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Raid 1 (Mirroring) Raid 5 (Striping with Raid 10 (Mirroring with

parity) stripes)
-Mirroring which -Improved cost -Fast rebuild times in case of
manifests data effectiveness drive failure
redundancy - Efficient use of storage - Both striping and mirroring
Benefits -Quick data recovery with distributed parity harbor high performance
- High read -Performance and rates
performance due to redundancy is more - Enhanced data protection
multiple copies of data balanced through mirroring improves
-Requires 2x the storage -Slower write -Much higher cost compared
capacity performance than RAID 0 to RAID 1 and 5
- Slower write - Incase of driver fails, - Requires a minimum of 4
Drawbacks performance compared results in longer rebuild drives to function properly
to RAID 0 times

-Data availability and -Performance and data -High performance overall as

integrity is enhanced protection are more well as data protection
- Minimal downtime balanced -Suitable for environments
drive failure and rebuild - Acceptable for that require high
Business Impacts process environments with high performance
mix of read write

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