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Warrior Knights: Quick Reference Sheets Send geekmail to Sylvus for changes.

Game Setup
1) Each Player Receives:
a. 1 Stronghold Card.
b. 4 Plastic Noble Pieces in his color.
c. Matching Noble Cards (4), Action Cards (12), Control Markers (12), Baron Markers (8)
d. His Regular troops, 1 random 50 mercenary, 1 random 100 mercenary.
e. 15 Crowns
2) Randomly choose Chairman of the Assembly, Head of the Church
3) Starting with the Chairman going clockwise each Baron places his stronghold into any kingdom space that does not contain a neutral city or the
stronghold of another player.
4) Starting with the LAST player to place a stronghold and going Counterclockwise place one noble at a time in ANY kingdom space that does NOT
contain another players noble or stronghold.
5) Shuffle all decks and place in their appropriate space.
6) Reveal N+1 Mercenary cards.

Game Round
1) Planning: Place 2 action cards into each of three different stacks, then place in the appropriate area of the board. The chairman also places 2
neutral action cards into each stack, and then shuffles each stack independently.
2) Actions: The chairman reveals the top card in the first stack and the action is resolved, this continues until the first stack in empty. The same is
done for the second and third stacks in that order.
3) Upkeep:
a. Check for victory: If any one baron controls more than half of the unrazed cities in the Kingdom (excluding overseas) they
immediately win.
b. Gain Influence: Each Baron gains one influence for each city he controls (excluding besieged cities). If the pool is emptied (using
outside influence if necessary so that all Barons are paid appropriately) count the number of Influence held by each player. The person
with the most influence wins Ties are broken by number of cities, then highest total of crowns + faith + votes, then most troops. If
there is still a tie there is no king and no winner
c. Revolts: For each city a player owns WITHOUT a noble in the area draw a fate card to see if the city revolts.
i. If REVOLT is drawn the city becomes neutral unless the Baron pays one faith or twice the cities income
d. Sea Movement arrivals: All barons traveling by sea arrive at their destination.

1) Levy Taxes: One Crown for each area occupied by one or more nobles. Place card in the Taxation area when action is complete, if this leaves the
Taxation area with Nx2 cards the Taxation phase is triggered.
2) Draft Soldiers: Place a Baron marker in any open slot on the mercenary track based on the number of players. If this fills the last slot this triggers
the Mercenary Draft. Place card in the Wages area when complete, if this leaves the Wages area with Nx2 cards the Wages Phase is triggered. If
BOTH are triggered the Wages phase occurs first.
3) Rally Support: Gain 2 votes. Place card in the Assembly area when the action is complete, if this leaves the Assembly area with Nx2 cards the
Assembly Phase is triggered.
4) Serve the Church: Gain 1 Faith. Place the Card in the Taxation, Wages, or Assembly area, if this leaves any of these areas with Nx2 cards it
triggers the appropriate phase.
5) Mobilize Forces: Choose an area and move one or more unexhausted nobles to it (following movement rules). You may then start a battle if you
wish. If only movement occurs place the card in the wages area. If only a battle occurs place the card in the Assembly Area. If both occur the
Baron chooses which area to place the card in, if this leaves the area with Nx2 cards the appropriate phase is triggered.

