Corporation Reaction

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The Corporation

Reaction Paper
Name: John Eric Palarca BSIT 2-T
The Corporation
Reaction Paper

The movie documentary: The Corporation is all about what type of person a corporation
would be. It was written by University of British law professor Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark
Achbar and Jennifer Abbott.
Corporation was referred as a dominant institution who have a greater impact on our lives and
environmental terms. The documentary also called the corporation, a monster or a person that do
not know what is enough. It is also called as externalizing machine, a corporation is like a killing
machine, it has certain objectives and to accomplish that goal, corporation can be good or bad. I
certainly agree that corporation is like a psychopath, they are willing to do anything for that
profit or what so called “money and power”. In the Philippines settings we all know that the
greedy of some corporation leads to destruction and suffering of others.
The corporation as per law states that is an artificial person that have the right of a natural
person is alright. There are no bad effects for us if the corporation can buy or sell properties, can
be sued or sue. The scarier part there is the persons who is working for the objectives of
corporation. Corporation is not the root cause of the hunger, poverty, slavery, exploitation, more
on they give works and improve the economic status of a country. The true cause of the
hunger, poverty, slavery and exploitation is the abusive persons who runs a corporation who
only wants profit.

As to what happen in town of Arcata, where they vote to keep out new chain restaurants out, I
personally think that it wouldn’t happen in Philippines were the kind of government is
democratic and with our economic status. Our country needs more business to operate because
of the number of jobless persons is getting bigger and also for the taxation because our
country has getting more and more debts from other countries.

I envision something new kind of business where it can’t be referred as psychopath or

monster. I want the kind of business that is not into profit only. I want that will give back to
mother earth because we consume so much of our environment and has care for the labor,
consumer and for the others.
The movie documentary The Corporation is all about what type of person a corporation would
be. It was written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott.

The Corporation
Reaction Paper

The movie documentary: The Corporation is all about what type of person a corporation
would be. It was written by University of British law professor Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark
Achbar and Jennifer Abbott.
Corporation was referred as a dominant institution who have a greater impact on our lives and
environmental terms. The documentary also called the corporation, a monster or a person that do
not know what is enough. It is also called as externalizing machine, a corporation is like a killing
machine, it has certain objectives and to accomplish that goal, corporation can be good or bad. I
certainly agree that corporation is like a psychopath, they are willing to do anything for that
profit or what so called “money and power”. In the Philippines settings we all know that the
greedy of some corporation leads to destruction and suffering of others.
The corporation as per law states that is an artificial person that have the right of a natural
person is alright. There are no bad effects for us if the corporation can buy or sell properties, can
be sued or sue. The scarier part there is the persons who is working for the objectives of
corporation. Corporation is not the root cause of the hunger, poverty, slavery, exploitation, more
on they give works and improve the economic status of a country. The true cause of the
hunger, poverty, slavery and exploitation is the abusive persons who runs a corporation who
only wants profit.

As to what happen in town of Arcata, where they vote to keep out new chain restaurants out, I
personally think that it wouldn’t happen in Philippines were the kind of government is
democratic and with our economic status. Our country needs more business to operate because
of the number of jobless persons is getting bigger and also for the taxation because our
country has getting more and more debts from other countries.

I envision something new kind of business where it can’t be referred as psychopath or

monster. I want the kind of business that is not into profit only. I want that will give back to
mother earth because we consume so much of our environment and has care for the labor,
consumer and for the others.

Corporation was referred as a dominant institution who have a greater impact on our lives and
environmental terms. They're sometimes compared to monsters because they prioritize their
goals, whether good or bad. I agree that corporations can act like psychopaths, focusing on profit
and power. In the Philippines, some greedy corporations have caused harm.

By law, corporations are considered artificial persons with legal rights. The real issue is the
people working for these corporations and their intentions. Corporations themselves aren't the
main causes of problems like hunger, poverty, slavery, and unfair treatment. Instead, it's the
individuals within these corporations who prioritize profit over people.

As to what happen in town of Arcata, where they voted to keep out new chain restaurants, which
might not happen in the Philippines due to its democratic government and economic needs. Our
country needs more business to operate because of the number of persons who is jobless is
getting bigger and also for the taxation because our country has getting more and more debts
from other countries. Ideally, we should aim for businesses that is not into profit only. I want that
will give back to mother earth because we consume so much of our environment and has care for
the labor, consumer and for the others.

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