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(GRADES 10,11 &12)

 BONUS: Examination Hints.

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This section endeavours to prepare candidates for English Examination of Paper I. It also gives some
exam hints candidates should look for when writing „O‟ Level Examinations.

A candidate is expected to write or answer two (2) Compositions in an exam:

Traditional and Situational Composition.


This is question one, where a candidate is given quite a wide range of choice. One may be asked
to write a description of an incident, or a story; a discussion; e.g. the pros and cons of some
knotty problem; or even a speech in debate.

What to put into consideration; your answer MUST:-

(i) Be relevant to the question.
(ii) Show your ability to use the language correctly and appropriately.
(iii) Show that you can use the vocabulary efficiently.
(iv) Be suitably arranged, using sensible paragraphing.
(v) Contain interesting subject matter. This means one should choose a topic that he/she
knows something about.

N.B: These are the MAIN qualities which the examiner will be looking for in your

There are THREE types of Traditional Compositions that one has to be familier with, namely
Narrative Composition, Descriptive Composition and the Argumentative type of Compositions.

Here are some helpful points to consider in :


To narrate is to tell a story.
 Using direct speech – to express exact words spoken by characters in a story.
 Naming people – this helps the reader to clearly follow the story.
 Including descriptions, e.g. of people or objects enables readers to have a vivid mind or
picture of the story.
 Describing emotions rather than naming them. This makes the reader emphasise with
your story.
 Ending (a climax); a suprise or moral ending leaves your reader satisfied with your
story. Don‟t ever leave your leader in suspense.

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Sample Exam QUESTIONS:

1. Write a story with one of these titles
(a) “It is useless crying over spilt milk.”
(b) “Good things come to those who wait”
2. Write a story with one of the following titles:
(a) Opportunity knocks but once.
(b) Don‟t fish in troubled waters.
3. Write a story which ends with the following words: “... I thought I was doing the right thing.”


To describe is to tell or say what something is like.
Therefore, a description is an account of what someone or something is like or how something happened.
 Indicating what you can see and, if relevant, what you can hear, smell, touch e.t.c.
 Mentioning what you or other people feel and think about what or whom you are
 Mentioning details that are unusual.
Therefore a candidate should intelligently select the details of what he/she is describing
and be able to sustain the description without being repetitive and dull. One should write
starting with the general aspects and then go to the particular ones. This makes your
description clear and vivid. This is only possible when one is a good observer because
the account will be based on careful observation.
 Using specific nouns creates a clearer picture for your reader than does general nouns
that are modified by several adjectives.
 Using of strong verbs make your description more likely because they capture the
 Using adjectives and adverbs carefully.
 Making comparisons where necessary.
Sample Questions:
 Describe an occasion where you witnessed a witch-finding ceremony. Who were the people
 Describe how your life will be like fifteen years from now.
 Love is sacrifice. Describe an incident when you had to sacrifice for the love of
someone or something.
 Describe an occasion when someone whom you know very well betrayed you and
how you reacted to the betrayal.
 Describe a local meeting spot (2016 - Specimen)
 Describe how you were attacked and badly bitten by three vicious dogs.
 Describe an occasion when you felt cheated by somebody very close to you.
 Describe how you came across a decomposed human body.
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is a Composition that is written with the view to persuade someone to think the way you do.
In argumentative compositions you are required to support your view/s in your own capacity
whether you are proposing or opposing.

Clearly state what side you‟re on. (Opposing or Proposing)
Give vivid reasons on what you‟re supporting.
 to convince.
 explaining statements you make i.e. don‟t leave hanging statements
 Arrange points in a logical sequence.
to support your reasons, facts or statistics.
These are reasons why the other side‟s arguments are not correct.
 Or simply refuting opponent‟s arguments.
 Support arguments with facts.

Paragraphing: (FOUR)
i) Introduction
ii) Main Body Paragraphs
iii) Main Body
iv) Conclusion.

(a) INTRO:
This is made up of...
i. A hook – a sentence that grabs (catches) the attention of your reader.
ii. Background info – there is need to give a brief background about the topic in
iii. Your stance – and give a reason for your stance by use of strong/expressive
i. Restate the importance of your issue.
 Similar to what you did in your intro, restating why the topic is critical.
ii. Paint a picture of the world if your arguments are or not implemented
 this will surely convince your reader.

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Consider use of:

