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b i o d i ve r c i t y

_ a matt e r

o f v ita l

so i l !

Creating, implementing and upscaling
biodiversity-based measures
in public space

nai010 publishers

4 5


A matter
of vital

Campanula poscharskyana / Trailing Bellflower Chelidonium majus / Greater Celandine


6 7


A matter
of vital

Erigeron sumatrensis / Guernsey Fleabane Ulmus minor / Small leaved Elm


8 9


A matter
of vital

Alcea rosea / Hollyhock Veronica arvensis / Spring Speedwell


Survivors FOR PARADISE / 13
by Nico Bick / 4 Lucky Planet
by Johan van Zoest / 14
Darwin in the urban jungle

by Menno Schilthuizen / 28 Facts and figures / 22
Soil threatening habits:
global and regional / 24
The delicate balance
of the earth system / 27

In search
of healthy soil
and biodiversity / 31
BIODIVERCITY Soil matters!
by Ingrid Oosterheerd / 32

The hidden biodiversity of bryophytes and lichens

by Michael Stech / 36

Bacteria & co support the entire ecosystem

by Gerard Korthals, Froukje Rienks / 40
Networks of the fungal kingdom
by Jorinde Nuytinck / 43 Soil organisms: classification by size / 38
Ecological cycles, food web and mycorrhizal network / 46
Urban soils
Time, mass and scale / 54
by Ingrid Oosterheerd / 52
Seven trees of Amsterdam / 56


BIODIVERCITY Future-resilient cities requires a shift in urban planning:
Case Amsterdam
A matter
of vital RESEARCH PROJECTS / 103 by Joyce van der Berg, Hans van der Made / 62
Biodiversity is messy: a plea for wilder cities
What makes a ‘good soil’?
Calibrating soil biodiversity by Marco Roos / 78
by Gerard Korthals and Froukje Rienks / 104 Towards a biodiverse city / Measures for Ecological Matrix,
Soil, Water, and Management / 82
Soil animals need to go to town
by Gerard Korthals and Froukje Rienks / 106

Underground networks turn our planet green

by Vincent Merckx and Sofia Gomes / 108 Soil threatening habits: city / 70
Street profile Yesterday / Tomorrow / 72
Completing the circle of life Measures and resulting details
by ending up in a Living Cocoon Integral Design Method Public Space,
by Renée Zijlmans / 114 tables Living Environment,
Flora & Fauna and Water / 98
The soil under a forest full of food
by Gerard Korthals and Froukje Rienks / 116

From the soil to the sky Literature and websites / 120

How the landscape influences the air you breathe Credits, Illustration credits / 122
by Sylvia Mota de Oliveira / 118

Mycorrhizal network formed

by underground fungi linking the roots
of trees at Artis, Amsterdam / 110
setti ng th e
c o nt r o ls
fo r pa r a d i s e
setting the controls for paradise

Lucky Planet “The closed economy of the The safe operating space for
humanity, as concept­ual­ised
by Johan Rockström and
position for each variable.
The boundaries in three
systems (rate of bio­diversity
future might similarly be called the ‘spaceman’ co-workers (2009). loss, climate change and
The inner green shading human interference with the
Johan van Zoest economy, in which the Earth has become a single space­ship, represents the proposed
safe operating space for
nitrogen cycle), have already
been exceeded.
without unlimited reservoirs of anything, either for extraction nine planetary systems.
The red wedges represent
or for pollution, and in which, there­fore, man must find an estimate of the current

his place in a cyclical ecological system.”

Kenneth Boulding, The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth, 1966

Recently, temperatures in Lytton, western Canada, heatwaves, drought, rising sea levels, flooding, extreme recognise her fragility, know how to take care of her,
reached a record-breaking 49.6 oC. In the Atlantic Ocean, storms, wildfires and acidification of the oceans. It will and understand what needs to be done? I think the best
we have witnessed the earliest fifth-named storm ever mean more blackouts, destroyed houses and infra­ way to convey this view of things is to recount the story
in Tropical Storm Elsa. Unprecedented wildfire seasons structures, failed harvests and depleted fishing of Earth, how four billion years ago, a mass of rock
rage through Siberia, Northern Europe, Australia and grounds. It will mean more mass migrations, disease, covered in a hot ocean sprang to life.
the western United States. Germany and Belgium have conflict over remaining resources and good land, and
been hit by flash floods, killing over 100 people. human suffering. The just right planet
Humanity is waging a senseless and suicidal war on This is no longer a question of pay cheques but the 4,6 Ga 4.6 billion years ago, a cosmic dust cloud in the outer the impact (it’s the only planet rotating anti-clockwise).
BIODIVERCITY nature, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres has survival of our civilisation. Since the Industrial Revolution, reaches of the Milky Way began to swirl, possibly But for Earth, it meant the return of water, enough of it
said. Indeed, as the examples above illustrate, the vital global change is no longer happening at the scale of triggered by the shockwave of an imploding nearby to fill oceans.
signs of the planet are alarming. Despite international plate tectonics and extraterrestrial events. It is now star. As gravity built up in the centre of the cloud, Finally, let’s not forget how Jupiter, the gas giant
agreements, carbon concentra­tions in the atmosphere driven by human action at a human timescale and has nuclear fusion kicked in, and a star was born – the Sun. which stopped short of growing into a twin star,
have not been this high since the Pliocene Epoch, 5.3 to accelerated since the 1970s. That is why scientists refer In the inner part of the rotating disk, dust particles protects us. Its enormous gravitational field acts like a
2.6 million years ago. Then the Earth was several degrees to the present geological era as the Anthropocene. coalesced into stones, asteroids and finally rocky cosmic vacuum cleaner, gobbling up most asteroids and
warmer, sea levels were an estimated 50 feet higher than This observation is significant because it means planets, shaped into spheres by gravity. In the outer meteorites travelling to the inner solar system that
they are today, and forests grew as far north as the Arctic. humanity faces a choice: take the global view and part of the new solar system, giant gas planets would wreak havoc on Earth’s living systems.
At the same time, ecosystems critical for the Earth’s manage the planetary system through global developed from the lighter elements that were blasted When the Late Heavy Bombardment trailed off, the
climate and biodiversity are being destroyed at a rate governance, or stick to the tribal view and trust the outward at the birth of the Sun. calm didn’t last for long. Researchers are fairly certain
unprecedented in geological history. Humans comprise planet to take care of itself. This choice marks a pivotal The new solar system was anything but a Swiss that around 4.5 billion years ago, Proto-Earth was hit by 4,5 Ga

just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild point in human history. Science tells us the present clockwork. Solar systems evolve, and when they are a Mars-sized planet, named Theia by astrophysicists, the
mammals. Of all the mammals on Earth, 96% are livestock decade will decide the human condition for a very long young, they are wild. Planets shifted their orbits, mother of the Moon in Greek mythology. At Theia’s
and humans, only 4% are wild mammals. time to come. forcing other plants to move with them. The young Sun impact, Earth’s neon-hydrogen atmosphere was blasted
Amidst the onslaught on Earth’s biosphere, the loss The way forward is obvious. Business as usual implies was different too, shining half as bright as it does today. into space (which is why neon is rare on Earth). Even
of fertile soils is the deepest cut. Without healthy soils, a gradual disintegration of systems towards collapse. What is so special about the solar system that it more consequentially, combined planetary material
terrestrial life cannot exist. With the oceans and forests, The alternative is to adapt to the realities of the became home to the only living planet we know? For began orbiting Earth, ultimately coalescing into our
soils are a crucial component in the global cycling of Anthropocene and acknowledge limits to economic starters, the position in the metal-rich outer zone of the only satellite, the Moon.
carbon, nitrogen and water – the bloodstream of the growth, which are not limits to human progress. Milky Way clearly is a lucky stroke. Without metals, no The formation of the Moon is a critical event in
living planet. Soils are also our final insurance. With soils A great, durable civilisation is possible, but that complex life. It also helps that the Sun belongs to the Earth’s story. For starters, relative to the Earth, the
A matter intact, damaged ecosystems and the life processes they requires a different idea of how to create the good life. most stable size class of stars. But especially important Moon is huge, almost a twin planet (just compare it with
of vital foster may be restored. However, stripped of its According to the eminent biologist E.O. Wilson, “this is the position of Earth relative to its parent star, which the moons of the gas giants). The Moon’s sheer size
protective and fertile skin, flayed land is dead for all planet can be a paradise in the 22nd century”. Imagine puts it in the so-called habitable zone. This is the zone helps to stabilise the Earth’s rotational axis.
human intents and purposes. half of Earth restored to nature, with soils and eco­ where water can exist both as vapour, solid and liquid, Furthermore, as the young Moon started out five times
In a myriad of ways, humans, in their quest for the systems repaired, ensuring a planet within the safe another precondition for life. as close to Earth as it is today, its gravitational field
good life, are eating away the Earth’s life-support operating space. Imagine a low impact, biodiversity- Another stroke of luck concerns the amount of carbon pulled tidal waves hundreds of meters high, mixing the
system, putting our evolutionary legacy of biodiversity friendly agriculture, feeding a stable global population, on Earth. When the Sun burst into existence, most oceans with minerals and fostering the uptake of carbon.
at risk. If you are too practical to be concerned about all energy drawn directly from the Sun or harvested carbon was blasted to the outer solar system (some This may have prevented Earth from ending up like
the wonders of nature: biodiversity loss also means the from Sun-driven weather and ocean systems, and the scientists hypothesise Jupiter may have a diamond Venus, which may have had oceans but lost them
ecosystem services that allow human populations to circular mining of materials. Imagine a world where core). The amount of carbon left on Earth proved just through a runaway greenhouse effect.
thrive are being dismantled, including our food human progress is no longer measured by profit and right to serve as an atmospheric thermostat: more Also significant is that the Theia impact may have
systems, water supplies, sources of medicines, and wealth is sustainably distributed between and within carbon in Earth’s atmosphere means more solar energy added radioactive metals to Earth’s mass, which would
flood protection systems. countries. becoming trapped, less carbon means a cooling planet. have quickly sunk to its core. Radioactivity is key in
The complex planet-sized system that provides these Achieving all of this requires more than simply Most water was also blasted to the outer reaches of keeping the Earth’s metallic core in a molten condition,
services needs to operate within certain boundaries - tweaking current systems a bit at the edges. A growing the solar system. There it can be found today in the belts which is critically important for life. The spinning core
the safe operating space - to sustain human civilisation. majority of people want change but are hampered in of icy asteroids slowly orbiting the Sun. Through some generates an electromagnetic field that deflects the
But humanity is pushing the planetary system away their efforts by incumbent powers and mechanisms. freak event, however – possibly Jupiter and Saturn deadly solar wind (proton radiation) away from Earth, a
from the balance that settled in after the last Ice Age A better future requires nothing less than a redesign of temporarily orbiting in an aligned position combining phenomenon visible in the Northern and Southern Lights.
and brought the benign Holocene climate that fostered human civilisation: political, economic and technological their gravitational fields – asteroids were hurled to the Among known planets, Earth is also unique for its plate
3,2 Ga
our agricultural and urban civilisation. A warming world systems that steer investment, trade and innovation. inner solar system, a period astrophysicists call the Late tectonics. Perhaps as early as 3.2 billion years ago, but
puts all of this at risk. The first change must be for humans to start seeing 4,0 Ga Heavy Bombardment. For millions of years, the rocky certainly by 2.8 billion years ago, Earth had cooled off 2,8 Ga

There is no longer any doubt: failure to cut carbon things through the eyes of an astronaut. Otherwise, planets in the inner solar system were hit by water sufficiently for convection cells to start circulating in
emissions and restore ecosystems will mean more how else will we comprehend how special Earth is, carrying asteroids. Venus was turned upside down by the mantle. This powered a recycling process, whereby
setting the controls for paradise Lucky planet


World economic history in

16 Researchers are still 2,5 Business as usual one picture. Incomes rose 10 17
debating when the Earth Overshoot Day: sharply in many countries Great Divergence
Anthropocene began, as no after 1800 but declined in
clear-cut boundary exists September 16, 2030
others (‘The Great
before which human impact Divergence’).
2,0 8
on the biosphere and

Income per person (1800=1)

atmosphere was negligible.

Number of planet Earths

There is broad consensus,
however, that the Industrial
Revolution dramatically 1,5 Ecological Footprint 6
increased human pressure
on Earth’s life-support
system, while ecological Industrial Revolution
footprint calculations 1,0 4
suggest that humanity went
into ecological deficit – i.e.
exceeding the planet’s Carbon emissions reduced 30% Malthusian Trap
biocapacity - by the early 0,5 Earth Overshoot Day: 2
September 16, 2030

0,0 0
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1000 BC -500 0 500 1000 1500 AD 2000

crust is absorbed by the mantle at particular vault lines, In whatever way first life developed from its mineral blockbusters. Nevertheless, the early eukaryotes with insects, which diversified during the Permian
while volcanic activity produces new crust at other roots, it soon evolved into simple, tiny, single-celled life, developed into three major lines that would hurl life period (299-252 million years ago). Gradually the land
BIODIVERCITY lines. Besides greatly enriching the array of minerals on covering the Earth. Earth’s first inhabitants were into a new chapter: the fungi, the algae (harbouring became covered with forests, grasslands and wetlands.
Earth (the planet started out with only a modest set of microorganisms. Two major groups emerged, the symbiotic cyanobacteria), and the protozoa (a remainder Never was the world more endowed with biodiversity
minerals), plate tectonics allow the gradual release of bacteria and archaea (a less well-known group that has category from which the animals would emerge). than in the Pliocene, shortly before the most recent
heat from the mantle. A rigid crust would trigger long been classified as bacteria, but turned out to have Around 550 million years ago, complex, multicellular glacial period set in.
supervolcanic eruptions, which is something to avoid at a very different biochemistry). life suddenly appeared during a period called the This was the world humans inherited.
all times. We got a dose of that in the Permian when a Microorganisms, although quite unassuming, are in Cambrian explosion. It was a burst of evolution, driven
continent-sized supervolcano (in present-day Siberia) biochemical mini-factories of incredibly versatility and by rising oxygen levels in the atmosphere (it was at this The human quest
almost wiped out life on Earth. they did alter the course of Earth’s history. At least 3.5 time that the sky turned from carbon dioxide red to Some 6 million years ago, the first hominids appeared in
billion years ago, a particular group – the cyanobacteria oxygen blue) and by the emergence of predatory the East African forests and grasslands, a new genetic 6 Ma

From LUCA to GAIA – emerged, featuring a powerful system for harnessing animals. The first batch of multicellular animals were line within the larger group of the Great Apes, which
So what did our home planet look like after the Moon the Sun’s energy (actually combining two older plant-like (the so-called Ediacaran fauna). But the include our closest relatives, the chimpanzees and the
was formed and things literally cooled down? First of systems). As the metabolic process involved splitting Cambrian animals developed motion, eyes, teeth, bonobos.
all, ‘Ocean’ would have been a better name. Millions of water molecules, it produced a highly aggressive gas, armour and grew in size. It’s been a long journey from the early hominids –
years of rain had the planet’s newly formed crust oxygen, as a by-product. LUCA was becoming GAIA, the Until then, for 90% of life’s history, life had been basically clever apes – to today’s global human
completely covered in a hot ocean. self-regulating complex biosphere-atmosphere system. exclusively marine, which demonstrates just how tough domination of the natural world. Looking back into our
This was not a benign environment. Besides the lack With colonies of oxygen-pumping cyanobacteria the conquest of land was. Some 3.5 billion years ago, the deep history, what stands out is that Homo sapiens did
of land of any meaningful size, the volcanic atmosphere proliferating in shallow seas around the globe, the first small continents had formed, and by the time of not fundamentally change, neither anatomically nor
would kill you by its sheer weight, if not by its hellish oxygen levels of the oceans began a slow but certain the Cambrian explosion, the planet’s land mass had cognitively, but that the technologies he stumbled
temperature and lack of oxygen. Incredibly, it was in this path upward. This set the stage for new forms of life, grown to almost a third of the planet’s surface, with upon did transform both human and natural life.
hostile environment that first life must have appeared. which derived their energy from oxygenising (‘burning’) continents continuously shifting, coalescing and Anatomically modern Homo sapiens emerged as early
A matter Plausibly, various forms of bucket biochemistry could energy-charged molecules. fragmenting. But the land was a lifeless environment as 200,000 years ago. It is still debated whether modern 0,2 Ma
of vital have developed in the early ocean and developed into The full potential of the oxygen-based way of life due to low oxygen levels and, in particular, the deadly thinking was a feature of Homo sapiens from the outset
what scientists call the RNA world. However, we can became fully clear with the appearance of the 2,1 Ga UV radiation from the Sun. and gradually developed, or whether there was a
only hypothesise about exactly when and how eukaryotic cell between 2.1 and 1.6 billion years ago. 1,6 Ga Yet about 500 million years ago, rising atmospheric ‘cognitive revolution’ around 70,000 years ago during
0,07 Ma
biochemistry transformed into living systems. This took place after a so-called Snowball Earth event, oxygen levels had produced not only breathable air but which the capacity of abstract and symbolic thought
Yet most scientists agree that life on Earth developed in which the planet became completely covered in ice. also an ozone layer that acted as a UV filter. In mutual spread through the species.
only once and that all living creatures evolved from one In one of its strangest turns, life went into a mode collaboration, fungi and algae (and later mosses, Whatever the exact trajectory, modern thinking made
and the same original organism, termed LUCA, short for where new life forms did not emerge from Darwinian clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, and higher plants) the world Homo sapiens’ oyster. Hominid species before
3,5 Ga
Last Universal Common Ancestor. evolution (one species dividing into two or more lines) managed to conquer the land. With the help of fungi, sapiens had been surprisingly intelligent, tool-making
As the earliest living organisms did not leave a trace but by fusion of existing lines. plants managed the big issue for terrestrial life: and collaborative animals. In particular, the control of
in the fossil record, we cannot know what LUCA looked Eukaryotes developed by the fusion of a bacterium to extract minerals from the ground and recycle dead fire (from at least 1 million years ago) was a game-
like. But since all organisms today share a number of and an archaeon. The result was a monster cell, up to a biomass. This problem was solved by the emergence of changer. It considerably shortened the time needed to
biochemical properties – ribonucleic acids as memory 1000 times bigger than the average microorganism, soils and their ecosystems in which fungi, plant roots digest food and enhanced survival. But the cognitive
molecules, the citric acid cycle for energy generation containing loads of DNA concentrated and regulated in and microorganisms, in a matrix of mineral and organic revolution was a real lift-off. From that point onward,
and storage, the proton pump used to produce energy- a nucleus, symbiotic bacteria (mitochondria) to provide matter, developed finely-tuned biochemical pathways. the archaeological record reveals a creature developing
charged ATP molecules – this offers some speculative oxygen-based energy, and a wide array of cellular Soils enabled land vegetation, and together they a sense of art, knowledge, religion, advanced
clues about its profile. apparatus. All of this provided eukaryotic cells with formed the basis for abundant sustained animal land life collaboration and fine technology. Homo sapiens, at
For example, one hypothesis points to the so-called incredible evolutionary potential, soon bringing in complex food webs. least cognitively, had left the animal kingdom behind.
‘white non-smokers’ - hydrothermal vents which can be novelties such as sexual reproduction, phagocytosis From these humble beginnings, vascular plants made As the world went through the Pleistocene Ice Ages,
found near the Mid-Atlantic ridge - as a blushing suspect. (one organism eating the other) and food chains. their appearance on land during the Silurian, from 443.8 fully modern humans left Africa and spread over Eurasia
The porous magnesium rock of these towering structures The period following the emergence of the million years ago, in increasingly advanced life forms: and Australia, followed by the Americas and finally the
has been shown to catalyse many biochemical reactions eukaryotes is sometimes called the boring billion trees, flowering plants and grasses. Flowering plants isolated oceanic islands, aided by increasingly
that are crucial for life. because, at that point, evolution did not produce any would develop spectacular co-evolutionary relations sophisticated hunting and survival technologies. The
setting the controls for paradise Lucky planet

European powers and their colonising its ‘Wild East’ According to sociologist capital and are much
18 colonies in 1754. As it had (Siberia) from the 17th Immanuel Wallerstein, the less industrial­­ised and 19
not ready access to the blue century onward. world economic system is urbanised. Semi-peripheral
ocean, Russia started divided into a hierarchy of countries (e.g., South
three types of countries. Korea, Taiwan, Mexico,
Core countries (e.g. US, Brazil, India, Nigeria) take

Japan, Germany) are an inter­mediate position.
dominant, capitalist They are the weaker
countries with high levels members of ‘advanced r nG
of industrialisa­tion and regions’ or the leading P
urbanisation and high members of former colonial

Hi g
wages. Core countries own ones. At the apex of the

most of the world’s capital system is the hegemon, a
and technology and exert status that has historically
consider­able control over passed from the
world trade and economic Netherlands to the United Semi-
agreements. Peripheral Kingdom and most recently Core Periphery Periphery
1754 countries (e.g. most African to the United States, now
countries) are dependent rivalled by China.
on core countries for


