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Word Processing Definition

Word-Processing refers to a process of creating or modifying a

document on a computer system by using any word processing
software or tool, such as MS Word, Google Docs, Open Office
Writer, etc.

MS Word is a type of software built mainly for a PC (personal

computer) that usually helps in creating a document, editing, and
formatting text-based documents such as applications, letters, or
reports. It allows users to type, format, and edit text on a
computer screen, making it easy to make changes, correct
mistakes, and rearrange content. In this digital age, there are
many tools or software like MS Word, called word processing
Word processing software may also offer additional features like
spell-checking, grammar-checking, and the ability to add
images, tables, and other elements to documents. Word
processing makes it easier and faster to create professional-
looking documents than typing on a traditional typewriter or
handwriting. Furthermore, it is much easier to print documents
once they are fully done or typed.
History of word processing
1. Early Beginnings:
o The precursor to modern word processing emerged in

1936. It involved an auto typist, a type of automatic

typewriter that could store and reproduce simple
documents. This auto typist used punched paper tape
for data storage.
o In 1964, IBM introduced the Selectric Typewriter,

which had a magnetic tape data-storage unit. This

marked a significant advancement in word processing
2. Rise of Computers:
o During the late 1960s and 1970s, the development of

electronic digital minicomputers and microcomputers

led to faster and more capable word-processing
o These systems typically consisted of a computer

linked to a printer. The input terminal included an

alphanumerical keyboard and a visual display.
o Operators could input, edit, and revise text on the

display. The computer recorded all changes made

during the typing process.
o Once the final draft was ready, operators could print

multiple copies of the document.

3. Term “Word Processing”:
o The term “word processing” was first used by IBM to

describe electronic methods of handling standard

office activities like composing, revising, printing, and
filing written documents.
o It originated from the German term
“textverarbeitung,” coined by IBM engineer Ulrich
Steinhilper in the late 1950s to describe the act of
typing more precisely.
4. Advancements:
o 1970s: Word processing systems became more user-

friendly, with cathode ray tube (CRT) screens and

computerized printers.
o 1980s and 1990s: PC-based word processors like

Microsoft Word gained popularity. These applications

offered sophisticated features, making word
processing accessible to a wider audience.
5. Impact and Evolution:
o Word processing revolutionized writing and editing. It

automated physical tasks, making document creation

faster and more efficient.
o Writers, businesses, and academics embraced word

processors for creating letters, reports, theses, and

o Cloud-based solutions like Google Docs further

transformed collaboration and accessibility.

Word processing plays a crucial role in
today’s digital age
1. Efficiency and Productivity:
o Word processors allow users to create, edit, and
format documents quickly and efficiently.
o Features like spell-check, auto-correct, and templates

enhance productivity.
o Users can easily make changes, insert images, and

organize content.
2. Professional Documents:
o Word processing enables the creation of professional-

looking documents.
o Businesses use it for reports, proposals, and

o Proper formatting enhances readability and credibility.

3. Collaboration:
o Word processors facilitate collaboration among team

o Multiple users can work on the same document

o Comments, track changes, and version control

streamline teamwork.
4. Storage and Retrieval:
o Electronic documents are easily stored and retrieved.

o No need for physical filing cabinets or paper copies.

o Search functions help locate specific information.

5. Environmental Impact:
o Word processing reduces paper usage, contributing to

environmental conservation.
o Digital documents are eco-friendly and sustainable.
6. Education and Learning:
o Students use word processors for assignments, essays,

and research papers.

o Learning to use word processing tools is essential for

modern education.
7. Personal Use:
o Individuals use word processors for personal letters,

resumes, and creative writing.

o It simplifies tasks like addressing envelopes and

creating mailing lists.

