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The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

Banking Academy of Vietnam

International School of Business

Primary research



Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich

Student: Nguyen Thu Hang

Class: F16B

Course: Project 2

Hanoi, 30/7/2023

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

Primary research


Nguyen Thu Hang_ 227

Class: F16B

Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich

Course: Project 2

Hanoi, 30/7/2023

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen


Abstract………………………………………………………………………………... 5

List of figures …………………………………………………………………………. 6

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. 7

2. Literature 8

review………………………………………………………………….. 10

3. Methodology……………………………………………………………………… 11

4. Results……………………………………………………………………………... 14

5. Discussion of 14

findings……………………………………………………………... 15

5.1. The e-commercial buying 15

platform……………………………………………. 16

5.2. Online shopping 16

frequency…………………………………………………….. 17

5.3. Students’ purposes of


5.4. Factors influencing students' purchasing


6. Recommendation…………………………………………………………………..

7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………

8. References……………………………………………………………………… 18

9. Appendices………………………………………………………………………19

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

The rise of e-commerce has become widely popular across the globe, generating both
concerns and interests in the majority of the young generation. This study aims to investigate
and analyze the online shopping habits among college students from ISBA in Viet Nam in
terms of the popularity of e-commercial platforms, online shopping frequency, students’
purposes of spending, and factors influencing students' purchasing decisions. A survey in the
form of a questionnaire was conducted, that combined 100 ISBA freshmen of Banking
Academy. This survey questionnaire was conducted through Questionnaires with 11
questions (combining: 6 closed questions, 6 partially-closed questions, and no open-ended
questions.).The results show that there are similarities in online shopping habits such as
online shopping platform and shopping level. With online shopping sites, buyers are often
interested in basic needs and entertainment. In addition, the purchase intention of the
participants is influenced by two main factors, namely the quality and the price of the
product. The importance of this research lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the purchasing behaviors of university students, thereby offering valuable
insights to customers in the online shopping industry, especially freshmen.

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen


Figure 1: The most popular e-commercial platform used by ISBA 12


Figure 2: Online shopping frequency of ISBA 12


Figure 3: Students’ purposes of 13

Figure 4: spending…………………………………………. 13

Factors influencing students' purchasing decisions……………………..

1. Introduction
In a daily basis, the demand for shopping online is increasing significantly with the huge
number of ISBA freshmen buying something on e-commercial. In fact, According to a study
on younger shoppers, over 50% of young adults, along with 30% of Generation Z and 36% of
Millennials, intend to reduce their frequency of shopping in brick-and-mortar stores
compared to previous habits. (Skeldon, 2020). In addition, along with the development of
economic and e-commerce sites. There are some remarkable changes in the buyer’s need of
shopping online. Thus, to meet the demand for them, the government and businesses in Viet
Nam try to supply effective tools to encourage buyers' access to some shopping methods.
Thanks to the proliferation of telecommunications networks, many buyers can access any
products they want like houses, vehicles, furniture, appliances, clothing, cosmetics,
souvenirs, and technology.. For instance, according to ( 81% người Việt đã có thói quen mua
hàng qua mạng, 2022. In Vietnam, a significant majority of respondents, approximately 81%,
have developed a regular practice of engaging in online shopping..Therefore, the following
study would shed more light on this issue.

The largest segment of customers consists of university students. The reason is that this is
a dynamic and potential group of customers and quickly accquỉe as well as proficient use of
technology applications. Besides, they are also the group of young people who spend a great
deal of time on online shopping platforms and have a need for fast and convenient shopping
to serve their busy life. Especially, online shopping is thriving in the customer base because
this helps students optimize shopping costs, with more reasonable prices than shopping in
stores. Therefore the birth and strong development of online shopping has brought significant
benefits to the majority of students, especially ISBA freshmen..

Thus, the purpose of the research was to investigate The habits of shopping online among
ISBA freshmen. This study, as the result of my research project, is focused on answering the
following five questions: “What e-commercial platform do they buy things online? /How
often do ISBA freshmen buy something on an e-commercial platform? And What kind of
products attract them to spend money to buy ?/What factors make ISBA freshmen buy
products online?” Consequently, the outcomes of the research would provide readers with a
deeper understanding of the matter concerning specific topics.