1. Strong verbs
2. Emotional sentiments (reactions) or (“hot buttons”)
3. Quote sources.
4. Try not to personalise the issue.
5. NOTE: that we always assume that the other person is OPEN to being persuaded.
6. Phrases. for instance:
 Back to the drawing board.
 Big picture.
 Blow the whistle on...
 Bottom line.
7. Idioms.
 Keep your pants on. (Calm down, be patient)
 Sweat blood (to work very hard)
 In a nutshell (in summary)
 A watched pot never boils (to mean that things appear to go more slowly if one
waits anxiously for it)
Sample Exam QUESTIONS:
1. It isn‟t worth it anymore to call Zambia „a Christian nation‟
Argue for or against this statement.
2. „Those who work less, get more and are constantly demanding more.‟ How far true is this in
your country or community? Give vivid examples to support your answer.
3. „Road Traffic Officers are to blame for some of the serious road traffic accidents that occur on
our roads‟
Do you agree or disagree?
4. „The use of cell phones has brought more harm than good to married couples‟
Argue for or against this assertion.
5. „School days are the best days of one‟s life‟
Argue for or against this statement.
6. „Private Schools have contributed to the decline in the education standards‟
Argue for or against this statement.
(2016 - Specimen)
7. „It is better to live in peace than to fight for what you believe is right‟
Argue for or against this assertion.
(Hint :) for instance
 Being kept as an Orphan.
 When attacked at the middle of the night by a group of thugs – (You better make peace
with them or else....)
8. „The extended family system cannot work in modern – day Africa.
Do you agree or disagree?
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With this kind of composition, you are given a situation which requires a written response from
Usually you will be told:
 What kind of writing is required: e.g. a letter, a report, a speech, an article or a profile.
 Whom you are writing to, or for.
 What to write, to some extent at least, e.g. 250 – 350 words.
 The question will always give you some information to use in your answer, but
this amounts to just the “bare bones”: You yourself have to add the “flesh”.
 Be intelligently and imaginatively enough to include ideas of your own, as this
will gain you vital marks.

 Provided below are some examples of situational compositions and exam hints on how to

handle such.


An article is a written full document or literary work where mainly the writer expresses
his/her views on the subject matter.
It can appear in:
Newspapers. (e.g. Letter to the Editor)
 Periodical Publications (e.g Magazines)
Feature articles.

i) Feature articles could also be a leading story in the dairy Newspaper. For instance,
a sports story, say in the POST newspapers.
ii) All articles for publications must be given a title which is written at the top of the
paper and underlined.
iii) An article may take the form of a narrative biography, an interview, report or a

There are three major kinds of articles that candidates will be expected to write.
1. Articles for the School Magazine.
2. Articles for National Newspapers.
3. Articles for International Newspapers or Magazines.

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 An eye-catching headline, which may include a pun, an abbreviation or an ambiguity.
 A pun – is a type of joke kind of a title. e.g. Sex is business.
 Your title must be abbreviated (i.e. as short as possible).
 Ambiguous – Having more than one meaning. e.g. after the cat caught the
mouse, it died. It died is an ambiguous statement.

 An opening, a key sentence, which is in effect, a summary or statement of the main

theme of the article and which will often contain the essential facts. It is rather like
putting the conclusion of an article first; once you have stated it, you start again at the
beginning of your information and work your way through to the end. After the key
sentence, therefore, you need:
 Additional paragraphs, providing facts and ideas which develop and explain all aspects
of the key sentence. The paragraphs in newspaper and magazine articles tend to consist
of one or two sentences, but your paragraphs should, in the main, consist of several
sentences. You may like to introduce one or two of them perhaps with a word or phrase
lifted from the paragraphs themselves.
 Quotations from witnesses/victims/experts or other interviewees may also be
appropriate. It is usual to mention each interviewee‟s name as well as other pertinent
details such as age, address and occupation.
 N.B: in your article, you should aim to produce a well-organised, logical piece of
writing, in which all the aspects of the key sentence have been explored in a clear
and factual style.


This depends on the type of article the candidate has written.
o For the School Magazine: at the bottom of the article, the candidate will sign as follows;
Natasha Malanji
12 D
o National Newspaper. The candidate signs;
Natasha Malanji
o For International Newspaper. The signing is;
Natasha Malanji
Sample Questions:

1. Write an article on the following headings.

Current teaching reforms in a mess. (Letter to the editor).
Government has failed us.
Marriages are outdated.

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Recently there has been wide spread of illegal poaching across the country in national
parks. This has raised serious concerns amongst citizens on the alarming rate at which the
population of wild animals keeps reducing. You feel this must be put to a halt.

Use some or all of the points below and outline information of your own,
write an article to be published in a national newspaper.
– 200 illegal poachers arrested.
– Government to increase game watch guards.
– ZAWA trying but not the best of efforts.
– Sensitizing the local community on wildlife conservation.
– Wildlife contributes one – third of Gross Domestic Product.
– Improve working conditions for game watch guards.
– Wildlife under serious thread due to poaching.
– Too much corruption in government as culprits usually escape punishment.

