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Activity: Information System Analysis

Group 1:Sales and Marketing

Group 2: Production

Group 3: Accounting & Finance

Group 4: Human Resources

Objective: To analyze and understand the components of an information system.


* Company Name and Company Background

* Company Information System: Choose a real-world information system, such as a

library catalog system, a hospital's patient records system, or an e-commerce website.

* Identify Components: List the key components of the chosen information system. This

could include hardware, software, data, people, and procedures.

* Describe Interactions: Describe how these components interact with each other. For

example, how do users interact with the system, and how is data processed and stored?

* Analyze Challenges: Identify any potential challenges or issues that the information

system might face, such as security concerns, data accuracy, or usability problems.

* Propose Improvements: Suggest potential improvements or enhancements for the

information system. How could it be made more efficient, secure, or user-friendly?

* Presentation: Prepare a brief presentation or report about your findings and present it to

your classmates or colleagues. Highlight the importance of understanding information

systems in today's digital world.

This activity will help you gain a deeper understanding of information systems and their role

in various domains. It also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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