SaaS Friend or Foe

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SaaS: Friend Or Foe?

Jeffrey M. Kaplan

Software-as-a-service that time were known as application service

providers (ASPs).
offerings are expanding, and The demise of these ASPs reinforced the
gaining more acceptance. apprehension that many companies, large and
small, have about entrusting their software
ow would you like to just stop deploying requirements to third parties. But there are impor-

H enterprise software, stop monitoring

application performance, and stop partici-
pating in the finger-pointing and second-
tant differences between today’s SaaS providers
and yesterday’s failed ASPs.

guessing which occurs when there are perfor- Learning From The Past
mance problems? That’s the basic attraction of Most of the ASPs failed because they couldn’t
software-as-a-service (SaaS). capture enough customers to offset the capital
Customers access SaaS applications and data costs of building out their hosting facilities. They
via the Web and essentially rent the application were trying to sell Web access to legacy applica-
from the SaaS provider on a per-user or per-month tions from the big software vendors, and they
basis. The SaaS provider is responsible for deliv- often used the same pricing model—the upfront,
ering, securing and managing the application, data perpetual software license. Companies were
and underlying infrastructure. understandably reluctant to purchase the same
SaaS sounds good, but you need to also con- applications under the same licensing terms, but
sider the main trade-off: Someone else will be from these untested service providers.
responsible for your organization’s application Many SaaS providers learned from the mis-
performance and for safeguarding your corporate takes of the ASPs. Instead of providing Web
data. Is your organization ready to make that kind access to resold enterprise software, SaaS
of trade-off? providers developed their own Web-based appli-
Many already have, by embracing SaaS solu- cations, taking full advantage of modern pro-
tions like and NetSuite, which gramming tools and resources. Rather than build-
include customer relationship management ing out massive server and database farms, so that
(CRM), collaboration, salesforce automation, pro- each client has its own resources, SaaS providers
ductivity and even financial management applica- base their wares on a new design paradigm, the
tions. And, they are happy with their decisions, multi-tenant application and data architecture.
according to a 2006 survey by THINKstrategies Multi-tenancy makes serving multiple clients
and Cutter Consortium. We found more than 80 more scalable and cost-effective.
percent of the organizations that are currently Finally, today’s SaaS solutions are priced on a
using an SaaS solution are satisfied with it, are “pay-as-you-go” or annual subscription basis.
planning to expand their use of SaaS, and
are willing to recommend SaaS.
FIGURE 1 Is Your Organization Using
Jeff Kaplan is the These aren’t just small- and mid-size
Or Considering Software-As-A-Service?
managing director of business (SMBs), which were formerly
THINKstrategies thought to be the target market for SaaS. In Considering SaaS Not Considering SaaS
(www.thinkstrategies. fact, many Fortune 500 and Global 2000
com), specializing in companies have been early adopters.
43% 26%
IT service strategies, Despite the positive ratings from cur-
including managed rent SaaS customers, however, more than a
services, software-as- quarter of our survey respondents indicated
a-service (SaaS), out- they are still concerned about the reliabili- 31%
sourcing and utility ty, security and long-term financial viabili-
computing. He can be ty of today’s SaaS providers (Figure 1).
reached at 781-431- Some of these concerns are fallout from Currently Using SaaS
2690 and jkaplan@ the dot-com bust, which saw the disappear-
Source: 2006 THINKstrategies/Cutter Consortium Survey ance of many SaaS predecessors, which at