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

2. Literature review
According to Didit (2011), Online shopping is the act of consumers buying goods
or services directly from sellers in real-time, without any intermediaries, using the
Internet. Besides, it is considered to be that buyers can browse and shop for products or
services online. This virtual store allows customers to conveniently make purchases
without the need to physically visit a brick-and-mortar store or interact with a seller or
buyer in person. Instead, you can simply access the store through your computer screen
and browse through the available options. This eliminates geographical limitations and
provides a more convenient and accessible shopping experience for customers. Thus,
online shopping is the act of purchasing goods and services from merchants via the
Internet. Consumers have access to a wide range of products through online stores, with
companies offering virtually anything one can imagine. Whether it's books, clothing,
household appliances, toys, hardware, software, or even health insurance, the options are
vast for consumers looking to make purchases on the Internet. (Solis, 2023).
Paradoxically, while numerous research studies have focused on examining various
aspects of online shopping habits among ISBA freshmen, each study has provided
insights into specific facets of the issue rather than offering a comprehensive overview..

Firstly, the research paper “Online Shopping Habits Among B-School Students and
Teachers: A Study of Belagavi City ” by Zafer Kılic, Vildan Ate (2018). The aim of this study was to
explore the online buying patterns exhibited by Turkish consumers when making purchases
through online platforms.. A total of 560 undergraduate students from three universities in
Gaziantep, who were enrolled in the fall semester of the academic year 2016-2017, were
chosen to participate in the study. According to the statistical findings, there was a gender
bias in the purchase preferences of online customers, and their spending amounts were also
influenced by their lifestyles. The research findings indicate a significant correlation between
the duration and expenditure of internet usage. The results reveal that students in Gaziantep
prefer to shop online on platforms such as Trendyol, Hepsiburada, and Alibaba. For male
students, they prefer to shop for technology or furniture while for female students, they are
more attracted to shopping for cosmetics and clothing. In conclusion, the most commonly
purchased items by online customers included clothing, stationery items, tickets for
events, and electronic devices

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

The study also found that students' shopping online habits were influenced by
many factors such as gender and lifestyle. For instance, the study found that male
freshmen are interested in certain goods such as furniture or technology items while girls
were more likely to spend money on cosmetíc and fashion, etc… Moreover, the study
was conducted only in Gaziantep, Turkish, which is on a small scale, so the findings may
not be generalizable to other countries such as Viet Nam. For example, shopping online habit
in Viet Nam is different from shopping online in Turkey and this could affect the habits of
ISBA freshmen in Viet Nam. Therefore the shopping needs of customers in each region are
different, so the above review is one-sided. Additionally, the study does not show specific
data, so the article is not very convincing for readers.

Besides, Lester, Forman, and Loyd, 2018 showed the way that college-age
consumers react to buying things online. The study focused on the frequency and
motivations behind online purchases among college-age individuals. As anticipated,
more than 95% of this market uses the Internet, and out of that percentage, over 91%
engage in online shopping. Around 25% of the customers are spending more than $500
annually on online purchases, using their personal credit cards. They are buying a wide
range of products and services such as banking services, concert tickets, clothing, and
entertainment items. Additionally, these young adults are also investing in larger
purchases like cars, mortgages, and household appliances, but in smaller numbers.

This study was investigated with the same purpose, but it has not looked into
the trends of specific subjects like university students. Firstly, this study was conducted
in an unspecified country. The demand for shopping online is constantly evolving, and
what is popular in one country may not be well-known in another. Furthermore, Living
standards also directly affect the online shopping needs of customers. For example, in
developing countries, people only complete transactions with products that are
affordable and cheap. With items at a high price, they will prioritize going to the place to
see and experience the real thing instead of looking at the product through the screen.

Additionally, the study did not specifically focus on ISBA freshmen in Viet Nam.
The study included a wide range of students at, from different age groups and from
various backgrounds, which means that the findings of the study may not be specific to
ISBA freshmen in Viet Nam.

