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Qeslton Togs:
I|, Shall we
. arent e 12ill you
3. iSn't 2 13. Cont one R
4. washt he ?
5. Qrent I? colol 15. arent they ?
6. Can'4 I?

8 oes he ?

|O. mustn it be

T)1. do0 you bt ll. coes he i

lQ. did they ?
3. haven't you 13. uoill you
4. a m I ! b a l4. dont you
5. aren't I?IS.aren't you?
6. don' t you 6. do we
1. oodt you ? 7. hasn it ?
8. didot you I8. oill you
9. shall oe l9. uoill you
|0. isn't there ? 20. oill you ?

4.. didnt they ?

5.chesn't it ?
Page No.:
Degrees ol Compaision

: Very gew insurance Companies in Sndia ae as populan

os LIC Csthve)
1C ismoYe_ populor han many other insurance.
companies irn India Cconmpartive)
QAn apple is not as good -for feath as he aistard
apple CPositve)
3. Suoya Te<a. is. more acive han any othat .boy in
Ahe dass (Campabaitve)
does not Loork as fast as a
lp The human brain
Compuker (Aositave)
speak faster than I (Comparitive)
ou oan
sG Bacteria dbesnotLnfecta person as fastasirus
(Positive) Teaching CPositiue)
profession is as good as
7 No olher other rofessibn Compaitive
Teachung is better than any
industrialists of Sndian origin ore as
. Vey few fositive) n 4
popular as. loxmi Mittal C
Laxami MMitiol is more popular than mony other
ndusbrialisks of Gndkan Orlgin (Comparitive)
q. SBT iS the most coicely spreod, bank in Tndia a
(Superlative ) u
1D. Veryfeo diseases are as cdongerous as Cancer CPbsitive).
Cancer is more danqgrous than many otheyr dsenseg
I: Veny feuD Yivers inthe world ar as lona 0 the
Th Amazon is longer than mans cther ruers in

2 No clher planet. s as big as Jupider ( Postive)

Jupiter is the bigges plane (Supealative)
3 Very ouw slahts in nature are as beautiful as
a hainbouo (Posthve)
A1ainbou iSmore beautiful thon many olhèr
Slghts in nature CCornpavilive)
l4John Keds is one. .of the gusatest English poet
John Keaks is qreater than many.cherEnglish
Poets (Canpasitive) CPostae)
9. No .other flouer is as beautrful otherfpuer
Ibtus is mae Eeautful than any
16Matharmalics is one.of the most diffault suecks
4 Cuty is not, ascool as Shumla. (Aositive)
8S can nun facter than he (Compavative)
19Sone other boys in the college ore mbYe
mischievous Hhan ay (Compaitive)
20: No othey Teluqu snger fod, as melodious vojce
as SP Balasubramanyam. (Positive)
Loeakth imporlant as Health (sitwe)
22.¬TV is .one of the nast popular TV Channels

The daste.of pleosing..os tha.o

Pza (Aostiue)
2 Neela S not getting as Smart. and smart as Shelh.
(osttive)Shaa aagia
3 Raj s. bruer han many clher fgaters CConmpasithe)
4 Sudha dues no. Speak. as /luertly as..Radka (Prsitve)
5kding amotnbike is. easie than iding a hoise
aS Silene Ao Lain
G o other cueapon is 0s.putent Qs
auqument (stve)
LJour Sister is.not as talL as Rachana's Siser
8 Kabbils look cuder han dogs(Comparitie)
4 He is not uoSe than Some olher Students in the
class (Comparitive)att m
D: Gandhji is one of the qreatest heroes in the old
history (Superlahive) al caah

I IYainqourney s more comfortable than Bue

Jouney Coomparethve)
2 No other teacher s as highly respected as Roadhaknshnan
Radhaknshnan is most highnly respected teacher
9. Very feuw Atnerican poets are as good as Robert Frcst
Robert frostu is beter than rnany dtheri Anmeri can
poets (Compartive) Ahus
fan American tlghuay is longer than any other
road. in he tvonrld (Connipaartave)
Pan Arnerican tiahusay iks the longesl soad ain the.
Luonld (Supeiahue)
5 Vey feuw places in Sndia are as iCol as Kadhmr
Kachmir is Coler
Ahan many other places in Sndia
6: Atse enemy_ cannot be as dangerous as
a foolksh fiend Castve)
Chaxacder is umore inportant thanmoney
&: Traditional Culture is more slable than modem
Cullure (Conmpahitae)
q for mans Indians, Footoall doesnot give as
great pleosume as the cncket (Positive)
o Artifica flouers do not appeal.
ogeal as much to our
Senses as he natural. fouers (Pcáttive).
Adive and Passive Voice

1Passive Voice
4toga is practiced by us eveyday in the.moming
ALthe arangernents oill bemmde hy hnt
3 The verdíct coas decared bythe judqe
the esuts had already beern announced 6y
hem before cue entered the hal
6. Prcious. livesiotre Satnficed by mans sdants
or the sake of cepaateelangona. h tom
G Sore books coére borioued by theSudevs
e Cannot be saved by
8. flow much loan amount has been Sarnctioned
the Bank:2 oa
should fe oom cohile. tdng. a tcouheeo
q. The henet.
problerns.can't be soled by money alone.
o AlL the
Le he lonts be. silchedl off
12. Let Slence be maintained in he prayer hall
13. Many fommaliies Fave to be ncdergbne for getting
l The stnke was caled off by-he vorkers
5 The lesson is being erplained by teadhes

t The couner aggnts all delkver the parcels at any.