This frees organizations from the perpetual license and WebEx Connect partnerships to develop a
and enables them to purchase access to applica- wider array of Web-based SaaS collaboration
tions and data storage as needed or “on demand.” applications and services.
SaaS providers also are making it easier for There are already hundreds of SaaS offerings Pay-as-you-go
customers to access and experience their applica- from scores of vendors, as you will see if you visit
tions by incorporating the collaboration features our SaaS directory site (www.saas-showplace. pricing frees the
found in popular social networking sites, such as com). More than 1,400 Web-based, on-demand enterprise from, and Facebook. applications are listed there, in more than 80 cate-
com. Some may think such Web 2.0-type features gories. Among the newest SaaS offerings are host-
licenses and
and functions are irrelevant to corporate environ- ed versions of network and systems management infrastructure
ments, but the Harvard Business Review recently tools aimed toward the IT/network professional
upgrade costs
reported that more than 13 percent of companies (see “New SaaS Management Solutions”).
already are using wikis to encourage people to
contribute to online documents or collaborate on The Incumbents’ Challenge
other content, and instant messaging is now gen- At $50 to $150 per seat per year, SaaS offerings
erally accepted in many organizations. clearly cost less up front than many organizations
We ought to expect that Web-based collabora- would have to spend for comparable in-house
tion and communications tools and services will solutions. Like most lease vs. buy decisions, there
also become more acceptable. Most IT vendors is a break-even point for SaaS, generally around
are betting on this trend, and are looking for ways three years, but that depends on a number of fac-
to capitalize on it. A recent case in point is Cisco tors, including the application, the organization
Systems’ offer to purchase WebEx in March. Of and the degree to which it has already invested in
course Cisco could sell WebEx conferencing ser- related software licenses, server and networking
vices, but it could also use WebEx technologies infrastructure, floor space and personnel.

New SaaS Management Solutions

ome SaaS providers are targeting IT/ solutions via the SaaS model. (MSPs assume

S network professionals with hosted

management services. They figure that IT
departments will prefer SaaS solutions over the
the responsibility of managing the customer’s
IT functions, while SaaS providers supply the
software functionality which enables the
cost and complexity of traditional network and customer to perform the IT function itself.)
systems management products, for many of the Everdream services help IT/network
same reasons that individual business units and professionals automate asset and patch
small companies are using on-demand management, software compliance reporting
applications to replace traditional enterprise and uptime monitoring. Everdream’s platform
software from companies like Oracle and SAP. and user interface also integrate with
For instance, Klir Technologies has’s service-desk and CRM
developed a portfolio of on-demand network solutions.
performance management services, including a Other examples include Triactive, offering a
free, single-user version called EXPRESS. combination of software distribution, asset and
Klir’s downloadable Analytics platform can be patch management, and ongoing monitoring
implemented quickly and can monitor network services, and, which offers
devices in remote offices or centralized on-demand asset, configuration, change,
datacenters from a simple and secure Web release, incident and problem management
interface. It can view and analyze each services, along with a Web-based configuration
application’s impact on the network, including management database (CMDB).
top talkers and the heaviest users. It leverages Existing networking vendors are also
packet-sampling technologies in network getting into the SaaS act, with on-demand
equipment to monitor data flows via NetFlow remote IT support offerings. For example,
or sFlow. It also retains historical data for trend Cisco’s acquisition of WebEx could enable the
analysis, and offers pre-formatted reports to networking company to offer on-demand
evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs). remote access services on a subscription
Klir also has created a blog site for users to pricing basis to IT/network professionals who
share performance statistics, third-party must support dispersed workers and devices.
information and best practices to help them Citrix also offers GoToAssist, a remote tech
identify and resolve network performance support option, along with other on-demand
issues, and optimize the performance of their SaaS-type access and collaboration tools as
networks and applications. part of its CitrixOnline family of solutions. The
Another SaaS provider, Everdream, has company says CitrixOnline serves more than
transitioned from a managed service provider 20,000 businesses
(MSP) to selling desktop management