Wildlife if properly managed can greatly benefit a nation economically. Zambia is
indulged with a wide variety of wildlife but this has come under some serious threat from illegal
poachers from across the country. More and more Zambian national park officials are finding it
difficult to control the situation of increased number of illegal poachers in most parks as was
said by the Minister of Tourism on „Let‟s Explore Zambia‟, the formally „Zambia the Real
Africa‟ Programme on our national television during World Tourism Day Celebrations.
Nearly six to ten rhinos are killed every after a month and horns are taken only to be sold
either commercially or on a small scale at a given cost.
Historically, most parks were started simply for private or public entertainment. Even
though it is the people of the working classes of greater spending power who have managed to
visit them.
About six months have passed since the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) informed
the general public about the arrest of nearly 200 people involved in the killing of rhinos and
we‟ve heard nothing since then concerning their persecution and also elephants were reported
killed and horns removed. A video clip was shown on television on how the killing is done by
the unlicensed poachers and how they are caught. It is a bit threatening I must mention to nearly
cause tears rolling down from every well – meaning Zambian.
I take this rare opportunity to commend the Zambia Wildlife Authority for their frantic
efforts taking into account the little resources available at their disposal even if more has to be
done for us to see the illegal poaching of rhinos and other animals diminish. The two hundred
arrested by ZAWA of whom 86 were sentenced to 13 years imprisonment with hard labour
while the rest escaped punishment as they were proven innocent even after close witnesses
presented clear evidence in the courts of law. I clear indication and testimony of some
corruption being practiced in that box.
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To sum up, this is a bad vice which needs urgent attention from all members of the
public. After all, it is for our own benefit as a nation as a whole. Wildlife in the tourism industry
contributes about one – third to the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P.) of the nation. Basically,
sensitization campaigns must be carried out to educate the masses especially those living near
national parks such as the Luangwa and Kafue national parks to mention but a few. Government
should increase the number of watch guards in these national parks to secure these animals and
not only that, but to provide these officials with better amour as they are over powered by the
illegal poachers who sometimes get to have better fire arms. It is also important to consider
improving the working conditions for the game watch guards or game rangers because in some
instances they‟ve been found to be the secret poachers themselves. They could be doing this to
support their families back home who need bread and butter on the table at whatever cost. So
we all have to act patriotic if tourism is to flourish in Zambia. With that said, let‟s all take a step
in exploring Zambia.
Lindani Sialuna
12 D

MODEL Example of an ARTICLE:

Paper 1 (2000) Sec B:

There is a lot of fighting going on in the world. You fill that the fighting can be solved
peacefully. Write an article which can influence people to your way of thinking.

Write between 250 and 350 words.


The escalating conflicts among people in the world pose a big challenge to human
survival. The big question that needs an honest answer is; can humans achieve world peace?
„If the answer is „Yes‟, then how?‟And if others say it is not possible, the question is why? It
is important, however to point out factors that lead to these unnecessary conflicts.
Poverty, selfishness, unequal distribution of wealth as well as political and religious
intolerance is, but some of the major reasons people continue fighting.
The world or earth is home to more than five billion people according to the United
Nations population Survey of 1996. Out of this population, about 3.5 to four billion people
live on less than one United States Dollar. This simply means that, in order for these poor
masses to survive and continue to hang on life, they have to take extreme measures, even at
the expense of a fellow human being; as a result, conflicts arise.
It is not true that poverty is caused by lack of resources in the world. Resources are
there. The problem is how these resources are exploited and their eventual distribution.
World governments must strive for equal and fair distribution of wealth. When people are
empowered, it is not possible for them to engage in activities that are detrimental to their
development. Therefore, any well meaning government should not work or administer the
affairs of the nation in complete isolation. The ordinary people should always be engaged at
every level of governance.

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Political intolerance is another major cause of fighting in the world. Those in power
would not allow views from the people that oppose their style of governance. In some areas
of the world like Somalia, Sudan and Afghanistan, to mention a few, political intolerance
has crippled the very survival means of these countries. The powerful would want to force
their way and impose their authority on the less powerful. This leads to serious human right
violations resulting into prolonged conflicts. It is important therefore, for all leaders to
realise that the power to rule lies in the citizens. Therefore, establishing democratic
institutions and allow them to operate independently can definitely help abate conflicts.
Religion has also contributed to world conflict. And because religion is closely linked
to politics, many countries have chosen to make a particular religion more pronounced than
others. In some instances, people are forced to practice religious practices that are in conflict
with what they believe in. The declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, for example
undermines the belief in freedom of religion and worship. Therefore, democratic nations
should not impose religion on their citizens. This can help bring about peace and harmony
among people of different religious affiliations.
Finally, it is possible to achieve world peace if only there can be political and religious
tolerance, equal distribution of wealth, respect for human rights as well as having selfless
leaders that are ready to work for the people.
Lubasi Wananji

Sample Exam QUESTION: (2009 – Specimen)

You are very concerned about the rural – urban drift in the country. Many people, especially the
youth, have moved to the cities, hence causing over population and unemployment. You wish to
write a newspaper article about the situation and suggest how it can be redressed. Below are
points that you have noted down to help you write the article:
– Shopping malls and cinemas in rural areas
– Good schools, colleges and universities
– Pay high taxes in cities
– Good water supply
– No more building in cities
– Foreign investors‟ permits only for rural areas
– Good electricity supply
– Build infrastructure in rural areas – hospitals, cinemas, factories
– Many weddings
– No more jobs in cities
– Foreigners marrying Zambians
– Too many imports in the country
– Rural areas – tax free zones
– Free fertiliser
– Examination leakages be stopped
– Zambian copper very cheap
– No private owned industries in cities
Using the relevant points only, write the article. The length of your article should be between
250 and 350. Words written beyond the word limit will not be considered to be part of
your composition.

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 If you are requested to write a letter, check the instructions in the question thoroughly to
determine whether an informal /personal letter is required or whether it is to assume a
formal/business format. Look at the question too, to see how long the letter should be.
The question may state the length of the body of the letter, that is, the main section of
the letter minus the address (es), the date, the salutation and the subscription. Where no
specific length is given, assume that the body of the letter is quite long ranging between
300 and 350 words.