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

Besides, according to Student Online Shopping Behavior: An Empirical Study,

Delafrooz, Paim, and Khatibi, (2010). The growing reliance on the internet in Malaysia offers
a promising opportunity for e-marketers to thrive. With the rising popularity of the Internet in
Malaysia, more and more people are gaining access to online platforms. This offers e-
marketers a growing chance to reach a wider audience and widen their customer base. They
can also offer alternative payment methods such as cash on delivery or bank transfers to
accommodate those who are hesitant to share their credit card details online. Additionally, e-
marketers can highlight any security measures they have in place, such as SSL certificates or
encryption technology, to assure customers that their information is protected. Building trust
and providing a secure online shopping experience can help alleviate concerns and encourage
more Malaysians to participate in online transactions. E-marketers need to be mindful of
cultural preferences and customize their strategies accordingly. This involves comprehending
local traditions, languages, and preferences for specific products or services. By tailoring their
marketing messages to align with the cultural values of the target audience, e-marketers can
effectively connect with Malaysian buyers and enhance their likelihood of achieving positive
results. Nonetheless, the study showed many factors that directly affect the shopping
behavior of Malaysian residents. The study only mentions the shopping behavior of the
majority of Malaysians, but surveys 370 students of a university. This means that the
survey object is large, but the interviewee is small, which makes the research paper not
objective and accurate. Moreover, the study is only served within Malaysia, which is
definitely not suitable for the online shopping habits among ISBA freshmen. Finally, the
study was conducted in 2010, so the information is out of date. In addition, culture is
also a factor that directly affects shopping habits in each region, online shopping habits
in Malaysia are different from online shopping habits in Vietnam. To sum up, the study
should need to conducted in Viet Nam, would need to include a large sample of ISBA
freshmen and be up to date the related information.

In summary, although the findings have shown potential, earlier research has
exhibited specific limitations. such as a lack of focus on the music trends of students
from other countries, and the data is outdated for conducting current research on
freshmen. In order to gain a deeper understanding of them, I am motivated to do my own

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

3. Methodology
The purpose of this research project was to explore the online shopping habits of
students at ISBA in Vietnam. To achieve this, a quantitative research approach was
selected in order to obtain clear and measurable answers to the research questions. With.
Bryman (2012, p.35) gave a definition of quantitative research as, “A research strategy that
emphasizes quantification in the collection and analysis of data...”. It means quantitative
research denotes amounting to something. Besides, Payne and Payne (2004, p. 180) stated
that: “Quantitative methods seek regularities in human lives by separating the social world
into empirical components called variables which can be represented numerically as
frequencies or rate”. Thus, even with huge sample numbers, data processing technology
enables quick data processing and analysis. Moreover, researchers can express quantitative
findings clearly through the use of realistic statistics. When conducted accurately, analysis
allows researchers to extend their findings from a smaller sample to larger and more
representative populations. (Williams, 2021). In comparison to manual methods, data analysis
using statistical software reduces the time and effort required for analysis. (Connolly, 2007).

The information utilized in this report was obtained through the process of sampling
and conducting a survey specifically within ISBA of Banking Academy. The researchers
chose a group of 100 first-year students from ISBA as the research subjects. This sampling
method was used to gather data about a particular subject or product by selecting a
representative sample from the larger population. The purpose of this sampling strategy was
to facilitate the collection of accurate information more conveniently (Educationsummary,
2022). Additionally, a questionnaire that consisted of 11 questions (ombining 6 closed
questions and 6 partially-closed questions was designed with respect to research questions.
To gather data on the habits of online shopping among students at ISBA in Vietnam, a survey
was conducted. A total of 100 first-year students were randomly selected to participate in the
survey. Each student was required to complete all the questions by selecting and circling the
options that best suited them. Surveys are an effective method for collecting information from
a large number of participants. They offer flexibility in studying various variables, require
minimal resources to develop and administer, and allow for generalizations to be made based
on the findings (Bell, 1996, p.68).

4. Results of researchs

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

The study comprised a sample of 100 first-year students from the ISBA of Banking
Academy in Ha Noi, who were selected randomly. The collected data thoroughly examined
the shopping online habits of ISBA freshmen.

Figure 1: The most popular e-commercial platform used by ISBA first-year students
According to Figure 1, the population of students from ISBA of Banking Acadamy
using the Shopee application was 94,9% while the data of Sendo was the least, at 6,1% of the

Figure 2: Online shopping frequency of ISBA freshmen

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

It can be seen from Figure 2, the percentage of students who shoped online 5-10 times
a month is 41% while only 11% of students choose to rarely shop online.

Figure 3: Students’ purposes of spending

With regard to frequently purchased items, there are some remarkable differences in
the number of groceries bought by ISBA freshmen. Particularly, students rarely pay lodging
fee, which accounted for only 3%, whereas basic needs namely food, clothing, etc, occupied
the most expenditure, at 71%.

