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can could

You can dance. I could dance when I was 4.

umiesz umiałem
potrafisz potrafiłem
możesz mogłem
She can’t sleep. We couldn’t sleep.
cannot. could not
Can I help you? Could you open the window?

shall should

I shall marry you. You should go to the dentist.

powinnaś powinnaś
formalne porady

We shall not talk about it. He shouldn’t smoke cigarettes.

should not
Shall we dance? Should I talk to her?

may might
większe szanse mniejsze szanse
I may go to Ireland. It might rain later.
We may eat pizza. He might pass the exam.
She may come today. She might know.
May I go to the toilet?
You may go now. No, you may not.
must mustn’t

You must eat this.. You mustn’t be loud in a library.

musieć nie wolno

bardziej od nas zakaz
He must go to school.

Must he go to school?

have to don’t have to

You have to wear uniform. I don’t have to bring my pen.

musieć nie musisz

przymus zewnętrzny (ale możesz)

She has to be quiet. He doesn’t have to go.

Do I have to tidy my room?
Does she have to do her homework?

have to must

nakaz przekonanie

don’t have to mustn’t

nie musieć zakaz

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