(i) An informal/personal letter is set out like this:

The sender‟s address 17 Zambezi Way,

NAME HERE. San Francisco,

The date 20th March, 1988.

Dear Shamira, The salutation



The subscription:

“Yours truly” or “Love” Yours sincerely,

May be equally suitable
If the letter is Angellina.
Addressed to a close
relative or friend.

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Sample: FORMAT or Layout

Read the following letter which John wrote to his friend, Simon:

Chiparamba Farms,
P.O. Box 885050,

27th April, 2016.

Dear Simon,
Thanks for your letter, which I received yesterday. I was very pleased to
receive it. What kept you so occupied that you couldn‟t write before? I‟m sure
you aren‟t too busy preparing for your exams yet?
As you may know, I took part in an essay competition sponsored by the
Wildlife Conservation Society and I‟ve just heard that I won first „prize‟ Isn‟t
that fantastic! The Prize is a week‟s holiday in the Luangwa National Park.
The good thing is that I‟m allowed to take a friend with me. I‟ve submitted
your name and I hope you don‟t mind. Let me know if you are willing to come
so that I can send you the final details. I do hope you can come. I‟m sure we‟ll
have a great time together.
By the way, how is Mubita? I haven‟t heard from him for ages. Please tell
him to write soon.
Give my regards to your Mum and Dad and please tell them about the
Best wishes,

(ii) A formal/business letter

Here are some important points to note about the layout of the formal letter.
1. Senders address:
(a) The sender‟s address is written at the top on the right – hand side of the page. There are two
ways in which the address and the date can be written.
i) Mansansa Dairy Farms,
P.O. Box 885050,

27th April, 2016.

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ii) Mansansa Dairy Farms,
P.O. Box 885050,

27th April, 2016.

(b) There is no sender‟s name above the address.

(c) There is a comma at the end of each line in the address except for the last item
(the town or the country) which is followed by a full stop.
2. The date:
(a) There must be a line space between the address and the date.
(b) The date is written in full, with a comma between the month and the year.
However, the date can also be written like this:
27.4.16 or 27/4/16
3. Recepient‟s address:
This is written on the left hand side in block form (On the margin line)
4. The Salutation: (Dear sir/madam)
(a) There must be a line space between the date and the salutation.
(b) The salutation begins close or next to the left – hand margin line and is
followed by a comma.
5. Reference or Subject line:
The reference is written in Capital letters just below the middle of the salutation
& underlined.
The reference is written as RE: and not REF:
6. Paragraphing:
(a) The first paragraph begins just below the middle of the salutation. The first
word begins with a capital letter.
(b) Indenting: the letter is divided into paragraphs and each paragraph is indented.
7. The „Complementary Close‟
The „farewell‟ begins about half – way across the page. It starts with a capital
letter and ends with a comma. The second word does not begin with a capital
letter. If the salutation was Dear sir/madam, the farewell is Yours faithfully, and
if your salutation carried a name e.g Dear Mr Fikayo, farewell becomes Yours
8. Signature.
The writer signs below the farewell.
9. The writer‟s name:
The writer‟s name in capital letters is indicated below the signature.
NOTE: at the end of the name you may state in brackets whether Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms.
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A formal letter may be set out like this:

The sender‟s address 32 Mpezeni Crescent,
Kansenshi Hills,
AN36 Mandela Way,

The Date 20th March, 2014.

The Editor,
“The Post Newspapers” Name or title of recipient and
High Street recepient‟s address
Plot No: 8

The salutation: Use the name of the

recipient. If the title only is known,
Dear Sir, use “Dear Sir”. If neither name nor
title are known, when writing to a firm,
use “Dear Sirs”



The subscription:
End with “Yours faithfully” Yours faithfully,
if you began with “Dear Sir”
or “Dear Sirs”. End with Michelle Obama
“Yours sincerely” if you
began with the recipient‟s name.

1. Avoid using abbreviations in the address (es) and the date. (After all, you are trying to score a
good mark, so make an effort to please the examiner‟s eye)
2. Avoid, also, beginning a letter with “I am writing ...” . In a letter to the editor of a newspaper,
for instance, a more realistic and effective start might be along these lines -
„Your correspondent, Majoritta Philipson, (The Post Newspapers, 20th March, 2014) presented
a very limited case for arming the police. Has he considered how this might affect the numbers
of violent crimes? ...‟
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Sample Exam QUESTION: (2009)

Four English teachers comprising three women and one man of High Park School in England, want to visit
your school which was recently twined with their school. Being their first visit to Zambia, especially to your
school, they want advance information to help them prepare adequately for the visit. Here are some points to
help you provide the much needed information.

– Climatic conditions
– Medical facilities
– Food – where and type
– Clothing and personal equipment
– Condition of roads
– Where to stay
– Bank and communication
– Transport
– Teaching
– Tourist attractions
– Petrol and vehicle repairs

Using the points provided above, in suitable order, and any other related points write a letter to the
Principal of High Park School in England. Your letter should be between 250 and 350 words long.