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

Figure 4: Factors influencing students' purchasing decisions

In terms of some factors related to ISBA freshmen purchasing decisions, there was a
similarity in the product quality and product price, at 86% and 85%, respectively. While
member points for future purchases comprise the least, was 11%.

5. Discussion of findings
The information provided above is not comprehensive enough to capture all the
viewpoints on ISBA freshmen's online shopping habits. This is because the data was
collected from a limited number of students within the university institute. However, since
ISBA at the Banking Academy attracts students from various cities and provinces with
different social backgrounds, it is reasonable to make some generalizations based on the
survey results.

5.1. The e-commercial buying platform

From the results as shown in Figure 1, page 12, it is shown that Shopee is the most
favorite online market in ISBA of Banking Academy. This result is not beyond my
expectation because these applications bring various merits for the majority of Viet Nam
residents, especially ISBA freshmen. Firstly, the above-mentioned online shopping
commerce platforms are very familiar to ISBA freshmen. In detail, on this platform, there are
a variety of products, prices, designs, and brands, which makes buyers buy anything
conveniently. What students need to do is choose products that fit their financial needs. For
instance, according to CBM branding, Shopee has operated under the C2C model (short for
Consumer-to-Consumer, Vietnamese is Customer to Customer) as a giant marketplace. On it,
both the seller and the buyer are completely free. Therefore, Shopee has a very large number
of users. Moreover, items sold at Shopee are always supported and priced differently than
other e-commerce channels. The price difference of tens to hundreds of thousands of course
scores points in the eyes of Vietnamese consumers.

In addition, according to CBM branding, the reason for Shopee's popularity with ISBA
freshmen is also mentioned as a Marketing strategy. Shopee allocates a substantial portion,
approximately 90%, of its marketing budget towards various promotional initiatives such as
campaigns, free shipping, flash sales, and coupons. These efforts are aimed at appealing to a
wide range of customers from diverse backgrounds in order to attract a significant number of

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

them.. ISBA freshmen market loves discount codes and free shipping. Therefore, the regular
giving of discount codes and freeship codes has maximized its effectiveness. For these
reasons, Shopee has become a Top-of-mind brand.
Another reason why Shopee is popularly used by students is its diverse ecosystem. eye-
catching interface, easy to use, sellers and buyers can easily exchange suggestions as well as
excellent customer protection, which makes customers prefer to use the online shopping
Therefore, with the above reasons, readers understand more why ISBA freshmen tend to
use Shopee - the most used online shopping platform in Vietnam.

5.2. Online shopping frequency

According to the results of Figure 2, page 12, it is significant that the result of
research question 2. As expected, almost ISBA freshmen spend 5-10 times a month buying
items online since students are the object of fast access to online shopping. They often use
Internet access tools and need to save time to study. In detail, students are young people who
are sensitive to online shopping methods and know how to take advantage of customers'
rights to avoid risks when purchasing any products on the Internet, this is one of the reasons
that GenZ generation has become fond of shopping on digital platforms.

In addition, students are those who still have to go to school so they have more time to
browse online shopping and find a variety of items that cater to their own needs.The benefits
of convenience, saving time and effort of buying at traditional stores, being able to shop
anytime, anywhere and a wide choice of items, easily finding information about products, and
being able to compare prices of different suppliers shows that online shopping is growing and
gradually becoming a new consumption trend in ISBA freshmen of Banking Academy - this
is something no one can deny.

Therefore, in the 21st century, Online shopping has emerged as a recent phenomenon
in consumer behavior and has experienced tremendous growth, particularly among the
younger generation, especially ISBA freshmen of Banking Academy.

5.3. Students’ purposes of spending

In the answering to the research question “What kind of products attract ISBA
freshmen to spend money to buy ?”, it is remarkable that basic needs namely food, clothing,

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

etc. are bought mostly by ISBA first-year students. The reason is that those are popular and
convenient items. Moreover, students of the dynamic age group in the age pyramid, when
facing the development of the digital revolution, they are the ones who adapt quickly to
change. For example, many popular items such as food, clothing, household items, cosmetics,
etc are transformed the business model from traditional to modern. They are the ones who
keep up with the trend, which is to make the habit of buying basic items a habit, which affects
even the older group of people.