United kingdom


La t
Portugal and Raw


megafaunas of Australia, North America and continental these were incremental improvements, not game- At the end of the eighteenth century, the Industrial fostered improved health conditions and food
island (Eurasia and Africa) became extinct along the way, changers. Essentially, like their Palaeolithic forefathers, Revolution changed the world in two decisive ways. production, resulting in an explosion of the global
as did the two other species of humans that were still people in the Agrarian era were stuck in the Malthusian First, it cemented the global hierarchy that had human population, a demographic transition and
extant then, the Neanderthals in Europe and the trap. Every improvement in living conditions, e.g. emerged in the age of European conquest. European unprecedented urbanisation.
Denisovans in Central Asia. agricultural practice, would temporarily increase food conquerors had explored and charted all continents in As with the advent of farming, the new mode of
Hunting and gathering was the way of life for about supply per capita, but the resulting population growth the preceding centuries, but were mostly limited to the living transformed social, economic, political and
99% of human technological prehistory. Solely crude would eventually increase competition, returning coastal regions. After the Industrial Revolution, the geopolitical arrangements. Feudal labour was replaced
materials from nature were used for tools and clothes, everyone but the most powerful to subsistence level. interiors were conquered too. The new industrial by waged labour, while workshops and cottage
sustaining small nomadic family groups only. Yet even With negligible innovation rates, the only way to powers needed cheap raw materials and labour, and the industries were substituted by factories and firms. For
in that state of low technology, humans groups improve life was through the conquest of land, cities colonies were turned into suppliers. The Agrarian era the masses in the West, life improved, at least after a
substantially impacted the natural world. For example, and trade routes. In this zero-sum game, human was a world of multiple empires distributed over the while. With asset owners dependent on an skilled and
Mesolithic hunters intentionally burned forests to existence was marked by war after war. great land masses. The Industrial Revolution set the dependable working class, they eventually agreed with
enable grassland hunting. But these early hunters also By the 15th century, however, the next great stage for global empires, lorded by hegemons or super­ voting rights, living wages and social contracts
learned from mistakes. As overhunting inevitably led transformation was building up. Improved nautical powers. From 17th century Holland to 19th century guaranteeing health insurance, pensions et cetera.
to famine and higher mortality, over time, surviving technology enabled Europeans to conquer the borders Britain to the US and China today, hegemonic powers The successive industrial revolutions from the late
hunting cultures developed norms and rules to of the Indian Ocean and the Americas, establishing a made sure they had easy access to the resources they 19th century onward nurtured optimism, the expectation
prevent ecological overreach. new, colonial world order, increasing living standards in needed to make their industries competitive. that, from now on, the son would be better off than the
Today, hunting cultures only remain in the most the colonial powers. father. Humanity had now entered a stage in which
A matter isolated parts of the planet. The end of the Ice Ages, This was a time of catalytic change. Agricultural Secondly, the Industrial Revolution was the starting gun wavelike industrial revolutions would bring new
of vital around 10,000 years ago, marked the beginning of revolutions in Holland and England intensified for techno-economical revolutions that enabled a third economic growth as predictably as the flooding of the
0,1 Ma farming and pastoralism as a completely different mode urbanisation, strengthening commerce. The European 20th of humanity (and in the 20th century another third) to Nile. The present Fourth Industrial Revolution, involving
of living, supplanting hunting and gathering. Whether scientific revolution established the idea that the escape from the Malthusian trap. By substituting manual digital, gene and nanotechnologies, is simply the latest
humans were actively searching to domesticate plants natural world could be understood, manipulated and labour with fossil-fuel-driven machines, the Industrial instalment of this historical pattern. Yet there are
and animals or were forced into it by the prevailing exploited by scientific interrogation. Financial Revolution dramatically increased output per worker reasons to believe this time is different.
conditions, once farming took hold, there was no going innovations (e.g. banking, stocks and bond trading) i.e. productivity. Had this been a one-off event, For starters, the digital revolution has so far failed to
back. For all of its downsides (e.g. greater exposure to produced early capitalism in Holland and England, which population growth would have eventually re-activated boost productivity, a phenomenon called the productivity
infectious diseases), farming allowed higher densities proved a highly effective way of putting accumulated the trap. But the late 18th century Industrial Revolution paradox by economists. They observe that as investments
and thus brought the advantage of extensive human wealth to work for exploration and exploitation. was followed by a sequence of new techno-economic in information technology increase, worker productivity
interaction and collaboration (what economists call As the powers of commerce and banking increased, revolutions in the following centuries, which allowed may go down instead of up. The concept is attributed to
agglomeration benefits). land-based powers declined. At the end of the 18th the industrialising countries to harness the super­ Robert Solow, who in 1987 quipped that “You can see
4500 BC It can be called humanity’s First Transformation. First century, the American and French Revolutions sent powers of electricity, chemistry, biology and medicine. the computer age everywhere but in the productivity th
villages, then cities and states developed, while local shockwaves through the European aristocratic system. statistics”. Some economists, such as Robert Gordon,
and long-distance trade networks proliferated. Where Within a century, democracies were on the rise. The These industrial revolutions enabled what may be even argue that the era of productivity-growth-
hunting societies had been egalitarian, agricultural British Industrial Revolution and subsequent techno- termed humanity’s Second Transformation. Electricity through-innovation is over. Humanity is ageing, cheap
societies stratified into social classes. Religion, writing economical revolutions sealed the fate of the recasted mobility (e.g. trains), lighting, domestic work, natural resources have been depleted, planetary limits
and calculus developed, serving public administration aristocratic world. As industrialisation spread through and communication (e.g. telegraph, telephone, radio, have been transgressed, achievable technological
and warfar. Metallurgy brought sophisticated metal Western Europe and North America and was forced TV). Fossil fuels entered all dimensions of human progress has already been realised (no commercial
tools and exquisite ornaments. upon Japan: power shifted from landowners to activity, from construction to air travel to car mobility. aeroplane has flown faster than the Concorde).
During the millennia that followed, states grew into industrialists, traders and bankers. Social revolutions With falling transport costs, globalisation accelerated. Secondly, even if innovation keeps on working its
empires, trade networks covered the length of Eurasia, and unionised labour wrestled part of that power into Chemistry went into an astounding array of applications, magic for productivity, it needs to be managed, as
and technologies became more sophisticated. But the hands of workers. from fibres to preservatives. Biology and medicine economist Dani Rodrik argues. Recent events have
setting the controls for paradise Lucky planet

The Sustainable generation, understanding very well the mistakes that Africa’s Great Green Wall, “an African-led movement
20 Development Goals are a 21
universal call to action to led to the present global crises, will devise a new with an epic ambition to grow an 8,000 km natural
end poverty, protect the Bretton Woods-style global architecture for the 21st wonder of the world across the entire width of Africa”.
planet and improve the
lives and prospects of century, one that brings peace between the nations and This thinking about land and development will
everyone, everywhere. All
UN Member States adopted with planet Earth. ultimately channel into all dimensions of urban planning
the 17 Goals in 2015 as part and management, from taxation and determining land
of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development Yes, you have agency prices to urban design and architecture, construction
which set out a 15-year plan
to achieve the Goals. The
Changing world orders and economic paradigms seems practice, water management, urban food systems,
Sustainable Development light years away from the sphere of influence of us, and the design and management of urban and
Goals are the culmination
of the four major UN simple mortals. But at the global level too, change is not regional open spaces. Knowledge of soil ecosystems is
summits on sustainable the consequence of nameless forces of nature, but of indispensable for getting this right: healthy ecosystems
development (Stockholm
Summit 1972, Brundtland human decisions, either by representatives of states or cannot be grown on unhealthy soils. Practitioners will
Report Summit 1987, Rio de
Janeiro Summit 1992, multinational financial and non-financial companies, need to embrace a new language, a new value
Johannesburg Summit each driven by their ‘tribal’ interests. accountancy, and new practices. Chapter 3 shows
2002) and countless
dedicated UN meetings. So what can local citizens do to accelerate such high examples of integral and nature-inclusive measures and
aspirations as the Sustainable Development Goals? The the resulting details in public spaces, so that (soil)
answer was provided a long time ago: think global, act biodiversity and natural soil-water systems, the basis
exposed the risks of digital technology when economist Mariana Mazzucato advocates. She reminds local. Now that the SDGs are becoming operationalised for numerous essential ecosystem functions in the city,
weaponised for power (killing of jobs, market mono­ us how the unprecedented US government investment in global agreements and missions (e.g. the Paris can become healthy again.
polisation, consumer surveillance, electoral manipulation, in the development of the internet and space travel has Agreement), metropoles, cities and villages can be One very important asset of urban nature is easily
BIODIVERCITY repression of opposition, hacking of vital infrastructure, had a vast spinoff in the digital revolution, at a time powerful agents of change. Citizens can convert global overlooked, namely the benefits for the mental and
et cetera). The powers of technology would be better when the outcomes of those investments were far from thinking into local action, to make global missions a physical health of city residents, especially children
employed when purposefully geared towards true clear. Regarding space travel, the US set a mission in reality in the city or village where they live. So take a growing up in cities. The ‘land principle’ described
public value, such as resoiling desertified land. 1962 – put a man on the Moon and bring him back by the look at the SDGs, set a mission for your own city or above should certainly branch into urban healthcare
Thirdly and most fundamentally, can we religiously end of the decade – and went for it. Maybe states and village, and get down to the local facts. and education. As the Dutch schoolteacher and nature
count on recurring industrial revolutions to come and the financial sector should lead a similar mission to The transformative power of cities and villages lies in education pioneer Jac. P. Thijsse remarked at the end of
rescue us with ever-higher (GDPs (gross domestic reshape markets so that business profitability comes three reasons. First, all politics is local. Cities are where his life, most children will not end up becoming
product)? To simply trust that humanity has found the from efficiently contributing to the Sustainable policies and experiments are implemented in practice. biologists or conservationists. But contact with nature
key to eternal growth and will keep escaping the Development Goals instead of efficiently exploiting Also, local governments, businesses and citizens are opens windows in their minds that elicit interest in the
Malthusian trap forever, through magical waves of resources and workers. Maybe economists should keen to look at other cities for proof of concept and are world around them, helps them to appreciate complexity,
benign innovations allowing ever more efficient rethink the Industrial Age foundations of their discipline quick to copy what works. and fosters connection with life’s deeper rhythms.
exploitation of the planet, seems a downright and come up with an economics for the Anthropocene, Second, cities have agency. Today’s highly advanced
dangerous idea. Instead, humanity would do well to in which progress is measured by the things that really companies can only survive in advanced metropoles. The coming Age of Nature
rethink its concept and ways of making progress – as matter in human life instead of derived quantities, such Well-designed and managed cities offer an ecosystem of Looking back at more than 4 billion years of Earth
people all over the world are doing right now. as profits and income. institutions, infrastructures, and facilities in which history and hundreds of thousand years of human
trade, commerce, arts, sciences and innovation can history, what can we say? Our home planet is anything
Time to do things differently Under Anthropocene conditions, humanity cannot afford thrive. This gives city governments a place at the table but two a penny. The Earth is a complex, resilient living
Returning to the introduction to this chapter, it is clear to be guided by outmoded ideas and institutions and in their dealings with market actors and national entity but definitely not invulnerable, and our human
what needs to be done to achieve a paradise in the 22nd simply hope for the best, meanwhile stumbling from governments, especially if they collaborate, or even condition is highly dependent on this planet’s state.
century. The cathedral to be built is: up to 50% of Earth crisis to crisis. We should be able to work out a global unite, with fellow cities. Regrettably, humanity has stretched the system beyond
A matter restored to nature, energy drawn from sustainable governance that shapes the global order and its And finally, local governments are the pulsating its safe boundaries (safe for us, to be precise), and if we
of vital sources, a circular economy, sustainable agriculture and institutions more effectively. Technological innovation centre of democracy. They are the most practical and persist with a business as usual attitude, then we risk
fisheries, a stabilised global population, investment in should be guided to support Moonshots. Mariana trusted level of governance. Cities and villages come the collapse of human civilisation due to compromising
education, health and well-being, reducing inequalities, Mazzucato defines these as big, hairy audacious goals closest to the ideal of the demos, the self-governing global climate and our food systems.
and technology geared towards true usefulness. All of set by government with clearly defined outcomes that body of citizens. The story tells us that a paradise in the 22nd century
this is vital to restoring the Earth’s carbon balance, drive organisational change at all levels through multi- is possible, and the missions we must undertake to get
reducing the global ecological footprint to a one planet sector, public-private collaboration, mission-oriented In this book, we focus on a specific mission for cities there are clear. Our biggest challenge is building a global
size, returning the Earth system to within the safe procurement contracts and state-driven innovation and and villages: integrating the natural world with the city governance that can effectively address our global
operating space, defusing social and international risk taking. and its region in such a way that ecosystem services challenges and direct our missions. We need to do that
conflict, and letting humanity flourish. After the Second World War, the 1944 Bretton Woods are optimised, biodiversity is protected, and new from the ground up, because local communities, from
conference set out the architecture of global finance development is offset by rewilding and ecological metropoles to cities to villages, can be powerful
The bigger discussion is how states, economies and and trade. In 1948, the states of the world agreed on the restoration. The guiding principle is that land is finite, catalysts for change. And that is where citizens, firms
global institutions can be organised, or can organise Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United and so any piece of natural land is a piece in the global and local governments, come in, contributing through
themselves, in such a way that these global outcomes Nations as a vehicle for safeguarding international ecological puzzle. Therefore land can only be developed small, meaningful, targeted actions.
will be fairly achieved, in accordance with the Sustainable stability. Both were inspired by one idea: no more war if that development is compensated for (and sometimes Finally, a shift from tribal thinking – how do I compete
Development Goals (SDG) and, importantly, without ever again. That generation carried with it the experience land should be left to nature to develop). This principle, best – to collaborative thinking – how do I contribute
risking the collapse of existing systems. What global of the deadliest war humankind has ever seen, and they reminiscent of Henry George’s thinking about land and best - is vital. And that starts with the realisation that
system of value creation could deliver the goods? understood where that catastrophe had come from. development, promotes restraint and encourages we are all crew members on Spaceship Earth, that
Market fundamentalists and conservatives may adhere They knew about the First World War, unresolved by the densification. Offsetting development could be done by precious, vulnerable, little planet.
to unfettered markets, but recent crises have shown Versailles Treaty; about the laissez-faire Roaring Twenties improving ecosystem services in the existing urban
this to be a delusion too. exploding in the Wall Street Crash and the Great area. It could also be realised through investment in
Maybe states should become entrepreneurial and Depression; about the dictators that were elected into rewilding. Forest and soil restoration projects are being
lead the way in new ‘Moonshots’, as British-Italian power by the despairing crowds. Perhaps the coming implemented throughout the world. One example is
setting the controls for paradise

facts & figures

22 23

Life on Earth: The distrubution of all global biomass

Humans 0.06 billion tonnes carbon (0.01%)

Anthropods 1 billion tonnes carbon (0.15%)

All animal (including humans)

2 billion tonnes carbon (0.4%) 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Very degraded soil Degraded soil Stable soil Without vegetation

Protists Earth in 1000 BC Agricultural and pasture land use (%) Global soil degradation
4 billion tonnes carbon Land cover change over time Earth in 2000 AD Human-induced
0.7% of total biomass
Populations of animal species have
Archea (Single-cell microbes)
decreased by two-thirds since 1970
Human changes to land cover on Earth (Living planet Index)
8 billion tonnes carbon
1.5% of total biomass due to agricultural land use over time Low

BIODIVERCITY Globally, the mean population size of

Fungi mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, Urban and rural inhabitants
12 billion tonnes carbon and fish has declined by 68 percent Worldwide since 1960
2.2% of total biomass 4027M

Urban inhabitants
Bacteria Rural inhabitants

ersity on eart
70 billion tonnes carbon
12.8% of total biomass 3415M
2007 2016

The oldest trees on Earth

Methuselah Sarv-e Abarkuh

4,852 years old 4,500 years old (approx.)


il b
450 billion tonnes carbon

82.4% of total biomass

A matter
of vital

Gran Abuelo
Just 3% of the Bald cypress
3,650 years old
High Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi 2,230 years old
Global human-made mass world’s ecosystems 2,307 years old
exceeds all living biomass remain intact (The oldest living human-planted tree)

Living Biomass Man-made mass

What are the drivers of
5.2 million hectares of tropical deforestation?
All Animals How much life
forest are lost each year;
Plastic does 1 cup of The world has lost one-third of its forest
4 8.3 soil contain?
billion billion tonnes 57% of Earth was forest 41% of deforestation 2.1 million hectares per
tonnes years ago year is driven by pasture
Industrial Revolution
expansion for beef.
200 billion bacteria
100,00 metres of fungi 1700 AD 52% of Earth was forest

Total Man-made 20 million protozoa

biomass and infrastructure 13%
100,000 nematodes 9.6%
Now 31% of Earth is forest
1100 1100 50,000 arthropods
Beef Oilseeds Forestry Cereals
billion tonnes billion tonnes < 1 earthworm
equivalent to the size of a In 2021, one-third of “Agricultural expansion continues to be
football field every SECOND global land area is forest the main driver of deforestation” FAO
Setting the controls for paradise darwin in the jungle

Darwin in the
Climate properties

The urban ecosystem is a new kind

28 29
of nature, where a motley crew of
urban jungle
problems soil properties
- salinization - type
- soil compaction
- erosion
- minerals
- temperature species grapples with novel
- soil sealing - texture
- pollution - infiltration opportunities and challenges.
- greenhouse gas emissions - porosity
- loss of habitat and biodiversity
- global warming
- pH
- carbon content
Menno Schilthuizen Citizen scientists go down on their
- loss of water and nutrients - nitrogen content
- and so on hands and knees and watch this
soil management
process up close.
soil functions
non-sustainable - source of raw materials
- monocultures - carbon storage room
- numerous forest fires - biodiversity: complex ecological foodweb
- use of pesticides - basis for human activity
- bio-industry - storage, filtering and transport of water and nutrients
- urbanization - storage of geological and archaeological heritage A summer day on a busy crossroads in the financial the evolution of urban snails. Using the smartphone app yet unknown to science, which they published in a
- conventional tillage district of Amsterdam. Heat bounces off the glass and “SnailSnap”, around 10,000 pictures were taken of urban scientific paper and named Aphaereta vondelparkensis.
steel façades of modern office buildings. Traffic rushes and rural snails. These photos proved that snails had
soil ecosystem services
by and whips up dust blended with exhaust fumes. evolved lighter-coloured shells in the urban heat island. Community science projects such as these can help city
- varied vegetations The noise of trams and trucks blankets the rest of the Inside pale shells, the snails are better protected against dwellers discover, appreciate and take pride in the
- natural rejuvenation support supply
- traditional tillage - nutrient cycle - food soundscape. Nature, it seems, has never been further overheating. biodiversity of their urban neighbourhood. This is
- organic farmers - carbon cycle - fresh water
- photosynthesis - wood and fibres BIODIVERCITY away. And yet, when you take a close look at your important because as cities continue to grow, urban
- crop diversity
- green-blue infrastructures - soil formation - biodiversity surroundings, you see a snail munching on strips of And there are other ways to become an urban nature is the only kind of nature most of us will meet on
- primary production - fuel
paper hanging from a billboard. A city pigeon is taking naturalist. Over the past three years, the organisation a daily basis. The more we are aware of it and realise
a bath in a puddle on the pavement, and bumblebees Taxon Expeditions has taken Amsterdam community that it forms a novel, special, and dynamic ecosystem,
regulation cultural buzz about a lone dandelion on a traffic island. There’s groups into urban greenspaces to do detailed the more we will be willing to protect it with urban
- climate control - aesthetic
- flooding - spiritual life here, but not as we know it. biodiversity discovery. Learning the tricks of the trade nature conservation and to stimulate it with nature-
- carbon sequestration - educational
as they went along, the community scientists used inclusive building and planning.
- pollination - recreational
- water purification - heritage To wild animals and plants, cities are extreme habitats: techniques like sweep netting, pitfall trapping, and leaf
- pests and diseases - health / welfare
there is plenty of food and other opportunities, but litter sieving to reveal the hidden, but amazingly rich
you can only enjoy those if you know how to deal with biodiversity in their local neighbourhoods. In the
frameworks that are all the special challenges that urban life poses. Vondelpark, for example, the citizen scientists
used to evaluate soil
ecosystems in
Scientists are discovering that many urban animals discovered a new parasitic wasp, just 2 mm long and
the various forms of connections and plants are rapidly evolving as a result. The pigeon, Biodiversity of moths
land use (pasture land, impact discovered by community
Healthy soil life depends on snail, or dandelion with genes that fit its urban Urban community scientists scientists in the
arable land, meadow,
optimal soil management degradation/devaluation discover the biodiversity of Vondelpark, Amsterdam,
wood and city) environment best is the one to pass on its genes to
cycles and soil ecosystem Natuurtuin De Slatuinen. 4-9 August 2019
the next generation, and this causes the DNA of urban
flora and fauna to change for good. Rather than being This has revealed that the city centre nests are much
the slow process that we think of when we hear of more tolerant to extreme heat than ant nests from
The delicate balance of the earth system evolution, the urban version is causing urban wildlife the outskirts. Moreover, they have shown that this
Although scientific research roots. No grassland existed the associated animal of soils, but also the supply the logging and burning of to change at breakneck speed. And that includes difference is hard-wired in their DNA – again evidence
is far, nobody knows exactly yet because that developed communities have of oxygen, nutrients for forests, the use of land for those small, ground-dwelling species that often go that urban evolution is adapting the ants to the heat
when life started or what much later; the oldest developed on the plant growth, the regulation intensive agriculture, and A matter
the first organisms were fossil grasses are just continents. Within these of the climate, and the urbanisation are causing a of vital unnoticed. of the city centre.
like. The self-regulating 70 million years old. As the vegetation zones, various suppression of diseases major change, and generally soil!
and dynamic earth system continents became covered ecosystems can be found. and plagues. Biodiversity an enormous loss of bio­
was fully operational after with soils and vegetation, refers to all the variety of diversity. An ever-growing Urban evolution Community science
a long period. This system a rich and diverse life An ecosystem is a set of life that can be found on number of species are
consists of four independent developed on the land plants, animals and other Earth as well as to the facing extinction. The signals In the centre of Montpellier, for example, evolution So, the city centre is home to a completely novel
spheres that mutually and in the soil. organisms and environ­ communities that they form are becoming more and
has caused the seeds of the weed hawksbeard to ecosystem of our own making. Everywhere around us,
interact and work together. mental factors that all and the habitats in which more apparent, and research
The atmosphere contains Yet, things could have interact with each other they live. Rich biodiversity also shows, that if the soil become, on average, larger and heavier. Unlike their wild animals and plants are rapidly evolving into
all gases, the hydrosphere turned out very differently. and can be regarded as a in soil life is vitally important and soil life are not healthy
all water and the lithosphere Despite five mass unit (system). The biotic for the numerous functions and diverse enough, rural ancestors, the urban plants grow in tiny patches perfect urban dwellers. On the one hand, this is a
covers the uppermost layer extinctions, the last of and abiotic components of soil. A healthy soil existing eco­systems lose of soil around city trees. This means that heavier seeds sobering thought: we are irreversibly changing the
of the earth’s mantle, a which was extremely ensure that food webs and results in less erosion and their balance, which can
crust that is about 80 km severe, the diversity cycles are maintained stores large quantities of have major consequences that drop straight down from the parent plant will evolutionary path of other species, and life on earth
thick. All life is contained of species increased there, thus creating a CO2. The healthier the soil for life on earth.
by the biosphere, which is enormously. In addition, certain balanced dynamic is, the better the living germinate and sprout a new generation, but lighter will never be the same again. But on the other hand,
located in the three spheres the continents found their system. Examples of eco­ conditions for people, We still fail to sufficiently seeds that drift in the wind will mostly land on tarmac this also means that we can learn to appreciate
and forms a thin layer final resting place due to systems are a wood, an plants and animals. realise how vulnerable the
around the earth. The tectonic processes. individual tree or even a dynamic balance in our and be dead on impact. Researchers have seen the urban nature more. We have to realise that we are
biosphere is unique in Between the two elements drop of water, and, of Changes in biotic and biosphere is. With the
urban plants evolve ever heavier seeds over just surrounded by a mostly hidden biodiversity of
our solar system. on earth, the biotic, living course, the earth as a abiotic factors can influence exception of bacteria, the
components (plants, whole. Location and and even disrupt an eco­ biosphere in the ground is twenty years or so. urban species in the process of evolving ways to live
Multicellular life in the animals, microorganisms climate patterns signif­ system. The system can just several metres deep,
oceans only came out of and people) on the one icantly influence often recover or adapt, but and where there is sufficient with us. And what better way to drive home this fact
the water about 500 million hand, and the abiotic, non- ecosystems. takes time and some­times oxygen, the biosphere On the other side of the Atlantic, in cities in the than to engage in research yourself?
years ago. Plants were living components (light, it loses its resilience. extends in the air to an
among the first to water and soil type) on the Healthy ecosystems stand During the last century, it altitude of about 8 km. southeast United States, tiny ants build their nests
permanently locate on other, three cycles arose: or fall with the condition of has become increasingly Consequently, the loss of
land and created the first the water, carbon and the soil, the soil life and the clear that both nature and biodiversity not only means in fallen acorns, both in the hot city centre and in Urban citizen science projects in Amsterdam and
soil structures. About nutrient cycles. Living related food chains and the climate are changing as the loss of species, but also the much cooler outskirts. Scientists have done other Dutch cities have started to pave the way. In
360 million years ago, the organisms made these food webs. Soil forms the a result of human actions; a loss of functions and a
soils were comparable to cycles possible. As a result foundation for all life. The the global temperature is reduced resilience of the clever experiments in which they pick up nest- 2017, for example, Naturalis Biodiversity Center in
present day soils, with the of climatological and other invisible soil life ensures rising, and periods of biosphere.
containing acorns and move them to hotter or Leiden organised a nationwide urban evolution
same variety of soil types, abiotic factors, different the structural formation flooding, drought and heat
because of the evolution of vegetation zones with and water-holding capacity are increasing. In addition, cooler environments. research project in which the general public studied
I n s ea r c h
o f h ea lt h y
soil and
bi odiversity

