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28/08/2017 SroName : Joint S.R.

Mumbai City 3
Index -2
Doc No. : 6060/2017

Village Name : Mandavi

(1) Article Leave and Licenses(36 A)

(2) Deposit Rs.22000/-

(3) Licence Fee Rs.22000/-

(4) Property Description Corporation: Mumbai , Other details: Apartment/Flat No:1705, Floor No:17th, Building
Name:Al-Aziz palace, Block Sector:Dongri, Road:4, 6, 8/10, Dongri Cross Lane,
City:Mandavi, District:Mumbai, C.T.S. Number : 1810, 1811 & 1812, Leave and
License Months:11

(5) Area 310 Square Meter

(6) Assessment or Judi -

(7) Licensor Name and Address Name: Sumar Almas Abbas Age: 35 Address: Block Sector:First Flank Road,
Road:Principal Shaikh Hasan Marg, City:Mumbai, District:MUMBAI,
State:MAHARASHTRA, Pin:400009 PAN: BDJPS1136E through Authorized Person
Sumar Huseinali Mohammed Ali Age: 49; Address: Block Sector:First Flank Road,
Road:Principal Shaikh Hasan Marg, City:Mumbai, District:MUMBAI,
State:MAHARASHTRA, Pin:400009 PAN:

(8) Licensee Name and Address Name: Khan Fahim Shaukat Ali Age: 42 Address: Block Sector:Dongri, Road:Haji
Bachooally Road, City:Mumbai, District:MUMBAI, State:MAHARASHTRA, Pin:400009

(9) Date of Execution 25/08/2017

(10) Date of Registration 28/08/2017

(11) Registration Number/Year 6060/2017

(12) Stamp Duty Rs.610.00/-

(13) Registration Fee Rs.1000/-

(14) Remark -

Thumb Impression of Joint S.R. Mumbai City 3 :

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