One more reason that can be mentioned, these items are purchased mainly by ISBA
freshmen is that these are necessary items and should be used by everyone. Therefore,
retailers in the digital age have caught up with the opportunity, launching super bargain
discount codes as well as deep discounts such as 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12 making the product
price cheaper than buying directly. Therefore, this action has stimulated online shopping
habits in this age group.

Additionally, the lodging fee is the least paid by ISBA freshmen. The reason is that
students do not need to pay fees during their freshman year at University.

5.4.Factors influencing students' purchasing decisions

In terms of the results of Figure 4, page 13, it is clear that ISBA freshmen are smart
consumers, they really focus on many factors to make a decision to buy online products.
These factors include product quality, price, and feedback from previous buyers. The reason
is that the online shopping platform gives them a large enough space for them to observe
carefully and make a shopping decision. for example, when a student buys a phone case, they
will consider the quality of the product including material, color, and size, .... Besides,
because the customer is a student, their budget is not too rich. Therefore, product price is also
a factor that makes customers decide to buy products online. Moreover, the product quality
feedback from previous buyers gives buyers a different perspective when buying any product
on the Internet. Finally, competitive pricing and previous customer feedback are significant
benefits that an online shopping platform provides customers with a great experience, which
is what sets it apart from traditional shopping.

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

Therefore, as expected, the factors affecting the purchasing decision mentioned in the
article are quite true to reality. ISBA freshmen at Banking Academy are smart and
knowledgeable shoppers.

Based on the preceding discussions and findings, it is apparent that the issue
encountered by the subjects in my study. Based on the results obtained from the survey, the
research indicates that the budget of ISBA freshmen is less than 500,000 VND but their
shopping frequency is 5-10 times a month. This result shows that there is an irrationality in
the shopping habits of students. It is undeniable that students are those on a rather tight
budget but they spend their money on online shopping. Furthermore, this habit shows that
they do not have a suitable shopping plan Thus, there are several solutions available to assist
first-year students at ISBA in minimizing the risks associated with online shopping. First of
all, students should choose the right online shopping platform. Especially when shopping on
e-commerce exchanges, consumers should choose genuine online stores that guarantee the
interests of consumers to avoid product risks and return risks. Additionally, ISBA freshmen
need to carefully calculate the number of items that they and their families will consume, and
should not buy too much, causing waste. Prioritize buying goods and services for basic needs
and carefully consider your financial situation before placing an order. This helps customers
save costs, balance spending, ensure their finances and their families, and avoid causing
waste to society. Finally, ISBA freshmen read carefully about the seller's warranty and return
policy to ensure that if there is a problem with the product, students can exchange or return
the product easily.

7. Conclusion
In summary, I hope that my research on the online shopping habits of 100 ISBA
freshmen can generate interest and encourage further investigations in this area. Through my
study, I have discovered that these subjects are deserving of more extensive and in-depth
research. While exploring the online shopping behaviors of ISBA new year students, I have
recognized the influence of individual perspectives, which directly impact the study's
findings. Therefore, expanding the scope of future surveys is likely to uncover new and
unconventional results that require analysis and explanation. Consequently, I anticipate that
there will be additional studies in the future that thoroughly examine different aspects of this

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen



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The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

My name is Nguyen Thu Hang, and I am a student from F16B in the ISBA program at
Banking Academy. Currently, I am conducting a research project focused on the online
shopping habits among ISBA students. Your input and responses are crucial for the
successful completion and quality of my project. I sincerely appreciate your cooperation and
willingness to contribute to my research. Please return the completed questionnaire. To be
honest, thank you for your cooperation.

1. What e-commercial platform do they buy things online? (You can choose more than
one answer) Bạn thường mua sắm trực tuyến ở nền tảng nào? (Có thể chọn nhiều
đáp án)
o Lazada
o Sendo
o Others

2. How often do ISBA freshmen buy items online? (Tần suất sinh viên năm nhất ISBA
mua sản phẩm trực tuyến?)
o Hardly ever / Hầu như không bao giờ
o 2- 3 times a month/ 2-3 lần một tháng
o 5-10 times a month/ 5-10 lần một tháng
o More than 10 times a month/ Hơn 10 lần một tháng

