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Promoting productivity through creative design


Aamuktha Samrajyam, ABA
Criteria A


SECTION 1- Design Situation 2012)
Productivity means the state or quality of being
productive. Productivity issues apply to many people,
mainly certain school students and working adults. In
this case productivity is a measure of how much work
is completed during a certain amount of time. The
factors affecting productivity levels vary from
individual to individual. The graph beside visually
displays how performance changes with stress levels.

My project is focusing on adults in the office workspace

of the Carrefour head office, Majid Al Futtaim.
From a survey (Appendix A) that I conducted with my clients, the employees of Carrefour, their productivity
levels fluctuate due to numerous reasons:

➔ Workload
➔ Long working hours
➔ social/collaborative issues with co-workers
➔ Family and personal problems (including commitments)
➔ Excessive involvement in other activities (busy calendar in other words)
➔ Procrastination
➔ Financial imbalances
➔ Inadequate motivation to begin or to continue working
➔ Uncomfortable work environment (furniture, ambience, ergonomics etc., )
➔ Lack of exercise to the body
The survey also suggested that people find productivity indirectly proportional to stress levels.
According to (online survey, secondary source) 61% of Americans find that work the main source
of stress overall. Most of the issues mentioned above can cause stress, which in turn can be very distracting
as it disturbs the mind. Especially when your work is an essential part of a project, and must be handed in on
time, stress encourages the mind to worry more than produce more work. Not being able to keep up with the
work, can spoil one’s personal image and the company’s image, which will only create a harder and more
stressful situation. The various departments, all working together experience a lot of stress, particularly during
month endings and store openings. With the new Mall of Oman opening shortly, the workload is more than
ever. This is causing a lot of stress and therefore, the employees are not able work as much and as efficiently.
The survey also showed the 75% find that the productivity levels are affected by their workstyle. The work-
life balance is what is unmanageable and that they need breaks during their working hours to relax and
rejuvenate before they continue to work again.
It is important that the stress levels do not grow as it can lead to anxiety issues; 54% of the people who are
stressed in the UK worry about the impact on their health, according to not being able to
submit work may bring a bad name to them and their leaders. Inability to work efficiently and produce good
quality work in the given time can result in being fired and loss of job, which can further lead to other health
issues. Moreover, employees with families may experience greater pressure which causes them to develop an
agitated mind, which then affects their productivity negatively. Working is large companies like this,
employees need to constantly maintain good standard and complete their work, while they fulfil their families’
needs as well.

To solve this issue, I will be making a guide for office yoga in form of a cube. I chose yoga, partly as a result
of the responses that I received from the first survey. Moreover, yoga is a practice that many adults wish to
do but don’t have the time and chair yoga specifically is easy to blend into the typical desk-chair office style.
Moreover, yoga can help reduce other factors that affect productivity levels, apart from stress, such as lack of
motivation, sleep and fatigue (yogafromtheheart, 2019). These were factors picked by the respondents of my

SECTION 2- Research questions and research sources

Research criteria:

Research question Priority Why is this important? How will I find the

What are the main reasons 1 It is important to identify these because, the Survey with office
behind poor productivity levels? main reasons behind poor productivity members (primary
levels can be used to determine what exactly resource)
the client needs, whether it is short break, a
comfortable environment, a more planned
life, or direct stress releasers. These reasons
can vary from individual to individual
depending on their life- style and work
style. Some may have more work, while
some are struggling with family issues.

What are some the most 2 In order to test how beneficial my product Online resource
efficient ways of increasing will be, it is key to make sure that it brings (secondary) Example:
productivity levels? similar benefits as other solutions like toys
and in fact a comparison between my
solution and other solutions will help me https://www.lifehack.or
answer this solution. g/articles/featured/50-

What are the most appropriate 3 Some postures use only the chair while Classes with a chair
postures for the office? some postures incorporate the desk as well. yoga instructor who
Different postures apply to different specializes in the area.
muscles. So it is important to understand as Through this I can
many postures as possible in order to select understand the postures
the most easy and appropriate ones for the more and the effects of
final product. the postures. (primary
resource )

Online websites
(secondary sources).

What are the benefits of each 4 More than the muscles that the postures can Classes with an
posture of office yoga? relax, they provide a sense of relief in many instructor (primary
different ways. Furthermore, they have source)
other benefits like improving flexibility,
maintaining a focused mind, stabilizing
blood pressure and combating fatigue. So, Experimentation with
by knowing the specific benefits, I will be client (primary source)
able to provide a range of postures with
different profits to the user!
Online office yoga
guides (primary source)

What material is most suitable 5 Some materials have more of a professional Online research
for the cube? Eg . manufactured look than others. Some look more natural (secondary source)
board, softwood or acrylics? and some are more environmentally
friendly. Even in certain material groups
there are various types, for example, in Material testing in
Are these materials wood, there is pine wood, redwood, workshop (primary
environmentally friendly? plywood and mdf. Depending on the colour source)
and the easy visibility of laser engravings
which support me in deciding the best

Which equipment will you use 9 While engravement sounds creative, it may Physical
to engrave the postures onto not be the most visible. Pictures and experimentation
each side of the cube? Will it be drawings are more ideal at times. (primary source)
the same if this for
manufactured in reality?

During the creation, what safety 7 I will be using the smallest drill needle to Personal account on
measures have to be taken? create the holes in each of the sides, which safety measures
can be quite dangerous if not handled (primary source)
properly. I will also be using the laser cutter,
which needs to be handled with care to
prevent burns. I must be careful while using Survey with teacher
saws, files and sanding belts, through which throughout creation
cuts are very likely. Moreover, I could also process (primary
get splinters from the wood, if I decide to source)
use this material.
How can I make it easier to 8 Since I am creating for an office Experimentation with
bring a profession look the environment of a very big company, it is different equipment
product? important that the product is made with care (primary source)
to execute the best skills with complete
professionality. Besides, the edges of the
cube will not be attached as the sides need During creation:
to flip, in order for the product to function. constant feedback and
Also, the more professional a product looks suggestions from peers
the more easier for the marketing of the (primary source)

How will this benefit your target 6 When pitching your product, you need to Checking against the
audience? know your product inside out. It is clients’ answers from
important to justify your product to the survey (primary
client, in order to persuade them to purchase source)
the item. They will only be persuaded by
how they will benefit from the product.

SECTION 3- Inquiry
This is a flip cube that is often used as souvenirs or gifts. In the cube two blocks are fully attached and there
are 4 of these which are parted in a way that they flip to form pictures. This product is a very creative method
of displaying images and the flipping function makes it very attractive. The cube is aimed mainly at tourists;
however, it can be a great product for an office environment; for example, it can be used to display the mission
of the company as a traditional object. In terms of its role as a stress releaser to increase productivity, the way
the cube flips can take the mind off of the work to something more playful and restive. This calms the mind
and provides time for the person so focus on another factor; it is always easier to go back to work after spending
time on other activities. Furthermore, the size of the product is ideal for a display as it does not take up too
much space, especially if it is for office display. Although the cube has many components, the overall weight
depends on the material that is used, which is usually plastic so the product is not too heavy to use. The only
issue with using plastic is that, this is not a product that will be recycled quickly. In terms of quality, the cube
seems quite durable, unless it is homemade; using flimsy materials like paper can cause the connections
between each cube to rip. Also, the pictures seem to be directly printed onto the cube, so it has a professional
look to it as well. It works a showpiece because of its interesting function, which is likely to be very eye
catching. Price wise this does not cost more than OMR 5, making it very cost efficient for a unique product
like this. This price may vary depending on the size.