Chandamali High School,
P.O Box 75867,

3rd August, 2017.

The Principal,
High Park School,
P.O Box 43943,
Dear sir / madam,
I write to give you advance information to help you prepare adequately for the visit to our
For one thing, there is good transport in Zambia, especially for places in the vicinity of our
school, owing to the fact that the condition of roads is excellent. Better still, we have many vehicle
repair points and abundance of fuels like petrol in Zambia since he Ministry of Energy is very
concerned about that.
Apart from that, it is reasonable to bring to your notice that there are a large number of
tourist attractions in Zambia, particularly areas in the neighbourhood of our school which include
the Luangwa National Park, the Chimfunshi Cultural Village, the Luangwa River in the
mountaneous areas for boat cruising to mention but a few. Therefore, a visitor takes great delight in
watching plenty of things. Another matter of deep concern lies in the fact that there is a great deal of
hotels, lodges and guest houses in Zambia where people from other nations are given
accommodation. As a matter of information, food of all types and flavours are served in areas where
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visitors stay. Aspects take a turn for the better where an individual suffers from an infection for the
simple reason that free medical facilities are offered to citizens of different nationalities in Zambia.
Surprising though it may seem, clothing and personal equipment are found in those rest houses.
To many reasoning minds, there are improved banks, communication networks and adequate
transport to beautify international trade for the expected visitors who are in the business world. No
doubt about it, Zambia has one of the best climatic conditions in the world. Such being the case, you
are not supposed to come with a lot of sweaters and electric devices to keep you warm.
It is public knowledge that educators teach according to the British standards and on top of
that you will find less communication barriers since we Zambians use English as our official
If you visit our school in moments to come, you will leave everlasting smiles on our faces
and most importantly in our deepest of hearts.
I, on behalf of my institution, look forward to receiving you as our sister school from Europe
at our school.
Yours faithfully,

Agatha Masialetti (Miss)

(iii) Letter of Complaint.

Dollar Hill Apollo Estates,
P.O Box 80808,

20th March, 2015.

The Chairperson,
Local Council,
P.O Box 70007,

Dear sir/madam
I wish to submit a letter of complaint against my immediate neighbour who has of late become a
nuisance despite several efforts to reconcile.
I am a resident of Minda Compound at D32, Ndola Street. I have a close neighbour Mr Simple
Mwangashi of house number D33. He has been annoying me by constantly playing his new sound
system at full blast in the night and disturbing my sleep and that of my family. I have often appealed
and tried to resolve the matter peacefully with him. But, surprisingly, he has become uncompromising.
On 19th March, 2014, he hurled insults and called me a complete fool. I, therefore, write your office to
help in settling this matter promptly before I am forced to take other necessary steps to protect my own
I hope my complaint will be considered with the attention it deserves.
Yours sincerely,

M`tima Banda.

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Skip one line before you write the date and another line after the date.
You must always underline the reference without adding a full stop.
The letter must be written on only one page.

Letter to the Editor.

In exams, candidates are usually advised to spend about 50 minutes on this question.

Exam Question:
There is a plan for a modern highway to be built. You learn that it will pass very close to your
school. In class, you discuss arguments for and against the road. As a contribution to the public
discussion of the project, you are asked to write a letter to a newspaper giving the views of your

Using the following notes and adding details of your own, write a letter to a newspaper about
300 to 350 words in length either in favour of or against the project. In your letter, show that
you have considered the points of view which do not support your side of the argument and
explain why these arguments are outweighed.

Reasons for the road.
 Easier for everyone to get to school.
 Access to other schools improved.
 Mail and suppliers will arrive quicker.
 Will bring trade and employment to the area.
 Will benefit nearly everybody.
Reasons against the road.
 Dangerous.
 Noisy.
 Will spoil the area.
 Will benefit only a few people.

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Masala High School Board,

P.O Box 230062,

28th February, 2015.

The Editor,
The POST Newspapers,
Private Bag E 909,

Dear sir/madam,
With reference to the plan of building a highway which appeared in the Saturday POST
Newspaper dated 14th February, 2015, we wish as a class to air our views towards this issue. We at
Masala High School especially as pupils have been looking forward for developmental projects of this
In our view as a class we think it is a good idea building a highway which is of modern style as
this can surely make it easier for everyone to get to school. During the course of the construction we
believe with certainty that little or no noise will be generated as the contractors on site will be using
modern machinery.
Of late we have been facing problems one of them being the access to other schools that surround
us and those outside our city. But with the building of a modern highway we strongly believe this will
improve the access to other schools thereby benefiting not only pupils but also the community at large
as opposed to others who would feel it will only benefit the minority.
In addition, it will bring trade and employment to the locals. Furthermore, mail and suppliers will
arrive quicker and this bears an advantage to our school including other schools. With these
developmental projects we are going to see increased academic performances as late coming will be
reduced to some extent since the highway will provide quick access to school.
In conclusion, our class is urging all members of the public and the stake holders to support this
noble cause as it will benefit nearly everybody in the community. As a developing nation we must not
act against such projects if we are to change the face of our beautiful country.