3. How much is your budget each month? (Ngân sách mỗi tháng của bạn là bao nhiêu?)
o Less than 500,0000 VNĐ/ Ít hơn 500,000 VNĐ
o From 500,000 VNĐ- 1,000,000VNĐ/ Từ 500,000- 1,000,000VNĐ
o From 1,000,000 VNĐ- 3,000,000 VNĐ / Từ 1,000,000 VNĐ- 3,000,000 VNĐ
o More than 3,000,000 VNĐ/ Hơn 3,000,000 VNĐ

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

4. Do you have a plan for your budget each month? (Bạn có kế hoạch chi tiêu hàng
tháng không?)

o Yes, I always plan my budget/ Có, tôi luôn lập kế hoạch ngân sách của mình
o Sometimes/ Thỉnh thoảng
o No, I spend the money when I need/ Không, tôi tiêu tiền khi tôi cần

5. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your financial management?

(Bạn đánh giá hiệu quả quản lý tài chính của mình như thế nào?)
Excellent Average Terrible
1 2 3 4 5
Xuất sắc. Trung bình. Tệ
6. What are your sources of income? (You can choose more than one answer)
(Nguồn thu nhập của bạn đến từ đâu ?(Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án)
o Allowances/ Phụ cấp
o Scholarship/ Học bổng
o Part-time wages/ Lương tính theo giờ
o Others (Please specify)/ Khác

7. What are your most frequently purchased items?

(Những mặt hàng bạn thường mua nhất là gì?) (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án)
o Education (textbooks, reference books, other learning materials, etc / Giáo dục
(sách giáo khoa, sách tham khảo, tài liệu học tập khác, v.v.)
o Basic needs ( food, clothing, etc.)/ Nhu cầu cơ bản (thực phẩm, quần áo, vv)
o Lodging fee/ Phí
o Traveling (petro for your motorbike, bus ticket, etc.)/ Đi du lịch (xăng cho xe máy,
vé xe buýt, v.v.)
o Bills ( electricity, water, the Internet, telephone, etc.)/ Hóa đơn (điện, nước,
Internet, điện thoại, v.v.)
o Entertainment ( money for hanging out with friends, extracurricular activities,
shopping, etc.)/ Giải trí (tiền đi chơi với bạn bè, hoạt động ngoại khóa, mua sắm,

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

8. When selecting an online website, what factors do ISBA freshmen primarily focus
on? ( You can choose more than one answer) (Bạn chú ý đến điều gì nhất khi truy
cập một trang web trực tuyến?) (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án)
o Fame and Prestige/ Danh vọng và Uy tín
o Promotions and Sales/ Khuyến mãi và bán hàng
o Product range/ Dòng sản phẩm
o Recommendations/ Khuyến nghị
o Web layout/ Bố cục web
o Others ( Please specify)/ Khác ( Ghi rõ)

9. What are the key factors to consider when deciding to make a purchase? ( You can
choose more than one answer) Yếu tố nào sau đây là quan trọng nhất khi quyết định
mua hàng? (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án)
o Product Quality/ Chất lượng sản phẩm
o Products Price/ Giá sản phẩm
o Customer service/ Dịch vụ khách hàng
o Shipping factors ( Time and Fee )/ Yếu tố vận chuyển (Thời gian và Phí)
o Reviews and comments of previous users/ Đánh giá và nhận xét của người dùng
o Member points for future purchase/ Điểm thành viên để mua hàng trong tương lai

10. Do you feel more comfortable shopping online or offline?

Bạn có cảm thấy thoải mái hơn khi mua sắm trực tuyến hay trực tiếp?
Not at all A bit Comparatively Greatly Extremely
Không chút Một Tương đối Tuyệt vời Vô cùng
nào chút

The habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen

11. What factors have the greatest impact on your decision to repurchase a product or
service? ( You can choose more than one answer) Điều gì có thể ảnh hưởng nhiều nhất
đến quyết định có ý định mua lại của bạn? (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án)
o System availability/ Tính khả dụng của hệ thống
o Products quality/ Chất lượng sản phẩm
o Price/ Giá
o Privacy/ Quyền riêng tư
o Responsiveness/ Khả năng đáp ứng
o Others (Please specify)/ Khác (Vui lòng ghi rõ)

All answers have been verified by the system. Thank you very much for taking the
time to complete my survey. Wish you have a great day.
( by Nguyen Thu Hang- F16B- ISBA)


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