2. Chantra Invted Sutya to teah nm P .p
3 One shoud falpw taftc vulesh ua
ahtheegelobles before cooking ola
5. Change the follouwlng sentence intu the pasSie.
6tlous many tumes did remind you of-the maicine?
7. Keep Ahe dustbin auny rom eatableska
&.Have you invited, all your friends to your birthday?
9. One cannot change every sertence into Passive Voie.
1b you donl anply the ointnent to-he cooundit.
ill not heal
INo one has ever beaten mu brolher a chess in
his school
12. Ihe villagers believe 4hat Sanmimakka and Saralanma
are he saviours O4 heir lves nimes of Crisis.
lo hope tha S.shall oin.ak logil2
MI fassive Voice.k otitinZ kcl
Amistake has been rnade by mepah
a You oill Ge respected by your stdenis a great
deal more for your -frankress and honesty
3 Let the atention of your neaY neighbour be called
o the dable to the excellence of coffee
4 s Puythogpras Theorem or Neoton's lauo of Gravty
opplied by you? Al
5 Aquarer rnark uns lost by Rahul in Englsh
6 The trees were plarted fened. coaered and
iwas guen groter strength by -lher hape and.
&Let that hater be removed Snslantly.

Direcl and Snduect Speech

Sunil told kus claughler that he would take are of ha
Q. The M:L-A told the villagers that they had eveny
ight. to quetion himL laas
3 Ihe Snspectoy Aold Ahe constakble that he uns his
Bharath'smother said that was better fo him
Passive Voice.
|: Potholes on.roads. ore filled by Younwaterial
2. A TV set kbeing bouaht by the
3 bo Saplings have bern planled hy me iso far.
4 The Newspaper loas being read Ay them
5 9t hac already been anseed by hey
G An essay oill. be wrtlen by me tonugh
9t wll have beern posted by yo by Monday
8 Can the violin be played by her?
4 9t may not be telecasthauatda
lo: One's duts must be.doneal d
Let the cloctor be mled 4n
2 let the cloor beclosed.l
13 94 has to be done by the Govemment
y My VoBe has already been Cast.
Is. By whom Could he be helped?
Acive Voice a
We sQLD him CIOSSing the road(Active)
a eadvise you to be carefulall
3 Let me See hepicure.d L
4e paid for her purchases.
5 1bere are no shops to let out
6 The dass has selecled her their montor
They s0y that the earth is TOund
8. Theu had. Yepaired the voad
q. This neus Surprises rne
Direct and dndirect Speech
4 Sunil olf his coughter that he woould
take core of her e
QThe M.L.A olal tie villagers Ahat they hac
euery nahtto question him.
3.1he inspector tolc the consoble thal he
w0s his boss.
4.Bharath's mother soid hat il oas betler

5.The principle told the lecturers that they

Should maintan recoras
6. Vasundara told Vandano that she had
been oailing there for her for one hour
Page No.:,

inspector tho he had

Krantat told he ehile toking o tr
met ot Hh on accident

gtt sord that she could change on

9.The spaech
qtuen Sentente into reported oas his r
10. The boy tolf Allu hiu tnot he

4. Direc4 : The paimisi soid to a Loomono

uotll Geome a gooc oriter"
Sndirect The polmíst tof a soomian rot
she oould Gecome a aood oriter.
. Directi: dna oress meei hel Onton Minisa
promtsed,"The Government oi tke
all precaukonary meosturesof cycone
Sndfrecti Sm a pressmeethe Onfon Mirid
promtsecd that the Governmert
UOOuld toke al precautionay
measures eqorchng the cycdone.
3.DxecA : Dr. Gopal oid to femThe operct
is SuccEssful and the patent is ou

ndirect:Rr. Gopal told 4hen 4fat operater

WO0s Sucessful and odsec fo
he potent oas out of canget
Page No.:
A.Qirect :The layer said to htscient, we
can Stle an appeal án the tligh Court"
dndhrect : The Cauoyer told his cíient hot they
Could fle on appeal in the Htgh (out

6. Direct i The boy came fate to theclass and

satd o his teacher , "My fatfher fas
Geen iC for feo days"
ándirect The boy came ate to the clas5
Omd tod his teacher thal his
-aler had been i0 for a feo cbys.