Yours faithfully,


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Brain Tutors Academy,

Private Bag 377,
Mpezeni Crescent,

25th December, 2016

The Editor,
Times Magazine,
P.O Box 34096,

Dear sir/madam,
Allow me space in your cherished „Times Magazine‟ to air my views on the above topic. I am
deeply concerned that smoking seems to have been legalised both in the homes as well as public places.
There is hardly any single doubt that smoking is a health risk to the smokers and none-smokers
alike. Many of our old people and the youth have become hooked and are spending good sums of
money each day just to support the habit. As a result we are reaping the bitter fruits of tuberculosis,
bronchitis and cancer of the liver and lungs. Pregnant mothers who smoke do have still births as well as
babies of low birth-weight. The country`s economy is also being badly affected because of low out-put
resulting from medical costs and the loss of skilled labour due to deaths that are related to smoking.
The government has also done nothing to ban or prosecute all tobacco growers and cigarette
manufacturers since they seem to have a lion`s share in the profits through direct taxation. If tobacco
means more than human life, then we are headed for a curse.

Yours faithfully,


 Skip one line before you write the date and another line after the date only.
 The reference is written in Capital letters just below the middle of the salutation & underlined.
 The reference is written as RE: and not REF:
 It`s advisable to write the letter on only one page.
 Always state where you sourced the information and the date ( e.g. The Daily Mail)

Sample Exam QUESTION: (2006)

You have been following the debate on the topic “Better single than married” in „The Post‟
newspaper with keen interest and want to contribute to the debate. Write a letter to the Editor giving
your views.

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A speech is a formal talk prepared to address the audience (group of listeners).
It must be designed to catch and hold the attention of the audience which may be a mixed one.
Speech tasks will usually tell you who your audience would be and this makes the activity easier
but the hard job remains on making what you may interest a wide age range.
Formal speeches are prepared on special occasions such as;
i. Prize giving ceremonies.
ii. Conferences.
iii. Formal meetings.
iv. Rallies and
v. Other official gatherings (e.g social ones).

There are three (3) types of a speech.
a) Speech of Introduction.
b) Main Speech.
c) Vote of Thanks.
Formalities and rules of polite and proper behaviour in society must be strictly be observed or
1. TYPE OF AUDIENCE: decides the most appropriate language to use.
i. Inform ii. Persuade iii. Incite iv. Entertain e.t.c.

3. THE SUBJECT MATTER: Be certain as to whether the topic is familiar to the audience or not
Consider the situation whether it is a;
i. Solemn (Sad occasion) e.g mourning.
ii. Business meeting.
iii. Social (cheerful) gathering.


(The Logical Order of Writing).This is the most common type of a speech that candidates
at Grade 12 Leaving Examinations are required to answer.
 TITLE (Heading). Write the heading in capital letters and underline it.
 Salutation. (Begin at least with a formal greeting e.g. Good morning and then welcome
the audience following the order of hierarchy or ranks/seniority).
 Introduction.
 Main Body. Your main body discusses the idea of your address.
 Climax (Conclusion).
 Thank Yous`


 As you begin your speech writing, you may use such an introduction as;
The Chairman, guest of honour, distinguished guest, ladies and gentlemen ...
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NOTE: The mode of greeting (Salutation) or introduction of audience will depend on the
audience present.
 Use simple and clear English.
 Since people can listen well when they smile and laugh, use humour, but show that you are
serious with your subject.
 Refer to the topic: In your introduction, mention the theme of the topic.
 Conclude by re – emphasizing the main point.
 No signature is required in speech writing.
 End your speech with a „thank you‟. e.g.
i. I thank you all.
ii. I thank you all and
enjoy the meeting.

Imagine that you are the sports prefect at your school and you have been requested by the
provincial sports committee to give a speech at a seminar which is being attended by a
contingent of international business men who are interested to find sports.

Use some or all of the points below and outline information of your own, write
the speech that you would make.
– National Sports Associations should monitor the development of sports in schools.
– The running of different sports disciplines should be given in the hands of only
genuinely interested teachers.
– Teachers should be trained in the respective sport disciplines they are coaching.
– Pupils excelling in sports should be awarded.
– Sports, good for one‟s health.
– Female teachers should be actively involved in sports.
– Biased sports attention must come to a halt.
– Accountability of sports resources and finances should be a priority.

MEETING OF 10th JULY, 2016.
The Provincial Chairman, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I am profoundly humbled and
exceedingly honoured to share my thoughts and ideas with you over the development of sports in
As we all know, ladies and gentlemen, sports plays an important role in the life of a person. All
work without play makes Jack a dull boy so goes an old proverb. Sports provides a wonderful
opportunity for recreation and relaxation. More importantly, the body is provided with the much needed
exercise which is essential for good health.