Work in the subsurface of

public space
0 cm Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

Soil matters! The dust storms and floods of the last few years have underscored the
importance of programs to control soil erosion. I need not emphasize to
you the seriousness of the problem and the desirability of our taking
10 cm 10
Ingrid Oosterheerd effective action, as a Nation and in the several States, to conserve the soil
as our basic asset. The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Letter to all State Governors on a Uniform Soil Conservation Law.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 26 February 1937

20 cm


30 cm
Soil is the source of all life on earth, and without it, FAO goes so far as to state that the maintenance and
humans cannot survive. Nevertheless, people show recovery of healthy soils on earth is the most urgent
scant regard for this vital part of their living issue that humanity currently faces. This is no
environment. The growing world population is moving exaggeration because people are dependent on fertile
to the city, annexing the surrounding districts and is soil to grow food; 95% of our food comes from the soil. 40 cm
literally squeezing the life out of the soil. The urban The FAO estimates that if nothing is done, the world has
climate with the built environment and associated less than 60 years of harvests left.
water management is detrimental for a healthy soil life.
The sealed off soil in urban areas has a cumulative Supporting food production is just one function of
influence on the increasingly extremer periods of the soil. It is a complex ecosystem that consists of
BIODIVERCITY flooding, heat and drought. A knowledge of what soil is, disintegrated rock, organic matter, water, gases, Different types of soil
and soil layering
how it is formed and how it looks after ‘all life’ is needed nutrients and living organisms. The soil captures and
before we can understand how soil and biodiversity retains rainwater and functions as a filter that improves
work in the city. Then, we also need to discuss the the quality of the groundwater. The soil can absorb
indisputable signals that point to the destruction of the carbon and can store considerable quantities of carbon people on earth. And although many of those species differences in the mother material (different types of
soil, biosphere and biodiversity degradation that is dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas that contributes are known, it is also now assumed that far more species rock, mineral levels, grain size and texture) and the type
currently taking place. People are causing this damage, significantly to climate change. exist that are as yet unknown to science. For example, of soil-forming process, such as internal acidification,
which started thousands of years ago on a very small there are 740,000 known species of insect, but it is and runoff and leaching. As a result of soil formation,
scale, but has been accelerating since the Industrial Therefore, soil is sometimes also referred to as the estimated that there are 8 million or perhaps even 10 layers of more or less the same characteristics arise, the
Revolution. The consequences of this are climate earth’s living outer skin. The top layer, and in particular million species that are not yet known and described. so-called soil horizons. For example, the dark top layer
change, global warming, rising sea levels, persistent the uppermost metre of the earth’s crust, is the most And that is just an extrapolation of ongoing (soil horizon A) contains a lot of organic matter and
drought, a growing number of hurricanes and species productive and biologically active soil layer. The soil explorations. minerals, and the mother material (soil horizon C)
extinction. These changes, in turn, have huge under our feet is an amazing habitat. It is teeming with remains largely unchanged. Six main types of soil can be
consequences for the living conditions and biodiversity biodiversity, with more than one billion individual Soil-forming processes and soil horizons distinguished: sandy, clay, silty, chalky, peaty and loamy.
on earth. (micro)organisms that play an essential role in the The first soils arose billions of years ago due to the
nutrient cycles that support life on earth. This can best weathering and erosion of rocks. Changing Hidden soil life
The soil: the earth’s living crust be illustrated by considering what a cup of soil contains: temperatures caused rocks to expand and contract, The top layer of the soil encircles the earth like a rich,
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of 200 billion bacteria, 100,000 metres of fungi, 20 million after which water filled the cavities produced. When the brown skin. Together with life in the oceans, this keeps
the United Nations (FAO), soil degradation is a more protozoa, 100,000 nematodes, 50,000 arthropods and water froze, the rock surfaces broke. The action of wind our biosphere and ecosystems in balance and forms the
urgent problem than global warming. What is more: it is almost 1 earthworm. Moreover, a teaspoon of soil and watercourses resulted in increasingly smaller lungs of our planet. The soil life hidden from human
A matter a factor that contributes to global warming. Indeed, the contains more living organisms than the number of pieces of rock. The colonisation of bare rock material by eyes, such as bacteria and archaea, fungi, but also
of vital organisms such as lichens and mosses led to the initial unicellular organisms such as protists and algae, and
formation of soil. This took millions of years to evolve small creatures like nematodes, worms, spin tales,
Organic matter Organic matter Organic matter
and was a process that covered not only the physical mites, insect larvae and the mole, on earth represent a
Mineral particles Mineral particles weathering of the rock but also the addition of organic living biomass of 1100 billion tonnes and provide

Parent material Parent material Parent material

matter from dead and rotten plant material. Soil humans, animals and plants both food and oxygen by
formation as we know it today mainly arose with the means of intelligent networks and cycles. It sounds so
evolution of the tree-forming terrestrial plants with obvious and simple, but this is only possible if the self-
roots, and with the formation of forests. The formation regulating and dynamic earth system functions well and
of a healthy topsoil is a long-term process that takes the large and small ecosystems, cycles and soil can
thousands of years. continue to work together unharmed and can properly
Soil formation from left to interact (see p. 46-51).
right: Soil begins to form, A horizon A horizon
simple organisms, layers Since 360 million years ago, earth’s soils have remained
called horizons, a well-
developed soil pretty similar to what they are now, with the same soil The soil life loosens the soil so that water can find its
B horizon
Disintegrating rock types including bog and forest soils but excluding way into it, adds humus, suppresses diseases and pests
grassland soils (these could only evolve after the and neutralises contaminants. A healthy soil results in
Cretaceous Period). Soil-forming factors are the mother less erosion and stores large quantities of CO2. Healthier
material (rock), climate (temperature and water soil and soil life and more resilient ecosystems provide
C horizon C horizon C horizon movement), flora and fauna (vegetation and soil life; better living conditions for people and animals.
organic acids), topography (wet or dry) and time. Soils Research results and the insights arising from these
contain both biotic materials (organic material such as irrefutably demonstrate that plant and animal species
Bedrock Bedrock Bedrock Bedrock
plants and microorganisms) as well as abiotic materials together form a living and productive natural world, an
(minerals, water and air). Differences in soils arise due to ‘intelligent’ web of life.
In search of healthy soil and biodiversity soil matters!

34 35

a thin layer of soil is formed and meanwhile we are Soil health and biodiversity are deteriorating rapidly taiga in the North as well as the melting of permafrost
losing this deep rich soil at an alarming rate. Across the throughout the world. The extinction of species is part and glaciers. This has resulted in rising sea levels, which
world, we have blindly neglected the symptoms of of natural processes, but scientists estimate that the in turn has led to drought, flooding and the extinction
damage to and deterioration of the soil, soil life and the rate of extinction is now 1000 times higher than it was of species.
natural interactions between ecosystems for far too before people conquered the world. On the basis of
long. Humans came, saw and annexed. Our relentlessly 15,000 scientific studies, it has been established that The greatest losses in biodiversity and the deterioration
anthropocentric worldview has made us place humans one million species of animals and plants will be of ecosystems are now occurring outside the temperate
at the top of the food chain, setting ourselves apart threatened with extinction in the years leading up to zone, in the tropics, polar regions, taiga, and oceans.
from the natural world. However, the sobering reality is the year 2050. Meanwhile, three-quarters of the land But the loss of healthy soils and biodiversity is also
that the natural world will survive without people but surface and two-thirds of the marine environment have occurring in rural areas and in cities. Because of the
BIODIVERCITY that people cannot survive without the natural world. been ‘significantly changed’ by human use. In just 30 urban climate that prevails in towns and cities, climate
Humans are an inextricable part of the earth system years, urban areas have doubled in size and in 2007, change results in even more specific threats here. These
and, as a mid-level (medium-sized) omnivore, are far we even passed the threshold of more people living in will be further considered at the end of this chapter.
lower in the pecking order of the food web than they urban than rural areas. More than 85% of wetlands have
Soil food web in action consider themselves to be, somewhere at the same been lost, and over 90% of fish populations in the sea However, first of all, the soil and the hidden life it
level as pigs and anchovies. All organisms on earth are are exploited above sustainable levels. The annual Living contains must be presented. The main actors in this
closely linked with each other in mutually dependent Planet Report 2020 (from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) chapter are the bacteria, the fungi, unicellular
Soil fertility is determined by the soil’s physical, ecosystems where each organism has its own position and the Zoological Society of London) confirmed that organisms and (very) small animals in the soil. They
chemical, and biological properties, which mutually and plays its own part. The rate at which changes in biodiversity is in freefall worldwide. The report states collaborate in a far more intelligent manner than we
influence each other. The physical properties say these ecosystems occur is important for keeping the that the global populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, humans could have imagined until very recently. There
something about the structure of the soil and the soil’s living network healthy and people, animals, and plants amphibians and fish decreased by an average of 68% are networks of fungal hyphae that connect plant roots,
particle size or water buffering capacity. The chemical depend on biological diversity. If that biodiversity between 1970 and 2016. In addition, 40% of plant species provide access to vital nutrients and also act as
properties determine the extent to which nutrients in deteriorates or decreases, then the system will become on earth are threatened with extinction, whereas plants communication channels. Soil is one of the world’s
the soil can be retained and the pH value of the soil. weaker and might even collapse. can provide people with food, drugs and biofuels. And important reservoirs of biodiversity, encompassing
Until recently, the state of the soil was often only we can only guess how fast the soil life is deteriorating microorganisms as well as flora and fauna, and each
determined on the basis of these two properties. Human actions cause soil degradation because our knowledge about these processes is organism has a functional place in the food web. This
However, by studying the biological properties, such as Back to the soil. Four billion years of evolution has very limited. biodiversity plays a fundamental role in supporting soil
soil life, we can much better determine the state of the resulted in a stunning array of life of which only a functions, such as nutrient and other cycles, litter
soil and better understand its vital role. fraction has been documented. Estimates of the Climate change: loss of soil biodiversity and decomposition, soil formation and climate regulation
number of species on earth vary between 1,5 million decline of ecosystems and, consequently, the ecosystem services and goods
A matter A study of the biological properties also reveals that the and 1000 million, and these numbers do not even begin Global climate change and humanity’s role in this can no that soils provide.
of vital variation in soil life, the so-called soil biodiversity, is to express the variety that exists within those species. longer be denied. The IPCC report of August 2021 warns
incredibly important for the numerous functions the Since the Industrial Revolution, the large-scale that ‘a near-linear relationship exists between cumulative
soil has: the structural formation, water-storing consumption of fossil fuels and the annexation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and the global warming
capacity, nutrients for plant growth and climate wilderness areas for large-scale industrial food they cause’. It is an indisputable fact that the landscape
regulation. It is becoming increasingly clear that the soil production (monocultures) has resulted in the emission and, in particular, the soil throughout the world are
and the life it contains, such as bacteria, fungi and of extra greenhouse gases such as methane and CO2 under considerable pressure with all of the major
microorganisms, assume a far more important position that accumulate in the atmosphere and form a thick consequences that this entails. For a long time, the Biodiversity
in the biosphere than previously thought. Yet, few blanket over the earth, as a result of which its surface is symptoms of deterioration were not interpreted What exactly is biodiversity? In brief, biodiversity is the
people are aware of this, except for a handful of alert becoming increasingly warmer. Human actions have or recognised as warning signals, and most people degree of variety of life in a given ecosystem, which can be
a certain geographical area or an entire forest, or equally
scientists. Soil health plays an absolutely crucial role in stripped the soil of organic components (humus and failed to see how these signals were interconnected. a drop of water or the entire earth. Soil is an important
reservoir of biodiversity in the world, varying from
life on earth, whether that concerns agriculture, nutrients) at a faster rate than nature can replenish However, the signs are abundantly clear, and show microorganisms to flora and fauna. This biodiversity plays a
horticulture or uncultivated areas, or nature in general these. Carbon is stored in the top 3 metres of the that people have initiated a new era, the Anthropocene. fundamental role in supporting soil functions and therefore
in ecosystem services related to soils. The destruction of
such as woods, meadows, dunes, marshes, grasslands earth’s crust. The loss of carbon from the soil is dramatic This ‘geological era of humanity’ is exerting a disastrous soil biodiversity can have very negative consequences for
or gardens and urban parks. In fact, the above can be (and this constitutes a substantial contribution to influence upon everything that exists on earth. soil ecosystem services, such as the supporting cycles, food
and fuel supplies and climate regulation. Soil biodiversity is
put even more bluntly: without healthy soil, life on climate change). Sufficient carbon in the soil is necessary Humanity, currently numbering 7.6 billion people, currently threatened by worldwide anthropogenic changes
like the intensification of land use, deforestation and the
earth would not be possible and would not amount to for a good soil structure, sufficient storage of other represents just 0.01 % of the mass of the biosphere, burning of fossil fuels. According to the Global Resources
more than an artificial existence such as that proposed nutrients, retention of water and vital microbial activity. but that is nevertheless just as much as all wild Outlook 2019 and the IBPES Global assessment report on
biodiversity and ecosystem services 2019, the so-called
for the colonisation of Mars. The loss of carbon puts the soil under increasing mammals combined. Humans have, nevertheless, extractive industries – agriculture, fisheries and mining –
are responsible for more than 80% of the loss of biodiversity
pressure, and that results in soil erosion, loss of through overpopulation, intensive agriculture and and half of global carbon emissions. Each year, the world
As is the case for the majority of natural resources, biodiversity (of plants and animals, the soil life) and the animal husbandry, urbanisation, pollution and climate uses more than 92 billion tons of biomass (especially food),
metals, fossil fuels and minerals, a figure that is increasing
humans cannot continue taking the soil for granted as a weakening of ecosystems at the global, regional and change, ushered in a geological era with floods, fires in by 3.2% per year. See also page 27 and pages 78-81.
renewable resource. It takes thousands of years before urban levels. large areas of the Amazon tropical rainforest and the
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel The hidden biodiversity
of bryophytes and lichens

The hidden
Common orange lichen
(Xanthoria parietina)

‘Unequal twins’ covering growing on a tree trunk
close to Naturalis
Biodiversity Center, 37
urban surfaces
Leiden, Netherlands.

of bryophytes Michael Stech

Moss-lichen mosaic on Common blackbird

and lichens
a concrete border of a collecting moss to pad
parking lot. its nest.

Tree trunks and branches, paths and roads, wooden sheds, survivalists. Bryophytes generally like moist conditions,
concrete and brick walls, roofs – many natural and ‑ They but many species can dry out and survive in a dormant
are overgrown by a thin layer of hidden bio­diversity, stage until there’s moisture again. Lichens can be even
including bacteria, algae, bryophytes and lichens. tougher and withstand periods of drought, exposure to
strong light conditions and very high or low temperat­
What are bryophytes and lichens? ures. In areas with high air humidity, bryophytes and
Bryophytes is the collective name for three groups lichens can even grow on artificial surfaces like plastic.
of small, flowerless plants: mosses, liverworts and
BIODIVERCITY hornworts. Mosses (photo 1), and to a lesser extent Indicators of air quality
liverworts, can often be found in urban environments. On the downside, bryophytes and lichens are
Lichens (photo 2) are fungi that grow together with susceptible to pollution, since they lack roots and take
algae (or cyanobacteria) in a close partnership of mutual up water and nutrients, but also pollutants, via their
benefit. Both bryophytes and lichens appeared on Earth whole body. For example, in many urban areas in Importance for urban ecosystems
long before the flowering plants that make up the Europe, trees were completely devoid of bryophytes Bryophytes and lichens are important for the urban
urban planted vegetation. and lichens until the 1980s due to acid rain. Plants and ecosystems. They provide shelter and food for small
lichens growing on trees are called epiphytes, and animals like mites and springtails. You can observe birds
‘Unequal twins’ consequently, our cities were “epiphyte deserts” back such as the common blackbird searching for food in
Although bryophytes and lichens are completely then. Fortunately, the air quality has improved, and moss cushions on the ground. They will also collect
different organisms, we can consider them “unequal bryophytes and lichens made a spectacular comeback, mosses to pad their nests and make them comfortable
twins” in an ecological sense. They often grow together, clearly demonstrating their use to monitor environ­ (photo 5). Not to mention that bryophytes can improve
forming colourful mosaics of green, grey, yellow, mental conditions in cities. So if you see trees covered the urban climate – like all green plants they take up CO2
orange or dark patches on urban surfaces (photo 3). with bryophytes and lichens in your neighbourhood as and produce oxygen. The algae and cyanobacteria
Bryophytes, and even more so lichens, are true well (photo 4), that’s usually a good sign! However, inside the lichens do the same.
we’re not out of the danger zone yet: nitrogen
pollution and climate change continue to pose
A species of Bristle Mosses spores are formed. Spores
(Orthotrichum scanicum) are dispersed by wind to challenges to (hidden) biodiversity. Too much nitrogen,
growing on a twig. The plant colonize other suitable in particular, causes some species to dominate while Trunk of a lane tree covered
shows young and old trees.   with bryophytes and
capsules in which small more sensitive ones decline or disappear. lichens.

A matter
of vital

Fostering urban bryophytes and lichens

Despite these benefits, bryophytes and lichens on
paths, walls and in gardens are often considered to be
“weeds” or “stains” that must be controlled and
eradicated. Certainly, a layer of hidden biodiversity may
not be desirable everywhere since it can make surfaces
like pavement tiles or concrete slippery or even cause
damage. On the other hand, Japanese moss gardens,
constructed green façades and moss roofs, and even
moss graffiti demonstrate that urban citizens can
actually value green surfaces. Combining the positive
influence of the colour green with a growing awareness
of biodiversity may guide urban planning, design and
management to foster bryophytes and lichens on more
places where they don’t do harm.


38 Soil animals are tiny and They all need food to grow, From the bottom left to top The 4 size classes are: Mesofauna (mites, spring­ Macrofauna (flatworms, Megafauna (earthworms, In this paragraph, animals 39
small creatures, which live and some of them feed on right, the following are Microbes (viruses, bacteria, tails, spiders, potworms snails, woodlice, beetles mammals, reptiles and have been categorised by
in the uppermost 70 to 100 each other. Take the oak illustrated respectively: the archaea and fungi; and small insect larvae; and insect larvae; 2-20 mm) amphibians; 20 mm+) size, but in reality, animals
cm of the soil, the so-called tree, for example. smallest fungi and bacteria, 20 µm-10 µm) and micro­ 0.1-2 mm) live in soil can be seen with the naked create spatial heterogeneity are distributed throughout
top layer, and in the litter Caterpillars eat the leaves increasingly larger species fauna (soil protozoa and cavities filled with air and eye and are named inverte­ on the soil surface and in the soil. On page 46-50 in
layer above this. They can of the tree, blackbirds eat such as the mites, insects nematodes; 10 µm -1.1 mm) form coprogenic micro- brates. These ecosystem the soil profile by moving this publication, you can
be divided into 10 main the caterpillars and and worms up to and mostly live in soil solutions aggregates. They participate engineers disturb the soil through these. find more information about
groups: earthworms, slugs, buzzards eat the blackbirds. including the vertebrates. in gravitational, capillary in the transformation of soil structure by moving through the soil food web and how
snails, arachnids, woodlice, When a buzzard dies, and hygroscopic water. into organic matter. it which improves the soil’s soil fauna live together and
millipedes, centipedes, insects, bacteria and fungi They participate in the water permeability and aera­ communicate with each

beetles, ants and the mole. eat the remains of the bird. decomposition of soil tion, and creates new other as well as with


Each group contains multiple Fungi produce minerals organic matter as well as in habitats for smaller orga­ bacteria and fungi.

species, such as the grove that the tree once again the weathering of minerals

nisms. The faeces of micro­
snail and the garden snail, takes up to grow. in the soil. They are fauna are hotspots for micro­


the garden wall spider and important in the cycling of bial diversity and activity.