1.A vistor asked me if there wwereiany places

oOrh seeing ín Loarongal.
. Mother asked her son ohen he oould have
ois breakfost
3.The shopkeeper asked he customer if he
Should show him the Sakest model. s
4 4 asked the shop assislantwhat the price
of 4hot cress loas
5.A classmoteasked me if my father ALoas.
a bus5inessman
6. orika asked herffend if she t oould
Come to her homethe net day.
1. The passonge
passonger asked the doauex i the bus
Stopped at he cxOsSYoads.
Page No.: _
gfr asKec
B.A gtr askecl the prínipletf she neede
be post qroaduate to become on
Gecome an
9.Folher a5ked hrs cauchter
A.5 o
her Engltsh Anitawho
l9.Teacher asked Kaui that ohat ARe uoora

1.1no orderedo gel outom tnere

QNeha Yequestec her mother to give her
her mo6i le
3. 4orik ánstucted Annu to go and
4. Nani adused me to exceret Ge daily study
5.Fother ordered Soe-tha to suoth off the dr

1. Nivya exclaimed uoith celiaot toher sister

hat 4he serial ioos interesting
a.My friend excfatned to me of o tooncder fu
thal it
oas a wondenfe oppukuniy
3.The doctor Teqreltec that he oas dead.
4- My Son, eseclatmed uoith_deiaht 4hat he
had passed Ghis. ecarS
5.My friend exclafned uo4h deltghlthal
She had qot the rst Yank en
en the entera
6.IMohesh eeclofmed n SorOw thatshe
misse d thee chance.
Page No.: .

1.A visitor ecloimec 4hot the oea.ther: uoas.sulby

8An eye oitnes5 exclotmed.ofth Somo thot
many pa95 engers hod died fn the acciclert
9. Akshay tod n egred to his parbner that a
005hetr bad luck.
40.e exclaímed woith delightl that it w0s_a
6eautiyul- place

4A ohe asked lordered ifsSon Romu

to Concentrate on his Studies then.
aThe teacher eeclatmed oith detght tha it
wa5 a onder-ful poem.
3.The prín cipal asked his student linau he
Could Spell that. uoorc.
4.1 asked the enquinyclerk ifhere ioas
any tran to De(hi then.
5.The quiz n0terasked the team how mu ch
Loime a nay of Sun took to reoch tie eorth
6.The príme minister excfatmec oith sonO
that indieo had lost a fomous sctentfst on
he death of Abdul Kalam,
The nterview Goardmeetng imemberasked
the candidoke. hou heootd helpa develo?
he company
8 spondona proposed to arrange a grand
party f she qol a job.
he officer instruched the Gadets to stan where
Oere Page No.:
do.The mothey acvtsed her 60n to mot
Sriends oith bad boys.
oith bad
11.Radha welcomed her friencs ohole hearledl
to herillage.
1a. kof exclatmec uoith delteht al they boi
defeated Pakistan in TRDto.
13.The girl requested 4he Vist torsto beseoted
and fuhur added thal her father oos
A4. Gandhi said -that he w0s a pure veqelarion
45. A fundred- year ol man eclatmedtol Hh
deliahtthot it ons eeit'ng to see
Seperote state. Telargan
16.Swaniii insisted 4hat Man 5yMortal.
11.te safd that they meed mot oort there
for the bus.
13. kirom safd 4hal. it hadstartecd ratning
wirle he was to See Deepi.
19 The doctor aplogisec he colinot hdp
20.he priest said Ahat nothing uoas in their hond.

4.1 old her thad

hod olreody opplled for the abt
aou Aold ne hat she Soyed
fove you.
3.e asked him i wewe coldcould use
use his phone
A-The teacher asked her ohy she had filed exa
5.She uoill Say to me how T uill solve the prblon.
6.4 4old them hatI didi4 ever oGste my ten
ZYou told mne thatajou had nol yet me
Page No.:---

8.The minister assuredthat te problemoll

be surely (ookel into
q.They askec me i 1 hod been oorking there
Sínce QO15
OWe told Ahem thal we had been wotching
a movie al tha Lime.
H.5he 5aid that he hod qone to the marke
Hhe prevîouS doay.oeDi
12.They told us that hey ould be ociting o us.
13.John told her 4hat he coould calla doctor
Hor her
14.1 eeclaimed to her fn SorYDO tho 4 oas undone.
15.5he xequested him to complete Ahe gob.
16. eshouted at them to shut u
17. The olfRcer aduised hím to not repeat that
mistake in the future
18The teacher Gaidsai that Akbar had died fn
1605 AD.
19.5he told her that Knouoled ge fs Yooer.
30He eeclaimed sofEly 4hat it asa cool
1.1 9atd to my Btology
Biology tencher,"
eocher, ahatshauld
4 to sove RE ?
4 5atd to
my Grandmother louo did you
be so wise.
Page No.:__
3.Thimmakka concudes that Even one.
each oould make a better place for our
4.Box asked her to stop andfurther asked
her if shecould infomhim oho the
individucal was tha he invaniably encouner
gotng douonstarS ohen he oas coming up
±nd coming upstafrs ohen he was gotng

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