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MS Homestays Agreement

WHEREAS, MS Homestays, an Independent Contractor, agrees to find Homestay Families for

students, who hereinafter shall be referred to as the “Student” or “Students”.

WHEREAS, MS Homestays and the Student have agreed upon the terms under which MS
Homestays, in providing support to students to finding temporary accommodations in Canada,
will offer to place students with the Host Family.

MS Homestays’ fiscal domicile is located at 208-1101 Rue Rachel East H2J3R7 Montreal, Qc.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained in this

Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which
is acknowledged by the signatures to this Agreement, the parties agree and accept the following
terms, conditions and responsibilities:


Host Families offer international students a first-hand experience of the Canadian lifestyle and
they mirror the multicultural Canadian society. Depending on the ethnic background of your host
family, you might not only have the chance to learn about the Canadian culture but also about
their inherited culture as your family may be of Italian, Japanese, Indian, Jamaican or other

We choose our families based on the idea that they want to share their home and culture with
you; therefore, host families are interested in learning about your culture and about you as a
unique individual. Most of them have many years of experience hosting international students
and they are used to having people from different cultures at home. More importantly, they
enjoy sharing with people from different backgrounds and that is why we encourage you to
share about your country and culture with them.

Living with a host family and sharing special moments with them creates a unique bond
between you and your future family in Canada and that is why your homestay is the best place
for you to practice your English or French in a relaxed environment.

Staying in someone else’s home can be very interesting but we understand that it may also be a
little stressful at first. It can be challenging for you to adapt to the way your host family does
things, especially when you will be adapting to a different culture, language, and lifestyle.
Canadian homes function in a different way than your home back in your country. For example,
the food is different, eating schedules may be different to the ones you are used to, and daily
habits of your host family will most likely differ from your daily habits. On average, the schedules
of Canadian families tend to be very busy due to work schedules as well as the numerous social
and sports activities the families are involved in. If invited by your host, try to participate as
much as you like in your host family’s activities as they will welcome you as a new family
member. Your host family will do their best to make you feel at home but you should also try
your best to adapt to the lifestyle and rules of your host family.

a. The First Days

- Spend some time with host family and get to know them.
- Ask your host family if they would like you to call them by their family name or first name.
- Try to eat together at least for the first week.
- Make yourself part of their household, and try to participate in their household activities.
- Always try to communicate clearly with your hosts.
- If you want to bring a friend home for dinner, call first to see if that is okay. You may not
have an overnight guest unless your host agrees.
- Discuss with your host family what would be the best way to communicate with them
when you both are not home for example: WhatsApp messages, Facebook, a call or a
regular text message.
- The host family will show you how to use public transportation and how to get to school.
- The host family will provide you with a copy of the house keys and show you how to lock
the door properly.
- In some cases, there is more than one international student living with one host family. If
that is the case and the other students speak the same language as you, don’t talk to
them in your mother tongue. It will be rude for the host family

b. Friendship with your Host Family and Personal Boundaries

- If you want to take part in your homestay family’s activities, do not hesitate to say so. If
there is a cost involved, you should expect to pay your share.
- Canadians are careful about the privacy of others. If you come into the house and go to
your room and shut the door, your hosts will think that you do not want to be disturbed.
If you want to create a bond- friendship with your host family, you should try to interact
with them
- Students and hosts alike should be careful about the privacy of others.
- Students and families must dress appropriately at all times in the house.
- Your host may be busy with professional and social commitments, and you should be
prepared to be independent as well, perhaps by making your own breakfast and lunch
and doing your personal laundry. Please keep in mind that your hosts are not
responsible for organizing entertainment.

- Be careful not to overstep personal boundaries. We know that living at home for long
period of time creates emotional links to a certain extent, and it is great when this
happens, just make sure that the relationship that is developed is limited to a good
friendship and nothing further.
- Some students and host families are not comfortable with physical contact. If you are
one of these people make sure you make it clear to your host family.

c. Personal Beliefs
Some issues are delicate ones: religion, for example.
- Both student and host family should be respectful of each other's beliefs while not
imposing their own.
- You are not required to attend religious services with your host family.
- Some families might practice religious observances in their home. If you have a question
about your host’s culture or religion don’t feel shy to ask them.

d. Communication and Dealing with Problems

Good two-way communication between student and host is the key to a good relationship and it
is your and your host’s responsibility.

- Always communicate clearly.