People/dp/0811826856 )
The fidget cube is a toy that is aimed at students and working adults to help them
improve focus. Improving focus means that productivity levels are better since one
can work efficiently without losing focus due to stress and other potential reasons (this
has been proven by studies). This cube comes in many different colours, which is
ideals since it is a product for personal use. Each side of the cube has buttons, sliders
and rollers that the user can ‘fidget’ with. The range of actions available to fidget is
what makes the product attractive. It is particularly useful for patients suffering with
ADHD, which is very common in students and office goers. The fidgeting is known
to increase brain arousal which helps one to perform well. It is a safe toy for children
above 8 years as there are no parts that can hurt or be consumed by this age group. Besides, it is very cost
efficient and the price does not rise above OMR 2. This is an ideal price for an object so small. Another plus
point is that the compact size of the object makes it portable, so it can be used anytime and anywhere,
supporting one in any situation when required. Environmentally, though some parts can be recycled, it is not
a product that would be put into the recycling as a whole. So it is not a sustainable product but since the size
is not bigger than a 4 by 4 by 4 cube, this should not be too much of an issue.


( )
The purpose of this book is to provide a guide of office yoga postures
that working adults can use at work. Apart from working adults, this
book invites the younger generation and the older generation. The colour
of the book is very Zen which gives a calming to look at with minimal
writing and more cartoon drawings of the postures to look at. The
contents page is filled with questions, directly leading the reader to the
posture that will help them. Each posture is associated with probable
scenarios that one could be in. The instructions are simplified for easy
read, as the employees are most likely to be in a hectic situation. The
product costs around OMR 7, which is very fair for a 95 page book. The
size is also fairly small with the dimensions of 20 cm by 25 cm, making
it a portable book, enabling the user to use the product at any time.
Although the book is made with paper, it can be easily recycled to make
paper, so environmentally the book does not cause a problem. The
author could have opted to print his book on recycled paper to encourage
recycling among the working adults. The purpose of this book is to give
working adults an quick release through these short and easy poses. As mentioned before, each pose has its
purpose which is clearly written in the book. There are no safety issue that could occur due to the book itself,
however, if the postures in the book are not performed correctly, the user could sprain certain muscles, making
their stressful situation worse.


( )

Fidget spinner works with bearings to spin. The product is targeted at people who suffer from stress and can
spin this object whenever they need of a stress releaser. It comes in numerous shapes and sizes and in various
colours to suit the users desires. When spinning the spinner, all the focus on stressing about an event is brought
to the spinner. So by distracting the mind, many have found that the spinner benefits them. Depending on the
quality these fidget spinners can range from OMR 1 to OMR 20. Higher process for this product may not
sound ideal, however the demand for this product peaked in previous years. This pocket-sized gadget was
very popular among teens and its size made it portable. Safety is a huge concern in this matter because there
have been several incidents where the spinner has caught fire due to high levels
of friction. Also, dismantling the product around young children is hazardous as
the spinner contains small bearing that could be consumed by them. There are
many environmental concerns as well because firstly, these are not recyclable.
Cheap spinners break very easily and then cannot be recycled as the casing is
hard plastic and the bearings are metals. This product has gained innumerable
buyers and has benefited the marketing industry greatly. Compared to the three
products analysed above, these spinners have obtained the most popularity. In
terms of helping my clients, I find that these spinners will not support them as
it doesn’t provide relaxation and cannot be used while working. The spinner will
be more of a distraction from work. Most importantly, these spinners have not
and will not appeal to adults as many disapprove of it. In addition, the same
repeated action will not result in regular use of the spinner, especially among
working adults.


Similarities include the purpose of the products which is that they can all be used to relieve stress and increase
productivity. The flip cube and the fidget cube both have the same shape but different functionalities. Out of
the 4, the most effective for working adults seems to be office yoga as it is directly dealing with office goers.
It focuses on particular issues that office goers could have and provides a solution for each problem, from
sleepless nights to body pains. All of the issues mentioned, lead to stress, which means that the book is a
potent solution for decreasing stress, thus automatically increasing productivity. The book is followed by the
fidget cube, the flip cube and then the fidget spinner (read analysis for justification).

Other than the shape, function and materials, there is not much difference between the product. These
differences do not affect how the product works to relieve stress. One improvement for all the products would
be to make them out of recycled materials, in order to support the sustainability mission around the world.

SECTION 4- Design Brief

The aim of my product is to provide a quick relaxation method for the employees. One of the most effective
solutions is Office yoga.
My product follows the structure of a cube, however each side of the cube can be flipped. On one face of the
side, a chair yoga posture and on the flipped side there will be short instructions on how to do the postures.
These postures will be fairly easy to perform and will be quite relevant to an office environment and the
situations that employees can be in. This cube is the most ideal solution for my clients because from their
answers in the survey conducted earlier, it is evident that they were not able to balance their work-style and
life-style because of heavy workloads. The best answer for this is taking quick but fruitful breaks that provides
complete relaxation, which can only be experienced through office yoga. I have opted to display the postures
on a cube rather than making a video or a booklet because firstly, it is creative. Secondly, they will already be
stressed with paperwork and from working behind their screens for long periods of time, so it will be difficult
of them to go through a booklet of postures, read about the posture and then perform. If the instructions are
readily available in front of you and has an interesting structure to it, there are more chances that the employee
will make use of the cube when needed.

During tight schedules, the employees do not get the time to walk around, so this method provides instant
relief as they will already be sitting on the chair. Each posture does not take more than 2 minutes to do and it
is more efficient than taking a walk break as it takes the mind off the work for those 2 minutes, while they are
rejuvenating. Moreover, while doing this, these postures also improve other issues like flexibility, mobility,
muscle aches which are all problems that adults suffer from, as a result of their work-style.

The aim of the project is to provide the employees with a quick way of relaxation that changes the focus of
the mind to focusing on themselves and releasing tension in all the right parts. When one is stressed the brain
activity decreases, so the office yoga postures on the cube help rejuvenate the brain. In addition, stress also
causes tension in the shoulder and back which diverts the mind to the pain in the body rather than focusing on
the work. Therefore, the postures also stretch different parts of the body to remove stress and provide
relaxation. In order to measure the success of this product, I will give my product to a client for a week, to see
whether they find it useful. In addition, I will ask my client to try the postures while they are working to
determine the level of functionality of the product.

In terms of aesthetics, my product should look very professional; since I will be using wood instead of plastic
to create this cube, it will be challenging to maintain smooth and straight edges. So firstly, each side of the
cube must not have any rough edges. I will achieve this by using a sanding belt rather than a file. Although
wood may be heavier than acrylics, it is the better option as it is more durable and will not break easily. This
is important as an employee’s desk can be extremely messy, and accidents are very likely to occur. Secondly,
the postures that will be imprinted on each side of the cube must be clear and easy to recognize. In order to do
this, either printed pictures or a laser imprinting will be done. In addition, any usage of glue must be neat to
give the tidy look. Colour wise, the cube will be left with the original colour of the wood as this product is for
an office environment and flashy items may not be ideal to go with the rest of the environment in my client’s
office. There is no need to consider the client’s opinion for this aspect of the product, because the postures
will only be seen clearly without paint/colour on the cube and my client cannot choose postures to their liking
because there needs to be a variety in the benefits of the postures.

If my product was being produced in masses to be sold, the cost will be determined by considering the length,
effort and money put into creation process. Ideally, the cost would be around OMR 4-7. This is a good value
as I will be using wood, which, as mentioned before, is a sturdy material that is long lasting and of better
quality than acrylics (since it is being produced manually for now).