In summary, word processing is a fundamental skill that
empowers individuals, businesses, and educational institutions.
Its impact extends across various domains, making it an
essential tool in our daily lives.
How to use Word Processing?
Using word processing software is a simple process. Here are
the basic steps:
o Open the Word Processing Software: Most computers
come pre-installed with software like Microsoft Word or
Google Docs. Locate the program on your computer and
open it. If not found, you may download and install them
on your system or use their web version from respective
o Create a New Document: Once the word processing
software is open, you can create a new document by
clicking the "New Document" or "New" button. This will
open a blank page where you can start typing from scratch.
o Type your Text: Start typing your text on the blank page.
You can use the keyboard to enter text and the spacebar to
create spaces between words. If you make a mistake, you
can use the backspace key to delete text.
o Format your Text: You can change your text's font, size,
colour, and style using the formatting options provided in
the toolbar at the top of the page. You can also make your
text bold, italic, or underlined.
o Add Images or Other Media: To add images or other
media to your document, click the "Insert" button in the
toolbar and select the type of media you want to add. You
can then select the file you want to insert, which will
appear in your document.
o Save Your Document: Once you have finished creating it,
save it so you can access it again later. To do this, click the
"Save" button or select "Save As" to give your document a
specific name or save it in a specific format on your
These are the basic steps for using word processing software. As
you become more familiar with the program, you can explore
additional features like spell-checking, grammar-checking, and
advanced page formatting options.
Distinct Features of Word Processing
Word processing software has various features, making it a
versatile tool for creating and editing documents.
Here are some of the key features of word-processing software:
o Text Formatting: Word processing software allows you to
format your text by changing the font size, color, and style.
You can also make your text bold, italic, underlined, or
strikethrough. Moreover, you can adjust the spacing
between lines and paragraphs.
o Page Formatting: You can also format your document's
layout, margins, and orientation. This includes adjusting the
size and orientation of the page, as well as setting the
margins for the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the
o Spell-Checking: Most word processing software has a
built-in spell-checking feature that checks your document
for spelling errors and suggests corrections. This can help
you catch typos and other errors in your writing.
o Grammar-Checking: Most word processing software
includes a grammar-checking feature that analyses your
writing for grammatical errors and suggests corrections.
This can help you improve the clarity and readability of
your writing.
o Autocorrect: Word processing software can also
automatically correct common typing errors, such as
misspelled words and incorrect capitalization. This can
save you time and improve the accuracy of your writing.
o Find and Replace: This is one of the best features in word
processing. Users can easily find similar types of words and
replace them with another one, which can be useful for
changing multiple instances of the same word or phrase at
o Tables and Columns: Word processing software allows
you to create tables and columns to organize your
information. You can also adjust the formatting of these
tables and columns to make them more visually appealing.
o Graphics and Images: Using word processing software,
you can insert images, graphics, and other media into your
document. You can also adjust these elements' size,
position, and formatting.
o Collaboration: Most word processing software also
includes collaboration tools, and with the help of it,
multiple users will be able to work on the same type of
document. This can be useful for group projects or when
working with remote teams.
o The specific features available will depend on the software
you are using. However, these features can make it a
powerful word-processing tool for creating and editing
Uses of Word Processing for Students
o With word processing software, users can easily type, edit,
and format text, add images and graphics, and make
changes to the document as needed. The software also
includes tools for checking spelling and grammar, making
it easier to produce high-quality documents. Therefore,
word processing is widely used in business, education, and
personal communication and has replaced traditional paper-
based systems for creating and sharing documents. It
allows users to work more efficiently, productively, and
easily create professional-looking documents.
o In education, word processing approaches are widely used
by students for their educational needs, which may include:
Writing Assignments
o Word processing is a popular tool for writing and editing
student assignments, such as essays, research papers, and
lab reports. It allows students to quickly and easily make
changes to their work reports or projects and format them
according to the guidelines of their course or professor.
o Many students use word processing to make notes. This can
be a more efficient way of taking notes than pen and paper,
as it allows for easy editing and sharing of the notes.
Some popular word processors
LibreOffice Writer: A robust open-source word processor that
offers features similar to Microsoft Word. It’s part of the
LibreOffice suite and is available for Linux, macOS, and
1. WPS Office: Known for its compatibility with Microsoft
Office formats, WPS Office includes a word processor. It’s
available for Windows and Linux.
2. Google Docs: A cloud-based word processor that allows
real-time collaboration. Accessible from any device with an
internet connection1.
3. Office Word Online: Microsoft’s online version of Word.
It’s part of Office 365 and allows collaborative editing in a
web browser.
4. Drop box Paper: A simple and collaborative word
processor integrated with Drop box. Ideal for team
collaboration and project management.

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