Generally speaking, however, the SaaS model risks that prospective customers associate with
appeals to many organizations because they don’t SaaS.
have to acquire additional servers or other net-
To compete with working devices to support the new SaaS applica- Why Companies Resist SaaS
tions. The money can then go to other uses. As more companies become interested in SaaS
SaaS, the older Others find that they can “out-task” selective alternatives, many also become concerned about
suppliers will functions with SaaS, which they prefer over nego- turning over their application performance and
tiating broader outsourcing agreements. Account- data management responsibilities to SaaS
need to revamp ability metrics are typically better with SaaS solu- providers. Some of these concerns are reasonable,
their business tions than with traditional outsourcing contracts, given a series of service disruptions which Sales-
because many SaaS developers build them into experienced in late 2005 and early
models as well as
their offerings. They include activity reporting 2006, which prevented customers from accessing
their products mechanisms to demonstrate accountability and to the company’s on-demand customer relationship
provide an audit trail. These metrics are proving to management and salesforce automation applica-
be increasingly important given the growing num- tions. There is also concern about security threats
ber of government and industry compliance such as malicious Internet attacks or hackers pen-
requirements. etrating corporate data.
While SaaS economics are attractive to many However, since the incidents
potential customers, and the annuity revenue more than a year ago, there have not been any ser-
model is appealing to software entrepreneurs, the vice issues which were significant enough to gen-
established software companies are understand- erate public attention. In fact, many SaaS
ably challenged by SaaS. They are used to charg- providers report 99+ percent availability and
ing upfront, perpetual license fees, plus charging claim better security records than most internal
for consulting to help companies adapt to their IT/network departments.
products, plus substantial maintenance fees to With SaaS solutions, it is arguably easier to
keep the applications up to date. To really compete protect against and resolve malicious intrusions or
in the SaaS market, they will have to re-architect internal bugs than with legacy solutions. The sin-
their applications, reshape their corporate cultures gle code base that underlies the SaaS multi-tenant
and restructure their revenue recognition and com- architecture and each customer’s “instance” only
mission models, so their salespeople will be as needs to be patched once—not once for every cus-
willing to sell the monthly subscriptions as the tomer’s individual hosted implementation. In con-
one-time big licenses. trast, patching is much more difficult for legacy
Although none of the incumbents has under- application vendors, who must offer patches for
taken such drastic measures, most have stopped all the versions of their software that they sell to
dissing the SaaS model and some are even begin- run on all the different operating systems within
ning to embrace it, at least indirectly. For example, their customer base. Moreover, legacy applica-
IBM has a growing collection of SaaS business tions are often customized by organizations to
partners (listed at meet specific needs, making patch management
tal/showcase/saas), Microsoft has deals with BT, even more challenging.
NTT, Qwest and numerous other partners to deliv- End-user support issues have also proven to be
er various hosted Microsoft applications, and SAP less of a concern with SaaS solutions than with
promises a hosted version for small businesses legacy applications. The primary reasons are the
later this year. More specialized software vendors, single code base and multi-tenant architecture of
such as Business Objects in the business intelli- SaaS solutions, which make it easier for the SaaS
gence sector, are also adding on-demand solutions provider to respond to a set of common problems
to their application portfolios. rather than have to diagnose customer-specific
Microsoft’s Bill Gates recognized the magni- application issues. In addition, the user-friendly
tude of the SaaS threat in 2005. In an internal interfaces and workflow designs of SaaS solutions
memo which became public, he wrote, “This com- more closely match today’s business processes
ing ‘services wave’ will be very disruptive…. Ser- than do traditional, legacy applications, which
vices designed to scale to tens or hundreds of mil- were often designed to accommodate IT require-
lions will dramatically change the nature and cost ments rather than to meet end-user needs.
of software solutions deliverable to enterprises or End-user support is also easier with SaaS than
small businesses.” with legacy applications, because the SaaS
Microsoft’s CEO, Steve Ballmer, acknowl- provider is the “one throat to choke.” With in-
edged the appeal of SaaS when he recently told a house legacy solutions, application performance
gathering of public sector CIOs that 80 percent of problems often led to finger-pointing between the
their organizations would be using SaaS solutions IT/network and application development teams
by the end of the decade. Of course, SaaS requires a reliable Internet
For Ballmer’s prediction to come true, both the connection to access the Web-based service, and
incumbents and the newcomer SaaS competitors SaaS providers should offer service level agree-
will have to overcome some real and perceived ments (SLAs) which guarantee service availabili-