While using wood can raise environmental issues like deforestation, it is a much better option compared to
acrylic plastic. This is because trees can be replanted, however plastic is made from non-renewable sources
and this product will not be recycled soon, so it is equal to wasting finite resources. I will use light colours
pine wood as it has a smooth texture to work with. Also, pine wood is a type of softwood, so it is less expensive
than types of hardwood. Moreover, the product can definitely be recycled after use, however this won’t be for
long as wood is a durable material (in dry environments). In addition, recycling of paper into wood consumes
less energy than recycling plastic. So wood is a much better option compared to acrylic. Furthermore, if the
product breaks or is dismantled, each side of the cube can be used as a coaster or as paperweights, for example.
In addition, depending on the duration of the creation of the product, using electronic equipment will also
waste some amount of energy. However, this should not be a problem because I will be using a combination
of both manual and electronic equipment, depending on my needs while creating.

The maximum size of my cube would be 15cm by 15cm by 15 cm cube and the minimum 8cm by 8cm by
8cm. The most applicable size would be a 12cm by 12cm by 12cm cube as it is an applicable size of a desk
display. As would be I will keep the cube as small as possible because, it should be an object that occupies
minimal space on the desk/table. While maintaining a small size I will create a stand that provides a wider
base for a corner of the cube. This way it will be resting on the smallest area possible on the cube.

Lastly, safety is an important factor to observe. Leaving the corners of the cube sharp can injure the user while
using the cube. So I will ensure to curve down the corners to make the product safe to use. I also have to
consider safety in terms of each posture on the cube. The posture must be easy and safe to perform as my
clients are all above 35 years of age, which means the mobility is slightly more difficult for them. So I have
to make sure to include postures that don’t require sudden movement and don’t apply too much pressure on
parts of the body that can be injured easily. It is crucial that the postures not too complicated, because one can
hurt muscles if the postures are not performed properly and in the correct manner.

How have I used information from the analysis?

To begin with, the flip cube’s shape had inspired me to follow the six sided shape and I incorporated the flip
in a different mechanism. In my cube, all the sides flip on an axle individually, with postures on one side and
the instructions on the other. The axis of rotation is vertical, similar to the fidget spinner’s movements. If one
side of my cube is flipped at speed, the same motion of the fidget spinner will be visible. Furthermore, the
whole idea of office yoga was from personal experience and from the book analysed above. The short
instructions in the book inspired me to add instructions to my cube rather than just engravings/pictures of
postures. In addition, the plain colours of the book gave it a very professional and well made look, so I decided
to keep my cube in the original colour of the wood.

Criteria B

Consideration of the 5 Ps of marketing:

What is the product?
The product is an Office Yoga Flip cube
The price?
OMR 5- OMR 10
The promotion?
If I would sell this product, I would promote it with a separate banner as a new product and in the promotional
The place?
This would stacked either in the stationery area or the furniture area as these are the places office goers would
visit to find stationery or items they need for their office environment
The people?
This would be sold to office goers who sit behind a desk for 8 hours a day. This is because they are the ones
who struggle with issues such as productivity because they are seated for prolonged periods of time. Clients
with more responsibility have more of an issue.

★ The sides on each side should be easy to flip/turn without any jamming- (an object must work properly
in order to motivate the user to utilise the product fully and properly. If not, there is no point investing
in the product. This is one of the most important features that must be addressed for the function of the
product to attract users).
★ The postures included must be effective in reducing stress- (this again is to do with function and in
very important to fulfil the main purpose of this product which is to reduce stress and consequently
increase productivity).
★ The rods in the sides must be attached sturdily to the other rods (if the rods are not fixed properly, the
cube will not hold it’s shape and the product’s function will not be successful).
★ The cube must be easy to place on the desk and must not take up more than 11 by 11 on the desk
★ The postures that will be engraved using a laser cutter must be distinguishable (if the postures are not
distinguishable, then

★ The material used for the sides of the cube must be hard and study, i.e, wood (ideally pine wood wood)
★ The rods used to hold the cubes must be unbendable, i.e wood or metal
★ Nylon string or thread
★ The materials used in total should be durable
★ All the materials used must be recyclable

★ The production must be challenging enough in terms of designing the sides and the engravings using
the laser cutter
★ It must be safe to manufacture
★ It must be easy to manufacture from school supplies

★ Each side of the cube must be 9cm by 9cm, therefore the area of each side should be 81 cm^2, therefore
making the volume cm^3
★ The rods should be 15 cm long
★ The small stoppers that will hold the sides from sliding off should be a circle with a maximum of a 1
cm diameter.
★ The measurements must be accurately applied to the components of the product

Tools/ Software
★ Laser cutter and software for designing (RD works and Photoshop)
★ Files (manual)
★ Sand paper (manual)
★ Sanding belt
★ Scroll saw
★ Drill press with 3mm drill
★ Pencil, easer, ruler (30 cm)

Target Market
★ This product must be intended towards office goers, typically ones who spend long hours working
behind a desk.
★ The product should be unisex; the postures should be easy to perform for both male and female workers
User needs
★ The product should provide workers with instant release from stress by relaxing muscles and
rejuvenating the brain
★ The product must be easy to use and navigate through for the office goers
★ It must be easy to hold and turn
★ The corners must be rounded
★ The edges must be smooth
★ The attachment of the pieces must be neat; glue should be applied neatly
★ The instructions should be engraved/written neatly
★ The wood should be left in its original colour to give a natural and professional look
★ The product must be compact enough to store is a drawer
★ The product must be mobile
★ It must be lightweight so that the user can play around with it
★ The font size must be readable and must fit the size if side (ideally size 11 minimum and fonts like
Arial, Calibri or Georgia).

JUSTIFICATION FOR DESIGN 1: Prototype of a coaster holder

This product is similar to a coaster holder. On each coaster there are yoga postures, and on the back are the
instructions. This product is intended towards office goers and the yoga postures on each of the book serve
the purpose of releasing stress. All these postures are easy to perform for both male and female and most of
them can be comfortably done in office appropriate clothes.

Each of the circular tiles can be removed easily however the only issue with this is that the user cannot view
them all at the same time he or she will have to remove each tile to see the next. This doesn’t fulfil the criteria
of easy navigation. However, the postures definitely fulfil the overall need for the product.
Regarding the materials, this product is completely wooden, thus making it sturdy, durable and recyclable.
However, each tile is quite large and will require a lot of the wood to create the holder as well. The edge of
the circles will be made smooth during production. The wood is left in its original colours to give a
professional and natural look to the product. Size wise, it may not fit in draw due to its tall structure, but it
still doesn’t take up much space on the desk because of its small base. therefore, will not take up much space
even on the desk. Although it can be moved around, it is more of a desk object and is not convenient to be
carried around to other places; since it will be quite heavy, it will add to the daily luggage. It is due to this
reason that it cannot be played around with. Another limitation to this is that the structure is not very attractive,
and the user can get bored of it. Moreover, the user cannot play around with the item, so it does not serve both
a playful and relaxing purpose. The diameter of each tile is 8 cm, so a font size of 11 is sufficient, and the
base of the coaster is 3 by 7 cm, so it will dot occupy much space. Some of the design specification are
specified for the final design; such as the smooth turning of the faces of the cube, however in this case this
specification can be applied to the smooth removal and insertion of the circular tile into its slot in the holder.
But overall this product will be ideal because of its unique structure and is a multi purpose product; by this I
mean that that the empty space in the cylindrical part can be used as a pencil holder or any kind of storage

Positive Aspects Negative Aspects Improvements
- Unique structure - Does not show the - Include labels on the
- Material used purpose of each edge of each coaster
- Office appropriateness coaster - Try making
- Coaster is quick - Circles are not ideal in bookmarks instead of
reference terms of space coasters or crate
- Easy access - Not very displayable square shaped coasters
to others instead.