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Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, research shows that the greatest setback is in the
development of sports in schools is the top – sided emphasis placed on such major sports such as
football, netball and athletics to neglect all these other sports and games like table – tennis, badminton,
volleyball, squash and so on. It goes without saying that not every pupil is gifted in such major sports.
Therefore, there is an immediate need to examine our sports from time to time so as to give equal
support to all sports. Failing to do so would inevitably mean the vast talent would continue to remain
Undoubtedly to achieve this, schools need teachers who are generally interested in sports. It is also
important that teachers be trained in the respective sports disciplines they are coaching. Moreover,
female teachers should be encouraged to manage sports so as to lure more girls in sports.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, unless sports finances and materials are properly accounted for
by the teachers concerned, meaningful sports development in our schools will remain a pipe dream.
May I venture to suggest that pupils who excel in sports should be remunerated accordingly as a
token of appreciation to encourage them and others to take up sports seriously. This is especially
important because not all school leavers enter institutions of higher learning. Sports is an alternative
source of employment.
Conclusively, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it is well that the talent is abundant. The
challenge is ours to tap it and develop it accordingly.
Thank you.
You have been selected to represent your school at the District Speech Day Competition
involving several Secondary Schools. The guest of honour is the local Mayor or Council
Chairperson, The District Education Officer, Town Clerk or Council Secretary and other
guests will attend. All head teachers, teachers and pupils will also attend the event.

The focus in your speech is the merits of teaching poetry in school. Use these
notes and any other points you may have.
– Help to explore language.
– Implores self – expression.
– Gives pleasure and entertainment.
– Supports book industry.
– A way of promoting our culture.
– Medium for language practice and mastery.
– Expresses people‟s emotions.

Improving the welfare of schools.
The Chairperson, the District Education Officer, the traditional leaders, heads of departments,
invited guests, parents and teachers, ladies and gentlemen.
I wish to express my gratitude for your invitation to me and be the guest of honour at this important
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This occasion is important because it gives us a forum or platform to meet as parents and teachers
to discuss ways of improving the education standards and welfare of our children and teachers at this
school. Mr Chairperson, we all know the importance of education in todays‟ world.
Education is key to any aspect of development. No nation can claim to have political, economical,
technological or social sustainability without education.
Sir, it is because of this that the government allocates almost one third of the national budget to the
Ministry of Education. However, this is not always sufficient. Therefore, the need for the community to
support and supplement government efforts. There should be active community participation in matters
of education so as to improve the learning environment for our children.
Mr Chairperson I wish to urge the teachers at this school to work extra hard to further improve the
academic results of this school. Today a school is judged by the academic results and discipline. A
school that produces negative results in these areas cannot attract much support from the community.
The onus is on the teachers and pupils to work very hard together with the community to improve
the welfare of the school. Therefore, I urge all of you, Mr Chairperson as a key player and stake holders
in the affairs of the school to seriously make positive resolutions for the benefit of the child and the
teacher at this school in order to improve on the quality of education.
Once again, Mr Chairperson, thank you for inviting me to officially open this years‟ P.T.A. General
Meeting of the school.
I thank you all.

December, 2014.


The Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you all to this important meeting
whose topic is: Men are Responsible for the Spread of HIV – AIDS. First and foremost, let me take this
opportunity to pay special tribute to the School Administration for according me this rare chance to
speak to you on this matter.
Mr Chairperson, it has been well proved that men are the weaker sex, men have taken unfair
advantage in order to exploit them. There is no question that the high levels of rape cases across the
country and worldwide speak for themselves. Another case in point is that men have uncontrolled
appetites and resort to flirting with women and girls to draw them into the sex trap.
The Chairperson, it is also a fact that men have no real respect for women. All they think of them is
simply as sex objects. At the same time some married men do not care about life and usually, sleep
around with other women and so cheating on their wives. In this way, men have promoted the spread of
HIV – AIDS and endangered the innocent lives of others, especially women and children. Otherwise if
men were quite serious, they would have always been concerned that by nature girls and women rely on
men to protect them.
Men are also to blame for attracting women into the sex industry which is a real source of concern.
If men acted with greater responsibility by resigning from casual sex and sticking to their own life

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partners, the battle against HIV – AIDS would have been happily won. Sadly, the pandemic seems to
be spreading like an uncontrolled bush-fire all because men do not seem to care about it. Men have also
failed in their desire to build secure families by not being open to discuss sexual matters with their own
wives and this has created a gap between responsibility and their own moral behaviour.
Finally, I would like to sum up by stating that HIV – AIDS is a product of men themselves. On
behalf of the Administration and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to thank the audience for the
undivided attention.
Best wishes to you all.

Sample Exam QUESTION: (2006)
You are the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education. Your Minister has asked you to prepare
a speech for him to be presented in Parliament on the problems his Ministry is facing and provide the
solutions. Below are some of the points you have been given to prepare the speech.

– inadequate classroom accommodation

– teachers marrying early
– increase teachers‟ salaries
– immigration officers are weak
– revive Physical Education (PE)
– low salaries
– construct more schools
– no serious teaching going on
– independence Stadium needs renovation
– lack of teaching and learning materials
– employ more teachers
– one classroom was broken into
– shortage of teachers
– more funding
– renumerate teachers well
– lack of Physical Education (PE)
– more supervision required
– migration of teachers seeking greener pastures
– improve conditions of service for teachers
– lack of qualified teachers

Using the relevant points only and presented in a logical order, write a speech to be delivered in
Parliament by your Minister of Education.
The length of your speech should be between 250 and 350 words.

