which examined the component of lowed a pre-defined inclusion list of executive function
inhibition. tasks according to Lezak [2012]’s and Strauss et al.
Implications [2006]’s authoritative text, to reduce authors’ biases in
task selection.
Our meta-analysis provided strong evidence for substan- Moreover, the meta-analytic method only captures
tial executive dysfunctions across different components the quantitative aspects of previous research findings,
in children and adolescents with high-functioning and do not necessarily reflect the quality or significance
autism spectrum disorder (HFASD). These impairments of the individual studies, which might vary consider-
in working memory, flexibility and generativity exist ably, because of differences in experimental paradigms
even in ASD individuals without comorbid ADHD. Our and study design [Walker, Hernandez, & Kattan, 2008].
findings enable us to better understand the behavioural One significant limitation of our meta-analysis is that
characteristics observed in these individuals, and call it is difficult to ascertain whether working memory,
for more research on devising cognitive remediation flexibility, and generativity are core deficits in individu-
strategies for these individuals. Executive function has als with ASD who often have impaired language ability
been shown to be closely linked to academic success and poor understanding of verbal instructions. In fact,
[Blair & Razza, 2007], adult outcomes [Eakin et al., individuals with specific language impairment (SLI) but
2004; Prince et al., 2007] and adaptive functioning not ASD have also been found to have executive dys-
[Pugliese et al., 2015]. There is evidence in the literature functions [Bishop & Norbury, 2005a; Marton, 2008;
that suggests that computerised training and strategies- Marton & Schwartz, 2003; Montgomery, 2000; Spauld-
based interventions could either improve executive ing, 2010]. This confound should be addressed using
function or alleviate deficits in typically developing more sophisticated methods, such as direct comparison
individuals and other clinical populations, and support of individuals with ASD with individuals with SLI

INSAR Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD 21

[Bishop & Norbury, 2005a,b; Liss et al., 2001], and co- support the executive dysfunction hypothesis and con-
variating language ability in the analysis [Joseph et al., tribute to the clinical understanding and possible devel-
2005]. opment of interventions to alleviate these deficits in
While DSM-IV-TR specifically defined ASD and ADHD individuals with ASD.
as mutually exclusive diagnostic entities [American Psy-
chiatric Association, 2000], DSM-5 no longer made this
distinction. Therefore, comorbidity as such could be
conceptualised as the ASD-ADHD continuum/spectrum,
Eric C. L. Lai, Simon S. Y. Lui, S. M. Lam, Eric F. C.
with pure form of ASD and pure form of ADHD situat-
Cheung conceived and designed this study. Eric C. L.
ing on the two opposite ends. Our findings provide a
Lai and Zoe Lau reviewed all the articles. Eric CL Lai
robust profiling of executive deficits in ASD individuals
wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Eugenia Lok,
without comorbid ADHD. However, the profile of defi-
Quinney Chan, Venus Tam, K. M. Cheng contributed
cits in individuals with ASD and comorbid ADHD could
in revising the manuscript. All authors have approved
not be ascertained by this meta-analysis due to the
the final text.
insufficient number of studies focusing exclusively on
ASD participants with comorbid ADHD. With the Acknowledgment
implementation of DSM-V, it is expected that more
studies examining this subgroup of autistic individuals We would like to thank Dr. Raymond C. K. Chan and
may be conducted, so that future meta-analysis could Dr. Ya Wang for providing their expert opinions on the
address this issue. At the other end of the spectrum, selection of tests and variables of executive functions.
whether the demonstrated executive dysfunction in
ADHD could be partially explained by co-occurring ASD Appendix A: List of Reviews Included in Backward
remains unclear. Therefore, future meta-analysis of defi- Search
cits in executive function in ADHD should also take
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be a reduction of effect size by 0.062 in the flexibility D105–D119.
component for each year of increase in mean age, but Bailey, A., Phillips, W., & Rutter, M. (1996). Autism:
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cits in flexibility than younger individuals with ASD in Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 37(1), 89–126.
their childhood and adolescence. The lack of reduction Barendse, E.M., Hendriks, M.P., Jansen, J.F., Backes,
of deficits in other components appears to suggest that W.H., Hofman, P.A., Thoonen, G., . . . Aldenkamp, A.P.
other executive components in ASD individuals are rel- (2013). Working memory deficits in high-functioning
atively static in childhood and adolescence, as postulat- adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: Neuropsy-
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with high-functioning ASD. In particular, impairment Autism and Developmental Disorders, 26(2), 179–184.
in working memory, flexibility, and generativity appear Geurts, H.M., Corbett, B., & Solomon, M. (2009). The
to be the core deficits in these individuals with ASD. paradox of cognitive flexibility in autism. Trends in
Comorbid ADHD may contribute to deficits in inhibi- Cognitive Sciences, 13(2), 74–82.
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accounted for by general cognitive abilities. Our results (2014). Prepotent response inhibition and interference

22 Lai et al./Meta-analysis of executive functioning in ASD INSAR

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