1024 the harvestman. We usually Soil organisms vary in size nutrients in ecosystems.
do manage to recognise from 20 µm to 20-30 cm and
most of the animals that we are traditionally divided into
can see with the naked eye, 4 size categories. The

512 especially those with overview shows (from small
feathers or fur. But the real to large): microbes/micro­

soil life, the micro­ fauna, mesofauna, macro­


organisms such as bacteria fauna and megafauna.

and fungi, are so small that

256 they are hidden from our



le o
view. And yet, these life

forms live under our feet in

large numbers and ensure

128 a healthy soil. Many animals,

plants, bacteria and fungi

live together in communities.











l le




















Garden cross spider / Araneus diadematus
Velvet mite / Trombidium holosericeum
In search of healthy soil and biodiversity Bacteria & co
support the entire ecosystem

Bacteria & co Gerard Korthals their samples with soil samples from locations around Leftpage: The colourful
diversity of soil microbes 41

Froukje Rienks the globe. The only area that didn’t overlap with New shows already with a few
York was Antarctica. For microbes, factors such as the of them in the lab.

acidity of the soil or the availability of carbon are much Streptomyces species.

the entire
Relatives of this species of
more important than how hot or dry the climate is. soil bacteria are known for
A special case is the occurrence of dog faeces in the their production of geosmin:
that typical smell of a wet
city. If it keeps lying around, it can be the source of forest floor in summer time.

ecosystem unwanted diversity – with the addition of pathogenic

bacteria like Escherichia coli and Salmonella to the city
soil’s cocktail.

The scent of soil

Although bacteria are usually invisible, you can smell
Microbial life below ground provides us with many them! In fact, that typical smell of soil in the woods after
ecosystem services that our lives depend on. But with a summer shower is coming from soil bacteria. Officially,
the exception of fungal hyphae or certain soil bacteria, it’s called geosmin, and it’s produced by specific
these tiny organisms are largely invisible. What do we bacteria that are ‘talking’ to each other in the world’s
know about this microscopic life in the city? most used language...’Terpene’! Fungi, bacteria, and
even higher animals all use smells – with terpenes as the
Biologists say that a handful of soil contains at least 5000 most common compounds – as chemical signals.
BIODIVERCITY species, an amazing number in such a small volume. Without realising it, even we use them in perfumes and
Most of those species are invisible because they are we appreciate the pleasant terpenes given off by
bacteria. There are probably many thousands of Christmas trees or tangerines. But in the dark soil world,
bacterial species in the Netherlands alone. Similarly, microorganisms use those fragrances as targeted
there are large numbers of fungi: 10,000 species have instruments for long-distance (and for them that is
been found in the Netherlands so far and at least fairly quickly the case) communication.
100,000 worldwide. structure, with ample chance to absorb water. And
lastly, bacteria can (learn to) break down polluting Chemical warfare
Many more microbial species do not even have a name. substances. Many types of pollution can occur in the But it’s not all fun and games. Tiny unicellular but
These are ‘the hidden majority’, of which many cannot city from the deliberate use of pesticides to the slightly larger predators in the soil can literally sniff out
be cultured. Only a fraction of all microbial species can collateral damage from traffic and accidental spills. How their prey: soil bacteria. Until recently, it was unknown
be grown or ‘cultured’ in the lab. It is estimated that much time a microbial clean up takes depends on the how they sense their prey in such a complex and laby­
only 5%, at most, can be cultured. Those are the ‘difficulty level’ of the chemical structure concerned. rinthine environment. These predators - called protists -
microbes you can see with the naked eye, in white, ‘eavesdrop’ on the bacteria’s communication with
green, red, black, or whatever other colour, colonies on Bacteria vs fungi scent. Protists are key predators of bacteria in the soil.
lab plates. For the other species, we have to rely on DNA An important balance in the soil is the ratio between There is a lot of fighting going on between micro­
techniques to map microbial biodiversity. bacteria and fungi. In undisturbed natural grasslands, organisms belowground. For their wars on food,
for instance, you’ll find relatively many fungi, or fungal bacteria use antibiotics as chemical weapons. Actually,
Nevertheless, scientists have already learned a lot about hyphae. Bacteria are relatively more abundant in for us, this is the good side of the warfare, as our
these microscopic life forms. A healthy microbial disturbed soils. They both have their role, with bacteria antibiotics are based on the ones made in the soil.

A matter community is closely linked to the availability of clean breaking down ‘easy degradable’ organic compounds Antibiotics are costly weapons, and microorganisms
of vital air, water and food. In that handful of earth there are and fungi specialising in the more difficult organic only make them when a competitor is within reach. That
smelly bacteria, many kilometres of fungal hyphae and structures – such as lignin from wood. But intensive ecological insight helps us to find new ones, by the way.
plenty of other unicellular life forms like protists - land use reduces the abundance and diversity, leaving Antibiotics are just a few of the interesting and
including mini predators - that are often overlooked. mainly bacteria and some fungi. Fungi can’t handle the invaluable compounds that we can find in the soil.
Welcome to the microbial world under your feet! A tiny physical damage that well with their vulnerable hyphae. These are treasures hidden in the world under our feet
universe with a giant impact. This is true for agricultural use, but also urban land use if we would only pay attention and take good care of
can shift the delicate balance. The more digging, the the soil.
Ecosystem services more disturbance – with the total removal and
Without bacteria, we wouldn’t stand a chance of replacement of soil in large building or infrastructural Driving nature restoration
surviving and neither would we have come into projects as the ultimate blow. All soil life together forms a giant and vibrant society.
existence. The first oxygen was made by ancient Under natural circumstances, that is. If you want to
cyanobacteria, whose modern counterparts still Central Park, New York restore nature, it takes time. Although all major groups
produce a large part of present-day oxygen gas. But However, it is not all bad news. A city sports a wide array of soil life can already be present, they are not really
bacteria also provide specific soil services. They are of variable environments in a relatively small area, and ‘connected’ at the start. That is because ‘relationships’
heavily involved in the breaking down of organic that can actually stimulate diversity. In fact, the same literally have to grow, with fungi as the microbial
materials and waste, producing nutrients for new plants soil microbes that thrive in forests, tundras and deserts matchmakers. During the process of nature restoration,
Neocosmospora, a genus of Mycorrhizal fungi can live
to grow. They also protect against pests and pathogens can live in a city. Ecologists found as much biodiversity these connections become stronger and more resilient, soil fungi with many inside plant roots, where
species. they help the plant – and
by keeping them under control. Yes, most bacteria and in the soil of New York’s Central Park for instance, as in a and for instance organisms start to use each other’s the other way around.
fungi are actually not bad but good guys! Together with tropical rainforest. In almost 600 soil samples from by-products as food. This allows nature to store and use Fungal hyphae connect soil
particles. Soil bacteria have
fungal hyphae, bacteria help to create a positive soil Central Park, they found thousands of different nutrients such as carbon far more efficiently. Urban another way to improve soil
structure. Bacteria excrete substances that glue soil organisms, and less than one-fifth of these had been planning strategies can integrate this to help save and structure: they glue the
particles together, creating
particles together. This creates a solid and still open soil previously documented. The researchers compared restore city soils. so-called biofilms.
In search of healthy soil and biodiversity

Networks of Jorinde Nuytinck

the fungal
They sporadically appear to us as mushrooms, toadstools, Waste disposal
moulds or even wood-rot, but invisibly they are nearly If fungi did not help to decompose things, then life
everywhere: Fungi. They are one of the most diverse, would soon be buried under a mountain of dead plant
fascinating, understudied, yet omnipresent kingdoms matter. Fungi digest their food outside of their bodies
of life. They help feed 90% of plants and recycle dead by secreting enzymes that break down cellulose and
organisms, but most of the time, they remain cryptic: the lignin polymers that make wood woody - a trick only
invisible and poorly understood. They provide us with decomposer fungi can do. They are the waste disposal
food and medicines but also wreak havoc by causing agents of the natural world, and while feeding them­
serious diseases to animals and plants. Fungi live on selves, they make nutrients available for plants to carry
surfaces, in soil, water and air, inside plants and all kinds on growing. Fungi also benefit plants by helping to
BIODIVERCITY of organisms, and even on deep-ocean floors and inside create a well-structured porous soil. Underground,
solid rock. In these places, fungi are not merely present. fungal mycelial networks help to form large stable soil
They are functional and structural. Their interaction with aggregates by enmeshing soil particles with hyphae
other organisms, dead or alive, and with inorganic matter (= fungal cells) and releasing insoluble exudates like
plays an essential role in creating the world we inhabit. sugars and amino acids.

A nutrient and information highway in the soil

Different fungi: mushrooms Fruiting bodies of an vegetation types in Africa Mycorrhizal fungi are species whose mycelia penetrate
under a tree, threads undescribed species of the where ectomycorrhizal
hidden in a tree-bark and genus Lactifluus with a ring fungi play an important role. and entangle themselves with plant roots. While many
fungal mycelium network on the stipe and velum at The others are the Sudanian people seem to be unaware of their presence, 90% of
the margin of the cap. woodland, the riparian
This picture was taken in forests along rivers and plants depend on these fungi for their survival. Plants
the miombo forest of the tropical rainforest.
Zambia, one of the four
and fungi mutually support each other. The photosyn­

A matter
of vital
In search of healthy soil and biodiversity Networks of
the fungal kingdom

44 Fruiting bodies of Lactarius 45

montanus, an ectomycorrhizal
fungus that occurs in the
Rocky Mountains in North
America and that exudes
latex when cut. This latex is
white at first but quickly
changes to bright purple.
The function of this colour
change is unknown, but it
aids in identifying the

BIODIVERCITY thesising plant feeds the mycelium with carbon and
receives water, nitrogen, phosphorus and other
nutrients from it. The hyphae in the mycelium directly
supply mineral nutrients to the mycorrhizal plants.
Fungal hyphae have a far smaller diameter than a plant’s
fine roots (2–20 µm compared to 200 µm) and can
there­­­fore explore smaller pores of the soil. Up to 20% of
total plant CO2 uptake is allocated to mycorrhizal fungi.
Therefore, fungi play an important role in maintaining
the soil’s carbon pool, where more carbon is stored
than in plants and the atmosphere combined.
Most importantly, plants are connected to other
plants underground through mycelial networks.
Nutrients transferred via this network help seedlings
and poorly competitive plants to become established.
The network may also protect plants against drought E F
and soil-borne pathogens, and it transfers information.
Plants funnel chemical information to the fungus,
whose mycelia bring similar signals to the connected
plants in the underground. In woodland, the network,
A matter involving numerous species, can be so extensive and
Fruiting bodies of Hygrocybe Waxcaps are fungi of
of vital acutoconica, the persistent unimproved grassland that dense that trees detect what happens to each other
soil! waxcap, so called because is often rich in moss and
they are relatively long- grazed by cattle or sheep.
across large distances.
lasting and have an atypical, They are indicators of an
waxy appearance. Initially ancient landscape that has
acutely conical, the caps never or scarcely been The effect of urbanisation
expand with age to become ploughed and to which little The presence and diversity of mycorrhizal fungi can
distinctly umbonate (= fertiliser has been added.
having a rounded knob in influence the composition of plant communities and
the centre of the cap).
Waxcaps have long been improve nutrient exploitation and overall plant health
considered to be decom­ and productivity. Urbanisation has a negative impact on
posers of dead plant
material in grasslands, but local fungal communities. A lack of native plants and
now the existence of some
kind of mutual relationship
changes to the remaining habitat deprive fungi of
between waxcaps and living substrates they can grow on. Any suitable remnant
plants is considered likely.
vegetation will probably be highly fragmented. Species
that persist in such settings may also suffer from
harmful pollutants and soil eutrophication (= the
excessive richness of nutrients).
However, some species may survive in this environ­ Photo above illustrates coloured in this specific mantle around the root tip. the vascular tissue of the
The following tips can help to create a suitable environment the structures formed on symbiosis (pictures A-C). In In between the large cortex pine root is visible. This
for a diverse community of mycorrhizal species: ment because they can adapt to pollutants or associate the root system of a pine microscopic sections cells of the plant root, the part is not occupied by
tree by the ectomycor­- (pictures D-F) the close Hartig net, an intricate fungal hyphae. Scale bars:
• Plant native and regional plants; with introduced flora. The balance between decomposer rhizal fungus Lactarius connection between fungal network of fungal hyphae A and C = 1 mm, B = 0.1 mm,
• Ensure a nutrient-poor soil with a low organic matter fungi and mycorrhizal fungi is also important. A relative deliciosus (saffron milk (most of the purple can clearly be seen in D and F = 100 µm, E = 10 µm.
content as this will support a more diverse community cap or red pine mushroom). coloured structures) and picture E. D is a longitudinal
of mycorrhizal fungi; increase in decomposers is a sign of disturbance. As Fine roots of the tree show plant (blue coloured) tissue section of the ectomycor­
• Avoid disturbance and compaction of the soil; a specific branching pattern can be clearly seen. The rhizal root tip and F a cross-
• Mow grassy roadsides once per year and remove the these two groups play such different roles, any shift in
and are enrobed by fungal exterior layer consists of section of the root tip. In the
clippings. the ratio will alter ecosystem properties. tissue that is bright orange fungal hyphae forming a central, paler coloured part,
European red wood ant / Formica polyctena
European earwig / Forficula auricularia
In search of healthy soil and biodiversity Kopregel artikel

Urban soils Ingrid Oosterheerd

Now that we have described how soils are formed and In the 20th century, the world population grew Intensification of urban soil use (including densification,
the processes that take place in it, the hidden soil life explosively. In 1900, the Netherlands had 5 million hardening, excavation or soil removal) leads to a
and the cooperation between soil microorganisms, and inhabitants, and by 1950, that number had grown to deterioration of soil biodiversity and of the capacity of
we also have a better understanding of what all of this 10 million. In 2021, the Netherlands has 17.5 million soils to store carbon, for example. Therefore, the
means for our living environment, it is time to consider inhabitants, and almost 50% of them live in the west of resilience, resistance, and vitality of urban soils must be
urban soils in greater depth. the country, where most of the large cities are located. fostered as a matter of urgency by, for example,
The migration to the cities is considerable, just like in protecting mature soils, providing space for the
Urban soils are formed by standard soil processes in the rest of the world. Many cities need to make space succession of (indigenous) vegetations and soil
combination with human interventions. Cities consist of for more homes. Space for new residential areas around ecosystems, and developing the functionality of soil
many homes, streets, roads, squares and public spaces, large cities is no longer available, so infill development organisms.
BIODIVERCITY as well as multiple watercourses and parks spread and densification are making their debut. The rising
through­out cities. Due to all of those buildings and number of homes and the expansion of infrastructure
hardened surfaces, urban soils are largely covered, and public space place a huge strain on existing cities,
often compacted, and the subsurfaces are often full of their living climate and liveability.
pipes and cables. In short, urban soils are under a lot of
pressure. Climate change already poses various challenges to
cities, with increasing heat stress and water
Initially, buildings in the Netherlands were constructed management problems as a consequence. Because
on naturally higher ground. Later, land for cities was urban soils have become covered to a great extent, Work in the subsurface of
drained by digging canals and building embankments water cannot infiltrate and can only escape across the public space, Amsterdam
so that buildings could be constructed everywhere. surface. After increasingly frequent heavy downpours,
With the arrival of mills and steam-powered pumping streets and tunnels flood. Sewers cannot deal with
stations, it also became possible to lower the these kinds of peak loads either. Because the water
groundwater level in a city. Nevertheless, building storage capacity of urban areas cannot cope with
remained in the hands of craftsmen until well into the extreme rainfall, the traditional strategy of discharging
19th century. But technological developments in the water as quickly as possible results in a continuous
late 19th century made it possible to lay water mains, drying out and, with that, the warming up of urban
sewage systems, electricity cables and gas pipes, and areas. Therefore the water storage capacity must be
that led to numerous changes underground. These seriously increased as a matter of urgency. A good natural
soilsoil natural soil historial
-- historial
- city -expansion expansionsuburban
expansion suburban
suburban suburban
Natural soil Historical city - Expansion Suburban
developments also improved living conditions for permeability requires that there need to be more old
backyards old backyards
district district industry
industry industry
people, and so the population grew. Cities outgrew possibilities to allow rainwater to infiltrate the soil and,
A matter Four soil profiles: Natural soil OOO O AAAA A
of vital their historical setting and footprint, and surrounding where possible, buffer zones and storage capacity for O
(left) and three characteristic
profiles for urban soils. AA AA A EEEE E
agricultural land and landscapes were annexed. dryer periods also need to be realised. This can be At the top the soil surface and at
achieved through fewer hard surfaces in public spaces the bottom the parent material.
Since the 1930s, the topography has become less and by removing paving stones to allow more open The horizont layering is: EE EE E
important, especially regarding water as a spatial ground and vegetation. O Litter zone: organic matter:
leaves, twigs Fill
functional element for the construction of cities. As a A Top soil: mineral, humus mix,
result, the original landscape became hidden under a Another aspect is the rise in temperatures that causes EE E
with nutrients leaching
downwards, dark coloration
layer of building sand during the expansion of cities. heat islands in cities. In densified cities, temperatures E Eluvaded soil: Maximum Fill
leaching of minerals and
This large-scale integral elevation of building ground can easily be several degrees higher than outside cities, presence of day
B Parent rock material: Layer
with sand (and rubble) went hand-in-hand with an ever especially at night. In the case of extremely warm with some nutrients
greater expansion of cities during which topography, summers, such as those of 2018 and 2019, the BB B
accumulating, light color due BB B
the original landscape or the water system no longer temperature in cities can increase considerably. Solving
to less humus, is less fertil BB B B
C Mostely weathered substrate
(e.g. bedrock) material
played a leading role in urban planning. This meant that this requires fewer hardened surfaces as well as
D Bedwock material: Solid rock, BBB B B
rich soils from annexed landscapes slowly but surely sufficient open soil, such as in parks, gardens and unweathered
Fill Sand and rubble
disappeared, and soil structures and numerous flora verges. That immediately yields a win-win situation
and fauna habitats were destroyed or permanently because that extra vegetation in public spaces can, by CC C CC
disrupted. Today, the only places where rich soils can means of evaporation, shadow and wind, provide the
still be found in a city are predominantly in the back desperately needed cooling in the case of extreme heat CCCC C CC C C
gardens of old houses in the historical centre and (old) and a more pleasant living environment. CC CC C C
city parks.
C i ty s o i l
as u r ba n
c h a l le n g e

Planting new trees on

Damrak, Amsterdam
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Future-resilient cities requires
a shift in urban planning

Future-resilient Case Amsterdam 63

cities requires Joyce van den Berg

Hans van der Made
a shift in urban
Biodiversity in cities already attracts a lot of interest.
But we still do not know what lives in the soil of the
cities. And the crucial role that this invisible soil life
plays in our ecosystem largely remains unknown. This
chapter describes the new major challenges that cities
are confronted with. Challenges that will be far-
reaching for life in cities and the design and manage­
ment of cities. This requires measures in the short term
and changes to standard approaches to create climate-
BIODIVERCITY and future-resilient, healthy cities. It is vital to include
soil diversity in a city’s design and to translate scientific
knowledge about the hidden soil life into innovative
design. Amsterdam is including the new challenge in its
integral design method for public space. Strengthening
and protecting soil biodiversity is also an important
theme in both Dutch and EU programmes. The
international exchange and application of knowledge The new and complex task of adapting public space in Amsterdam is aiming high: it is even setting more Oosterpark, during the very
warm summer of 2019,
will make a major contribution to the timely realisation response to climate adaptation, the energy transition ambitious targets than those on the national storm damage along the
of the ambitions set. and circularity calls for a new strategy: an integral sustainability agenda. The city will seize the transition Amstel and water flooding
after heavy rainstorm in
approach to programming, designing, engineering and to make its public space, the living room shared by all Amsterdam
New, far-reaching challenges for the public space investing. Recent urban and area development projects the people of Amsterdam, as green, safe and beautiful
Since the nineteenth century, considerable structural demonstrate that the transition will strand if the as possible.
changes have taken place in Amsterdam. The need to prevailing form of city development is maintained. The
provide for public hygiene led to the construction of scale at which area developments are now designed The situation is urgent and time is running out because
sewers and potable water networks. Industrialisation and executed is too limited for the accumulation of the actual realisation of the environmental, energy and
prompted the construction of gas, telephone and measures for the living environment, new energy climate objectives set must have been achieved from
electricity networks. The arrival of steamships, trains, systems, problems caused by heat and precipitation, 2030 onwards. And that starts with the building and
cars, planes and metros called for heavy infrastructure, the design of underground space, the desired transformation of both today and tomorrow! We need
exerting a huge impact on the development of the city. circularity and nature-inclusive construction. If we do to speed up the process in order to translate our plans