Neutral Actions:
1) Important Event:
a. If Blue the Head of the Church chooses a player to draw the card and read it aloud.
b. If Red the Head of the Church can spend one faith to have another Baron draw the card and resolve its effect on himself, otherwise the
card is drawn and effects the Head of the Church
c. If Green the Head of the Church can spend one faith to draw the card and resolve it himself, otherwise he chooses a Baron to draw the
card and resolve the effect upon him.
2) Fund Expedition:
a. Chairman of the assembly starts an expedition (if he chooses)
i. Each player donates up to 5 crowns and places them under a Baron Marker for that expedition
ii. The head of the church may bless the expedition by spending one faith
iii. The newly started expedition has an expedition marker placed on the “1” spot
b. All other expeditions move forward on their respective expedition tracks
c. If an expedition is on the 3 track (previously OR just moved to) draw a fate card (2 if the expedition is blessed, the better being chosen)
d. Determine the fate of the expedition
i. No news: Expedition stays on the 3 slot
ii. Fleet Lost: Expedition is lost and all invested money goes to the treasury
iii. 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x: Original investment is multiplied by the listed multiplier and paid out to each Baron
3) Upgrade Defenses
a. Remove breach counters from ONE city for each 2 crowns spent OR
b. Fortify a city for 4 crowns
4) Muster Troops: Starting with the Chairman and going clockwise each player may remove casualty tokens from ONE army at the cost of 2 crowns
per casualty token.
5) Uncertain Times: Shuffle the Fate Deck
Special Phases:
1) Taxation: Barons receive income for all cities and concessions they control (remember to include city fortifications but NOT cities under siege).
2) Wages: Starting with the chairman and going clockwise pay all troop costs to the treasury starting with regular troops. All unpaid for
MERCENARY troops desert and are discarded to the mercenary deck. Regular troops DO NOT desert but MUST be paid for as much as possible.
Remember the circle noble does not pay these costs as long as his total troop strength is 400 or less.
3) Assembly:
a. Receive votes: 1 per Baron plus one for each city kingdom he controls.
b. Appoint acting chairman if the current chairman is not at the assembly.
c. Vote on all Private Motions: Random Baron is chosen that chooses the motion from the following:
i. Vote to rescind a player banned from the assembly.
ii. Discard a law, charge or office in play.
iii. Vote to postpone the assembly.
iv. Vote on any agenda in the discard pile
d. Vote on agendas in the order of the chairman’s (or acting chairman’s) choosing.
i. Motions: Take effect immediately and are discarded
ii. Laws: Placed face up on the table and remain in effect unless removed by a Private Motion.
iii. Charges: Assigned to a Baron who can have up to three, if this is the fourth one of the original three charges is discarded.
iv. Office: Assigned to a Noble by a Baron. It replaces the previous office and is removed if the Noble dies.
4) Mercenary Draft:
a. In Baron Marker order, Barons may hire a mercenary for the cost of its troop wage.
b. IF a Baron has more than one marker in the Mercenary order AND there is more than one troop of the same nationality available he
may hire them at the same time, losing as many markers off the track as the number of same nationalities he hired.
c. Mercenaries are assigned to:
i. A Noble located at a Barons City or Stronghold.
ii. A Noble that is currently off the board.
iii. The Baron’s stronghold.

1) Open Field Battles
a. Declare Commanders
b. Draw Fate cards (up to a limit of 10 per player):
i. 1 card per 100 strength (troops + commander strength - casualties)
ii. Discard 2 cards if a nobles strength was used (if only noble strength was used keep one).
c. Reveal Fate Cards
i. Tally casualties for both sides
ii. Assign casualties to Nobles
iii. If at least one Baron from each side survives count victories
1. Full victory: one side has 2+ battle victories than opponent. Opposing Noble is killed
Partial victory: one side has 1 more battle victory than opponent Opposing Noble must retreat
3. Stalemate: each side has the same number of battle victories.
d. Resolve Noble Deaths (if any)
2) City Assault:
a. Declare Commanders
b. Draw Fate cards (up to a limit of 10 per player):
i. 1 card per 100 strength
1. Attacker: (troops + commander strength - casualties)
2. Defender: (troops + commander strength + city strength – casualties)
ii. Discard 2 cards if commander strength was used (if only noble strength was used keep one).
c. Reveal Fate Cards
i. Tally casualties for both sides
ii. Assign Casualties
1. Assign to Noble
2. The defender may assign as breaches to city wall (each breach lowers city defense by 100)
iii. The city is captured if:
1. All defending nobles are killed and city strength = 0 and the attacking noble survives.
2. Full victory: The attacker has 2+ battle victories than defender. Defending Noble is killed.
3. Partial Victory: The attacker has 1 more battle victory than defender. Defending Noble(s) must retreat.
iv. The city is NOT captured if Full or Partial Victory is not achieved and there is a defending noble left or the city strength is
greater than 0.
d. If the city is taken it may be RAZED for 3 times its normal income.
3) City Siege:
a. If total strength of attacker is greater than the defensive force a siege token may be placed.
i. Attacker: (troops + commander strength – casualties)
ii. Defender: (troops + commander strength + city strength – casualties)
b. If a SECOND siege may be made against the city with a siege token on it (by the ORIGINAL attacker) the city is taken. Remember
you must meet the same requirements as the original siege.
i. All defending nobles are killed.
c. A besieged city means the following to the defender:
i. Any nobles may not move, transfer troops, or receive additional troops during the upkeep phase or the mercenary draft.
ii. The city does not generate influence during the upkeep phase.

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