This is a flipbook with 5 wooden pages each with an office yoga posture on it. I chose this as one of my
designs because this flipbook will be quite large and thus will be attractive as the size is abstract and is not
found commonly. Also, since it will be quite bulky, it will act as a showpiece on the desk. This is also intended
for office goers and the yoga postures will help release the stress. This product is easy to navigate through as
the user only has turn each wooden slide for the instructions. There will not be a problem of the slides jamming
while turning because the rings will be metal, and the inner surface of the holes will be made smooth in order
to keep the movement fluent. Each slide will only be 10 by 10 cm; therefore, it will not take up more than 11
by 11 cm on the table. Moreover, it can be placed in the standing position, thus occupying much less space.
In order for the user to be able to distinguish each posture, there are also short titles, in case the pictures are
hard to understand. This way engraving should not be an issue. Along with wood, the materials used is metal
(for the rings). This is still a recyclable material; there are many bins for recycling metals around Oman and
in many other countries. This will also encourage the company to enforce the idea of recycling bins in their
work space if they haven’t already. The corners of the book are all rounded, and the edges will be made
smooth. The product will not be painted in other colours and will be left in the colour of the wood. This is to
ensure that the product looks professional as paint strokes can look messy even with a proper primer.
Furthermore, the product is definitely safe to manufacture as it does not require the input of dangerous
equipment that could cause major injuries. The tools used in this case will be the laser cutter, drill and a few
files. The product is compact enough to fit in a draw and therefore does not require much storage space. It
could be on the heavier side, but its form of a book makes it mobile and is easier to carry compared to the
solution 1 above. Since each slide is 10 by 10 cm a font size of 12 will be appropriate enough.

Positive Aspects Negative Aspects Improvements
- Ready reference - Doesn’t show the - Use smaller size
- New joiners can purpose - Add a page to show
benefit from this - Not very mobile purpose
- Recyclable and
reusable material.
JUSTIFICATION FOR DESIGN 3: inspiration from home decors.

This could either be hung from the ceiling, or more ideally from the edge of the desk. It is similar to the
hanging decors that are often installed in balconies to enhance the beauty of a house. The tiles are all connected
through a string and each posture contains two tiles; a small tile with the posture and a bigger tile with the
instructions on how to do the posture. I designed it this way so that user has the freedom of even attaching this
product to a wall. Again, the yoga postures are what help release stress. The whole product is easy to navigate
through because its is all connected in one straight line and since all the postures can be seen at once it will be
easier for the user to pick the appropriate posture. The materials used for the tiles is wood and they will all be
tires with a thick plastic rope, with an approximate thickness of 2cm. Due to this change in materials some of
the criteria specified for the function will not apply, such as the sturdy rods and even two of the criteria
specified for the dimension. For example, the length of the rods and stoppers. Moving on to the aesthetics, the
corners of each tile are rounded, and the edges will be made smooth in the creating process. The tiles will not
be painted, and no borders will be added because all the space on the tile will be needed for the
image/instructions. Moreover, this will retain the authenticity of the wood. In the creation, perfecting the sizes
of the tiles will be a challenge as I can only create a specific length because of the height of office desks. This
product also requires minimal equipment and so the creation will be very safe with proper skill. This product
can be stored easily as the rope connected the tiles will be flexible enough to fold, however it is not product
that is meant to be stores and brought out constantly. This means that it would be inconvenient to carry around
and use in other places, which is not an issue as this product is meant for office purposes. Moreover, the fact
that this product should be fixed would encourage the user to use the product than store it. In terms of
recycling, the plastic rope and the wooden tiles can all be recycling, and this makes the product eco friendly.
Aesthetics wise, the corners are rounded, as shown in the drawing above and the edges will be made smooth
in the creation. Since the rope will be stuck to the tiles instead of being knotted through, there is tape over the
layers of glue to give the product a clean finish. I made this decision because having thick tiles of wood just
to fit the thick ropes would me material wastage and this does not abide with my criteria of being eco friendly.
The dimensions do not follow my criteria, because the design of this solution varies from the rother designs
Positive Aspects Negative Aspects Improvements
- Can be put anywhere - Hanging to the desk is - Instructions could be in different
- Accessible to anyone not a good option. languages for easy comprehension
- Can be used easily in - The wall is not the best
terms of for large offices.
- Supports people who - It is difficult to
can’t read English too actually read from the
(solves Omanisation- wall.
problem in Oman)


I chose this design as it severs both the playful purpose (faces can be flipped) and provides stress release.
Firstly, the function of the design. I will make sure that the sides will flip easily by filling and sanding the
edges of each face, producing a smooth surface to spin against. This applies to the rods that will be inserted
into each face as well; making the surface of these will also ensure a convenient function. Moreover, the cube
must stay intact in order to function, therefore I will use string and glue to tie and secure the intersecting rods
a tight as possible. For the stress releasing aspect of the product, the yoga postures that will be included must
be purposeful. Below are a few examples that I could use:
1. Cat cow: improves spinal mobility
2. Forward fold: engaged brain activity while loosening the lower back muscles 3. High altar: stretches
all arm muscles, sides of the body, neck and upper back.
3. Eagle asana: focuses of relaxing tense shoulder muscles
4. Chair twists: stretches all back muscles and opens hips. Neck and arms are also loosened.

These yoga postures are what direct the product toward office goersas they help release stress, which
consequently increases productivity. All of these postures can be performed by both men and women; this is
important as women may not be able to do a few postures in their office attire and some postures should not
be performed by women according to some yogic instructions.

In addition, the instructions that go with this should be legible with the right font and font size; this will be
Georgia, size 11 (minimum). The materials I will use for the 6 faces of the cubes will be pine wood and the 6
rods will be the MDF axles. These materials are both durable and unbendable (sturdy). Also, these materials
are recyclable as well and plants can be planted immediately to replace the loss that is caused by cutting trees
for wood; so, it is not a time-consuming process like recycling plastic products which are used for a while and
then recycled. Each face will be 9 cm by 9 cm, the rods will be 15 cm each with a 0.3mm thickness and the
small stoppers will be 1cm in diameter. I will make sure of these measurements by using a laser cutter for the
faces and a scroll saw for the rods. This way I can get accurate sizes. Since the shape is simply a cube and the
sides only need to be flipped, it will be an easy to navigate through, in comparison to the other designs. Also,
the whole cube will be left in the original colour of the wood, by not adding any paint. I will also only use a
pencil for markings, as sketch pens can stain while pencil can be erased easily.

Creation wise, the most challenging aspect will be the sizing and assembling which need to be perfect for the
faces of the cube to flip easily. Placement of the rods and the wooden stoppers to hold the cube is crucial for
the aesthetic purposes and for the function. Moreover, I will be using a laser cutter which is a machine that I
have not used before; learning how the software for the laser cutter works and then applying these skills to
my product will be difficult to manage with the number of weeks that I have to create the product. Furthermore,
the product will be safe to manufacture as I will not be dealing with dangerous equipment throughout the
process. I will only require them sometimes, so my product can be rated a minimum of 8 for the safety. To
ensure that I remain safe, I will maintain distance from the equipment and use them in the correct directions
while using files and saws. When using the scroll saw, drill press and the laser cutter I will make sure to be
under supervision. Besides, these tools are key to achieve the aesthetic criteria; to make the corners rounded
I will use files and sandpaper. One problem that could occur is that the corners could be rounded to different
levels if not done with care. So, during this stage will first cut the corners to a certain extent and then round
them. This way the chances for unequal corners will be eradicated. The same tools will be used to bring the
smoothness to the edges too. The laser cutter will be used to neatly engrave the instructions in each face.
Another problem that could occur here is the probability of mistakes in the instructions; if a mistake is made
in the writing it cannot be erased. To deal with this potential issue I will triple check my instructions by asking
others to proofread for any grammatical errors too.