A matter Amsterdam grew and changed with each transition, not alter the design of public space and its subsurface, into the right approach, organisation and funding. And
of vital which was partly due to the rising number of everything will simply not fit. all of this must be done in a societal context where the
inhabitants and economic development. Time and speed of change is accelerating, pressure on the
again, the design of public space, both above and below New approach to city planning is intensification of the city is increasing, the
ground, changed in response to advances in desperately needed infrastructure is failing to keep up with the city’s
technology. Though hidden from view, underground The City of Amsterdam is considering a new form of growth, and new developments are being hampered by
infrastructure gradually grew with an increase in the area development, with a new design method for public this situation.
number of underground cables and pipes. space and a review of the planning process that will
involve public and private parties at an earlier stage. The Integral Design Method Public Space
Amsterdam will face a new transition in the coming new way of designing public space will focus on the The densification of the city and modernisation of life
years. It will be driven by climate change, the increasing subsurface and the multiple use of space. The design of require more and more electricity and data cables. But
scarcity of raw materials, the transition to renewable space in the city needs to be more integral and develop the demands on underground space as a result of
and sustainable sources of energy and the digitalisation upwards from below rather than downwards from climate change are even more urgent. Periods of
of society. In the meantime, however, the city’s above. Such a change would make it possible to reserve extreme weather (drought, warmth, heavy rainfall) are
underground space is close to full, and in many parts of underground space at an early stage for measures that increasingly common. In turn, the sustainability criteria
the city there is no room left to add anything. Over the contribute to a green, attractive and high-quality public set down in global and national climate agreements call
next twenty years, the space under all streets in space where it is good to live, work, recreate and enjoy for fundamental alterations to public space. Both the
Amsterdam will require redevelopment due to climate sports and recreation. energy transition and climate adaptation translate into
adaptation and the energy transition. Moreover, the additional cables, pipes and other uses of underground
city’s population is set to continue to grow, with The integral urban design of space above and below space and/or a different layout of public space. In
another 150,000 inhabitants by 2035, an increase of ground level will necessitate changes to the rules. Amsterdam, intensive urbanisation and the transition
almost 20% compared to 2020. This has serious Changes to laws and regulations are required, as are into a resiliently sustainable and adaptive city are far-
consequences for the physical appearance of the city. more detailed financial and policy frameworks. reaching developments that compete for public space
City soil as urban design challenge Future-resilient cities requires
a shift in urban planning

The Integral Design Method Public

Soil PLAN AREA Space consists of six steps. The
Energy results have been included as a
64 Living Environment
Flora & fauna
Policy (National, provincial, municipal) 1 product in the Integral Area Plan
Amsterdam as an elaboration of
Water the Municipal Realisation of the
Materials Environment and Planning Act _ living environment amstel-stad
and Vision. _ Water

Mobility _ Flora & Fauna

_ energy case study, Covers Volume 1 and 2 of Impression of the proposed
Atlas: inventory and analysis the Integral Design Method street profile Hogehilweg
_ Soil & Subsurface

7 area themes
_ Mobility
_ Materials amsterdam
Spatial assignment Public Space (2020) (neighbourhood street) with

integral design method

alternatives for the
organisation of the soil and

Materialen Vestigingsklimaat

subsurface, Amstel-Stad,
2 Amsterdam

Co2-vrije en STlksteen ondergrond uit betonslijtaWAmateriaal

en beton

grond als bodembeschermende

en water
Investeringen Investeringen

Water Water

Ambition Web

voPS spPStvelden

bitumen pellets uit cellulose en bitumenafval


composiet asfalt uit cement en plasticafval


biocement uit voedselresten en mineralen

betonteWAl composiet met plantenvezels
rode baksteen recycle punt

bestrating uit restanten granietafwerking

uit cellulose, zaad

celluloseafval als additief in nieuw asfalt

uit rode baksteen
industriële hennepvezel

bodemas als toeslagmateriaal in beton


en staal

uit plastic

van WAbruikt hout composiet

glas en beton


betonteWAl composiet met bodemas


en fruitafval

nieuw asfalt
grind uit WAbroken rode bakstenen

van wilWAntakken

ophoogmateriaal van puingranulaat

van plasticafval rubberafval

kunststofelementen uit plasticafval

groene drijvendevan WAbruikt keramisch

grind uit keramisch restmateriaal

herWAbruik bitumen voPS nieuw

uit glasvezel- en

olie voPS asfalt uit varkensmest

van WAbruikt

grind van bestrating-/bouwafval


drain van WArecycledglasgranulaat

van WAbruikt

antiwPSteldoek uit rubberafval

boomspieWAl van rubberafval



WAotextielmat uit plasticafval

op plastic

voPS putdeksel

composiet asfalt uit glas en

straatmeubilair platfPSms van
en WArecycled

volledig herWAbruik asfalt



bio-compost uit groente-

van WAbruikt

afvalwaterleidinWAn afval

oud asfalt als additief in

van WArecycled

hout mulch uit WAbruikt

van WAbruikt

biologisch WAzuiverde

lichtWAwicht substraat
speelmeubilair van WAbruikt

van WArecycled

WAhyroliseerde mulch

uit bouwplaatsgrond
cement uit betonafval


uit WAbruikt

na fytPSemediatie
en speelplaatsteWAl



uit waterzuiveringsslib



uit de

van WArecycled

henneptouw uit

uit afvalwater

Opsluitband uit

uit slib
boombescherming uit

irrigatiewater uit zwartwater

Afdekrand uit
van staal

bakstenen aanvulgrond

uit waterzuiveringsslib
plastic producten


en stikstofgrijswater

uit waterzuiveringsslib



kunstmest en pellets
drain van
gravel van









Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond

public space
I In


van uit plantenve


lantenop basisteWAl oude

van uit bitumenaf




biobakste rdig herWAbru









Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna



Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik S




M-B D1
M-B D2
Ruimtelijke kwaliteit Ruimtelijke kwaliteit




Schadu wdoek/


Whole area
network /
Public space strategy
t te






ping ing

Performance goals

overdekkglasdak laats


ing rrein bomen


Overdekk parkeerte variatie
op heidingdoPS
Bomen ten
Pergola wandafsc blokkeren
Groene niet
om n
Schaduw g
vijver verhardin


en waterval

Groene iWA
Natsproei e
e bestrating bilair

Waternev asfalt umulatie

warmteacc S1
Licht WAkleurd warmteacc
Licht WAkleurd laWA laWA
met met L-P

S2 E

Handbook /
L-P S3



Begroeide voPS
Leiboomof struik



L-ST 23

L-ST Leiding

in het

iWA plafond
Data/elektrakokinlaat parkeergaraWA
Warmteleiding OAT


g gr
er doPS in het WAbouw
in het
plafond parkeerkelder
ILT op parkeergaraWA
ILT doPS de begane
de parkeergaraWA
ILT onder
het WAbouw
B-BD 4


envi iving

groen dak
Bewaterd / balkon L-BD1

dak / pergola
Isolerend op dakterras
Beplanting dak
Licht WAkleurd dakbekleding
WAvel Licht WAkleurde L-BD2


SUB-AREAS public

Whole Area

Soil &
Verharding eruit, groen erin W-WA1
Natuurlijke oever
Filtering doPS moerasplanten W-WA3

WaterberWAnde greppel
Opslag en WAbruik grondwater
ReWAnwaterzuivering (opslag en WAbruik)
Grondwateropbolling verlaWAn
Ondergrondse container groot
B-PS3 Ondergrondse container nPSmaal
Datakoker in waterberWAnde
Data/elektrakoker in straatmeubilair

a al
Data/elektrakoker voPS
Data/elektrakoker voPS
B-PS2 aan WAvel met/zonder
B-PS1 Inspectieput
ILT onder boom
aan WAvel
ILT onder maaiveld,
ondiep (flush

ILT onder maaiveld,

Energie Energie


Holle weg inwerppunt WAstuurd
Meervoudig digitaal

Vestigingsklimaat Materialen Vestigingsklimaat Materialen

W-NE3 inwerppunt,
Rainproof drempel over de
B-NE4 Vuilwaterriool
in grond
nutsvoPSziening grijs water
zwart en


First flush
Wa B-NE3 zwart
en grijs


en boombunker
in bestaande rioolbuis
in bestaande riolering
bij nieuwe grond

in wPStelwerende boom

B-NE2 Leiding onder


Ambition Web
Mantelbuis onder nieuwe

Afvalleiding hoog/middel/retour
transpPSt boom

Stapeling plaatsing combi onder
Diepe plaatsing transpPStleiding
Diepe Riolering

Investeringen Water Investeringen Water

ne Ondiepe

in driehoeksverband
150 kV-STbels Bundeling expansielus
g zonder
Onderheide Sleufloze diep

rg wandconstructie

a y bd
W-P un
Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond Wadi
W-P S4
W-P S5
Flora & Fa

rondom infiltratie/ops
OmWAkeerd reWAnwater S6
se infiltratie-wa
e drainaWA
/ IT-riool
st A2

Public Space
Zachte veld
Harde halfverhard
B-W A1
goot plantenbak goot


Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna
W-S melstation

T1 Afvalverza


Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik

struik E-B D1

Ruimtelijke kwaliteit Ruimtelijke kwaliteit

BD 2 garaWA



begane ergie

W- BD 4
n (WOS)
(WOS) en Planten
zonne- Zonnep



overdra Combin

dak ie
ief groen ak

Performance goals
ef recreat ak
Extens met Waterd w
Intensi kelder
iedak Polderdin
WAbou g
Infiltrat pslag in toegan il
ld e
watergde vloerpe
gd maaivealkeuz ld
ReWAn Verhoo t op maaive
bruik verhoo
en materia
el elemenen naar
HerWA ctie elen

E-P S4

E-P S3

E-P S2




model omklop g



olen 'slagro




F-N E1


oplaadp(PoP) huis






t (klein/gr





/ Data





saWA EekhoPS

Vlinder- Wildernism

e oever



uit zandwinplas
Restwarmte ale/unit




Bruin dak
Intensief dak
Extensief dak
Modulaire groene WAvel

Klimplant op constructie
Zelfhechtende klimplant

Waterdak met

++ + +

Energie Energie
Vestigingsklimaat Materialen Vestigingsklimaat Materialen


Ambition Web
Investeringen Water Investeringen Water

Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond


Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna

Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik

Ruimtelijke kwaliteit Ruimtelijke kwaliteit 12:00


Performance goals and the accompanying underground space, and thus 10:00

call for new solutions for the design of space at ground 15


level and another way of programming public space. New trees - Alnus glutinosa

Selection of

New trees - Salix alba, Salix caprea H H O O O O

measures and




The approach requires an integral design for challenges  + - 

PROJECT resulting details 5

(5 scale levels) both above and below the surface. The scarcity of space project level -3.1 NAP

ground level -3.3 NAP

Design underground is forcing technical innovations and

highest -4 NAP

6 5

lowest -4.5 NAP

fixed level -4.75 NAP

better collaboration between public and private

Invitation Programming profiles

Materialen stakeholders. The City of Amsterdam has therefore

Check Ambition Web FRAMEWORK
1 3.7 5.25 0.7 3.85 2.5 3.7 1

developed an integral and interdisciplinary approach for

Investeringen Water

private public private

Mobiliteit Bodem en ondergrond

Tender 1 4 3 3 4 1

Sociale relevantie Flora en fauna the design and engineering of the public space and the 2
1 2

subsurface. This Integral Design Method Public Space
Leefmilieu Ruimtegebruik

Ruimtelijke kwaliteit

Ø 300mm
Ø 160mm

Ø 300mm
Ø 300mm

Ø 400mm
Ø 160mm
Ø 300mm
Ø 300mm

Ø 600mm
Ø 600mm
makes use of seven area themes: Living Environment,
Water, Flora & Fauna, Energy, Soil & Subsurface, and
0.5 1 0.7 0.6 root membrane 1 1 1 root 0.6 0.5 1 1.2

0. Start Web for the current situation situation is completed for spends some time testing agenda for the area-wide Materials. These themes have been elaborated into cables and pipes cables and pipes
cables and pipes

A matter
distribution distribution

Determining the plan area goes without saying. The the sub-areas, each with its design and programming network structures is
of vital (with area-wide spatial target level of the Ambition own physical conditions. studies. Interim evaluations determined and financial integral measures and resulting details at five levels of
soil! assignments), the central Web for the potential and adjustments between agreements with all parties
goal and ambitions, the situation is determined 4. Selecting measures and the local spatial are reached.
scale in the public space: Whole Area, Network, Public
commissioning party and using the analyses from the programming profiles assignments, the chosen Space, Site and Building.
the project team. The first climate impact atlas and by In this phase, the perform­ performance goals and a 6. Design and construction private private

stakeholders are invited to comparing the current ance goals lead to a concrete catalogue of specific of street, square or park

1 1
3 4 3

join. situation with the future programme of measures for measures (and resulting The final step in the new 2 4

Relationship between biodiversity and

1 2

spatial challenges. public space and the details) are made. This is an design method involves
1. Inventory of plan area accompanying underground iterative process. It is making a definitive design a healthy urban soil
Making a climate impact 3. Public space strategy: space beneath a street, repeated until all assign­ for the street, square, park
Soil biodiversity plays a fundamental role in the natural 24/7

Ø 1m

Ø 600mm
Ø 300mm

atlas of the plan area. The technical approach, main square, park or watercourse ments are incorporated as or watercourse. The Ø 300mm
Ø 300mm
Ø 300mm 24/7

current situation and the ambitions, and performance in the sub-areas. For this, integrally as possible in a designers of public space
Ø 160mm

soil-water system in the city and forms a basis for

future scenario for flooding goals the transition must be made street profile, and the then set to work with the
from groundwater and for In step 3, the strategies for from generally formulated performance goals have frameworks of the numerous essential ecosystem functions in the city. Soil root 2 root
infiltration, seepage, the plan area and the sub- performance goals to been achieved. programmed typological
cables and pipes membrane cables and pipes cables and pipes

biodiversity in the city has been neglected for a long

distribution transportation distribution

drought and heat are areas are successively specific measures divided profiles. A definitive design
sketched on maps. Then determined. The techniques between the five scales 5. Determining investment is then translated into a time. And because the emphasis has increasingly come
follows the inventory of the for cables and pipelines, soil (Whole Area, Network, agenda for area-wide concrete tender invitation to
relevant policy frameworks and subsurface and water Public Space [streets/ network structures private companies so that to lie on combining all challenges in the subsurface, the
(national, provincial and management are first squares], Site and Building). Based on the chosen the designed profile can also soil must be recognised as one of the most important
municipal) for the plan area, determined in relation to the Grouped under the measures and resulting be physically realised. private private

aspects of the soil-water system. The role of a healthy


and one or more spatial technical approach to public measures are the more details, integrally 1
3 4

assignments are chosen per space. Performance goals specific resulting details. programmed profiles for 2

theme (Living Environment, for the whole area are then Based on the desired profile various typologies of streets, and resilient soil needs to be a focal point. A healthy soil
Water, Energy, Flora & selected with the help of the (street, square, park or squares, parks and water­ with a rich biodiversity is a prerequisite for many vital
Fauna, Soil & Subsurface, analyses from step 2. The watercourse), the necessary courses (and possible root membrane root-resistant root

Mobility and Materials). possibility of allowing measures with the exceptions to these) are soil functions that facilitate the correct conditions for

Ø 300mm

Ø 300mm
Ø 300mm
soil membrane

Ø 160mm

Ø 300mm

Ø 300mm

Ø 300mm

Ø 160mm
Ø 600mm
Ø 400mm
performance goals to accompanying resulting made to suit the local
2. Analysing climate strengthen one another is details are definitively situations. These typologies
the living environment of people, flora and fauna.
impact atlas and spatial assessed wherever possible. selected and programmed. are then used for sketches These soil functions also contribute to realising a green, 0.7
0.9 0.6
0.6 0.6 4 4.5 0.9 3
0.6 0.9
1.2 0.7 0.7 0.7

assignments, completing With the overall strategy for and calculations. The results
cables and pipes cables and pipes cables and pipes
distribution transportation distribution

Ambition Web public space and perform­ This phase of programming are then linked to the nature-inclusive and climate-resilient city. The
The Ambition Web for the ance goals for the plan area, is, in essence, a creative strategy for the plan area protection and cultivation of soil life to increase
plan area is then sketched. the Ambition Web for the process. The design team, (see step 3). Using this
Completing the Ambition current and potential together with stakeholders, strategy, an investment biodiversity is an important challenge. private public private
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

66 67

Soil biodiversity is a subtle and complex interacting system

with an unimaginable richness of species. Vital functions
that are carried out by soil organisms:

• Maintenance of soil structure

• Regulation of hydrological processes in the soil
• Gas exchange and carbon sequestration (accumulation
in soil)
• Soil detoxification
• Nutrient cycling
• Decomposition of organic material
• Suppression of pests, parasites and diseases
• Source of food and drugs
• Symbiotic and asymbiotic relationship with plants and
their roots
• Plant growth control (positive and negative)

From: Bodems & biodiversiteit, Literatuurcomponent,

Pilot Bodemkwaliteitsindex / Soils & biodiversity,
Literature component, Pilot soil quality index,
Marco Roos, Naturalis Biodiversity Center (2020) Underground street works,
Buitenveldert, Amsterdam

The fact that the soil in the city is more than just sand, densification of cities exacerbate this situation even
BIODIVERCITY peat, clay and groundwater, and that the soil needs to further still, and, in many places, soil life is rapidly
provide the necessary room for extra cables and deteriorating. By including biodiversity in the design Artist impression of the
proposed Hogehilweg,
pipework, scarcely plays a role in the current design of the city, soil life can be protected and cultivated. Amstel-Stad, Amsterdam
and engineering of the public space and the subsurface. Then the soil will be more resilient to the necessary
On the contrary, work in the soil of the public space is adaptations, and its capacity to recover will be
exclusively dominated by technical considerations. increased. Amsterdam wants to better understand the research into soil life around ‘healthy’ and ‘sick’ trees. the integral design method. In some cases, a measure is
The soil is overfull, excessively covered, and excavated hidden world of microorganisms in the soil and the air This will provide a better insight into the significant found in different levels of scale and the design solution
too much. Life in the urban soil is severely weakened of the city. Therefore, it is building up knowledge about differences in the composition of soil fungi around per scale is explicitly stated in such instances. There are
or even dead. That is why plants and trees do not microbial life in the urban soil together with scientists, trees (also see: the essay Underground networks turn also specific measures for a certain level of scale. The
grow well, and insects and birds are disappearing. including researchers from Naturalis Biodiversity Center our planet green by Vincent Merckx and Sofia Gomes, detailed design solutions are presented in axonometric
The outcome of this is a disrupted and damaged soil. and Wageningen University & Research. This will lead to p. 108 and the research Artis trees, p. 110-113). projections later in the publication.
That leads to a poor (soil) biodiversity and degradation the right measures in both the design and the execution. A possible measure is injecting the soil with good fungi.
of the urban ecosystems, whereas a well-functioning It is a complex puzzle, and there is an urgent need for a The City of Amsterdam is currently working with other Due to climate adaptation and energy transition
ecosystem is very important for a healthy and well-considered approach. municipalities, universities, colleges and knowledge measures, many excavations will need to take place in
sustainable city. institutions to set up a study into the hidden urban soil in the coming years. A crucial challenge will
The first steps toward additional measures for the soil biodiversity in the soil and air of cities. be to find ways to minimise disruptions to soil life. In
Scientific research as the basis are improving the condition of the soil life, facilitating particular, the brief disruptions of the soil, such as
for designing public space the growth conditions for trees, and selecting and Additional measures for healthy soil and excavation activities, temporary interventions and the
Soil life in urban areas has a difficult time due to planting trees that are appropriate to the soil biodiversity in the city use of heavy equipment that are standard practice
hardened surfaces, the containment of urban soil and composition and the quality and depth of the The decrease in flora and fauna in the Netherlands also today, can have long-term negative effects on the soil.

A matter the lack and loss of green spaces. The problems of groundwater. All of these measures contribute to a has a considerable impact on the biodiversity in the soil, In such cases, one measure is to minimise the use of
of vital heat, drought and flooding that characterise the healthy ecosystem. Much is expected from DNA since flora and fauna are essential for maintaining digging and, where possible, to leave soils alone. If
ecosystems. To prevent life in Amsterdam from digging still needs to be done, then the instruction is to
becoming unbearable for plants, animals and people, work in the public space with equipment as light and
In the Hofvijver pond in The
Hague, situated next to the designers and engineers need to rise to the challenge small as possible so that the soil is not disrupted or
building of the Dutch
government, lies a small
of maintaining and restoring our soil biodiversity. compacted.
isle. During the Soil Animal
Days of 2020 it was sampled
for the first time, receiving The Integral Design Method Public Space was presented An example of a more generic measure is not to remove
a surprisingly high grade of in 2020 and consists of two volumes. The first volume, litter (natural waste such as dead invertebrates, leaves
9.1 out of 10 for its general
soil life. You can have Case Amstel-Stad, Amsterdam, provides background and wood). That provides a good habitat for soil life.
‘green gems’ in the city. Soil
ecologists Gerard Korthals information about the area Amstel-Stad in Amsterdam Mites eat litter, roots and animal carcasses, for example.
(left) and Matty Berg and describes the new design method based on this They subsequently form a source of food for macro­
(middle) sampled the
Hofvijver island in The concrete example. The second volume, the Handbook, fauna and are intermediate hosts for flatworms. Worms
Hague with the help of
member of parliament and
contains a catalogue of generic measures and detailed are indispensable for the soil because they dig a lot of
biologist Frank Wassenberg design solutions that the urban designer can select for small tunnels and consequently mix the soil. That
of the Party for the Animals.
the programming and design of the public space and ensures a better structure of the soil, provides the
subsurface. Following on from these measures, necessary oxygen and leads to improved drainage and
additional measures have been developed to improve water maintenance. Worms’ faeces contain a wide
soil biodiversity and to bring about a healthy soil. The range of nutrients that make the soil more fertile,
additional measures are divided into four categories: which in turn has an effect on the health of plants.
Soil, Water, Ecological Matrix and Management. The Furthermore, they spread useful microbes such as
measures and the design solutions emerging from mycorrhizae.
these have been allocated in the five levels of scale of
City soil as urban design challenge Future-resilient cities requires
a shift in urban planning

68 Section (parametrically 69
designed) of the public
space of Haaksbergweg,
Amstel-Stad, Amsterdam.
With cable tubed, stacked
pipes and underground
waste transport system.
With below three inzooms
in soil.