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The speaker sir, the Vice president, the cabinet ministers, the members of parliament, invited
guests, ladies and gentlemen.
Mr Speaker sir, I wish to express my gratitude for inviting me to be the guest of honour of this
important meeting.
Mr Speaker sir, there is a problem in constructing more schools and also inadequate classrooms and
accommodation at boarding schools. The government should construct more schools in order to
improve education in many schools. It is the biggest problem that is affecting the education sector.
Schools do not have enough classrooms such as Chama Basic School which has a one by three
classroom block that accommodates pupils from grade one to nine which is a sad development.
Mr Speaker sir, increasing of teachers‟ salaries will keep teachers motivated and eventually enhance
good performance. This problem affects pupils mostly as they tend to lag behind in terms of learning.
Mr Speaker sir, lack of teaching stuff and learning materials also contribute to poor education
standards. Therefore, need arises to improve such concerns. The shortage of qualified teachers can be
eradicated by employing or recruiting more teachers.
Mr Speaker sir, there is need to stop the mass migration of teachers who seek greener pastures
abroad by improving their working conditions. For instance, building of staff houses, clinics and giving
of loans to teachers.
Mr Speaker sir, I thank you for giving me or according me this rare opportunity to deliver this
I thank you all.
 the guest of honour and your entourage.
 all invited guests.

A profile is a description of a person`s life, character, family life or career.
There are TWO types of profiles namely: Autobiography and Biography.
This is where a person writes about his own life history.
NOTE: that in autobiography writing, you use the first person pronoun like „I‟.

This is the type of writing, where a person writes about somebody‟s life history.
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NOTE: a biography is written by using the third person pronoun like she, he or
proper nouns like Mr Kaunda.


 Name of person.
 Place of birth. (Mention any significance about the time and the place).
 Parents and siblings.
 Primary and secondary (Stating the date/year and name of schools).
 Tertiary: (College and Universities attended).
State Qualifications obtained.
 Employment experience and Special achievements.
 State the Organisation and position held.
 Promotions attained at work.
 Achievements.
 State what one wishes to do in future.
 Clarify whether married, if so, when, to who, number of children.
 Character and interest.
Nicholas Sakala was born on 20th March, 1983 at Chief Mpezeni‟s village
in eastern province. His father was a local Priest while his mother was a primary
school teacher at a local Mission School.
As a child Nicholas helped his parents in rearing chickens and heading
cattle. Nicholas was a very ambitious child who always talked about becoming a
pilot, a dream he even dreamt during day light.
At the age of seven, Nicholas started grade one at Feni Primary School in
1990. He was there till grade seven. Due to his outstanding performances in both
academics and athletics, Nicholas was appointed school headboy even if he
looked the tiniest boy at school.
After passing grade seven he was selected to grade eight at St. Francis
Mission School in Chief Gawa Undi‟s chiefdom where as „per tradition‟ he
passed as the best grade nine student in the whole eastern province in 1999.He

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continued at the same school where he attended grade 10 till completing grade
12 in 2002.
In 2004 he was recruited in the Zambia Air Force as an officer cadet.
After two years he was commissioned and is now a pilot for the Zambian
Airways. He was recently promoted to the rank of Captain.
He is engaged to a fabulous lozi lady, Namakau Siangazi, who is in her
fourth year at The University of Zambia pursuing a Bachelors Degree in
In future he plans to establish his own airline.

A report is an outline of an event or an account of what happened.

A report should always have a heading in capital letters which focuses on the main theme to be
discussed or addressed.

 A report is always written with the use of the past tense form of the verb.
 Tense markers like „were‟, „was‟, „had been‟, „was going to‟ etc are commonly used.
Reports can roughly be categorized into two (2) main groups.
(a) Minor Reports
(b) Major Reports
(a) Minor Reports.
These might include Newspaper Reports, Police Reports and many other types which do not
have sub – heading. They are even shorter than major reports
(a) Major Reports.
These have sub – headings and night include all reports that are written for authority e.g a
geography project. They are actually longer than minor reports.
Both minor and major reports observe the same characteristics or features.

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Characteristics or features of a good REPORT.

1. A report should have a clear, precise and short heading.

FROM 25th MARCH TO 31th MARCH, 2017

2. Since a report talks about what happened in the past, it should be written in reported or
indirect speech.
You may use direct speech when quoting key statements or actual words of the speaker.
3. All experiences or incidents accounted for in a report are supposed to be arranged in a
chronological order.
4. Using third person narrative pronoun.
5. A report should be written to inform and not to entertain.
6. Make sure that you include the writer‟s full name. In some cases, report might require
writing the date.

Sample Exam QUESTION:

You are a Fire Brigade Worker. One evening you learn that fire has broken out in a clothing
factory and you go to work on it. You return to your office the following day, you find full or vivid
and horrifying impressions. You decide to make a report for your supervisor and begin by picking
out the following important points from your
– Warning given.
– Some workers escaped.
– Some are trapped on the first floor.
– Police and fire brigade arrive.
– Some workers rescued but some jump and injure themselves.
– Ambulance arrive.
– Danger of fire spreading to other property.
– Whole building collapse.
– Firemen put out fire.
– Extent of damage and loss.

Write a report of between 250 and 350 words (i.e. approximately between 1 page and 1 and half


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