Most of the creation of this product requires only school materials and equipment except for the material for
the faces of the cube which is pine wood. This will be bought outside. Additionally, the product will only take
up a maximum of 10 by 10 cm if placed on one of its faces. If one of its corners is place in a small cup, it will
take a up a maximum of 2 cm by 2cm. Therefore, the product will not occupy much of the desk space. Also,
the total volume of the cube will be 279 cm^3 which is compact enough to be stored in a draw if the user does
not want it to be a desk piece. It will also be lightweight enough as pine wood of thickness 0.8 cm is not heavy
to the hand and I will only use wood and a few strings overall; no metallic objects will be included as they
can make the product heavy. Thus, this final design has fully met the design specification.

I chose this design to be my final design because of its convenience compared to the other three designs-

Comparison to design 1: In design 1 above, it is likely that the slides could be lost whereas in this product
everything is attached so this risk is eliminated. Moreover, the slides cannot be splayed around with, whereas
in my final design the faces can flip around; thus, serving the playful purpose of the product. This also means
that my final design provides scope for fidgeting which is also proven to be an effective method of reducing
stress. Also, unlike design one, my cube consists of square faces which means that there is more space for
postures and the instructions on each face. Also, the postures can be viewed easily, and the cube is much more
attractive. In addition, it is easy to share among the colleagues because of the simple shape and this was a
requirement of my client, as seen in the client feedback from other designs.

Comparison to design 2: design two has quite a common shape and there are many products that exists in a
form of a wooden book, making it less attractive for the user to use frequently. Moreover, it cannot be played
around with which doesn’t solve the fidgeting purpose included in my final design. Also, it is quite hefty and
therefore the user may even opt of a paper book instead. The final design is also more convenient to and more
attractive to share with colleagues due to its unique shape where as design 2 is has a very common shape and
may not be recognised by anyone. Also, it can very easily be put into a drawer, which means that the user will
not use it as often. Although my product consists of many components compared to design 2, the unique
function of the cube is what gives it more weightage.

Comparison to design 3: My final design takes up much less space compared to design 3, and it is much
more mobile than design 3. However, from the client feedback for design 3 we know that it is much easier to
read and understand. If it is hung on the wall, the user can view the instructions while performing the posture
whereas with my final design, the user will have to read first, before performing the posture. This could be an
issue if the user has to read the instructions in between the posture. However, it should not be a problem,
firstly because the postures that I will be including are extremely simple. Besides, the function of the cube is
likely to keep the user hooked the product which is crucial because it will encourage the user to use the product
more often. Furthermore, both design 3 and my final design are very decorative however, my final design is
ideal over design 3 because of its function as an object to fidget with and to use as a yoga guide, both of which
release stress.

Positive Aspects Negative Aspects Improvements
- Interesting structure - Size is a limitation. - Could include a light
like rubix cube Viewers will not be to make it more eye
- Decorative item + attracted easily catching
- Company can use as a
memento or give away
for colleagues

FOR the 6 faces

of the cube




Criteria C
(Extra time will be dedicated if work is not complete in the estimated times given in the plan below)

PLAN: (blue section indicates plan)

• Buy pine wood
• Do a test print of one face (9 cm by 9cm) in order to make sure that measurement are enough to fit the
instructions on to.
• Total time to spend on creation 11 hours

Section 1- designing the faces using the laser cutter (approximately 5 hours)
Tools: RD works software, photoshop, files (rectangular), sand paper, sanding bloc k, wood
• Download RD WORKS (laser cutting software)
• Download Photoshop
• Take a few tutorials on how RD WORKS and Photoshop works; specifically;
• How to extract the outline from the images
• Understand how RD WORKS
▪ Which colours mean cut and extract
▪ The significance of specific tools in the software
• Learn how the laser cutter should be set up
• Download images for the 6 yoga postures
• Apply the learning process from previous steps to prepare the one side of the 6 faces, which are the
sides with the postures. This includes:
• Drawing the 9cm by 9cm squares on the software on RD Works
• Obtaining the outline of each posture on Photoshop
• Transferring these outlines onto the square in RD Works
•Laser cutting
• On each cube mark 0.5 cm in from each corner, cut these triangles out and file the edges to obtain a
rounded corner and smooth edge.

• The measurements were correct and according to the plan; this was because I did a test print to ensure
that I did not have to waste any resources while cutting out the actual product. In addition, I
experimented with power and speed and made sure that all the functions, including cutting and
engraving, were set appropriately by fully simulating the process on the screen before actually cutting
it out.
• I watched different tutorials and asked my teacher to teach me how to use the different software.
• I was able to complete designing and cutting without having to skip parts because of other issues.

• The process was extremely time consuming. The following steps, although part of the process,
consumed a lot of time unexpectedly.
• Since I used Word to trace the outline of each posture, I had first snip/screenshot each picture
separately and then save it as an image. These images then had to be transferred to another
computer with the Photoshop software, through email. As well as being inconvenient and time
consuming to shift between computers, the main issue faced here was that any changes that
had to be made to the images after the transfer into Photoshop had to be redone in Word as the
same functions were not available in Photoshop. One instance where this occurred was when I
found out that when the background is made transparent, the thickness of the outline of the
image was lowered to an extent that could not be recognised by the laser cutter. Therefore, I
had to go back to Word and then re do the whole process of snipping each outline separately
and then saving them in the correct format and then transferring the images into the computer
with Photoshop.

• There were many technical issues with the computers.

• I had learnt how to make the background of the image transparent on one computer and then
while editing my images I used another computer. The magic wand function did not work on
this computer and for most of the time that I spent on creating the images, I was figuring out
how to apply the magic wand to my image, not knowing that there was a technical problem
with the computer. I lost a lot of time experimenting how to use the magic wand with the

• Overall, because of the unavailability of all the software on one computer in once place, I could not
work efficiently and complete the work quickly.
• The laser cutter was not available at all time, and there I had to alter my plan in order to utilise the time
I had.
• I used Word to trace the outline of the images. I did this because my laptop is a touch screen laptop
and I could easily trace the image with my finger as it was much more stable than using a mouse or a
touchpad. However, as mentioned earlier, this consumed more time.
• As a result of the of the time issue mentioned above, I had to change the structure of my project. From
the original cube design, I changed the project to a coaster holder. I thought that this would be ideal
for an office environment, because office goers usually drink numerous cups of coffee during the day
or any sort of drink, and so these coasters would be very helpful in serving both purposes. So I changed
the 6 faces of the cube to 6 coasters and due to this, I had to design a coaster holder as well. Since I
wanted to make my product as accessible and built in a way that is attractive and is consequently
utilised by the user whenever needed. This folder will be made transparent as it will look aesthetically
in an office environment. The change of plan is shown below:

Section 1- Same as before however, I will also have to cut the pieces for the holder so, in addition to the
previous plan (approximately 5hours)
Tools: RD Works, Laser Cutter, USB stick, acrylic of 5 different colours, wood board

• Design the holder pieces on RD works, according to the planning drawing show below and cut them
using the laser cutter
• Choose a picture of a lotus and trace each petal individually on Word
• Take a snippet of each petal and convert it into an Image
• Transfer each image on RD works and change the settings so that the laser cutter will only cut the
• For the cutting process-
• First adjust the laser cutter in the machine and the starting point on the software
• Place a sufficient piece of transparent acrylic in the laser cutter
• Cut out the 5 holder pieces and set aside
• Next, with the same settings, place a yellow coloured acrylic piece in the laser cutter that is at
least 30 by 30 cm
• Select one of the petals and cut it
• Place another piece of acrylic also measuring 30 by 30 cm but one that is blue in colour
• Leave the setting the same and select the second petal to cut
• Cut the rest of petals in a different colour by following the same process as above

Section 2- Keep the same as above (approximately 1 hour)

Tools: Laminator, printer, paper, laptop, Word software

Section 3- Finishing and polishing (approximately 3 hours)

Tools: fret saw, sanding block, sanding paper, Brass polish
• Cut the corners of the coasters and then round the edges using a sanding block.
• Use fine sandpaper (220) and sand all the edges so that the residual soot form the laser cutter is
removed; the edges must feel smooth
• File the acrylic pieces and sand them with fine sanding paper; place the pieces in the vice for support
• Polish the pieces with the Brass polish
Section 4- Assembly (approximately 1.5 hours)
Tools: Fevicol glue, acrylic glue, brushes
• Stick the printed instructions onto the back of each coaster
• Assemble the 5 holder pieces using acrylic glue
• Stick the lotus petals onto the front face of the holder
• Place the coaster into the holder

SECTION 1 REFLECTION RE (reflection based on the second plan shown above)

• I skipped the lotus petals and the holder pieces (basically the second plan of the first section) as I had
to polish and finish the coaster before. as they were more significant than the lotus petals. I took this
decision also because of the time consumed as explained in the previous reflection.