Green roofs are increasingly important for growing and budget for public space. A vibrant soil and soil life
densifying cities to become more sustainable and they ensures that the soil does not dry out too much, sinks
can be used to improve urban biodiversity and and/or becomes compacted. In turn, this helps ensure
ecosystem services. From an ecological perspective, that electricity cables in the ground do not break, thus
little is known about the community of soil organisms preventing an unstable network, and that water pipes
except for how crucial soil food webs are for the do not become too warm, which forestalls the risk of
functioning of ecosystems. In urban environments, legionella outbreaks. A resilient and connected green
green roofs offer several ecosystem services, including structure also provides shadow during periods of heat
reducing the urban heat island effects. Dependent on and creates connected habitats for species.
the number, location, design and surface, green roofs
BIODIVERCITY can contribute more or less to the urban ecological Policy and legislation
structure. The most common form is extensive green From 2022 onwards, a new law for spatial planning will
roofs due to their low costs and low maintenance become effective in the Netherlands. This law will
requirements. However, the plant growth on these initiate a shift to include all aspects that affect the living
roofs is often limited, which can also have consequences environment. The key aim of the law is to strike a balance
for the ecosystem services provided. Sufficient moisture between protecting the environmental quality of a
in the soil of green roofs is an important condition for healthy, physical living environment (with stimulatory
the success of the vegetation and for a mature soil life measures, adaptation and maintenance) and utilising
on roofs. Furthermore, adding microbes, bacteria and this environment (through effective management and
fungi (through local soil transplantation: measure Soil use). Environmental Visions and Plans from the
S-BD-01) can improve the biodiversity and plant growth government, provinces and municipalities will be the
on a mature green roof. new instruments for tackling the challenges for the
physical living environment at various levels of scale.
Healthy, vibrant soil in the city can function as a sponge Both national and EU programmes cover aspects such
so that the city can better cope with (increasingly as the soil, adaptation to climate change, life in greener
extreme) periods of rain and drought. Due to subsidence, cities, ensuring the protection of the soil and food.
the soil’s water storage capacity has decreased and Strengthening and protecting (soil) biodiversity is an
energy systems have become vulnerable. This therefore important theme in national programmes and in the EU
forms a considerable cost item in the maintenance Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Bringing nature back into
our lives (Brussels, 2020). Amongst other things, this
Green middle verge strategy states: “Biodiversity loss and ecosystem
A matter Wibautstraat, which
of vital includes thistles for insects collapse are one of the biggest threats facing humanity legislation. By signing the agreement, cities commit to measures needed to prevent or reduce problems
soil! bloomed all summer before
mowing. in the next decade. They also threaten the foundations tackling five areas of environmental management: air, apparent. However, by placing (soil) biodiversity on the
of our economy, and the costs of inaction are high and water, nature and biodiversity, circular economy and agenda as an essential part of the design challenge for the
are anticipated to increase. The world lost an estimated waste, and noise. city’s public space and subsurface, we are still only at the
3.5-18.5 trillion per year in ecosystem services from 1997 start of what is actually needed. Combining scientific
to 2011 owing to land-cover change, and an estimated Increasing insight, knowledge knowledge and design strength offers solutions for
5.5-10.5 trillion per year from land degradation. and design repertoire realising a healthy (soil) biodiversity. And it also provides
Specifically, biodiversity loss results in reduced crop An integral view of the soil and subsurface of the city the basis for the translation of such efforts into legal
yields and fish catches, increased economic losses from could make a major contribution to realising the protection.
flooding and other disasters, and the loss of potential ambitions for strengthening and protecting (soil)
new sources of medicine.” biodiversity from the design and engineering phases up Much research is still needed into urban soil life, which
to and including execution and management. can differ considerably between cities. Amsterdam calls
The huge importance of the soil and the strengthening Investments in (soil) biodiversity are required for a for a consolidation of strengths through the national and
and protection of (our) biodiversity are recognised and liveable and healthy city both now and in the future. Only international exchange of knowledge and design. In the
frequently stated in this strategy. In 2021, the European then can we mitigate the effects of climate change. But Netherlands, this already happens in the collaboration
Commission established a European platform for urban there is also an economic interest because a healthy between government ministries, several cities,
greening in the context of a Green City Accord (Clean biodiversity yields considerable savings on maintenance knowledge institutions and utility companies. In January
and Healthy Cities for Europe). It is a movement of and management costs. 2021, the City Deal Public Space – Dutch Urban Agenda
European mayors and leaders of local governments who started. It uses an investigative and design approach to
are committed to making cities healthier and cleaner. No clear policy objectives or requirements have been realise integrated solutions for the considerable demand
The aim is to improve all Europeans’ quality of life and stated yet for the protection of soil life in the city. But the on the use, management and design of our living
accelerate the realisation of relevant EU environmental challenge is becoming clear, and new insights make the environment.
Four-spotted Carrion Beetle / Dendroxena quadrimaculata
Green tiger beetle / Cicindela campestris
City soil as urban design challenge Biodiversity is messy:
a plea for wilder cities

Biodiversity is Marco Roos

messy: a plea
for wilder cities Draba verna, an early spring
subtile beauty growing in
between the tiles

Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the institute I work for,

has the ambition to let everyone “fall in love with
nature” (= biodiversity). Setting aside the question of
whether humans should regard themselves as partners
of biodiversity, we should wonder if this love doesn’t
make us blind. Most people love organisms that have
fur or feathers and care far less about the rest of
biodiversity. Of course, nature that is big, venomous, or
dangerous in some other way is exciting, but it should
be kept at a proper distance. Biodiversity must not get
BIODIVERCITY in our way. It should stay in the place humans ordained
for it, within sharply designated boundaries. In short,
biodiversity is there to follow our demands: only the
biodiversity we like, restricted to a decorative function,
to be kept this way by “smart garden maintenance”.

Most people regard plants as nice green stuff in the

background that serves as food for animals. Humans
suffer from plant blindness and even more so from soil
blindness. Large parts of the “invisible biodiversity” in
cities is perfectly visible. It is just that most of us never
stop to really perceive the litter and the critters. So, the
question is: how do we make our love for nature
inclusive and unconditional? Because this is what needs organisms, this is missing the point. It is tough to
to happen if wilder cities are to arise from the soil. categorise the microbial diversity of soils in terms of
species, if you can speak of “species” at all, in the way
Everything we do, intentionally, emotionally or we do with mammals. DNA technologies allow us to get
unknowingly, has consequences for biodiversity. And a better view of the genetic diversity and organise it in
what we actually do depends on our experiences, ecological groups with their own functions: organisms
background, knowledge, standards and values, but also that eat plants, fungi or bacteria, bacteria that fixate

A matter on whether we simply enjoy or like something. nitrogen in the soil, symbiotic fungi that allow plants to
of vital Designers, for instance, focus on things that look good grow, et cetera.
soil! Even the smallest open
above-ground and tend to reduce biodiversity to a soils can house several
malleable instrument for ecosystem services. As a Biodiversity is all too often seen as a static backdrop to plant species, like here
where you can recognize
result, plants are put in place to look nice, be an human life, but it should be regarded as dynamic in at least Erigeron
karvinskianus, Geranium
appealing part of the background throughout the space and time. It has geographical patterns influenced robertianum, Veronica
entire year, create shade and help absorb downpours. by climate, soil, evolution and ecological interactions. arvensis.

Which species is put there, is completely irrelevant in Disturbing these patterns and relations, for example by Urban herb vegetation
brightens up the city
this line of thought, let alone the question of whether introducing a new species or fragmenting habitats, will
this use of plants is ecologically sustainable. lead to changes. The current scale of these disruptions
Our knowledge of soil biodiversity is very limited, and is so large that organisms struggle to adapt to these
for designers, the quality of soils is not important. This changes, which generally causes a loss of species and
causes soils to quite wrongly be regarded as a ecosystem services.
renewable resource and soil biodiversity to be ignored.
As we now live in the urban millennium, we need to take We should also realise that organisms develop over
a new and critical look at what urban biodiversity is and time. This includes evolutionary changes, but other
at our place in it. aspects of time are more important. Many people like to
see butterflies, for example. But they will exterminate
All too often, biodiversity is reduced to a list of species caterpillars without realising that this means they are
and their numbers. However, the concept relates to all destroying the butterflies too. Habitats go through
genetic, taxonomic and habitat diversity and the similar developments: a succession of vegetations or
interactions between these. Species are used as a unit the ripening of soils. Developing urban nature means
for expressing biodiversity, but for many groups of allowing time and space for these processes.
City soil as urban design challenge Biodiversity is messy:
a plea for wilder cities

80 81

Biodiversity is the result of managing ecological

processes, spatial design, and the context of the
landscape. Management should be designed around
ecological processes, and design should focus on
creating an ecological network of core habitats of
sufficient size and connections to other habitats. This
applies to connections between areas just as much as
the connections between different parts of the soil.
Campanula poscharskyana, Do not remove! Urban A sleek design will always come at the expense of
recently introduced in many plants are dearly wanted.
Dutch cities and originally habitat diversity. Intensively managing a piece of land
from Croatia, spontaneously means that you frequently disturb the ecological
finding its place at this
bicycle stand. processes there. If sleek design and intensive

Many people dislike

management are both practised on a large scale,
thistles, but insects on the then biodiversity will take a huge knock.
contrary are very much
attracted to their flower
heads for the nectar and Biodiversity requires spontaneous developments and
many birds devour their
seeds. thrives when things are messy. Genuinely nature-
inclusive city management will have to integrate this
insight. It should not aim for some desired end-stage
but instead aim at facilitating processes. That is harder Do not remove! Urban
than it sounds because we humans just have to see plants are dearly wanted.

order. If we don’t, things get too chaotic and even

become threatening. Hence we control the little plants
that grow between the pavement tiles because they soil communities, and biodiversity in general. We must
disturb the order. Or we use leaf blowers to remove not unnecessarily deteriorate the resilience, resistance
dead leaves from our parks, as then they look nicer. and vitality of urban soils even further through
Every time we do these things, we unnecessarily inappropriate interventions.
remove a lot of biodiversity. The organisms that we
need for a healthy soil, and with that for everything else The city is there for humans, of course, and that means
we do, are then forced to survive between the sleek that we want to put buildings on its soil. But this does
A matter lines we’ve drawn. They are not the indicator species not mean that soils and biodiversity are side issues.
of vital that our biodiversity policies are built around, of course. Because they keep growing, cities and their soils are an
Those are birds and mammals, the species that are increasingly substantial landscape on this planet. The
often determining parts of the food web. But the vitality of the urban ecosystem will become more and
woodlice, pavement weeds and little worms form the more important for the liveability of our direct
foundation of the ecological web. The classical image in environment.
ecology is that the presence of peregrine falcons, bears
and foxes at the top of the food pyramid indicates that We need to make the transition to a wild city. And this
all other pyramid levels are present and functioning concept means more than just having some wild
well. However, this rosy image does not apply to the animals in our streets because our love for furry animals
urban environment and its soils, also because generally will not save us. If we focus on the animals that we like,
the idea of a pyramid has been set aside for the concept we are still putting ourselves in the centre of the
of foodwebs and networks. Foxes, for example, might equation. Humans, the crown of creation, will valiantly
be present even though the soil is unhealthy and the save nature while at the same time maintaining their
urban ecosystem unstable. The urban fox is not present lifestyle. This is not going to happen, of course.
necessarily an indicator of ecosystem health. It’s So the question is not whether biodiversity will survive
probably just eating our rubbish. but whether we will.

Urban soils are formed by standard soil processes, A genuine urban win-win ecology means that we need
combined with human actions. Intensifying land use, to limit ourselves, and at the same time, expand our
soil compaction, the amount of nutrients, the amount limitations. And we can only achieve this by working
of stone and the number of times the land is worked with the sovereignty and integrity of the very
will lead to a decline of soil biomass, the complexity of biodiversity that we are all too obviously blind to.
City soil as urban design challenge Towards a biodiverse city

Towards a Measures for Ecological 83
Matrix, Soil, Water, and
biodiverse city Management

The design and management of the urban landscape is focus on preventing habitat fragmentation and the ECOLOGICAL MATRIX
largely taking place despite a lack of knowledge about formation of ecological islands and on connecting E-WA-01 Connect green networks in neighbourhood
urban soil ecology and how urbanisation and people’s fragmented habitats to support urban ecosystems E-WA-02 Connect black networks for nocturnal animals
management of urban landscapes influence city soils. and enable the intensive exchange of species between E-WA-03 Connect freshwater banks in neighbourhood

habitats. Management has been included in these E-WA-04 Urban agriculture: Food forest
E-NE-01 Connect green networks in network
In the Integral Design Method Public Space (Dutch measures, and many changes to the management are
E-NE-02 Connect freshwater banks in network
acronym IOOR), appropriate measures and resulting possible. For example, to prevent soil compaction, it is
E-NE-03 Urban agriculture: Tiny forest
details for the public space were developed by the City vitally important to work with smaller equipment to E-PS-01 Connect green networks in public space
of Amsterdam in 2020. In the IOOR Handbook (Volume 2) prevent high pressure being exerted on soils during E-PS-02 Green quays
measures and the resulting design solutions were public works and construction activities. E-ST-01 Connect green networks on site
E-ST-02 Facilitate nesting and roosting places in green garden fences
BIODIVERCITY formulated on the basis of seven whole area themes.
E-ST-03 Green roof shed or extension
Design solutions for three of the whole area themes, These new (soil) measures can be divided into four
E-BD-01 Connect green networks on building
namely Living Environment, Water, and Flora & Fauna, categories: Ecological Matrix (E), Water (W), Soil (S) and
E-BD-02 Urban agriculture on roof
directly influence the condition of soils and biodiversity. Management (M)). These are further explained by means
E-BD-03 Create porosity in buildings and use nature-friendly building materials
In the tables of these three themes (p. 98-99) the of figures. Each category starts with a brief explanation.
measures and resulting details related to soils and Some measures apply for a larger area. Other measures
biodiversity are marked. are specifically related to the soils below streets and SOIL
public spaces, whereas yet other measures focus on an S-WA-01 Connect soil networks in neighbourhood
While working on the integral design method, the City individual site. S-WA-02 Work with existing soil layers for new urban development

of Amsterdam became increasingly aware that a healthy S-WA-03 Create higher indigenous plant diversity in neighbourhood
S-NE-01 Connect soil networks in network
soil and a rich soil diversity are vitally important when For the IOOR, five (scale) levels have been defined,
S-NE-02 Collect and decompose green waste, use organic compost
working in the soil of the public space. It therefore and these are also used for the four categories of the
S-PS-01 Connect soil networks in public space
initiated a close collaboration with other partners, such additional (soil) measures: S-PS-02 Green(ing) tree mirrors
as the knowledge institutions Naturalis Biodiversity WA measures for a Whole Area S-ST-01 Connect soil networks on site
Center and the Netherlands Institute of Ecology NE measures for the Networks (roads, watercourses S-ST-02 Create (own/shared) compost heap
(NIOO-KNAW). The initial research results gave reason infrastructure) within an area S-ST-03 Less paving, more green in back gardens

to formulate extra measures, in addition to the integral PS measures in the Public Space (streets, squares, S-ST-04 Create green facade from facade garden
S-ST-05 Create higher indigenous plant diversity on site
measures and resulting details from the IOOR, that neighbourhood green areas)
S-BD-01 Connect soil networks on building
contribute to soil recovery, a better soil biodiversity ST measures at Site level
and the realisation of a healthy soil. BD measures at Building level (especially the envelope)
A matter WATER
of vital Of course, measures already exist for greener and In several cases, one measure can apply to one or W-WA-01 Rainwater retention and buffer zone in neighbourhood
nature-inclusive designs. Many green measures have more different levels of scale. In such cases, the W-NE-01 Rainwater retention and buffer zone in network
already been included in the IOOR, such as bioswales, design solution per level of scale is explicitly stated. W-NE-02 Water square (large)

green facades, green roofs, et cetera. However, in the There are also measures for one specific level of scale. W-PS-01 Facilitate rainwater runoff into water-buffering strips
W-ST-01 Rainwater collection and buffering in shared/own (back)garden
new measures, it was also examined where further The elaborated design solutions are presented on the
W-BD-01 Pond on water roof
gains could be made for soils and biodiversity with following pages. The generic (recurring) measures are
W-BD-02 Collect and reuse rainwater for watering plants on roof/facade
respect to both developing and managing green areas. marked separately with a colour code.
Extra measures are needed for further green initiatives
and to guide rainwater with respect to its capture, flow, Many of the measures are tried and tested techniques, MANAGEMENT
buffering and spread. Water and nutrients in soils must and a few measures are still at the experimental stage M-WA-01 Foster mature soil
be supported to facilitate soil porosity. This can be and mainly serve as a source of inspiration here. Each M-WA-02 Facilitate temporary green areas development
realised by disturbing soils as little as possible and, in measure refers to a concrete objective and has its own M-WA-03 Mowing management: varied, mosaic mowing
M-NE-01 Leave organic matter in place in neighbourhood
particular, by applying an ecological approach to soil unique code. The measures are shown with the help of
M-NE-02 Foster spontaneous vegetation growth in network
management. Besides soil-supporting measures, other an axonometric projection. Usually, the figures are self-
M-NE-03 Prevent heavy infrastructural work
measures that encourage ecological recovery of the soil explanatory but sometimes lines or text help to clarify
M-PS-01 Remove litter sparingly in public space
have been formulated, such as sowing indigenous the figures. Each category starts with a brief explanation, M-PS-02 Foster spontaneous vegetation growth in public space
plants and herbs and, where necessary, performing followed by a short discussion of several measures from M-PS-03 Leave green between tiles in public space
soil transplantations with healthy soils. There are also the category. M-PS-04 Create porosity
specific measures to ensure (even) less hard surfaces M-ST-01 Remove litter sparingly on site
M-ST-02 Foster spontaneous vegetation growth on site
in the public space so that water and oxygen can
M-ST-03 Leave green between tiles on site
penetrate well into the soil, as this has a positive effect
M-BD-01 Leave dead organic matter in place on building
on the health of the soil and soil life. Other measures
European lesser glow worm / Phosphaemus hemipterus larva
House centipede / Scutigera coleoptrata
City soil as urban design challenge Towards a biodiverse city /
Measures for Ecological Matrix

Ecological matrix (E) E-NE-01
Connect green networks in network
Connect freshwater banks in network
The measures in Ecological with each other and extend roofs as stepping stones to a rich soil, high biodiversity
Matrix concern the connec­ these where necessary so the existing network. In and many habitats are
tion of green networks, for that they can become Building (E-BD-01/ Connect realised for flora and fauna,
example. The aim is to connected. green networks on building), and food is also obtained.
strengthen tree and green As a result of this, habitat green connections are The measure Create
structures and bank zones areas are extended and linked and extended from porosity in buildings and
along watercourses, create connected or new ones are public spaces to green use nature-friendly building
and connect green corridors created. In Whole Area private spaces, such as materials (E-BD-03) aims
and green ‘stepping stones’, (E-WA-01/ Connect green facade gardens, green to improve the porosity in
and create locations species networks in neighbour­ facades and green roofs. and on buildings so that tiny
can inhabit on facades and hood), the focus is on One specific measure, for creatures can create their
roofs. All of these measures connecting the city and the example, is the Urban own living environment and
serve to support bio­ wider area. In Network agriculture: Food forest nesting place on (or in) the
diversity and the various (E-NE-01/ Connect green (E-WA-04) in Whole Area. buildings.
food webs, the basis for networks in network), In cities, food forests are
micro-life. The measure the focus is on green being introduced as a form
Connect green networks is connections within the of urban agriculture in
included in each scale neighbourhood, between which agriculture is
(E-WA-01 to E-BD-01). It streets and green zones or combined with nature for
has also been made specific parks in the immediate sustainable food production
for each scale. This more vicinity. Where no green and education. By ensuring
generic measure aims to connections exists, they will diversity in the plant
connect green corridors be created by extending community (plants, herbs,
and green areas (as stepping lines of trees or green trees and shrubs) and by
stone for flora and fauna) strips or by adding green avoiding digging activities,

E-WA-01 E-WA-02 E-NE-03 E-PS-01
Connect green networks in neighbourhood Connect black networks for nocturnal animals Urban agriculture: Tiny forest Connect green networks in public space

A matter
of vital

E-WA-03 E-WA-04 E-PS-02 E-ST-01

Connect freshwater banks in neighbourhood Urban agriculture: Food forest Green quays Connect green networks on site

5cm-10cm gap under garden

fences to allow small animals
to pass through.
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

E-ST-02 E-ST-03 A-BB-00 A-BB-00

Facilitate nesting and roosting places in green garden fences Green roof shed or extension xxxxx xxxxx
86 87

E-BD-01 E-BD-02 A-BB-00 A-BB-00
Connect green networks on building Urban agriculture on roof xxxxx xxxxx

A matter
of vital

E-BD-03 A-BB-00 A-BB-00

Create porosity in buildings and use nature-friendly building materials xxxxx xxxxx

Crossing for soil fauna

City soil as urban design challenge Towards a biodiverse city /
Measures for soil

soil (s) S-NE-02
Collect and decompose green waste, use organic compost
Connect soil networks in public space
The measures in Soils also on connecting old and do not elevate the building
concern, for example, mature soils with poor or site or cover it with a layer
strengthening the soil new soils in public spaces of sand and rubble. This
connectivity through soil at the level of a site or a ensures that the soil
transplantation and, where building. By means of soil remains intact and is
possible, helping soils to transplantation, rich soil harmed as little as possible.
connect or enrich the soil with a healthy soil life can The measure Collect and
life. Just like the measure be transplanted to gardens decompose green waste,
Connect green networks, in courtyards or back use organic compost
the measure Connect soil gardens, or to green or (S-NE-02) in Network
networks (S-WA-01 to brown roofs (S-BD-01/ states that green waste,
S-BD-01) is found at each Connect soil networks on obtained from maintenance,
level of scale. The aim is to building), for example. must be collected,
extend and connect mature Adding a small quantity of composted and used as
soils or to create new ones. living soil to the soil on compost else­where. This
In Whole Area (S-WA-01/ roofs is sufficient to activate allows natural fertilisation
Connect soil networks in life in the soil there. With and removes the need to
neighbourhood) the focus is this measure, you remain use chemical fertilisers.
on the connection between local, close to home. Work
soil structures in the city with existing soil layers for
and a wider area. Where new urban development
possible, mature soils from (S-WA-02) is an example of
parks, squares and other a more specific measure
open spaces must be under Area. In other words,
connected. At the other use the existing soil in the
levels of scale, the focus is development of an area and

