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CONVERSATIONS: TIME Vocabulary Practice DIRECTIONS: Time questions begin with How long? How often? How soon? When? Write a question from each statement, using the question word or words provided. 1. The copy machine takes ten minutes to print a hundred pages. How long dse4 the copy machine tahe te print a hundred pages? 2. Ms, Miller joined our staff in July. When 3. Mr. DeLorenzo has been in the hospital for two months. How long 4. The floors are cleaned every three months. How often 5. Weare going to the reception at five o'clock When 6. The mail usually comes before noon. When sein rat as See 7. It took all afternoon to fix the copy machine. How long res 8. They tried to call him every night. How often. 9. Mr. Gutfreund will be gone for two weeks. How long — 10. She mailed the package last night. When zz 88 LISTENING COMPREHENSION — | 11. They’ve been working on this report all week. How long 12, He sent the e-mail message this morning. When 13. We have a staff meeting every Monday morning. How often —_ 14. Robert started his new job last week. When 15, It will take about a week to paint all these offices. How long Strategy Practice: When DIRECTIONS: Listen to the conversations on the audio and then answer the following, questions, Remember to use the listening strategies described on page 74 1, _How often are the offices cleaned? oaOo®D® ‘Two times a week. }) Three times a week. (©) Once a day. (D) Twice a day. 2. How long did it take to fix the coffee machine? BaOeeoo® (A) All day. (8) Twohours. @ Allmorning (D) Four hours. 3. How long does it take to make eight copies? ®DOO® ©@® One minute. (B) Five minutes, (C)_ Eight minutes. (D) One hour. 4, How often has the man tried to call? BO oO® (A) Once. ®) © (©) Every five minutes. @) Every hour. pore time. CONVERSATIONS 89 90 5. When does the mail come? (A) Inthe morning. @& Atnoon. (©) Inthe afternoon. (D) Inthe evening, 6. When was the check sent? (A) Last week © Yesterday. (© Today. (D) OnFriday. 7. When did Ms. Wallace join the company? (A) The same year as Mr. Chu. (8) Amonth before Mr. Chu. BD Ayear after Mr. Chu. (D) Amonth after Mr. Chu. 8. When are the speakers going? (A) Five ofclock. @ Sixo'clock. (©) Seven o'clock. (D) Eight o'clock. 9. When did the woman visit her aunt? (A) Along time ago. (B) Last week. &® Yesterday. (D) This morning 10. How long will Ms. Ono be away? (A) One week. SB Two weeks. (©) Three weeks. (D) Four weeks. 11, How long have they been working on the report? (A) For two days. © For three days. (C)_ Allweekend. (D) Fora week. LISTENING COMPREHENSION ® @® 12, When did Lucy start her new job? ®Qa@®oO®D (A) Four months ago. (B) One month ago. (©) Four weeks ago. @® One week ago. 13. When did the woman read the e-mail message? DOOD (A) Yesterday. (B) Last night. @ This morning. (D) After lunch. 14. How long will it take to paint the house? @@Geoeooe® (A) Two days. (8) Aweekend. (©) Aweek. BY Two weeks. 15. How often do they have a staff meeting? S2eoeooe® (A) Every day. (B) Every two days. SD Every week. (D) Every month. TOEIC Test Practice DIRECTIONS: Qn the TOEIC test, you will need to remember specific details from the conversation. You will have to improve your memory as well as your listening skills. Read the questions quickly before you listen to the conversation, and then listen for the answers. CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-3) 1. When did the woman return from her vacation? OR OMORO} (A) Today. @y Last night (C) Yesterday afternoon. (D) Last week ai sero wilfthet man spared is vocalSSe? ®2®eeo® (A) In the mountains. (B) At the lake. © nHong Kong. (D) Atthe beach. convensarions 81 92 3. When will the man take his vacation? (A) July. BH August. (©) September. (D) December. CONVERSATION 2 (Questions 4-6) 4, When will the meeting begin? (a) 8:00. Be 8:30. (C) 9:30. (D) 10:00. 5. When will Sherry speak? &P After the financial report. (B) After the coffee break. (©) Right after Tom's presentation. (D) Right before lunch. 6. What will happen after lunch? * (A) Tom will speak. (B) Coffee will be served. @® Acommittee will be organized, (D) The manager will give a presentation. CONVERSATION 3 (Questions 7-9) 7. When did the man make his rezervation? (A) Today. (B) Last night. (C) Aweek ago. dB) Amonth ago. 8. How long will he stay at the hotel? (A) Two nights. (B) Until Tuesday. (©) Until Wednesday. @ Seven days 9. What did the clerk offer the man? (A) Abook. © Some free meals. (©) Acouch (D) Some movie tickets. LISTENING COMPREHENSION a ©-® CONVERSATION 4 (Questions 10-12) 10. When will they leave the Natural History Museum? (A) 5:00. (8) 8:00. @ 11:00. (D) 12:00. 11. How will they visit the monuments? (A) By car. (B) Bybus. @] By foot. (D) By train. 12. When will they see the monuments? GHP Right before lunch. (B)_ Rightafter lunch (©) Before the Art Museum. (D) After shopping, CONVERSATION 5 (Questions 13-15) 13. When did the woman call the man? (A) Yesterday morning, (B) Yesterday afternoon. &@ lastnight. (D) This morning 14, Where was the man last night? (A) At work BD Atthe movies. (©) Athome. (D) Ata friend’s house. 15. When does the man want to see the play? (A) Tuesday. (B) Friday. (©) Saturday. @® Sunday. CONVERSATIONS, @® 93

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