- Don’t be shy to talk to your host family about your concerns. If any misunderstanding
arises in the course of your stay with your hosts, the best way to resolve it is through
frank and prompt communication.
- Remember that if you have a concern about your Homestay Accommodation, always
discuss it with your hosts first. It is important to discuss your concern right away and not
to wait until it becomes a problem. Your host may be able to provide a solution right
- If you need help after addressing a problem with your host family you must contact MS
- Let your host family know about your daily activities.

e. Homestay Changes
It is possible to relocate the student with a different Host Family as long as:

- The change is requested for justified reasons and after having tried to reconcile the situation
with the family.
- Homestay changes originated from justified reasons, unrelated to the student, will be done
without any additional cost.
- Homestay changes can take up to an average of two weeks.
- Homestay changes originated from URGENT and justified reasons will be done immediately.
- Homestay changes for non-justified reasons (the student is not willing to talk to the family to
improve the situation or resolve the issue, the host family has done what is necessary to
reconcile the situation but the student still wants to move) will have an additional fee of $100

f. Curfew
- Students are obliged to respect the host family’s rules.
- A curfew time for international students under 18 years old will be set from their legal
family, MS Homestays or the host family.
- If you are going to be unexpectedly late, you should tell your host family.
- If you are eighteen years old or turning eighteen during your stay, the host family will
adapt your curfew policy accordingly.
- Always inform your host family about your whereabouts.

g. Traveling outside of the city

- If you are a MINOR student your parents must provide MS Homestays with a written
approval for each trip you are planning. MS Homestays will advise your homestay family.
- If you are NOT a minor, you must just inform your host family about the details of your
plans and how to contact you in case an emergency.
- There will not be any adjustments in your invoice for absences due to any trip planned
during your stay.

h. Medical Concerns and Allergies

It is mandatory to hold a valid health insurance for the entire period your stay in Canada.
- MS Homestays will share with your host family the allergies and health conditions that
you indicate in your Homestay Application Questionnaire. Please discuss them further
with your Host Family once you have arrived.
- It is important to bring your supply of the medicines you are taking on regular basis for
your entire stay.
- In Quebec waiting times to see a doctor tend to be quite long, it can take up to an entire
day. It is highly recommended to bring with you medication that you may need for
common illnesses such as cold, flu, stomachache, headache, etc.
- Depending on your insurance, you may be requested to pay an upfront fee when visiting
a clinic or hospital. Be sure to bring enough cash, debit or credit card to cover for such
- You must make sure you understand how your insurance company works and what
hospitals and clinics your insurance will cover.

i. Alcohol, Narcotics and Other Illegal Activities

- Students must obey Canadian laws.

- You may not use any kind of illegal drugs or engage in any other illegal activity (e.g.
shoplifting, gambling).

I. Cannabis Law

On October 17, 2018, new laws legalizing cannabis use was into effect in Canada. By law, it
is legal for any person over the age of 18 to consume cannabis.

After a review of the federal and provincial laws, it is important to communicate to you the
following statement:

1. It is prohibited to consume or possess any quantity of cannabis in the host family

property as but not limited to: the balcony, garage, garden or any room inside the house.

All students are advised that MS Homestays and/or the Host Families have the power to impose
the following sanctions if you break the law:

v Report to the Police: MS Homestays has the right to report any illegal action to the
v End of the Service Contract with the Homestay Family: The violation of these rules can
result in the end of the service contract between MS Homestays and the Host Family
and, if applicable, the immediate reimbursement of the money paid to the host family for
the student(s) stay.
v End of the Service Contract with the student: he violation of these rules can result in the
end of the service contract between MS Homestays and the student without refund of
the fees paid from the student to MS Homestays.
v Withdraw the student from the Host Family home if either, the student or the Host
Family, violate these rules.


j. House Rules

- Students should not smoke in a non-smoking home. (Most families do not allow smoking
inside the house)
- Students may not have an overnight guest unless your host family agrees.
- Ask your hosts about the rules of the house as soon as possible. Ask about:
o TV times, telephone & Internet use
o Shower times
o How loud you can play music and until what time; what rooms in the house you
can use; if the house has a security alarm system, and if so, how to use it.
o Curfew (In case you are a minor student)
o Room decoration
o Laundry
- Your host family might have other reasonable rules within their home. They will explain
them clearly to you.

k. Meals
- You will be provided with two (breakfast and dinner) or three meals (breakfast, lunch and
dinner) per day, according to the meal plan agreed prior to your arrival.
- On weekends and holidays, your hosts might provide you with a brunch and an evening
- You may be invited to prepare your own meals at times when your homestay has other
obligations, but this should not become habitual.
- You will be provided with sufficient, fresh and nutritious food. Ask your hosts to join them
on a trip to the grocery store. This will give you the unique opportunity to learn more
about the food products available in Canada and its price. Please note that cheese and
milk products are very expensive in Canada and your host family may only have a
limited choice available for consumption.
- Canadian winters are cold. Be aware that fresh produce has to be transported over long
distances to local grocery stores. Therefore, many fruits and vegetables are not readily
available in Canada during wintertime or extremely expensive and of bad quality. On
average most families choose to substitute fresh food items with frozen alternatives
during the long months of winter.