S-WA-01 S-WA-02 S-PS-02 S-ST-01
Connect soil networks in neighbourhood Work with existing soil layers for new urban development Green(ing) tree mirrors Connect soil networks on site

new urban development

Whole Area

S-WA-03 Higher Indigenous Plants Diversity

A matter
of vital

S-WA-03 S-NE-01 S-ST-02 S-ST-03

Create higher indigenous plant diversity in neighbourhood Connect soil networks in network Create (own/shared) compost heap Less paving, more green in back gardens
City soil as urban design challenge Towards a biodiverse city /
Measures for water

Create green facade from facade garden
Create higher indigenous plant diversity on site Water (W) 91
The current trends in larger area is discharged, far more easily. The measure
climate change mean that delayed, and retained in the Collect and reuse rainwater
E-SI-02 Higher Indigenous Plant Diversity in Gardens periods of heavy rainfall or soil. This prevents soil for watering plants on roof/
prolonged heat are occurring subsidence and desiccation facade (W-BD-02) aims to
more often. Cities must and ensures that the soil reuse the water captured in
adapt to this because, keeps its porosity. For the water roofs to provide
otherwise, large-scale measure Rainwater water for plants on roofs
flooding problems will collection and buffering in and along facades.
occur, which in turn will shared/own (back)garden
lead to subsidence and the (W-ST-01) in Site, water is
resulting damage to public led from buildings to a
spaces. The Water measures central point on the site
focus on water storage where it is retained in the
(porosity), rainwater use, soil, as every drop counts.
and water discharge to areas The healthier the soil
where it causes no problems. biodiversity is, the greater
Water management (and the water-retaining
with that the associated capacity of the soil and the
cooling) and soil porosity fewer nutrients it loses due
are vital for cities and to leaching. Rainworms,
accordingly for a healthy other tiny creatures and a
soil. With the measure diversity of plant roots
Rainwater retention and create a system of
buffer zone in neighbour­ (sometimes vertical)
hood (W-WA-01) in Whole tunnels which ensure that
Area, the rainwater in a water penetrates the soil

S-BD-01 W-WA-01 W-NE-01
Connecting Soil Networks Rainwater retention and buffer zone in neighbourhood Rainwater retention and buffer zone in network

A matter
of vital

W-NE-02 W-PS-01
Water square (large) Facilitate rainwater runoff into water-buffering strips
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

W-ST-01 W-BD-01
Rainwater collection and buffering in shared/own (back)garden Pond on water roof
92 93

Collect and reuse rainwater for watering plants on roof/facade

A matter
of vital

Bioswale in parkzone
City soil as urban design challenge Towards a biodiverse city /
Measures for Management

xxxxx management (m) 95

The most important measure possible. Nature actually where they are. That allows occur where micro-life can in Whole Area states that
for soil is soil dormancy: does most of the work tiny creatures in and under develop. This is the measure phased mowing
succession and maturation itself. Soil life and small the litter layer to obtain Leave green between tiles management should be
of soil systems. So prefer­ creatures with feathers and enough food and therefore in public space (M-PS-03). applied in parks, broad
ably no disturbances, and fur mainly live in the litter enables the optimal Butterflies, bees, birds and verges, and other green
leave the soil untouched as layer and the top 70 to 100 digestion of the organic other (small) animals need strips. Research has led to
possible! For this there is cm of the soil. It is material. The measure is (flowering) plants, prefer­ the rule: leave about 40% of
measure Foster mature soil important that litter layers adjusted for a residential ably at many locations in the vegetation and work
(M-WA-01) in Whole Area. are not disturbed or cleared building, Leave dead the city. By ensuring that a with winding mow paths
Works carried out in the up because the tiny animals organic matter in place on whole area is not mown at whenever the grass is
public space disturbs the these contain are building (M-BD-01), and once, but by creating mown. The measure
soil. Management of soils responsible for a lot of this states that dead winding mow paths instead, Prevent heavy infra­
and green areas in the city waste processing, but that organic matter in a garden a wide variety of plants can structural work (M-NE-03)
plays a large role in the requires a bit more time. should not be tidied up grow and spores and seeds in Network states that with
maintenance, recovery and Leaving dead material either. have enough time to spread, the redesign of the public
strengthening of soils and undisturbed is a measure at Long live untidiness! which is particularly space or the construction of
green structures. The new many levels of scale. In Because this gives tiny favourable for the (soil) a (new) building project, the
measures for Management Network, the measure animals and micro­ biodiversity. Such an use of heavy equipment
(and maintenance) mainly Leave dead organic matter organisms the chance to approach also increases the must be prevented
focus on how soil can be in place in neighbourhood settle and to contribute to survival chances of fauna wherever possible.
kept healthy and, in par­ (M-NE-01) states that, in greater soil biodiversity. because there is always a Consequently, the soil will
ticular, how to prevent soil particular, dead leaves, By maintaining or creating place to shelter if an entire not be unnecessarily
disturbance. The simplest wood (tree stumps) and space between the paving area is not mown at once. compacted or compressed,
measure is to leave the soil dead animals in parks and stones, the so-called The measure Mowing and enough room will
and litter layer above this other open areas must not porosity, more spontaneous management: varied, remain for soil life and
untouched as much as be cleared up but left lying vegetation growth can mosaic mowing (M-WA-01) water.

A-BB-00 A-BB-00 M-WA-01 M-WA-02
xxxxx xxxxx Foster mature soil Facilitate temporary green areas development



A matter
of vital

A-BB-00 A-BB-00 M-WA-03 M-NE-01

xxxxx xxxxx Mowing management: varied, mosaic mowing Leave organic matter in place in neighbourhood

Undergroundwork in
public space
City soil as urban design challenge Towards a biodiverse city /
Measures for Management

M-NE-02 M-NE-03 M-ST-01 M-ST-02

Foster spontaneous vegetation growth in network Prevent heavy infrastructural work Remove litter sparingly on site Foster spontaneous vegetation growth on site
96 97

Make concentration (piles)

of litter in corner of gardens

M-PS-01 M-PS-02 M-ST-03 M-BD-01
Remove litter sparingly in public space Foster spontaneous vegetation growth in public space Leave green between tiles on site Leave dead organic matter in place on building

A matter
of vital

M-PS-03 M-PS-04
Leave green between tiles in public space Create porosity

City soil as urban design challenge Measures and resulting details
Integral Design Method Public Space

Measures and resulting Living Environment
Whole Area / WA L-WA1 Limiting hard surfacing L-WA1-1 Replacing paved area with greenery 99
details Integral Design NETWORK / NE L-NE1 Shade along roads and waterways L-NE1-1
Shading canopy on street
Tree on street

Method Public Space Public Space / PS L-PS1 Shade by roofing or greenery

Shading canopy/tree on bank
Permanent covering along pedestrian route
L-PS1-2 Flexible covering
L-PS1-3 Permanently coloured glass roof
L-PS1-4 Covered parking space
L-PS1-5 Copse of trees
L-PS1-6 Trees in car park
L-PS1-7 Pergola
L-PS1-8 Green wall partition
L-PS1-9 Shading gradients by variation in trees
L-PS2 Cooling airflow in public space L-PS2-1 Unobstructed airflow
L-PS3 Cooling through evaporation L-PS3-1 Green mast
L-PS3-2 Green pond
L-PS3-3 Spraying hard-surfacing wet
L-PS3-4 Artificial waterfall
L-PS3-5 Water wall
Water L-PS3-6 Water-mist installation
Whole Area / WA W-WA1 Greening W-WA1-1 Replacing hard surfacing with greenery L-PS3-7 Fountain
W-WA1-2 Natural bank L-PS4 Reducing heat radiation in public space L-PS4-1 Light-coloured paving
W-WA2 Water purification W-WA2-1 Helophyte filter L-PS4-2 Light-coloured asphalt
W-WA2-2 Filtering by marsh plants L-PS4-3 Light-coloured outdoor furniture
W-WA3 Integral water management W-WA3-1 Water-storage trench L-PS4-4 Paving with low heat accumulation
W-WA3-2 Storage and use of groundwater L-PS4-5 Street furniture with low heat accumulation
W-WA3-3 Rainwater purification (storage and use) L-ST1 Shade from permanent site boundary L-ST1-1 Fencing
Site / ST
W-WA3-4 Lowering groundwater mounding L-ST2 Cooling airflow on site L-ST2-1 Airflow through open site boundary
Network / ne W-NE1 Water-robust street W-NE1-1 Hollow road L-ST3 Green site boundary L-ST3-1 Vegetation-covered fencing
W-NE1-2 Raised sidewalk L-ST3-2 Espalier on facade
W-NE1-3 Routing rainwater across road L-ST3-3 Hedge or bush
W-NE1-4 Water-channelling speed bump L-BD1 Shade from building volumes L-BD1-1 Arcade
W-NE1-5 Rainproof utilities L-BD1-2 Loggia
W-NE2 Space for through-flow W-NE2-1 City floodplain L-BD1-3 Canopy
W-NE2-2 Urban watercourse L-BD1-4 Louvre window
W-NE2-3 Increasing sewer diameters L-BD1-5 Green facade
W-NE3 Pretreatment of water from roads W-NE3-1 Green verge L-BD2 Cool building envelope from evaporation L-BD2-1 Irrigated green roof
W-NE3-2 First flush L-BD2-2 Insulating roof
Public Space / PS W-PS1 Water-retaining greenery W-PS1-1 Bioswale L-BD2-3 Vegetation on roof terrace / pergola / balcony
W-PS1-2 Height differences L-BD3 Reducing heat radiation building L-BD3-1 Light-coloured roof
W-PS1-3 Integral rainwater infiltration/storage L-BD3-2 Heat-reflective roof covering
W-PS1-4 Vegetation around rainwater pond L-BD3-3 Light-coloured wall
W-PS2 Underground infiltration networks W-PS2-1 Underground infiltration bioswale L-BD3-4 Heat-reflective facade
W-PS2-2 Reverse drainage / IT sewer
W-PS2-3 Infiltration manhole
W-PS2-4 Soakaway crate
A matter
of vital W-PS3 Infiltration through hard-surfacing / ground level W-PS3-1 Water-permeable hard-surfacing Flora & Fauna
soil! W-PS3-2 Permeable grass concrete pavers NETWORK / NE F-NE1 Nature-friendly water storage F-NE1-1 Bioswale
W-PS3-3 Green field F-NE1-2 Pond
W-PS3-4 Soft semi-paving F-NE1-3 Toad pool
W-PS3-5 Hard semi-paving F-NE2 Fauna crossing F-NE2-1 Squirrel bridge
W-PS4 Water-retaining container W-PS4-1 Water square F-NE2-2 Crossing for soil fauna
W-PS4-2 Water-retaining planter F-NE3 Corridor for small organisms F-NE3-1 Hedge
W-PS5 Gutter W-PS5-1 Covered gutter F-NE3-2 Tree ring
W-PS5-2 Open gutter F-NE3-3 Wilderness wall
W-PS6 Drought-resistant vegetation W-PS6-1 Drought-resistant plants on raised ground level F-NE3-4 Butterfly and bee idyll
Site / ST W-ST1 Green wall W-ST1-1 Green facade F-NE4 Natural bank F-NE4-1 Ecological bank
W-ST1-2 Facade garden F-NE4-2 Green quay wall
W-ST1-3 Hedge or bush F-NE4-3 Kingfisher wall
BUILDING / BD W-BD1 Water-retaining roof W-BD1-1 Extensive green roof F-NE4-4 Swallow wall
W-BD1-2 Intensive green roof BUILDING / BD F-BD1 Green wall F-BD1-1 Modular green facade
W-BD1-3 Infiltration roof with recreation F-BD1-2 Self-adhesive climbing plant
W-BD2 Reuse of rainwater W-BD2-1 Water roof F-BD1-3 Climbing plant on structure
W-BD2-2 Smart water roof F-BD2 Nesting and roosting places F-BD2-1 Nesting box
W-BD2-3 Rainwater storage in basement F-BD2-2 Bat box
W-BD2-4 Reuse of rainwater in building F-BD2-3 Insect hotel
W-BD3 Water-robust building W-BD3-1 Raised access F-BD3 Nature-friendly roof F-BD3-1 Extensive roof
W-BD3-2 Threshold and raised floor level F-BD3-2 Intensive roof
W-BD3-3 Water barrier at ground level F-BD3-3 Nature roof
W-BD3-4 Rainproof construction and choice of materials F-BD3-4 Brown roof
W-BD4 Disconnected sewer W-BD4-1 Disconnect downpipe to ground level F-BD3-5 Water roof with vegetation
Harlequin ladybird / Harmonia axyridis
Green shield bug / Palomena prasina
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

100 101


Green measures for healthy

soil and biodiversity in
the city

A matter
of vital
102 103


A matter
of vital

View from above of the
325m ATTO tower, in the
Uatumã Sustainable
Development Reserve,
Amazonia, Brazil.
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

What makes a Calibrating soil 105
‘good soil’? Gerard Korthals
Froukje Rienks

A growing number of people realise how important a Below ground level

good soil is for agriculture, nature and the urban The Calibration Centre for the Soil is part of a bigger
environment. But what constitutes a ‘good soil’ and programme called ‘Onder het Maaiveld’ (Below ground
how can you measure that? level), supported by the National Postcode Lottery. It
The national Calibration Centre for the Soil aims to realise a structural change in how our society
(IJkcentrum voor de Bodem) recently opened in spring deals with our valuable and indispensable soil. The
2021. Here researchers study the most important soil programme’s partners are IUCN NL, Dutch Butterfly
types in the Netherlands and the role of soil biodiversity Conservation, the Netherlands Institute of Ecology
in these. Besides the chemical and physical (NIOO-KNAW) and the Centre for Soil Ecology.
characteristics, they specifically study what lives in each The ultimate goal is to allow Dutch soil life to recover
BIODIVERCITY type of soil. Soil samples from all over the country can so that it can provide the basis for healthy nature and a
be compared with these standards at the Centre. The healthy society. This will be realised via research and
information acquired enables soil ecologists to provide demonstrations at the Calibration Centre as well as
advice on sustainable soil improvements. concrete procedures and perspectives for professionals
At the Centre’s location at the Farm of the Future, like a soil quality label. Furthermore, widespread
near the city of Lelystad (the Netherlands), many awareness will be achieved through, for example, a soil
different agricultural soil treatments can be compared. life documentary screened at cinemas, a series of
Two Tiny Forests were added especially for the children’s books and support for the Soil Animal Days
The facility embedded in To create the calibration There, scientists can In March 2021 the planting
Calibration Centre’s research. Creating such mini urban (page 106) citizen science initiative. NIOO’s experimental facility of the soiltron, soil compare all soil cores of the 1200 trees and shrubs
garden is called a ‘soiltron’. cores were harvested from under the same circum­ for the research Tiny Forest
versions of a fast-growing forest involves a special soil More on: For this soils from the three representative locations in stances, yielding knowledge started. From black elder to
treatment with mulch before the native trees are More information on the Calibration Centre for the Soil: major soil types clay, sand the Netherlands. With steel on the impact of soil sessile oak and from black­ and peat are harvest. molds the complete soil management on soil currant to common hazel:
planted. To study the effect of this treatment one Tiny ecosystem from ground biodiversity. you can find it on these 200
level to one meter deep is square meters. In turn, the
Forest received it, while the ‘twin’ forest did not. taken and transported to tree species will attract soil
Incidentally, the outlines of these research forests the Netherlands Ianstitute life, flying insects, birds and
of Ecology in Wageningen. mammals.
symbolise two ‘green lungs’.
The experimental garden of the Netherlands Institute
of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) in the city of Wageningen
forms the second location of the Calibration Centre. It
has a range of sandy, clay and peat soils next to each
other. Here, experimental soil transplantation will

A matter demonstrate the impact of tiny soil life on soil quality.

of vital Without such tiny organisms, good soil cannot exist!
In the longer run, this data will feed into a Soil
Biodiversity Atlas for the whole country. At present, this
vital information for sustainable management is mostly
missing. A soil valuation system is another planned and
related outcome that will make this information
available to everyone.

Tiny Forests are densely packed with at least 25 native tree
species and are about the size of a tennis court. Besides
providing birds, bees, and soil creatures with a place to live
in a town or city, they are also pleasant places for people.
In these outdoor classrooms, children are educated as the
new generation of ‘nature restorers’. Tiny Forests serve
as a meeting place too. The Dutch nature education
organisation IVN adopted the Tiny Forest initiative from the
Indian engineer Shubhendu Sharma, with specific guide­
lines on how to create it. The number of Tiny Forests has
grown from a handful in 2015 to more than 110 now in the
Netherlands, with seven other countries joining in.
The idea is not just to grow an urban forest, but to
develop a healthy local community of people too.
RESEARCH LEADS THE WAY/ Soil animals need

Soil animals Citizen science: looking Monitoring soil animals is
also done on green roofs, as 107
for the Tiny Ten in your
need to go
seen here on the roof of the
Netherlands Institute of
Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). When

own garden searching for soil animals,

you have to take a close

to town
look. Observations are
often carried out in groups.

Gerard Korthals
Froukje Rienks

Every year around World Animal Day, people all over

the Netherlands go on safari in their own gardens,
city parks around the corner or even on their balconies,
looking for the important but often overlooked soil
animals. Entire classes explore their school grounds.
Why? Because they help to collect data as citizen
scientists – and in the meantime get acquainted
with the unknown neighbours under their feet.

Soil animals are indispensable, and even more so in the

BIODIVERCITY challenging environment of cities. You cannot have a
healthy soil without earthworms, woodlice or
millipedes. But what exactly is the state of the soil
animal life in our surroundings? That’s what hundreds
of citizen scientists of all ages throughout the
Netherlands check each year. This data was largely
lacking, and this citizen science approach proved to be
a valuable and enthusing way of solving that problem.
Soil creatures, even snails,
deserve the spotlights for
Since 2015, the United Nations’ International Year of their ecosystem services.

Soils, the Soil Animal Days have been an annual citizen

science project. The event is organised by the So, what did the citizen scientists find in their gardens?
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) together After six editions of the Soil Animal Days, they have How to make a garden or park
with the Centre for Soil Ecology (CSE) and a steadily counted almost 53,000 soil animals or ‘soil darlings’. But more soil-animal-friendly
growing number of partners. Soil animal experts from more than just these numbers, it is the balance between Seven hints from the soil-animal experts:
NIOO, Wageningen University & Research and VU the different groups in each garden that is interesting.
• Less paving: half the surface is the max. Good for
Amsterdam are responsible for putting together the This balance gives rise to a biodiversity grade (up to a soil animals, plants and rainwater drainage.
• More plant cover: use groundcover plants, preferably
special soil animal chart that participants can use for perfect 10) that represents the ‘soil-animal friendliness’ native species.
their observations. of the participants’ garden and, there­fore, the state of • Prune late, don’t plough: prune in spring instead
of autumn. This will offer shelter space in winter.
the entire ecosystem under their feet. In the rest of the year weeding is OK, but dig and hoe
Earthworms versus woodlice as little as possible.
A matter • Leave the leaves where possible (on the soil):
of vital People hand in their monitoring results, their garden Another result is visualised through the annual national it’s their lunch. And hedgehogs like it as well.
soil! • Branches, tree trunks, stones and insect hotels:
type plus location and other relevant observations via a Soil Animal Top 3. The overall winning Tiny Three are the these are magnets for soil creatures to
web form to literally put their work on the map. How ones seen in most Dutch gardens. This is usually a neck- interesting species but not that many critters – crawl in or under.
• More types of soil: diversity also applies to the
many critters from the Tiny Ten, the ten main groups, and-neck race with woodlice as the favourite, challenged especially in dry years. Perhaps some soil soil itself. Add clayey spots to a sandy soil and vice
versa, and don’t forget some water like a small pond.
are counted? And have they perhaps spotted some by the earthworms and either arachnids or snails. transplantation from healthy spots could help out. • Be careful with fertiliser: it only makes few species
specifically interesting species? The project’s results happy, and better to choose organic instead of artificial.
And other chemicals like pesticides, herbicides and
help scientists establish how well the soil animal Paradise The weather is an important factor for soil animals’ fungicides? Just don’t use them. They’re mostly not
community is doing in Dutch towns and cities. Repeating So can any general conclusions be drawn yet? Yes: there survival and level of activity. In 2017, spiders came out necessary, or a more sustainable alternative is
this exercise for several years will strengthen the data. certainly is potential to be found in our towns and on top after a wet season, while in 2018 - a dry year -
cities. Gardens and parks can be havens for common soil there were lots of woodlice and few slugs. We can
animals, and even balconies can be of value if these are conclude that in dry years, in particular, the type of
maintained in a soil animal-friendly way. Green and half- garden and how it is maintained are key factors for the
green gardens, and parks and public gardens are survival of soil animals in the city. How to look for soil animals
RESULTS SOIL ANIMAL DAYS paradises for earthworms, snails, or arachnids and • Go outside and look closely at the ground by
in Dutch Gardens 2020 woodlice in particular. These groups of soil animals are Soil animal monitoring by citizen scientists in towns and kneeling down for example.
• Look under stones, flower pots, among plants
• 1188 observers found in more than 80% of such gardens. cities could now become an international venture. The or fallen leaves and branches.
• 478 gardens searched • Stick a shovel in the (grassy) soil and rock it back
• 11 types of gardens. New: food forest initial ideas to turn it into a more widely used tool that and forth, or dig a little bit around that spot.
• 36 animals per garden on average Bury an empty jam jar or (yoghurt) pot in the soil
• 17,250 ‘soil critters’ found
Green roofs are a subject in itself. They compensate for could contribute to a more effective green •
up to its brim and, after at least one night, check if
• 8.9 average grade for soil animal potential open ground lost at ground floor level and are an management already exist. Soil animals rule our there are any soil animals in it (and don’t forget to
• woodlouse drops into 2nd place remove the jar or pot).
• earthworm takes top spot interesting option for soil creatures. In fact, they are underground. So help them do that in your city too.
• millipedes spotted less often (-13%) really needed as the basis for sound urban nature. So Check the identification chart for the ten main groups
• ants spotted in more gardens (+5%) Discover more at of soil animals that you can encounter in the city.
• spiders in fewer gardens (-9%) soil animal observers have also visited these. They found
Common garden centipede / Lithobius forficatus

