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I boys


Average height
Not tall , not short

Average weight
Not fat , not thin
AM /IS =1 /ARE=2. 3. 4, 5…..
-you a fast or slow runner?
-you good at singing?
-you bad at playing soccer?
when-you happy?
-your mom sad today?
-your pet /noisy or quiet?
Who – beautiful for you?
-your favorite singer ugly?
-I tall?
-your nose big or small?
-your friend short?
-you thin, fat or average weight?
Who – strong in your family?
-your mom a weak girl?
-your hair long or small?
-you rich?
-your friend poor?

Jelous dirty foolish

chilly generous heavy

healthy huge attractive

safe steep sweet

Can I help
I hope so = probably

my favorite book is Road to knowhere, this book is about a young

boy who wants to get marry with a richest girl.

my occupation is an administrator, this occupation is

about maintaining the control of clients, statistic.


Create 10 examples using about

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