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Name : Elin Fachriza Indriyana

Class : 5B
NPM : 213106038
1st Thesis Statement: The Madiun City of Communication and Informatics Office through
the News Analysis process, has an important role in filtering news in Madiun City amid the
massive online and print news media in this era so that the information received by the public
is based on existing realities.
Supporting quotes from experts: News filtering is important to avoid fake news because there
are four dangers of fake news, namely dangers caused by fake news, fake news wastes time
and money, fake news becomes a diversion of issues, fake news as a means of public deception,
and fake news can trigger public panic (Bramy Biantoro, 2016).
2nd Thesis Statement: Through News Analysis can minimize misperceptions of information.
Supporting quotes from experts: News should not cause misperceptions for the public,
because news is seen as a mirror of reality, so it must reflect the reality that is to be reported
(Hallin and Mantoro, 2016)
3rd Thesis Statement: News Analysis by Madiun City of Communication and Informatics
Office not only oversees the news which is a product of a media, but also oversees the role of
the media itself.
Supporting quotes from experts: The big role of mass media the mass media needs to be
monitored because it is not only a distributor of messages, but also a subject that constructs
reality, complete with its views, biases and partialities. Here, the mass media is seen as an agent
of social construction that defines reality. (See Bennett, 1982: 287-288; Hidayat, 1999:)
4th Thesis Statement: Through the results of the News Analysis process by The Madiun City
of Communication and Informatics Office, they can provide recommendations and solutions to
media that release negative news.
Supporting quotes from experts: Journalists are the eyes, ears and senses of their readers.
Journalists should always strive to maintain readers' trust by assuring them that the news they
write is accurate, balanced and free from bias. (Tenda Nova, 2014)
5th Thesis Statement: The results of News Analysis are also an important archive of Madiun
City, which is in every day Madiun City of Communication and Informatics Office creates
newspaper and online media archives that have been analyzed.
Supporting quotes from experts: Archives have an important role as a memory center and as
a monitoring tool that is indispensable in every organization in the context of planning
activities, analyzing, development, policy formulation, decision making, report making,
accountability, assessment, and control as precisely as possible. (Basir Barthos, 2007: 2)
6th Thesis Statement: News Analysis by Madiun City of Communication and Informatics
Office takes part in monitoring the code of ethics of mass media in Madiun City, especially
article 1 of the Indonesian journalistic code of ethics which states that Indonesian journalists
are independent, produce accurate, balanced news, and do not have bad faith.
Supporting quotes from experts: In carrying out its functions, rights, obligations and roles,the
press must respect the human rights of every person, therefore the press is required to be
professional and open to control by the public. To guarantee press freedom and fulfill the
public's right to obtain correct information, Indonesian journalists need a moral foundation and
professional ethics as guidelines to maintain public trust and uphold integrity and
professionalism. On that basis, Indonesian journalists establish and comply with the
Journalistic Code of Ethics. (Press Council, 2013)
Article 1 of the journalistic code of ethics states that Indonesian journalists are independent,
produce accurate, balanced news, and do not act in bad faith. Independence means reporting
events or facts in accordance with the voice of conscience without interference, coercion, and
intervention from other parties. (Press Council, 2013)

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