Shifting the images

onto RD works and
editing the colours

Tracing the images

Laser cutting
on Word
the postures
Section 2 INITIAL PLAN AND SECOND PLAN ARE THE SAME- writing instructions onto the faces
for each of the postures (approximately 1 hour)
Tools: Laminator, printer, paper, laptop, Word software
• Write the instructions online inside a boundary measuring 9cm by 9cm for each posture. The instructions
should be as short a clear as possible and all of them should begin with command verbs. Don’t include
basic parts like, “sit down” or “find a comfortable spot” or “keep you legs on the ground” (45 minutes)

• Laminate these and cut them out (15 minutes)

SECTION 2 REFLECTION (second plan)

• The size of the coasters was well estimated, so, I was able to fit all the instruction clearly.

• No struggles faced in this section
• I decided to laminate the instructions to give the overall product a professional look. More importantly,
since this product will be used multiple time, it is possible that the printing tears or, since i will be used
as a coaster, drink spillages could ruin the words and paper.
• Instead of keeping the size of the instruction card 9cm by 9cm I changed it to 8cm by 8cm. This is
because, after lamination, I will have to leave 1 cm from the paper while cutting. Otherwise, the
lamination would have torn.
• I left the cutting for the assembly because the coasters were not fully prepared for sticking these
instructions onto.

Lamination process

Section 3 INITIAL PLAN- preparing the other Section 3 SECOND PLAN- Finishing and polishing
parts of the cube (rods and stoppers) (approximately 3 hours)
(approximately 1 hour) Tools: fret saw, sanding block, sanding paper
Tools: coping saw, sanding paper, ruler, (220), Brasso polish
pencil, wooden axles.
• Cut the corners of the coasters and then round the
• Drill holes of 0f 0.3cm into each of the 6 faces edges using a sanding block. (30 mins)
(10 minutes) • Use fine sandpaper (220) and sand all the edges so
• Take a wooden axle of 0.2cm that the residual soot from the laser cutter is
• Cut out 6 rods of 15 cm length (5 minutes) removed; the edges must feel smooth (30 mins)
• Lightly sand the rods and their edges (5 • File the acrylic pieces and sand them with fine
minutes) sanding paper; place the pieces in the vice for
• Take another wooden axle of a diameter of support (45 mins)
1cm. • Polish the pieces with the Brasso polish to remove
• Mark 8 lines in gaps of 0.5 cm and cut out 4 major scratches (30 mins)
stoppers (10 minutes)
• Drill holes of diameter 0. 2cm into each
stopper (10 minutes)

SECTION 3 REFLECTION (second plan)

• When I cut the holder pieces earlier, the edges turned out to be extremely smooth and therefore I did
not need to file or sand further and I did not need to add any of the brass polish.
• I designed and cut the lotus petals.

• For the first coaster, I attempted to cut the corners and then file, however this did not look aesthetically
pleasing, so I had to stick the cut cornerback. Although this slightly spoiled the aesthetics of that
coaster, I used sandpaper to cover up the crack.
• It was quite difficult to make sure that all the corners were sanded to the same level when I used the
sanding belt. However, with practice I was able to sand all the corners the same way and the same
number of times and then sanded any unlike corners with a sanding block later. To have eradicated
this struggle earlier, I should have practiced on scrap pieces of wood.
• Time was again an issue because of the unavailability of the laser. Moreover, I had underestimated the
time it would take to sand and smoothen out all the 4 edges of 6 coasters. Unexpectedly, it took quite
long to complete the sanding.
• I had sanded the edges after adding the gloss spray; because of this the edges become a little rough
again, so I had re-sand all of the edges and then apply marker (explained in the changes below).
• Since I cut the lotus petals in this process, it took a little more time than planned to finish this section
of the project. This was equivalent to using up time from section 4, therefore I had to extend the time
I gave myself for section 4, from 1 hour to 1.5 hours. I skipped the sanding for the lotus petals as I had
to begin assembly.
• Due to the reason mentioned above, I had to give myself some extra time for section 4.
• I decided to use the Sanding Belt to make the corner smooth because the process was much faster, and
the results were better in comparison to cutting the corner.
• I decided to add some spray to add a polished coat to the coaster since the surface seemed a little rough
and since this product was for a client’s use it had to look as professional as possible
• When sanding the edges of the not all the soot was removed, so I decided to use a marker to cover the
edges and this actually gave an even cleaner look.
• I did not have to use any Brasso polish because the edges turned out to be glossy and smooth from the
laser cutter, which was the desired result.
• After the time-consuming experience from completing the initial part of the plan, I found an alternative
method to create BMPs. I also realised that only format needed to be changed and not the background.

Editing the lotus

Laser cutting the
petals and
lotus petals and the
Sanding the holder pieces on
holder pieces
coasters RD works to into
the correct
cutting format

Section 4 INITIAL PLAN- assembling the various parts Section 4 SECOND PLAN- Assembly
(approximately 3 hours) (approximately 1.5 hours)
Tools: cloth or nylon string, glue Tools: Fevicol glue, acrylic glue, brushes
• Put 4 axles into the stopper • Stick the printed instructions onto the
• Insert 2 axles into two faces (make sure the face can turn back of each coaster
easily on the axle • Assemble the 5 holder pieces using
• Attach the ends of the two axles just above the edge of the acrylic glue
faces using string. Tie in a criss-cross manner and the • Stick the lotus petals onto the front face
angle must be 90 degrees (1 hour) of the holder
• Repeat this with all other faces until a cube is created • Place the coaster into the holder
• Secure the tied axles with glue and ensure that all faces
are flippable (1 hour)
SECTION 4 REFLECTION (second plan)
• The instruction cards fit perfectly onto the back of the coasters.
• I was able to complete the assembly of the holder pieces and the lotus efficiently and thus did not face
much of a problem during this process.
• The sizing was appropriate, and all the coaters fit into the holder.

• I had to re colour the edges since some of the marker had faded away.
• I had to reapply the acrylic glue to the holder pieces numerous times because the glue would evaporate
instantly. By the time I managed to achieve the correct position,
• I used wooden letters and glued the word YOGA onto the back piece of the holder. This was to increase
the aesthetics of the product as it should be appealing to the user when buying and using. Although,
this product is meant for adults and is for an office environment, I thought that using letters would
consequently increasing the aesthetics of the desk and promote the product further in the office.
• I found that some of the edges of the lotus petals were too uneven, therefore I had to spend some time
sanding the edges carefully. However, this did not affect my time plan for this section. I made sure to
not sand excessively, otherwise I would have given the edges a matte look which was not wanted.
While doing this, I found out the I did not have to use any polish because the laser cutter had given a
shiny finish.
• I decided to cover the sides of the instruction cards as well because not all of the wood was covered.
So, I used the marker to create an outline around the instruction cards on each coaster. This gave the
coasters a much neater and professional look.