- Canadians are used to having something light for breakfast such as: toast, coffee,
cereal, fruit, muffins, croissants, etc.
- More elaborated breakfast such as: eggs, pancakes, etc. are usually prepared on the
- It is very important that you know that not all the families prepare the breakfast for the
students. Sometimes the family will let you know what you can have for breakfast and
leave it available in the kitchen for you to prepare it, while some other families prefer
to make it for you every morning.
- Lunchtime is some time between 12h and 13h. It generally consists of a sandwich,
fruits, and juice. Your host family normally prepares it for you and they will give it to
you in the morning so that you can bring it to school.

- Dinner is the biggest meal of the day. The time it is served varies from family to
family. It could be any time between 18h and 20h.
- It could consist of meat, pasta, vegetables, salad, potatoes, rice, etc. It really depends
on the family’s preferences and tastes.
- It is also very important that you call your host family every time you won’t be present
for dinner or if you are going to be late. You have to let them know in advance you will
be absent for dinner so they know that they don’t have to prepare the dinner for you
or that they have to keep it for you if you are planning to have it later than the usual

- This is a good time to practice your new language. It is one of the most important
ways to get the most out of your Homestay. Try to be home for supper as a regular
part of your day.

Most Homestay families prefer that students avoid using the kitchen. Ask for permission
before cooking. If you would like to use the kitchen, ask your hosts if you can do this. Avoid
elaborate cooking at odd hours.

l. Your Bedroom
- You will be provided with a clean, comfortable and functional bedroom.
- As a minimum, the room needs to be furnished with:
o Bed and mattress;
o 1 desk and a chair for studying;
o 1 bedside table;
o Sufficient lights (at least one general light and a desk lamp);
o Wardrobe or closet space;

- Some older Canadian homes have very small closets in the bedrooms. If you need
more closet space, ask your hosts for a space outside your room where you can hang or
store clothes.
- You will have your own bedroom and a key to the house.
- Always lock the house behind you when you go out and after you enter.
- You might not be accustomed to cold Canadian winters. Due to high heating costs and
extremely dry air, Canadian families prefer to keep their homes at temperatures around
18˚ C and 20˚ C. If you feel cold, be prepared to wear extra clothes to keep you warm.
You might also ask your host for an additional blanket to keep you warm during your
study periods. Canadian homes have central heating and it is extremely expensive to
leave windows open once the cold weather comes. Make sure to keep you bedroom
window closed during cold weather.

m. Sheets, Towels and Laundry

- The host family will supply clean sheets, towels, and laundry detergent.
- You are responsible for your personal laundry; ask your host about the best time to do
- Ask your host family to show you how to use the washer and dryer. Please wait until you
have a full load of clothes before doing a wash.

n. Bathroom

- You are responsible for personal items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, and
- You should be flexible about shower and bath times, and should try not to spend more
than 10 or 15 minutes in the bathroom at any one time, especially at busy times of the
- You do not have to clean everything in the bathroom. But make sure you leave it the
way you found it. Don’t leave it wet or messy for the next person.

o. Chores

- You are not responsible for housework but you could give a hand to your host family if
you they asked for some help with a particular chore.
- You should keep your own room clean and tidy, make your bed, and clean and dust your
own room once a week.
- It is also responsible for cleaning up after yourself for example, washing your plate after
- Your Host Family may ask you to wash your own bed sheets on your laundry day.
p. Telephone Calls

- You may make local calls as long as your Host Family allows you to use the home
phone if there is one.
- You must make arrangements with your host regarding long distance calls. Either make
collect calls from your homestay or have your family call you from your country. Ask
your hosts to make the collect call on your behalf.
- Unless you are using a calling card, you cannot make long-distance calls from your
homestay without your hosts’ permission. If you owe money for phone calls, always
pay your hosts promptly.
- Remember that you are sharing the phone with the rest of the people in the home. Do
not spend more than 10 to 15 minutes on the phone at any one time unless you have
asked your hosts beforehand.
- Tell your friends and family to call you after 8:00 a.m. and before 9:00 p.m. Phone calls
outside these hours are not common and it is considered rude to call or receive a call
after outside this time frame.