ty, security and privacy. Prospective customers their systems and networks. As a result, they do
should carefully examine these SLA terms and not use all their licensed “seats” or software
conditions. Also make sure that the SaaS opera- capacity, and they fail to achieve the expected
tions, or that of the SaaS service delivery partner, ROI. SaaS solutions
are certified as conforming to the Statement on Whether your company is an early SaaS
Auditing Standard (SaS) 70 standards of the adopter or a doubter, you can hardly ignore the are arguably
American Institute of Certified Public Accoun- growing number of vendors who are following easier to patch,
tants (AICPA). SaS 70 is a professional standard successful pioneers like and Net-
used by a service auditor to assess the internal Suite into the SaaS market. Nor will IT/network
because of their
controls of a service organization. professionals be able to disregard SaaS as individ- single code base
SaaS providers typically offer user portals, ual end-users or entire business units adopt a
and multi-tenant
which enable administrators to track service widening array of on-demand applications to sat-
records and utilization levels and permit self-pro- isfy their day-to-day needs. architecture
visioning of additional seat licenses. For example, Rather than allow SaaS adoption to continue to responded to its aforementioned permeate an organization in an unplanned and
service delivery issues by establishing a public unregulated fashion, IT/network professionals
website called, where anyone should view SaaS as an opportunity rather than a
can see the SaaS provider’s current and historical threat. SaaS can reduce the hassles of deploying
application availability and performance records. and maintaining common business applications.
Data storage, backup and recovery service SaaS can convert capital expenditures into
companies, such as Iron Mountain, are also offer- variable business expenses. SaaS can place the
ing technology escrow agreements which ensure burden for day-to-day application availability and
that a copy of the customer’s proprietary data and performance on the application provider rather
the SaaS provider’s source code and intellectual than on the in-house staff, and can free IT/network
property are securely housed in a third-party loca- professionals to focus on more strategic initia-
tion. Of course, it is important to carefully exam- tives. And a growing number of SaaS solutions
ine the terms and conditions, and clearly under- can make it easier for IT/network professionals to
stand how proprietary data can be retrieved. perform their responsibilities successfully
Perhaps the best safeguard against poor SaaS
services is the pay-as-you-go pricing model,
which lets customers terminate their subscription Companies Mentioned In This Article
and take their business elsewhere. This pressures
the SaaS providers to consistently and reliably AICPA (
deliver high-quality on-demand applications. AMR Research (
BT (
Conclusion Business Objects
SaaS offerings let organizations of all sizes test
and adopt new applications much more quickly (
than they could with legacy software. If these new Citrix (
applications are used for faster handling of cus- Cutter Consortium (
tomer service, improved collaboration among Everdream (
team members and quicker time to market, then Facebook (
they will also help organizations squeeze greater
productivity from their increasingly dispersed
workers and business partners. Iron Mountain (
By comparison, traditional software projects Klir Technologies (
are notoriously slow and prone to cost overruns. Microsoft (
As a result, almost a third (31.1 percent) are can- MySpace (
celled before they are completed and, of those pro- NetSuite (
jects which are completed, more than half (52.7
percent) take twice as long or cost twice as much NIST (
as originally expected, according to the U.S. Gov- NTT (
ernment Accountability Office and the National Qwest (
Institute of Standards and Technology. For those (
software applications which are deployed, the SAP (
maintenance and management costs can be as (
much as ten times the original license fee, accord-
ing to AMR Research. Triactive (
Compounding the cost inefficiencies of legacy US GAO (
applications is the fact that many organizations WebEx (
over-provision their enterprise software in the Wikipedia (
same way they have historically over-provisioned


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