Earthworm / Lumbricus terrestris

RESEARCH LEADS THE WAY/ Underground networks

Underground Vincent Merckx
Sofia Gomes
Fungi typical for sycamore

networks turn

The research revealed

significant differences in alpha

soil fungal communities 0.5

between sycamore and

our planet

Prevalence in Esdoorn samples (%)

lime. These differences are
caused by, amongst other
things, the natural


symbionts of the trees: 50

sycamore grows with

arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi and lime grows with 7.5

ectomycorrhizal fungi. 25


0 25 50 75 100
At various locations in the Prevalence in Linde samples (%)

Amstel III area, part of the

Lime Fungi typical for lime
borough Amsterdam-
Southeast, 22 pairs of
‘healthy’ and ‘sick’

Pilot: monitoring van

showbodemdiversiteit met eDNA
sycamore and lime trees
were investigated. Four soil The graphs below conclusion: eDNA is a highly
samples were taken from significant differences in promising tool for
around each tree, totalling soil fungal communities describing complex soil
176 samples. DNA barcoding • Significante
betweenverschillen in schimmelgemeenschappen
‘healthy’ and ‘sick’ fungal communities and tussen ‘gezonde’ en ‘zieke’ bomen
was carried out of all fungi trees. These differences
in each soil sample (ITS2;
• Deze verschillen zijn subtiel: are their effects.die uniek zijn voor ‘gezonde’ of ‘zieke’ bomen
geen schimmels
subtle: there are no fungi
BIODIVERCITY Illumina MiSeq). A total of that are unique to ‘healthy’
Pilot: monitoring van bodemdiversiteit met eDNA
4491 fungal genotypes were or ‘sick’ trees. The
found that belong to all major
• 22 paren van ‘gezonde’ en ‘zieke’ esdoorn en lindebomen op verschillende locaties in Amstel III
• Conclusie: eDNA is een veelbelovend middel om complexe bodemgemeenschappen en hun
taxonomic groups of fungi. effecten in kaart te brengen
• 4 bodemmonsters rond elke boom (176 monsters in totaal)
• DNA barcoding van alle schimmels per bodemmonster (ITS2; Illumina MiSeq) Sycamore Lime
• In totaal: 4491 schimmel genotypes die behoren tot alle grote taxonomische groepen van schimmels
Esdoorn Linde
100 100
3% Fungi karakteristiek
Schimmel typical 100 100
‘Gezond’ ‘Ziek’ meanSick
3% voor
for gezonde trees
healthy bomen
Mucoromycota alpha meanSick 0

Prevalence in healthy Esdoorn samples (%)

Prevalence in healthy Linde samples (%)

12% 75 alpha
0.5 75
0 3

Prevalence in healthy Esdoorn samples (%)

Prevalence in healthy Linde samples (%)

Chitridiomycota 75 0.5 75 3
1% meanSick 6
1% meanSick 6


4491 Fungi typical
Schimmel karakteristiek 0
fungi voor zieke bomen
for sick trees 2 9
50 2 50 9
genotypes 50 50

genotypes 19%
Basidiomycota 44

Ascomycota 19% 12 12

25 25 25 66 25

Ascomycota Sick alpha
SchimmelFungi equally
gelijkaardig present
aanwezig 0 0
in gezonde en zieke bomen
in healthy and sick tree 0
0 25 50 75 100 0
25 50 75 100
0 25 Prevalence in50
sick Esdoorn samples
75 (%) 100 Prevalence
0 in sick Linde
25 samples (%) 50 75 100

Healthy Sick Prevalence in sick Esdoorn samples (%) Prevalence in sick Linde samples (%)

If you take one teaspoon of Amazon forest soil, there around the seeds is downright fatal, as they cannot Around these trees, we found a whopping 4491 different In ten years’ time, we will probably have smartphones
A matter may very well be 1,800 species of microorganisms in germinate properly. In return, the fungi are dependent fungal genotypes - with numbers like this, properly that will allow tree doctors or gardeners to sprinkle
of vital there, about 400 of which are fungi - many of them new too: plants “pay” their mycorrhiza with sugars they distinguishing separate species becomes next to some soil on them. Next, an app will tell you what soil
to science. And what’s really amazing about this is that produce in their leaves. impossible. There is a difference between the soils community is in there and what you should change to
it isn’t that amazing at all. You might get pretty similar around lime trees and sycamores, which is partly because help your tree. Soil transplants may be a popular
numbers if you repeat the experiment in your backyard. In theory, “everything is everywhere”: spores of many they prefer to work with different species of fungi. treatment for trees that are doing poorly, just like faecal
Then go half a mile in any direction, and you may find different fungi permeate the world around us. Given transplants are helping humans now. But, for now, we
another four hundred different fungi again, if you’re proper plants to join with, the spores will then grow There is also a difference between the soils of healthy lack the understanding to do this properly. Avoiding
lucky. Soil microbial communities represent the into proper mycorrhiza. In practice, it’s not so simple, trees and those of their partners that are doing poorly, fertilizer may make for healthier urban soils. So might
greatest reservoir of biological diversity known in the though. but it’s complicated. There is not really one species that growing native plants in our cities, instead of exotic
world so far, and we haven’t come even close to is essential for successful treedom or one species that is plants from different continents close to each other.
mapping it. Take, for example, a study in the city of Amsterdam. preventing your sycamore from becoming a big, proud Given the many ecosystem services that urban plants
Almost every tree there has been planted, and many of tree with a height and foliage worthy of its age. Instead, provide, healthier soils should lead to healthier cities.
Most of these fungi are doing what you find them doing them look a lot younger than they are. They’re not healthier soils have healthier soil communities, and It’s time we learn how to get there.
in your kitchen: breaking down dead material. Another exactly ill, mind you. They’re just not growing quickly, those have healthier plants. City trees are not really held
group is busy feeding plants - and hence, the world. not making many leaves, as if something is holding back but are probably missing some natural friends.
Plants need sunlight and water, but also nutrients from them back. Or so it seems. We still know too little about these
the soil to grow. These nutrients are often scarce and an underground interactions in urban ecosystems. The
important limitation for plant growth. While plants can Is it? You can study this because the trees were planted. limited data we have suggests that the fungal links
use their roots to extract some nutrients from the soil You can take two trees of the same species, planted at between trees in our parks and streets are scarce and
directly, they mostly rely on the fine network of the same time, and compare them. Is there a difference sometimes missing altogether. Restoring the fungal
mycorrhizal fungi in the soil to obtain a rich diet of soil between the soils that they grow in? Or between the connections of plants in urban environments may
nutrients that they need to remain healthy. For many species that live in these soils? We compared 22 such therefore be a promising strategy for healthier and
orchids, for instance, the absence of the right fungi pairs, both Lime trees (Tilia) and Sycamores (Acer). stress-resistant nature in the city.
RESEARCH LEADS THE WAY/ Completing the circle of life
BIODIVERCITY RESEARCH PROJECTS by ending up in a Living Cocoon

Completing Renée Zijlmans

the circle of
life by ending
up in a Nature’s finest recycler
Fungi are nature’s biggest recyclers; they decompose

Living Cocoon all kinds of organic waste, such as dead leaves and
wood. They can convert this into useful nutrients,
which plants can then use to grow. Moreover, fungi can
increase the efficiency of water and nutrient absorption
of most plants and can make them more resistant to
plant pathogens. Fungi not only benefit plants. They are
also an important food source for many soil
invertebrates, such as worms and insects. Therefore,
fungi can support more biodiversity in the soil.
BIODIVERCITY Furthermore, the mycelium of fungi is a very strong
material that can easily be moulded into specific shapes.
This makes it perfect for use as a Living Cocoon, and
because it is produced by nature, it is also carbon

Becoming one with nature again

Normally it takes a body 10 to 20 years to decompose,
and when a body is buried in a traditional coffin, this
process can take even longer. Traditional coffins are
often constructed from metal and hardwood, which
were taken from nature, and then covered with varnish.
Bob Hendrikx does not understand why we use these
materials: ‘By using these materials, we conserve
something that we actually want to decompose’.

The benefits of using mycelium

Even our bodies house many toxins, such as medicines
and microplastics. Mycelium could help speed up this
The Living Cocoon: Nature’s finest recycler: process of decomposition and improve the soil quality
a nature-friendly coffin fungi
A matter by breaking down these toxins. Vincent Merckx, fungi
of vital specialist at Naturalis Biodiversity Center, is now doing
Although humanity has not existed for very long on this further research into the effect of Living Cocoons on
planet, it has degraded mother nature’s natural soil biodiversity by looking at DNA found in the
ecosystem. Cemeteries play an important part in urban environment. Every month, he takes soil samples and
biodiversity conservation. However, even after we die, hopes to be able to map all the different species of
we manage to pollute this soil with dead materials and fungi living there. ‘Just a spoonful of ground can
toxins from the coffins we are buried in. contain 400 species of fungi’, says Merckx. He is
comparing the community of fungi around the Living
Giving nature something in return Cocoon with that of traditional coffins. He hopes to
Naturalis Biodiversity Center and students from TU Delft demonstrate that the Living Cocoon supports a more The making of mycelium The Living Cocoon in its
natural habitat
have been working together to solve this problem. They natural diversity of soil organisms.
developed a so-called “Living Cocoon”. This is a coffin
made up of mycelium (Ganoderma lucidum), which is Sixty people have already enriched the ground by being
the body of the fungus. The TU Delft students even buried in a Living Cocoon, and hopefully, more will
found a company called Loop, which specialises in follow. It could help restore biodiversity in cemeteries,
making these coffins. Naturalis and Loop’s inspiration and it is definitely more sustainable than a traditional
for the Living Cocoon came from nature: ‘’We are coffin. The mycelium used in the Living Cocoon might
parasites that only take from nature without giving even become a future building material in houses. Both
anything in return. How does nature tidy up dead Bob Hendrikx and Vincent Merckx would like their
material? That is when we came up with mycelium’, says bodies to end up in this cocoon. What about you?
Bob Hendrikx, founder of Loop and inventor of the
Living Cocoon.
Common sexton beelte / Nicrophorus vespilloides
Painted woodlouse / Porcellio spinicornis
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

The soil under Gerard Korthals
Froukje Rienks

a forest full
of food
Food forests are a new and highly promising form of Besides more biodiversity, more natural buffering of
sustainable agriculture. Here, herbs and berry bushes rainwater and increased carbon storage (instead of
grow together with fruit trees, nut trees and feared carbon emissions) are expected too. For cities, in
permanent ground cover. In a five-year-old food forest particular, that extra water storage capacity is an
on the edge of Amsterdam, a former agricultural field interesting and much-needed advantage. Furthermore,
near the city of Almere and many other spots, soil urban food forests are a fantastic way to educate the
ecologists from the Netherlands Institute of Ecology general public about the food forest concept.
(NIOO-KNAW) and the Centre for Soil Ecology are What will the scientists investigate in the coming years?
studying the soil underneath the surface. How does a They will measure the amounts of various substances in
developing food forest influence the soil quality and soil the soil, such as carbon or fatty acids that say
BIODIVERCITY food web, and how much carbon is stored? What about something about the composition of soil bacterial and
the soil ecosystem services? And what are the fungal communities. They will also count nematode
consequences for the aboveground ecosystem? species and all other kinds of soil life. Thanks to this
The researchers are curious to discover the extent to research, the food forests will not only yield a lot of fruit
which this form of agriculture (re)vitalises the soil. but also vital knowledge about the soil.

The small food forest on the

grounds of the Netherlands
Institute of Ecology (NIOO-
KNAW) also serves as an
outdoor canteen in the
corona era.

The Amsterdam food forest Monitoring the biodiversity

lies on the city fringe. in a food forest on the edge
of Amsterdam.

A matter
of vital
Near the city of Almere a excellent chance for the soil
former agricultural field is ecologists to follow the
being transformed in a food changes in the soil from the
forest. This forms an start.

Not only data and This research comes with a

knowledge is harvested by fruity bonus, such as black
the food-forest scientists. currants.
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

From the soil How the landscape 119
influences the air you
to the sky breathe
Sylvia Mota de Oliveira

continuum: soil, forest floor, forest understory, forest

canopy and atmospheric boundary layer? Recently
published studies have shown that the landscape – be it
a forest, agricultural land or a city – modifies the air you
breathe. The explanation behind this relationship has a
name that became very popular during the COVID-19
pandemic: aerosols.
Aerosols are fine particles suspended in the air. They can
be released from natural sources, such as sea salt and
volcanic ash, or human-made sources, such as the soot
BIODIVERCITY from a car exhaust. Living organisms also release
aerosols that may impact the climate, human health and
the world economy. These so-called biological aerosols,
such as pollen or fungi spores, include allergenic
microorganisms that cause respiratory diseases and
plant pathogens that damage agricultural crops.
Research into biological aerosols is therefore relevant the aerosol composition in the Amazon is that the
for society. In this research, we want to know what gets percentage of Basidiomycota (an entire division of
lifted up in the air and to which species it belongs, as fungi) reaches 30%, while it does not exceed 2% in
then we can determine the potential effects of these studies performed in human-made landscapes. In
aerosols. On top of that, we want to compare this summary, far more allergens and pathogens are present
information across different landscapes, from a highly in human-made landscapes than pristine landscapes,
modified urban landscape to a pristine environment, and the biodiversity is also much lower. Such a
like a rainforest. comparison is relevant because there is growing
evidence that natural environments could improve
We started investigating biological aerosols in the human health. The “biodiversity hypothesis” of a
Amazon rainforest at a location surrounded by forest Swedish research team led by Dr Leena von Hertzen
and more than 150 kilometres away from any town or states that a decrease in the local diversity of the
city. We took air samples at different times and used environmental microbiota increases the occurrence of
DNA analysis techniques to investigate which fungal immune problems and inflammatory diseases. In other

A matter spores, plant spores and pollen were present at 325 words: the invisible biodiversity that we breathe in
of vital meters above the forest. every day – and peaks in low impacted areas as central
Amazonia – may actually train our immune systems.
That was not an easy puzzle to solve. Many Amazonian The research in the Amazon is still taking place, and
species cannot be identified because they are not yet in many questions need to be answered. Yet, one thing is
a DNA database, and sometimes, a DNA match pointed clear already: biodiversity forms a bridge between
to more than one species. However, despite these landscape organisation and human health.
difficulties, we managed to get a good picture of how
the soil, forest and sky in the Amazon region interact.
We found a staggering number of 1409 different DNA
Take a breath. You are now, literally, inhaling a bit of sequences that point to different species in the
biodiversity. There are many ways to understand our atmosphere above the forest: 1202 fungi and 207 plants.
connection with our environment, and breathing is just But the identity of these species and their role in nature
one of them. But what is our environment? The street says much more than the numbers. That reveals how
we live in, the city, the region? How deep into the much the quality of the air is linked to the landscape. In
ground and how high into the sky? The environment is the Amazon, we recorded a vast diversity of fungi
a continuum, connected in all possible directions. The species that feed on dead wood, and that is essential for
connection is there for everyone, everywhere, but it is nutrient cycling. A similar study of the air in Northern
perhaps easier to see if you stand 325 metres above the Italy, however, showed that the most frequent and
Amazon rainforest at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory. widely distributed species of fungi were well-known
There, a Brazilian-German project wants to understand plant and animal pathogens that cause allergies in Different views of the 325m
how the continuum of our living environment works. humans (Cladosporium, Alternaria, Botrytis and ATTO tower, in the Uatumã
Sustainable Development
What processes occur in the different layers of this Periconia, among others). Another striking feature of Reserve, Amazonia, Brazil.
Kopregel Hoofdstuk­titel Kopregel artikel

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Credits Illustration credits

Concept Artis 110-110 (map); Joyce van der Berg 63, 93;
122 Joyce van den Berg, Hans van der Made Nico Bick 4-9 (Survivors Amsterdam), 87; Tijmen
Bijker/NIOO-KNAW 41; Marjolijn Boterenbrood 10,
Editorial board and coordination 11; Sebastian Brill 119m; chanus/Shutterstock
Joyce van den Berg, Hans van der Made, 42m; Achim Edtbauer/MPI-C 102; NicoElNino/
Ingrid Oosterheerd, Marco Roos, Shutterstock 12; J. Lokrantz/Azote based on
Alessandra Riccetti and Johan van Zoest Steffen et al. 2015 15; Bob Hendrikx - Loop Biotech
114, 115; Theodoor Heijerman 38-39, 83, 106, 107;
Text Freddy ten Hooven/NIOO-KNAW 104, 105t; iStock/
Joyce van den Berg, Sofia Gomes, Gerard Korthals, Getty Images Plus/Leopardinatree 37mr; iStock/
Hans van der Made, Vincent Merckx, Sylvia Mota de Getty Images Plus/Frans Willem Blok 79b; Perro
Oliviera, Jorinde Nuytinck, Ingrid Oosterheerd, de Jong/NIOO-KNAW 40, 66b, 106; Kore/
Froukje Rienks, Marco Roos, Menno Schilthuizen, Shutterstock 42b; Martin Kunz/MPI-C 117; Vincent
Michael Stech, Renée Zijlmans and Johan van Zoest Merckx 108, 109; Sylvia Mota de Oliveira 118;
Naturalis Biodiversty Center/Vincent Merckx 109;
Tekst editing and English translation Jorinde Nuytinck 43, 44, 45; Alphons Nieuwenhuis
NST Science 58; Ingrid Oosterheerd 30, 34, 42, 53, 62, 68, 79t,
80, 81, 94, 100t, 101t, 110, 111, 121; Fabrice Ottburg
Design of graphics 105b; Lena Philip/Shutterstock cover (soil);
Louis van Amerongen, Alicia Sanchez Fonseca, Report, Field indicators of Hydric Soils in the United
Constanza Gomez Guzman, Jean Carlos Ocampo States. A Guide for Identifying and Delineating
Cantillo, Rosita Hemelaar, Alessandra Riccetti, Hydric Soils, Version 8.2. 2018, from from United
Chong Yao, Lujia Zhu and Marina Lopes Vasarini States Department of Agriculture, natural
Resources Conservartion Service, in cooperation
Acknowledgements with the National Technical Committee for Hydric
City of Amsterdam: Louis van Amerongen, Soils 33; Froukje Rienks/NIOO-KNAW 107, 117t;
Patrick van Beveren, Paco Bunnik, Rigina Christiaans, Cristina Rotoni/NIOO-KNAW 41; Marcelo
Sabine Gimbrère, Rosita Hemelaar, Dagmar Keim, Sandoval-Denis/Westerdijk Fungal; biodiversity
Marloes Michels, Caroline Nevejan, Thijs Vlaar, Institute 41; Jorge Saturno/MPI-C 119t; Nadine
Josja van der Veer, Nicole Voulon and Schiller 102bl; Jürgen Schoner 3, SDGNederland/
Annemiek Wiersma Sustainable Development Goals 20; Sama Shiva/
Artis: Jan de Jong, Ruben Janssen and Ton Hilhorst NIOO-KNAW 41; Michael Stech 36, 37t, bl; Taxon
Het Nieuwe Instituut: Francine van Westeren and Expeditions 28, 29; Marina Vasarini Lopes 66t;
BIODIVERCITY Ellen Zoete Ciska Veen/NIOO-KNAW 116tl; Wikimedia
Inside Outside: Petra Blaisse, Jana Crepon and Commons/Petr Filippov 78; Isabelle van der
Aura Luz Melis Zanden/NIOO-KNAW 117b,
Naturalis Biodiversity Center: Bart Braun, 116-117m, 116bl
Ate-alma Cohen, Bouchra Filali, Caroline van
Impelen and Maaike van de Kamp-Romijn Indication location on page: t = top, m= middle,
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW): b= bottom, l = left, r = right
Wietse de Boer, Wim van der Putten,
Isabelle van der Zande Soil organisms: classification by size, page 38-39
Theodoor Heijerman; Margarita Hernandez
Photo editors Restrepo; Lingwei Hou; Perro de Jong/NIOO-
Joyce van den Berg, Hans van der Made, KNAW; Ron de Goede/WUR Department of Soil
Ingrid Oosterheerd, Alessandra Riccetti and Quality; Micropia, Ingrid Oosterheerd; Froukje
Joseph Plateau grafisch ontwerpers Rienks/NIOO-KNAW; Cristina Rotoni/NIOO-KNAW;
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis/Westerdijk Fungal
Design Biodiversity Institute, Sama Shiva/NIOO-KNAW;
Joseph Plateau grafisch ontwerpers K. Spoelstra/NIOO-KNAW; Xuwei Wang;
Westerdijk Institute/Jan Dijksterhuis;
Printing Wikimedia Commons: AJC1, Alvesgaspar,
Antilope De Bie, Belgium Peter Andrus, Richard Barts, Luis Miguel Bugallo,
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Publisher CSIRO, Deuterostome, Frank Fox, Khymun. O,
Marcel Witvoet, nai010 publishers Leonhard Lenz, Maulucioni, Melissa McMaster
(Memphis), Gille San Martin, Pudding4brains,
E. Schokraie, Warnken U, Hotz-Wagenblatt A,
Grohme MA, Hengheer S (et al.) Comparative
PRINTED AND BOUND IN BELGIUM proreome anlysis of Milesium tardigradum in early
embryonic state versus adults in active and
ISBN 978-94-6208-656-2 anhudrobiotic stat. PLoS ONE 7(9): e45682 (2012),
NUR 648, 956 Rvan James Shymko, Mich E. Talbot, Tranelius,
BISAC ARC018000, ARC010000 Uoaei1, Vengolis, Mvuijlst, William Wergin and
Richard Sayre. Colorized by Stephen Ausmus (U.S.
A matter Also available as e-book (PDF) department of Agriculture), Tony Wills, Toby Young
of vital ISBN 978-94-6208-677-7
soil! Artist impressions, design of graphics
Louis van Amerongen 69 (3D model street)
Jean Carlos Ocampo Cantillo, Constanza Guzman,
© 2021 authors, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam. Rosita Hemelaar, Marina Vasarini Lopes and Lujia
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be Zhu 84-86, 88-92, 95-97 (axo drawings measures)
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© 2017, c/o Pictoright Amsterdam. Alicia Sanchez Fonseca 56-57 (graphic: Seven
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Although every effort was made to find the copyright holders Alessandra Riccetti cover inside (Timeline), 24-25
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Red-breasted carrion beetle / Oiceoptoma thoracicum

Common neobisid / Neobisium carcinoides

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