q. Internet

- In Canada, not everybody has unlimited Internet as in some other countries. Some
families pay a monthly fee to use certain amount of GB. Please ask your host family
about it and make sure you do not use it excessively.
- It is strictly forbidden to download any kind of content from the web such as music and

r. Extra Charges and Damages Agreement
- You are the sole responsible for any damage caused to the host family’s property,
belongings, furniture, etc. and MS Homestays cannot be held responsible in case such
damages occur.
- In the event that you cause any damage either accidentally or voluntarily, you will be
responsible for the cost incurred to fix the situation / damage.
- Your Homestay Family must not levy extra charges on you except in case of special
- You must not deal directly with the Host Family in regards to extensions. Any request to
extend your stay must be presented directly to MS Homestays staff. Should you deal
directly with the Host Family for the extension of your stay, the Deposit Fee or Last Month
Payment Fee (whichever applies to your case) will not be refunded.
s. Emergencies
- If your arrival flight it is delayed or cancelled please contact your host family and the MS
Homestays’ coordinator.
SMS, and Calls)

- You can also call the phone number provided above in case any homestay emergency.

- The telephone number for emergencies in Canada is 911. You call this number for
police, ambulance, or fire. Give the telephone operator your name and address and say
what the emergency is. Appropriate emergency personnel will respond.


MS Homestays is an independent contractor and shall not be deemed to be employed by

either the Students or the Homestay Families.
MS Homestays, in rendering services shall act as an independent contractor and shall not
incur any liabilities in the name of the Students or Homestay Families.
The Student understands and acknowledges that MS Homestays must rely to a great extent
on the information provided to them by the Host Families. MS Homestays screening is limited
to the information provided to them by the Homestay Families in their application and
interview process.

MS Homestays will not knowingly select any Host Families they know to be inappropriate.
However, ultimately, the behavior and conduct of the Host Families cannot be guaranteed.

The Student understands and acknowledges that the Student must address the Host Family
directly for any damage and injury they may incur, arising from the actions of the Host
Family. Therefore, the Student and the Host Family release and forever discharge MS
Homestays, its respective owners, agents and employees, from all actions, causes of
actions, suits, claims, or demands whatsoever, that may arise from the actions of the Host

The Student understands and acknowledges that they accept full responsibility for any
damage and injury the students may incur, arising from their actions as the Student during
the stay with the Host Family. Therefore, the Student and the Host Family release and
forever discharge MS Homestay, its respective owners, agents and employees, from all
actions, causes of actions, suits, claims, or demands whatsoever, that may arise from the
Student actions.

In the event that the student needs to be compensated for any damage and injury arising
from the Host Family actions, MS Homestays will offer full support to the Student by
providing information about the Host Family that may be necessary to enforce compensation
for any damage or injury.


This agreement will be effective from the date of signature.

MS Homestays cannot guarantee that the student will be with the Host family for the full stay
of the specified period that they will be in Canada. Although, it is our hope and intention that
they do stay for the full period, we are aware that situations may arise in which a move is
necessary on behalf of the student or the host family.

MS Homestays reserves the right to remove a student from a Homestay (to either another
Homestay or another residence) in the event of circumstances whereby MS Homestays
deems it necessary to make such a change, on short notice, for the benefit of the students
and / or host family welfare.

Should a problem arise regarding the stay of the student, MS Homestays will thoroughly
investigate all situations, speaking with the host family and the student before deciding to
move a student.

Generally, except in extreme circumstances, any move, whether initiated by the student or by
the Host Family, must first be preceded by a two weeks notice.

Whether the change of a student is initiated on behalf of the student or the Host Family, the
Host Family will always be compensated for the days the student spent in the Host Family’s


The parties agree that any controversies, disputes or claims resulting from this agreement
shall be first submitted to mediation. This shall be conducted in English.

A mediated settlement, if any, shall be presented in writing. If necessary, both parties will
agree on a neutral arbitrary mediator and will be subject to the resolution of the mediation.

If mediation cannot be reached, the laws of the province of Quebec will govern any disputes.

Both parties hereto have expressively required the present Agreement and any other
document relating thereof be drafted in the English language.

I have read and understood the Homestay Guidelines for International Students and, I accept to
hire MS Homestays’ services under these conditions, with full knowledge of what is expected
from me as International guest.

This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Quebec.
Agreement for students under 18 years old must be signed by the parent or legal guardian.

Yuridia Angelica Villanueva May

Full name

07/09/2002 Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Day / Month / Year Place


MS Homestays Representative

Full name

Day / Month / Year Place


We hope you have a pleasant stay in your homestay and in the city.

We are glad to remind you that MS Homestays is committed to ensure your entire satisfaction.

It is our pleasure to have you as a new member of our big family.




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