Assembly of
holder pieces and
lotus petals Sticking the
instruction cards
and outlining

Criteria D

TESTING METHOD 1: SURVEY. All the questions below have been asked to prove some of the design
Section 1 Appearance of the product-

I received a 4 for the first question on the left

(to what extent does the product look office
appropriate) maybe because of the use of colour
or the professionality in the product. For the
second question (technically, how well the
product is made) I may have received a 4
because of the black marker slightly spreading
on the 3 of the coasters, thus the outlining for

not fully perfect. By this I understood that there

is a very fine line between a 4 and 5 and includes
minor details. Look at evaluation against design
specification for further explanation.
Section 2 Purpose of the product-
For the question beside (how clear are
the instructions), I may have received a
3 because I did not include bullet
points. Moreover, I did not include the
basic instructions such as sitting
straight and keeping the feet on the


Feedback questions for interview with client:

1. Are you finding the instructions easy to follow?
- Yes they were simple and easy to follow
2. Are the coasters easy to remove and place back?
- They were easy to handle and place them back; very convenient
3. Are all the postures easy and comfortable to perform in your office clothes?
- Yes they were very simple to do in the office clothes; could be performed in any attire actually
4. How do you feel after performing some of the postures?
- Felt relaxed, forward fold and high altar; could feel the difference
5. What would be potential strength?
- Once kept on office desk they often reminded about the sitting positions; useful reminder to take a
break if they are on the desk
- Good idea would recommend to others
6. What improvements would you suggest in terms of the product itself?
- Could have created a book that is more portable and observe the sequence
- Bigger size; maybe printed on a5 paper to paste on walls to increase awareness
- Maybe add bullet points to the instructions
7. Would you have preferred a small sheet to explain general information like sitting straight etc.,?
- Could have added general instructions on another coaster


Respondents: DR. AN RAO, VENKAT EGANTI, TC PATRA (yoga experts and practitioners)

As shown by the results above, the product is very successful in terms of the purpose of the product. It proves
that yoga was a good option and all the postures chosen were very appropriate to decrease stress and
consequently increase productivity.


*Note- a few of the specifications did not apply to product since it was changed. New specifications were
added to replace the non-applicable ones (HIGHLIGHTED).
As indicated by the evaluation above, I have met most of my criteria which makes my product a successful
product to some extent. On a scale of one to 10, I would give the product an 8 on a synthesis bases. There are
3 main specifications that I did not achieve fully as shown above (they are highlighted in red). These are the
main weaknesses of my product. They have been addressed in the improvements below. Some of these
resulting in lower ratings in replies to the questions asked in the survey.
Classification Specifications Evaluation
Function *The postures included must be As indicated by the survey filled out by the
effective in reducing stress expert, all the postures are effective at reducing
*The postures that will be engraved stress. This is mainly because of the breathing
using a laser cutter must be pattern and its rejuvenating impact on the brain.
distinguishable Moreover, all the postures are different in terms
*The coasters should be easy to of the body movements and the body parts
remove/ there should be enough involved in them. While this already makes the
space inside the holder (they should postures distinguishable, I made sure to only
be easily accessible because the user include the body parts in the picture. I did not
will probably be stressed in the first focus on the facial expressions of the character
place). or drawing three models. This way the user can
*the holder should be stable easily follow the picture without confusion.
Next, since the coasters are individual pieces
and contain information on both sides, I made
sure to make the holder space big enough so that
the coasters can be placed at an angle, instead
of straight. Like this the coasters can be
removed easily. Lastly, I made sure that the
base of the holder is stick over the bottom edges
of the sides, front and back pieces and not
between them. This way the holder was resting
completely on its base on not partly on the
bottom edges of the other pieces.
Materials *The material used for the coasters I chose to use pine3plywood which was a little
and the holders must be hard and softer than other wood, however this only made
sturdy, i.e., wood (ideally pine wood the cutting and engraving easier. The wood is
wood) still sturdy and since the coasters are fairly
* The materials used in total should small, it is difficult to snap it or break it. Bigger
be durable pieces would have been easier to break. In
addition, most wood are quite durable. They
*All the materials used must be would have to be in very damp conditions to rot.
recyclable Moreover, the plywood I chose is meant for
construction and designing purposes. Coming
to recyclability, the wooden coasters can most
definitely be recycled if disposed off properly.
However, acrylic is a group 7 plastic, that is not
often recycles and is difficult to recycle.
However, it is possible to make slightly big
pieces of acrylic, if not damaged, into other
products. Although I did not achieve the
“recyclable” specification fully, it should not be
problem because this is not a product to keep at
home or a product that would usually be
disposed after a few days of use. In addition,
adults tend to reuse things like containers and
holders for other purposes. So if my client
doesn’t want to use the coasters, he can still use
holder for business cards for example.
Dimensions *The product must be compact The product only occupies only 5.5cm by
(should only occupy within 11 cm 10.5cm, so an area of 57.8 cm^2. The coasters
by 6cm of the desk space (66cm^2) are all mobile as they are not stuck to the holder.
*The product must be mobile (the The holder can also be moved. This way the
coasters) user can place it wherever they want to on the
* It must be lightweight so that the desk, making it convenient. Moreover the
user can carry it and hold it coasters are the part of the product which is
effortlessly likely to be moved and each coaster weighs less
*The font size must be readable and than 25 grams. Coming to the font size, some
must fit the size if side (ideally size postures had more instructions than others, so
11 minimum and fonts like Arial, the font size is not the same for all. However,
Calibri or Georgia). all the instructions are readable without having
to stress; in fact, the smallest size used was size
12, which is more than the size specified
Target Market *This product must be intended All the postures are meant to be performed on
towards office goers, typically ones the chair and when under stress, the user can sit
who spend long hours working on the chair stress. While people may say that it
behind a desk. is a better option to stand and stress, chair yoga
*The product should be unisex; the has the same effect as standing. Moreover, it is
postures should be easy to perform a better option for people who struggle to stay
for both male and female workers standing. In addition, chair yoga supports the
brain and mostly the upper body to relieve
stress. Having mentioned that, some of the
postures such as the HIGH ALTAR can be done
while standing if the user wishes to. Also, these
postures can be performed by both male and
female. None of these positions require the
lifting the legs high, so even if women wear
skirts it should not be a problem. Besides, some
yogic postures should not be performed by
women during certain times according to the
scriptures and science, however none of the
postures in this product are of that sort.
User needs *The product should provide The product is definitely easy to navigate as
workers with instant release from there are only two sides, one with an image and
stress by relaxing muscles and other with instructions. The image and the
rejuvenating the brain instructions for that image are on the same
* The product must be easy to use coasters so the user does not have look for
and navigate through for the office anything. Moreover, there are very few parts to
goers the product. Just the holder and the coasters. As
*It must be easy to hold mentioned before, the coasters are easy to hold
*The postures must be simple and as they a lightweight and only measure 9 cm by
easy to follow 9cm. The postures are also very easy to
*The instructions should be easy to physically follow as they only involve sitting on
read a chair and are simple as raising/twisting the
arms, bending forward and breathing. Also, the
user can just use the pictures to perform the
posture as the instructions are mainly for giving
directions on how to breathe while doing the
Aesthetics *The corners must be rounded All the corners and edges of the coasters have
*The edges must be smooth been rounded but not of the holders. Therefore,
* The attachment of the pieces must I did not fully achieve the first two
be neat; glue should be applied specifications of this list. Some of the acrylic
neatly glue spread out and made a little part of the
*The instruction cards should be cut acrylic surface rough. This spread was actually
and stuck neatly, in line with the visible and removing it with nail polish remover
edges of the coasters produced oily smudges. Therefore, the glue was
*the black marker on the edges of not applied as carefully as possible. However,
the coasters should be neat the instructions cards were all cut equally and
* The names of each posture should neatly and pasted with correct alignment. I used
be written neatly black marker to cover all the edges of the cards
*The wood should be left in its to make sure that all the edges look the same
original colour to give a natural and and equally cut. The names of each posture
professional look were written in capitals to appear as clearly and
neatly as possible. Although the names have
been written in different ways for each posture,
they all are easy to read. Lastly, I left the wood
in its original colour which, as mentioned
before, made it stand out and look more natural.


