Application Letter - Rusty Oplegida

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July 18, dor To: SHERLY ANN AL JAMICOLA Chief Statistical Spedialicr repping StatiGical Authority Leyte Provincial Ctatictical OFFice Tacloban City Dear Maam, Greetings | : ' to apply for Lam writing tic letter fo expres my sincerect Interest 10 apy counter position for the conduct of WIL dncuc of Agriculture ang Ficherieg (CAF) under Contract OF Cervice Woktr (COSW) to be accigned in Carigaras \eyte- tesondary cation Major | A \4- 910 graduate OF Bachelor oF Seeondary E On cin rier Teehnclogy 3 Eattern Vicayac Mate \rivercity - Grigarg Gampuc- A Filipino Gitiztn & Good moral character and in good heath. J am hardworking . vind » Joedtant . honest » covperative » intelligent and dedicated 40 what Ido. 1 poscest a pleasing puconality . a drong diye for eMC . And AN ability 4 dtal With penple- Though 1 do not have the Vperierce in tHE Held Out TL ctrongly beieve that L have te potential to puforin and LT promice that % will not let you down: Artected to Hie leittr ig my Perconal Data Sheet » Tran, and bother putinent doummente. Shope for your posite tecponge ak torieet OMe You can GL oF FOE ME oF OGLE AAO Bede oe You may Seid me an email at Hopegidalta&G gmail: com. Thank YOu ccript bf Pevorde , pay Snvly Your, Pasty) T ida Applicant

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