Possible improvements for this product include some of the technical aspects such as removing acrylic
residue. This is to clean the product up further and give it a more professional look. If my piece was one among
many at a store, the customer would maybe try look for another piece because of the acrylic residue on the
piece I created. In order to address this issue, I could also be more precise with the application of the acrylic
glue during the creation process. Furthermore, an improvement that I would make to the actual process itself
is to measure out the required measurements for the holder pieces on material like cardboard before cutting
the acrylic. This is because I found that the front piece was a little short and as a result, the sides hand to be
pushed inwards and these created a slight trapezium shape rather than a rectangle. This meant that the sides
and front did not fit perfectly on to the base and some of the sizing was then imprecise. Besides, I would also
make the corners of the holder rounded for safety purposes. I would do this because the user could accidentally
gain cuts from the sharp corners. Also, if the product ever fell onto the floor on one of the sharp corners it is
more likely to chip in comparison to a rounded corner; having rounded corners would save the aesthetics of
the product in this situation. In order to do this, I would use files and wet sandpaper through which I can obtain
rounded and smooth corners. Moreover, I could have filed and polished all the edges of the acrylic pieces to
give the holder a cleaner look, as doing this would have removed the small indents and scratches on the edges.
I would do this, again, with files, wet sandpaper and Brasso polish to gain the cleaner look. I could have also
filed the edges of the lotus petals to give them smooth curves and making them look more like a soft flower.
At the moment the corners are sharp and although, the edges have a glossy shine, they have numerous angles.
The petals are a key part that could have been improved as they form a lotus which symbolises yoga and sets
the theme for the product. Moreover, since it is the only part of the product that is colourful and vibrant it will
be a major aesthetic point of attraction for the customer. While I do personally feel that making the guide in
form of coasters is the most ideal, in comparison to all my designs, I think that extending the holder from the
back by adding an extra compartment would have been useful as a desk tidy. This is because, office goers
usually deal with many files and stationery, so including a desk tidy would have made the product more
attractive in terms of its purpose. In addition, it is also a fact that being unorganised can result in more stress
which could consequently decrease productivity. Not being able to find the stationary you need when working
under pressure can cause more panic and stress which results in decreased levels of productivity.

Additionally, I could have made small ports inside the holder itself for each coaster. I would do this to
improve the aesthetics overall and the gap between the coasters could have made it more distinguishable and
easier to pick according to user’s choice. I would have done this by adding 5 smaller pieces of acrylic inside,
with a gap of 1 cm for each coaster. Also, the coaster is actually quite slippery and accidents, such as spilling
the drink that is resting on the coaster, could result. So, in this case, I would make the laminated cards a little
stickier or rigid my dabbing acrylic paint along all the sides. The dabbing motion would have given the surface
a rigid texture and this would increase the friction between the coaster and the desk. Another option would be
to dry out double sided squares, cut them into smaller squares and stick them on the 4 corners of each coaster.
Addressing to the specifications that were not achieved above, I could improve the recyclability of the product
by using wood even for the holder and painting it a different colour to make the coasters stand out. Also
addressing the improvements suggested by the client, I could have added bullet points to each instruction to
help distinguish between each instruction. He also suggested that I could have made either an alternative or
additional poster to encourage the idea of office yoga all around the office. Lastly, he said that i could have
created another coaster that provides general information that applies to all the posture, such as “sit straight”,
“feet must be flat on the floor” and “sit on the edge of your chair”.


Firstly, this product was made for office goers who sit behind a desk all day long. Many adult workers who
do this tend to drink many drinks throughout the day, such as coffee or tea to remain energised and refreshed.
According to e-imports, among coffee drinkers the average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of
coffee per day (e-imports, 2017). Although this statistic may not apply to Oman, my client has indicated that
he and his colleagues drink around 2-3 cups of coffee or tea during working days. Due to this reason, the
coasters will be very useful for them to use to put their drinks on top of and in addition. In addition, the fact
that coasters are used more by adults (due to their drinking habits) it will be quite an attraction. Secondly, I
chose yoga as it is quite a contemporary form of exercise that may adults are showing interest to. Many
complain that they do not have time for yoga during their busy schedules however, this product integrates the
practice of yoga into their daily lives which is all the more of a reason to choose and use this product. In terms
of the type of yoga, all the postures on the coasters are chair yoga asanas (postures). This is especially
convenient for my target audience because they will always be seated while working. Besides, even on
business trips they will always find a seat, whether it is in the airport, on the plane or in the meeting hall; they
can always carry one or two coasters around. This way it will be useful for them and they will be able to
publicise the product to others.

Coming to yoga specifically, it increases productivity by providing immediate relief from stress and anxiety
and by boosting concentration and focus. Also, practicing chair yoga provides motivation which further
increases productivity. Other than this, it helps to maintain or improve mobility, which is a problem among
many adults; they find that sitting for prolonged period of time and not finding time of exercise during the day
is affecting their physical health. Sprains and muscle catch due to bad posture can stop people from continuing
to work, thus affecting their productivity. Furthermore, mental factors such as lack of motivation and fatigue
can also lead to a decline in productivity levels and chair yoga can help battle both of those issues. In fact,
sleep quality is also improved in the little time that some office goers get. In reference to my client, he finds
himself working late during month endings and store openings when all the finances need to manage
efficiently. All these benefits collectively help an office goer to maintain a healthy work-style and
consequently the advantages of having so.

Thirdly, material choice was also specifically chosen. Since my client did not prefer too much colour and
wanted something more office appropriate and a product that would go with the theme of an office
environment. Therefore, I picked wood as it complements the desk in his office and is a firm and sturdy
material that is aesthetic as well. This was the most appropriate thinking behind the choice because adults
usually consider durability and function of the product in comparison to children. Moreover, on many online
blogs, adults have mentioned that it is “fancier” (quora, 2012). Therefore, the wood would be most attractive
to adult clients. As an added fact, coasters are widely made from wood and ceramic (ceramic is very brittle
however). Fourthly, I chose to use of acrylic because it makes the coasters stand out from the rest of items on
the desk, especially considering that the wood has a colour of its own. This would encourage the client to
notice the product more and to remind them to use it; it prevents the client from losing the product under piles
of files, organisers etc., Moving on to the information on the coasters; the engraving of the asanas are very
simple and so the client is not looking at too much when they are trying to use the product under stressed
conditions. In this case, the instructions on the back may be a problem but once the client has understood the
asana, they will only need to refer to the engraving on the other side for a reminder. Also, they are very easy
to perform so the breathing patterns mentioned in the instructions can be memorised easily.

In reference to my goal which states that, “my goal is to help office goers to integrate yoga into their work
style to help increase their level of productivity”, I think that I have achieved this as I have given the product
a multi-purpose function. It is especially useful as it can be used as coffee (any drink) coasters. Moreover,
they will always be constantly reminded of and motivated to use the product as it has to be kept on the desk.
It is not a booklet that they could easily hide in the drawer. In addition, it is integrated into their work day
because it is an adapted style that can be done in their typical office environment.

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